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无线环境下基于丢包区分算法的流媒体拥塞控制 被引量:2
作者 吕云飞 王行刚 《计算机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第13期19-21,共3页
无线环境中存在的链路质量以及切换等的问题严重影响了拥塞控制机制的性能,该文针对此问题,考虑到实际无线链路的差错控制对上层的影响,提出了一种新的基于(M,K)统计测量方式的端到端丢包区分算法,并基于此设计了适合于无线环境的流媒... 无线环境中存在的链路质量以及切换等的问题严重影响了拥塞控制机制的性能,该文针对此问题,考虑到实际无线链路的差错控制对上层的影响,提出了一种新的基于(M,K)统计测量方式的端到端丢包区分算法,并基于此设计了适合于无线环境的流媒体拥塞控制机制(WTFRC)。通过NS模拟验证,相对于其他端到端丢包区分算法,该文提出的算法的准确度更高,WTFRC可以在实际的无线环境中保持良好的性能。 展开更多
关键词 无线环境 拥塞控制 吞吐量 丢包区分算法 醚路质量
基于粒子偏振特性的雾霾区分算法研究 被引量:2
作者 吴时超 麻金继 +2 位作者 章群英 余海啸 安源 《大气与环境光学学报》 CAS CSCD 2019年第3期221-227,共7页
雾、霾粒子的组成成分不同,雾滴具有大粒子特性,霾的成分复杂,小粒子居多.偏振观测对小粒子具有很强的敏感性,基于该特性利用矢量辐射传输模型(Vector linearized discrete ordinate radiative transfer,VLIDORT)计算雾粒子和霾粒子的... 雾、霾粒子的组成成分不同,雾滴具有大粒子特性,霾的成分复杂,小粒子居多.偏振观测对小粒子具有很强的敏感性,基于该特性利用矢量辐射传输模型(Vector linearized discrete ordinate radiative transfer,VLIDORT)计算雾粒子和霾粒子的偏振辐射特性,模拟结果经公式计算可得到雾、霾粒子的偏振反射率.模拟结果表明:在散射角125°-150°范围内,雾粒子和霾粒子的偏振反射率随散射角分布有明显不同的变化趋势.利用该偏振辐射特性结合雾霾粒子的辐射特性,基于2008年3月11日的多角度偏振成像观测的卫星载荷(Polarization and directionality of the earth’s reflectances, POLDER)数据对雾和霾进行区分.将区分结果与中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer, MODIS)图像及地面站观测资料进行对比,验证了算法的有效性.这对高分五号大气气溶胶多角度偏振探测仪(Directional polarimetric camera,DPC)遥感数据的应用具有重要的参考价值和科学意义. 展开更多
关键词 大气光学 雾霾粒子 矢量辐射传输 区分算法
作者 何晓鸿 《武汉交通职业学院学报》 2014年第1期74-77,共4页
文章基于IEEE802.11eEDCA接入机制,提出一种区分接入算法。不同优先级的业务,使用自适应的、不同次数的RTS请求,可增强高优先级业务成功接入的概率;针对高优先级业务之间同时接入的竞争状况,提出了避让策略,以降低高优先级业务之间的碰... 文章基于IEEE802.11eEDCA接入机制,提出一种区分接入算法。不同优先级的业务,使用自适应的、不同次数的RTS请求,可增强高优先级业务成功接入的概率;针对高优先级业务之间同时接入的竞争状况,提出了避让策略,以降低高优先级业务之间的碰撞。文章对该算法在马尔科夫链建模的基础上进行理论分析,证明其能够优化高优先级数据流的接入成功率,提高高优先级数据流的饱和吞吐量。 展开更多
关键词 区分接入算法 服务质量 接入控制 马尔科夫链
区分服务中一种公平的汇聚流标记算法 被引量:2
作者 张治国 李向丽 邱保志 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第24期138-140,共3页
区分服务是提供QoS的重要机制之一,但在区分服务中存在着汇聚流之间剩余带宽分配的不公平性问题。为解决该问题,提出了动态数据包标记算法(DPMA),该算法通过监测汇聚流的流速变化,能动态地调整标记策略,它能以一种近似按比例的方式在各... 区分服务是提供QoS的重要机制之一,但在区分服务中存在着汇聚流之间剩余带宽分配的不公平性问题。为解决该问题,提出了动态数据包标记算法(DPMA),该算法通过监测汇聚流的流速变化,能动态地调整标记策略,它能以一种近似按比例的方式在各汇聚流之间公平地分配网络中的剩余带宽。仿真结果表明该算法是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 区分服务标记算法QoS
混合式的网络拥塞控制算法 被引量:2
作者 王满喜 胡向晖 马刈非 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期642-645,共4页
在对端到端拥塞控制算法的研究和改进的基础上,结合当前网络层拥塞控制算法,提出了一种把运输层和网络层拥塞控制算法结合起来的混合式网络拥塞控制算法TCP-M,并通过NS2软件的仿真,证实了该混合式网络拥塞控制算法TCP-M比单一拥塞控制... 在对端到端拥塞控制算法的研究和改进的基础上,结合当前网络层拥塞控制算法,提出了一种把运输层和网络层拥塞控制算法结合起来的混合式网络拥塞控制算法TCP-M,并通过NS2软件的仿真,证实了该混合式网络拥塞控制算法TCP-M比单一拥塞控制算法有效。 展开更多
关键词 拥塞控制 端到端 丢失区分算法 混合式
异构网络中的丢包区分和拥塞控制机制 被引量:2
作者 靳玉宝 董育宁 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期234-242,共9页
现有异构网络传输控制协议不能准确估计网络状态,缺乏有效的丢包区分机制.为此,提出一种基于效用估计的丢包区分算法,并将其应用于多媒体业务TCP友好传输控制协议.该算法将网络状态估计算法和差异化丢包区分算法相结合,根据分组到达时... 现有异构网络传输控制协议不能准确估计网络状态,缺乏有效的丢包区分机制.为此,提出一种基于效用估计的丢包区分算法,并将其应用于多媒体业务TCP友好传输控制协议.该算法将网络状态估计算法和差异化丢包区分算法相结合,根据分组到达时间间隔估计当前网络的可用带宽,计算效用参数并估计网络状态,自适应地选取合理的区分机制,以准确区分无线-有线异构网络中拥塞/无线丢失,提升多媒体传输控制协议性能.实验部分比较了该算法与现有文献方法的仿真性能.. 展开更多
关键词 传输控制 丢包区分算法 异构网络 拥塞控制 TCP友好
MPLS over WDM光互联网中多优先级标记交换路径路由算法研究 被引量:3
作者 苏扬 徐展琦 刘增基 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期205-208,共4页
该文针对分层图模型的局限,设计了结点光收发器数受限的MPLSoverWDM光互联网的扩展分层图。提出并研究了MPLSoverWDM光互联网中具有不同QoS约束的多种优先级标记交换路径的路由算法——区分综合路由算法(DifferentiatingIntegratedRouti... 该文针对分层图模型的局限,设计了结点光收发器数受限的MPLSoverWDM光互联网的扩展分层图。提出并研究了MPLSoverWDM光互联网中具有不同QoS约束的多种优先级标记交换路径的路由算法——区分综合路由算法(DifferentiatingIntegratedRoutingAlgorithm,DIRA)。该算法综合考虑了对标记交换路径QoS的满足和网络资源的优化利用。与目前实用的WDM光网络路由算法的性能仿真对比表明,DIRA在提高网络总的吞吐量,降低有时延约束标记交换路径的阻塞率方面,性能更优。 展开更多
关键词 光互联网 扩展分层图 区分综合路由算法 MPLS OVER WDM
基于物理碰撞的边界处理方法 被引量:1
作者 范承凯 朱晓临 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期420-427,共8页
传统的光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,SPH)方法在模拟流体时,核函数一致性的局限性导致在边界处产生较大的数值耗散,降低了边界处粒子的密度值及压强值的计算精度,导致流体体积的错误变化,进而影响模拟效果。文... 传统的光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,SPH)方法在模拟流体时,核函数一致性的局限性导致在边界处产生较大的数值耗散,降低了边界处粒子的密度值及压强值的计算精度,导致流体体积的错误变化,进而影响模拟效果。文章提出一种SPH方法和物理碰撞相耦合的方法,对于非靠近边界的粒子,用SPH方法计算它们的各种属性;对于靠近边界处的粒子,赋予它们静止密度,使用纯粹的物理弹性碰撞来计算其速度和位置。在此过程中,文章给出了一种有效区分靠近边界的粒子和非靠近边界的粒子的方法;此外还加速了Marching Cubes算法。通过对比实验结果发现,该文方法可以准确计算流体的密度及压强,使得流体体积更加地接近精确值。 展开更多
关键词 光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法 物理碰撞 粒子区分算法 边界处理 状态方程
Optimal Boundary Control Method for Domain Decomposition Algorithm
作者 闫桂峰 冯恩民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第2期113-119,共7页
To study the domain decomposition algorithms for the equations of elliptic type, the method of optimal boundary control was used to advance a new procedure for domain decomposition algorithms and regularization method... To study the domain decomposition algorithms for the equations of elliptic type, the method of optimal boundary control was used to advance a new procedure for domain decomposition algorithms and regularization method to deal with the ill posedness of the control problem. The determination of the value of the solution of the partial differential equation on the interface——the key of the domain decomposition algorithms——was transformed into a boundary control problem and the ill posedness of the control problem was overcome by regularization. The convergence of the regularizing control solution was proven and the equations which characterize the optimal control were given therefore the value of the unknown solution on the interface of the domain would be obtained by solving a series of coupling equations. Using the boundary control method the domain decomposion algorithm can be carried out. 展开更多
关键词 domain decomposition methods(DDM) boundary control REGULARIZATION coupling equations
作者 郭同庆 陆志良 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期155-158,共4页
For a complex flow about multi-element airfoils a mixed grid method is set up. C-type grids are produced on each element′s body and in their wakes at first, O-type grids are given in the outmost area, and H-type grid... For a complex flow about multi-element airfoils a mixed grid method is set up. C-type grids are produced on each element′s body and in their wakes at first, O-type grids are given in the outmost area, and H-type grids are used in middle additional areas. An algebra method is used to produce the initial grids in each area. And the girds are optimized by elliptical differential equation method. Then C-O-H zonal patched grids around multi-element airfoils are produced automatically and efficiently. A time accurate finite-volume integration method is used to solve the compressible laminar and turbulent Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations on the grids. Computational results prove the method to be effective. 展开更多
关键词 multi-element airfoils zonal patched grids finite-volume method N-S equations
基于协作低秩分层稀疏和LC-KSVD的人脸表情识别 被引量:6
作者 刘清泉 张亚飞 +1 位作者 李华锋 李勃 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2017年第11期56-59,共4页
为了降低人脸表情识别对待识别个体的依赖程度,控制识别字典规模,增加识别准确度,提出了一种基于协作低秩和分层稀疏的表情识别字典构建方法。通过协作低秩和分层稀疏表示(C-Hi SLR)有效分离与待识别个体相关部分,保留表情变化部分,并... 为了降低人脸表情识别对待识别个体的依赖程度,控制识别字典规模,增加识别准确度,提出了一种基于协作低秩和分层稀疏的表情识别字典构建方法。通过协作低秩和分层稀疏表示(C-Hi SLR)有效分离与待识别个体相关部分,保留表情变化部分,并结合标签一致区分字典学习(LC-KSVD)算法,进行相应待训练表情序列的重构识别和对应类别字典的区分程度的优化学习。该方法在CK+数据集上进行验证,识别效果较一般基于稀疏表示模型算法有明显的提升。 展开更多
关键词 协作低秩 分层稀疏 标签一致区分字典学习算法 稀疏表示 表情识别
作者 庞家乐 张彦 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2022年第10期467-470,485,共5页
不及时标注合处理网络数据中的重复数据,会影响用户使用与操作体验。现有的重复数据标注方法无法排列比较数据记录间的属性,导致重复数据标注不准确。为此提出新的重复数据标注方法。通过综合加权法计算数据库中所有数据的属性权重值,... 不及时标注合处理网络数据中的重复数据,会影响用户使用与操作体验。现有的重复数据标注方法无法排列比较数据记录间的属性,导致重复数据标注不准确。为此提出新的重复数据标注方法。通过综合加权法计算数据库中所有数据的属性权重值,重新定义每个数据字符串间距离,得到数据间相似度值,并设定标记值。引入反向梯度学习算法,排列比较数据记录间的属性。给定每个数据唯一ID编号,构建专属的属性值记录表,通过与选定的数值比较,确定数据间是否存在重复情况。若存在重复数据,利用三区分快速算法直接标注对应的数据。对比实验结果表明所提方法耗时最短,实现重复数据高精准度的检测与标注。 展开更多
关键词 反向梯度深度学习 重复数据标注 相似度值 属性值记录表 区分快速算法
Numerical modeling and dynamic analysis of the 2017 Xinmo landslide in Maoxian County, China 被引量:24
作者 OUYANG Chao-jun ZHAO Wei +5 位作者 HE Si-ming WANG Dong-po ZHOU Shu AN Hui-cong WANG Zhong-wen CHENG Duo-xiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期1701-1711,共11页
A catastrophic landslide occurred at Xinmo village in Maoxian County, Sichuan Province,China, on June 24, 2017. A 2.87×106 m3 rock mass collapsed and entrained the surface soil layer along the landslide path. Eig... A catastrophic landslide occurred at Xinmo village in Maoxian County, Sichuan Province,China, on June 24, 2017. A 2.87×106 m3 rock mass collapsed and entrained the surface soil layer along the landslide path. Eighty-three people were killed or went missing and more than 103 houses were destroyed. In this paper, the geological conditions of the landslide are analyzed via field investigation and high-resolution imagery. The dynamic process and runout characteristics of the landslide are numerically analyzed using a depth-integrated continuum method and Mac Cormack-TVD finite difference algorithm.Computational results show that the evaluated area of the danger zone matchs well with the results of field investigation. It is worth noting that soil sprayed by the high-speed blast needs to be taken into account for such kind of large high-locality landslide. The maximum velocity is about 55 m/s, which is consistent with most cases. In addition, the potential danger zone of an unstable block is evaluated. The potential risk area evaluated by the efficient depthintegrated continuum method could play a significant role in disaster prevention and secondary hazard avoidance during rescue operations. 展开更多
关键词 Xinmo landslide Runout Numerical modeling Dynamic process Potential risk Highlocality landslide
Clustering method based on data division and partition 被引量:1
作者 卢志茂 刘晨 +2 位作者 S.Massinanke 张春祥 王蕾 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期213-222,共10页
Many classical clustering algorithms do good jobs on their prerequisite but do not scale well when being applied to deal with very large data sets(VLDS).In this work,a novel division and partition clustering method(DP... Many classical clustering algorithms do good jobs on their prerequisite but do not scale well when being applied to deal with very large data sets(VLDS).In this work,a novel division and partition clustering method(DP) was proposed to solve the problem.DP cut the source data set into data blocks,and extracted the eigenvector for each data block to form the local feature set.The local feature set was used in the second round of the characteristics polymerization process for the source data to find the global eigenvector.Ultimately according to the global eigenvector,the data set was assigned by criterion of minimum distance.The experimental results show that it is more robust than the conventional clusterings.Characteristics of not sensitive to data dimensions,distribution and number of nature clustering make it have a wide range of applications in clustering VLDS. 展开更多
Flotation bubble image segmentation based on seed region boundary growing 被引量:4
作者 Zhang Guoying Zhu Hong Xu Ning 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期239-242,共4页
Segmenting blurred and conglutinated bubbles in a flotation image is done using a new segmentation method based on Seed Region and Boundary Growing(SRBG).Bright pixels located on bubble tops were extracted as the se... Segmenting blurred and conglutinated bubbles in a flotation image is done using a new segmentation method based on Seed Region and Boundary Growing(SRBG).Bright pixels located on bubble tops were extracted as the seed regions.Seed boundaries are divided into four curves:left-top,right-top,right-bottom, and left-bottom.Bubbles are segmented from the seed boundary by moving these curves to the bubble boundaries along the corresponding directions.The SRBG method can remove noisy areas and it avoids over- and under-segmentation problems.Each bubble is segmented separately rather than segmenting the entire flotation image.The segmentation results from the SRBG method are more accurate than those from the Watershed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Bubble image SEGMENTATION Seed area Region growing
Multi-path routing algorithm in WSN using an improvedparticle swarm optimization 被引量:2
作者 LI Hui-ling DU Yong-wen XU Ning 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期361-368,共8页
To slove the problems of constrained energy and unbalanced load of wireless sensor network(WSN)nodes,a multipath load balancing routing algorithm based on neighborhood subspace cooperation is proposed.The algorithm ad... To slove the problems of constrained energy and unbalanced load of wireless sensor network(WSN)nodes,a multipath load balancing routing algorithm based on neighborhood subspace cooperation is proposed.The algorithm adopts the improved particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm,takes the shortest distance and minimum energy consumption as optimization target and divides the nodes in one-hop neighborhood near the base station area into different regions.Furthermore,the algorithm designs a fitness function to find the best node in each region as a relay node and forward the data in parallel through the different paths of the relay nodes.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce energy consumption and average end-to-end delay,balance network load and prolong network lifetime effectively. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network(WSN) improved particle swarm optimization(PSO) regional division MULTIPATH LOAD-BALANCING
Image Segmentation Using an Improved Watershed Algorithm 被引量:2
作者 郭礼华 李建华 +1 位作者 杨树堂 陆松年 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第2期16-19,共4页
As watershed algorithm suffers from over-segmentation problem, this paper presented an efficient method to resolve this problem. First, pre-process of the image using median filter is made to reduce the effect of nois... As watershed algorithm suffers from over-segmentation problem, this paper presented an efficient method to resolve this problem. First, pre-process of the image using median filter is made to reduce the effect of noise. Second, watershed algorithm is employed to provide initial regions. Third, regions are merged according to the information between the region and boundary. In the merger processing based on the region information, an adaptive threshold of the difference between the neighboring regions is used as the region merge criteria, which is based on the human visual character. In the merger processing on the boundary information, the gradient is used to judge the true boundary of the image to avoid merging the foreground with the background regions. Finally, post-process to the regions using mathematical morphology open and close filter is done to smooth object boundaries. The experimental results show that this method is very efficient. 展开更多
关键词 image segmentation region merger watershed algorithm
A Layered Zone Routing Algorithm in Ad Hoc Network Based on Matrix of Adjacency Connection
作者 徐光伟 李峰 +1 位作者 石秀金 霍佳震 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期43-45,共3页
The hybrid routing protocol has received more attention recently than the proactive and the reactive, especially for large-scale and highly dynamic connection,in mobile ad hoc network. A crucial reason is that zone-la... The hybrid routing protocol has received more attention recently than the proactive and the reactive, especially for large-scale and highly dynamic connection,in mobile ad hoc network. A crucial reason is that zone-layered is being utilized in the complex systems.A hybrid routing algorithm which is layered zone based on adjacency connection(LZBAC) is put forward under the background of a few members in network with steady position and link. The algorithm modifies storage structure of nodes and improves routing mechanism. The theoretical analysis and simulation testing testify that the algorithm costs shorter time of route finding and less delay than others. 展开更多
关键词 Ad Hoc Network adjacency connection masternode routing protocol.
Relocation of the M_S≥2.0 Earthquakes in the Northern Tianshan Region, Xinjiang, Using the Double-Difference Earthquake Relocation Algorithm
作者 Wang Haitao Li Zhihai +1 位作者 Zhao Cuiping Qu Yanjun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第4期388-396,共9页
We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-... We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-wave arrival times recorded by 32 seismic stations in Xinjiang. Aiming to obtain most of these Ms ≥ 2.0 earthquakes relocations, and considering the requirements of the DD method and the condition of data, we added the travel time data of another 437 earthquakes with 1.5 ≤ Ms 〈 2.0. Finally, we obtained the relocation results for 1253 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0, which account for 93 % of all the 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥ 2.0 and includes all the Ms ≥ 3.0 earthquakes. The reason for not relocating the 95 earthquakes with 2.0 ≤ Ms 〈 3.0 is analyzed in the paper. After relocation, the RMS residual decreased from 0.83s to 0.14s, the average error is 0.993 km in E-W direction, 1.10 km in N- S direction, and 1.33 km in vertical direction. The hypocenter depths are more convergent than before and distributed from 5 km to 35 kin, with 94% being from 5km to 35 kin, 68.2% from 10 km to 25 kin. The average hypocenter depth is 19 kin. 展开更多
关键词 Double difference earthquake relocation algorithm Hypocenter parameter Northern Tianshan region
Methods for Estimating Mean Annual Rate of Earthquakes in Moderate and Low Seismicity Regions
作者 Peng Yanju Zhang Lifang Lv Yuejun Xie Zhuojuan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第3期335-347,共13页
Two kinds of methods for determining seismic parameters are presented, that is, the potential seismic source zoning method and grid-spatially smoothing method. The Gaussian smoothing method and the modified Gaussian s... Two kinds of methods for determining seismic parameters are presented, that is, the potential seismic source zoning method and grid-spatially smoothing method. The Gaussian smoothing method and the modified Gaussian smoothing method are described in detail, and a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods is made. Then, we take centrai China as the study region, and use the Gaussian smoothing method and potential seismic source zoning method to build seismic models to calculate the mean annual seismic rate. Seismic hazard is calculated using the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis method to construct the ground motion acceleration zoning maps. The differences between the maps and these models are discussed and the causes are investigated. The results show that the spatial smoothing method is suitable for estimating the seismic hazard over the moderate and low seismicity regions or the hazard caused by background seismicity; while the potential seismic source zoning method is suitable for estimating the seismic hazard in well-defined seismotectonics. Combining the spatial smoothing method and the potential seismic source zoning method with an integrated account of the seismicity and known seismotectonics is a feasible approach to estimate the seismic hazard in moderate and low seismicity regions. 展开更多
关键词 Moderate and low seismicity regions Annual seismic activity rate Grid-spatially smoothing method Potential seismic source zoning method
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