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作者 张骐 《会计之友》 北大核心 2013年第15期7-8,共2页
改革开放以来,我国开始实施社会主义市场经济体制,逐步取代旧有的计划经济体制,会计核算也进行了较大调整。文章通过对焦化行业两种成本分配方法即"炼焦化学成本核算方法"和"销售价格比例系数法"的对比分析,试图从... 改革开放以来,我国开始实施社会主义市场经济体制,逐步取代旧有的计划经济体制,会计核算也进行了较大调整。文章通过对焦化行业两种成本分配方法即"炼焦化学成本核算方法"和"销售价格比例系数法"的对比分析,试图从成本分配的起因、依据及原理入手,结合社会的大环境和企业的小环境,找出适合企业的一种成本核算办法。 展开更多
关键词 焦化行业 炼焦化学成本核算 销售价格比例系数法
作者 陈启源 《化工管理》 2016年第5期200-,共1页
菊花是一种菊科多年的草本类植物,不仅类型多样、栽培的范围广,而且具有丰富的菊文化和多种应用意义,比如可以作为茶用、药用和食用等。其中,栽培供药用是菊花利用途径中最重要的一种。经过长时期的人工培植和不同生态环境的考验以及人... 菊花是一种菊科多年的草本类植物,不仅类型多样、栽培的范围广,而且具有丰富的菊文化和多种应用意义,比如可以作为茶用、药用和食用等。其中,栽培供药用是菊花利用途径中最重要的一种。经过长时期的人工培植和不同生态环境的考验以及人们对其特殊的加工方法,使之形成了别具特色的药用品种。文章在对菊花转基因研究进展阐述的基础上,具体分析菊花的化学成分,对菊花的药理作用进行剖析。 展开更多
关键词 菊花 转基因研究 化学成本 药用
低成本O/W型乳液与岩心孔吼配伍性及其驱油效率 被引量:3
作者 宁健 魏兵 +4 位作者 高炎 王牧明 蒲万芬 王崇阳 王生奎 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期328-332,共5页
本文利用廉价碱和少量高酸值稠油,建立了一种低成本O/W型乳液驱方法,并系统研究了乳液的物理性质以及在多孔介质中的流动行为和驱油效率。研究结果表明,在油水比0.5∶9.5条件下,通过调整转速(1500~2600 r/min)和搅拌时间(0.5数2 h)制备... 本文利用廉价碱和少量高酸值稠油,建立了一种低成本O/W型乳液驱方法,并系统研究了乳液的物理性质以及在多孔介质中的流动行为和驱油效率。研究结果表明,在油水比0.5∶9.5条件下,通过调整转速(1500~2600 r/min)和搅拌时间(0.5数2 h)制备的一种不稳定型和三种稳定型的O/W型乳液,在岩心中流动时,由于贾敏效应,稳定型乳液的注入压力明显升高,而不稳定型乳液发生油水分离,注入压力变化不明显。从乳液驱效果上看,转速2000 r/min、搅拌时间1.5 h下形成的稳定乳液可以有效提高原油采收率达17%。乳液液滴和岩石孔喉的匹配系数f小于1时,乳液的驱油效率不高;f大于1时,乳液液滴能对岩心孔喉有效封堵,提高采收率明显。但是并非f越大提高采收率越高。 展开更多
关键词 成本化学 O/W乳液 流动行为 驱油效率 匹配系数
作者 王明珠 李野 《医药世界》 2003年第11期35-37,共3页
我国人世以后,市场竞争会越来越激烈,在国际大背景下,国内国有大型化学制药企业规模再大、效益再好,在与发达国家的巨型制药企业相比时,仍是落后与弱小的,我们没资本、没技术、更缺人才!但是,这是不是就意味着我们没希望了呢?... 我国人世以后,市场竞争会越来越激烈,在国际大背景下,国内国有大型化学制药企业规模再大、效益再好,在与发达国家的巨型制药企业相比时,仍是落后与弱小的,我们没资本、没技术、更缺人才!但是,这是不是就意味着我们没希望了呢?答案当然是否定的。因为经济学中关于竞争力的定义不是大资本、高技术、高级人才,而是你能不能有较低的成本生产出同样的产品,或者你能不能用较低的成本生产出比别人更好、更多的产品。寻找相对优势,这才是我们的竞争力所在。 展开更多
关键词 市场竞争 国有大型化学制药企业 劳动力成本 制药经济 本土市场 名牌战略 “me-too”药 药品开发 化学原料药成本
低成本液流电池储能技术研究 被引量:9
作者 刘庆华 张赛 +6 位作者 蒋明哲 王秋实 邢学奇 杨虹 黄峰 LEMMON P John 缪平 《储能科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2019年第S01期60-64,共5页
大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术.液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用... 大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术.液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用的竞争力.液流电池具备安全性好、单个循环储能时间长、功率/容量独立设计、储能容量大和寿命长等特点.目前液流电池成本偏高,高成本制约了液流电池储能技术大规模商业化应用.针对这一行业“痛点”问题,本文通过创新型的电池堆结构、新型关键材料和工艺研究,将液流电池堆功率密度提高24倍,实现电池堆的小型化,有效提高关键部件利用率,有望将液流电池系统成本降低20%30%. 展开更多
关键词 大规模储能技术 成本化学储能 液流电池 电池堆 高功率密度
蔗渣浆ECF短序漂白流程的对比 被引量:2
作者 李军 何水淋 +2 位作者 李智 徐峻 莫立焕 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期14-20,共7页
对典型的蔗渣浆无元素氯(ECF)短序漂白流程D0EpD、OpDEp及OpD进行了对比,探讨了二氧化氯脱木素(D0)与过氧化氢强化氧脱木素(Op)的脱木素效率差异及对后续漂白的影响,并分析了漂白过程中可吸附有机卤化物(AOX)的产生量和各漂白流程的直... 对典型的蔗渣浆无元素氯(ECF)短序漂白流程D0EpD、OpDEp及OpD进行了对比,探讨了二氧化氯脱木素(D0)与过氧化氢强化氧脱木素(Op)的脱木素效率差异及对后续漂白的影响,并分析了漂白过程中可吸附有机卤化物(AOX)的产生量和各漂白流程的直接化学品成本.结果表明:D0段脱木素选择性好,ClO2用量为0.8%时脱木素率即达40%以上,且用量越高脱木素作用越强;Op段在脱出纸浆中残余木素的同时能大幅提升纸浆白度,纸浆白度明显高于D0浆;相同后续漂白化学品用量下,OpDEp漂后浆白度高于D0EpD漂后浆白度,且比OpD漂后浆白度约高12个百分点;相同纸浆白度下,OpDEp漂白过程中产生的可吸附有机卤化物总量约为D0EpD的50%,其直接化学品成本比后者低约40.00元/t,具有更好的环境、经济效益. 展开更多
关键词 蔗渣浆 ECF短序漂白 二氧化氯脱木素 过氧化氢强化氧脱木素 可吸附有机卤化物 直接化学成本
芦荟研究、利用的现状和展望 被引量:8
作者 倪同汉 《牙膏工业》 1997年第3期21-29,共9页
关键词 利用 芦荟 化妆品 应用 研究现状 化学成本 医药
碱/表面活性剂与聚合物交替注入技术现场应用可行性研究 被引量:1
作者 李红梅 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2014年第6期98-99,共2页
为充分地发挥三元复合体系中聚合物扩大波及体积的作用,同时使具有高效洗油能力的碱/表活剂二元体系更多的进入到中、低渗透层,改善三元复合驱注入过程中注入压力高、注采能力下降幅度大、分层吸入量差异大、化学剂成本高等问题,为探索... 为充分地发挥三元复合体系中聚合物扩大波及体积的作用,同时使具有高效洗油能力的碱/表活剂二元体系更多的进入到中、低渗透层,改善三元复合驱注入过程中注入压力高、注采能力下降幅度大、分层吸入量差异大、化学剂成本高等问题,为探索提高采收率、降低开发成本的有效途经,提出了碱/表活剂与聚合物交替注入的方式,并于2008年开展主力油层碱/表面活性剂与聚合物交替注入现场试验,研究交替注入可行性及应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 交替注入 分层吸水量 注采能力 化学成本
作者 于冀国 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2023年第3期148-151,共4页
中药是当前部分疾病患者首选治疗方式,不光能够提升治疗效果,还能够减轻药物副作用。中药炮制指的是合理改变中药组成部分及作用,从而降低其存在的毒性,减少对人体的副作用,并将药效发挥最大化。中药经炮制后,不光能够使药效得以提升,... 中药是当前部分疾病患者首选治疗方式,不光能够提升治疗效果,还能够减轻药物副作用。中药炮制指的是合理改变中药组成部分及作用,从而降低其存在的毒性,减少对人体的副作用,并将药效发挥最大化。中药经炮制后,不光能够使药效得以提升,还会将中药中的部分成分溶解,从而提升其生物利用度,与此同时,中药经过净置处理能够提升用药准确度,降低药物拮抗作用。中药本身含有毒性或患者直接服用将会损害肌体器官,经过针对性炮制后会降低药物毒性,减少对机体的损伤。同时,中药炮制也会对中药的化学成分产生影响。本文阐述中药炮制的目的,提出中药炮制对中药化学成分的影响。找出中药炮制期间存在的不足,提出多样化的中药管理策略。希望通过此次研究对中药的应用、发展和管理产生积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 中药炮制 化学成本 不足之处 管理策略
作者 王文凯 蓝东明 +1 位作者 王永华 杨博 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第18期10735-10737,共3页
[目的]建立一种简便、廉价、准确的基因合成方法。[方法]对现有的重叠延伸合成方法进行了改进,提出一种IOEP(Improvedoverlap extension PCR method)法。[结果]拆分的单链寡核苷酸长度为60 nt左右,重叠区碱基数13~17 bp,Tm值为40~50℃... [目的]建立一种简便、廉价、准确的基因合成方法。[方法]对现有的重叠延伸合成方法进行了改进,提出一种IOEP(Improvedoverlap extension PCR method)法。[结果]拆分的单链寡核苷酸长度为60 nt左右,重叠区碱基数13~17 bp,Tm值为40~50℃。IOEP法具体步骤如下:把拆分的寡核苷酸组装成500 bp左右的中间片段,再将中间片段拼接成全长基因。利用IOEP法合成了10条基因,其平均化学合成成本率为1.291,平均错误率为1.031‰,优于其他合成方法。[结论]IOEP法是一种具有高准确率、低成本、重复性好的基因合成方法。 展开更多
关键词 基因合成 IOEP 化学合成成本
A Genetic Algorithm-based Approach to Scheduling of Batch Production with Maximum Profit 被引量:6
作者 伍联营 胡仰栋 +1 位作者 徐冬梅 华贲 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期68-73,共6页
The optimal scheduling of multi-product batch process is studied and a new mathematics model targeting the maximum profit is proposed, which can be solved by the modified genetic algorithm (MGA) with mixed coding (seq... The optimal scheduling of multi-product batch process is studied and a new mathematics model targeting the maximum profit is proposed, which can be solved by the modified genetic algorithm (MGA) with mixed coding (sequence coding and decimal coding) developed by us. In which, the partially matched cross over (PMX) and reverse mutation are used for the sequence coding, whereas the arithmetic crossover and heteropic mutation are used for the decimal coding. In addition, the relationship between production scale and production cost is analyzed and the maximum profit is always a trade-off of the production scale and production cost. Two examples are solved to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 production scheduling batch process combinatorial optimization genetic algorithm
Physical Properties and Electrochemical Performance of Solid K_2FeO_4 Samples Prepared by Ex-situ and in-situ Electrochemical Methods 被引量:2
作者 徐志花 王建明 +1 位作者 邵海波 张鉴清 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期39-43,共5页
K2FeO4 powders were synthesized by the ex-situ and in-situ electrochemical methods, respectively, and characterized by infrared spectrum (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) a... K2FeO4 powders were synthesized by the ex-situ and in-situ electrochemical methods, respectively, and characterized by infrared spectrum (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and BET. Their electrochemical performances were investigated by means of galvanostatic discharge and electrochemi-cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results of physical characterization showed that the two samples have simi-lar structural features, but their surface morphologies and oriented growth of the crystals are different, which results in smaller specific surface area and lower solubility of the ex-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 sample. The results of discharge experiments indicated that the ex-situ electrosythesized K2FeO4 electrode has much larger discharge ca-pacity and lower electrode polarization than the in-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 electrode. It was found from the results of EIS that lower electrochemical polarization might be responsible for the improvement on the discharge performance of the ex-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 electrode. 展开更多
关键词 K2FeO4 ELECTROSYNTHESIS discharge performance electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Value Source of Integrated Refining/Chemical Plant
作者 Zhao Jianwei 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2009年第1期7-12,共6页
Based on an integrated refining/chemical plant processing 15 Mt/a of crude and manufacturing 1.0 Mt/a of ethylene under the guideline of"engaging in refining, olefins and aromatics by whatever appropriate means" to ... Based on an integrated refining/chemical plant processing 15 Mt/a of crude and manufacturing 1.0 Mt/a of ethylene under the guideline of"engaging in refining, olefins and aromatics by whatever appropriate means" to maximize the overall value of the integrated refining/chemical plant, it is necessary to concentrate on working on the flow diagram and the solution for mutual supply of materials between the refinery and ethylene plant. After analyzing the feedstock slate, the composition and properties of products, it is proposed to optimize the integrated refming/chemical plant in order to reduce investment and operating cost to realize maximization of the value of the integrated plant. 展开更多
A novel model for cost performance evaluation of pulverized coal injected into blast furnace based on effective calorific value 被引量:4
作者 徐润生 张建良 +3 位作者 左海滨 李克江 宋腾飞 邵久刚 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3990-3998,共9页
The combustion process of pulverized coal injected into blast furnace involves a lot of physical and chemical reactions. Based on the combustion behaviors of pulverized coal, the conception of coal effective calorific... The combustion process of pulverized coal injected into blast furnace involves a lot of physical and chemical reactions. Based on the combustion behaviors of pulverized coal, the conception of coal effective calorific value representing the actual thermal energy provided for blast furnace was proposed. A cost performance evaluation model of coal injection was built up for the optimal selection of various kinds of coal based on effective calorific value. The model contains two indicators: coal effective calorific value which has eight sub-indicators and coal injection cost which includes four sub-indicators. In addition, the calculation principle and application of cost performance evaluation model in a Chinese large-scale iron and steel company were comprehensively introduced. The evaluation results finally confirm that this novel model is of great significance to the optimal selection of blast furnace pulverized coal. 展开更多
关键词 blast furnace pulverized coal injection effective calorific value cost performance evaluation model
Optimization of Equipment Maintenance Strategy Based on Availability
作者 张友诚 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期142-146,共5页
It is very important to optimize maintenance strategy in maintenance plan. Proper parameters play a decisive role for the optimization. In the opinion of writer, availability is a basic parameter, failure consequence ... It is very important to optimize maintenance strategy in maintenance plan. Proper parameters play a decisive role for the optimization. In the opinion of writer, availability is a basic parameter, failure consequence cost and failure characteristic are also important parameters. Maintenance strategy can be optimized on the base by means of quantitative analysis and diagram. 展开更多
关键词 maintenance strategy OPTIMIZATION AVAILABILITY
Semi-empirical modeling of volumetric efficiency in engines equipped with variable valve timing system 被引量:1
作者 Mostafa Ghajar Amir Hasan Ka Kaee Behrooz Mashadi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3132-3142,共11页
Volumetric efficiency and air charge estimation is one of the most demanding tasks in control of today's internal combustion engines.Specifically,using three-way catalytic converter involves strict control of the ... Volumetric efficiency and air charge estimation is one of the most demanding tasks in control of today's internal combustion engines.Specifically,using three-way catalytic converter involves strict control of the air/fuel ratio around the stoichiometric point and hence requires an accurate model for air charge estimation.However,high degrees of complexity and nonlinearity of the gas flow in the internal combustion engine make air charge estimation a challenging task.This is more obvious in engines with variable valve timing systems in which gas flow is more complex and depends on more functional variables.This results in models that are either quite empirical(such as look-up tables),not having interpretability and extrapolation capability,or physically based models which are not appropriate for onboard applications.Solving these problems,a novel semi-empirical model was proposed in this work which only needed engine speed,load,and valves timings for volumetric efficiency prediction.The accuracy and generalizability of the model is shown by its test on numerical and experimental data from three distinct engines.Normalized test errors are 0.0316,0.0152 and 0.24 for the three engines,respectively.Also the performance and complexity of the model were compared with neural networks as typical black box models.While the complexity of the model is less than half of the complexity of neural networks,and its computational cost is approximately 0.12 of that of neural networks and its prediction capability in the considered case studies is usually more.These results show the superiority of the proposed model over conventional black box models such as neural networks in terms of accuracy,generalizability and computational cost. 展开更多
关键词 engine modeling modeling and simulation spark ignition engine volumetric efficiency variable valve timing
Relative Frequencies, Chemical Composition and in vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Forage Consumed by Sheep in Humid Tropic of West Africa
作者 S. Babatounde M. Oumorou +2 位作者 I. Alkoiret S. Vidjannagni G. A. Mensah 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第1X期39-47,共9页
The experiment was conducted during the short dry and the short rainy seasons in 2008. A botanical inventory and relative frequencies of forage selected by Djallonke sheep grazing were developed by observation and han... The experiment was conducted during the short dry and the short rainy seasons in 2008. A botanical inventory and relative frequencies of forage selected by Djallonke sheep grazing were developed by observation and hand-plucking. Chemical composition and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) of hand-plucked material was determined. From July to October, woody plants are a major component of the sheep diet. Sheep selected 40 woody plants and 21 species of herbaceous. During the dry season, grazing occurred more frequently in the fallows. The most frequent woody species belonged to Elaeis guineensis and Fagara zanthoxyloides. At the rainy season, a high proportion of Panicum maximum and Eleucine indica were sampled. Crude protein was high in woody leaves at the dry season. Crude fibre were more variable in herbaceous than in woody and herbaceous were generally higher in the levels of fibre. Chromolaena odorata, Citrus sinensis, Vitex doniana were very high in IVOMD. Spondias mombin, Moringa oleifera, Persea americana, Psidium guajava, Dialium guineense presented lowest values in IVOMD. Among herbaceous, Andropogon gayanus and Panicum maximum still presented a high value of IVOMD at the dry season. High proteins suggest woody with potential as nitrogen supplements to ruminants fed low quality forage during the dry season. 展开更多
关键词 WOODY HERBACEOUS botanical inventory nutritive value livestock SHEEP
Constructed Model of Cost/Benefit Analysis Strategy for Stem Corn Borer Sesamia cretica
作者 Hassan Flayiah Hassan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期138-142,共5页
An integrated pest management model of Cost/Benefit analysis strategy was constructed for stem corn borer Sesamia cretica using complementary control measures of different resistant genotypes of corn with the chemical... An integrated pest management model of Cost/Benefit analysis strategy was constructed for stem corn borer Sesamia cretica using complementary control measures of different resistant genotypes of corn with the chemical insecticide diazinon 60%. Based on Cost/Benefit analysis result, the resistant genotype (SAKHA 9433) provides maximum economic value of production at the model point where no spray of insecticide is applied. The applications of one or two sprays do not justify the use of chemical insecticide but rather result in economic loss since the reduction in borer damage value, due to diazinon use, is lower than the cost of control (spray). However, the applications of one spray for the moderate resistant genotype (IPA 2052) and two sprays for the sensitive genotype (CML 323) during corn growing season would be of value to cover the cost of control (spray) but do not achieve similar economic value of revenue comparing with the resistant genotype. 展开更多
关键词 IPM model cost/benefit analysis stem com borer.
作者 李红梅 《采油工程》 2015年第4期26-29,78,共5页
为探索三元复合驱提高采收率、降低开发成本的有效途径,开展了三元复合驱交替注入动态变化规律研究。在聚合物驱、三元复合驱理论研究及现场应用基础上,将碱/表面活性剂与聚合物分开注入,降低注入过程中注入压力水平,充分发挥聚合物扩... 为探索三元复合驱提高采收率、降低开发成本的有效途径,开展了三元复合驱交替注入动态变化规律研究。在聚合物驱、三元复合驱理论研究及现场应用基础上,将碱/表面活性剂与聚合物分开注入,降低注入过程中注入压力水平,充分发挥聚合物扩大波及体积作用,同时使具有高效洗油能力的碱/表面活性剂更多地进入到中、低渗透层中,并与常规三元体系区块进行对比分析,研究交替注入动态变化规律及驱油效果。三元复合驱交替注入较常规三元体系驱油视吸水指数降幅低5%以上,比低渗透油层相对吸液量比例高5%以上,延长检泵周期239天,预计含水率为98%时提高采收率19. 1个百分点。三元复合驱交替注入方式可有效解决三元复合驱注入压力高、注采能力下降幅度大、药剂成本高等问题。 展开更多
关键词 交替注入 分层吸液量 注入压力 含水率 结垢 化学成本
Direct low-temperature synthesis of graphene on various glasses by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition for versatile, cost-effective electrodes 被引量:14
作者 Jingyu Sun Yubin Chen +11 位作者 Xin Cai Bangjun Ma Zhaolong Chen Manish Kr. Priydarshi Ke Chen Teng Gao Xiuju Song Qingqing Ji Xuefeng Guo Dechun Zou Yanfeng Zhang Zhongfan Liu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期3496-3504,共9页
Catalyst-free and scalable synthesis of graphene on various glass substrates at low temperatures is of paramount significance to numerous applications such as low-cost transparent electronics and state-of-the-art disp... Catalyst-free and scalable synthesis of graphene on various glass substrates at low temperatures is of paramount significance to numerous applications such as low-cost transparent electronics and state-of-the-art displays. However, systematic study within this promising research field has remained scarce thus far. Herein, we report the direct growth of graphene on various glasses using a low-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition method. Such a facile and scalable approach guarantees the growth of uniform, transfer-free graphene films on various glass substrates at a growth temperature range of 400-600 ℃. The morphological, surface wetting, optical, and electrical properties of the obtained graphene can be tailored by controlling the growth parameters. Our uniform and high-quality graphene films directly integrated with low-cost, commonly used glasses show great potential in the fabrication of multi-functional electrodes for versatile applications in solar cells, transparent electronics, and smart windows. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE DIRECT plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) glass VARIOUS low-cost
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