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河北省海堤工程北排河新挡潮闸改建设计 被引量:1
作者 何晓明 《河北水利水电技术》 2000年第3期49-50,共2页
关键词 挡潮闸 改建 设计 海堤 北排
皮革鞣制排污对北排河河流污染状况及治理对策浅析 被引量:1
作者 郭然 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2020年第2期67-70,共4页
北排河源于滏东排河杨庄闸下,与子牙新河相并而行,流经沧州市献县、河间市、沧县、黄骅市,之后流入天津市,属于排沥河道。该河上游水质较好,但到中下游水质变差,至入海口海水倒灌,淤泥堆积,在不同程度上影响着生态环境和周边居民生活环... 北排河源于滏东排河杨庄闸下,与子牙新河相并而行,流经沧州市献县、河间市、沧县、黄骅市,之后流入天津市,属于排沥河道。该河上游水质较好,但到中下游水质变差,至入海口海水倒灌,淤泥堆积,在不同程度上影响着生态环境和周边居民生活环境。本文就北排河现状、近年水质变化趋势及治理措施进行浅析。 展开更多
关键词 皮革鞣制 北排 水质变化 治理
作者 王永刚 丰焕平 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2022年第3期128-131,共4页
东平湖老湖北排入黄河,是通过开启陈山口、清河门两座出湖闸,开启庞口防倒灌闸来实现。北排流路的畅通对东平湖与大汶河防洪安全尤为重要。2020年8月以来戴村坝站出现四次洪水过程,致使来水初期老湖水位上涨迅速,但庞口闸排泄水流量较... 东平湖老湖北排入黄河,是通过开启陈山口、清河门两座出湖闸,开启庞口防倒灌闸来实现。北排流路的畅通对东平湖与大汶河防洪安全尤为重要。2020年8月以来戴村坝站出现四次洪水过程,致使来水初期老湖水位上涨迅速,但庞口闸排泄水流量较小。对此,通过建立数学模型进行洪水运行演算,分析东平湖北排排水不畅的原因,并提出相应对策,以期为东平湖管理提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 戴村坝 北排体系 无滑移固壁边界 非恒定流 圣维南方程 安居工程
作者 郭长城 杨丽红 杜瑞香 《科技信息》 2008年第31期323-323,共1页
分析了东平湖北排的各种影响因素,认为:出湖闸、退水入黄河道泄流能力互相适应,不阻碍北排入黄;引河生产堤严重影响北排。其中,闸前生产堤的存在直接影响东平湖老湖的排水能力,从而严重影响老湖的调蓄能力;金山坝对东平湖的整体防洪存... 分析了东平湖北排的各种影响因素,认为:出湖闸、退水入黄河道泄流能力互相适应,不阻碍北排入黄;引河生产堤严重影响北排。其中,闸前生产堤的存在直接影响东平湖老湖的排水能力,从而严重影响老湖的调蓄能力;金山坝对东平湖的整体防洪存在不利影响,但该生产堤对于较小的汶河来水在客观上起到了保护老湖西区的作用;庞口闸设防标准低,影响泄流,目前扩建设计正在进行;为确保东平湖防洪安全,同时兼顾湖区群众的生产生活,建议对金山坝进行规范管理,彻底破除出湖闸前的生产堤,同时做好相关群众的安置工作。 展开更多
关键词 北排 影响因素 东平湖
作者 田海军 韩晓华 《河北水利》 2005年第5期31-32,共2页
北排河挡潮闸位于天津市大港区新马棚口村南北排河入海口处,由老挡潮闸、新挡潮闸组成.新挡潮闸为河床式闸型,共8孔,中4孔闸门尺寸为8×7m,边2孔为8×5.5m,闸门为直升式钢闸门.去年对该闸除锈上漆,除锈面积1750m3,工期20d.针对... 北排河挡潮闸位于天津市大港区新马棚口村南北排河入海口处,由老挡潮闸、新挡潮闸组成.新挡潮闸为河床式闸型,共8孔,中4孔闸门尺寸为8×7m,边2孔为8×5.5m,闸门为直升式钢闸门.去年对该闸除锈上漆,除锈面积1750m3,工期20d.针对除绣上漆监理中进度、质量、投资控制等,谈几点看法. 展开更多
关键词 北排河挡潮闸 闸门 除锈方式 上漆监理 天津 进度控制 质量控制 施工管理 投资控制
作者 张永慧 《河北水利》 2015年第5期33-33,共1页
北排河挡潮闸位于天津市滨海新区新马棚口村东南北排河入海口处,由左岸老挡潮闸(1967年建)和右岸新挡潮闸(1979年建)组成,两闸并排布置,中间设40m宽导流墩。本次除险加固包括新、老挡潮闸除险加固两部分,工程等级为Ⅲ等,主要建筑物... 北排河挡潮闸位于天津市滨海新区新马棚口村东南北排河入海口处,由左岸老挡潮闸(1967年建)和右岸新挡潮闸(1979年建)组成,两闸并排布置,中间设40m宽导流墩。本次除险加固包括新、老挡潮闸除险加固两部分,工程等级为Ⅲ等,主要建筑物为3级。在老挡潮闸闸室拆除重建中,闸墩基础由新增钻孔灌注桩和利用原桩基两部分组成,其中两侧边墩共新增28根桩,桩径1m;中墩在原桩基上、下游各布置一排桩,每排5根,桩径1.5m,单桩长均为20m。 展开更多
关键词 挡潮闸 北排 除险加固 钻孔灌注桩 天津市滨海 工程等级 护筒 泥浆护壁 正循环钻机 边墩
大汶河洪水出路探讨 被引量:1
作者 王华 张军 +1 位作者 牛德东 彭慧 《水利规划与设计》 2013年第1期20-22,共3页
大汶河是黄河下游最大的一条支流,于山东省东平县马口村注入东平湖。东平湖蓄滞汶黄洪水后排水入黄不畅,致使大汶河洪水期间,东平湖洪涝灾害频繁,防洪度汛形势日益严峻。通过对东平湖蓄滞洪水后排水工程现状及防洪存在问题的分析,提出... 大汶河是黄河下游最大的一条支流,于山东省东平县马口村注入东平湖。东平湖蓄滞汶黄洪水后排水入黄不畅,致使大汶河洪水期间,东平湖洪涝灾害频繁,防洪度汛形势日益严峻。通过对东平湖蓄滞洪水后排水工程现状及防洪存在问题的分析,提出加大东平湖老湖区洪水北排入黄规模,结合南水北调东线工程实施,打通南排入南四湖的通道,以解决大汶河洪水出路不畅的问题。 展开更多
关键词 洪水出路 北排 南水调工程
应用测井资料研究聚合物驱后剩余油分布 被引量:7
作者 王梅 杨二龙 +1 位作者 龙涛 宋考平 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期72-74,共3页
大庆油田在聚合物驱后区块仍然有40%以上的剩余储量,准确预测聚驱后剩余油分布是挖潜这部分储量的关键。根据大量代表水驱后期和聚驱后期开发状况的测井资料,计算对比了单井垂向采出程度;通过绘制不同微相剩余油饱和度概率分布曲线和将... 大庆油田在聚合物驱后区块仍然有40%以上的剩余储量,准确预测聚驱后剩余油分布是挖潜这部分储量的关键。根据大量代表水驱后期和聚驱后期开发状况的测井资料,计算对比了单井垂向采出程度;通过绘制不同微相剩余油饱和度概率分布曲线和将井点所属饱和度区间标注在沉积微相图上,研究了聚合物驱后平面剩余油分布。结果表明:聚驱后,垂向上驱替趋于均匀,但油层上部剩余油比例较高,在垂向上,厚度小、渗透率低的油层部位,聚驱后剩余油基本没有变化,厚度大的油层部位,聚驱后剩余油剖面趋于均匀,但上部剩余油仍较多;在平面上,河道砂微相聚驱效果明显好于非河道砂微相,剩余油主要分布在相带尖灭、两相分界处以及渗透率变差部位和注采关系不完善的区域。该研究为进一步挖潜这部分剩余油提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 聚合物驱 剩余油饱和度 测井资料 一二西
奉化江、甬江治理对姚江防洪能力的影响及对策 被引量:2
作者 卢晓燕 王灵敏 黄昉 《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》 2013年第1期44-47,共4页
浙江省境内的姚江与奉化江汇合后形成甬江,属浙江省八大水系之一.随着奉化江、甬江两岸堤防的建成,两江洪水归槽致使洪水位抬高,对姚江东排能力产生一定的影响.据此,经水文分析、明渠非恒定流水力学计算,利用一维非恒定流模型,定量分析... 浙江省境内的姚江与奉化江汇合后形成甬江,属浙江省八大水系之一.随着奉化江、甬江两岸堤防的建成,两江洪水归槽致使洪水位抬高,对姚江东排能力产生一定的影响.据此,经水文分析、明渠非恒定流水力学计算,利用一维非恒定流模型,定量分析了奉化江、甬江两岸建堤后对姚江东排能力的影响,通过多方案比选确定最优方案.考虑平原北侧钱塘江水位低、排洪距离短的优势,疏通平原骨干河道向北排洪能力、扩建北排闸门,增大北排钱塘江能力的措施,变被动地受姚江大闸闸下水位影响为主动地扩大北排能力,为姚江防洪能力的提高明确对策. 展开更多
关键词 姚江 奉化江 甬江 防洪 北排
浅析在建BT模式项目的实施 被引量:1
作者 夏琼 《工程建设与设计》 2015年第8期159-162,共4页
公共基础设施一般规模大、资金需求高,远超过政府的财政能力,这时就需要政府寻求新的融资方式来吸收社会资金的参与。BT模式在这种背景下应运而生,作为一种新型的融资建设模式不仅可以缓解政府的财政压力,还可以提高投资效率。论文结合... 公共基础设施一般规模大、资金需求高,远超过政府的财政能力,这时就需要政府寻求新的融资方式来吸收社会资金的参与。BT模式在这种背景下应运而生,作为一种新型的融资建设模式不仅可以缓解政府的财政压力,还可以提高投资效率。论文结合温州市鹿城区北排工程对在建BT模式项目实施进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 工程项目 BT模式 北排
加大治理力度 让人民群众远离土壤重金属污染
作者 田建国 《天津政协公报》 2013年第9期16-16,共1页
今年5月2日《人民日报》对天津及周边地区土壤和地下水重金属情况进行报道,引起各方面关注。据调查发现,目前我市部分地区地表土层镉、汞、铅等重金属元素污染情况严重,其衍生的次级污染危害很大。主要表现在:一是污染历史长。天津从195... 今年5月2日《人民日报》对天津及周边地区土壤和地下水重金属情况进行报道,引起各方面关注。据调查发现,目前我市部分地区地表土层镉、汞、铅等重金属元素污染情况严重,其衍生的次级污染危害很大。主要表现在:一是污染历史长。天津从1958年开始形成南排河、北排河、武宝宁三大污灌区,共351万亩土地长期污水灌溉。西青区、东丽区乡村都有以污泥作肥料、污水养鱼的历史,污染年深日久,越积越重。二是农田污染超标严重。据检测,东丽区大毕庄菜地土壤中镉和汞含量,分别超标准的1.65倍和3.48倍。武清东浦洼乡、西青大寺乡。 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染 污灌区 重金属元素污染 污水养鱼 污染危害 农田污染 北排 大毕庄 超标严重 企业污水
作者 张勇顺 《河北水利》 2015年第2期37-37,共1页
北排河挡潮闸位于北排河入海口,该闸位于华北平原地下水漏斗区,地面沉降情况严重,所处环境极其恶劣,常年受风蚀、海水侵蚀、冻融破坏等影响。为保证水闸安全运行,实时进行应变监测显得尤为重要,所以该闸拆除重建时,技术人员在闸室基础... 北排河挡潮闸位于北排河入海口,该闸位于华北平原地下水漏斗区,地面沉降情况严重,所处环境极其恶劣,常年受风蚀、海水侵蚀、冻融破坏等影响。为保证水闸安全运行,实时进行应变监测显得尤为重要,所以该闸拆除重建时,技术人员在闸室基础灌注桩与上部承台连接部位设置振弦式应变计14个,为监测水闸灌注桩沉降及变形情况提供了有力保障。 展开更多
关键词 振弦式 北排 应变计 仪器简介 灌注桩 地下水漏斗 海水侵蚀 挡潮闸 应变监测 冻融破坏
作者 田海军 刘希泽 《河北水利》 2015年第10期40-41,共2页
针对北排河挡潮闸工程现状、环境因素和存在的问题,通过采用TB系列新材料对混凝土结构裂缝、表面剥落、伸缩缝等进行修补加固,对整个枢纽混凝土表面进行防腐防碳化处理,确保工程安全运行,延长工程使用寿命。1.工程概况北排河挡潮闸位于... 针对北排河挡潮闸工程现状、环境因素和存在的问题,通过采用TB系列新材料对混凝土结构裂缝、表面剥落、伸缩缝等进行修补加固,对整个枢纽混凝土表面进行防腐防碳化处理,确保工程安全运行,延长工程使用寿命。1.工程概况北排河挡潮闸位于天津市大港区新马棚口村南,北排河入海口处。由老档潮闸、新挡潮闸及津歧公路桥组成。 展开更多
关键词 北排 高性能涂料 混凝土结构加固 TB 挡潮闸 工程使用寿命 工程现状 表面剥落 混凝土基体 自然
浅薄层超稠油水平井蒸汽驱汽窜控制因素研究 被引量:11
作者 杨元亮 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期68-71,共4页
针对排601北区水平井网转蒸汽驱后蒸汽突破导致油汽比低的现状,运用数值模拟方法,结合油藏动态分析手段,研究了全水平井井网蒸汽驱突破影响参数和汽窜通道形成控制因素,明确了水平井汽窜通道3种模式(侧峰型、双峰型、中间单峰型),制订了... 针对排601北区水平井网转蒸汽驱后蒸汽突破导致油汽比低的现状,运用数值模拟方法,结合油藏动态分析手段,研究了全水平井井网蒸汽驱突破影响参数和汽窜通道形成控制因素,明确了水平井汽窜通道3种模式(侧峰型、双峰型、中间单峰型),制订了"立足高温、高液量、高含水","微汽窜采油、变速度注汽、间歇注汽试验、氮气泡沫调驱、井组封窜治理"等配套措施的调整方案。矿场试验表明:该调整方案有效改善了蒸汽驱试验井组蒸汽热利用率、蒸汽波及系数和驱油效率,调整前后月度油汽比由0.12增加至0.27,达到了全水平井井网蒸汽驱提质增效的目的,为该类油藏后续转蒸汽驱开发调控提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 浅薄层超稠油油藏 数值模拟 水平井 汽窜通道 601
Water Quality of Aroeira River for Use in Irrigation of Vegetable Crops in the Northern Region of the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil 被引量:1
作者 Joao Victor Martins Antunes Robson Bonomo +1 位作者 Maria da Penha Piccolo Ramos Marcelo Antonio Oliveira 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期797-805,共9页
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of the water of the Aroeira River in the city of Silo Mateus, northern region of Espirito Santo State, Brazil, from April 2012 t... The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of the water of the Aroeira River in the city of Silo Mateus, northern region of Espirito Santo State, Brazil, from April 2012 to March 2013, for use in irrigation of vegetable crops. Five points were selected along the river for analysis of pH, chloride (mg/L C1-), total hardness (mg/L CaCO3), dissolved oxygen (mg/L O2), ammoniacal nitrogen (mg/L N-NH3), total iron (mg/L Fe), phosphate/orthophosphate (mg/L PO43-), turbidity (NTU), acidity (mg/L CO2), temperature (℃), electrical conductivity (dS/m), as well as microbiological and parasitological analyses. Only point l, located upstream of the points of domestic sewage discharges, is the closest to be considered suitable for use in irrigation of vegetable crop, demonstrating the possible risks to the health of populations who use water with sewage discharges in urban communities for irrigation of vegetable crops. 展开更多
关键词 CONTAMINATION agriculture parasitic diseases COLIFORMS sewage.
Physico-chemical and elemental investigation of aqueous leaching of high sulfur coal and mine overburden from Ledo coalfield of Northeast India 被引量:5
作者 Madhulika Dutta Puja Khare +2 位作者 Sanchita Chakravarty Durlov Saikia Binoy K. Saikia 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2018年第3期265-281,共17页
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the major problems in high sulfur coal mining areas generating acidic water. The acidic mine water generated contain hazardous elements in varying concentrations. The Northeastern ... Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the major problems in high sulfur coal mining areas generating acidic water. The acidic mine water generated contain hazardous elements in varying concentrations. The Northeastern Indian coalfield produces considerable amounts of AMD. The AMD and metal leaching from coal and mine over burden (OB) are the two important naturally occurring processes. In order to know the AMD potential, the aqueous leaching experiment of a few coal and OB samples from the Ledo colliery of the Northeastern coalfield, Mergherita (India), at different time periods (1, 3, 5, and 8 h) and at different temperatures (25, 45, 65, and 90℃) were performed in the laboratory. The physico- chemical analysis of the aqueous leachates shows the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total dissolved solid (TDS) in the range of 1.62-3.52, 106-2006 μs/cm, and 106-1003 ppm for the raw coal samples respectively. The OB samples produced pH, EC, and TDS in the range of 3.68-6.92, 48.6-480 μs/cm, and 69.5-240 ppm respectively. From the study, it was revealed that the concentrations of major (Si, A1, K, Na, Fe, Ca, Mg), minor (Mn) and trace/hazardous elements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) considerably change with leaching time as well as with leaching temperature. Out of these elements As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, and Se are of greater environmental importance. Alteration of the physico-chemical structure of the coal and OB samples resulting from leaching was also studied by field emission scanning electron microscope- energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy method. The release of the potentially hazardous elements from the raw coal and OB during leaching time periods to the leachates was detected by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy and ion-chromatographic analyses. The major minerals found in coal and OB are quartz (SiO2), pyrite (FeS2), hematite, marcasite, and kaolinite. The association of different functional groups in minerals and their mode of association were studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analytical techniques. The present laboratory study will be useful in relating the characteristics of aqueous leaching from coal and mine OB with the natural weathering condition at the coal mine area. 展开更多
关键词 AMD High sulfur coal Coal mine overburden Aqueous leaching Elements in coal and OB Coal qualityassessment
Seasonal Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Water and Sediment of A Multi-level Ditch System in Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 GUO Le MA Keming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期437-445,共9页
The multi-level ditch system developed in the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China has sped up water drainage process hence transferred more pollutants from farmlands into the rivers of this region.Understanding the seasona... The multi-level ditch system developed in the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China has sped up water drainage process hence transferred more pollutants from farmlands into the rivers of this region.Understanding the seasonal dynamics of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) transportation in the ditch system and the role of different ditch size is thus crucial for water pollution control of the rivers in the Sanjiang Plain.In this study,an investigation was conducted in the Nongjiang watershed of the Sanjiang Plain to study the nutrient variation and the correlation between water and sediments in the ditch system in terms of ditch level.Water and sediments samples were collected in each ditch level in growing season at regular intervals (once per month),and TN,NO 3--N,NH 4+-N,TP,and PO 4 3--P were analyzed.The results show that nutrient contents in water were higher in June and July,especially in July,the contents of TN and TP were 3.21mg/L and 0.84mg/L in field ditch,4.04mg/L and 1.06mg/L in lateral ditch,2.46mg/L and 0.70mg/L in branch ditch,1.92mg/L and 0.63mg/L in main ditch,respectively.In August and September,the nutrient contents in the water were relatively lower.The peak value of nutrient in ditch water had been moving from the field ditch to the main ditch over time,showing a remarkable impact of ditch system on river water environment.The nutrient transfer in ditch sediments could only be found in rainfall season.Nutrient contents in ditch sediment had effect on that in ditch water,but nutrients in ditch water and sediments had different origination.Ditch management in terms of the key fac-tors is hence very important for protecting river water environment. 展开更多
关键词 multi-level ditch system nitrogen PHOSPHORUS spatio-temporal variation drainage water sediment
Analysis of interprovincial trade embodied carbon emissions in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding provinces: based on constructed MRIO Model 被引量:4
作者 Jianhui Cong Qingyan Liu +3 位作者 Jidong Kang Wenju Li Xiaopei Wang Man Li 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第1期71-79,共9页
The interprovincial trade embodied carbon emissions plays an important role in the national emission reduction target among China's provinces. Furthermore, it will affect the smooth start-up of the national carbon... The interprovincial trade embodied carbon emissions plays an important role in the national emission reduction target among China's provinces. Furthermore, it will affect the smooth start-up of the national carbon trade market as well as the implementation of targets in 2030 for dealing with the climate change. Based on constructed MRIO model, this paper analyzes the embodied carbon emission trade flows among Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding regions such as Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia. The results indicate that six provinces have formed different patterns of carbon trade balance, where Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces are in a deficit position, while the other three provinces are in a surplus position.Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei have transferred part of the carbon emissions to the other three provinces, which shows greater heterogeneity among various provinces and provincial different sectors. On basis of the conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions on provincial decomposition, responsibility distribution, and provincial collaborative reduction for national emission reduction targets. 展开更多
关键词 Trade embodied carbonemissions multiregionalinput-output model carbontrade balance carbontransfer
Impact of Climate Change and Deforestation on Stream Discharge and Sediment Yield in Phu Luong Watershed, Viet Nam 被引量:3
作者 D.B. Phan C.C. Wu S.C. Hsieh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第8期1063-1072,共10页
The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Nort... The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Northern Viet Nam. Among the three climate change scenarios B 1, B2, and A2, representing low, medium, and high levels of greenhouse gas emission, respectively were set up for Viet Nam, the B2 scenario was selected for this study. Two land use scenarios (S1-2030 and $2-2050) were formulated combination with climate change in WSAT simulation. In B2 climate change scenario, mean temperature increases 0.7℃(2030) and 1.3 ℃ (2050); annual rainfall increases 2.1% (2030) and 3.80% (2050) respect to baseline scenario. The results show that the stream discharge is likely to increase in the future during the wet season with increasing threats of sedimentation. 展开更多
关键词 SWAT climate change DEFORESTATION sediment yield stream discharge
Influence of Traffic Volume on Fugitive Road Dust Emissions in Beijing, China
作者 S.B. Fan X.F. Li J.P. Qin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第3期36-40,共5页
Eighty sites were set up to monitor road dust fall and 80 locations were selected to sample silt loading in April, August, and November 2007 and January 2008 in the Beijing metropolitan area. Fugitive road dust emissi... Eighty sites were set up to monitor road dust fall and 80 locations were selected to sample silt loading in April, August, and November 2007 and January 2008 in the Beijing metropolitan area. Fugitive road dust emission strengths were calculated using the AP-42 emission factor model. Silt loading on Beijing urban roads was typically less than 1.0 g/m^2, the PM10 emission strength was typically less than 100 kg/km·day, and road dust fall was typically less than 40 t/km^2·30day. The relationships between traffic volume, silt loading, fugitive road dust emission strength and road dust fall were studied in the Beijing metropolitan area. The results indicate that silt loading and emission factors are negatively correlated with traffic volume, but the PM10 emission rate and road dust-fall are positively correlated with traffic volume. 展开更多
关键词 Fugitive road dust dust fall silt loading emission factor traffic volume.
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