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舍饲和放牧对湖北乌羊血液生理生化指标的影响 被引量:4
作者 王党伟 刘桂琼 +5 位作者 黄勇富 韩燕国 何春波 王高富 孙晓燕 姜勋平 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2012年第S1期386-388,共3页
湖北乌羊因"乌骨乌肉"的品质特征而闻名,是我国特有的地方山羊品种,主要分布于湖北省咸宁市通山县的山区,其肉质鲜美,营养价值高,具有巨大的经济潜力,且其耐粗饲,抗病性强<sup>[1]</sup>。随着湖北省咸宁市通山... 湖北乌羊因"乌骨乌肉"的品质特征而闻名,是我国特有的地方山羊品种,主要分布于湖北省咸宁市通山县的山区,其肉质鲜美,营养价值高,具有巨大的经济潜力,且其耐粗饲,抗病性强<sup>[1]</sup>。随着湖北省咸宁市通山县湖北乌羊保种繁育基地的建立和基地人员的不懈努力,湖北乌羊的数量和质量已经大大提高,推广养殖已经提上日程。目前,湖北乌羊保种繁育基地主要以放牧的养殖方式饲养,近些年来由于地方实行禁牧,舍饲逐渐成了养殖趋势。 展开更多
关键词 山羊品种 北乌 营养价值 平均血小板体积 乳酸脱氢酶 血红蛋白含量 血液生化指标 血红蛋白浓度
反相离子对色谱法测定附子中生物碱成分 被引量:25
作者 刘秀秀 晁若冰 《药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期365-369,共5页
目的测定附子中乌头碱、新乌头碱、次乌头碱、北乌碱、苯甲酰乌头原碱和苯甲酰新乌头原碱等6种生物碱的含量。方法用反相离子对HPLC法,使用A ichromBond-1 C18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm ID);流动相:乙腈-5 mmol.L-1NaH2PO4溶液,磷酸调至pH ... 目的测定附子中乌头碱、新乌头碱、次乌头碱、北乌碱、苯甲酰乌头原碱和苯甲酰新乌头原碱等6种生物碱的含量。方法用反相离子对HPLC法,使用A ichromBond-1 C18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm ID);流动相:乙腈-5 mmol.L-1NaH2PO4溶液,磷酸调至pH 4.5(50∶50),内含7 mmol.L-1十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS);检测波长:235 nm;流速:1.0 mL.m in-1;柱温:35℃。结果以上6种生物碱可以完全分离,准确测定。结论该方法准确度高,可应用于附子中生物碱的含量测定。 展开更多
关键词 附子 高效液相色谱法 头碱 头碱 头碱 北乌 苯甲酰头原碱 苯甲酰新头原碱
两个特殊骨架的C_(20)-二萜生物碱的全部~1H(^(13)C)核磁共振信号指定 被引量:1
作者 陈东林 李正邦 +3 位作者 彭崇胜 郑曦孜 陈巧鸿 王锋鹏 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期674-677,共4页
两个具有特殊骨架的C_(20)-二萜生物碱北乌灵(kusnezoline)和峨翠灵(omeieline)分别分自中国特产毛茛科植物北草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii Pritz)、彭州岩乌头(A.racemulosum var.pengzhouense)和峨嵋翠雀花(Delphinium omeiense W.T.Wan... 两个具有特殊骨架的C_(20)-二萜生物碱北乌灵(kusnezoline)和峨翠灵(omeieline)分别分自中国特产毛茛科植物北草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii Pritz)、彭州岩乌头(A.racemulosum var.pengzhouense)和峨嵋翠雀花(Delphinium omeiense W.T.Wang).应用2D NMR技术(~1H-~1H COSY,HMQC,HMBC,NOESY)全面归属了这两个生物碱的~1H和^(13)C信号的化学位移。 展开更多
关键词 骨架 C20-二萜生物碱 ^1H(^13C) 核磁共振 北乌 峨翠灵 化学位移
作者 牛方 马杰 《中国纺织》 2014年第11期132-133,共2页
库尔勒有一张深入人心的名片,既"库尔勒香梨"。今天,库尔勒正在快马加鞭打造第二张名片——"库尔勒纺织"。作为新疆仅次于乌鲁木齐的第二大城市,库尔勒是古丝绸之路中道的咽喉之地和西域文化的发源地之一,是南疆最大的城市,也是新... 库尔勒有一张深入人心的名片,既"库尔勒香梨"。今天,库尔勒正在快马加鞭打造第二张名片——"库尔勒纺织"。作为新疆仅次于乌鲁木齐的第二大城市,库尔勒是古丝绸之路中道的咽喉之地和西域文化的发源地之一,是南疆最大的城市,也是新疆自治区政府实施"北乌南库"发展的对象城市,及南北疆的分水岭。独特的地理位置和经济地位使得库尔勒成为了此次新疆"发展纺服产业带动就业"的主战场之一。而"库尔勒纺织服装工业城"就理所当然的承担起了这场"工业之战"的排头兵。 展开更多
关键词 纺织服装工业 北乌 西域文化 古丝绸之路 新疆发展 纺织城 南库 大城市 服装城 气流纺
武夷肉桂名丛的生化特性 被引量:6
作者 姚月明 陈永霖 《茶叶科学》 CAS CSCD 1989年第2期151-154,共4页
武夷肉桂系福建省武夷山众多的岩茶名丛之一,属闽北乌龙无性品系。按正宗武夷岩茶制法,对肉桂与水仙进行了感官和理化比较分析,结果表明,肉桂具有辛锐持久的花果香和较醇和的滋味,是适制岩茶的佳品之一。同时,就肉桂岩茶制法对香气滋味... 武夷肉桂系福建省武夷山众多的岩茶名丛之一,属闽北乌龙无性品系。按正宗武夷岩茶制法,对肉桂与水仙进行了感官和理化比较分析,结果表明,肉桂具有辛锐持久的花果香和较醇和的滋味,是适制岩茶的佳品之一。同时,就肉桂岩茶制法对香气滋味形成的影响进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 武夷肉桂 名丛 岩茶 生化特性 北乌 辛锐 鲜叶 内含成分 菜茶 感官审评
中国与中亚国家油气合作 被引量:1
作者 郑宁来 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2015年第12期54-54,共1页
包括中国石油、中国石化、中信资源和洲际油气在内的多家油企都在哈萨克斯坦进行过油气资源勘探开发活动,合作项目主要集中在滨里海、北乌斯丘尔特、曼格什拉克和南图尔盖等。其中,中国石油在卡沙甘和阿克纠宾等项目中有较大权益油气资... 包括中国石油、中国石化、中信资源和洲际油气在内的多家油企都在哈萨克斯坦进行过油气资源勘探开发活动,合作项目主要集中在滨里海、北乌斯丘尔特、曼格什拉克和南图尔盖等。其中,中国石油在卡沙甘和阿克纠宾等项目中有较大权益油气资源储量,中信资源在卡拉赞巴斯油田的权益资源量较丰富。中哈原油管道西起里海的阿特劳,途经阿克纠宾,终点为中哈边界阿拉山口。 展开更多
关键词 油气合作 油气资源勘探 阿克纠宾 北乌 中国石油 阿特劳 中亚国家 原油管道 中国石化 和南
作者 张可能 谢凤琴 《采矿技术》 1989年第9期21-22,共2页
为了对北乌拉尔铝土矿工业生产联合公司№13-13-井田南翼下部水平进行通风,直径5米的南通风井必须从-500米水平延深到-860米水平。井简装备有高36.8米构架式金属井架,井筒内设有单罐笼提升间和作为安全出口的梯子间。井筒延深时穿过的... 为了对北乌拉尔铝土矿工业生产联合公司№13-13-井田南翼下部水平进行通风,直径5米的南通风井必须从-500米水平延深到-860米水平。井简装备有高36.8米构架式金属井架,井筒内设有单罐笼提升间和作为安全出口的梯子间。井筒延深时穿过的岩层主要为f=8至12~14的石灰岩、凝灰砂岩和凝灰角砾岩,多为裂隙。 展开更多
关键词 井筒延深 风井 梯子间 工业生产联合 单罐 组织工作 北乌 角砾岩 拉尔 信号工
《时代金融》 2016年第19期67-67,共1页
云南农行首辆移动金融服务车于5月4日正式营业以来,不断走村窜乡,利用节假日、逢场赶集日将传统柜面服务和自助服务延伸到偏远地区,实现了金融服务的有效扩展和有益补充,开启了农行服务金融空白乡镇的新篇章。5月23日清晨8点,伴着"服... 云南农行首辆移动金融服务车于5月4日正式营业以来,不断走村窜乡,利用节假日、逢场赶集日将传统柜面服务和自助服务延伸到偏远地区,实现了金融服务的有效扩展和有益补充,开启了农行服务金融空白乡镇的新篇章。5月23日清晨8点,伴着"服务三农,耕耘美丽云南"的宣传广播, 展开更多
关键词 服务车 柜面服务 北乌 自助服务 滇东 个人金融业务 个人征信 手机银行 代理保险 黄华
作者 张可能 曹增哲 《采矿技术》 1991年第21期13-14,共2页
苏联和其它国家矿山工业发展的趋势之一是露天开采的矿床地形条件愈益复杂。在苏联已开采的所有露天矿中,高山地形的矿床约占15%,这一比例还在继续增长。今后有用矿物矿床的开发工作将转向交通困难的北乌拉尔、天山、帕米尔地区和辽阔... 苏联和其它国家矿山工业发展的趋势之一是露天开采的矿床地形条件愈益复杂。在苏联已开采的所有露天矿中,高山地形的矿床约占15%,这一比例还在继续增长。今后有用矿物矿床的开发工作将转向交通困难的北乌拉尔、天山、帕米尔地区和辽阔的东西伯利亚地区。其它国家一些有很高价值的矿床也都在高山地区。在高山地区进行露天开采有一系列的困难。 展开更多
关键词 露天矿边坡 资源保护 有用矿物 北乌 生态环境 拉尔 工业发展 外部排土场 西伯利亚地区 开采方法
Detection of spatial hot spots and variation for the neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii resources in the northwest Pacific Ocean 被引量:6
作者 冯永玖 陈新军 刘艳 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期921-935,共15页
With the increasing effects of global climate change and fishing activities,the spatial distribution of the neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) is changing in the traditional fishing ground of 150°-160°... With the increasing effects of global climate change and fishing activities,the spatial distribution of the neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) is changing in the traditional fishing ground of 150°-160°E and 38°-45°N in the northwest Pacific Ocean.This research aims to identify the spatial hot and cold spots(i.e.spatial clusters) of O.bartramii to reveal its spatial structure using commercial fishery data from2007 to 2010 collected by Chinese mainland squid-j igging fleets.A relatively strongly-clustered distribution for O.bartramii was observed using an exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) method.The results show two hot spots and one cold spot in 2007 while only one hot and one cold spots were identified each year from2008 to 2010.The hot and cold spots in 2007 occupied 8.2%and 5.6%of the study area,respectively;these percentages for hot and cold spot areas were 5.8%and 3.1%in 2008,10.2%and 2.9%in 2009,and 16.4%and 11.9%in 2010,respectively.Nearly half(>45%) of the squid from 2007 to 2009 reported by Chinese fleets were caught in hot spot areas while this percentage reached its peak at 68.8%in 2010,indicating that the hot spot areas are central fishing grounds.A further change analysis shows the area centered at156°E/43.5°N was persistent as a hot spot over the whole period from 2007 to 2010.Furthermore,the hot spots were mainly identified in areas with sea surface temperature(SST) in the range of 15-20℃ around warm Kuroshio Currents as well as with the chlorophyll-a(chl-a) concentration above 0.3 mg/m^3.The outcome of this research improves our understanding of spatiotemporal hotspots and its variation for O.bartramii and is useful for sustainable exploitation,assessment,and management of this squid. 展开更多
关键词 Ommastrephes bartramii exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) spatial hot spot spatialautocorrelation variation assessment northwest Pacific Ocean
Mollisols Properties and Changes in Ukraine and China 被引量:2
作者 Yuri S KRAVCHENKO ZHANG Xingyi +2 位作者 LIU Xiaobing SONG Chunyu Richard M CRUSE 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期257-266,共10页
Soils are the foundation of civilizations and the basis for human food production.Mollisols in Ukraine and Northeast China are two out of the four major Mollisol regions in the world.The natural areas from which Molli... Soils are the foundation of civilizations and the basis for human food production.Mollisols in Ukraine and Northeast China are two out of the four major Mollisol regions in the world.The natural areas from which Mollisols developed are the prairies and steppes that experience temperate and freezing conditions.This review paper introduces the general climate,vegetation,and topography of Mollisols regions in Ukraine and Northeast China,analyzes their properties,including soil texture,soil organic matter content,soil bulk density,pH,cation exchange capacity and other chemical properties,and compares the property changes and management practices of Mollisols in relation to sustainable grain production. 展开更多
关键词 MOLLISOLS soil properties soil organic matter TILLAGE Mollisols management
Dominant patterns of winter surface air temperature over Central Asia and their connection with atmospheric circulation 被引量:1
作者 Haishan Li Ke Fan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第6期1-8,共8页
The dominant patterns of the winter(December-February)surface air temperature anomalies(SATAs)over Central Asia(CA)are investigated in this study.The first two leading modes revealed by empirical orthogonal function(E... The dominant patterns of the winter(December-February)surface air temperature anomalies(SATAs)over Central Asia(CA)are investigated in this study.The first two leading modes revealed by empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis represent the patterns by explaining 74%of the total variance.The positive phase of EOF1 is characterized by a monopole pattern,corresponding to cold SATAs over CA,while the positive phase of EOF2 shows a meridional dipole pattern with warm and cold SATAs over northern and southern CA.EOF1 is mainly modulated by the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation(AO)in the troposphere,and the negative AO phase may be caused by the downward propagation of the precursory anomalies of the stratospheric polar vortex.EOF2 is mainly influenced by the Ural blocking pattern and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO).The SATAs associated with EOF2 can be attributed to a dipole-like pattern of geopotential height anomalies over CA.The dipole-like pattern is mainly caused by the Ural blocking pattern,and the NAO can also contribute to the northern part of the dipole. 展开更多
关键词 Central asia Surface air temperature anomaly Arctic oscillation North atlantic oscillation Ural blocking
Hydrochemical Characteristics and Solute Dynamics of Meltwater Runoff of Urumqi Glacier No.1,Eastern Tianshan,Northwest China 被引量:11
作者 FENG Fang LI Zhongqin +2 位作者 JIN Shuang DONG Zhiwen WANG Feiteng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期472-482,共11页
Hydrochemical characteristics and solute dynamics of bulk meltwater draining from Urumqi Glacier No.1 were investigated in years 2006 and 2007. The glacial meltwater was slightly alkaline with the mean pH of 7.64 and ... Hydrochemical characteristics and solute dynamics of bulk meltwater draining from Urumqi Glacier No.1 were investigated in years 2006 and 2007. The glacial meltwater was slightly alkaline with the mean pH of 7.64 and 7.61 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. In the meltwater, the dominant anions were the bicarbonate and sulphate, and the dominant cation was calcium. The concentration of major cations were varied as c(Ca2+) 〉 c(Mg2+) 〉 c(K+) 〉 c(Na+), while the order for the cations was c(HCO3-) 〉 c(SO42-) 〉 c(NQ-) 〉 c(C1-). The total dissolved solids (TDS) in meltwater had inverse relationships with the diurnal discharge. The major ion composition of meltwater was mainly controlled by rock weathering as inferred from the Gibbs model. Furthermore, the ion ratios and Piper diagram indicated that the main processes controlling the meltwater chemistry were carbonate weathering, pyrite weathering and feldspar weathering in rocks, and Ca2+ and HCQ- were the dominant ions during the carbonate weathering process. Solute flux calculation at Glacier No.1 station suggested that chemical denudation rates were 11.46 and 13.90 tonkm-2.yr-1 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic concentration EC and TDS Rockweathering Solute fluxes Urumqi Glacier No.1
作者 冷眉语 《诗歌月刊》 2016年第7期30-32,26,共3页
关键词 眉语 榆叶 鸟鸣 北乌 一朵花 人从 雪域高原 活着 我将 子拔
库尔勒 被铁路和石油改变的城市
作者 夏叶 《商务旅行》 2009年第9期72-73,共2页
在新疆,像库尔勒这样拥有穿城而过河流的城市是极少见的。"现在这里是除乌鲁木齐外全疆最热门的地方。""北乌(鲁木齐)南库",只有47万人口的库尔勒,如今是新疆的明星城市。建市30周年、塔里木石油会战20周年、南疆... 在新疆,像库尔勒这样拥有穿城而过河流的城市是极少见的。"现在这里是除乌鲁木齐外全疆最热门的地方。""北乌(鲁木齐)南库",只有47万人口的库尔勒,如今是新疆的明星城市。建市30周年、塔里木石油会战20周年、南疆铁路由此向西延伸10周年—今年的库尔勒有太多庆贺的理由。 展开更多
关键词 南疆铁路 南库 北乌 塔里木油田 王立华 西地区 生活基地 高层楼房 文夏 五星级酒店
Populism, Sovereigntism, and the Unlikely Re- Emergence of the Territorial Nation-State 被引量:1
作者 Aristotle Kallis 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2018年第3期285-302,共18页
In the last three decades, the rise of a populist challenge to the liberal political mainstream exposed how shallow the supposed victory of global liberalism was, even in its heartlands in Europe and North America. Ex... In the last three decades, the rise of a populist challenge to the liberal political mainstream exposed how shallow the supposed victory of global liberalism was, even in its heartlands in Europe and North America. Exclusive nationalism and nativism, identity politics, critiques of globaiisation and internationalism, and calls for democratic re-empowerment of the demos have converged politically on a new locus of inflated territorial, indeed 'border' sovereignty, aligning the caU of 'taking back control' on behalf of a radically re-defined community ('we') with a defensive re-territorialisation of power along existing fault lines of nation-statism. In this paper, I argue that the very same call has become the new common political denominator for all populist platforms and parties across Europe. I argue that populists across the conventional left-fight divide have deployed a rigidly territo- rialised concept of popular sovereignty in order to bestow intellectual coherence and communicative power to the otherwise disparate strands of their anti-utopian cri- tiques of globalisation. In spite of significant ideological differences between so- called fight- and left-wing populism, in the short-term the two populist projects have sought to stage their performances of sovereigntism on, behind or inside the borders of the existing nation-states. 展开更多
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