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物理化学实验数据处理程序的设计 被引量:1
作者 马志广 郄录江 +4 位作者 申世刚 单金媛 吕运开 郭花枝 赵建国 《河北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1999年第S1期57-59,共3页
1 设计背景 1.1 设计目的 物理化学实验是化学实验科学的重要组成部分。该课程的教学目的之一是培养学生准确测定实验数据的能力,使学生掌握正确记录、处理、分析实验数据和结果的方法。 从学生方面考虑,综合大学化学系的四大基础课实... 1 设计背景 1.1 设计目的 物理化学实验是化学实验科学的重要组成部分。该课程的教学目的之一是培养学生准确测定实验数据的能力,使学生掌握正确记录、处理、分析实验数据和结果的方法。 从学生方面考虑,综合大学化学系的四大基础课实验以物理化学实验数据处理最为复杂。一般来说,处理物理化学实验数据并写出实验报告的时间与实际实验时间相比不相上下。因而,学生普遍感到写物理化学实验报告费时费力。 展开更多
关键词 数据处理程序 物理化学实验数据 WINDOWS 河北大学 操作系统 平衡常数 物化实验 实验结果 化学 乙酸乙酯皂化反应
作者 刘丽红 李园白 +6 位作者 刘静 杨硕 连超杰 于琦 李敬华 杨阳 贾李蓉 《世界中医药》 CAS 2013年第11期1353-1355,1358,共4页
目的:针对用户不断提高的加工与检索需求,设立调查问卷,分析用户的关注点与兴趣点,更新升级中药化学实验数据库共建共享程序。方法:研制调查问卷,并对调查结果进行分析总结。结果:通过问卷调查,了解用户需求,改进和完善数据库系统。结论... 目的:针对用户不断提高的加工与检索需求,设立调查问卷,分析用户的关注点与兴趣点,更新升级中药化学实验数据库共建共享程序。方法:研制调查问卷,并对调查结果进行分析总结。结果:通过问卷调查,了解用户需求,改进和完善数据库系统。结论:满足数据库用户需求,获得用户认可,是数据库建设成功的关键。 展开更多
关键词 中药化学实验数据 问卷调查
作者 蒋天智 唐文华 《黔东南民族师范高等专科学校学报》 2004年第3期20-21,共2页
在分析化学实验中 ,记录实验数据和计算结果应保留几位数字是一件很重要的事 ,不能随便增加或减少位数 .如何培养高校化学专业学生对化学实验数据的正确记录和正确处理的能力呢 ?笔者认为 :强调有效数字的意义及位数 ,强调有效数字的运... 在分析化学实验中 ,记录实验数据和计算结果应保留几位数字是一件很重要的事 ,不能随便增加或减少位数 .如何培养高校化学专业学生对化学实验数据的正确记录和正确处理的能力呢 ?笔者认为 :强调有效数字的意义及位数 ,强调有效数字的运算规则 ,在分析化学实验教学中 ,注意运用有效数字的运算规则 ,利于培养高校学生对化学实验数据的正确记录和正确处理的能力 . 展开更多
关键词 化学实验数据 有效数字 正确记录 正确处理
作者 张君阳 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2010年第24期68-69,共2页
为简单、快速地分析大量的化学实验数据,介绍了自由科学计算软件SCILAB及其在Linux系统下的安装,并用实例讨论了如何用SCILAB分析实验数据。结果表明,用SCILAB所提供的函数对实验数据进行分析处理将非常方便,大大减小误差,SCILAB提供的... 为简单、快速地分析大量的化学实验数据,介绍了自由科学计算软件SCILAB及其在Linux系统下的安装,并用实例讨论了如何用SCILAB分析实验数据。结果表明,用SCILAB所提供的函数对实验数据进行分析处理将非常方便,大大减小误差,SCILAB提供的的图形显示函数绘制实验数据曲线,可以使实验结果更加直观。 展开更多
关键词 LINUX系统 SCILAB 化学实验数据 分析处理
用计算机处理物理化学实验数据 被引量:1
作者 张朝旭 吕通娟 《高校实验室工作研究》 1998年第3期14-15,共2页
物理化学实验是物理化学课教学的一个重要环节,它有助于学生对物理化学基本原理的理解,从而掌握物理化学实验方法和技能,培养分析处理实验数据和编写实验报告的能力。而物理化学实验数据处理繁锁,计算复杂,有的实验数据用计算器处理需要... 物理化学实验是物理化学课教学的一个重要环节,它有助于学生对物理化学基本原理的理解,从而掌握物理化学实验方法和技能,培养分析处理实验数据和编写实验报告的能力。而物理化学实验数据处理繁锁,计算复杂,有的实验数据用计算器处理需要1~2个小时,费时费力,稍有不慎还会出错。我校化工系物理化学实验承担着全系精细化工、生物化工、化学工程、化工机械。 展开更多
关键词 物理化学实验数据 实验数据处理 计算机处理 重要环节 处理实验数据 实验报告 化学课教学 电池电动势 学生 精细化工
化学实验数据微机处理程序 被引量:2
作者 许明新 《重庆石油高等专科学校学报》 2004年第1期54-55,53,共3页
化学实验数据用手工处理工作量大 ,而且精确度差。用MATLAB软件编写相应的程序进行处理 ,则既快又准确。文章提供了化学实验数据线性拟合和非线性拟合的程序 ,利用该程序能快速准确地得到拟合方程并显示曲线图。
关键词 化学实验数据 精确度 MATLAB软件 数据处理 计算机 化学教学
“蔗糖水解反应速率常数测定”实验数据处理的改进 被引量:6
作者 陈文娟 胡治元 《洛阳工业高等专科学校学报》 2004年第3期41-42,共2页
探讨用Miccrosoft Excel 处理物理化学实验中“蔗糖水解反应速率常数的测定”实验数据的方法。该方法 具有方便、快速、可靠等优点。
关键词 物理化学实验数据 水解反应速率常数 MICROSOFT EXCEL
用EXCEL处理液体表面张力测定实验数据 被引量:6
作者 赵春芳 《武汉化工学院学报》 2000年第3期5-7,共3页
介绍了用 Microsoft Excel处理物理化学实验中“表面张力的测定”的实验数据的方法 .该方法具有方便、快速、可靠等优点 .
关键词 表面张力 物理化学实验数据 EXCEL 液体
作者 田重华 《化工时刊》 CAS 2019年第9期6-7,18,共3页
实验中,以数据的形式呈现实验结果是化学实验中的重要组成部分。但对于探究性定性基础化学实验,数据不如现象给人以直观的感受,本文将展现探究性定性基础化学实验草酸与饱和硫酸铜溶液制取硫酸,在没有称量或量取的情况下,采取过量的药品... 实验中,以数据的形式呈现实验结果是化学实验中的重要组成部分。但对于探究性定性基础化学实验,数据不如现象给人以直观的感受,本文将展现探究性定性基础化学实验草酸与饱和硫酸铜溶液制取硫酸,在没有称量或量取的情况下,采取过量的药品,用“除杂”的思想处理过量药品完成实验。在没有精准的测量仪器的情况下解决无法预知的“过量0.01 g”。 展开更多
关键词 数据探究化学实验
中药数据库系统构建与发展的思考 被引量:7
作者 刘丽红 刘静 +5 位作者 孟令东 于琦 连超杰 贾李蓉 王静 田野 《中国数字医学》 2013年第2期39-42,共4页
目的:在深入调研的基础上,尝试中药不同类型数据之间的最大有效关联,将不同类别数据库信息进行织构,期望实现知识推理与知识发现。方法:对现有中药数据库建设现状进行分析,综合考虑中国中医科学院信息所现有中药数据库建设资源,进行深... 目的:在深入调研的基础上,尝试中药不同类型数据之间的最大有效关联,将不同类别数据库信息进行织构,期望实现知识推理与知识发现。方法:对现有中药数据库建设现状进行分析,综合考虑中国中医科学院信息所现有中药数据库建设资源,进行深入调研。结果:将中药不同类型数据库资源进行整合,提出中药数据库系统构建与发展思路。结论:中药数据库群建设需要进行深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 中药数据 中药基础数据 中药药理实验数据 中药化学实验数据 资源整合
大学化学关于有效数字实践研究 被引量:1
作者 张俊 谢发之 《湖南工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第4期72-76,共5页
关键词 无机及分析化学 有效数据 有效数据运算 可疑数据 化学实验数据
Study on Kinetics of Iron Oxide Reduction by Hydrogen 被引量:12
作者 HOU Baolin ZHANG Haiying +1 位作者 LI Hongzhong ZHU Qingshan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期10-17,共8页
Kinetics parameters of iron oxide reduction by hydrogen were evaluated by the isothermal method in a differential micro-packed bed. Influence of external diffusion, internal diffusion and heat transfer on the intrinsi... Kinetics parameters of iron oxide reduction by hydrogen were evaluated by the isothermal method in a differential micro-packed bed. Influence of external diffusion, internal diffusion and heat transfer on the intrinsic reaction rate was investigated and the conditions free of internal and external diffusion resistance have been determined. In the experiments, in order to correctly evaluate the intrinsic kinetics parameters for reducing Fe203 to Fe3O4, the reaction temperatures were set between 440 ℃ and 490 ℃. However, in order to distinguish the reduction of Fe304 to FeO from that of FeO to Fe, the reaction temperature in the experiment was set to be greater than 570 ℃. Intrinsic kinetics of iron oxide reduction by hydrogen was established and the newly established kinetic models were validated by the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 isothermal method reduction kinetics iron oxide packed bed hydrogen reduction
Application of Discrete Lumped Kinetic Modeling on Vacuum Gas Oil Hydrocracking 被引量:8
作者 Han Longnian Fang Xiangchen +1 位作者 Peng Chong Zhao Tao 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期67-73,共7页
The kinetic model of vacuum gas oil (VGO) hydrocracking based on discrete lumped approach was investigated, and some improvement was put forward at the same time in this article. A parallel reaction scheme to descri... The kinetic model of vacuum gas oil (VGO) hydrocracking based on discrete lumped approach was investigated, and some improvement was put forward at the same time in this article. A parallel reaction scheme to describe the conver- sion of VGO into products (gases, gasoline, and diesel) proposed by Orochko was used. The different experimental data were analyzed statistically and then the product distribution and kinetic parameters were simulated by available data. Fur- thermore, the kinetic parameters were correlated based on the feed property, reaction temperature, and catalyst activity. An optimization code in Matlab 2011b was written to fine-me these parameters. The model had a favorable ability to predict the product distribution and there was a good agreement between the model predictions and experiment data. Hence, the ki- netic parameters indeed had something to do with feed properties, reaction temperature and catalyst activity. 展开更多
关键词 HYDROCRACKING kinetic modeling vacuum gas oil (VGO) optimization code parallel reaction scheme
Kinetic Modeling of the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange by Supported TiO2 被引量:2
作者 N. Barka S. Qourzal A. Assabbane Y. Ait-Ichou 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第5期1-5,共5页
The photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO) in UV/Supported-TiO2 system was investigated and a kinetic model was presented. The experimental results show that the photocatalytic degradation rate is favored ... The photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO) in UV/Supported-TiO2 system was investigated and a kinetic model was presented. The experimental results show that the photocatalytic degradation rate is favored by high concentration of dye in solution and is enhanced by the solution temperature. A simple kinetic model has been proposed which can describe the discoloration process in an adequate way. The calculated results obtained were in good agreement with experimental data. The model predicts the concentration of MO during the photocatalytic degradation process. 展开更多
关键词 Kinetics modeling PHOTOCATALYSIS methyl orange supported TiO2.
Thermodynamic assessment of Mg-Ga binary system 被引量:1
作者 孟凡桂 王江 +2 位作者 戎茂华 刘立斌 金展鹏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期450-457,共8页
In order to obtain the thermodynamic description of the Mg-Ga binary system,the thermodynamic assessment of the system was carried out using the CALPHAD method through Thermo-calc software package based on the evaluat... In order to obtain the thermodynamic description of the Mg-Ga binary system,the thermodynamic assessment of the system was carried out using the CALPHAD method through Thermo-calc software package based on the evaluation of all available experimental data from the published literature.The solution phases,including liquid,hcp(Mg) and orthorhombic(Ga),were described by the substitutional solution model,of which the excess Gibbs energies were expressed with the Redlich-Kister polynomial.Meanwhile,all intermetallic compounds,Mg5Ga2,Mg2Ga,MgGa,MgGa2 and Mg2Ga5,were modeled as stoichiometric compounds.A set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters formulating the Gibbs energies of various phases in the Mg-Ga binary system were obtained finally.The much better agreement is achieved between the calculated results and the reported experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-based alloys phase diagram THERMODYNAMIC CALPHAD method Mg-Ga binary system
Kinetics of Photocatalytic Degradation of Gaseous Organic Compounds on Modified TiO_2/AC Composite Photocatalyst 被引量:4
作者 杨青山 廖永进 毛玲玲 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期572-576,共5页
This study is focused on the kinetic characteristics of photocatalytic degradation of gaseous organic compounds on modified titanium dioxide/activated carbon composite photocatalyst(MTA).The MTA,which co-doping with i... This study is focused on the kinetic characteristics of photocatalytic degradation of gaseous organic compounds on modified titanium dioxide/activated carbon composite photocatalyst(MTA).The MTA,which co-doping with iron(Fe) and nitrogen(N),was synthesized by a sol-gel method,and its photocatalytic performance was investigated under different reaction conditions.The experimental data obtained were tested by the zero,first and second order kinetic model,and the factors affecting the kinetic model were analyzed.It was clearly demonstrated that the experimental data of toluene and acetone on MTA fit quite well with second order kinetic model equation,but the experimental data of formaldehyde fits well with zero order kinetic model equation. 展开更多
关键词 titanium dioxide activated carbon PHOTOCATALYST kinetic model
Computer Management of Quantitative Analysis Chemistry Experiment 被引量:8
作者 Hairui Zhang Guofu Zhang +2 位作者 Qing Zhang Jianbo Cui Jianhong Qi 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第2期176-179,共4页
The application of computer in the quantitative analysis chemistry experiment is a chemistry experiment teaching applications software, developed by Visual Basic (6.0), based on the content of quantitative analysis ... The application of computer in the quantitative analysis chemistry experiment is a chemistry experiment teaching applications software, developed by Visual Basic (6.0), based on the content of quantitative analysis chemistry experiment of chemistry major in higher institute. This software has the function of the automatic processing the experimental data, the automatic generation of test report copies, and the automatic evaluation of students' experimental results, which solve the reliability, objectivity and accuracy problems of the students' experiment data processing and evaluation, and avoid interference with human factors. The software has the characteristic of the easy installation, the easy operation, the strong practicability, pertinence, the systematicness and the running stability, so it provides a platform in the quantitative analysis chemistry experiment for the students' assessment system of automatic processing, and it has a high popularization value. The project's technical route design is reasonable, the research method is correct, and the experimental data processing results are reliable, which has reached the leading domestic level in the quantitative analysis chemistry experiment teaching field of computer data processing. And this project has been through the achievements appraisal of Gansu Provincial Sci. & Tech. Department. 展开更多
关键词 Computer language Visual Basic (6.0) experiment teaching software quantitative analysis chemistry experiment experiment data processing the experiment report copies grade evaluation.
Biotransformation of Ternary Mixture of Organic Industrial Waste into Poultry Feed
作者 Lakhal Dounia Bahlaouan Bouchaib +5 位作者 Boutaleb Nadia Fathi Asmaa Taiek Taha Abouakil Nezha Lazar Said El Antri Said 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2018年第3期171-181,共11页
The objective of present study was to produce poultry feed with a best quality using ternary mixture of industrial wastes: fish industry waste, sugar industry waste (molasses) and yeast waste after 15 d biotransfor... The objective of present study was to produce poultry feed with a best quality using ternary mixture of industrial wastes: fish industry waste, sugar industry waste (molasses) and yeast waste after 15 d biotransformation using response surface methodology to design and analyze the experiment data. Changes in the nutritional quality and biochemical properties viz., pH, dry matter, conductivity, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, trimethylamine, protein, fat, carbohydrate, histamine, aflatoxins and minerals were evaluated during a biotransformation period of 15 d. The experimental findings revealed that the formulation including 50% of fish waste, 12.5% of molasses and 37.50% of yeast waste were found to be best quality poultry waste. It was characterized as odorless, with a stable pH, rich in protein, fat and carbohydrate as well as no alterations of bacteria and absence aflatoxins from the fifth day on ward. The nutritional value of the developed poultry fees was studied on a population of broiler chickens by incorporating with barley flour and eggshell. The product possesses a better nutritional quality comparable to commercially feed. 展开更多
关键词 Fish waste ternary mixture BIOTRANSFORMATION poultry feed response surface
Equations of state for aqueous solutions under mantle conditions 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG ZhiGang ZHANG Chi GENG Ming 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1095-1106,共12页
With unique physical and chemical properties, aqueous solutions in the mantle may play important roles for a number of geochemical and geodynamical processes. However, since experimental data available are very limite... With unique physical and chemical properties, aqueous solutions in the mantle may play important roles for a number of geochemical and geodynamical processes. However, since experimental data available are very limited, people still know little about the aqueous solutions and their interactions with surrounding rocks and melts. From the perspective of thermodynamics, equation of state(EOS) is the key to push forward the modeling of aqueous solutions. Nevertheless, up to now accurate EOSs suitable for the mantle conditions are still in shortage. With discussions over several recognized EOSs, we summarize several ways to enhance the predictability of EOS: utilizing high quality data from molecular simulations, choosing functions with sound physical background, and improving the regression procedures for the empirical parameters. In the meantime, we find that the ion-bearing systems are still the focus of challenges in this area. New developments of experiments and computer simulations effectively deal with these challenges and in-depth understandings of aqueous solutions in the mantle are expected in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 Aqueous solutions MANTLE Equation of state Molecular dynamics First principles Fluid-rock interactions
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