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基于距离区分技术的工程机械液压油缸泄漏故障特征提取方法研究 被引量:3
作者 贾志奇 石俊杰 唐宏宾 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2022年第13期200-206,共7页
针对液压油缸泄漏故障诊断的难点,提出一种基于距离识别技术的液压执行器泄漏故障诊断方法。提取采集到的压力信号的时域、频域、小波包能量特征、AR模型等初始特征参数;利用距离区分技术对特征参数进行选择;将提取的敏感故障特征输入到... 针对液压油缸泄漏故障诊断的难点,提出一种基于距离识别技术的液压执行器泄漏故障诊断方法。提取采集到的压力信号的时域、频域、小波包能量特征、AR模型等初始特征参数;利用距离区分技术对特征参数进行选择;将提取的敏感故障特征输入到SVM中,检测不同程度的泄漏。结果表明:该方法能有效检测液压执行器的泄漏。 展开更多
关键词 液压油缸 泄漏 特征提取 距离区分技术
判例区分技术运用考察与借鉴 被引量:11
作者 雷槟硕 《华东政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期178-192,共15页
为有效适用指导性案例,我们需要借鉴判例法中的区分技术。判例区分技术被用于个案的类比,能保证先例规范在后案中正确适用。为改善指导性案例的适用困境,有必要对判例区分技术的内容进行考察,并在此基础上批判性借鉴区分技术。要点选取... 为有效适用指导性案例,我们需要借鉴判例法中的区分技术。判例区分技术被用于个案的类比,能保证先例规范在后案中正确适用。为改善指导性案例的适用困境,有必要对判例区分技术的内容进行考察,并在此基础上批判性借鉴区分技术。要点选取论证以指导性案例中的"相关法条"为中心,替代区分技术中的实质理由,并作为对比中项。以法律关系为框架体系进行法律事实要点的对比,既能保证成文法国家的法律体制要求,还能通过附着于演绎推理的方式融贯个案类比推理与演绎推理之间的关系。最终实现法官"会用"指导性案例的目标。 展开更多
关键词 指导性案例 区分技术 实质理由 事实要点 遵循先例
政府强制公开个人信息的技术区分保护的策略 被引量:1
作者 邢益精 康建光 《浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期193-199,共7页
《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》第15条确定了行政机关基于公共利益的考量,违背信息主体意志而强制公开个人信息的合法性。而技术区分保护的策略成为平衡政府信息公开与个人隐私信息保护的重要途径。在分析技术区分保护的法律基础... 《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》第15条确定了行政机关基于公共利益的考量,违背信息主体意志而强制公开个人信息的合法性。而技术区分保护的策略成为平衡政府信息公开与个人隐私信息保护的重要途径。在分析技术区分保护的法律基础、内涵、价值与考量因素的基础上,提出了个人信息技术区分保护的策略。首先,行政机关应将政府持有的个人信息根据内容分为十一大类,并根据个人信息涉及隐私的程度分为高度、中度、轻度三个等级。其次,在此基础上运用失真、加密、匿名化等隐私保护技术对强制公开的个人信息进行区分处理。最后,经技术处理的个人信息被强制公开后,还应采取目的限制、禁止再识别等安全保障措施,降低个人信息被识别的风险,进一步保障信息主体的隐私权益。 展开更多
关键词 政府信息公开 个人信息 隐私保护 技术区分保护 强制公开 策略
卫星雪盖制图中的一些技术问题 被引量:7
作者 冯学智 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 1991年第4期10-15,共6页
关键词 冰雪遥感 卫星雪盖制图 积雪监测 融雪径流 NOAA气象卫星 雪云区分技术 空间分辨率
作者 熊蕊 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期40-43,59,共5页
行政裁量基准具有行政规则和行政自制的双重属性,并兼具内部效力和间接的外部效力,这些特点导致行政裁量基准确有被司法审查之必要。然而,由于行政裁量基准本身的特殊性,需考虑是否应当对其进行区分审查以及司法审查的标准。在明确我国... 行政裁量基准具有行政规则和行政自制的双重属性,并兼具内部效力和间接的外部效力,这些特点导致行政裁量基准确有被司法审查之必要。然而,由于行政裁量基准本身的特殊性,需考虑是否应当对其进行区分审查以及司法审查的标准。在明确我国行政裁量概念的基础上,无需对行政裁量基准进行区分审查;在明确其他规范性文件和行政裁量行为的司法审查标准基础上,明确并细化行政裁量基准的司法审查标准。 展开更多
关键词 行政裁量基准 行政裁量 司法审查 区分技术
模拟电路与数字电路区分及实用知识的探究 被引量:3
作者 穆鹏 《电子测试》 2018年第3期58-58,15,共2页
关键词 模拟电路 数字电路 技术区分 应用 实用知识
基于ART和Yu范数的聚类方法在齿轮故障诊断中的应用 被引量:3
作者 徐增丙 李友荣 +1 位作者 王志刚 轩建平 《武汉科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期116-120,共5页
针对传统聚类方法需预先指定类别个数而导致应用受限的问题,提出一种基于ART和Yu范数的聚类方法,可自适应地确定类别个数。通过对齿轮无标记故障样本的诊断分析对该方法进行验证。从多个角度提取反映故障信息的特征参数集,利用距离区分... 针对传统聚类方法需预先指定类别个数而导致应用受限的问题,提出一种基于ART和Yu范数的聚类方法,可自适应地确定类别个数。通过对齿轮无标记故障样本的诊断分析对该方法进行验证。从多个角度提取反映故障信息的特征参数集,利用距离区分技术对其进行优选,并结合ART的机制和基于Yu范数的聚类技术,对齿轮故障类别进行诊断分析,并与Fuzzy ART方法的诊断结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法可以有效地对齿轮故障进行区分,且效果优于Fuzzy ART方法。 展开更多
关键词 齿轮 故障诊断 聚类方法 ART Yu范数 距离区分技术
法官背离判例的法理及说理 被引量:10
作者 孙海波 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期56-62,157,158,共9页
已决案件因为凝结了法律适用的经验和智慧,蕴含了对某类法律问题的解决方案,从而因案成例。即便在将判例奉为正式法源的普通法系国家,遵循先例原则也并非是绝对一成不变的,在某些特定情况下法官仍然有权选择背离判例。背离判例具有重要... 已决案件因为凝结了法律适用的经验和智慧,蕴含了对某类法律问题的解决方案,从而因案成例。即便在将判例奉为正式法源的普通法系国家,遵循先例原则也并非是绝对一成不变的,在某些特定情况下法官仍然有权选择背离判例。背离判例具有重要的法理基础,它通常采取区分和推翻判例两种路径。无论以何种方式背离判例,法官都应为自己背离判例的决定进行说理。区分判例要求法官证明待决案件与判例之间不存在实质相似性,而推翻判例已经涉及法官造法,必须对其施加更为严格的限制。 展开更多
关键词 背离判例 区分技术 判例推翻 说理义务 论证责任
公开“历史信息”的规范边界——基于对《政府信息公开条例》有关规定的解读 被引量:2
作者 姚斌 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期85-91,共7页
《政府信息公开条例》施行前形成的信息是历史信息,其公开与否与"法不溯及既往"原则无涉。政府信息公开意义下的历史信息,排除了档案信息的适用。狭义的历史信息包括"内部历史信息"和"外部历史信息",前... 《政府信息公开条例》施行前形成的信息是历史信息,其公开与否与"法不溯及既往"原则无涉。政府信息公开意义下的历史信息,排除了档案信息的适用。狭义的历史信息包括"内部历史信息"和"外部历史信息",前者一般不属于政府信息,而后者又可以区分为"本届政府历史信息"与"往届政府历史信息"。其中,"本届政府历史信息"属于政府信息公开的范围,"往届政府历史信息"则视其是否"涉及人民群众切身利益"而定。即使历史信息在规范意义上属于政府信息,其公开仍会受到秘密和隐私等实体性事由的阻却,但对于可分割的历史信息,可以运用区分技术予以部分公开。 展开更多
关键词 历史信息 政府信息公开 实体性事由阻却 区分技术
区分经纬仪系列化型号级别的技术依据 被引量:1
作者 唐务浩 《武测科技》 北大核心 1993年第3期20-23,共4页
本文论述了经纬仪系列化型号的命名原则及系列化分级的技术依据,指出仪器精度的“实际值”大约是“命名值”的一半,不应将二者混淆。提出当国外进口仪器向我国系列化型号靠级时,应兼顾仪器精度实际值、主要技术参数及结构特点等各项要... 本文论述了经纬仪系列化型号的命名原则及系列化分级的技术依据,指出仪器精度的“实际值”大约是“命名值”的一半,不应将二者混淆。提出当国外进口仪器向我国系列化型号靠级时,应兼顾仪器精度实际值、主要技术参数及结构特点等各项要求。绝不能误把精度命名值作为靠级依据。 展开更多
关键词 经纬仪 型号 级别 区分技术
基于混合fuzzy ARTMAP的智能诊断方法在油缸泄漏诊断中的应用
作者 徐增丙 李友荣 +1 位作者 王志刚 轩建平 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第10期1089-1093,共5页
提出了1种混合的fuzzy ARTMAP(FAM)智能诊断方法,对泵车主油缸早期泄漏及异常泄漏进行了诊断分析。由于FAM性能受训练样本输入顺序及油缸泄漏故障样本少的影响,运用信号处理方法和改进的距离区分技术抽取了反映油缸泄漏状态的敏感特征参... 提出了1种混合的fuzzy ARTMAP(FAM)智能诊断方法,对泵车主油缸早期泄漏及异常泄漏进行了诊断分析。由于FAM性能受训练样本输入顺序及油缸泄漏故障样本少的影响,运用信号处理方法和改进的距离区分技术抽取了反映油缸泄漏状态的敏感特征参数,然后将不同排序的学习样本分别输入到多个FAM神经网络进行诊断分析,并结合贝叶斯置信法,获取最终的诊断结果。试验结果表明,该方法不仅能对油缸早期泄漏和异常泄漏故障进行有效诊断,诊断精度分别高于单个FAM及混合BP和RBF网络6%、38%和42%,而且具有较好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 FUZZY ARTMAP 混合fuzzy ARTMAP 改进距离区分技术 泄漏诊断 异常诊断
“异案异判”:指导性案例的退出适用研究 被引量:4
作者 雷槟硕 《南京大学法律评论》 CSSCI 2018年第2期47-70,共24页
为实现“统一法律适用”的目标,指导性案例使用不仅需要“类案类判”,还需要“异案异判”。“异案异判”就要求法官退出适用不同于待决案件的指导性案例。退出适用的原因主要有四个方面:法律体制的融贯性要求、司法实践的发展性要求、... 为实现“统一法律适用”的目标,指导性案例使用不仅需要“类案类判”,还需要“异案异判”。“异案异判”就要求法官退出适用不同于待决案件的指导性案例。退出适用的原因主要有四个方面:法律体制的融贯性要求、司法实践的发展性要求、应对隐性使用的需要以及类比推理的结果不相似。其中前两种属于广义上退出适用的原因,可通过立法技术予以解决,并不存在使用难点。退出适用的难点主要在司法裁判中。在参考判例法的区分技术的基础上,充分考虑成文法体制、演绎推理与附着于演绎推理的类比推理的要求,以“相关法条”为中心,借助法律关系为框架体系展开事实要点对比,结果为不相似的则退出适用。同时,在裁判文书中明示、充分说理。以期实现“异案异判”,真正正确、有效地使用指导性案例。 展开更多
关键词 指导性案例 退出适用 区分技术 类比推理 异案异判
数据中心在医院实施的探讨 被引量:2
作者 熊海军 应玉梅 汪健 《中国医疗设备》 2013年第10期76-77,104,共3页
关键词 医院信息系统 医院数据中心 深度压缩技术 数据集成 数据转换 数据区分技术
A Comparative Study on the Quality Components Between Self Pollinated Seeds and Naturally Pollinated Seeds in Brassica napus L. in Sichuan Ecological Region 被引量:2
作者 张锦芳 蒲晓斌 +4 位作者 李浩杰 黄驰 李蒲 张谦 蒋梁材 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期19-21,80,共4页
[ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrar... [ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrared spectroscopy method (NIRS) was employed to measure the quality components in self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds of 861 shares of Brassica napus from Sichuan ecological region. And correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted based on the experimental data via SPSS (statistics package for social science). [ Result] The contents of crude fat in the self pollinated seeds were commonly a higher than that in the naturally pollinated seeds at 0.01 significant level; while the contents of glucosinolates in the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds were insignificantly different. Both the correlation relationship and linear regression for the crude fat between the self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds reached the significant level. The regression equations for the contents of crude fat(y1 ) and glucosinolates( y2 ) in the naturally pollinated seeds and of crude fat( x1 ) and glucosinolates( x2 ) in self pollinated seeds were respectively determined to be y1 = 16.844 +0.614x1 and y2 = -0.620 + 1.017 x2. [ Conclusion] In Brassica napus breeding, crude fat in naturally pollinated seeds should be emphatically taken into account, meanwhile concurrently considering that in self pollinated seeds; while glucosinolates in both the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds must be simultaneously concerned. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. Self pollinated seeds Naturally pollinated seeds Content of crude fat Content of gluccsinolates Near-infrared spectroscopy method
Correspondence of bubble size and frother partitioning in flotation 被引量:5
作者 张炜 Jan E.Nesset James A.Finch 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2383-2390,共8页
The size of bubbles created in the flotation process is of great importance to the efficiency of the mineral separation achieved.Meanwhile,it is believed that frother transport between phases is perhaps the most impor... The size of bubbles created in the flotation process is of great importance to the efficiency of the mineral separation achieved.Meanwhile,it is believed that frother transport between phases is perhaps the most important reason for the interactive nature of the phenomena occurring in the bulk and froth phases in flotation,as frother adsorbed in the surface of rising bubbles is removed from the bulk phase and then released into the froth as a fraction of the bubbles burst.This causes the increased concentration in the froth compared to the bulk concentration,named as frother partitioning.Partitioning reflects the adsorption of frother on bubbles and how to influence bubble size is not known.There currently exists no such a topic aiming to link these two key parameters.To fill this vacancy,the correspondence between bubble size and frother partitioning was examined.Bubble size was measured by sampling-for-imaging(SFI)technique.Using total organic carbon(TOC)analysis to measure the frother partitioning between froth and bulk phases was determined.Measurements have shown,with no exceptions including four different frothers,higher frother concentration is in the bulk than in the froth.The results also show strong partitioning giving an increase in bubble size which implies there is a compelling relationship between these two,represented by CFroth/CBulk and D32.The CFroth/CBulkand D32 curves show similar exponential decay relationships as a function of added frother in the system,strongly suggesting that the frother concentration gradient between the bulk solution and the bubble interface is the driving force contributing to bubble size reduction. 展开更多
关键词 FLOTATION frother bubble size frother partitioning total organic carbon (TOC) analysis concentration gradient
作者 Yang Zongkai Liu Wei +1 位作者 He Jianhua Chou Chuntung 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第6期619-631,共13页
RIO(RED with IN and OUT) is the primary queue management mechanism proposed for assured forwarding in the DiffServ (Differentiated Service) framework. Although RIO can generally provide bandwidth guarantees, its queui... RIO(RED with IN and OUT) is the primary queue management mechanism proposed for assured forwarding in the DiffServ (Differentiated Service) framework. Although RIO can generally provide bandwidth guarantees, its queuing delay is sensitive to the traffic load. This paper presents a qualitative explanation for its origin. As a solution, an Adaptive RIO for Delay (ARIO-D) is proposed to provide guaranteed delay for multimedia traffic. Simulation results show that by trading loss for delay, ARIO-D can effectively improve the robustness of RIO under different and dynamic traffic, and provide stable and differentiated performance of queuing delay without any degradation in performance of throughput. 展开更多
关键词 Differentiated services Adaptive RIO (RED with IN and OUT) Delay guarantees
Prevention and control of coalfield fire technology:A case study in the Antaibao Open Pit Mine goaf burning area,China 被引量:10
作者 Cao Kai Zhong Xiaoxing +3 位作者 Wang Deming Shi Guoqing Wang Yanming Shao Zhenlu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第5期657-663,共7页
It is very difficult to clearly detect the location of a burning area in a coal mine since it is hidden underground.So we conducted research on the distribution of the burning area before controlling it.Firstly,the or... It is very difficult to clearly detect the location of a burning area in a coal mine since it is hidden underground.So we conducted research on the distribution of the burning area before controlling it.Firstly,the original drilling technique was used to analyze and determine the loose and scope of caving of burning area through field test,and then obtained the gases and the temperature data in this area were according to the borehole data.By analyzing these data,we found out that the location of burning area concentrated in the loose and caving area;and finally,the location and development of the burning area within the tested area were accurately determined.Based on this theory,we used the ground penetrating radar(GPR) to find out the loose and caving scale in the burning area during the control process of the burning area,and then located the fire-extinguishing boreholes within target which we used to control burning fire in the section.A mobile comprehensive fire prevention and extinguishing system based on the three-phase foam fire prevention and control technique was then adopted and conducted in the burning area which took only 9 months to extinguish the 227,000 m 2 of burning area of 9# coal.This control technology and experience will provide a very important reference to the control of other coalfield fire and hillock fire in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Coalfield fire Ground penetrating radar(GPR) Boreholes Three-phase foam
Measurement and Evaluation of Efficiency of Regional Technical Innovation Jiangsu Province 被引量:2
作者 龚荒 王新宇 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2004年第1期26-32,41,共8页
The target system was built to evaluate the efficiency of technical innovation for 13 cities and three regions in Jiangsu province based on the data envelopment analysis. This paper comparatively analyzed the efficien... The target system was built to evaluate the efficiency of technical innovation for 13 cities and three regions in Jiangsu province based on the data envelopment analysis. This paper comparatively analyzed the efficiency of innovation and scaling return for each region in Jiangsu province. The projection analysis on production frontier face for inefficient regions was also performed. Evolving rules and regional difference of technical innovation system of Jiangsu province were explored. Some important results and suggestion were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 REGION technical innovation data envelopment analysis EVALUATION
Zonal extraction technology and numerical simulation analysis in open pit coal mine 被引量:11
作者 Chen Yanlong Cai Qingxiang +3 位作者 Shang Tao Peng Hongge Zhou Wei Chen Shuzhao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期487-491,共5页
In order to enhance coal recovery ratio of open pit coal mines, a new extraction method called zonal mining system for residual coal around the end-walls is presented. The mining system can improve economic benefits b... In order to enhance coal recovery ratio of open pit coal mines, a new extraction method called zonal mining system for residual coal around the end-walls is presented. The mining system can improve economic benefits by exploiting haulage and ventilation roadways from the exposed position of coal seams by uti- lizing the existing transportation systems. Moreover, the main mining parameters have also been dis- cussed. The outcome shows that the load on coal seam roof is about 0.307 MPa and the drop step of the coal seam roof about 20.3 m when the thickness of cover and average volume weight are about 120 m and 0.023 MN/m~ respectively. With the increase of mining height and width, the coal recovery ratio can be improved. However, when recovery ratio is more than 0.85, the average stress on the coal pillar will increase tempestuously, so the recovery ratio should also be controlled to make the coal seam roof safe. Based on the numerical simulation results, it is concluded that the ratio of coal pillar width to height should be more than 1.0 to make sure the coal pillars are steady, and there are only minor dis- placements on the end-walls. 展开更多
关键词 Extraction technologyNumerical simulationZonal miningResidual coalEnd-walls
作者 王玉浚 张先尘 韩可琦 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1991年第1期37-45,共9页
Being aimed at the vital decisive problems to be solved during.making long-term planning and overall planning of the development of coal mining areas of China, this paper presents comprehensive theories and methods fo... Being aimed at the vital decisive problems to be solved during.making long-term planning and overall planning of the development of coal mining areas of China, this paper presents comprehensive theories and methods for the choice of mining area optimum planning schemes by use of combining technic analysis with system simulation and system optimization.The main contents are as follows: the prediction of technic and economic indexes in the developing process of existing mining areas and new mining area, including computer simulation analysis of maximum possibility of output growth in a working mine, the effect of technic progress on productive development, and grey predictive model of the change of technic and economic indexes; the dynamic simulation model of the mining area system, including five subsystem models; mining area output, investment, economic benefit, number of workers and staff of a mining area, mining area population, and ecologic environmental dynamic change under different schemes;the 0--1 programming, the goal programming and the analytic hierarchy process for contrast analysis optimization of mining area planning schemes. 展开更多
关键词 technic analysis optimum planning dynamic simulation
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