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芦苇叶水提物的化感活性分析及潜在化感成分的筛选 被引量:4
作者 叶小齐 吴明 +1 位作者 邵学新 李长明 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期41-47,共7页
采用不同溶剂对芦苇〔Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud.〕叶片水提物进行萃取,并以小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)和萝卜(Raphanus sativus Linn.)种子为实验材料对不同萃取物的化感效应进行检测;采用薄层层析和柱层析对抑制... 采用不同溶剂对芦苇〔Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud.〕叶片水提物进行萃取,并以小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)和萝卜(Raphanus sativus Linn.)种子为实验材料对不同萃取物的化感效应进行检测;采用薄层层析和柱层析对抑制作用最强的正丁醇萃取物进行进一步分离,并采用GC-MS法对生物活性较高的组分进行组成成分分析;在此基础上,选择相对含量高并具有代表性的潜在化感成分进行生物活性检测,以期筛选出芦苇叶中的潜在化感成分。结果显示:随质量浓度(20、100和500 mg·L-1)提高,芦苇叶水提物的石油醚、二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水萃取物对小麦和萝卜种子萌发的抑制作用均逐渐增强,其中正丁醇萃取物的抑制作用最强。在正丁醇萃取物的11个组分中,Fr.5、Fr.6、Fr.7、Fr.9和Fr.10组分均能显著抑制萝卜或小麦幼苗的生长,经质量浓度500mg·L-1各组分处理液处理后萝卜或小麦幼苗的株高、根长及单株鲜质量均显著低于对照(P<0.05)。采用GC-MS法从Fr.5、Fr.6、Fr.7、Fr.9和Fr.10组分中分别鉴定出11、15、15、12和22种成分,分别占各组分总相对含量的83.02%、91.31%、87.36%、97.92%和94.34%,主要成分包括糖类、醇类、有机酸类、酮类、酰胺类和酯类。对14种潜在化感成分生物活性的检测结果显示这些成分对小麦幼苗生长有明显的抑制作用,其中,经质量浓度20mg·L-1油酸酰胺、棕榈酸甲酯、亚油酸、2-苯乙胺、2-甲基烯丙醇和4-羟基-3-甲氧基苦杏仁酸处理后,小麦幼苗的株高、根长及单株鲜质量显著低于对照。综合分析结果显示:芦苇叶水提物具有较强的化感活性,其潜在的化感成分为油酸酰胺、棕榈酸甲酯、亚油酸、2-苯乙胺、2-甲基烯丙醇和4-羟基-3-甲氧基苦杏仁酸。 展开更多
关键词 芦苇叶 水提物 化感成分 生物检测 GC-MS
南美天胡荽及其根际土壤水浸提液化感成分分析 被引量:2
作者 周旭 胡亚萍 +3 位作者 葛晓敏 陈水飞 马方舟 丁晖 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期1740-1754,共15页
为探讨南美天胡荽对其他植物种子萌发的影响以及筛选影响其他植物的主要化合物,该文采用种子萌发试验、气相色谱-质谱联用以及液相色谱-质谱联用的方法,分析了南美天胡荽不同溶剂浸提液对种子萌发的影响、南美天胡荽植株及其根际土壤浸... 为探讨南美天胡荽对其他植物种子萌发的影响以及筛选影响其他植物的主要化合物,该文采用种子萌发试验、气相色谱-质谱联用以及液相色谱-质谱联用的方法,分析了南美天胡荽不同溶剂浸提液对种子萌发的影响、南美天胡荽植株及其根际土壤浸提液成分。结果表明:(1)南美天胡荽不同溶剂浸提物均具有一定程度的抑制种子萌发作用。(2)气相色谱-质谱分析下,南美天胡荽植株水浸提液中共分离鉴定了35种化合物,其中,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(15.2%)、10,15-十八烷二元酸(8.58%)、2,4-二叔丁基苯酚(6.81%)相对含量最高;根际土壤水浸提液中共分离鉴定了17种化合物,其中,油酸酰胺(26.47%)、正二十七烷(9.63%)、十六酸乙酯(4.83%)相对含量最高。(3)液相色谱-质谱分析下,南美天胡荽植株水浸提液共分离鉴定了109种化合物,ESI+模式下,L-苯丙氨酸(3483.99 ng·mg^-1)、木犀草素(2306.64 ng·mg^-1)含量最多,ESI-模式下,右旋奎宁酸(21827.71 ng·mg^-1)、绿原酸(12589.25 ng·mg^-1)含量最多;根际土壤水浸提液中共分离鉴定了93种化合物,ESI^+模式下,丁酸(7660.53 ng·mg^-1)、棕榈酰胺(3200.36 ng·mg^-1)含量最多,ESI^-模式下,正二十八酸(18605.35 ng·mg^-1)、蔗糖(12183.23 ng·mg^-1)含量最多。(4)南美天胡荽的潜在化感物质主要为脂肪酸类、酰胺类、酯类、芳香酸类化合物,而土壤中直接起化感作用的物质可能为丁酸、正二十八酸、羟基乙酸、油酸酰胺、棕榈酰胺、十六酸乙酯、苯甲酸,其中脂肪酸类化合物输入可能来源于南美天胡荽、土壤微生物和土壤动物,酰胺类、酯类、芳香类化合物则更可能来源于南美天胡荽植株。 展开更多
关键词 气相色谱-质谱 液相色谱-质谱 化感成分 南美天胡荽
不同林地巨桉的化感物质比较研究 被引量:2
作者 王晗光 张健 +2 位作者 杨婉身 王显祥 程琍 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期94-99,共6页
以正己烷作溶剂,用超声波浸提蒲江、洪雅两地的巨桉根系、根系土壤,用GC-MS检测其成分.结果表明,蒲江的巨桉根系、根系土壤的主要化感类别都是芳香酸酯;洪雅的巨桉根系的主要化感类别是长链脂肪酸,根系土壤的主要化感类别是烷烃.芳香酸... 以正己烷作溶剂,用超声波浸提蒲江、洪雅两地的巨桉根系、根系土壤,用GC-MS检测其成分.结果表明,蒲江的巨桉根系、根系土壤的主要化感类别都是芳香酸酯;洪雅的巨桉根系的主要化感类别是长链脂肪酸,根系土壤的主要化感类别是烷烃.芳香酸酯等芳香族化合物的抑制作用可能是蒲江、洪雅两巨桉林地物种差异较大的主要化感原因之一,对今后化感成分的生理生化作用研究有一定的指导意义. 展开更多
关键词 巨桉 根系 根系土壤 化感成分 比较研究
作者 苏小青 郭育红 +1 位作者 曹光球 林思祖 《安徽农学通报》 2008年第17期197-198,共2页
木荷叶提取物经丙酮和乙酸乙酯提取后,用柱层析分离所得的不同组分提取物,采用杉木种子发芽试验检测其对杉木的化感作用。结果表明:木荷叶不同组分提取物对杉木种子的发芽有不同程度的影响,其中组分1、组分2以及组分6对杉木种子绝对发... 木荷叶提取物经丙酮和乙酸乙酯提取后,用柱层析分离所得的不同组分提取物,采用杉木种子发芽试验检测其对杉木的化感作用。结果表明:木荷叶不同组分提取物对杉木种子的发芽有不同程度的影响,其中组分1、组分2以及组分6对杉木种子绝对发芽率和根长有不同程度的促进作用,而组分3、组分4、组分5及组分6对杉木种子鲜重和干重有一定程度的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 杉木 木荷 化感成分 生物检测
Identification of Quality Characteristics of Sun-cured Tobacco Leaves
作者 柴家荣 王毅 +4 位作者 谢丽华 屈生彬 张晨东 钱颖颖 董华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期577-581,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore tobacco varieties which satisfy tobacco formula and is suitable to be grown in ecotopes simultaneously. [Method] Interior and exterior qualities of tobacco were compared and identifi... [Objective] The aim was to explore tobacco varieties which satisfy tobacco formula and is suitable to be grown in ecotopes simultaneously. [Method] Interior and exterior qualities of tobacco were compared and identified based on agronomic and economic characters of tobacco in fields. [Result] Yunshai No.1 was better in both agronomic and economic characters. Specifically, the fragrance was dominated by empyreumatique and aroma; the highly-qualified variety is fragrant and sweet, with little irritation, which gives the tobacco smoke a light, mild flavor. As for Virgini- a934, economic characters were better, but agronomic characters were just ordinary. Similar to Yunshai No.l, dominated by empyreumatique and aroma, the variety was with distinctive resin and herbaceous fragrance. What's more, it tasted good with high quality and usability. Cunsanpi was ordinary in agronomic characters, and poor in economic characters, with coordinated quality and chemical composition. It is fra- grant and the smoke is clean. However, the quality was not so high and it tasted not so good. Tengruan No.2 was good in agronomic characters, but poor in eco- nomic characters, which gives delicate fragrance, but not clean enough. Waiweiba and Mijie Qinggeng neither taste well nor smell sweet, performing ordinary in agro- nomic and economic characters. Hence, the two varieties seem bad in quality and ranks poorly. [Conclusion] In terms of sensory quality, the varieties from high to low were Yunshai No.1, Virginia 934, Cunsanpi, Tengruan No.2, Waiweiba and Mijie Qinggeng. 展开更多
关键词 Variety of sun-cured tobacco Economic characters Appearance and quality Chemical composition Sensory quality
Effects of Two Curing Methods on Quality of Yellow Sun-cured Tobacco 被引量:1
作者 王毅 兰应海 +6 位作者 杨光辉 谢丽华 柴家荣 李光西 屈生彬 张晨东 钱颖颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2097-2100,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of bamboo split curing method and steely barn curing method on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco, providing scientific references for optimization of curing technology of ... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of bamboo split curing method and steely barn curing method on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco, providing scientific references for optimization of curing technology of yellow sun-cured tobacco. [method] The tobaccos were divided into two groups treated with two methods and the related indices of treated tobaccos were then measured to evaluate effects of curing methods on quality of yellow sun-cured tobacco. [Result] Tobaccos treated with two methods were all dominated by reddish yellow and yellow; exterior quality differed little. In detail, total sugar and reducing sugar in an average level in three locations were all higher with method A than those with method B, but nicotine and total N were lower; comprehensive chemical components in group with method B proved more appropriate with higher K. In addition, sensory qualities of leaves in moderate and bottom locations were better with method B compared with method A; sensory quality of top leaves was better; comprehensive sensory quality of leaves treated with method B proved better. On the other hand, cost for method A was 2.82 times of method B; the area of sun-curing field was 3.27 times and manage- ment work was 1.77 times, which indicated that method B is low-cost and time-saving, which would be a guarantee of tobacco quality. [Conclusion] The research provides scientific references for rational use of tobacco resources and optimization of sun-curing technology. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow-sun-cured tobacco Curing method Chemical component Sensory quality
Preparation of Mo(Si,Al)_2 feedstock used for air plasma spraying
作者 侯晖东 宁先进 +3 位作者 王全胜 高斌 柳彦博 刘颖 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2939-2946,共8页
In order to prepare high quality Mo(Si,Al)2 feedstock characterized with C40 phase, higher Al doping amount andexcellent flowability, Mo(Si1-x,Alx)2 with different Al contents (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) were... In order to prepare high quality Mo(Si,Al)2 feedstock characterized with C40 phase, higher Al doping amount andexcellent flowability, Mo(Si1-x,Alx)2 with different Al contents (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) were synthesized by self-propagatinghigh-temperature synthesis first and Mo(Si0.6,Al0.4)2 was confirmed as the suitable material through X-ray diffraction analysis. Aseries of tests with different parameters of induction plasma spheroidization were applied to improving the flowability of feedstock.Mo(Si,Al)2 feedstock with excellent flowability (26.2 s/50 g) was prepared through adding hydrogen into sheath gas and decreasingthe powder feeding rate. The composition segregation occurred in the spheroidized powder after Al consumption and oxidation. Theinhomogeneous structure of the same particle was caused by the asymmetric heating and cooling when particle passed through theplasma jet. 展开更多
关键词 Mo(Si Al)2 C40 phase self-propagating high-temperature synthesis induction plasma spheroidization compositionsegregation
Effect of Controlled Atmosphere Storage(CAS)Technology of Flue-cured Tobacco Laminas on the Alcoholization Quality of Tobacco
作者 杨欣玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2547-2553,共7页
To achieve the continuous maintainence of optimum quality state of flue- cured tobacco laminas and the effective regulation and control on alcoholization time for controlled atmosphere storage (CAS) method in the pr... To achieve the continuous maintainence of optimum quality state of flue- cured tobacco laminas and the effective regulation and control on alcoholization time for controlled atmosphere storage (CAS) method in the process of storage, the lam- ina samples of natural alcoholization for 1 year were selected. Comparable analysis on the appearance quality, chemical components and sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco laminas in the process of alcoholization was carried out by using the meth- ods of CAS and natural alcoholization. The results showed that appearance and color through the treatment of natural alcoholization were deep, browning and ac- companied by the phenomenon of oil, while color scale of flue-cured tobacco lami- nas through the treatment of CAS was uniform, fullness was better, and these two methods were close or identical after opening for 3 months. The contents of total sugar and reducing sugar during the process of alcoholization were also gradually decreased, but the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar of laminas via CAS was higher than that of the natural alcoholization treatment. Compared with the natural alcoholization,the descending trends of total nitrogen and nicotine contents during CAS were gentler, the ratio via CAS was closer to 1, and the coordination of chemical components was more superior. During the period of alcoholization for 6 to 12 months, sensory quality of laminas via the natural alcoholization treatment was more superior than that of CAS treatment. However, after 18 months of alcoholiza- tion, sensory quality of laminas via the CAS treatment was more superior than that of the natural alcoholization treatment, and the CAS treatment could improve opti- mum sensory quality by 0.5 to 1.5 scores. Additionally, the CAS treatment could prolong the time of optimum alcoholization quality for 6 months, compared with the treatment of natural alcoholization. The CAS method could influence the alcohoJiza- tion quality of flue-cured tobacco laminas and prolong the retention period of opti- mum quality status for flue-cured tobacco laminas by regulating the environmental aas composition, thereby realizin.q quality control of flue-cured tobacco laminas. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco laminas Controlled atmosphere storage (CAS) To-bacco alcoholization Chemical components Sensory quality Alcoholization peak
Statistical Monitoring of Chemical Processes Based on Sensitive Kernel Principal Components 被引量:10
作者 JIANG Qingchao YAN Xuefeng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第6期633-643,共11页
The kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) method employs the first several kernel principal components (KPCs), which indicate the most variance information of normal observations for process monitoring, but m... The kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) method employs the first several kernel principal components (KPCs), which indicate the most variance information of normal observations for process monitoring, but may not reflect the fault information. In this study, sensitive kernel principal component analysis (SKPCA) is proposed to improve process monitoring performance, i.e., to deal with the discordance of T2 statistic and squared prediction error SVE statistic and reduce missed detection rates. T2 statistic can be used to measure the variation di rectly along each KPC and analyze the detection performance as well as capture the most useful information in a process. With the calculation of the change rate of T2 statistic along each KPC, SKPCA selects the sensitive kernel principal components for process monitoring. A simulated simple system and Tennessee Eastman process are employed to demonstrate the efficiency of SKPCA on online monitoring. The results indicate that the monitoring performance is improved significantly. 展开更多
关键词 statistical process monitoring kernel principal component analysis sensitive kernel principal compo-nent Tennessee Eastman process
Phytochemical Constituents and Allelopathic Effects of Some Medicinal Plants Extract on the Soil Algal Diversity
作者 Mustafa Ahmed Fawzy AwatiefFahmey Hifney Ahmed Abdel-Salam Issa Gamal Gareib 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第12期1000-1009,共10页
Phytochemical constituents of the shoots and roots extract of chosen eight medicinal plants (Plantago major, Verbesina encelioides, Glinus lotoides, Helotropium supinum, Mentha microphylla, Euphorbia hirta, Juncus su... Phytochemical constituents of the shoots and roots extract of chosen eight medicinal plants (Plantago major, Verbesina encelioides, Glinus lotoides, Helotropium supinum, Mentha microphylla, Euphorbia hirta, Juncus subulatus and Convolvulus arvensis) were estimated using standard qualitative analysis. The extract contained alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, phenols, tannins, f[avonoids and terpenoids in some medicinal plants while others contain some only of these phytochemical components. Allelopathic effect of the various concentrations of the extracts on the soil algal diversity was also investigated. Wollea saccata was the only algal species disappeared from all applied investigated plant extracts. Phormidium richardsii, Monoraphidium braunii, Eunotia verneris and Nitzschia bilobata were the highly sensitive algal species to all applied shoot and root extract from all tested plants, they disappeared from most of the studied plants. On the other hand, Phormidium animale and Chlorella neustonice were highly tolerant algal species to all applied extracts. Counts of Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae were decreased by addition of some investigated medicinal plants extracts such as Juncus subulatus, Convolvulus arvensis and Euphorbia hirta. So the authors can use these plants extracts in biocontrol of the nuisance of algal bloom or any other microorganisms. Also, these plants may be useful to recover eutrophic water which needs further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 ALLELOPATHY ALLELOCHEMICALS Plantago major Verbesina encelioides Glinus lotoides Phormidium richardsii Monoraphidium braunii.
Perspectives in application of biosensors for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine
作者 Qiang Chen Hong-Cai Shang +1 位作者 Bing-Kai Han Jun Jiao 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2018年第1期39-46,共8页
Biosensor is an instrument which is sensitive to biological material and converts its concentration into electrical signals.Organisms such as enzymes, antibodies, tissues, cells and so on can selectively identify spec... Biosensor is an instrument which is sensitive to biological material and converts its concentration into electrical signals.Organisms such as enzymes, antibodies, tissues, cells and so on can selectively identify specific substances. Thesemolecular recognition functions can be combined with the target, such as the binding of antibodies and antigens, and thebinding of enzymes to the substrate through the recognition process. Biosensor has the advantages of high specificity,high sensitivity, fast reaction speed, low cost and easy operation. It has wide application prospect in food, pharmacy,chemical industry, clinical examination, biomedicine, environmental monitoring and so on, especially as a newtechnology means, in the field of modern herbal medicine research influence. Studies have demonstrated that thebiosensing technology has been applied to, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) targets, isolation and purification ofTCM, the mechanism of TCM, quality control of TCM, the active ingredients detection of TCM and other basicresearches. Biosensor technology has made an important contribution to the research of modern herbal medicine, and hasbecome a Hot-spot in future research. 展开更多
关键词 BIOSENSOR Traditional Chinese medicine PURIFICATION Active compound identification MECHANISM Qualitycontrol
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