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作者 张来英 吴伟泰 +4 位作者 王翊如 邓顺柳 陈招斌 陈嘉嘉 任斌 《大学化学》 CAS 2024年第10期107-112,共6页
化学测量学实验是教育部化学“101计划”12门核心课程之一,吸收融合了多门化学实验课、具有全新架构的实验课程体系。通过这门课的学习,学生将不但可以了解仪器原理,还能够利用先进的科学仪器进行物质结构、性质和性能的测量,甚至能够... 化学测量学实验是教育部化学“101计划”12门核心课程之一,吸收融合了多门化学实验课、具有全新架构的实验课程体系。通过这门课的学习,学生将不但可以了解仪器原理,还能够利用先进的科学仪器进行物质结构、性质和性能的测量,甚至能够设计和搭建仪器。本文主要介绍化学测量学实验课堂提升工作实践,以期更好地促进教师课堂教学实践的交流与借鉴,切实提升国内化学学科的化学测量学实验的教学水平。 展开更多
关键词 化学“101计划” 化学测量学实验 课堂提升
作者 吴伟泰 张来英 +2 位作者 淳远 乔亮 任斌 《大学化学》 CAS 2024年第10期64-68,共5页
“化学测量学实验”是教育部化学“101计划”4门核心实验课程之一。本文详细介绍该课程定位、课程目标、课程设计思路、课程模块、课程知识点和教学内容等。并介绍如何针对各自学校特色利用该课程提供的不同级次的实验进行重组和设计。... “化学测量学实验”是教育部化学“101计划”4门核心实验课程之一。本文详细介绍该课程定位、课程目标、课程设计思路、课程模块、课程知识点和教学内容等。并介绍如何针对各自学校特色利用该课程提供的不同级次的实验进行重组和设计。旨在通过化学测量学实验推动拔尖基地高校和相关高校的化学实验教学的改革与创新,提升拔尖创新人才的培养质量。 展开更多
关键词 化学“101计划” 化学测量学实验 课程设计 教学改革
基于化学的“化学测量学与技术”新工科专业建设建议 被引量:10
作者 霍冀川 张树永 +5 位作者 朱亚先 李攻科 杨屹 李梦龙 王玉枝 郑兰荪 《大学化学》 CAS 2020年第10期11-16,共6页
概述了基于化学的"化学测量学与技术"新工科专业增设的背景。从国家发展战略出发,针对化学测量学与技术快速发展对交叉学科人才的迫切需求,论证了基于化学的"化学测量学与技术"专业设置的必要性。在调研仪器设备研... 概述了基于化学的"化学测量学与技术"新工科专业增设的背景。从国家发展战略出发,针对化学测量学与技术快速发展对交叉学科人才的迫切需求,论证了基于化学的"化学测量学与技术"专业设置的必要性。在调研仪器设备研制企业及应用领域对专业人才培养需求的基础上,对基于化学的"化学测量学与技术"新工科专业的培养定位、培养目标、毕业要求以及教学内容、课程体系以及师资队伍和教学条件建设等提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 化学测量学与技术 化学类专业 建议
化学测量学“十四五”发展规划概述 被引量:4
作者 王春霞 毛兰群 +1 位作者 黄岩谊 陈拥军 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期944-957,共14页
化学测量学是化学的测量科学、方法和技术,是化学科学最早、最重要的发展分支之一.其根本任务是获取物质组成、分布、结构与性质的信息与时空变化规律,并为其他相关学科的发展提供方法和支撑.本文介绍了国家自然科学基金委化学科学部化... 化学测量学是化学的测量科学、方法和技术,是化学科学最早、最重要的发展分支之一.其根本任务是获取物质组成、分布、结构与性质的信息与时空变化规律,并为其他相关学科的发展提供方法和支撑.本文介绍了国家自然科学基金委化学科学部化学测量学"十四五"及中长期发展规划,为从事相关研究的科研人员、老师和学生提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 国家自然科学基金 化学测量学 发展规划 研究方向
作者 万莹 王勇 +2 位作者 渠凤丽 蒋亚楠 王春霞 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2113-2120,共8页
化学测量学旨在发展化学及相关学科的测量理论、原理、方法和技术,研制仪器、装置、软件及试剂,获取物质组成、结构、形貌、性质与功能等信息,揭示物质相互作用的分子基础和时空变化规律.从2018年起,国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部... 化学测量学旨在发展化学及相关学科的测量理论、原理、方法和技术,研制仪器、装置、软件及试剂,获取物质组成、结构、形貌、性质与功能等信息,揭示物质相互作用的分子基础和时空变化规律.从2018年起,国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部进行了学科重组及代码调整,在原分析化学的基础上,形成了新的资助领域:化学测量学(基金申请代码:B04).本文详细总结并分析了自化学测量学新代码启用以来(2018~2022年)各类项目的申请和资助情况,包括面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目、国家杰出青年科学基金、优秀青年科学基金、重大项目、重点项目和国家重大科研仪器研制项目等.同时,对目前该领域的发展现状进行了讨论,并对其未来发展提出了建议,供相关科研人员参考. 展开更多
关键词 化学测量学 国家自然科学基金 评审 申请 资助
作者 韩泽华 左太森 +2 位作者 马长利 李雨晴 程贺 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期2208-2219,共12页
中子的特性使其能在化学测量学中发挥独特的作用:中子直接作用于原子核,穿透性强,这使复杂样品环境下的原位测量成为可能;对轻元素和同位素敏感,可以选择性观察物质内部的复杂结构;波长和能量与原子间距离和特征弛豫时间相符,从而可以... 中子的特性使其能在化学测量学中发挥独特的作用:中子直接作用于原子核,穿透性强,这使复杂样品环境下的原位测量成为可能;对轻元素和同位素敏感,可以选择性观察物质内部的复杂结构;波长和能量与原子间距离和特征弛豫时间相符,从而可以覆盖多尺度的时空探测范围.中子散射方法自诞生之日起,在化学领域的研究中就起着重要作用.然而,由于缺乏大型中子源设施,我国在中子散射领域发展较慢.随着中国散裂中子源(China Spallation Neutron Source,CSNS)于2018年验收,并面向全世界用户开放,越来越多的中子散射用户开始了解中子散射方法.本文将分别按照测量的特征空间尺寸从小到大,介绍弹性中子散射方法的中子衍射、中子反射和小角中子散射;按照动力学特征时间从快到慢,介绍准弹性中子散射方法的中子背散射与中子自旋回波,在配位化学、高分子化学、物理化学、电化学及生物化学等领域中的应用,从而进一步推广中子散射方法,为我国化学领域的发展服务. 展开更多
关键词 弹性中子散射 准弹性中子散射 化学测量学
高光谱激光雷达:三维生物物理化学生态测量学 被引量:6
作者 林沂 Eetu PUTTONEN Juha HYYPPA 《遥感信息》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期5-9,共5页
生态测量学为生态学、地理学、林学、野生生物学等提供基础的技术支撑,开发适应上述学科发展的新型生态测量技术日渐重要,尤其随着目前生物地球化学的快速推进,开发三维生物物理化学生态测量技术成为当前的研究热点,然而当前的主流遥感... 生态测量学为生态学、地理学、林学、野生生物学等提供基础的技术支撑,开发适应上述学科发展的新型生态测量技术日渐重要,尤其随着目前生物地球化学的快速推进,开发三维生物物理化学生态测量技术成为当前的研究热点,然而当前的主流遥感测量技术仍无法做到高效准确。高光谱激光雷达技术的发展为解决该问题提供了可能,这也通过基于连续测量的3种单木高光谱激光雷达数据实现反演光合有效辐射、树冠叶绿素含量与氮含量的三维分布及其昼夜变化趋势得到验证。实验结果预示随着高光谱激光雷达的成熟,三维生物物理化学生态测量学将得以建立,相应的三维生物物理化学生态测量技术将进一步推动地理学、生态学、生物地球化学乃至地球系统科学的发展。 展开更多
关键词 高光谱激光雷达 三维生物物理化学生态测量学 叶绿素含量 光合有效辐射分量 氮含量
高校化学类专业开展新工科建设的建议 被引量:36
作者 张树永 朱亚先 +3 位作者 霍冀川 宋丽娟 徐华龙 郑兰荪 《大学化学》 CAS 2020年第10期6-10,共5页
概述了"新工科"的专业特征和人才培养特点。论述了以化学为基础开展"新工科"建设的必要性。介绍了化学类专业开展"新工科"建设的基本思路和化学类专业教学指导委员会开展教育部"新工科"研究与... 概述了"新工科"的专业特征和人才培养特点。论述了以化学为基础开展"新工科"建设的必要性。介绍了化学类专业开展"新工科"建设的基本思路和化学类专业教学指导委员会开展教育部"新工科"研究与实践项目的研究进展。重点介绍了"化学测量学与技术""智慧分子工程"两个基于化学的新工科专业的建设思路和对"能源化学"专业进行"新工科"改造的方法。对化学类专业开展"新工科"改造和建设具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 化学类专业 化学测量学与技术 智慧分子工程 能源化学
阿司匹林合成过程在线分析实验教学实践 被引量:1
作者 姚志湘 马鑫 +2 位作者 张景清 苏誉婷 粟晖 《大学化学》 CAS 2022年第12期127-135,共9页
针对阿司匹林合成过程在线分析实验内容,采用基于子空间角度转换的化学计量学方法,通过求取反应体系拉曼光谱响应与阿司匹林对照品光谱的角度值,实现阿司匹林合成产物的无损定量分析和反应过程趋势跟踪。通过在教学中引入过程分析技术(P... 针对阿司匹林合成过程在线分析实验内容,采用基于子空间角度转换的化学计量学方法,通过求取反应体系拉曼光谱响应与阿司匹林对照品光谱的角度值,实现阿司匹林合成产物的无损定量分析和反应过程趋势跟踪。通过在教学中引入过程分析技术(PAT)的观念和教师科研成果,实施实验教学改革,让学生对新技术产生直接认识,拓宽了学生的视野,提高了学生的学习兴趣、综合素质和创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 阿司匹林 过程分析技术 新工科 化学测量学与技术
Electrochemical behavior of mesh and plate oxide coated anodes during zinc electrowinning 被引量:2
作者 张伟 Michael ROBICHAUD +1 位作者 Edward GHALI Georges HOULACHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期589-598,共10页
The catalytic performance of two oxides coated anodes (OCSs) meshes and one OCA plate was investigated in a zinc electrowinning electrolyte at 38 ℃. Their electrochemical behaviors were compared with that of a conv... The catalytic performance of two oxides coated anodes (OCSs) meshes and one OCA plate was investigated in a zinc electrowinning electrolyte at 38 ℃. Their electrochemical behaviors were compared with that of a conventional Pb-0.7%Ag alloy anode. Electrochemical measurements such as cyclic voltammetric, galvanostatic, potentiodynamic, open-circuit potential (OCP) and in situ electrochemical noise measurements were considered. After 2 h of OCP test, the linear polarization shows that the corrosion current density of the Ti/(IrO2-Ta2O5) mesh electrode is the lowest (3.37μA/cm^2) among the three OCAs and shows excellent performance. Additionally, after 24 h of galvanostatic polarization at 50 mA/cm^2and 38 ℃, the Ti/MnO2mesh anode has the highest potential (1.799 V), followed by the Ti/(IrO2-Ta2O5) plate (1.775 V) and Ti/(IrO2-Ta2O5) mesh (1.705 V) anodes. After 24 h of galvanostatic polarization followed by 16 h of decay, the linear polarization method confirms the sequence obtained after 2 h of OCP test, and the Ti/(IrO2-Ta2O5) mesh attains the lowest corrosion current density. The Ti/(IrO2-Ta2O5) mesh anode also shows better performance after 24 h of galvanostatic polarization with the overpotential lower than that of the conventional Pb-Ag anode by about 245 mV. 展开更多
关键词 oxides coated anode MESH PLATE electrochemical measurement electrochemical behavior
Corrosion behavior of Mg-Al-Pb and Mg-Al-Pb-Zn-Mn alloys in 3.5% NaCl solution 被引量:7
作者 王乃光 王日初 +2 位作者 彭超群 冯艳 张翔宇 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1936-1943,共8页
Mg-6%Al-5%Pb and Mg-6%Al-5%Pb-0.55%Zn-0.22%Mn(mass fraction) alloys were prepared by induction melting with the protection of argon.The corrosion behaviors of these alloys were studied by electrochemical measurements ... Mg-6%Al-5%Pb and Mg-6%Al-5%Pb-0.55%Zn-0.22%Mn(mass fraction) alloys were prepared by induction melting with the protection of argon.The corrosion behaviors of these alloys were studied by electrochemical measurements and immersion tests.The results show that at the corrosion onset of Mg-Al-Pb anode there is an incubation period that can be shortened with 0.55%Zn and 0.22%Mn additions in the magnesium matrix.The corrosion rate of Mg-Al-Pb anode is mainly determined by the incubation period.Short incubation period always leads to high corrosion rate while long incubation period leads to low corrosion rate.The corrosion rates based on the corrosion current density by the electrochemical measurements do not agree with the measurements evaluated from the evolved hydrogen volume. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium anode AP65 Mg alloy corrosion resistance hydrogen evolution ELECTROCHEMISTRY
2,3,5-Triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium Chloride and 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine on the Corrosion of Mild Steel in HCl 被引量:2
作者 庞雪辉 侯保荣 +2 位作者 李伟华 刘法谦 于志刚 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期909-915,共7页
Electrochemical measurement, quantum chemical method, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to investigate the inhibitive effect of 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and 2,4,6-tri(2-py... Electrochemical measurement, quantum chemical method, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to investigate the inhibitive effect of 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl) -s-triazine(TPT) on the corrosion of mild steel in lmol.L^-1 HCl at room temperature. Impedance spectroscopy measurement showed that the polarization resistance increased and that double layer capacitance decreased with the increase in the inhibitive concentration, and the results of potentiodynamic polarization showed that the inhibitors suppressed both cathodic and anodic processes of steel corrosion without change in the mecha-nism. Higher the orbital density distribution strength of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, higher is the molecule dipole, and lower energy gap between the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital resulted in higher inhibitory efficiency. The results of SEM analysis showed that the metal-was protected from aggressive corrosion by the addition of TTC and TPT. 展开更多
关键词 corrosion inhibition quantum chemistry electrochemical measurement scanning electron microscopy
Effects of trace element and purification on properties of AZ80 magnesium allo 被引量:2
作者 李应举 罗天骄 杨院生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期407-410,共4页
The effects of trace element Fe on the corrosion behavior of AZ80 magnesium alloy were investigated by salt spray test and electrochemical measurements.The results show that the corrosion rate decreases with decreasin... The effects of trace element Fe on the corrosion behavior of AZ80 magnesium alloy were investigated by salt spray test and electrochemical measurements.The results show that the corrosion rate decreases with decreasing the trace element Fe content in an approximately linear relation even though the amount of trace element Fe reduces to 0.000 2%(mass fraction).The electrochemical measurements show that the corrosion potential(φcorr)of the alloy with lower trace element Fe content shifts to less negative value.It is suggested that the control trace element by purification is an effective way to enhance the corrosion resistance of AZ80 magnesium alloy. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy PURIFICATION corrosion rate trace element
The chemical constituents from red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harv. 被引量:1
作者 袁兆慧 韩丽君 +4 位作者 苏华 史大永 孙杰 李帅 石建功 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期190-192,共3页
Eight compounds were isolated from red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harv. In normal phase silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 gel column chromatography, reverse phase HPLC, and recrystallization. Based on MS and ID NMR spe... Eight compounds were isolated from red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harv. In normal phase silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 gel column chromatography, reverse phase HPLC, and recrystallization. Based on MS and ID NMR spectroscopic data, their structures were determined as: stigmast-4-en-3-one (Ⅰ), cholest-4-en-3-one (Ⅱ), cholesterol (m), uracil (Ⅳ), uridine (V), adenosine (Ⅵ), succinic acid (Ⅶ), and 5-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-pentyl-2,5-dihydro-furan-2-on (Ⅷ). All of them were obtained from this species for the first time. Cytotoxicity of these compounds was screened using standard MTT method, but all the compounds were inactive (IC50 〉 10 μg/ml). 展开更多
关键词 red algae Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harv. chemical constituents MTT assay
Synthesis of Li_2Fe_(0.9)Mn_(0.1)SiO_4/C composites using glucose as carbon source 被引量:1
作者 彭春丽 张佳峰 +1 位作者 曹璇 张宝 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期504-508,共5页
Li2Fe0.9Mn0.1SiO4/C composites were synthesized by using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) glucose as carbon source. The samples were characterized by and electrochemical measurements.... Li2Fe0.9Mn0.1SiO4/C composites were synthesized by using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) glucose as carbon source. The samples were characterized by and electrochemical measurements. All Li2Fe0.9Mn0.1SiO4/C composites are of the similar crystal structure. With increasing the carbon content in the range of 5%-20% (mass fraction), the diffraction peaks in XRD patterns broaden and the particle sizes and the tap density of samples decrease. The Li2Fe0.9Mn0.1SiO4/C composites with carbon content of 14.12% show excellent electrochemical performances with an initial discharge capacity of 154.7 mA.h/g at C/16 rate, and the capacity retention remains 92.2% after 30 cycles. 展开更多
关键词 lithium ion batteries CATHODE lithium iron orthosilicate carbon coating
Control-oriented dynamic fuzzy model and predictive control for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack 被引量:1
作者 李曦 邓忠华 +2 位作者 曹广益 朱新坚 卫东 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期722-725,共4页
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack temperature and cathode stoichiometric oxygen are very important control parameters. The performance and lifespan of PEMFC stack are greatly dependent on the parameters... Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack temperature and cathode stoichiometric oxygen are very important control parameters. The performance and lifespan of PEMFC stack are greatly dependent on the parameters. So, in order to improve the performance index, tight control of two parameters within a given range and reducing their fluctuation are indispensable. However, control-oriented models and control strategies are very weak junctures in the PEMFC development. A predictive control algorithm was presented based on their model established by input-output data and operating experiences. It adjusts the operating temperature to 80 ℃. At the same time, the optimized region of stoichiometric oxygen is kept between 1.8?2.2. Furthermore, the control algorithm adjusts the variants quickly to the destination value and makes the fluctuation of the variants the least. According to the test results, compared with traditional fuzzy and PID controllers, the designed controller shows much better performance. 展开更多
关键词 proton exchange membrane fuel cell nonlinear predictive control TEMPERATURE stoichiometric oxygen
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Amorphous LiMoS2 as a High Capacity Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries
作者 Shuijin Yang Jutang Sun 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第6期44-45,共2页
The LiMoS: anode material for lithium ion rechargeable batteries were synthesized by a hydrothermal method at 150 ℃. According to our measurements with X-ray diffraction, LiMoS2 was amorphous structure. Electrochemi... The LiMoS: anode material for lithium ion rechargeable batteries were synthesized by a hydrothermal method at 150 ℃. According to our measurements with X-ray diffraction, LiMoS2 was amorphous structure. Electrochemical measurements results showed that LiMoS2 exhibited large lithium storage capacities. 展开更多
关键词 LiMoS2 lithium ion batteries hydrothermal synthesis.
Limnological instrumentation in the middle of the 19^(th) century:the first temperature and density profiles measured in the Dead Sea
作者 Aharon OREN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1496-1504,共9页
The first modem survey of the Dead Sea was performed by the Geological Survey of Israel in 1959-1960, and the report published remains the baseline study for our understanding of the physical and chemical properties o... The first modem survey of the Dead Sea was performed by the Geological Survey of Israel in 1959-1960, and the report published remains the baseline study for our understanding of the physical and chemical properties of the lake. At the time the Dead Sea was a meromictic lake with a strong salinity gradient separating the deep waters (〉40 m depth) from the less saline surface waters. A few results of analyses of deeper water samples collected in the 1930s were reported, but overall we have very little information about the structure of the lake's water column before the 1959-1960 survey. However, it is little known that data on the physical and the chemical structure of the Dead Sea water column were obtained already in the middle of the 19~ century, and the information collected then is highly relevant for the reconstruction of the limnological properties of the lake in earlier times. The expedition of Lieutenant William Lynch (U.S. Navy) in 1848 reported the presence of a temperature minimum at a depth of-18 m, and also retrieved a water sample collected close to the bottom for chemical analysis. In 1864, the French Dead Sea exploration by the Duc de Luynes and his crew yielded detailed density and salinity profiles for a number of sampling stations. The results of these pioneering studies are discussed here, as well as the sampling equipment and measuring instruments used by the 1848 and the 1864 expeditions. 展开更多
关键词 Dead Sea STRATIFICATION research history sampling equipment self-registering thermometer
Chemometrics-assisted excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy for simultaneous determination of ethoxyquin and tert-butylhydroquinone in biological fluid samples 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Yao WU HaiLong +4 位作者 WANG JianYao ZHANG XiaoHua LI Yong ZHANG ShuRong YU Ru-Qin 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期664-671,共8页
A novel method applying simple, rapid, effective and inexpensive excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with second-order calibration method for simultaneous determination of ethoxyquin ... A novel method applying simple, rapid, effective and inexpensive excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with second-order calibration method for simultaneous determination of ethoxyquin (EQ) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) contents in biological fluid samples was developed. After a simple data preprocessing that was to insert zeros below the first-order Rayleigh scattering, the second-order calibration method based on the alternating normalization-weighed error (ANWE) algorithm was used to deal with EEM data. Via the introduced "second-order advantage", the individual con- centrations of the analytes of interest could be obtained even in the presence of uncalibrated interferences. The experimental concentration ranges for the analytes were as follows: EQ, from 4.58 to 20.6 p.g mL-1 in plasma and from 6.87 to 20.6 gg mL-1 in urine; TBHQ, from 4.49 to 20.2 ~tg mL-1 in plasma and from 6.73 to 22.4 I.tg mL-l in urine. The recoveries from spiked bi- ological fluid samples were in the ranges of 92.8%-106.2% for EQ and 94.6%-107.2% for TBHQ. These results demonstrate that the three-dimensional EEM fluorescence with second-order calibration method is a powerful tool for obtaining both EQ and TBHQ quantitative results in plasma and urine samples, and could be applied to more complex matrices. 展开更多
关键词 ethoxyquin TERT-BUTYLHYDROQUINONE biological fluid samples fluorescence alternating normalization-weighed error
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