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欧盟化学品风险评估技术及其在我国的实施 被引量:14
作者 陈军 王磊 +1 位作者 李运才 陈金合 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期71-75,共5页
综述欧盟化学品风险评估技术的发展历程,以及《化学品注册、评估、授权和限制》(REACH)法规框架下的化学品安全评估流程和方法,并从数据采集、效应评估、PBT(持久性、生物蓄积性和毒性)和vPvB(高持久性和高生物蓄积)评估、暴露评... 综述欧盟化学品风险评估技术的发展历程,以及《化学品注册、评估、授权和限制》(REACH)法规框架下的化学品安全评估流程和方法,并从数据采集、效应评估、PBT(持久性、生物蓄积性和毒性)和vPvB(高持久性和高生物蓄积)评估、暴露评估、风险特征化五个方面对化学品安全评估进行了简要的总结;从环境领域、医药卫生领域、农药领域、综合领域等多个角度出发,对我国化学品评估的现状进行了分析。最后,针对目前国内化学品评估中存在的综合评估较少、评估深度不够、缺乏完善的评估程序和方法、普及程度低等主要问题,提出了加强基础研究完善评估技术、重点研究暴露评估深化评估内容、推动重点化学品评估、明确评估目的、政府政策保障等建议以促进我国化学品风险评估技术水平的提高。 展开更多
关键词 化学品风险评估技术 化学品安全评估 REACH
国内外优先评估化学品筛选方法与清单概述 被引量:1
作者 张颖 丑立本 +4 位作者 郭婧 于相毅 毛岩 于红霞 史薇 《环境监控与预警》 2022年第5期10-17,共8页
优先评估化学品名录对推进有毒有害化学品的管控、保护环境和人类健康具有重要意义。综述了国内外优先评估化学品筛选方法的发展、原则和步骤,总结了筛选评估流程中重点关注的多种危害特性,比较了各国优先评估化学品名录及其在各国/组... 优先评估化学品名录对推进有毒有害化学品的管控、保护环境和人类健康具有重要意义。综述了国内外优先评估化学品筛选方法的发展、原则和步骤,总结了筛选评估流程中重点关注的多种危害特性,比较了各国优先评估化学品名录及其在各国/组织的禁止/限制情况,并分析其在我国的生产状况。结果表明,各国家/组织共筛选出1146种优先评估化学品,有239种在至少2个国家/组织中被列为优先评估化学物质,有208种在我国生产使用,但其中164种尚未列入我国优控化学品名录,可作为下一步风险评估的对象。邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)被所有国家/组织列为优先关注化学品,接下来应严格管控塑料制品中的DEHP,或寻找合适的替代物。研究可为我国优先评估化学品的筛选与环境管理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 优先评估化学品 筛选方法 危害特性 名录
作者 范韩生 《中国检验检疫》 2003年第8期21-22,共2页
关键词 欧盟 《未来化学品政策战略》 《关于化学品注册、评估、许可办法》 知识产权 中国
作者 彭颖 张瀚心 张效伟 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期1-13,共13页
近年来,有害结局路径(adverse outcome pathway,AOP)框架逐渐发展成熟,将生物信息组织成一种可用于评估化学品对人体健康和生态环境生物毒性的新方法,其开发的目的是用于化学品的评估和监管工作,包括优先级评估和危害性预测,最终实现风... 近年来,有害结局路径(adverse outcome pathway,AOP)框架逐渐发展成熟,将生物信息组织成一种可用于评估化学品对人体健康和生态环境生物毒性的新方法,其开发的目的是用于化学品的评估和监管工作,包括优先级评估和危害性预测,最终实现风险评估并服务于管理决策。尽管AOP框架取得了巨大进展,但将其有效应用于化学品监管需要对分子启动事件、关键事件和有害结局之间的关系进行定量描述,因此发展定量AOPs(quantitative AOPs,qAOPs)至关重要。本文首先概述了AOP框架的现状,包括AOP数据库(AOP Knowledge Base)、定性AOPs(qualitative AOPs)和qAOPs。其次主要介绍了qAOPs构建的基本框架与步骤、方法模型,现阶段已构建的qAOPs案例及其应用现状。最后论述了当前qAOPs发展中存在的问题与潜在解决方案,并展望了未来的发展趋势与潜在应用。 展开更多
关键词 化学品风险评估 预测毒理学 定量有害结局路径 混合物危害评估
应用化学品风险评估法评价某化工项目职业病危害探讨 被引量:18
作者 杨杰 龚伟 《中国职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第6期500-502,共3页
目的探讨新加坡化学品半定量风险分级方法在某空气化工项目职业病危害评价的应用。方法在某化工项目预评价及控制效果评价阶段均采用化学品风险评估法预测及评价可能存在的职业病危害风险,并与有毒作业分级标准相比较,找出不同阶段职业... 目的探讨新加坡化学品半定量风险分级方法在某空气化工项目职业病危害评价的应用。方法在某化工项目预评价及控制效果评价阶段均采用化学品风险评估法预测及评价可能存在的职业病危害风险,并与有毒作业分级标准相比较,找出不同阶段职业病危害因素的关键控制点。结果化学品风险评估法可预测各类有害化学物质的职业接触风险,并利用监测结果详细分析某空气化工项目的作业风险化学品风险评估法在建设项目职业病危害风险评价中有一定的应用价值,可综合应用。 展开更多
关键词 化学品风险评估 建设项目 职业病危害
作者 米龙浩 张雪明 +4 位作者 陈曦 孙大妮 王雪 史纪福 刘姝菂 《山东化工》 CAS 2022年第20期197-200,共4页
近年来我国化工行业的发展突飞猛进,但是由于起步较晚、对于化学品认识不足,导致了许多环境污染问题以及由此对人民生命健康带来的威胁甚至伤害。为减少常见危险化学品带来的危害,化学替代品应运而生。大部分化学替代品具有良好的化学... 近年来我国化工行业的发展突飞猛进,但是由于起步较晚、对于化学品认识不足,导致了许多环境污染问题以及由此对人民生命健康带来的威胁甚至伤害。为减少常见危险化学品带来的危害,化学替代品应运而生。大部分化学替代品具有良好的化学性质且更加安全。但也有一部分不理想的化学替代品不仅没有改善原有问题还会为治理环境污染带来新的问题。本文主要以一些生产中常用的化学品为例,讨论了化学替代品的优势及带来的问题,探讨了开发替代品的发展必要性以及对化学品的评估。 展开更多
关键词 化学替代品 环境污染 化学品评估 环境安全
我国化学品毒性鉴定技术规范与REACH标准比对研究 被引量:3
作者 林铮 李朝林 吴维皑 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第10期630-633,共4页
[目的]了解我国现有的《化学品毒性鉴定技术规范》(以下简称"规范")与化学品注册、评估、授权和限制(REACH)标准方法之间的差异,以提高我国的化学品毒性鉴定的质量和水平。[方法]对规范、REACH中的毒性鉴定方法按照不同的毒... [目的]了解我国现有的《化学品毒性鉴定技术规范》(以下简称"规范")与化学品注册、评估、授权和限制(REACH)标准方法之间的差异,以提高我国的化学品毒性鉴定的质量和水平。[方法]对规范、REACH中的毒性鉴定方法按照不同的毒性分类进行比较。[结果](1)REACH和规范中使用的方法大部分都源于经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的化学品毒性鉴定及其健康效应评价指南。因此,两者间在方法本质和原则上没有很大的差别。(2)异同点比较:①方法基本相同,特别是原理、试验体系、试验指标和评判终点都一致;②REACH主要采用OECD标准中运用时间长、接受面广、相对成熟的方法;③我国的标准在技术内容上和国际是接轨的,由于考虑到整体的检验水平还不高,因此对一些具体的操作步骤做出了更详细的规定,使标准更具规范性和实用性。[结论]从REACH与我国现行毒理学方法的对比分析中发现,在整体结构和原则上,我国的分析方法与REACH的方法有高度的相似性,但在某些试验方法方面也存在着差异。只有尽快在我国建立国际通用标准的毒理学检测良好实验室规范(GLP)实验室,才能从根本上提高中国实验室的检测能力。 展开更多
关键词 化学品 化学品注册、评估、授权与限制 毒性鉴定方法 比对研究
REACH法规实施浙江出口欧盟遭遇"绿考" 被引量:1
作者 均华 《浙江化工》 CAS 2007年第6期34-34,共1页
关键词 浙江 出口贸易 欧盟 “REACH法规” 《关于化学品注册、评估、授权和限制制度》
Ag-Co3O4:Synthesis,characterization and evaluation of its photo-catalytic activity towards degradation of rhodamine B dye in aqueous medium 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Saeed Majid Muneer +3 位作者 Nida Mumtaz Mohsin Siddique Nadia Akram Muhammad Hamayun 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1264-1269,共6页
Synthesis,characterization of Co_3O_4 and Ag-Co_3O_4 composites and evaluation of their photo-catalytic activities towards photo-degradation of aqueous solution of rhodamine B dye under irradiation of visible light ha... Synthesis,characterization of Co_3O_4 and Ag-Co_3O_4 composites and evaluation of their photo-catalytic activities towards photo-degradation of aqueous solution of rhodamine B dye under irradiation of visible light have been described in this paper.Co_3O_4 was prepared by solid phase mechano chemical process using Co(NO_3)_2·6H_2O and NH_4 HCO_3 as precursor materials.Ag was deposited on Co_3O_4 from AgNO_3 using Calotropis gigantea extract as reducing agent.XRD,SEM and FTIR were used for characterization of prepared composites.Photo-catalytic efficiencies of as-prepared Co_3O_4 and Ag-Co_3O_4 were evaluated for aqueous phase photo-degradation of rhodamine B.It was found that deposition of Ag on Co_3O_4 highly enhanced the photo-catalytic activity of Co_3O_4.Photo-catalytic degradation followed the Eley–Rideal mechanism.About 100% and 91% photo-degradation of 40 ml dye solution achieved at 313 K in 90 and 120 min over 0.05 g of Ag-Co_3O_4 as photo-catalyst using 100 and 200 mg·L^(-1) as initial concentration of dye respectively. 展开更多
关键词 CO3O4 Ag-Co3O4 PHOTO-CATALYSIS PHOTO-DEGRADATION Calotropis gigantea Rhodamine B Elay–Rideal mechanism
Assessment of Non-chemical Alternatives for Controlling the Burrowing Nematode on Banana in Costa Rica
作者 A. Martinuz G. Navarro +1 位作者 L. Pocasangre L. Quiros 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第4X期550-562,共13页
The objective of this study was to technically and economically assess the effect of biopesticides on the serious plant parasitic nematode Radopholus similis on banana in Costa Rica. The following treatments were eval... The objective of this study was to technically and economically assess the effect of biopesticides on the serious plant parasitic nematode Radopholus similis on banana in Costa Rica. The following treatments were evaluated: a mixture of nematode trapping fungi-Arthrobotrys oligospora, A. botryospora, Dactylella brochophaga and Drechmeria coniospora; DiTera DF which consist of a "dead" fungus Myrothecium spp. and its fermentation substrate; Savitan produced from desert plant extracts; QL Agri which contain Quillaja saponaria extracts; Japanese-style compost called Bokashi; two application of a chemical nematicide; and an absolute control. Results of root sampling on a six month basis showed that the biopesticides had lower nematode population densities than the control with the nematode trapping-fungi having statistically significant differences over the other treatments. Chemical control was highly effective and produced the lowest nematode density. However, there were no significant differences between the chemical treatment and the trapping-fungi treatment. The functional root weight and bunch weight showed no significant differences between treatments. Conversely, economic analyses indicated that using nematode trapping-fungi, chemical nematieide, or the QL Agri treatments gave a detectable profit. The land expectation value (LEV) of the banana plantation was higher than the price of banana land which indicated that under normal conditions in the banana sector, production is economically sustainable / profitable. Other results confirm that profit in banana production is affected by the price of a banana box, production and discount rate. The optimal production cycle was obtained in year ten after farm establishment, which refers to the year with the highest profit following plantation renewal. Finally, economical results highlighted the importance of nematodes control, since profitability indexes were sensitive to the efficiency and cost of nematode management technology adopted by the banana company. 展开更多
关键词 BANANA Radopholus similis land expectation value BIO-CONTROL chemical nematicide and economical analysis.
作者 贾文风 《国际化工信息》 2003年第5期19-19,共1页
关键词 REACH草案 欧洲委员会 化学品注册评估认定系统 化工行业 国际竞争力
作者 任庆生 《覆铜板资讯》 2003年第3期26-26,共1页
关键词 欧盟 化学品的注册、评估、许可和限制法规》 “REACH”法规 网上发布 管理
Effect of Long-Term in Vitro Sub-culturing on Quality Degeneration of Sweet Potato Varieties: Morpho- Anatomic Assessment and Simple Sequence Repeats Analysis
作者 Mihiretu Cherinet Hundayehu Elsa Du Toit +3 位作者 Sunette Laurie Martin Steyn Ria Greyling Nokuthula Myeza 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期811-821,共11页
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of long-term in vitro sub-culturing on the varietal degeneration of three sweet potato varieties, namely, Monate, Mokone and Ndou which were sub-cultured for 32, 23 and 1... The aim of this study was to assess the effect of long-term in vitro sub-culturing on the varietal degeneration of three sweet potato varieties, namely, Monate, Mokone and Ndou which were sub-cultured for 32, 23 and 12 generations, respectively. Each generation was cultured in a media which is made from 4.43 g/L Murashige and Skoog (MS), 30 g/L sucrose and 2 g/L gelrite, respectively, and grown under 16 h light and 8 h dark photoperiod for 30 d. For each generation, 45 plantlets were acclimatized for two months in a glasshouse. Data on in vitro growth performance and 11 morphological characteristics during acclimatization were recorded. Early root and shoot formation was observed after the 27th and 21st sub-cultured generations of Monate and Mokone, respectively. During acclimatization, plantlets from the same variety showed differences in morphological traits such as leaf colour, abaxial leaf pigmentation, vine pigmentation, petiole pigmentation, leaf wrinkling and flowering. However, the rate of these morphological differences is random and irrespective to increase in sub-culturing. Therefore, to understand the genetic base of these morphological variability, two plantlets from each variety were subjected to genetic analysis by using five simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers (IB-242, IB-318, IB-255F, 1B-248 and IB-255). Although SSR loci IB-255F and IB-318 could distinguish between the three varieties, there were no allelic polymorphisms detected in plantlets from the same varieties. Therefore, long-term sub-culturing do not leads to quality degeneration in the three sweet potato varieties. 展开更多
关键词 MICRO-PROPAGATION ORGANOGENESIS SUB-CULTURE true-to-type morphology polymorphism.
Ethical Perspective on Turkish Environmental Impact Assessment for Nuclear Energy
作者 Hayrettin Kilic 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第6期314-322,共9页
In 2013, The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning issued four thousand pages of a cut and paste Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant and nuclear fuel fabricat... In 2013, The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning issued four thousand pages of a cut and paste Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant and nuclear fuel fabrication complex project located on Turkey's Mediterranean coastline, in the Mersin providence, which will be built on a build-own-operate basis by Russian company Rosatom. Numerous complaints have already been filed against the EIA, challenging the scientific integrity of the report on the following grounds: misrepresentation of failure to specify the radioactive inventory and of projected releases into the environment, omitting tritium and carbon-14; incomplete information about the toxic chemicals which will be injected into the cooling system throughout the nuclear complex; misleading information about the cooling water's temporal and chemical effects on marine life; lack of details on an emergency evacuation plan; lack of a comprehensive nuclear waste management plan; unspecified insurance coverage for the nuclear complex, noncompliance with third party liability requirements. Coupled with these complaints are allegations that signatures on some sensitive reports contained or referred to have been falsified. 展开更多
关键词 Turkish Nuclear Energy Project Environmental Impact Assessment.
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