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作者 董洁 《当代石油石化》 CAS 2023年第8期32-36,共5页
炼油向烯烃、芳烃等化工原料转型成为趋势,然而现存炼厂转型面临着新建大型炼化一体化项目的激烈竞争,需结合市场环境和发展需求,对工艺技术路线进行详细测算、比选并最终确定,以提高市场适应能力,更好应对市场竞争。文章以某炼厂化工... 炼油向烯烃、芳烃等化工原料转型成为趋势,然而现存炼厂转型面临着新建大型炼化一体化项目的激烈竞争,需结合市场环境和发展需求,对工艺技术路线进行详细测算、比选并最终确定,以提高市场适应能力,更好应对市场竞争。文章以某炼厂化工转型改造为例,以120万吨/年乙烯炼化一体化项目为目标,探讨渣油、蜡油、柴油加工方案的合理选择,为炼厂化工转型提供路线参考。 展开更多
关键词 化工转型 技术路线 方案比选
典型炼厂化工转型发展方案研究 被引量:9
作者 叶霖 《当代石油石化》 CAS 2018年第11期25-32,共8页
对我国炼化产业发展现状及趋势进行了分析,认为未来石油将更多用于生产化工原料,中型燃料型炼厂向化工转型发展成为合理选择。利用Aspen PIMS软件模拟典型炼厂生产流程,分别以重油裂解多产低碳烯烃和芳烃的增强型催化裂解技术(DCC–PLUS... 对我国炼化产业发展现状及趋势进行了分析,认为未来石油将更多用于生产化工原料,中型燃料型炼厂向化工转型发展成为合理选择。利用Aspen PIMS软件模拟典型炼厂生产流程,分别以重油裂解多产低碳烯烃和芳烃的增强型催化裂解技术(DCC–PLUS)和催化热裂解技术(CPP)为核心,探讨中型燃料型炼厂向化工转型发展方案的效果。测算结果显示,成品油产量明显减少,化工产品产量明显提升,同时效益指标也有所升高。但相比而言,两方案中,认为DCC–PLUS方案的可实施性较强,较为适合A炼厂。 展开更多
关键词 化工转型 增强型催化裂解技术 催化热裂解技术 静态效益
作者 丁欣茹 胡永红 《科技资讯》 2019年第22期248-248,250,共2页
在"263""四个一批"等专项行动部署下,江苏化工行业开启了供给侧结构性改革进程,迎来了行业转型升级的历史时刻。该文以南京工业大学实施的南工行动作为切入点,探索了地方高校如何利用自身学科优势、通过创新体制机... 在"263""四个一批"等专项行动部署下,江苏化工行业开启了供给侧结构性改革进程,迎来了行业转型升级的历史时刻。该文以南京工业大学实施的南工行动作为切入点,探索了地方高校如何利用自身学科优势、通过创新体制机制、整合多方位力量,更高效地服务行业转型升级。 展开更多
关键词 供给侧结构性改革 化工转型发展 南工行动
作者 钱志刚 《上海化工》 CAS 2024年第4期44-47,共4页
探讨了合成生物学在化工行业转型中的关键作用。在政策支持和技术创新的双重驱动下,合成生物学为化工领域带来了广阔的应用前景。通过开发生物基材料和绿色燃料,该领域有效降低了能源消耗和环境影响,促进了产业的绿色转型。重点讨论了... 探讨了合成生物学在化工行业转型中的关键作用。在政策支持和技术创新的双重驱动下,合成生物学为化工领域带来了广阔的应用前景。通过开发生物基材料和绿色燃料,该领域有效降低了能源消耗和环境影响,促进了产业的绿色转型。重点讨论了生物基单体、高分子材料、绿色甲醇和绿氨等在化工行业中的应用,并指出了传统化工企业应采取的原料替代、技术创新、外部合作和人才培养等策略,以加速其转型进程。 展开更多
关键词 合成生物学 生物化工 化工行业转型 生物基材料 绿色燃料
山东化工安全生产转型升级背景下高职化工专业建设初探 被引量:2
作者 徐玉兰 范新亚 《山东化工》 CAS 2020年第12期135-136,共2页
山东省自2017年来开展化工产业安全生产转型升级专项行动。行动的开展离不开大量高素质基层技能型人才的支撑,离不开高等职业教育的全方位参与,一方面需对行业内从业人员开展培训提升他们的专业综合素质,另一方面为行业发展不断输送新... 山东省自2017年来开展化工产业安全生产转型升级专项行动。行动的开展离不开大量高素质基层技能型人才的支撑,离不开高等职业教育的全方位参与,一方面需对行业内从业人员开展培训提升他们的专业综合素质,另一方面为行业发展不断输送新鲜、高素质人才。本文从专业建设定位、培养目标人员建设、人才培养方案建设、课程体系建设、师资队伍建设、教学条件建设及教学管理机制建设七个方面展开探讨高职化工专业建设,以适应行业发展需求。 展开更多
关键词 化工安全生产转型升级 高职化工 专业建设 职业培训
以催化裂解和加氢裂化技术推动的炼厂转型方案研究 被引量:3
作者 史晓迪 解增忠 《当代石油石化》 CAS 2023年第1期50-55,共6页
面对炼油产能严重过剩的局势,炼油向烯烃、芳烃等基本化工原料转型已成为行业发展的必然趋势。针对某炼厂生产现状,从全厂总流程角度出发设计了该炼厂的化工转型方案,致力于解决炼厂蜡油不平衡及成品油过剩的问题,主要利用“加氢裂化+... 面对炼油产能严重过剩的局势,炼油向烯烃、芳烃等基本化工原料转型已成为行业发展的必然趋势。针对某炼厂生产现状,从全厂总流程角度出发设计了该炼厂的化工转型方案,致力于解决炼厂蜡油不平衡及成品油过剩的问题,主要利用“加氢裂化+催化裂解”组合工艺设计转型升级方案。转型升级后,原油加工总量增加了50 t/a,但与炼厂现状相比,成品油产量降低,高附加值化工产品产量增加,且汽柴油收率由57.75%降低至31.79%,而化工品由3.39%提高至24.11%。 展开更多
关键词 化工转型 加氢裂化 催化裂解 总流程 优化 化工 成品油
中国炼油转型化工现状及发展约束因素的思考 被引量:18
作者 王德亮 周志茂 +1 位作者 林梦蕾 李超 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期5854-5860,共7页
中国炼油行业总体产能过剩,受国家宏观调控、资源限制、经济发展需要等因素影响,炼油向化工转型已是大势所趋。本文从化工产能的供需两侧,对炼化相关限定因素,包括开工率、化工轻油收率、近远期石化产品需求、新建化工产能进行了详细梳... 中国炼油行业总体产能过剩,受国家宏观调控、资源限制、经济发展需要等因素影响,炼油向化工转型已是大势所趋。本文从化工产能的供需两侧,对炼化相关限定因素,包括开工率、化工轻油收率、近远期石化产品需求、新建化工产能进行了详细梳理核算。文章指出,中国炼油向化工转型近期受装置竞争力限制,远期受需求最大量约束。在现有开工率、新建计划等约束下,2025年炼厂平均化工轻油收率将提升至20.6%。随着,炼油化工产能的集中投建,化工原料供应能力快速提升,化工产能的容量天花板或在国家“十四五计划”期间提前到来。综合中国、美国、日本和韩国人均化工产品历史消费数据情况,文章预计我国化工轻油的最大年需求量为3.29亿吨,远期中国炼厂整体平均化工轻油收率在41%左右。 展开更多
关键词 炼油 炼油转型化工 化工轻油 化工产能 产能天花板
炼化副产稠环芳烃资源化工型利用的技术策略 被引量:4
作者 周建华 《化学反应工程与工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期368-374,共7页
近年来,我国的炼油、芳烃和烯烃产业正发生深刻的变化,炼油工业也从大量生产清洁燃料逐步转型为兼产基础化工原料.本工作分析了传统炼油型方案加工催化柴油(LCO)等劣质资源的技术现状,指出稠环芳烃资源化工型利用是助力传统炼厂向化工... 近年来,我国的炼油、芳烃和烯烃产业正发生深刻的变化,炼油工业也从大量生产清洁燃料逐步转型为兼产基础化工原料.本工作分析了传统炼油型方案加工催化柴油(LCO)等劣质资源的技术现状,指出稠环芳烃资源化工型利用是助力传统炼厂向化工转型和提质增效的有效途径,可低成本生产芳烃和烯烃等化工原料.在提出化工型转化方案必须满足的五项标准的基础上,重点讨论了可实现联合副产稠环芳烃资源化工型利用的催化剂和工艺技术策略.不同于炼油型加氢裂化催化剂,建议采用低空间指数沸石开发化工型加氢裂化催化剂,提高芳烃产品收率和纯度.为消除加氢精制过程生成的氨对沸石酸性中心的抑制作用,建议采用加氢精制-选择转化两段转化工艺方案.结合化工型加氢裂化催化剂和两段转化工艺方案,能够实现稠环芳烃资源的高效化工利用,轻质芳烃的质量收率大于45%,二甲苯纯度大于98.7%,碳九、碳十重芳烃满足芳烃装置进料要求,联产的饱和轻烃产品和乙烷满足蒸汽裂解装置进料要求. 展开更多
关键词 稠环芳烃 催化柴油 芳烃 化工转型 加氢裂化
中压加氢改质(MHUG)系列技术开发和应用 被引量:5
作者 李大东 任亮 《石油与天然气化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1-8,共8页
为了满足市场对优质清洁油品和化工原料的需要,中石化石油化工科学研究院有限公司开发了中压加氢改质(MHUG)系列技术。该技术在中等压力条件下,以催化柴油、直馏柴油、焦化汽柴油、减压轻馏分油或其混合油为原料,生产国Ⅵ标准的清洁柴... 为了满足市场对优质清洁油品和化工原料的需要,中石化石油化工科学研究院有限公司开发了中压加氢改质(MHUG)系列技术。该技术在中等压力条件下,以催化柴油、直馏柴油、焦化汽柴油、减压轻馏分油或其混合油为原料,生产国Ⅵ标准的清洁柴油产品、高芳潜重石脑油、3号喷气燃料和BMCI值低的优质尾油等多种石油产品。30年来,MHUG技术通过持续改进和应用,为国内柴油质量升级、油品结构调整、化工转型提供了有力的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 中压加氢改质 MHUG 柴油质量升级 结构调整 化工转型
宜昌市发展现状及市场机会 被引量:1
作者 罗志红 《中国市场》 2020年第7期25-27,40,共4页
宜昌市是湖北省副中心城市,著名的水电之都。文章从经济实力、发展战略、政府投资平台、规划、城市建设、农村工作、名企在宜昌市投资等方面介绍宜昌市的发展情况。保护修复长江生态环境和高质量发展是宜昌市近年来的两大重点。以化工... 宜昌市是湖北省副中心城市,著名的水电之都。文章从经济实力、发展战略、政府投资平台、规划、城市建设、农村工作、名企在宜昌市投资等方面介绍宜昌市的发展情况。保护修复长江生态环境和高质量发展是宜昌市近年来的两大重点。以化工行业为代表的传统优势行业进入转型升级攻坚期,新材料、生物医药、高端装备制造、新一代信息技术、节能环保与新能源等新型行业在加速培育和引入,这是宜昌市现状的主要特点。通过研究发现,目前宜昌的特殊市场机会有长江大保护、化工行业转型升级和创建国家级三峡康养试验区三项。根据宜昌市已出台的规划以及建设情况,宜昌市的市场机会还有公路建设、保障安居工程、花园城市建设、智慧农业、乡村振兴等。 展开更多
关键词 长江大保护 化工行业转型升级 三峡康养试验区 花园城市 乡村振兴
Positive Psychology in Staff Motivation
作者 Yuanxiao Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期1-3,共3页
Nowadays, China under the background of economic transition, the process of urbanization and industrialization is speeding up, people's living and working under increasing pressure. Meanwhile, due to various reasons,... Nowadays, China under the background of economic transition, the process of urbanization and industrialization is speeding up, people's living and working under increasing pressure. Meanwhile, due to various reasons, our enterprises have not yet fully out of the shadow of the economic crisis, the development of small and medium enterprises are facing various bottlenecks. In this study, incentive theory put forward a more systematic incentive policy from the perspective of positive psychology. On personal level, training employee's positive personality, inspiring their self-efficacy, providing multi-faceted training, all this can contribute to positive psychological capital. At the organizational level, by building a positive organizational culture and creating an organizational relationship full of love to contribute to good incentive effect. 展开更多
关键词 Positive Psychology ENTERPRISES Incentive mechanism.
Division and integration tendency of college students' political socialization
作者 Ping-Jing Qiu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期9-11,共3页
the political socialization of college students is the purpose of the individual to accept political culture in the historical, social, cultural and the specific interaction, formation of political attitude, the pract... the political socialization of college students is the purpose of the individual to accept political culture in the historical, social, cultural and the specific interaction, formation of political attitude, the practice process of shaping the political people. Our country is in the period of social transition, this period of transformation of political, economic and cultural construction of the China different from traditional political culture atmosphere, in the impact of the global political factors, college students' political psychology, political attitude and political behavior has undergone a series of changes. These changes impact on the existing college students' political socialization outcomes, so that students show the political and social highlights issues in the process of social transformation. In this case,we should only study the college students' optimization approach of political socialization carefully, improve the level of Chinese college students' political socialization, to ensure China' s social transition in a stable order smoothly, develop socialist political requirements of qualified university students, so as to make the socialism prosperous. 展开更多
关键词 college students political socialization division mad integration
Developing Secondary Industry to Drive China's Future Growth
作者 金碚 《China Economist》 2012年第4期4-19,共16页
Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents su... Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents such as the USSR's disintegration have played a significant role, the geographical shift of world industrialization has first and foremost been caused by the tipping of the balance of international economic and industrial development. China's rise has become a massive engine driving this Eastward transition. Due to its impressive rapidity, China's industrialization is often referred to as "compressed industrialization ": completion of a long journey in a very short period of time. Chinese industrialization also features many distinctive characteristics that contrast with those of many other countries. Currently, China is in a critical stage of industrial development, moving towards world-class advanced manufacturing. Industrialization is a historic period of economic and social restructuring that is often accompanied by various structural imbalances. It is essentially a process of civilization's progress. China's industrialization is in many ways consistent with Western industrial and technological development, but remains subject to the profound influence of Chinese civilization. China's industrialization features unique differences that are deeply rooted in its institutional systems. After 30years of brilliant achievements, reform of China's economic andpolitical systems has once again come into the spotlight of public attention. 展开更多
关键词 INDUSTRIALIZATION GLOBALIZATION global competition pattern China'sindustrial development.
The Collective Transformation of Labor Relations and Improvement of the Government's Labor Policy 被引量:2
作者 常凯 Feng Shize 《Social Sciences in China》 2014年第3期82-99,共18页
China is currently undergoing a transition from individual to collective labor relations. The enactment of the Labor Contract Law marks the initial completion of adjustments to individual labor relations in terms of l... China is currently undergoing a transition from individual to collective labor relations. The enactment of the Labor Contract Law marks the initial completion of adjustments to individual labor relations in terms of legal construction, as well as the starting point for the adjustment of collective labor relations. The construction and regulation of individual labor relations is not sufficient to resolve the conflict between labor and capital or to maintain industrial peace. In the shift toward collective labor relations there are two complementary forces and paths: the government-led top-down construction process, and the workers' spontaneous bottom-up mobilization. The shift from disputes over rights to disputes over interests is an important characteristic of the transition toward collective labor relations. Chinese labor policy urgently needs to be reconstructed and refined. Its content should include the guiding role of labor relations theory and choice of adjustment models, sound collective labor law, recognition of the collective rights of workers, handling of the relationship of labor's two forces, etc. 展开更多
关键词 labor relations transition to a collective system labor policy
The East Anglia Road:The Zigzag Path of the Transformation of a Traditional English Agricultural Area
作者 刘景华 崔洪健 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第1期110-129,共20页
East Anglia, in the east of England, is a relatively independent geographical unit. As a traditional agricultural area that was relatively developed in medieval times, it had distinctive economic and social features t... East Anglia, in the east of England, is a relatively independent geographical unit. As a traditional agricultural area that was relatively developed in medieval times, it had distinctive economic and social features that differed from those of typical feudal agricultural areas. In the process of Britain's transformation from an agricultural society into an industrial one, East Anglia, on the basis of its own resources, traditions and strengths, kept exploring directions for the economic development of the region, following a zigzag path of"traditional agriculture-→proto-industrialization→commercialized agriculture" and eventually finding the economic orientation that suited it. This process of the transformation of East Anglia reflects both the complexity of Britain's rise and the diversity of paths from agricultural to industrial society. 展开更多
关键词 ENGLAND East Anglia economic transformation AGRICULTURE proto-industrialization
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