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作者 张凤丽 唐树发 +3 位作者 郝永 金鑫 夏光钰 黄敏 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2009年第20期73-75,共3页
北研1号是以05B-91为母本,以05B-93为父本配制而成的硬肉大果型番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,中早熟,生育期106 d(天)左右。成熟果红色,扁圆形,无绿肩,可溶性固形物含量4.8%,VC114.4 mg.kg-1,可溶性总糖2.7%。抗叶霉病、ToMV,果实硬度0.8... 北研1号是以05B-91为母本,以05B-93为父本配制而成的硬肉大果型番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,中早熟,生育期106 d(天)左右。成熟果红色,扁圆形,无绿肩,可溶性固形物含量4.8%,VC114.4 mg.kg-1,可溶性总糖2.7%。抗叶霉病、ToMV,果实硬度0.84 kg.cm-2,耐贮运,平均单果质量192.7 g,每667 m2产量6 000 kg左右,全国各地保护地、露地均可栽培。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 北研1号 一代杂种
作者 唐树发 张凤丽 +3 位作者 夏光钰 郝永 黄敏 张昱 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2009年第24期74-76,共3页
北研2号番茄是以05B-88为母本,05B-87为父本配制而成的番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,中早熟,成熟果粉红色,果实高圆形。VC含量131.4mg·kg-1,可溶性固形物4.7%,可溶性总糖2.7%,抗叶霉病、ToMV,耐贮运,果实硬度0.78kg·cm-2。耐... 北研2号番茄是以05B-88为母本,05B-87为父本配制而成的番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,中早熟,成熟果粉红色,果实高圆形。VC含量131.4mg·kg-1,可溶性固形物4.7%,可溶性总糖2.7%,抗叶霉病、ToMV,耐贮运,果实硬度0.78kg·cm-2。耐低温寡照,畸形果率1.76%,裂果率2.00%,果实大小均匀,平均单果质量185.9g,每667m2产量7500kg左右,全国各地保护地、露地均可栽培。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 北研2号 一代杂种
作者 《疾病监测》 CAS 2020年第4期339-339,共1页
2020年4月27日上午,中国疾控中心在昌平园区召开了商飞北研-中国疾控中心合作研讨会。高福主任、刘剑君副主任出席会议。中国商用飞机有限责任公司北京民用飞机技术研究中心(简称"商飞北研中心")、波音(中国)投资有限公司、... 2020年4月27日上午,中国疾控中心在昌平园区召开了商飞北研-中国疾控中心合作研讨会。高福主任、刘剑君副主任出席会议。中国商用飞机有限责任公司北京民用飞机技术研究中心(简称"商飞北研中心")、波音(中国)投资有限公司、中心实验室处、传染病所、病毒病所主要负责同志共10余人参加了会议。会议由实验室管理处赵赤鸿处长主持。 展开更多
关键词 合作讨会 中国疾控中心 商用飞机 中心实验室 民用飞机 传染病所 北研 (中国)
作者 Ted cheng 《大学生》 2015年第8期76-77,共2页
2015年3月18日,雅虎北京全球研发中心被一纸声明宣告了关闭的命运,裁员人数350人左右,引起了一场出人意料的抢人大战。近日,随着沪指攀升至七年来新的高峰3700点,股民尽情享受着牛市呼声中的饕餮盛宴,而另一件事情也与股市同疯,轰动着... 2015年3月18日,雅虎北京全球研发中心被一纸声明宣告了关闭的命运,裁员人数350人左右,引起了一场出人意料的抢人大战。近日,随着沪指攀升至七年来新的高峰3700点,股民尽情享受着牛市呼声中的饕餮盛宴,而另一件事情也与股市同疯,轰动着中国互联网界和人力资源界——成立于2009年6月的雅虎北京全球研发中心于2015年3月18日被一纸声明宣告了关闭的命运,裁员人数在350人左右,这样的裁员信息好像未见任何怜悯、同情、斥责的声音,反倒是惋惜的同时引起了一场出人意料的狂欢,一批批“训练有素”、“经验丰富”的猎头、互联网公司89HR各出奇招、围追堵截,一个个传统或新兴的招聘渠道趁着每年招聘高峰期“金三银四”的大好时光使劲浑身解数,甚至有企业创始人、投资人参与到线上线下的抢人大战中。 展开更多
关键词 雅虎 北研 裁员人数 互联网界 饕餮盛宴 全球发中心 人力资源 裁员计划 腾讯 杨致远
作者 张伟兵 周波 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期435-446,共12页
1957年在国务院科学规划委员会的指导下,中国科学院、水利部、电力部和交通部达成协议,决定将中国科学院水工研究室和水利部北京水利科学研究院合并,成立由中国科学院和水利部共同领导的水利科学研究机构。国务院的介入和4个部级机构的... 1957年在国务院科学规划委员会的指导下,中国科学院、水利部、电力部和交通部达成协议,决定将中国科学院水工研究室和水利部北京水利科学研究院合并,成立由中国科学院和水利部共同领导的水利科学研究机构。国务院的介入和4个部级机构的共同决策,注定此次合并事件非同寻常,在新中国水利科技发展史上有着重要地位和意义。依据档案、人物传记、报刊、史志资料等,本文对此次合并的缘由、过程、结果,以及国务院科学规划委员会在合并中的作用进行了论述。文章指出,此次合并是国家主导下的一次对全国水利科研力量布局的优化和调整,也是中华人民共和国成立初期为建立高效的水利科研体系而进行的一次积极探索。新机构的成立不仅体现了国家倡导的在科学研究领域增产节约的精神,而且使高级水利研究人才布局进一步优化,确立了新机构在全国水利科学研究中的中心地位,为顺利完成十二年科技规划的水利工作奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院水工究室 水利部京水利科学究院 国务院科学规划委员会 机构 合并
调水工程输水管道建设对沿线景观格局影响的研究 被引量:1
作者 吴钢 董孟婷 +2 位作者 唐明方 李思远 曹慧明 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期373-380,共8页
为了了解调水工程输水管道建设对沿线景观格局的影响,选取南水北调中线一期工程河北省易县段调水工程输水管道建设区域为研究对象,以50-3 000 m划分不同宽度研究区,利用Arc GIS和FRAGSTATS软件,研究了施工建设前、中、后期沿线土地利用... 为了了解调水工程输水管道建设对沿线景观格局的影响,选取南水北调中线一期工程河北省易县段调水工程输水管道建设区域为研究对象,以50-3 000 m划分不同宽度研究区,利用Arc GIS和FRAGSTATS软件,研究了施工建设前、中、后期沿线土地利用类型的变化,并且分别计算不同宽度及整体景观的景观指数,分析管道建设对沿线区域景观格局的影响。研究结果表明:管道工程建设期的对区域土地利用方式产生的影响较为明显和强烈,工程建设对施工作业带两侧100 m范围内影响最为明显。 展开更多
关键词 南水 输水管道建设 景观指数 遥感影像
作者 李春晓 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第1期306-311,共6页
《六音字典》成书于1515年,是鲜为学界所知而新发现的闽北方言韵书,也可以说是迄今为止所发现的最早的福建方言韵书,反映了数百年前福建闽北政和方言音系。马重奇先生的《明清闽北方言韵书手抄本音系研究》通过通语史与方言史互相结合,... 《六音字典》成书于1515年,是鲜为学界所知而新发现的闽北方言韵书,也可以说是迄今为止所发现的最早的福建方言韵书,反映了数百年前福建闽北政和方言音系。马重奇先生的《明清闽北方言韵书手抄本音系研究》通过通语史与方言史互相结合,传世文献与鲜活方言互相印证,为学界展示了最为可信的文献考证研究法,同时采用历史比较法,真正实现共时(横向)研究和历时(纵向)研究的互补。可以说,文献考证法和历史比较法是方言韵书研究的"锋利武器"。 展开更多
关键词 《明清闽方言韵书手抄本音系究》 《六音字典》 文献考证法 历史比较法
《化工科技市场》 CAS 2002年第8期48-48,共1页
关键词 丙烯酸系列乳液 开发成功 防水涂料 京核工业地质究院中核北研科技发展有限公司 RG-T型 水泥 石英粉泥 混合
《互联网周刊》 2015年第7期13-14,共2页
雅虎关闭北京全球研发中心雅虎3月18日宣布,雅虎北京全球研发中心(简称"雅虎北研")即将关闭,将整合其业务,与包括雅虎总部在内的其他团队合并。雅虎称,将公平、妥善地安排受到影响的员工,协助他们度过这个时期。据悉,雅虎北研成立于... 雅虎关闭北京全球研发中心雅虎3月18日宣布,雅虎北京全球研发中心(简称"雅虎北研")即将关闭,将整合其业务,与包括雅虎总部在内的其他团队合并。雅虎称,将公平、妥善地安排受到影响的员工,协助他们度过这个时期。据悉,雅虎北研成立于2009年6月,是由美国雅虎公司全权负责运营的研发机构,致力于为雅虎公司的全球业务提供面向未来的创新技术、一流产品和卓越的开发平台,四大研发方向分别为科学驱动的个性化、广告、移动和云计算。 展开更多
关键词 雅虎 北研 全球发中心 网站域名 美国财政部 APPLE 发方向 一流产品 中国银联 蓝牙耳机
《建材工业信息》 2002年第7期20-20,共1页
关键词 RG防水材料 市场前景 京中核北研科技发展有限公司 耐候性 耐水性
党建引领 双融双强建设创新专注协同开放融合的大飞机预研企业文化
作者 《中华魂》 2023年第8期48-53,共6页
中国商飞北京民用飞机技术研究中心(简称“北研中心”)是2010年由中国商用飞机有限责任公司(简称“中国商飞公司”)出资,由中央机构编制委员会办公室批准成立,肩负着国产大飞机预先研究重任的科研单位。北研中心是中国商飞公司定位于面... 中国商飞北京民用飞机技术研究中心(简称“北研中心”)是2010年由中国商用飞机有限责任公司(简称“中国商飞公司”)出资,由中央机构编制委员会办公室批准成立,肩负着国产大飞机预先研究重任的科研单位。北研中心是中国商飞公司定位于面向未来开展商用大飞机产品方案论证和统筹国产商用大飞机关键技术预先研究的主责单位。 展开更多
关键词 预先 单位 商用飞机 国产大飞机 党建引领 北研 民用飞机 协同开放
《全宋文》误收徐铉铭文一篇考辨——兼正《全宋诗订补》误署作者一例 被引量:1
作者 张炜 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第3期14-19,共6页
《全宋文》辑编徐铉文以《四部备要》徐乃昌校补本为底本,补辑佚文十三篇。其中《静斋自箴》铭文一篇疑非徐铉所作,《全宋文》编者依据《徐公行状》、《玉壶清话》、《烬余录》等文献将此铭文归于徐铉名下并不足以使人信服。根据《研北... 《全宋文》辑编徐铉文以《四部备要》徐乃昌校补本为底本,补辑佚文十三篇。其中《静斋自箴》铭文一篇疑非徐铉所作,《全宋文》编者依据《徐公行状》、《玉壶清话》、《烬余录》等文献将此铭文归于徐铉名下并不足以使人信服。根据《研北杂志》、《宋稗类钞》、《五代诗话》等文献的相关记载,并将此铭文文风与徐铉《砚铭》及书法家王著的有关诗作进行比较,发现此铭文为王著所作的可能性更大。另外,《全宋诗订补》将此铭文作为遗诗补入同名之翰林学士王著诗"辑补"类,属误补,也应订正。 展开更多
关键词 《全宋文》 徐铉 《静斋自箴》 《全宋诗订补》 杂志》 《宋稗类钞》 《五代诗话》 王著
A Numerical Study of the Urban Intensity Effect on Fog Evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 被引量:5
作者 LIANG Zhao-Ming GAO Shou-Ting SUN Ji-Song 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期240-245,共6页
The influence of urban intensity on fog evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region (China) is investigated numerically with the the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the urban canopy p... The influence of urban intensity on fog evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region (China) is investigated numerically with the the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the urban canopy parameterization-building energy model (UCP- BEM) urban physics scheme. The experiments were designed with a focus on the influence of different urban intensities, which are represented by a different fractional coverage of natural land, buildings, and energy consumption inside buildings in an urban environment. The results of this study indicate that urban areas notably influence fog evolution when natural land is reduced to a small fraction (e.g., less than 10%). Developed land changes fog evolution through urban effects. Higher urban intensity (HUI) generally results in warmer temperatures and lower wind speeds throughout the day, while inhibiting morning specific humidity loss and afternoon specific humidity gain because of the HUI effect on surface heat flux, surface roughness, and surface moisture flux. HUI leads to later and weaker liquid water content formation, with a higher liquid water content base, primarily due to its effect on near surface temperatures. This finding implies that HUI may inhibit the conditions for fog formation. In addition, urban areas with equal natural and developed land coverage seem to greatly enhance the upward surface moisture flux, which is attributed to the combination of a relatively large potential evaporation on developed land and an ample moisture supply from natural land. As a result, the specific humidity increases in the afternoon. 展开更多
关键词 numerical study urban intensity effect FOG the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Infiltration Study for Urban Soil: Case Study of Sungai Kedah Ungauged Catchment 被引量:1
作者 Steven Poh Tze Wei Khirluddin Bin Abdullah 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第6期291-299,共9页
The DID (Department of Irrigation and Drainage) in Malaysia has produced a manual on urban stromwater management specifically for the Malaysia region with usage of infiltration method towards controlling the quantit... The DID (Department of Irrigation and Drainage) in Malaysia has produced a manual on urban stromwater management specifically for the Malaysia region with usage of infiltration method towards controlling the quantity and quality of surface runoff. With this method, the volume of surface runoff can be reduced and flood problems in major cities can be eliminated. The study areas of Sungai Kedah ungauged catchment are located at the northern region of Malaysia. The Kota Setar sub-catchment is located at the downstream of Sungai Kedah with the newly completed development of control barrage at the upper Kota Setar. This paper will describe the analyses of the infiltration curves at Kota Setar. The resulting infiltration maps have developed based on the infiltration capacities. 展开更多
关键词 Sungai Kedah ungauged catchment type of soil infiltration curve infiltration map.
The Manchurian Plague and the International Plague Conference:Revisiting Wu Lien-Teh
作者 WONG Sin Kiong 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2020年第2期35-72,共38页
The Manchurian plague from the winter of 1910 to the spring of 1911 was the worst epidemic in modern China, and the ensuing International Plague Conference marked the first international medical conference hosted by C... The Manchurian plague from the winter of 1910 to the spring of 1911 was the worst epidemic in modern China, and the ensuing International Plague Conference marked the first international medical conference hosted by China. There was a close connection between these two historical events, and Wu Lien-Teh 伍连德, later extolled as the "pioneer of modern medicine in China," played a significant role in each. Despite a multitude of treatises discussing the Manchurian plague and the International Plague Conference, as well as biographical articles on the undertakings of Wu, there remains a gap in the research of Wu’s relation with these two historical events, which is worth further exploration. In addition to the key role and significance of Wu in the entire epidemic fight, the first section of this article analyzes whether the common portrayal of Wu as an obscure, local doctor transformed overnight into a Manchurian plague fighter is accurate. Through an analysis of the conference minutes, the second section focuses on how Wu used "conference diplomacy" to mitigate the neighboring powers’ attempts to achieve their political goals by leveraging this international conference. 展开更多
关键词 Wu Lien-Teh the Manchurian plague the International Plague Conference Kitasato Shibasaburo D.Zabolotny
Volkswagen Sets up Central Lab in BRICI
《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2005年第2期62-63,共2页
On June 2, Volkswagen Corp of Germany settled its Chinese central laboratory in Sinopec Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry (BRICI). This is the top-level lab of Volkswagen in Asia- Pacific region and it... On June 2, Volkswagen Corp of Germany settled its Chinese central laboratory in Sinopec Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry (BRICI). This is the top-level lab of Volkswagen in Asia- Pacific region and it marks another close cooperation between Volkswagen Corp of Germany and Sinopec Corp. 展开更多
关键词 京化工究院 大众汽车公司 德国 中国石油化工有限公司 实验室
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期57-57,共1页
On June 26,co-sponsored by CCPIT/CCO- IC Mediation Center and CEDR(The Center for Effective Dispute Resolution),the International Commercial Mediation Seminar was held in Beijing.Before the seminar,CCPIT Vice Chairm... On June 26,co-sponsored by CCPIT/CCO- IC Mediation Center and CEDR(The Center for Effective Dispute Resolution),the International Commercial Mediation Seminar was held in Beijing.Before the seminar,CCPIT Vice Chairman and Director of CCOIC Mediation Center, 展开更多
关键词 International Commercial Mediation Seminar Beijing trade partner hot discusion
Seasonal Variation of Cochlodinium polykrikoides in the North of Oman Sea (Iranian Waters)
作者 Fereshteh Saraji Wan Maznah Wan Omar Mahmood Ebrahimi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第2期92-98,共7页
This study was carried out to investigate the Cochlodinium polykrikoides fluctuations in the north of Oman Sea during pre- and post-monsoon season in 2008. The study area was divided into 10 transects (TI-T10) from ... This study was carried out to investigate the Cochlodinium polykrikoides fluctuations in the north of Oman Sea during pre- and post-monsoon season in 2008. The study area was divided into 10 transects (TI-T10) from the Strait of Hormuz (T1) to Gwadar (TI0) which cover the whole of the Iranian waters in the Oman Sea. The results showed that at first, Cochlodinium polykrikoides appeared in the northeast part (T10) in the pre-monsoon season, then it spread to other parts of the study area. Cochlodinium polykrikoides was observed in greater abundance in the Strait of Hormuz in the post-monsoon season. The results demonstrated that T10 (transect 10) had the highest abundance in the pre-monsoon season. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significant difference among transects (P 〈 0.05). The present study showed that the abundance of Cochlodinium polykrikoides increased from coastal to offshore waters in the pre-monsoon season; however, in the post-monsoon season, there was a higher abundance in coastal waters compared to the offshore zone. It could be seen that the abundance of Cochlodinium polykrikoides started in offshore waters, then increased in coastal waters. During the pre-monsoon season, water discoloration was not observed, however, the water changed to brown from T 1 to T4 (northwest) and blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides was recorded in the post-monsoon season. 展开更多
关键词 PRE-MONSOON post-monsoon coastal and offshore Strait of Hormuz.
A LM-4C Launches the GF-3 Satellite
作者 YAO Tianyu 《Aerospace China》 2016年第3期57-57,共1页
The GF-3 satellite was successfully launched at 06:55 Beijing time on August10 using a LM-4C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.The launch was the 233rd flight of a LM family launch vehicle and t... The GF-3 satellite was successfully launched at 06:55 Beijing time on August10 using a LM-4C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.The launch was the 233rd flight of a LM family launch vehicle and the carrier rocket LM-4C was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. 展开更多
关键词 launch rocket Taiyuan weather lifetime operational users attitude expanding maritime
International Workshop on 5G and Future Networks Held in Beijing
《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期249-250,共2页
As the future network is developing towards broadband,convergence,virtualization and intelligence,dramatic changes will happen in the network applications and its industrial chain.The rapid development of mobile Inter... As the future network is developing towards broadband,convergence,virtualization and intelligence,dramatic changes will happen in the network applications and its industrial chain.The rapid development of mobile Internet and Io T will bring about huge market requirements,while key 5G mobile communication technologies and the cloud network are ready for new breakthroughs.The integration of the 5G and cloud network will bring revolutionary changes to the future network. 展开更多
关键词 cloud happen dramatic broadband intelligence ready workshop gathered Ericsson Hotel
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