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水厂排泥水处理的化学调质研究 被引量:9
作者 谢敏 施周 +1 位作者 杨园晶 李淑展 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期31-35,共5页
通过测量Zeta电位、界面沉降性能及比阻,对应用高分子絮凝剂、表面活性剂、石灰、酸和碱进行水厂排泥水的化学调质处理效果进行了研究.结果表明:有机高分子絮凝剂对污泥的调质效果明显优于无机絮凝剂,且调质效果随絮凝剂相对分子质量的... 通过测量Zeta电位、界面沉降性能及比阻,对应用高分子絮凝剂、表面活性剂、石灰、酸和碱进行水厂排泥水的化学调质处理效果进行了研究.结果表明:有机高分子絮凝剂对污泥的调质效果明显优于无机絮凝剂,且调质效果随絮凝剂相对分子质量的增大而加强;阳离子型表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)调质对污泥处理有促进作用而阴离子型表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)却有负面影响;投加石灰能有效地降低污泥比阻(SRF),但对污泥沉淀无明显改善且增加了泥饼干重;污泥的沉淀和脱水性能随pH值的降低而改善. 展开更多
关键词 污泥 化学调质 脱水 比阻
污泥化学调质二次脱水的实验优化 被引量:1
作者 靳钊 徐奎江 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期246-248,共3页
在大同某污水厂进行了污泥二次脱水的化学优化实验。通过正交实验分析,得到结论是应用FeCl3和生石灰、稳定剂、矿化剂等药剂进行污泥调质,调质效果主要受到泥浆酸碱度,泥浆浓度,脱水时间等因素影响。实验分析当中混合浆液的酸碱度对于... 在大同某污水厂进行了污泥二次脱水的化学优化实验。通过正交实验分析,得到结论是应用FeCl3和生石灰、稳定剂、矿化剂等药剂进行污泥调质,调质效果主要受到泥浆酸碱度,泥浆浓度,脱水时间等因素影响。实验分析当中混合浆液的酸碱度对于脱水性能影响最为显著,以调节浆液为碱性的效果好于浆液呈酸性条件。浆液的浓度对于脱水效果有负效应,高浓度的浆液脱水效果不佳。压榨脱水过程需要的时间相对固定。加入矿化剂能提高含固率,但是会造成一定的泥饼增量。根据以上的结论,优化药剂和反应时间,选用适当条件稳定运行时,脱水污泥的含水率能够降低到60%以下,泥饼无明显异味,可以保持稳定形态。能够达到减量和稳定的目的。 展开更多
关键词 脱水污泥 化学调质 污泥减量
污泥化学调质及深度脱水(上) 被引量:5
作者 董涛 钱秋兰 +2 位作者 胡芝娟 沈序辉 赵利卿 《水泥技术》 2013年第2期22-25,共4页
水泥窑协同处置污水厂污泥避免了其他方式处置不彻底、存在二次污染等问题,是一种高效的污泥处置手段。污泥入窑前的干化脱水过程需要消耗大量的热量和电能,导致成本偏高。采用化学调质及机械压滤的深度脱水方式,先将污泥含水率降到55%... 水泥窑协同处置污水厂污泥避免了其他方式处置不彻底、存在二次污染等问题,是一种高效的污泥处置手段。污泥入窑前的干化脱水过程需要消耗大量的热量和电能,导致成本偏高。采用化学调质及机械压滤的深度脱水方式,先将污泥含水率降到55%以下,避开污泥的粘滞区,再采用废烟气余热进行干化,则可显著降低污泥脱水的成本。本文概述了国内外污泥化学调质的研究进展,分析了污泥深度脱水和普通脱水的区别,以期为污泥化学调质和深度脱水方法的选择提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 污泥 化学调质 深度 脱水
作者 占鑫杰 吕冲 +1 位作者 桂书润 李振亚 《科学技术与工程》 2025年第5期2057-2065,共9页
市政污泥的排水固结特性与其水分赋存形式密切相关,然而目前对化学调质及固结作用后市政污泥水分转化规律的认识不足。结合土壤科学理论,采用离心机法测试不同类型市政污泥的土水势曲线,并根据土水势范围将市政污泥水分形式划分为结合... 市政污泥的排水固结特性与其水分赋存形式密切相关,然而目前对化学调质及固结作用后市政污泥水分转化规律的认识不足。结合土壤科学理论,采用离心机法测试不同类型市政污泥的土水势曲线,并根据土水势范围将市政污泥水分形式划分为结合水、毛细水和重力水。在此基础上比较原泥、固结试样、调质污泥试样中不同形式水分含量,分别揭示市政污泥在固结和化学调质作用下的水分转化规律。研究结果表明:污泥经10%氯化铁、10%氯化铝化学调质后,结合水含量降低70%~80%,自由水含量提升1倍。不同类型市政污泥在3.1 kPa固结压力作用下,基本只排出部分重力水,毛细水和结合水含量基本不变;在100 kPa固结压力作用下,重力水全部排干,毛细水明显减少,结合水小幅减少。 展开更多
关键词 市政污泥 化学调质 固结作用 水分形式 水分转化
污泥及秸秆生物质固体燃料制备中试工艺及燃烧特性 被引量:14
作者 赵培涛 葛仕福 +3 位作者 张长飞 李杨 闫伟伟 陈振乾 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期165-170,共6页
为实现污泥的无害化和资源化处置,该文利用处理量为24t/d的中试试验台,进行了化学调理剂添加比例、脱水时间、秸秆尺寸等工艺参数对污泥制备固体燃料性能影响的研究。结果表明:以Fe3+和Ca2+为调理剂,污泥及秸秆等生物质制备固体燃料最... 为实现污泥的无害化和资源化处置,该文利用处理量为24t/d的中试试验台,进行了化学调理剂添加比例、脱水时间、秸秆尺寸等工艺参数对污泥制备固体燃料性能影响的研究。结果表明:以Fe3+和Ca2+为调理剂,污泥及秸秆等生物质制备固体燃料最佳的铁钙比及燃料压滤最优时间分别为1∶4~1∶2和6h;化学调质法制备的污泥固体燃料存在一个脱水极限,在脱水压力为1.2MPa、秸秆或木屑添加质量比为10%时,污泥固体燃料的质量含水率最低为40%~50%;同等条件下,秸秆越长,燃料脱水性能越好;燃料着火点低,约500K,完全燃烧温度范围窄,燃烧性能好,可做替代燃料使用。该文研究成果对降低污泥处理成本、实现污泥的无害化、资源化处置具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆 污泥处理 燃烧特性 化学调质 固体燃料 成型参数
作者 任智翔 杨康 +4 位作者 李肽脂 迂晨 詹华 吴锋 李辉 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期47-51,共5页
通过超声波辅助溶液浸渍的方法,将K_(2)S_(2)O_(8)、Ca(ClO)_(2)、(NH_(4))_(4)Ce(SO_(4))_(4)及K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)等氧化剂分别浸渍在钙基吸收剂表面,形成具有氧化性的活性位点,即氧化位点,改善钙基吸收剂脱除NOx的效果。通过正交实验,... 通过超声波辅助溶液浸渍的方法,将K_(2)S_(2)O_(8)、Ca(ClO)_(2)、(NH_(4))_(4)Ce(SO_(4))_(4)及K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)等氧化剂分别浸渍在钙基吸收剂表面,形成具有氧化性的活性位点,即氧化位点,改善钙基吸收剂脱除NOx的效果。通过正交实验,在不同超声波功率、浸渍时间和浸渍温度下,按照一定掺杂比例,利用氧化剂对钙基吸收剂进行化学调质。将改性后钙基吸收剂在固定床反应器上进行了同时脱硫脱硝实验,选择污染物的平均脱除率作为评价指标。正交实验结果表明:以Ca(ClO)_(2)作为氧化剂进行超声波浸渍改性效果最好,最优改性工艺参数为氧化剂掺杂比例20%(质量分数,下同)、超声波功率100%、浸渍时间1.5 h、浸渍温度70℃。同时,基于晶相结构(XRD)分析和扫描电镜(SEM)显微形貌观测,可知超声波辅助氧化改性的方法能有效改善钙基吸收剂表面形貌,表面上形成了氧化位点,该氧化位点不仅能够增大吸收剂与SO2和NOx的接触,还能促进NO氧化为NO2,进一步提高SO2和NOx的脱除率。 展开更多
关键词 钙基吸收剂 超声波浸渍 氧化 脱硫脱硝 化学调质
油罐清洗与罐底泥处理技术研究及应用 被引量:8
作者 张维 《油气田环境保护》 CAS 2011年第6期18-21,80,共4页
文章介绍了一种自动清罐与罐底泥处理相结合的清罐洗泥一体化技术,采用真空抽吸及循环自动清洗的方法进行自动清罐,同时采用热化学调质及离心分离的方法,对清罐底泥进行处理。室内实验研究表明在工艺温度80℃、pH值为9~11、洗泥调质时... 文章介绍了一种自动清罐与罐底泥处理相结合的清罐洗泥一体化技术,采用真空抽吸及循环自动清洗的方法进行自动清罐,同时采用热化学调质及离心分离的方法,对清罐底泥进行处理。室内实验研究表明在工艺温度80℃、pH值为9~11、洗泥调质时间100~180min的情况下,清罐及罐底泥处理能达到最优效果,并优选出合适的化学药剂。同时介绍了该技术的实际应用情况,该技术可自动清洗油罐,且实现罐底泥的油、泥、水三相分离,回收95%的原油,污水可以100%回用于清罐工艺流程中。 展开更多
关键词 油罐 自动清洗 罐底泥 处理 化学调质 离心分离
油田含油污泥资源化处理技术及其应用 被引量:8
作者 张维 周声结 +1 位作者 汪维娟 郭金辉 《石油化工安全环保技术》 CAS 2011年第3期61-64,28,共4页
详细介绍各种油田含油污泥处理技术,并重点介绍采用化学调质与离心分离处理的工艺路线及应用实例。应用结果表明:通过对含油污泥进行化学调质与离心分离处理,处理后的污泥含油小于2%,含水小于60%,并可回收污泥中85%~95%的原油。具备良... 详细介绍各种油田含油污泥处理技术,并重点介绍采用化学调质与离心分离处理的工艺路线及应用实例。应用结果表明:通过对含油污泥进行化学调质与离心分离处理,处理后的污泥含油小于2%,含水小于60%,并可回收污泥中85%~95%的原油。具备良好的经济效益和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 含油污泥 化学调质 离心分离
Effects of Two Curing Methods on Quality of Yellow Sun-cured Tobacco 被引量:1
作者 王毅 兰应海 +6 位作者 杨光辉 谢丽华 柴家荣 李光西 屈生彬 张晨东 钱颖颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2097-2100,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of bamboo split curing method and steely barn curing method on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco, providing scientific references for optimization of curing technology of ... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of bamboo split curing method and steely barn curing method on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco, providing scientific references for optimization of curing technology of yellow sun-cured tobacco. [method] The tobaccos were divided into two groups treated with two methods and the related indices of treated tobaccos were then measured to evaluate effects of curing methods on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco. [Result] Tobaccos treated with two methods were all dominated by reddish yellow and yellow; exterior quality differed little. In detail, total sugar and reducing sugar in an average level in three locations were all higher with method A than those with method B, but nicotine and total N were lower; comprehensive chemical components in group with method B proved more appropriate with higher K. In addition, sensory qualities of leaves in moderate and bottom locations were better with method B compared with method A; sensory quality of top leaves was better; comprehensive sensory quality of leaves treated with method B proved better. On the other hand, cost for method A was 2.82 times of method B; the area of sun-curing field was 3.27 times and manage- ment work was 1.77 times, which indicated that method B is low-cost and time-saving, which would be a guarantee of tobacco quality. [Conclusion] The research provides scientific references for rational use of tobacco resources and optimization of sun-curing technology. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow-sun-cured tobacco Curing method Chemical component Sensory quality
Geochemical characteristics of soil selenium and evaluation of Serich land resources in the central area of Guiyang City,China 被引量:9
作者 Ziping Pan Shaolin He +3 位作者 Chaojin Li Wei Men Chengzhi Yan Fang Wang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期240-249,共10页
Based on the results of multipurpose regional geochemical surveys of the Guizhou Province, geochemical characteristics of soil Se and Se-rich land resources in the central area of Guiyang City were studied and evaluat... Based on the results of multipurpose regional geochemical surveys of the Guizhou Province, geochemical characteristics of soil Se and Se-rich land resources in the central area of Guiyang City were studied and evaluated.Major conclusions are as follows:(1) the Se content in surface soil of the central area of Guiyang City was 0.17–2.89 mg kg^(-1), and the average was 0.78 mg kg^(-1), which were respectively 2.6 and 3.9 times of the national background value of soil and the world background value of soil.The Se content in deep soil was 0.11–1.48 mg kg^(-1), and the average was 0.44 mg kg^(-1), which were respectively 1.5 and2.2 times of the national background value of soil and the world background value of soil. The soil Se content decreased with the increase in the soil depth on the vertical profile, and the surface soil had a higher Se content.(2)Distribution of Se content was mainly affected by parent material, physicochemical properties of soil and other components, soil type, and land use type. Parent material played a key role, as the soil Se content was mainly originated from parent rock and increased with the background value of Se in parent rock, physicochemical properties of soil and other components had certain influences upon the Se content. Se was shown to have a significant linear positive correlation with S and organic carbon but no significant correlation with p H value. Se content varied with different types of soil as follows: skeleton soil > yellow soil > paddy soil > limestone soil > purple soil. Land use type also hadcertain influences upon the soil Se content as follows: dry land > construction land > garden plot > grassland =garden plot > forest land.(3) Taking 0.4 mg kg^(-1)B x(Se) <3.0 mg kg^(-1) as the standard for Se-rich soil, Se-rich soil of the study area covered an area of 2224 km^2 and 92.5% of the total area; the remaining is general soil. The study area had no Se-excess soil. Therefore, the central area of Guiyang City has a high proportion of Se-rich land, a large area of Serich land resources, and a moderate selenium enrichment strength, which have been rarely seen anywhere and provide advantageous resources for the development of Se-rich featured agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Central area of Guiyang SOILS SELENIUM Geochemical characteristics Evaluation of Se-rich landresource
Limnological instrumentation in the middle of the 19^(th) century:the first temperature and density profiles measured in the Dead Sea
作者 Aharon OREN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1496-1504,共9页
The first modem survey of the Dead Sea was performed by the Geological Survey of Israel in 1959-1960, and the report published remains the baseline study for our understanding of the physical and chemical properties o... The first modem survey of the Dead Sea was performed by the Geological Survey of Israel in 1959-1960, and the report published remains the baseline study for our understanding of the physical and chemical properties of the lake. At the time the Dead Sea was a meromictic lake with a strong salinity gradient separating the deep waters (〉40 m depth) from the less saline surface waters. A few results of analyses of deeper water samples collected in the 1930s were reported, but overall we have very little information about the structure of the lake's water column before the 1959-1960 survey. However, it is little known that data on the physical and the chemical structure of the Dead Sea water column were obtained already in the middle of the 19~ century, and the information collected then is highly relevant for the reconstruction of the limnological properties of the lake in earlier times. The expedition of Lieutenant William Lynch (U.S. Navy) in 1848 reported the presence of a temperature minimum at a depth of-18 m, and also retrieved a water sample collected close to the bottom for chemical analysis. In 1864, the French Dead Sea exploration by the Duc de Luynes and his crew yielded detailed density and salinity profiles for a number of sampling stations. The results of these pioneering studies are discussed here, as well as the sampling equipment and measuring instruments used by the 1848 and the 1864 expeditions. 展开更多
关键词 Dead Sea STRATIFICATION research history sampling equipment self-registering thermometer
Biotransformation of Ternary Mixture of Organic Industrial Waste into Poultry Feed
作者 Lakhal Dounia Bahlaouan Bouchaib +5 位作者 Boutaleb Nadia Fathi Asmaa Taiek Taha Abouakil Nezha Lazar Said El Antri Said 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2018年第3期171-181,共11页
The objective of present study was to produce poultry feed with a best quality using ternary mixture of industrial wastes: fish industry waste, sugar industry waste (molasses) and yeast waste after 15 d biotransfor... The objective of present study was to produce poultry feed with a best quality using ternary mixture of industrial wastes: fish industry waste, sugar industry waste (molasses) and yeast waste after 15 d biotransformation using response surface methodology to design and analyze the experiment data. Changes in the nutritional quality and biochemical properties viz., pH, dry matter, conductivity, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, trimethylamine, protein, fat, carbohydrate, histamine, aflatoxins and minerals were evaluated during a biotransformation period of 15 d. The experimental findings revealed that the formulation including 50% of fish waste, 12.5% of molasses and 37.50% of yeast waste were found to be best quality poultry waste. It was characterized as odorless, with a stable pH, rich in protein, fat and carbohydrate as well as no alterations of bacteria and absence aflatoxins from the fifth day on ward. The nutritional value of the developed poultry fees was studied on a population of broiler chickens by incorporating with barley flour and eggshell. The product possesses a better nutritional quality comparable to commercially feed. 展开更多
关键词 Fish waste ternary mixture BIOTRANSFORMATION poultry feed response surface
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