有害植物治理是生态学面临的重要难题.为控制危害广州市龙眼洞林场的大型木质藤本金钟藤(Merremia boisiana van Ooststr),本研究进行了治理技术的探索.通过比较大面积化学除莠、人工清除和隔离带式化学控制3种方法对金钟藤及环境的影响...有害植物治理是生态学面临的重要难题.为控制危害广州市龙眼洞林场的大型木质藤本金钟藤(Merremia boisiana van Ooststr),本研究进行了治理技术的探索.通过比较大面积化学除莠、人工清除和隔离带式化学控制3种方法对金钟藤及环境的影响,阐明了各种方法的利与弊.大面积化学除莠和人工清除虽能清除金钟藤,但都造成了地表长期大面积裸露,从而引起严重的水土流失,同时前者还引起环境污染.隔离带式化学控制既能在较长时期内有效遏制金钟藤的扩散,为林地由外到内恢复创造条件,又避免了水土流失.隔离带式化学控制试用了斩荒(草甘膦-乙羧氟草醚混剂)、国产草甘膦、农达、2-甲-4-氯4种农药,综合控制效果以斩荒最优,有效控制时间180 d以上,第180 d对地上部分、绿枝条和老茎鲜重的抑制率分别为85.8%、99.7%和70.0%,明显高于单一使用草甘膦.国产草甘膦与进口农达无显著差异.金钟藤老茎占地上部分近一半的鲜重,老茎受抑制率低、抗药性强,是金钟藤抗除草剂能力强的主要原因.展开更多
Laser ablated boron atoms have been reacted with hydrogen sulfide and the reaction products condensed with argon at 4 K, which gave BS2, BS2-, HSBS, and HBS molecules. Reagent isotopic substitution (H2S, H234S, D2S, ...Laser ablated boron atoms have been reacted with hydrogen sulfide and the reaction products condensed with argon at 4 K, which gave BS2, BS2-, HSBS, and HBS molecules. Reagent isotopic substitution (H2S, H234S, D2S, 10 B, 11B) and variation of boron and hydrogen sulfide concentrations have been used to identify the major products. Both BS2-- and BS2 were identified as linear molecules with no significant difference in the structure parameters, but the B-S anti-symmetric stretching vibration of BS2 is significantly lower than that of BS2-, which is ascribed to pseudo Jahn-Teller effect. Theoretical calculation was employed to have an insight into the interaction nature of the bonds in the corresponding products.展开更多
文摘Laser ablated boron atoms have been reacted with hydrogen sulfide and the reaction products condensed with argon at 4 K, which gave BS2, BS2-, HSBS, and HBS molecules. Reagent isotopic substitution (H2S, H234S, D2S, 10 B, 11B) and variation of boron and hydrogen sulfide concentrations have been used to identify the major products. Both BS2-- and BS2 were identified as linear molecules with no significant difference in the structure parameters, but the B-S anti-symmetric stretching vibration of BS2 is significantly lower than that of BS2-, which is ascribed to pseudo Jahn-Teller effect. Theoretical calculation was employed to have an insight into the interaction nature of the bonds in the corresponding products.