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作者 郧军涛 《出版广角》 北大核心 2023年第10期4-8,共5页
申报国家出版基金是立足国家平台传承文化、打造精品、讲好中国故事的重要途径。地方出版社在实施国家出版基金项的目过程中,应坚持“专业化、品牌化”的出版定位,“特色化、板块化”的选题策划思路,“精准化、规范化”的选题申报策略,... 申报国家出版基金是立足国家平台传承文化、打造精品、讲好中国故事的重要途径。地方出版社在实施国家出版基金项的目过程中,应坚持“专业化、品牌化”的出版定位,“特色化、板块化”的选题策划思路,“精准化、规范化”的选题申报策略,以及“精细化、精品化”的项目运营管理思路,以内容形式俱佳的项目成果为出版业繁荣发展服务,为书香中国建设服务,为传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化服务。 展开更多
关键词 地方出版社 国家出版基金项目 甘肃文化出版社
试析王伯沆批点《红楼梦》之“化出”论 被引量:1
作者 何红梅 《山东教育学院学报》 2010年第3期11-13,共3页
关键词 王伯沆 《红楼梦》评点 化出 重写
作者 何红梅 《菏泽学院学报》 2010年第4期22-24,共3页
关键词 王伯沆 《红楼梦》 评点 化出 重写
作者 何红梅 《济宁学院学报》 2010年第4期34-37,共4页
《红楼梦》评点史上,王伯沆的《红楼梦》批校,通过对《红楼梦》情节设计技巧的分析,明确提出了"化出"的方法,认为人事叙述可以变化而得,场景描写也可以从别处"化出"。这种方法体现的无疑是古代小说创作中的一种重... 《红楼梦》评点史上,王伯沆的《红楼梦》批校,通过对《红楼梦》情节设计技巧的分析,明确提出了"化出"的方法,认为人事叙述可以变化而得,场景描写也可以从别处"化出"。这种方法体现的无疑是古代小说创作中的一种重写行为,值得研究者注意。 展开更多
关键词 王伯沆 《红楼梦》批校 化出 重写
作者 王子固 《天中学刊》 1991年第3期25-33,共9页
本文对文学史上“化出”现象进行了探索性的讨论。既不赞同写诗为文必须“字字有来历出处”的以博事为能,又不同意对前人名句“化出”的否定。它不同于“蹈袭”,认为“化出”乃是作家们景境相类、情思相似的势有必然,是创新的一个分支... 本文对文学史上“化出”现象进行了探索性的讨论。既不赞同写诗为文必须“字字有来历出处”的以博事为能,又不同意对前人名句“化出”的否定。它不同于“蹈袭”,认为“化出”乃是作家们景境相类、情思相似的势有必然,是创新的一个分支。虽然“化出”的字面近似,而实则另有其新意。“化出”的精要在于自出机杼,若出诸已。文中归纳出“化出”的八种类型,指出了其新意和特色。 展开更多
关键词 化出 成语 自出机杼
作者 耿立 李龙 李直鸿 《现代农业科技》 2016年第11期128-129,共2页
提出了利用杏鲍菇冷库菇房设施进行香菇周年化出菇的技术内涵,从技术理念、设施环境、转色、催蕾、疏蕾、成菇管理及转茬管理等方面比较分析了菇房周年化出菇技术的优势,并简述了香菇新品种庆科212的菇房周年化出菇技术要点,为实现香菇... 提出了利用杏鲍菇冷库菇房设施进行香菇周年化出菇的技术内涵,从技术理念、设施环境、转色、催蕾、疏蕾、成菇管理及转茬管理等方面比较分析了菇房周年化出菇技术的优势,并简述了香菇新品种庆科212的菇房周年化出菇技术要点,为实现香菇全工厂化周年生产提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 香菇 庆科212 周年化出
作者 游诗文 余锋 刘南 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第8期2016-2021,共6页
【目的】观察具有收敛止血、清热凉血功效的紫地合剂联合质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitions,PPIs)治疗消化性溃疡出血(peptic ulcer bleeding,PUB)的临床效果。【方法】回顾性收集2019年12月至2023年5月在广州中医药大学第一附属医... 【目的】观察具有收敛止血、清热凉血功效的紫地合剂联合质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitions,PPIs)治疗消化性溃疡出血(peptic ulcer bleeding,PUB)的临床效果。【方法】回顾性收集2019年12月至2023年5月在广州中医药大学第一附属医院急诊病区住院的281例PUB患者,根据治疗方案的不同将其分为对照组143例和观察组138例。对照组患者在一般治疗基础上给予PPIs治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上给予紫地合剂口服治疗,疗程为3 d。观察2组患者治疗前后格拉斯哥-布拉奇福德出血评分(GBS)、血红蛋白量(HGB)、血小板总数(PLT)、血尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(Cr)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)水平的变化情况,并比较2组患者的平均住院时间和临床疗效。【结果】(1)治疗3 d后,观察组的总有效率为97.10%(134/138),对照组为91.61%(131/143),组间比较(χ^(2)检验),观察组的疗效优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)治疗后,2组患者的GBS评分均较治疗前降低(P<0.05),且观察组对GBS评分的降低作用优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)观察组的平均住院时间为(5.81±1.02)d,较对照组的(6.13±1.12)d有所缩短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(4)治疗后,2组患者外周血HGB、PLT水平较治疗前升高(P<0.05),BUN水平较治疗前降低(P<0.05),且观察组对外周血HGB、PLT水平的升高作用及对BUN水平的降低作用均明显优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(5)治疗过程中,2组患者的外周血AST、ALT、Cr水平均未见升高,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。【结论】紫地合剂联合PPIs治疗PUB效果显著,有助于改善相关血常规和生化指标,缩短住院时间,其疗效优于单纯使用PPIs治疗。 展开更多
关键词 消化性溃疡出血 紫地合剂 收敛止血 清热凉血 质子泵抑制 临床疗效
作者 刘紫骐 张玉婷 +1 位作者 邱涧冰 李兴钢 《当代建筑》 2023年第6期133-137,共5页
随着数字化技术在建筑领域的日益发展,更加高效、精确的建筑设计与施工手段逐渐在实际项目中被应用。本文结合北京市延庆国家雪车雪橇中心实际工程,对大型复杂建筑的参数化设计与自动出图技术进行研究,并从空间轴网系统创建、结构参数... 随着数字化技术在建筑领域的日益发展,更加高效、精确的建筑设计与施工手段逐渐在实际项目中被应用。本文结合北京市延庆国家雪车雪橇中心实际工程,对大型复杂建筑的参数化设计与自动出图技术进行研究,并从空间轴网系统创建、结构参数化设计与生成、建筑异形曲面与构造参数化设计,以及平面、剖面施工图纸参数化生成技术等实际工程的应用角度出发,深入分析参数化技术的逻辑方法与理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 参数化设计 参数化出 国家雪车雪橇中心
弱胶结储层微观出砂形态与出砂机理可视化实验模拟研究 被引量:19
作者 董长银 闫切海 +4 位作者 周博 王宇宾 邓君宇 宋洋 王力智 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期227-235,共9页
宏观出砂规律模拟难以揭示微观出砂本质,为了探究弱胶结储层的微观出砂过程、形态与机理,开展了系列弱胶结岩心微观出砂过程模拟实验。实验使用不同浓度环氧树脂在80℃条件下固化2.5 h得到一系列不同强度的弱胶结岩心,采用显微放大手段... 宏观出砂规律模拟难以揭示微观出砂本质,为了探究弱胶结储层的微观出砂过程、形态与机理,开展了系列弱胶结岩心微观出砂过程模拟实验。实验使用不同浓度环氧树脂在80℃条件下固化2.5 h得到一系列不同强度的弱胶结岩心,采用显微放大手段观察不同胶结条件的岩心样品在流体驱替过程中的出砂形态演变过程及其最终出砂形态。根据实验结果提出了连续垮塌式、类蚯蚓洞式和孔隙液化式3种典型的微观出砂形态和出砂机理。通过分析,胶结强度和颗粒尺寸是出砂微观形态的主要因素;类蚯蚓洞式出砂形态下,出砂量m与驱替流量Q2/3大致呈线性关系;驱替流体对颗粒间胶结强度有削弱作用,长时间驱替可能诱使出砂加剧引起微观出砂形态转变;出砂形态是决定出砂量大小的重要因素,孔隙液化式的出砂量仅为类蚯蚓洞式的15%。初步形成的微观出砂形态与机理为后续微观出砂过程模拟、出砂规律定量预测提供了重要指导和依据。 展开更多
关键词 弱胶结储层 微观出砂 疏松砂岩 可视化出 类蚯蚓洞 孔隙液化
作者 何品晶 王沛 +2 位作者 郝丽萍 吕凡 邵立明 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期412-416,共5页
蔬菜花卉类废物的两相厌氧消化过程中,为加速固相有机物的水解,通过调节循环消化液中水解液与甲烷化出水的流量比(分别为0:1,1:3,1:1,3:1)改变循环消化液的组成,比较了不同流量比下循环消化液组成对固体废物厌氧水解过程的影响.结果表明... 蔬菜花卉类废物的两相厌氧消化过程中,为加速固相有机物的水解,通过调节循环消化液中水解液与甲烷化出水的流量比(分别为0:1,1:3,1:1,3:1)改变循环消化液的组成,比较了不同流量比下循环消化液组成对固体废物厌氧水解过程的影响.结果表明,流量比为1:3时,水解效率最高.工艺运行9d后,TOC和TN的溶出量分别为162.45和15.21mg/g,TS、VS、C、纤维素和木质素的减量率分别达到60.66%、62.88%、58.35%、49.12%和43.43%;流量比会影响厌氧酸化代谢类型,低比例促进丙酸和乳酸生成,高比例促进丁酸生成. 展开更多
关键词 蔬菜花卉类废物 厌氧消化 水解液 甲烷化出 循环消化液组成
Effect of minor Sc and Zr addition on microstructure and properties of ultra-high strength aluminum alloy 被引量:17
作者 张伟 邢远 +3 位作者 贾志宏 杨晓芳 刘庆 朱昌洛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第12期3866-3871,共6页
The Al-9Zn-2.8Mg-2.5Cu-xZr-ySc alloys (x=0, 0.15%, 0.15%; y=0, 0.05%, 0.15%), produced by low-frequent electromagnetic casting technology, were subjected to homogenization treatment, hot extrusion, solution and agin... The Al-9Zn-2.8Mg-2.5Cu-xZr-ySc alloys (x=0, 0.15%, 0.15%; y=0, 0.05%, 0.15%), produced by low-frequent electromagnetic casting technology, were subjected to homogenization treatment, hot extrusion, solution and aging treatment. The effects of minor Sc and Zr addition on microstructure, recrystallization and properties of alloys were studied by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that Sc and Zr addition can refine grains of the as-cast alloy by precipitation of primary Al3(Sc,Zr) particles formed during solidification as heterogeneous nuclei. Secondary Al3(Sc,Zr) precipitates formed during homogenization treatment strongly pin the movement of dislocation and subgrain boundaries, which can effectively inhibit the alloys recrystallization. Compared with the alloy without Sc and Zr addition, the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy with 0.05%Sc and 0.15%Zr shows the increase in tensile strength and yield strength by 172 MPa and 218 MPa, respectively. Strengthening comes from the contributions of precipitation, substructure and grain refining. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy low-frequent electromagnetic casting inhibit recrystallization primary Al3(Sc Zr) particles secondary Al3(Sc Zr) particles substructure strengthening precipitation strengthening grain refining
Synthesis of rutile from high titania slag by pyrometallurgical route 被引量:5
作者 张力 李光强 张武 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第10期2317-2322,共6页
A new technique was developed for the conversion of high titania slag,containing 70%-75% TiO2 and with MgO,FeO,CaO,Al2O3 and SiO2 as main impurities,into a synthetic rutile,90%-95% TiO2,which satisfies the requirement... A new technique was developed for the conversion of high titania slag,containing 70%-75% TiO2 and with MgO,FeO,CaO,Al2O3 and SiO2 as main impurities,into a synthetic rutile,90%-95% TiO2,which satisfies the requirements for fluidizing chlorination process with respect to impurity contents.After a pre-oxidation at around 1 042 ℃ and a heat-treatment above 1 510 ℃,the Ti components in high titania slag can be enriched into the rutile phase which can precipitate and grow,and can be separated with dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric acid,respectively.The results show that the average crystal size of rutile phase is over 25 μm,and the synthetic rutile containing more than 95% TiO2 can be produced by selective leaching. 展开更多
关键词 high titania slag oxidation LEACHING RUTILE
Effect of moderately thermophilic bacteria on metal extraction and electrochemical characteristics for zinc smelting slag in bioleaching system 被引量:3
作者 蒋凯琦 郭朝晖 +1 位作者 肖细元 韦小颖 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第12期3120-3125,共6页
The effects of moderately thermophilic bacteria on the extraction of metals from zinc smelting slag and electrochemical characteristics of zinc smelting slag carbon paste electrode in bioleaching process were studied.... The effects of moderately thermophilic bacteria on the extraction of metals from zinc smelting slag and electrochemical characteristics of zinc smelting slag carbon paste electrode in bioleaching process were studied. The results show that the extraction rates of Fe, Cu and Zn from the slag reach 86.7%, 90.3% and 66.7% after adsorbed bacteria sterilize, while those with adsorbed bacteria are 91.9%, 96.0% and 84.5% in conditions of pulp density 2%, pH 1.0, temperature 65 °C and stirring rate 120 r/min, respectively. Some stretching peaks of functional groups from bacterial secretes on the bioleached residue surface, such as 1007 cm-1 and 1193 cm-1, turn up through FI-IR analysis and indirectly reveal the presence of the adsorbed bacteria on the slag particles surface. Besides, the corrosion of zinc smelting slag is enhanced by bacteria according to the characteristics of cyclic voltametry and Tafel curves in bioleaching system. 展开更多
关键词 zinc smelting slag thermophilic bacteria BIOLEACHING chemical leaching electrochemical behavior
Temperature variation and solution treatment of high strength AA7050 被引量:9
作者 李培跃 熊柏青 +1 位作者 张永安 李志辉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期546-554,共9页
Temperature variation and solution treatment of high strength aluminum alloy were investigated with temperature data acquisition system,microstructural observation,mechanical properties test,electrical conductivity me... Temperature variation and solution treatment of high strength aluminum alloy were investigated with temperature data acquisition system,microstructural observation,mechanical properties test,electrical conductivity measurement and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) analysis.Specimens with two dimensions were employed in the experiment.The results indicate that the specimens with large size undergo low solution temperature and short time,giving rise to the reduction of hardening precipitates.The optimized solution treatments for specimens with dimensions of 25 mm×25 mm×2.5 mm and 70 mm×60 mm×20 mm are(480 ℃,30 min) and(480 ℃,90 min),respectively.The densities of GP zones and η' phases of the small specimen are higher than those of the large specimen,which is consistent with the properties of the alloys. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy specimen size solution treatment heating rate hardening precipitate
Oxidative leaching behavior of metalliferous black shale in acidic solution using persulfate as oxidant 被引量:5
作者 刘志雄 向延鸿 +4 位作者 尹周澜 吴贤文 蒋剑波 陈义光 熊利芝 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期565-574,共10页
The oxidative dissolution of metalliferous black shale in sulfuric acid solution using sodium persulfate as an oxidant was investigated. The effects of leaching factors including leaching temperature, leaching time, s... The oxidative dissolution of metalliferous black shale in sulfuric acid solution using sodium persulfate as an oxidant was investigated. The effects of leaching factors including leaching temperature, leaching time, stirring speed, initial concentration of sodium persulfate and sulfuric acid and particle size on the leaching rate were studied as well. The leaching kinetics of molybdenum, nickel and iron from metalliferous black shale shows that the leaching rate is controlled by a chemical reaction through a layer on the unreacted shrinking core. The leaching process follows the kinetics model 1-(1-a)^1/3=kt with apparent activation energies of 34.50, 43.14 and 71.79 kJ/mol for Mo, Ni and Fe, respectively. The reaction orders in sodium persulfate are 0.80, 1.01 and 0.75 for molybdenum, nickel and iron, respectively, while in sulfuric acid, these orders are 0.45, 0.75 and 0.50 for molybdenum, nickel and iron, respectively. In addition, the reaction mechanism for the dissolution of the metalliferous black shale was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 metalliferous black shale oxidative leaching KINETICS sodium persulfate
Leaching of low grade zinc oxide ores in Ida^(2-)-H_2O system 被引量:6
作者 窦爱春 杨天足 +2 位作者 杨际幸 吴江华 王安 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2548-2553,共6页
Ida2--H2O system(iminodiacetate aqueous solution) was used to leach a low grade zinc oxide ore for Zn extraction.The effects of leaching time,liquid-solid ratio(L/S),total concentration of Ida2-([Ida2-]T),leachi... Ida2--H2O system(iminodiacetate aqueous solution) was used to leach a low grade zinc oxide ore for Zn extraction.The effects of leaching time,liquid-solid ratio(L/S),total concentration of Ida2-([Ida2-]T),leaching temperature and pH on Zn leaching recovery and the dissolution of impurities such as Ca,Mg,Cu,Ni,Fe,Pb and Cd were investigated.Results show that Ca,Mg and Fe in ores were hardly dissolved in alkalescent iminodiacetate aqueous solution,while valuable metals such as Cu,Ni,Pb and Cd were partly dissolved into leaching liquor with Zn.The recovery of Zn reaches 76.6% when the ores were leached for 4 h at 70 ℃ by 0.9 mol/L iminodiacetate aqueous solution with pH of 8 and L/S of 5:1. 展开更多
关键词 Ida2- zinc oxide ore LEACHING
Water leaching kinetics and recovery of potassium salt from sintering dust 被引量:10
作者 詹光 郭占成 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期3770-3779,共10页
Surface morphology and inner structure of the dust were observed by ICP-AES, SEM-EDS and XRD to examine the strengthening measures of leaching potassium salt from the sintering dust by water. The results showed that t... Surface morphology and inner structure of the dust were observed by ICP-AES, SEM-EDS and XRD to examine the strengthening measures of leaching potassium salt from the sintering dust by water. The results showed that the main component of the sintering dust was iron-oxygen compound, with KCl adsorbed on its surface. Leaching experiments showed that the KCl in the ESP dust could be separated and recovered by water leaching and fractional crystallization. The yield of K-Na vaporized crystalline salt was 18.56%, in which the mass fractions of KCl, NaCl, CaSO4 and K2SO4 were about 61.21%, 13.40%, 14.62%and 10.86%, respectively. The leaching kinetics of potassium salt from the sintering dust fits the external diffusion model well. The leaching speed and the leaching rate of the potassium salt can be increased by increasing the leaching temperature, strengthening the stirring speed and increasing the liquid-solid ratio. 展开更多
关键词 potassium salt sintering dust leaching kinetics intensified leaching
Effect of Zr addition on microstructure and properties of Al-Mn-Si-Zn-based alloy 被引量:3
作者 张俊超 丁冬雁 +6 位作者 张文龙 康绍海 徐兴隆 高勇进 陈国桢 陈为高 尤小华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第12期3872-3878,共7页
Effects of Zr addition on the microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of Al-Mn-Si-Zn alloy were investigated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations reveal that, in as-annealled state,... Effects of Zr addition on the microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of Al-Mn-Si-Zn alloy were investigated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations reveal that, in as-annealled state, the precipitates in the Zr-containing alloy are finer and more dispersive than those in the Zr-free alloy. Whereas, in simulated brazing state, a weaker precipitation is found in the Zr-containing alloy. Tensile testing results indicate that, with Zr additon, comprehensive mechanical properties of the as-annealed alloys could be significantly improved but weakened for the simulated brazing alloy. Electrochemical testing results reveal that, with Zr addition, the corrosion resistance of the as-annealed alloy decreases. However, after the simulated brazing treatment, such a negative effect of Zr element on the corrosion behavior of the alloy could be negligible. 展开更多
关键词 aluminium alloy Zr alloying PRECIPITATION corrosion mechanical property
Secondary reaction mechanism of leaching process of calcium aluminate slag 被引量:4
作者 孙会兰 王波 +2 位作者 张建新 宗书凤 刘佳佳 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1334-1340,共7页
SiO2 in calcium aluminate slag exists in the form of γ-2CaO·SiO2 which is more stable than β-2CaO·SiO2. However, it is decomposed by sodium carbonate solution during leaching process, leading to the second... SiO2 in calcium aluminate slag exists in the form of γ-2CaO·SiO2 which is more stable than β-2CaO·SiO2. However, it is decomposed by sodium carbonate solution during leaching process, leading to the secondary reaction. The extent of secondary reaction and reaction mechanism of calcium aluminate slag were studied using XRD. The results show that the decomposition rate of γ-2CaO·SiO2 increases with the increase in leaching time and sodium carbonate concentration. The main products of secondary reaction are the mixture of hydrogarnet and sodium hydrate alumina-silicate. SiO2 concentration rises firstly and then drops with the increase of leaching temperature. XRD results indicate that the stable product of secondary reaction at low temperature is hydrogarnet. But hydrogarnet is transformed into sodium hydrate alumina-silicate at high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 calcium aluminate slag secondary reaction ALUMINA LEACHING
Effect of Na_2O on alumina leaching property and phase transformation of MgO-containing calcium aluminate slags 被引量:5
作者 王波 孙会兰 +1 位作者 国栋 张学政 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第12期2752-2757,共6页
In order to remove or reduce the negative effect of MgO in calcium aluminate slags, the method of adding Na2O into calcium aluminate slags was studied and its effect on leaching mechanism was also analyzed. The result... In order to remove or reduce the negative effect of MgO in calcium aluminate slags, the method of adding Na2O into calcium aluminate slags was studied and its effect on leaching mechanism was also analyzed. The results show that the alumina leaching efficiency of the calcium aluminate slag increases from 68.73% to 80.86% with Na2O content increasing from 0 to 4% when MgO content is 3%. The XRD results show that the quaternary compound C20A13M3S3 disappears when Na2O content increases to 4%. The addition of Na2O cannot remove the negative effect of MgO on leachability completely. XRD and EDS results indicate that Na2O can come into the lattice of 12CaO·7Al2O3 and promote the formation of 12CaO·7Al2O3 展开更多
关键词 calcium aluminate slag NA2O MgO phase transformation alumina leaching
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