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化学灌溉——灌溉系统的新用途 被引量:2
作者 程海富 《山西农机》 2000年第1期18-18,共1页
灌溉系统通常被用于作物的需水灌溉,然而人们在实践中发现,利用它还可以防尘、防冻、降温、废水利用和化学灌溉等。其中用于化学灌溉可大大提高灌溉系统的经济效益。化学灌溉就是将化学物质注入灌溉系统的水流中进行灌溉的过程。一些发... 灌溉系统通常被用于作物的需水灌溉,然而人们在实践中发现,利用它还可以防尘、防冻、降温、废水利用和化学灌溉等。其中用于化学灌溉可大大提高灌溉系统的经济效益。化学灌溉就是将化学物质注入灌溉系统的水流中进行灌溉的过程。一些发达国家已普遍利用灌溉系统,尤其是利... 展开更多
关键词 化学灌溉 性能 优点 灌溉系统
作者 Eise.,DE 杨淑仪 《水利电力科技》 1992年第F01期97-103,共7页
关键词 化学灌溉 喷灌 水源 污染 预防
《河北农业》 1996年第3期27-27,共1页
化学灌溉化学灌溉是指在现有的灌溉系统中附加一些简便的设置以及技术上的适当改动,把化肥和农药的使用结合到灌溉系统上去,通过灌溉来施用化肥和农药。由于这种方法的针对性很强,因此化肥和农药的使用量明显少于传统的施用方法,而... 化学灌溉化学灌溉是指在现有的灌溉系统中附加一些简便的设置以及技术上的适当改动,把化肥和农药的使用结合到灌溉系统上去,通过灌溉来施用化肥和农药。由于这种方法的针对性很强,因此化肥和农药的使用量明显少于传统的施用方法,而效果则更佳,同时又省去了单独施用化... 展开更多
关键词 化学灌溉 灌溉系统 滴灌管 土质的稳定 施用化肥 农药 灌溉方法 除草剂 节约用水 施用方法
作者 刘燕妮 肖卫华 +2 位作者 张杰 张翠萍 刘行海 《湖南水利水电》 2024年第4期53-55,60,共4页
通过研究双氧水(H_(2)O_(2))化学增氧灌溉对超级稻生长发育和产量的影响规律,为超级稻的化学增氧灌溉栽培模式提供参考。以杂交稻深优9586为材料,根据H_(2)O_(2)浓度不同,设置1mL/L(C1)、2 mL/L(C2)、3mL/L(C3)3个双氧水增氧灌溉与常规... 通过研究双氧水(H_(2)O_(2))化学增氧灌溉对超级稻生长发育和产量的影响规律,为超级稻的化学增氧灌溉栽培模式提供参考。以杂交稻深优9586为材料,根据H_(2)O_(2)浓度不同,设置1mL/L(C1)、2 mL/L(C2)、3mL/L(C3)3个双氧水增氧灌溉与常规灌溉为对照处理(CK)进行田间微区试验。分蘖期和孕穗期,双氧水增氧灌溉处理组的根干重规律C2>C1>C3>CK;结实率规律C1>C2>C3>CK;产量规律C2>C1>C3>CK,其中C2处理产量提高了16%。研究发现双氧水化学增氧灌溉有利于促进超级稻的根系生长,提高根系的活性,促进早生快发,促进光合作用,提高产量。 展开更多
关键词 超级稻 双氧水 化学增氧灌溉 根系 产量
砾石层防渗固结帷幕的化学渗透灌浆 被引量:1
作者 程鉴基 程鉴添 程文汉 《建筑技术》 北大核心 1999年第2期93-94,共2页
分散土石广泛地分布在地壳表面,其性质随形成过程和自然环境的不同存在差异。因此,工程建设中必须密切结合土石的实际性质进行设计和施工。由于土石的成因不同,其性质也各有差异,因此土石的分布、性质及其应力状态是土力学的重要内... 分散土石广泛地分布在地壳表面,其性质随形成过程和自然环境的不同存在差异。因此,工程建设中必须密切结合土石的实际性质进行设计和施工。由于土石的成因不同,其性质也各有差异,因此土石的分布、性质及其应力状态是土力学的重要内容,也是实施灌浆时应研究的问题。1... 展开更多
关键词 砾石层 防渗固结帷幕 化学灌溉 渗透 灌浆 基础
作者 熊政勇 《交通科技与管理》 2021年第25期195-195,194,共2页
山区公路路面由于大量的车辆行驶和超载问题导致容易对路基造成一定程度的损伤,因此政府和工程队伍需要对山区公路路基养护给予足够的重视,定期进行维护从而提高公路质量,保障人们安全出行。化学灌浆是一种效果显著的治理方式,本文以X23... 山区公路路面由于大量的车辆行驶和超载问题导致容易对路基造成一定程度的损伤,因此政府和工程队伍需要对山区公路路基养护给予足够的重视,定期进行维护从而提高公路质量,保障人们安全出行。化学灌浆是一种效果显著的治理方式,本文以X235玉马线路面沉陷问题为案例进行分析,提出化学灌浆发挥的有效作用。 展开更多
关键词 公路混凝土 路面养护 化学灌溉
农业“两区”土地质量地球化学综合研究与评价——以金华市孝顺、澧浦镇为例 被引量:2
作者 何钰 王利斌 +1 位作者 钱俊锋 何浩磊 《科技通报》 2021年第5期13-21,共9页
通过对金华市孝顺、澧浦两镇农业"两区"土地质量地球化学综合调查研究,发现该区土壤养分单指标含量丰度不一,差异较大,特别是大量元素N、P存在不同程度的缺乏,尤其N元素缺乏明显;区内土壤环境质量较好,无中度污染和重度污染土... 通过对金华市孝顺、澧浦两镇农业"两区"土地质量地球化学综合调查研究,发现该区土壤养分单指标含量丰度不一,差异较大,特别是大量元素N、P存在不同程度的缺乏,尤其N元素缺乏明显;区内土壤环境质量较好,无中度污染和重度污染土地,建议后期对Cd元素轻微污染和轻度污染的土地进一步开展周围环境、农产品等跟踪调查,查明原因;土壤质量地球化学综合等级以二等(良好)、三等(中等)为主,极少分布四等(差等)土地;灌溉水环境地球化学等级为一等;大气干湿沉降物环境地球化学等级为一等;今后,建议加强土地保护,科学规划,安全利用好土地资源。 展开更多
关键词 土地质量 土壤养分评价 土壤环境评价 灌溉水环境地球化学等级 大气干湿沉降物环境地球化学等级 孝顺、澧浦镇
《农村百事通》 1996年第3期14-21,共8页
河北省大名县种植花生的历史悠久,种植面积一般在20万亩以上。因连年种植,花生的病害,虫害和鼠害较为严重,产量低而不稳,曾采取过多项措施,未能解决这一难题。近几年该县引进了北京农业大学的花生种衣剂拌种新技术,经过试验示范,效果非... 河北省大名县种植花生的历史悠久,种植面积一般在20万亩以上。因连年种植,花生的病害,虫害和鼠害较为严重,产量低而不稳,曾采取过多项措施,未能解决这一难题。近几年该县引进了北京农业大学的花生种衣剂拌种新技术,经过试验示范,效果非常显著。该技术拌种方法简便,群众容易接受。具体是在花生播种时,用花生种衣剂1公斤拌花生种子70—80公斤,就町有效地防治花生播种的鼠害(防鼠害率100%),苗期的病害(茎腐病防治率95%)、虫害(蚜虫防治率95%)。 展开更多
关键词 种衣剂 花生种子 杜仲叶 微生物肥料 化学灌溉 小麦节水高产 金钱草 产业化工程 柑桔皮 罗氏沼虾
Characteristics of produced water during coalbed methane (CBM) development and its feasibility as irrigation water in Jincheng, China 被引量:5
作者 Gui-Hong LI Sjursen Harold P 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第3期369-374,共6页
Water resources are scarce in Jincheng. Huge quantities of water are pumped out in the dewatering course, and the disposal of CBM water is one of the most important problems during the extracting of CBM. Based on the ... Water resources are scarce in Jincheng. Huge quantities of water are pumped out in the dewatering course, and the disposal of CBM water is one of the most important problems during the extracting of CBM. Based on the data of CBM water production, chemical characteristics, the irrigational conditions for major crops, and China irrigation water standard, the feasibility of CBM water as irrigation water is discussed. The result shows the CBM water quality doesn't fully meet irrigation water quality standards in Jincheng, its high salinity and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) in CBM water might affect crops growth and lead to yield loss, and can't be used as irrigation water directly, but with the treatment of the reverse osmosis (RO) to lower the salinity and SAR of CBM water, the CBM water can be used as irrigation water. 展开更多
关键词 CBM water irrigation water SALINITY sodium adsorption ratio
Quantity and Quality of Water in the River LermamLake Chapala Watershed, Mexico
作者 Martin L6pez-Hemandez M. Guadalupe Ramos-Espinosal +1 位作者 Manuel Guzmha-Arroyo Fidel Payin-Zelay1 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第11期1231-1242,共12页
Water overexploitation in the Lerma-Chapala Watershed, located in central Mexico, is linked to the development of a strong federal hydrocracy with the mission to capture as much water as possible in order to satisfy s... Water overexploitation in the Lerma-Chapala Watershed, located in central Mexico, is linked to the development of a strong federal hydrocracy with the mission to capture as much water as possible in order to satisfy social and political demands through the construction of dams and irrigation systems. The reduction in freshwater quantity and the deterioration of water quality are the outcome of industrial inflows, agriculture and urban untreated wastewater. This study has been leaded to determine hydrological, water quality, seed bioassays and the lake fisheries' decreases throughout its historical tendencies (1980-2004) in relation to changes in water levels. Hydrological data and water samples for chemical analysis, inorganic nutrients and seed bioassay, were taken from 10 sites alongside the river and two sites from Lake Chapala in years 2005 and 2009, the WQINsF (National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index) was estimated. The dissolved oxygen along the river was from anoxic (0.4) to 7 mg/L and the lake had 6.75 mg/L to 7.36 mg/L; the river had highest nutrients variations, Ntot and Ptot 1 mg/L to 〉 10 mg/L. The lake had few physicochemical variations and the lowest nutrient concentrations; WQINsF (water quality index) in the river-lake system showed very bad-bad quality and contamination in river, bad quality-light contamination in lake. Seed bioassays showed inhibition of root elongation and declining fisheries when low water levels were presented. Chapala Lake had better physicochemical and limnological conditions because of the wind action and water column mixing; in contrast the river, high hidrological variations caused by water administration in middle basin. 展开更多
关键词 Water overexploitation river control water quality index seed bioassays fisheries.
Avocado Nutritional Diagnosis (Persea americana Mill.) "Hass", Soil Fertility and Water Quality in Ocuituco, Morelos
作者 Hector Sotelo-Nava Oscar Gabriel Villegas-Torres +6 位作者 Martha Lilia Dominguez-Patint Elias Hernfindez Castro Agustin Damian Nava Antonio Rodrlguez-Martmez Carlos Manuel Acosta-Duran Maria Andrade-Rodriguez Iran Alia-Tej acal 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第11期1068-1073,共6页
Morelos is the fourth in area cultivated and production volume of avocado. Of the 13 municipalities where it is farmed, Ocuituco represents 43.51% and Tetela del Volain 27.53%. Despite being one of the main fruit spec... Morelos is the fourth in area cultivated and production volume of avocado. Of the 13 municipalities where it is farmed, Ocuituco represents 43.51% and Tetela del Volain 27.53%. Despite being one of the main fruit species in Morelos, no information related to the fertility of the soil where it is grown, the quality of water available for irrigation and nutritional status of this important fruit for the state. The study was conducted in the municipality of Ocuituco which identified three agro-habitats taking into account climate, landform, soil type and altitude. In each agro-habitat were carried out soil sampling to determine the physical and chemical characteristics based on the Mexican Official Standard NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000, the chemical quality of water for irrigation as described by Richards (1954) and crop nutrient status of avocado "Hass" according to the methodology described by Maldonado (2002). The soils had different physical and chemical characteristics, as well as the nutritional status of avocado trees in the three agro-habitats. The trees had excessive concentration of CI, Cu and Zn. Indices of optimal percentage deviation expressed different nutritional requirements. The water used for irrigation was of low salinity and sodium content, so it can be used without restrictions. 展开更多
关键词 Soil fertility water quality nutrients Hass.
Greywater Reuse Assessments on Different Soil Types in Baghdad City
作者 Dheyaa Wajid Abbood Seroor Atallah Khaleefa Ali Suha Anwer Ibrahim 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第3期183-188,共6页
he effects of greywater irrigation on four commonly used agricultural soils and models were studied. Sand, sandy loam, sandy clay and light clay soils were selected as common Iraq soils. Soil's chemical and physical ... he effects of greywater irrigation on four commonly used agricultural soils and models were studied. Sand, sandy loam, sandy clay and light clay soils were selected as common Iraq soils. Soil's chemical and physical properties under different irrigation regimes were daily measured during period extended from February 2011 to April 2012 in Baghdad city and plant growth was monitored. A lab scale models of four acrylic columns of 100 mm diameter and 750 mm height were designed and constructed in environmental hydraulic lab at Mustansiriya University and tests were run concurrently with the characterization study to assess the effect of soil depth and loading rate on treatment efficiency. Soil samples were carried out in a site that had been drained with greywater for over 14 months. Measurements of greywater and treated greywater had been achieved which contains BODs, COD, pH, EC, TDS, turbidity, CI+1, 504+2, NO3+1, Na+l, Ca+2, Mg+2, E coli and coliform. 展开更多
关键词 Greywater reuse soil contaminated SAND light clay sandy loam sandy clay.
Long-Term Effect of Industrial Waste Water Irrigation on Soil Chemical Properties
作者 Rafiqul Islam Golam Kibria Muhammad Mustafizur Rahman +1 位作者 Abu Raihan Muhammad Solaiman Abu Saleque 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第5期241-258,共18页
A laboratory experiment was conducted in Soil Science Division of BRRI during 2011 aimed to determine the vertical distribution of soil chemical properties under long-term industrial waste water irrigated rice field. ... A laboratory experiment was conducted in Soil Science Division of BRRI during 2011 aimed to determine the vertical distribution of soil chemical properties under long-term industrial waste water irrigated rice field. Waste water irrigated rice field seemed to create some differences in soil pH profile. The pHW and pHKCl in all soil depth was higher with waste water irrigated rice field. The surface charge of both the soils was considerably negative. Waste water irrigated rice field developed more negative charges in soils. Irrigation with waste water increased Electrical Conductivity (EC) in rice soils profile. The organic carbon content (%) started to decrease sharply with the increase in soil depth. Organic carbon content was higher with waste water irrigated rice soils Total nitrogen (%) was high with underground water irrigated rice soils in surface but at deeper, total N was similar in both soils. Olsen P (mg/kg) was higher with underground water irrigated soil at 0-5 cm depth but at 5-100 cm soils profile, it was higher with waste water irrigated rice soils. Micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni and Cr) in soils were increased significantly through irrigation with waste water in rice-rice cropping pattern. 展开更多
关键词 LONG-TERM soil chemical properties industrial waste rice.
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