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基于字典学习的正则化鲁棒稀疏表示肿瘤细胞图像识别 被引量:2
作者 甘岚 张永焕 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期2895-2899,2906,共6页
针对胃黏膜肿瘤细胞图像的高维性及复杂性的特点,为了提高稀疏表示图像识别的鲁棒性,提出了一种基于字典学习的正则化鲁棒稀疏表示(RRC)肿瘤细胞图像识别方法。该方法首先将所有的原始染色肿瘤细胞图像转化为灰度图像;然后利用具有Fishe... 针对胃黏膜肿瘤细胞图像的高维性及复杂性的特点,为了提高稀疏表示图像识别的鲁棒性,提出了一种基于字典学习的正则化鲁棒稀疏表示(RRC)肿瘤细胞图像识别方法。该方法首先将所有的原始染色肿瘤细胞图像转化为灰度图像;然后利用具有Fisher判别约束的字典学习(FDDL)方法对肿瘤细胞图像训练样本的全局特征进行字典学习,得到具有类别标签的结构化字典;最后将具有判别性的新字典用于RRC模型进行分类识别。RRC模型是基于最大后验概率准则,将稀疏保真度表示为余项的最大后验概率函数,最终识别问题转化为求解正则化加权范数的优化逼近问题。将提出的识别方法应用于肿瘤细胞图像的最高识别率为92.4%,表明该方法能够有效地实现肿瘤细胞图像的分类。 展开更多
关键词 稀疏表示分类 Fisher判别字典学习 正则化鲁棒稀疏表示 图像预处理 肿瘤细胞图像识别
航天器椭圆轨道自主交会的鲁棒参数化设计 被引量:4
作者 顾大可 段广仁 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期1-6,共6页
提出了一种在缺少绝对轨道信息时航天器椭圆轨道自主交会的鲁棒参数化设计方法.利用带有时变参数的Lawden方程描述椭圆轨道下追踪航天器与目标航天器的相对运动关系.在假设时变参数无法获得的情况下,将方程中的时变参数单独归类建立椭... 提出了一种在缺少绝对轨道信息时航天器椭圆轨道自主交会的鲁棒参数化设计方法.利用带有时变参数的Lawden方程描述椭圆轨道下追踪航天器与目标航天器的相对运动关系.在假设时变参数无法获得的情况下,将方程中的时变参数单独归类建立椭圆交会的不确定模型,然后基于鲁棒参数化方法,采用特征结构配置和模型参考跟踪理论设计航天器椭圆轨道自主交会的鲁棒控制律.本文所设计的鲁棒控制律是一个不随时变参数变化的定常反馈控制律,结构简单,便于工程实现.仿真结果表明,在只有相对运动信息的情况下,所设计的控制律能够实现椭圆轨道下航天器的自主交会. 展开更多
关键词 空间自主交会 棒参数方法 特征结构配置 模型参考跟踪 控制器优
一类非线性系统的鲁棒无源化控制 被引量:5
作者 关新平 华长春 唐英干 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期599-601,608,共4页
研究一类带有结构不确定性和外部干扰的非线性系统的鲁棒无源化控制问题 ,分别在 HJI不等式和一定的匹配条件下构造出状态反馈控制器 。
关键词 非线性系统 不确定性 状态反馈 棒无源控制 控制器
作者 徐道义 《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1997年第4期26-35,共10页
本文考虑一类具有参数振动的时滞微分系统的鲁棒稳定化问题.系统中参数振动含有不确定性.利用时滞积分不等式,全局渐近稳定性的充分条件由一个指定的非负矩阵谱半径的界给出.在同样的条件下,这类不确定系统的有界输入与有界输出稳... 本文考虑一类具有参数振动的时滞微分系统的鲁棒稳定化问题.系统中参数振动含有不确定性.利用时滞积分不等式,全局渐近稳定性的充分条件由一个指定的非负矩阵谱半径的界给出.在同样的条件下,这类不确定系统的有界输入与有界输出稳定性也被研究. 展开更多
关键词 稳定 时滞微分系统 参数振动
作者 孟凡春 《中国审计》 2020年第9期74-75,共2页
以奉献诠释人生,用坚守为审计添彩。年过半百的梁化鲁,已经在沂蒙审计战线上奋斗了近三十载。1992年6月,梁化鲁调入山东省临沂市审计局,先后担任纪检组副组长、监察室主任、行政事业审计科科长、财政审计科科长、社保审计科科长等职务... 以奉献诠释人生,用坚守为审计添彩。年过半百的梁化鲁,已经在沂蒙审计战线上奋斗了近三十载。1992年6月,梁化鲁调入山东省临沂市审计局,先后担任纪检组副组长、监察室主任、行政事业审计科科长、财政审计科科长、社保审计科科长等职务。无论在哪个工作岗位,他都干一行、爱一行、学一行、专一行,出色地完成每项工作任务。 展开更多
关键词 财政审计 行政事业审计 工作岗位 社保审计 化鲁 沂蒙 山东省
甘肃永登连城鲁土司历史文化资源在当代旅游发展中的重大意义 被引量:1
作者 赵秀文 金锋 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第32期220-221,共2页
关键词 永登县 连城镇 土司 历史文资源 旅游发展
高速再入飞行器的鲁棒自动驾驶仪设计 被引量:4
作者 段广仁 谭峰 梁冰 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1908-1911,共4页
针对高速再入飞行器的自动驾驶仪设计问题,基于鲁棒参数化方法,采用特征结构配置和模型参考跟踪理论设计BTT飞行器姿态控制系统的鲁棒控制器,完成对于制导信号的快速跟踪。本设计的鲁棒镇定器是一个不随滚动角速度变化也无需切换的定常... 针对高速再入飞行器的自动驾驶仪设计问题,基于鲁棒参数化方法,采用特征结构配置和模型参考跟踪理论设计BTT飞行器姿态控制系统的鲁棒控制器,完成对于制导信号的快速跟踪。本设计的鲁棒镇定器是一个不随滚动角速度变化也无需切换的定常反馈镇定律,结构简单,便于工程实现。通过分析高速再入飞行器的特点,给出了简单可行的控制方案。将所设计的控制器应用于飞行器非线性模型进行了六自由度仿真试验。仿真时考虑了系统执行机构的时滞和饱和特性。仿真结果验证了所设计的控制器的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 高速再入飞行器 棒参数方法 自动驾驶仪 六自由度
高超声速跳跃式飞行器的鲁棒控制 被引量:1
作者 梁冰 谭峰 段广仁 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第6期716-720,共5页
主要考虑高超声速飞行器的控制问题。飞行器将实现跳跃式机动飞行,并在较低的高度和超声速范围内释放载荷,实现对目标的精确打击。基于鲁棒参数化方法,采用特征结构配置和模型参考跟踪理论设计飞行器姿控系统的鲁棒控制器,完成对于制导... 主要考虑高超声速飞行器的控制问题。飞行器将实现跳跃式机动飞行,并在较低的高度和超声速范围内释放载荷,实现对目标的精确打击。基于鲁棒参数化方法,采用特征结构配置和模型参考跟踪理论设计飞行器姿控系统的鲁棒控制器,完成对于制导信号的快速跟踪,使飞行器以高超声速进行飞行。给出了高超声速飞行器的六自由度仿真结果,验证了设计方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 高超声速 棒参数方法 姿态控制 六自由度
基于深度概率图模型的鲁棒人脸画像合成 被引量:1
作者 张玉倩 高方远 王楠楠 《模式识别与人工智能》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期855-866,共12页
针对基于数据驱动的人脸画像合成算法像素特征缺乏对光照变化和复杂背景的鲁棒性,常合成低质量的画像的问题,文中提出基于深度概率图模型的鲁棒人脸画像合成算法.采用预处理方法调整测试照片的光照亮度和人脸姿态,使之与训练照片一致.... 针对基于数据驱动的人脸画像合成算法像素特征缺乏对光照变化和复杂背景的鲁棒性,常合成低质量的画像的问题,文中提出基于深度概率图模型的鲁棒人脸画像合成算法.采用预处理方法调整测试照片的光照亮度和人脸姿态,使之与训练照片一致.采用深度特征代替像素特征进行近邻匹配,采用深度概率图模型对画像重建权重和深度特征权重联合建模,得到合成画像的最佳重构表示.为了提高画像合成速度,提出快速近邻搜索方法.实验验证文中算法的鲁棒性和快速性. 展开更多
关键词 人脸画像合成 预处理 深度概率图模型 快速近邻搜索
作者 邓枘 赵克全 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期20-25,共6页
为了研究带约束鲁棒标量化问题的最优解与多目标优化问题的鲁棒有效解和鲁棒弱有效解之间的关系,获得鲁棒解的性质。利用鲁棒标量化方法将带约束的确定性多目标优化问题推广到鲁棒多目标优化问题,并在不同参数条件下,对鲁棒有效解和鲁... 为了研究带约束鲁棒标量化问题的最优解与多目标优化问题的鲁棒有效解和鲁棒弱有效解之间的关系,获得鲁棒解的性质。利用鲁棒标量化方法将带约束的确定性多目标优化问题推广到鲁棒多目标优化问题,并在不同参数条件下,对鲁棒有效解和鲁棒弱有效解进行研究。建立了鲁棒有效解和鲁棒弱有效解的一些充分条件,并给出具体例子对主要结果进行解释。所得结果是对最近一些研究工作的改进与推广。 展开更多
关键词 棒多目标优问题 棒标量问题 棒弱有效解 棒有效解
作者 张静 邓枘 赵克全 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期1-6,共6页
对不确定多目标优化问题的(近似)鲁棒弱有效解和(近似)鲁棒有效解的性质进行研究。通过对带松弛和剩余变量的鲁棒标量化问题(近似)最优解的研究,建立了(近似)鲁棒弱有效解和(近似)鲁棒有效解的一些充分条件和必要条件。将确定性多目标... 对不确定多目标优化问题的(近似)鲁棒弱有效解和(近似)鲁棒有效解的性质进行研究。通过对带松弛和剩余变量的鲁棒标量化问题(近似)最优解的研究,建立了(近似)鲁棒弱有效解和(近似)鲁棒有效解的一些充分条件和必要条件。将确定性多目标优化问题提出的带松弛和剩余变量标量化模型推广到鲁棒情形,提出了一类新的鲁棒标量化问题。所得结果是对最近一些研究工作的改进与推广。 展开更多
关键词 棒多目标优问题 棒标量问题 (近似)棒弱有效解 (近似)棒有效解
Theoretical Study on Impact of Single Water Molecule on OH+O3 Reaction
作者 龙波 张为俊 隆正文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期419-424,I0003,共7页
Quantum chemical calculations are performed to study the reactions of OH and ozone with- out and with water to estimate whether the single water molecule can decrease the energy barrier of the OH radical reaction with... Quantum chemical calculations are performed to study the reactions of OH and ozone with- out and with water to estimate whether the single water molecule can decrease the energy barrier of the OH radical reaction with ozone. The calculated results demonstrate that the single water molecule can reduce the activated barrier of the naked OH+Oa reaction with the value of about 4.18 kJ/mol. In addition, the transition state theory is carried out to determine whether the single water molecule could enhance the rate constant of the OH+O3 reaction. The computed kinetic data indicate that the rate of the ozone reaction with the formed complexes between OH and water is much slower than that of the OH+O3 reaction, whereas the rate constant of OH reaction with the formed H20---Oa complex is 2 times greater than that of the naked OH radical with ozone reaction. However, these processes in the atmosphere are not important because the reactions can not compete well with the naked reaction of OH with ozone under atmospheric condition. 展开更多
关键词 OZONE OH H20 Atmospheric chemistry Quantum chemical calculation
作者 陈文华 游庆华 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第2期29+24-28,共6页
The robust stability analysis of discrete time systems with fast time varying uncertainties is considered in this paper. The necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability are presented. Moreover, the s... The robust stability analysis of discrete time systems with fast time varying uncertainties is considered in this paper. The necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability are presented. Moreover, the stability robustness index is introduced as the measurement of the stability robustness. For the systems with given uncertain parameter bounds, checking the necessary and sufficient conditions and calculating the stability robust index are converted to solving minimax problems. It is shown that the maximization can be reduced to comparisons between the functional values of the corners when the parameter region is bounded by hyperpolydredon, and any local minimum value in the minimization is exactly the global minimum. 展开更多
关键词 robust control OPTIMIZATION discrete time systems Lyapunov method
Effect of Delay Chilling on μ-calpain Activities and the Tenderness of Bovine M. longissimus
作者 胡鹏 丁玉 +1 位作者 梁荣蓉 罗欣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期90-92,158,共4页
μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postm... μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postmortem aging were studied. The results showed that delay chilling significantly improved μ-calpain activities (P<0.05) and enhanced the tenderness of bovine M. longissimus during earlier aging periods compared with conventional chilling. But in later aging periods,delay chilling weakened the effect on the tenderness of beef because of premature consumption of μ-calpain. The experiment results confirmed that delay chilling improved the rate of postmortem aging of beef and remarkably enhanced the tenderness of beef through the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities. 展开更多
关键词 Delay chilling Shear force values Tendemess μ-calpain activities
The Effects of Captopril and Cicaprost on Changes of Cardiac Membrane Fluidity and Lipid Peroxidation
作者 苏志 李元建 陈修 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1993年第2期114-120,共7页
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lip... The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lipid peroxidation level estimated by determining the thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS)content and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)released in culture medium was also observed in order to examine other membrane-related changes due to anoxia.Membrane fluidity was monitored by measuring changes in the steady state fluorescence anisotropy(r_s)by fluorescence spectroscopy.The r_s value,TBARS level and LDH release were significantly increased after 3 h anoxia.Captopril(180 μmol/L),cicaprost(30 nmol/L)and indomethacin(1μmol/L)did not alter r_s, TBARS level and LDH activity of normal cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells.However,both captopril and cicaprost significantly prevented the increases of r_s,TBARS content and LDH release in those cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.lndomethacin abolished the actions of captopril on TBARS production and LDH release,but maintained its membrane fluidity protection.These results indicate that captopril and cicaprost protect membrane fluidity and lipid peroxidation changes in anoxia- injured myocardial cells.The action mechanism of captopril may be due,in part,to stimulation of prostacyclin synthesis and/or release. 展开更多
关键词 ANOXIA Membrane fluidity Lipid peroxidation CAPTOPRIL Cicaprost Cardiac myocytes
Linearization of T-S fuzzy systems and robust H_∞ control 被引量:4
作者 YOON Tae-Sung 王法广 +2 位作者 PARK Seung-Kyu KWAK Gun-Pyong AHN Ho-Kyun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期140-145,共6页
Takagi-Sugeno(T-S) fuzzy model is difficult to be linearized because of membership functions included.So,novel T-S fuzzy state transformation and T-S fuzzy feedback are proposed for the linearization of T-S fuzzy syst... Takagi-Sugeno(T-S) fuzzy model is difficult to be linearized because of membership functions included.So,novel T-S fuzzy state transformation and T-S fuzzy feedback are proposed for the linearization of T-S fuzzy system.The novel T-S fuzzy state transformation is the fuzzy combination of local linear transformation which transforms local linear models in the T-S fuzzy model into the local linear controllable canonical models.The fuzzy combination of local linear controllable canonical model gives controllable canonical T-S fuzzy model and then nonlinear feedback is obtained easily.After the linearization of T-S fuzzy model,a robust H∞ controller with the robustness of sliding model control(SMC) is designed.As a result,controlled T-S fuzzy system shows the performance of H∞ control and the robustness of SMC. 展开更多
关键词 T-S fuzzy control LINEARIZATION H∞ control sliding mode control
A Novel Method of Nanocontact Fabrication for Andreev Reflection Measurement
作者 王天兴 魏红祥 +5 位作者 任聪 韩秀峰 Clifford E Langford R M Bari M A Coey J M D 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期591-597,共7页
A new method of nanocontact fabrication for Adreev reflection measurement based on the nanopore method using a SiN membrane with focused ion beam technique is presented. With this method, controllable, clean,tensionle... A new method of nanocontact fabrication for Adreev reflection measurement based on the nanopore method using a SiN membrane with focused ion beam technique is presented. With this method, controllable, clean,tensionless nano-contacts for spin polarization probing can be obtained. Measurements of the fabricated samples show complicated spectral structures with a zero bias anomaly and dip structures from quasipartical interactions. A control sample of Co40Fe40B20 is measured with Nb tip method. None of the measured spectra can be explained satisfactorily by present theory. Further analysis of the contact interface and a more complete theory are needed to extract a reliable spin polarization message with the point contact Andreev reflection method. 展开更多
关键词 point contact Andreev reflection CONTROLLABLE spin polarization
Optimal variable structure control with sliding modes for unstable processes 被引量:4
作者 KUMAR Satyendra AJMERI Moina 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期3147-3158,共12页
In this work,a variable structure control(VSC)technique is proposed to achieve satisfactory robustness for unstable processes.Optimal values of unknown parameters of VSC are obtained using Whale optimization algorithm... In this work,a variable structure control(VSC)technique is proposed to achieve satisfactory robustness for unstable processes.Optimal values of unknown parameters of VSC are obtained using Whale optimization algorithm which was recently reported in literature.Stability analysis has been done to verify the suitability of the proposed structure for industrial processes.The proposed control strategy is applied to three different types of unstable processes including non-minimum phase and nonlinear systems.A comparative study ensures that the proposed scheme gives superior performance over the recently reported VSC system.Furthermore,the proposed method gives satisfactory results for a cart inverted pendulum system in the presence of external disturbance and noise. 展开更多
关键词 variable structure control sliding mode control Whale optimization algorithm ROBUSTNESS non-linear system
A New Method to Solve Robust Data Reconciliation in Nonlinear Process 被引量:4
作者 周凌柯 苏宏业 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第3期357-363,共7页
Data reconciliation is an effective technique for providing accurate and consistent value for chemical process. However, the presence of gross errors can severely bias the reconciled results. Robust estimators can sig... Data reconciliation is an effective technique for providing accurate and consistent value for chemical process. However, the presence of gross errors can severely bias the reconciled results. Robust estimators can significantly reduce the effect of gross errors and yield less-biased results. In this article, a new method is proposed to solve the robust data reconciliation problem of nonlinear chemical process. By using several technologies including linearization method, penalty function, virtual observation equation, and equivalent weights method, the robust data reconciliation problem can be transformed into least squares estimator problem which leads to the convenience in computation. Simulation results in a nonlinear chemical process demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 data reconciliation robust estimator equivalent weights method
A Novel Enhancer for Fe^(2+)-Catalyzed Light Emission Reaction of Luminol and Dissolved Oxygen
作者 杨秀岑 张海松 伍莉萍 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1997年第2期43-50,共8页
EDTA was used as an enhancer for Fe 2+ catalyzed light emission from luminol oxidation by dissolved oxygen. As a result, the limit of detection for ferrous ion with flow injection analysis was improved by a fact... EDTA was used as an enhancer for Fe 2+ catalyzed light emission from luminol oxidation by dissolved oxygen. As a result, the limit of detection for ferrous ion with flow injection analysis was improved by a factor of 160 by addition of EDTA to the luminol solution. Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ were determined simultaneously with a novel copper-coated zinc reductor minicolumn installed in one of the shunt after sample splitting in the manifold. The reductor minicolumn can be used for 3000 determinations at least. The dynamic range of determination was 1×10 -9 ~1×10 -5 mol·L -1 , with the limit of detection of 2.7×10 10 and 3.5×10 10 mol·L 1 ,for Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ , respectively. The preci sion for determination of 2×10 7 mol·L 1 of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ was 2.3% and 4.0% (n=8), respectively, at a sampling rate of 60 h -1 . Cr 3+ and Co 2+ interfere. Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ in mixture were determined with satisfactory results. Samples of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ were determined simultaneously and the results in good agreement with the standard spectrophotometric method. Indications were shown that EDTA functions as an enhancer, Fe 2+ as a catalyst, and oxygen is the oxidant of the chemiluminescent reaction, and the mechanism of the reaction was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Flow injection analysis Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid Ferrous ion Ferric ion LUMINOL Chemiluminescent assay
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