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论法兰克福学派文化工业技术理性化批判 被引量:4
作者 邱根江 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期85-87,共3页
法兰克福学派通过文化批判与反思对现代社会进行了全面诊断,其文化工业批判理论在西方学术界独树一帜。本文从文化工业生产的技术化、文化工业产品的商品化和文化工业机制的计算化等三个方面发掘了法兰克福学派文化工业技术理性化批判思... 法兰克福学派通过文化批判与反思对现代社会进行了全面诊断,其文化工业批判理论在西方学术界独树一帜。本文从文化工业生产的技术化、文化工业产品的商品化和文化工业机制的计算化等三个方面发掘了法兰克福学派文化工业技术理性化批判思想,指出在资本逻辑时代文化由自律走向他律、由审美原则走向市场原则的实质性的蜕变,从而批判了在当代社会现代化进程中"文化的现代性之殇"。今天,中国已置身全球性的现代化进程中,资本逻辑的广度和深度已伸展到全国的每个地方,于此,法兰克福学派的文化工业技术理性化批判理论不啻为一针清醒剂,警告人们要保持一种独立的个体批判与反思意识。 展开更多
关键词 法兰克福学派 工业 技术理性化批判
“文明”“历史遗产”和“士绅化”的人类学批判——以赫兹菲尔德的田野民族志实践为例 被引量:2
作者 潘天舒 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期15-22,共8页
哈佛人类学系资深教授赫兹菲尔德在西方文明腹地进行了长达40多年的田野探索实践,在极大程度上丰富了以"文明""遗产"和"士绅化"为检视对象进行探究和反思的手段和方法,同时为在不同地域和文化语境中进行... 哈佛人类学系资深教授赫兹菲尔德在西方文明腹地进行了长达40多年的田野探索实践,在极大程度上丰富了以"文明""遗产"和"士绅化"为检视对象进行探究和反思的手段和方法,同时为在不同地域和文化语境中进行具有前瞻性、公共性和植根性的都市民族志创作,修正旧有的文化观,提供了具有参考价值的"文明"批判性视角和接地气的田野路径、策略和指南。 展开更多
关键词 “文明”的田野审视 民族志实践 “历史遗产”和“士绅”的批判视角 当代人类学的文
现代性批判:从阿多诺马尔库塞到哈贝马斯——试论法兰克福学派现代性批判的三个维度 被引量:4
作者 邱根江 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期92-95,共4页
关键词 法兰克福学派 现代性 艺术娱乐化批判 技术合理性批判 生活世界殖民化批判
作者 王晓东 《呼兰师专学报》 2003年第2期1-5,共5页
知识经济作为一个现实的具体的社会发展问题受到了学术界的普遍关注。在哲学的理解范式下,知识经济意味着人在社会发展中的作用与地位的突现。知识经济就人类的生存和发展而言,主要的还是作为一种工具性和手段性的东西而存在。因而仍然... 知识经济作为一个现实的具体的社会发展问题受到了学术界的普遍关注。在哲学的理解范式下,知识经济意味着人在社会发展中的作用与地位的突现。知识经济就人类的生存和发展而言,主要的还是作为一种工具性和手段性的东西而存在。因而仍然是一种实用理性和工具理性。知识经济在本质上,还是属于工业化过程中的更高的阶段。是西方理性化进程的继续,是现代化进程的一种延伸。科学技术是中性的,既能为善,也能为害,这取决于人的行为选择。科学技术始终是人自身发展的手段,但不是人生的全部。经济的发展是人的发展的一个重要的维度。 展开更多
关键词 知识经济 科学技术批判 定位 工业 现代 行为选择 “技术异化批判”思潮 “技术理性批判思潮” 韦伯 现代社会 法兰克福学派 社会批判 技术异 马尔库塞 化批判 马克思主义
理性缺位的总体性批判——论哈贝马斯对《启蒙辩证法》的批评 被引量:1
作者 傅永军 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期30-36,共7页
哈贝马斯用“总体化”批判来概括霍克海默与阿多诺在《启蒙辩证法》中对启蒙理性进行的反思,将其视作马克思意识形态批判的极端化。总体化批判本应完成对启蒙的启蒙,但不幸的是,总体化批判不仅摧毁了批判的理性基础,使批判陷入尼采式虚... 哈贝马斯用“总体化”批判来概括霍克海默与阿多诺在《启蒙辩证法》中对启蒙理性进行的反思,将其视作马克思意识形态批判的极端化。总体化批判本应完成对启蒙的启蒙,但不幸的是,总体化批判不仅摧毁了批判的理性基础,使批判陷入尼采式虚无主义,而且将启蒙反思变成反启蒙,使其在自我指涉的反思中迷失方向。对于哈贝马斯的批评,学术界仁者见仁,智者见智。究其缘由在于,哈贝马斯与霍克海默、阿多诺使用相同的概念,如“理性”、“启蒙”、“现代性”等,但却做出了不同的理解,而研究者出发点的差异又无意识地扩大了理解上的歧见,使得共识更难达成。 展开更多
关键词 哈贝马斯 《启蒙辨证法》 总体化批判 理性 现代性
突破“窄化”:“思政课程”转向“课程思政”的内在逻辑与实践路向 被引量:28
作者 庞洋 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2022年第2期146-156,共11页
“课程思政”是要求思想政治理论课与其他课程相互配合,形成立德树人的协同效应的重要工作方法。相较于传统思改课程的“窄化”“课程思政”在尊重各个专业学科以及思想政治教育学科的课程设计和知识传授规律的基础上发掘课程的德性培... “课程思政”是要求思想政治理论课与其他课程相互配合,形成立德树人的协同效应的重要工作方法。相较于传统思改课程的“窄化”“课程思政”在尊重各个专业学科以及思想政治教育学科的课程设计和知识传授规律的基础上发掘课程的德性培育潜质,促进整全性的课程育人格局;在对各学科教师包括思想政治类课程任课教师的教学模式和独创精神尊重的同时,通过“显性思政教育者”和“隐性思政教育者”的分工合作,拓展了思想政治教育的育人团队;也在尊重各个学科既有的人力和实践资源的基础上,发挥这些资源在立德树人方面的合力,是一种具有整体性的工作方法。而其正当化实践路径仍然需要坚持以“思政课程”的学理化打通学科课程之间的交流壁垒,通过师德建设和科际融合建设优化与拓展思想政治教育的育人团队,同时在党委与院校行政领导的主持和教育主管部门的监督之中发挥更为常态化、制度化和资源优化的育人能效,是思想政治教育未来的必然路向。 展开更多
关键词 思政课程 课程思政 育人活动 化批判
作者 杨贤美 《长江师范学院学报》 2007年第4期58-61,共4页
关键词 九十年代 理性精神 化批判 史志性
物的引诱与替代因果:论哈曼的客体诗学 被引量:7
作者 谢少波 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期34-42,49,共10页
哈曼的客体诗学挑战主控欧美哲学界几十年的语言学转向,呼吁回归物的世界,确立物的自主性和客体与客体之间的民主平等关系。哈曼不仅将一切形式的存在都看作客体,彼此没有高低贵贱之分,而且赋予整体的构成部分以同等的自主和主权。哈曼... 哈曼的客体诗学挑战主控欧美哲学界几十年的语言学转向,呼吁回归物的世界,确立物的自主性和客体与客体之间的民主平等关系。哈曼不仅将一切形式的存在都看作客体,彼此没有高低贵贱之分,而且赋予整体的构成部分以同等的自主和主权。哈曼铸造了一系列新概念,如"物的引诱"与"替代因果",引导我们从一个崭新的角度观察世界,思考物的本体生命和意义以及物与人的关系。但是,跟任何其他新崛起的理论一样,哈曼的体系存在显而易见的缺陷或弱点。最有待商榷的地方,是哈曼力倡哲学去批判化,似乎全面否定二十世纪下半叶以来的整个西方批判传统,会削弱甚至彻底取消对物化和资本逻辑的抵抗。 展开更多
关键词 客体导向本体论 引诱 替代因果 翻译 批判
大众传媒与文学批评的非学理性倾向 被引量:6
作者 吴玉杰 《广播电视大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第2期1-5,共5页
大众传媒的介入,使文学批评的非学理倾向逐渐增强:一方面是平民化文学批评倾向明显,没有现代性和后现代性等晦涩的概念和理论范畴,注重文本对读者的亲和力;另一方面,深度的放逐,批评批判化的倾向出现,导致真正批评的缺席,没有比较中和... 大众传媒的介入,使文学批评的非学理倾向逐渐增强:一方面是平民化文学批评倾向明显,没有现代性和后现代性等晦涩的概念和理论范畴,注重文本对读者的亲和力;另一方面,深度的放逐,批评批判化的倾向出现,导致真正批评的缺席,没有比较中和的批评互补,不能推出新的典范。和谐的批评秩序来源于在丰富、完整、立体、多维的理论批评视野中观照文本,以一定的学术规范进行文学批评的写作。 展开更多
关键词 非学理批评 批判批评 批评秩序 大众传媒 文学批评
当代乡土文学探视 被引量:1
作者 陈昭明 《赣南师范学院学报》 2000年第5期44-47,共4页
当代乡土文学继往开来 ,展示出我们民族和时代的风骨神韵 ,它可划分为“理想化的乡土”和“批判化的乡土”两种美学格局。当代乡土文学盛而不衰 ,蓬勃发展 ,有着深刻的历史。
关键词 乡土文学 乡恋情结 理想乡土 批判乡土 新世纪品格
作者 柴瑜 《太原城市职业技术学院学报》 2008年第11期173-174,共2页
关键词 文学理论 文学研究 文学现状 批判
The "Pictorial Turn" as Crisis and the Necessity of a Critique of Visual Culture
作者 Michele Bertolini 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期121-130,共10页
The "Pictorial" or "Iconic Turn" is a central issue in the contemporary theory of images and visual cultural studies. Should the theories concerning the "Iconic Turn" and formulated in the last 20 years by schol... The "Pictorial" or "Iconic Turn" is a central issue in the contemporary theory of images and visual cultural studies. Should the theories concerning the "Iconic Turn" and formulated in the last 20 years by scholars such as Gottfried Boehm, William Mitchell, Hans Belting be taken as critical theories of crisis? Is the currently experienced "turn towards images" (and their progressive rehabilitation after a long standing philosophical and theological rejection) a sign and symptom of some crisis of people's relation with images, language and, generally speaking, with the representation forms of reality? The main hypothesis of this essay envisages two sets of problems: first, the analysis of the relation between the possible idea of turning point and the concept of crisis; secondly, the thorough investigation of the relation connecting the iconic turn to the project of "critical iconology" or "critique of visual culture," as outlined by Hans Belting and William Mitchell. From the interpretation of the "Iconic Turn" as situation of crisis and aesthetic, anthropological, and epistemological transformation follows the need for the sciences of image to provide a "critical iconology" in order to be able to theoretically reformulate the ideological and political presuppositions of some dominant contemporary forms of visual representation. 展开更多
关键词 visual cultural CRISIS critique pictorial/iconic turn iconophile/iconoclast doctrines visual and verbalmedia critical iconology.
Constructing a New Polish Architecture: Critical Regionalism and Resistance to Globalization after 1989
作者 Krystyna Januszkiewicz 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第12期1518-1526,共9页
This paper explores the critical regionalism which could play a role in the continued development of global era Polish architecture, and the advancements achieved by those few contemporary Polish architects who have s... This paper explores the critical regionalism which could play a role in the continued development of global era Polish architecture, and the advancements achieved by those few contemporary Polish architects who have sought to combine modern tastes and techniques with culturally meaningful designs. The new culture of Poland is very much reflected in the design of many of its new buildings that have been completed since the political and economic changes in 1989. The architecture of Poland appears to have lurched from an inappropriate socialist modernism that was so horridly imposed during the communist era to an equally inappropriate post modernist hegemony in the new enterprise culture. In accordance with Poland, now is rejection of the centrally imposed system of building and architecture, and with the greater emphasis on individual initiative in the new culture, it seems a pity that the country should automatically adopt western modes of architectural expression. This paper suggests that with its newly founded freedom, Poland should be careful that it does not suffer a loss of identity and that, in its architecture, it should seek a way forward through a critical regionalism. 展开更多
Critical Human Rights and Liberal Legality: Struggling for "The Right to Have Communal Rights"
作者 Roger Merino Acuna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期246-261,共16页
Recent critical approaches on human rights have exalted the potentiality of this category for seeking progressive agendas (Santos 2007) insofar as they are enacted within counter-hegemonic cognitive frames (Rajagop... Recent critical approaches on human rights have exalted the potentiality of this category for seeking progressive agendas (Santos 2007) insofar as they are enacted within counter-hegemonic cognitive frames (Rajagopal 2006) towards the construction of "subaltern human rights" (Onazi 2009). Others,. however, have pointed out that the human rights institutional and political hegemony makes other valuable emancipatory strategies less available, and that this foregrounds problems of participation and procedure at the expense of distribution (Kennedy 2005). Finally, others have explained how the abstractedness of the category entails a de-politicization (Rancière 2004; Zizek 2005; Douzinas 2007) or an emptiness that, of course, can be filled by progressive activism, but whose substance is easily reappropriated by those in power (Miéville 2005). By engaging with the above-mentioned perspectives, and following the decolonial approach (Mignolo 2009; 2011), I suggest that the category human rights can be decolonized and being used for progressive agendas only after a comprehensive critique of liberal legality (that entails a critique of liberal abstract rationality, political economy, and modernity/coloniality) has been performed. 展开更多
关键词 critical human rights modernity LIBERALISM decoloniality
Cross-Cultural Composition: Seeing Ourselves and Seeing Others
作者 Karen A. Power Jessica D. Matchett 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第12期925-943,共19页
This paper is a description of a writing course that was designed and implemented to provide first year composition students from two cultures and two countries the opportunity to partner together on writing assignmen... This paper is a description of a writing course that was designed and implemented to provide first year composition students from two cultures and two countries the opportunity to partner together on writing assignments. The purpose is to explore home culture and target culture issues. This qualitative study is based on the premise that assignments which encourage critical thinking and metacognitive analysis about culture enhance cross-cultural understanding, breakdown ethnic stereotypes, and provide opportunities for students to understand the benefits of cultural diversity first hand. Success of breaking down cultural barriers was limited, but promising for future endeavors. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative learning critical thinking critique cross-cultural understanding CULTURE
Identity, the Main Term of Contrast between "Globalization" and "Universalization" An Interpretention with a Critical Linguistic Approach
作者 Mohammad Tohidfam Maryam Khosravi Baraghani Shahab Dalili 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第3期155-161,共7页
Communicational and international developments have different aspects in today's world so that some terms like "Internationalization," "Liberalization," "Universalization," "Westernization," "Deterritorializ... Communicational and international developments have different aspects in today's world so that some terms like "Internationalization," "Liberalization," "Universalization," "Westernization," "Deterritorialization" find interferences in social sciences and humanities studies. But these terms can generally be distinguished by two different categories of study as some experts have emphasized that the above developments are in the process (Globalization) while the others considered them on the project (To Globalize). The main problem is that how we can find out the focal point of both studies through which the accuracy of these claims to be verified to know whether contemporary changes and evolutions are formed in a process or a project. It seems that the focal point in the sphere of both claims (processes and projects) is the issue of "identity" since both spheres agree that the concept of "identity" has passed a series of changes and developments, although each one renders the path and goal of "identity" changes by its own specific interpretations. In this article, we claim that using linguistic approach we are able to review the developments and evolutions' flow of identity in the present era and thereby it can be found that the developments in information and communication would lead to creating a process in the context of Globalization or a project on Universalization. The assumption of this study is that by explanation of the above-mentioned situation, we can see that based on the linguistic approach, the process of making identity is "context-based" and "conditional" as opposed to a project view formation and relative continuity of identification process would generally be subject to the condition. 展开更多
关键词 IDENTITY GLOBALIZATION UNIVERSALIZATION LINGUISTICS proximity conditionality and contextualism
Self and Other in Contemporary German Literature Confrontation With the Foreign World in the Novels by Renate Ahrens
作者 Albrecht Classen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期365-376,共12页
The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust a... The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust and soon participate in and with the new culture(s). At the same time, those who encounter "The Other" through the contact with immigrants, have also to adapt, to learn, and to realize considerable changes in themselves in that process. Recently, a new German novelist, Renate Ahrens, has created several major works in which she reflects on this intricate phenomenon typical of our times. The present study might well be the first critical analysis of her last two novels, Zeit der Wahrheit (Time of Truth, 2005) and Fremde Schwestern (Alienated Sisters, 2011), which prove to be outstanding and first-rate literary treatments of the theme of"The Other" in an intercultural context. As Ahrens illustrates in both novels, each individual carries a heavy baggage imposed on them by the own family history, and so in both cases the confrontation with "The Other" serves exceedingly well to break open the shell of self-isolation and self-alienation. Love finally overcomes ancient conflicts and paves the way for new integrative forces supporting the formation of the "global village" we all are really living in. 展开更多
关键词 "The Other" IMMIGRATION foreign culture(s) Renate Ahrens German novelist German literature postmodern literature
From Inert Knowledge to Activated Knowledge: Practical Ideas for Improving Student Learning
作者 Enoch Hale 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第4期312-323,共12页
In this article, I argue for the integration of learner-centered, high impact practices for the typical day of instruction. In doing so, I build off of a general, but robust, theoretical framework designed to promote ... In this article, I argue for the integration of learner-centered, high impact practices for the typical day of instruction. In doing so, I build off of a general, but robust, theoretical framework designed to promote substantive self-reflection which orients the tactical suggestions for improving student learning. The recommendations are practical and easily adopted as resources for challenging students to develop general critical thinking skills and dispositions especially those addressing metacognition and questioning one's assumptions of knowledge and understanding. 展开更多
关键词 best teaching practices high impact strategies critical thinking KNOWLEDGE inert knowledge
methodology of Culture: The Power of (Foreign) Films
作者 Julia Khrebtan-Horhager 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第4期530-538,共9页
This essay critically addresses the cross-cultural challenges international and study-abroad students have to face in the process of (geographical and metaphorical) world travel and demonstrates how a better interac... This essay critically addresses the cross-cultural challenges international and study-abroad students have to face in the process of (geographical and metaphorical) world travel and demonstrates how a better interaction and re-connection with culture can be facilitated with the help of authentic foreign films with intercultural topicality. This essay illustrates the importance of intercultural cinematography as powerful means of gaining cultural awareness and promoting inclusive cross-cultural dialogue. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural cinematography POWER MARGINALIZATION inclusive dialogue
Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Problem based Learning in Chemistry for Enhancing Thinking Skills among Secondary School Students
作者 Rajeswari K 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第3期233-237,共5页
Experiencing problems that challenges science and the thought, habits of mind and actions associated with trying to solve them is one of the best ways of learning Chemistry. This impels opportunities for authentic, in... Experiencing problems that challenges science and the thought, habits of mind and actions associated with trying to solve them is one of the best ways of learning Chemistry. This impels opportunities for authentic, inquiry based learning. PBL (problem based learning) is a student centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. The goals of PBL are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaborative skills and intrinsic motivation. CAPBL (computer assisted problem based learning) has been created to expand the boundaries of the creativity and the creativity of students beyond the four walls of the classroom. In the present study the investigator tested the effectiveness of the CAPBL material in Chemistry for enhancing thinking skills among secondary school students. The sample consisted of 100 secondary school students. The study revealed that the CAPBL material in Chemistry is effective in enhancing thinking skills such as critical thinking, creativity and problem solving. 展开更多
关键词 CAPBL thinking skills CREATIVITY problem solving skills.
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