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社区卫生服务——公共卫生体系建设不可忽视的基础环节 被引量:10
作者 刘利群 《中国初级卫生保健》 2003年第11期9-9,共1页
1公共卫生体系建设与社区卫生服务 在经历一场抗击非典的战争之后,我国公共卫生体系设备匮乏、缺少高素质人员、应对突发事件能力薄弱、信息不通畅等问题得到了各级政府、社会的广泛关注,公共卫生体系建设被提到前所未有的高度.
关键词 区卫生服务 公共卫生体系 建设 公共卫生服务职能 区卫生服务机构
浅谈当前社区卫生服务存在的问题 被引量:21
作者 王虹 杨兴华 +2 位作者 尹娜 梁万年 顾湲 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 2001年第3期206-207,共2页
根据在北京、天津、保定与社区卫生服务有关的管理人员及从事社区卫生服务工作的医务人员进行专题小组访谈的结果 ,总结出当前社区卫生服务存在的问题如下 :政府针对社区卫生服务工作的相关政策不够健全 ;社区卫生服务站的负担过重 ;从... 根据在北京、天津、保定与社区卫生服务有关的管理人员及从事社区卫生服务工作的医务人员进行专题小组访谈的结果 ,总结出当前社区卫生服务存在的问题如下 :政府针对社区卫生服务工作的相关政策不够健全 ;社区卫生服务站的负担过重 ;从事社区卫生服务工作的医务人员的素质有待提高 ;社区居民对社区卫生服务的认识不全面。 展开更多
关键词 石家庄区卫生服务 问题 北京 天津 保定市
河南省城市社区卫生服务利用现状 被引量:5
作者 李莹 周刚 +4 位作者 朱宝玉 张智民 郑旗 陈建设 冯石献 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2008年第2期194-195,共2页
目的了解河南省城市社区慢性病监测网络中高血压、糖尿病患者对社区卫生服务的利用情况。方法对河南省城市社区慢性病监测试点的高血压、糖尿病患者进行面对面问卷调查。结果1/3以上的高血压、糖尿病管理患者将社区作为知识获取的第一途... 目的了解河南省城市社区慢性病监测网络中高血压、糖尿病患者对社区卫生服务的利用情况。方法对河南省城市社区慢性病监测试点的高血压、糖尿病患者进行面对面问卷调查。结果1/3以上的高血压、糖尿病管理患者将社区作为知识获取的第一途径;对社区卫生服务基本满意率为92.9%;6个月内到社区就诊率平均为64.6%;86.0%的高血压患者和54.1%糖尿病患者能做到1月内定期测量血压和检测血糖;60%的管理患者选择社区就诊;80.03%以上的管理患者接受了药物性治疗,有56.7%~82.3%的管理患者接受了非药物性治疗服务。结论要积极推广社区高血压、糖尿病综合防控适宜技术,加强患者规范管理,提升社区卫生服务能力,促进居民对社区卫生服务的利用。 展开更多
关键词 监测点 高血压 糖尿病 区卫生服务 网络管理
应用主成分分析综合评价社区卫生服务中心规模、效益、质量和效率 被引量:6
作者 马亚楠 魏薇薇 +1 位作者 董光辉 何钦成 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期853-854,共2页
目的探讨主成分分析法评价某市郊区社区卫生服务机构运行状况,研究其主要影响因素,提出改进对策与建议。方法采用主成分分析法对某市郊区24个社区卫生服务中心进行综合评价,并由主成分综合评价计算公式分析找出综合评价主要影响因素。... 目的探讨主成分分析法评价某市郊区社区卫生服务机构运行状况,研究其主要影响因素,提出改进对策与建议。方法采用主成分分析法对某市郊区24个社区卫生服务中心进行综合评价,并由主成分综合评价计算公式分析找出综合评价主要影响因素。结果在主成分分析评价结果中,中心24、23、22、21、20、19和18等社区卫生服务中心位于前七位。主成分分析评价结果的主要影响因素有6个,按其影响大小分别为专业技术人员人均财务补助、专业技术人员专科以上构成比、专业技术人员人均固定资产值、专业技术人员中高级职称构成比、患者满意度综合评分、专业技术人员人均业务用房面积。结论主成分分析方法简单实用,结果可靠。政府应该加强社区卫生服务机构投入,特别是加强对中心卫生技术人员人力资本的培养。 展开更多
关键词 主成分分析法社 区卫生服务中心 综合评价
作者 于倩倩 黄冬梅 《国外医学(卫生经济分册)》 2008年第4期165-170,共6页
朝洛朝(位于津巴布韦的西南部)卫生部门为获得高标准卫生服务的成本资料,采用了成本逐步核算和资源利用观察相结合的方法,进行了一项调查研究。通过分析该区1997—1998年的资料得出年人均成本10美元,略低于1994年世界银行在非洲的研究... 朝洛朝(位于津巴布韦的西南部)卫生部门为获得高标准卫生服务的成本资料,采用了成本逐步核算和资源利用观察相结合的方法,进行了一项调查研究。通过分析该区1997—1998年的资料得出年人均成本10美元,略低于1994年世界银行在非洲的研究结果。由于津巴布韦的居民生活水平和卫生服务水平在该地区较高,其成本可能高于其他一些具有可比性的非洲国家。不同机构的成本构成中,区医院占60%,一线卫生服务机构(卫生中心和农村医院)占40%。项目成本构成中,工资占54%,药品、医疗和手术占20%,设备和建筑(包括折旧)占11%,其他支出占15%。主要资金来源于MOH & CW(85%),成本回收和使用者付费收入很少。研究进一步分析了目前农村医院效率和卫生服务双向转诊制的合理性,提出了分权管理的卫生服务机构要制定明确的预算管理条例,卫生机构完全可以提供低成本、高质量的卫生服务,但目前许多撒哈拉南部的非洲国家尚未达到。 展开更多
关键词 区卫生服务 成本-收入分析 津巴布韦
作者 陈华芳 林策 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2009年第7期448-450,共3页
关键词 区卫生服务先进 “六位一体”功能 政府职能
无锡社区健康教育的模式和实践 被引量:1
作者 徐伟德 《中国健康教育》 2000年第12期747-747,共1页
关键词 健康教育 区卫生服务 模式
作者 张晓林 《中国社区医师》 2004年第13期3-3,共1页
关键词 区卫生服务 缺点改正 健康档案 市场竞争 居民
东中西部城市卫生筹资累进性比较:基于社区卫生综合改革典型城市居民健康询问调查 被引量:2
作者 张丽芳 张艳春 +2 位作者 刘涵 吴宁 秦江梅 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2013年第9期69-71,共3页
目的:比较东中西部城市税收、社会医疗保险、商业健康保险和居民现金卫生支出4种卫生筹资渠道的累进性。方法:利用2011年8个社区卫生综合改革典型城市居民健康询问调查数据,采用比例法描述东中西部城市4种卫生筹资渠道的分布,并计算其... 目的:比较东中西部城市税收、社会医疗保险、商业健康保险和居民现金卫生支出4种卫生筹资渠道的累进性。方法:利用2011年8个社区卫生综合改革典型城市居民健康询问调查数据,采用比例法描述东中西部城市4种卫生筹资渠道的分布,并计算其集中指数和kakwani指数。结果:东中西部城市不同经济水平家庭的社会医疗保险、商业健康保险和居民现金卫生支出构成差异均无统计学意义(χ2社会医疗保险=3.697,P=0.883;χ2商业健康保险=11.349,P=0.183;χ2现金卫生支出=4.146,P=0.844),而直接税构成差异具有统计学意义(χ2=17.439,P=0.026),东部城市家庭直接税的公平性好于中部城市。总体上,呈现累进性的筹资渠道是直接税、职工医疗保险、商业健康保险;呈现累退性的是间接税、居民医疗保险,而现金卫生支出在东部城市呈现累退性,在中部和西部城市呈现累进性。结论:发挥税收在筹资公平性的作用;完善社会医疗保险制度;提高卫生服务的可及性。 展开更多
关键词 社会区卫生服务 东中西部城市 卫生筹资 累进性
《枣庄卫生》 2008年第11期20-20,共1页
市政府认真贯彻落实中央、省关于促进医疗保险参保人员充分利用社区卫生服务的有关政策要求,于今年10月出台了《枣庄市城镇居民基本医疗保险暂行办法》,确定优先将礼区卫生服务机构纳入定点范围。近日,市劳动局、发改委、卫生局等9... 市政府认真贯彻落实中央、省关于促进医疗保险参保人员充分利用社区卫生服务的有关政策要求,于今年10月出台了《枣庄市城镇居民基本医疗保险暂行办法》,确定优先将礼区卫生服务机构纳入定点范围。近日,市劳动局、发改委、卫生局等9个部门,又制订了《枣庄市城镇居民基本医疗保险暂行办法实施细则》,并明确规定:“参保城镇居民门诊医疗, 展开更多
关键词 基本医疗保险 城镇居民 区卫生服务机构 区卫生服务 参保人员 门诊医疗 枣庄市 发改委
耳鼻咽喉头颈外科的边界争议 被引量:3
作者 屠规益 韩德民 王琪 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 北大核心 2005年第11期677-679,共3页
关键词 临床医学(Clinical Medicine) 专业业务(Professional Practice) 卫生服务(Health Service Area) 评论【文献类型】(Comment【Publication Type】)
The social determinants of health influencing obesity for the aged in the Pakpoon community context:A qualitative study 被引量:1
作者 Pornchanuch Chumpunuch Urai Jaraeprapal 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期211-221,I0007,共12页
Objective:This study aimed to describe the social determinants of health influencing obesity for the aged in a community context and based on the perspectives of various stakeholders.Methods:This was qualitative conte... Objective:This study aimed to describe the social determinants of health influencing obesity for the aged in a community context and based on the perspectives of various stakeholders.Methods:This was qualitative content analysis study using data from the focus group,individual in-depth interview,and observation.The study population was domiciled in Pakpoon Village,Mung Dis-trict,Nakhon Si Thammarat Province,a tight-knit settlement typical of most retirement communities.Data were collected through two focus group discussions,direct observation,and in-depth interviews with 19 participants.Respondents represented key community groups:local nurses and public health officers,elderly residents,family caregivers(family members),and village health volunteers.Results:The participants shared similar perspectives about the social determinants of health influencing obesity in the aged,which spanned three themes.These were:1)neighborhood food environment(easy access to unhealthy food,no choice to recruit healthy food);2)social networks influencing obesity(family affects food choices and prohibitions on exercise;belief,and socially imposed body image per-ceptions contributing to obesity in the aged);and 3)knowledge,attitudes,and beliefs behind lifestyle choices that cause obesity in the elderly(lack of awareness,personal attitudes,job and familial duties as barriers to engaging in physical activities;over-consumption behaviors lead to obesity in older people).Conclusion:These three themes were the root causes of obesity in the elderly in Pakpoon’s retirement community.This finding suggests that policymakers and nurses can create healthy environments,both to treat and prevent obesity,by raising awareness in younger generations,providing aging the provision of healthy food choices for older adults,encouraging health care professionals to share knowledge,and by modifying the attitudes and beliefs of both caregivers and older adults. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Community networks Health services OBESITY Qualitative research Social behavior
A Coverage-Aware Unequal Clustering Protocol with Load Separation for Ambient Assisted Living Based on Wireless Sensor Networks 被引量:2
作者 Xiaoying Song Tao Wen +3 位作者 Wei Sun Dongqing Zhang Quan Guo Qilong Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期47-55,共9页
Ambient Assisted Living(AAL) is becoming an important research field. Many technologies have emerged related with pervasive computing vision, which can give support for AAL. One of the most reliable approaches is base... Ambient Assisted Living(AAL) is becoming an important research field. Many technologies have emerged related with pervasive computing vision, which can give support for AAL. One of the most reliable approaches is based on wireless sensor networks(WSNs). In this paper, we propose a coverage-aware unequal clustering protocol with load separation(CUCPLS) for data gathering of AAL applications based on WSNs. Firstly, the coverage overlap factor for nodes is introduced that accounts for the degree of target nodes covered. In addition, to balance the intra-cluster and inter-cluster energy consumptions, different competition radiuses of CHs are computed theoretically in different rings, and smaller clusters are formed near the sink. Moreover, two CHs are selected in each cluster for load separation to alleviate the substantial energy consumption difference between a single CH and its member nodes. Furthermore, a backoff waiting time is adopted during the selection of the two CHs to reduce the number of control messages employed. Simulation results demonstrate that the CUCPLS not only can achieve better coverage performance, but also balance the energy consumption of a network and prolong network lifetime. 展开更多
关键词 Ambient Assisted Living wireless sensor networks unequal cluster coverage overlap factor load separation network lifetime
The study of urban community endowment service problem in China --Demand of the elderly in Taiyuan city 被引量:1
作者 Li Xu Zhangyi Chen Gao Lu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期89-91,共3页
China's ageing, the service for elderly pension is become a serious problem, and the traditional way of pension is not enough to meet the needs of existing. In this case, the community endowment to its unique advanta... China's ageing, the service for elderly pension is become a serious problem, and the traditional way of pension is not enough to meet the needs of existing. In this case, the community endowment to its unique advantages to be the new choice to solve the problem of China's pension. Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province in China based on as the breakthrough point, to study the community endowment service of Taiyuan city. For multiple community in Taiyuan city by using the method of field survey and some residents to investigate analyze the present situation of Taiyuan city community endowment. Through the research that Taiyuan city community endowment exists does not reach the designated position on propaganda, unbalanced development, lack of funds, community service and social participation is not high, and even the poor community health care can't satisfy the elderly need to all sorts of problems. Put forward the corresponding suggestion, according to the issues can be solved through policy support, strengthen the propaganda, broaden the sources of funding, training and service team, strengthening community health service and diversified development, community service projects, so that the community endowment in China better development. 展开更多
关键词 Community endowment service for the aged aging of population
Self-harm attempters' perception of community services and its implication on service provision
作者 Ming Leung Chun-Bong Chow +1 位作者 Pak-Keung Patrick Ip Siu-Fai Paul Yip 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2019年第1期50-57,共8页
Objective:This study aimed at exploring the attempters'perception of community social services included any barriers to seeking help and services.Method:The participants were patients with self-harming behavior ag... Objective:This study aimed at exploring the attempters'perception of community social services included any barriers to seeking help and services.Method:The participants were patients with self-harming behavior aged 15 years or above.A set of guiding questions were designed to explore the general barriers and accessibility to community social services.A voice recording was made,which was later converted into a text transcript and then preceded for content analysis with co-occurrence and similarity matrix interpretation.Two males and nine females with a history of self-harm aged between 24 and 58 years were recruited for the interviews.Result:The participants had diverse experiences and backgrounds,and attitudes toward community social services.However,there was a shared perception of the need to enhance community social services.There were four main themes and 12 sub themes identified.The main theme included the service availability,service accessibility,affordability and acceptability.For details,participants were unaware of the available types of care/social services in the community,and were unaware about the nearby social services.They also suggested extending service hours and focused services should be offered to help people with different backgrounds and needs.Actually,those with experience of service utilization had both positive and negative perspectives and they gave suggestions for service delivery,mainly extending service hours and offering focused services such as for gambling control and financial planning.In view of interaction with service providers,counseling skills and trust were highly appreciated by the participants.Conclusion:The results identified common circumstances of falling into financial hardship(gambling)and social fragmentation(divorce,poor family relationships,and poor marital relationships),which also suggested to enhance services on center location,service arrangement,and skill of caregivers. 展开更多
关键词 COGNITION Community health services PATIENTS Self mutilation
Social practices of nurse care coordination using sensor technologies e Challenges with an alert system adoption in assisted living communities for older adults
作者 Isa Jahnke Nathan Riedel +2 位作者 Mihail Popescu Marjorie Skubic Marilyn Rantz 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期289-297,I0004,共10页
Objectives:From the view of everyday practices and the socio-technical coordination lens,this study aimed to analyz the gap between creators’intention and the users’implementation(mainly nursing staff and social wor... Objectives:From the view of everyday practices and the socio-technical coordination lens,this study aimed to analyz the gap between creators’intention and the users’implementation(mainly nursing staff and social workers)of an alert system in assisted living communities.Methods:Qualitative methods were employed by way of five user interviews and focus groups with six system developers.Modeling instruments were applied for data collection to analyze the different clinical workflows versus the expectations of the system development team.Results:Results indicate that the clinical workflow changed over time,which led to a mismatch of nurse care coordination,social practices,and technology use.The results show different mental models of the socio-technical practice.Applying the coordination theory,the following recommendations could be developed to overcome the mismatch.First,it is recommended that nursing staff set goals together.Second,a communication rhythmwith the nursing staff and developer teams should be established,with guided questions to facilitate the conversation,to shed light on the different workflows and the difference in social practices when using sensor technologies or alert systems.Third,a checklist for new employees should be created so they know how and on which devices to use the alert system.Fourth,the user experience with the alert system should be improved(e.g.,an improved user interface).Conclusions:This work indicates recommendations to close the mental model gap to overcome the mismatch between optimal use of the alert system and how the nursing staff is actually using it. 展开更多
关键词 Community health services Health services for the aged Medical informatics applications SOFTWARE
Challenges faced by community health nurses to achieve universal health coverage in Myanmar:A mixed methods study
作者 Sein Yaw May Naw Clara +3 位作者 Ohn Khin Khin Win Win Mar Aye Nandar Han Su Su Maw 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期271-278,I0002,I0003,共10页
Objective:This study aimed to identify the challenges of community health nurses(CHNs)in delivering effective community health care to achieve universal health coverage(UHC)in Myanmar.Methods:A total of 30 CHNs from t... Objective:This study aimed to identify the challenges of community health nurses(CHNs)in delivering effective community health care to achieve universal health coverage(UHC)in Myanmar.Methods:A total of 30 CHNs from township health centers in the northeastern,southern,and western parts of Myanmar were purposefully recruited for quantitative and qualitative interviews.Quantitative data were processed using Microsoft Excel software,and qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis.This study is registered with researchregistry6201.Results:Around the country,30 CHNs uncovered their hardships in implementing primary health care to achieve UHC.Over 90%of the participants agreed to the problem of inadequate health infrastructure,while half of them felt unmotivated when they encountered role conflicts among various cadres of healthcare providers and poor opportunities for career promotion.Major problems arose from the lack of standard professional education at the entry point to community settings because most CHNs did not achieve specialized training in providing public health services.Complications are incapable of evaluating health services for policy-making and the inability to conduct health research to develop evidencebased practices.Insecure work and living conditions,unsupportive community relationships,and undereducation in professional practices were supportive major themes explored by CHNs to achieve a deeper understanding of the barriers to UHC.Not only the health system itself but also the population and other geographical factors have contributed to many challenges to CHNs.Conclusion:Myanmar’s CHNs face many challenges in achieving UHC.These challenges are not confined to the health sector.Some situations,such as geographical barriers and transportation problems,remain persistent challenges for healthcare providers.This study highlights the fact that current health systems should be strengthened by qualified healthcare providers and sufficient infrastructure.Meanwhile,public empowerment plays a critical role in promoting health development. 展开更多
关键词 Community health nurses Community health services Health personnel Myanmar Primary health care Professional practice Social conditions Universal health coverage
Taxonomy and molecular evolution of secondary metabolism pathway of isoflavones biosynthesis
作者 XIA Xun-li YANG Guang-xiao HE Guang-yuan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2009年第5期14-20,共7页
We compared the cDNA sequences and amino acid sequences of Chalcone synthase (CHS), Chalcone isomerase (CH1), and lsoflavone synthase (IFS) in isoflavone biosynthesis pathway, found that their similarity were no... We compared the cDNA sequences and amino acid sequences of Chalcone synthase (CHS), Chalcone isomerase (CH1), and lsoflavone synthase (IFS) in isoflavone biosynthesis pathway, found that their similarity were not always consistent; then we compared the amino acid sequences of CHS, CHI, and IFS, found that the clustering relationship of CHS and CHI were different in 13 kind of species; CHS and IFS were the same or similar in leguminous plants Medicago sativa, Medicago truncatula, Pisum sativum, Pueraria Montana, and Glycine max however disaccording with CHI. We prefer the amino acid sequence for cDNA sequence for evolution analysis, and think that the secondary metabolism mostly attributing to environmental stresses, and the functional genes on secondary metabolism pathway are unsuitable for taxonomy analysis. 展开更多
关键词 CHI CHS IFS TAXONOMY molecular evolution
Community-based flood disaster management for older adults in southern of Thailand:A qualitative study
作者 Pairin Yodsuban Khanitta Nuntaboot 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期409-417,I0004,共10页
Objective:This study explored the approaches for community-based flood disaster management for older adults in Southern Thailand.It sought to understand community culture for supporting older adults and promoting comm... Objective:This study explored the approaches for community-based flood disaster management for older adults in Southern Thailand.It sought to understand community culture for supporting older adults and promoting community strength in case of flood disaster.Method:This was a qualitative content analysis study using data from observation,in-depth interviews,secondary data,and focus group discussion.One hundred and twenty-seven people in total were selected specifically for the study,including Local Administration Organization(LAO),community leaders,public sector officers,civil groups,and older adult groups and family caregivers.Results:The results of this study were two main themes,focusing on 1)approaches to community-based flood disaster management for older adults as follows:eight approaches in the phase of prevention and preparedness in flood disaster management for older adults,eight approaches in the phase of response in flood disaster management for older adults,and six approaches in the phase of recovery and rehabilitation in flood disaster management for older adults;and 2)factors contributing to success in flood disaster management for older adults has four factors,including the human factor,the work factor,the data factor,and the resource factor.Conclusion:The findings showed significant roles in improving the potential and strength in communitybased flood disaster management for older adults and providing suggestions for community nurses and health practice personnel involving in flood disaster management to mitigate the potential influence on older adults in the community. 展开更多
关键词 Community networks DISASTERS Floods Health personnel Health services Older adult
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