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北京冬季大气中多溴联苯醚的污染水平和分布特征 被引量:14
作者 胡永彪 李英明 +4 位作者 耿大玮 王璞 张捷 张庆华 江桂斌 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期9-13,共5页
2010年11月至2011年2月利用聚氨酯泡沫(PUF)大气被动采样技术采集了北京市海淀、朝阳、丰台、石景山、昌平、大兴、通州等区域的大气样品,采用高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱联用法(HRGC/HRMS)分析了其中13种多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)同族体... 2010年11月至2011年2月利用聚氨酯泡沫(PUF)大气被动采样技术采集了北京市海淀、朝阳、丰台、石景山、昌平、大兴、通州等区域的大气样品,采用高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱联用法(HRGC/HRMS)分析了其中13种多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)同族体的污染浓度和分布特征.结果表明,北京大气中PBDEs总含量(Σ13PBDEs)为0.97~41.1pg/m3,平均值为7.85pg/m3.在区域分布规律方面呈现东南地区的采样点污染物浓度明显高于西北地区,工业地区和人口密集的商业地区明显高于郊区和背景对照区的分布特征. 展开更多
关键词 多溴联苯醚 大气被动采样 北京大气
北京春季大气污染与沙尘天气关系 被引量:4
作者 郑新江 罗敬宁 李小龙 《中国高校科技与产业化》 2006年第10期75-76,共2页
本文分析了2006年3~5月北京的大气质量与沙尘天气的关系,发现在污染指数≥200(中度污染以上)的14天中,有9天与沙尘天气有关,达到64%,说明春季北京的大气质量与沙尘天气的发生有密切关系。在此基础上,利用卫星资料和气象常规观测资料对... 本文分析了2006年3~5月北京的大气质量与沙尘天气的关系,发现在污染指数≥200(中度污染以上)的14天中,有9天与沙尘天气有关,达到64%,说明春季北京的大气质量与沙尘天气的发生有密切关系。在此基础上,利用卫星资料和气象常规观测资料对造成北京沙尘天气的起沙地和路径作了进一步的分析后发现,2006年春季有5条沙尘路径影响北京地区,是近年来少见的现象。 展开更多
关键词 北京大气环境 沙尘路径 卫星资料
北京市大气中多氯联苯的污染水平和分布特征 被引量:11
作者 洪维哲 李英明 +4 位作者 张林楠 鲍佳 王璞 朱超飞 张庆华 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期410-416,共7页
利用XAD树脂被动采样技术和同位素稀释高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱联用法(HRGC/HRMS)研究了2012年11月至2014年1月北京地区大气中多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染现状、区域分布特征及季节性变化规律.结果表明,北京大气中19种PCBs总浓度为8.42—45.... 利用XAD树脂被动采样技术和同位素稀释高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱联用法(HRGC/HRMS)研究了2012年11月至2014年1月北京地区大气中多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染现状、区域分布特征及季节性变化规律.结果表明,北京大气中19种PCBs总浓度为8.42—45.2 pg·m-3(平均值23.1 pg·m-3),各采样点全年平均毒性当量范围为0.33—3.33 fg WHO-TEQ m-3(平均值1.85 fg WHO-TEQ m-3).PCB-11浓度范围为27.9—136pg·m-3,平均值为78.2 pg·m-3.大气中的PCBs以低氯代(2—5氯代)PCBs为主.季节变化规律呈现出夏/秋季节PCBs浓度高于冬/春季节的规律;区域分布特征呈现出人口密集的城区大于背景区、工业区大于城区的规律. 展开更多
关键词 北京大气 PCBS 大气被动采样 分布特征 季节性变化规律.
北京市冬季大气细颗粒物中二■英的污染特征 被引量:3
作者 孙俊玲 张庆华 李英明 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1982-1989,共8页
为了解北京市大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)中二噁英(PCDD/Fs)的污染特征,利用中流量大气颗粒物采样器,在北京市3个功能区5个采样点(两个市区点、两个工业区点和一个背景点),同步连续采集了大气细颗粒物PM2.5样品.参照US EPA 1613B标准方法,应用... 为了解北京市大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)中二噁英(PCDD/Fs)的污染特征,利用中流量大气颗粒物采样器,在北京市3个功能区5个采样点(两个市区点、两个工业区点和一个背景点),同步连续采集了大气细颗粒物PM2.5样品.参照US EPA 1613B标准方法,应用高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS),分析了PM2.5中17种PCDD/Fs的浓度水平和区域分布特征,并对PCDD/Fs的污染来源做了初步探讨.结果表明,5个采样点PM2.5的日均质量浓度范围102—146μg·m-3,平均日均值119μg·m-3,超出国家二级标准(75μg·m-3)59%,污染较重.在空间分布上,PM2.5的日均浓度表现为工业区大于背景点大于市区的特征.所有采样点17种PCDD/Fs的总浓度范围∑PCDD/Fs是1.60—4.09 pg·m-3,平均值3.23 pg·m-3,PCDD/Fs总毒性当量∑TEQ范围是140.54—275.69 fg I-TEQ·m-3,平均值233.18 fg I-TEQ·m-3.与国内外其他城市相比,北京市大气PM2.5中PCDD/Fs污染处于相当或略高水平.OCDD、OCDF和1,2,3,4,7,8-HpCDF是PCDD/Fs的主要组成成分,分别占总浓度∑PCDD/Fs的10%、19%和24%.对于总毒性当量∑TEQ贡献最大的是2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF,占总毒性当量的48.3%,∑PCDDs/∑PCDFs比值范围为0.19—0.23,平均值0.22,属于典型的'热源'特征.在浓度变化上, PCDDs呈现为随氯取代个数的增加而增加,除OCDF外, PCDFs的各单体浓度也随着取代氯原子个数的增加而增大.在区域分布上,PCDD/Fs浓度表现为工业区高于市区,市区大于背景点,充分体现了局地源的特点.采样期间工业热过程(化石燃料燃烧、电弧炉、烧结和冶炼等)、机动车排放和固体垃圾焚烧是北京冬季大气PM2.5中PCDD/Fs和PM2.5污染水平的主要影响因素. 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5 二噁英(PCDD/Fs) 高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS) 北京大气
北京大学大气环境模式PUMA的改进及其在沈阳地区的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张碧辉 刘树华 +1 位作者 马雁军 刘和平 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期47-53,共7页
为拓展北京大学大气环境模式(PUMA)的应用,对其进行两方面的改进。首先,用新一代中尺度气象模式WRF提供气象场驱动PUMA;其次,新增非局地湍流扩散系数Grisogono方案。为验证改进后的模拟能力,将PUMA运用于沈阳地区冬季大气SO2污染研究。... 为拓展北京大学大气环境模式(PUMA)的应用,对其进行两方面的改进。首先,用新一代中尺度气象模式WRF提供气象场驱动PUMA;其次,新增非局地湍流扩散系数Grisogono方案。为验证改进后的模拟能力,将PUMA运用于沈阳地区冬季大气SO2污染研究。模拟结果和观测比对表明:WRF可以提供合理的气象场;PUMA可以模拟出SO2浓度月尺度变化和日变化;Grisogono方案在中午对流边界层条件下对模拟结果有所改善。SO2浓度有明显的日变化,白天浓度低,夜间浓度高,模拟结果表明SO2浓度和边界层高度的日变化成负相关。改进后的PUMA可以在大气环境预报预警中得到应用。 展开更多
关键词 北京大学大气环境模式(PUMA) Grisogono方案 日变化 边界层高度
北京低能见度污染天气发生频率与成因特征研究 被引量:4
作者 李海萍 《环境与可持续发展》 2009年第3期50-52,共3页
低能见度污染天气(LVPW)是气象条件与大气污染耦合形成的能见度<1000m且空气质量在3级以上的污染天气。本文利用谷歌搜索获取的资料作为样本观测值进行了统计,空气质量3级以上LVPW对污染日数的发生频率达4.07%,对样本总体的发生频率... 低能见度污染天气(LVPW)是气象条件与大气污染耦合形成的能见度<1000m且空气质量在3级以上的污染天气。本文利用谷歌搜索获取的资料作为样本观测值进行了统计,空气质量3级以上LVPW对污染日数的发生频率达4.07%,对样本总体的发生频率达1.45%。与上世纪末相比,北京沙尘型污染天气相对活跃,但静稳型LVPW发生频率是沙尘型LVPW发生频率的3倍还多。北京LVPW的时空特征需进行深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 北京大气污染 低能见度污染天气(LVPW) 发生频率 特征
机动车限行期间大气颗粒物(TSP、PM10)中二■英(PCDD/Fs)的削减 被引量:2
作者 孙俊玲 王鹏焱 张庆华 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期1582-1589,共8页
为探讨不同交通状况下大气颗粒物中二■英(PCDD/Fs)的污染特征以及评估交通限行对大气颗粒物中二■英(PCDD/Fs)变化趋势的影响,在中国地质大学(北京)东门使用中流量采样器对大气颗粒物PM10和TSP样品进行了连续同步采集,应用同位素稀释... 为探讨不同交通状况下大气颗粒物中二■英(PCDD/Fs)的污染特征以及评估交通限行对大气颗粒物中二■英(PCDD/Fs)变化趋势的影响,在中国地质大学(北京)东门使用中流量采样器对大气颗粒物PM10和TSP样品进行了连续同步采集,应用同位素稀释高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS)联用法和US EPA 1613B标准方法,检测分析了北京市交通限行期间以及交通限行前后等不同交通状况下大气颗粒物TSP和PM10中17种2,3,7,8-氯取代PCDD/Fs浓度及其变化特征,结果显示,PCDD/Fs在TSP中的浓度和毒性当量(TEQ)分别是交通限行前2117 fg·m-3(120.85 fg I-TEQ·m-3)、限行期间550 fg·m-3(25.26 fg I-TEQ·m-3),在PM10中的浓度(毒性当量)分别是交通限行前2045 fg·m-3(112.87 fg I-TEQ·m-3)、限行期间484 fg·m-3(19.67 fg I-TEQ·m-3)、限行结束后1572 fg·m-3(81.06 fg I-TEQ·m-3). PCDDs浓度远低于PCDFs,体现了典型'热源'特征,除OCDF外,PCDDs和PCDF同族体浓度变化趋势表现为随着取代氯原子个数的增加而增大,PCDD/Fs主要附着在PM10中,占TSP中总浓度的87%—97%,平均92%.交通限行期间PCDD/Fs污染水平明显降低,临时交通流控制措施是PCDD/Fs降低的主要因素.当前的研究结果力求为评价交通源对大气环境中PCDD/Fs的影响以及交通限行对PCDD/Fs的削减贡献提供支撑. 展开更多
关键词 二■英 TSP PM10 交通限行 北京大气
作者 毕雪岩 刘烽 吴兑 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第2期161-168,共8页
Stability parameters (Monin-Obukhov length L, gradient Richardson number Ri and bulk Rischardson number Ri), which are applicable in urban environment, were discussed for ways of calculating classification standards. ... Stability parameters (Monin-Obukhov length L, gradient Richardson number Ri and bulk Rischardson number Ri), which are applicable in urban environment, were discussed for ways of calculating classification standards. Gradient observations from a 325-m meteorological tower in Beijing are used to categorize Rib based on three different standards of stability proposed by D. Golder, Irwin and Houghton. The results show that it is relatively reasonable for the region of Beijing to apply the classification standard by Irwin. 展开更多
关键词 classification of atmospheric stability limit of stability classification BEIJING
Polychlorinated biphenyis in Beijing soil of China
作者 LIU Geng-yun CHEN Zuo-sheng +3 位作者 SHI Ye-hong LI Wei LI Chang-qing WANG Guang-yu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第10期41-47,共7页
The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been determined in soils collected in Beijing of China. According to Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of PCBs, the possible sources were studied. Relat... The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been determined in soils collected in Beijing of China. According to Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of PCBs, the possible sources were studied. Relationship between PCBs and soil organic materials revealed that higher chlorinated PCBs are more inclined to be adsorbed by particles rich of organic materials. But the low chlorinated homologues are dominant in Beijing soils, which is very different from the foreign studies. It was concluded that the application of relatively low chlorinated commercial PCBs in China was the main reason leading to this homologue composition character. Besides, the relatively short pollution history is also one of the main reasons. PCA of PCBs data in Beijing soil and atmospheric deposition samples revealed that some other emission sources such as atmospheric deposition, automobile exhaust; chemical and petrochemical industry and steel industry may be the important reasons of elevated PCBs concentrations in Beijing soil 展开更多
Atmospheric Mercury Pollution in Beijing
作者 Guo Hongling1,2 1.Institute of Forensic Science,Ministry of Public Security,Beijing 100038,China 2.Chinese People’s Public Security University,Beijing 100038,China 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第3期92-96,共5页
The atmospheric mercury pollution in Beijing is a serious problem.Atmospheric mercury has three sources:natural emission,anthropogenic emission and previously deposited mercury reemission or recycling,composing elemen... The atmospheric mercury pollution in Beijing is a serious problem.Atmospheric mercury has three sources:natural emission,anthropogenic emission and previously deposited mercury reemission or recycling,composing elemental mercury,divalent mercury and particulate-phase mercury.Many studies showed that mercury in Beijing's air was higher than the general level of mercury concentration in the atmosphere.Mercury emission sources were discussed.Industrial emissions,coal burning,vehicle exhaust emissions and waste incineration were thought to be the main sources of atmospheric mercury pollution in Beijing.And also meteorology has an effect on atmospheric mercury concentration in Beijing.Measures have been taken to control the emission of mercury into the air in recent years. 展开更多
The Effect of PM2.5 on Economic Situation of Beijing and Solutions
作者 Guang-jing He Rong-ge Xiao Yu-heng Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期40-42,共3页
China's environmental problems have become increasingly serious, which have caused great attention of the relevant departments of the state. Through the survey, we found that in most of the cities in our country, the... China's environmental problems have become increasingly serious, which have caused great attention of the relevant departments of the state. Through the survey, we found that in most of the cities in our country, the inhalable particulate matter PM10 is one of the main pollutants, especially in the capital of China -- Beijing, which is the arch-criminal cause of the air pollution. According to the quality control report released in Beijing City Environmental Protection Bureau, as can be learned, in recent years, Beijing's air quality goes from bad to worse, and in the overall atmospheric pollutants, the PM10 is up to above nine tenths. There are more reports saying that the air pollution levels in Beijing have been not suitable for the human habitation. With the increasing of the air pollution, the term PM2.5 is also more and more familiar to us. The air more intensified the pollution is, the greater the ratio of PM2.5 in PM10 is. In that case, it not only seriously affects the people's health, but also brings the huge economic losses. This paper is aimed to analyze the influence of PM2.5 on the economic situation of Beijing, and puts forward the concrete solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Economic condition in Beijing PM2.5 influence SOLUTION
A comparison study of the simulation accuracy between WRF and MM5 in simulating local atmospheric circulations over Greater Beijing 被引量:3
作者 LIU ZhenXin LIU ShuHua +3 位作者 HU Fei LI Ju MA YanJun LIU HePing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期418-427,共10页
Several multi-scale numerical simulation experiments were carried out using the mesoscale modeling systems MM5V3.7 and WRFV2.2 for Greater Beijing to estimate the accuracy of WRF and MM5 in simulating the characterist... Several multi-scale numerical simulation experiments were carried out using the mesoscale modeling systems MM5V3.7 and WRFV2.2 for Greater Beijing to estimate the accuracy of WRF and MM5 in simulating the characteristics and variations of mesoscale local circulation in the atmospheric boundary layer of this area. We simulated the horizontal distribution and diurnal variations of temperature and wind fields near the ground and compared them with Automatic Weather System (AWS) data collected from 19 AWS stations in Beijing. Correlation and error analyses were also made. The modeling and statistical results showed that both WRF and MM5 model the temperature field near the ground significantly better than they model the wind field. The temperature field simulated by MM5 is more coincident than that of WRF with the AWS observation records, while WRF does better than MM5 in simulating the wind field, especially under the condition of gusty wind. Neither WRF nor MM5 can capture the fine structure of urban architectural complexity, which is the main error in the wind field simulation. Both models underestimate the land surface temperature at night and overestimate the temperature during the day. All the above results are supported by statistical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 WRF MM5 Greater Beijing local atmospheric circulation simulation accuracy comparison study
The vertical distribution characteristics of integral turbulence statistics in the atmospheric boundary layer over an urban area in Beijing 被引量:7
作者 LIU Yang LIU HuiZhi WANG Lei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1533-1545,共13页
Turbulence data(2008–2012) from a 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing, which consisted of three layers(47,140, and 280 m), was used to analyze the vertical distribution characteristics of turbulent transfer over Be... Turbulence data(2008–2012) from a 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing, which consisted of three layers(47,140, and 280 m), was used to analyze the vertical distribution characteristics of turbulent transfer over Beijing city according to similarity theory. The conclusions were as follows.(1) Normalized standard deviations of wind speeds/ui * were plotted as a function only of a local stability parameter. The values under near-neutral conditions were 2.15, 1.61, and 1.19 at 47 m, 2.39, 1.75,and 1.21 at 140 m, and 2.51, 1.77, and 1.30 at 280 m, showing a clear increase with height. The normalized standard deviation of wind components fitted the 1/3 law under unstable stratification conditions and decreased with height under both stable and unstable conditions.(2) The normalized standard deviation of temperature fitted the.1/3 law in the free convection limit, but was quite scattered with different characteristics under near-neutral conditions. The normalized standard deviations of humidity and the CO2 concentration fitted the.1/3 law under unstable conditions, and remained constant under near-neutral and stable stratification. The normalized standard deviation of scalars, i.e., temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration, all increased with height.(3) Compared with momentum, and the water vapor and CO2 concentrations, the turbulence correlation coefficient for heat was smaller under near-neutral conditions, but larger under both stable and unstable conditions. A dissimilarity between heat, and the water vapor and CO2 concentrations was observed in urban areas. The relative correlation coefficients between heat and each of momentum, humidity, and CO2 concentration(|rwT/ruw|, |rwT/rwc| and |rwT/ruq|) in the lower layers were always larger than in higher layers, except for the relative correlation coefficient between heat and humidity in an unstable stratification. Therefore, the ratio between heat and each of momentum, humidity, and CO2 concentration decreased with height. 展开更多
关键词 Urban boundary layer Local similarity theory Integral turbulence statistics
Daytime HONO formation in the suburban area of the megacity Beijing, China 被引量:9
作者 YANG Qiang SU Hang +9 位作者 LI Xin CHENG YaFang LU KeDing CHENG Peng GU JianWei GUO Song HU Min ZENG LiMin ZHU Tong ZHANG YuanHang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1032-1042,共11页
Nitrous acid (HONO), as a primary precursor of OH radicals, has been considered one of the most important nitrogencontaining species in the atmosphere. Up to 30% of primary OH radical production is attributed to the... Nitrous acid (HONO), as a primary precursor of OH radicals, has been considered one of the most important nitrogencontaining species in the atmosphere. Up to 30% of primary OH radical production is attributed to the photolysis of HONO. However, the major HONO formation mechanisms are still under discussion. During the Campaigns of Air Quality Research in Beijing and Surrounding Region (CAREBeijing2006) campaign, comprehensive measurements were carried out in the megacity Beijing, where the chemical budget of HONO was fully constrained. The average diurnal HONO concentration varied from 0.33 to 1.2 ppbv. The net OH production rate from HONO, Pon(HONO)net, was on average (from 05:00 to 19:00) 7.1 × 10^6 molecule/(cm^3 s), 2.7 times higher than from 03 photolysis. This production rate demonstrates the important role of HONO in the atmospheric chemistry of megacity Beijing. An unknown HONO source (Punknown) with an average of 7.3 × 10^6 molecule/(cm^3 s) was derived from the budget analysis during daytime. Punknown provided four times more HONO than the reaction of NO with OH did. The diurnal variation of Punknown showed an apparent photo-enhanced feature with a maximum around 12:00, which was consistent with previous studies at forest and rural sites. Laboratory studies proposed new mechanisms to recruit NO2 and J(NO2) in order to explain a photo-enhancement of of Puknown. In this study, these mechanisms were validated against the observation-constraint Punknown. The reaction of exited NO2 accounted for only 6% of Puknown, and Punk poorly correlated with [NO2] (R = 0.26) and J(NO2)[NO2] (R = 0.35). These results challenged the role of NO2 as a major precursor of the missing HONO source. 展开更多
关键词 HONO nitrous acid OH BUDGET unknown source heterogeneous
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