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作者 初旗 《交通企业管理》 1999年第6期45-45,共1页
4月5日至6日,交通部在武汉召开1999年南方片区道路春运总结会,来自广东、广西、云南、海南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、河南、江西、安徽、江苏、福建等省、市、自治区的40余名代表参加了会议。交通部公路司王盈嘉副司长、谢家举... 4月5日至6日,交通部在武汉召开1999年南方片区道路春运总结会,来自广东、广西、云南、海南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、河南、江西、安徽、江苏、福建等省、市、自治区的40余名代表参加了会议。交通部公路司王盈嘉副司长、谢家举副处长主持会议并作重要讲话。 会上各省、市、自治区总结交流了今年道路春运工作经验。 展开更多
关键词 区道 总结会 春运工作 交通部 武汉 道路运输管理 副司长 车容 自治区 主持会议
作者 宋永志 李晓 王传良 《山东农机化》 1995年第6期11-11,共1页
“‘单位要学农机站,干部职工学周波’这是道朗乡政府提出的口号。农机站周波的大名在全乡可说是无人不知无人不晓”。陪同我们一起到道朗乡农机站采访的郊区农机局办公室夏尔军主任告诉我们说。我们了解到:周波,34岁,复员军人,济南历... “‘单位要学农机站,干部职工学周波’这是道朗乡政府提出的口号。农机站周波的大名在全乡可说是无人不知无人不晓”。陪同我们一起到道朗乡农机站采访的郊区农机局办公室夏尔军主任告诉我们说。我们了解到:周波,34岁,复员军人,济南历城人。这个“外地人”是怎么赢得道朗乡干部、群众如此喜爱的呢?在农机站,我们采访了周波本人和他的同事。 记者:周站长。 展开更多
关键词 道朗 乡农机管理站 周波 农机站 区道 谁人 泰安市 站长 乡政府 农机局
Robust frame synchronization method for FDD-LTE systems 被引量:1
作者 徐文虎 杨广琦 +1 位作者 刘进 洪伟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第3期239-243,共5页
The primary synchronization signal and the secondary synchronization signal are respectively used to fulfill the subframe and frame synchronization in the long term evolution (LTE) systems. Based on the assumption t... The primary synchronization signal and the secondary synchronization signal are respectively used to fulfill the subframe and frame synchronization in the long term evolution (LTE) systems. Based on the assumption that the channel frequency response of the primary synchronization signal symbol is nearly the same as that of the secondary synchronization symbol in frequency division duplex-LTE (FDD-LTE), a new synchronization method is proposed. The frame synchronization success probability is simulated in different wireless channel models and the Mento-Carlo method is used in the simulation. Simulation results show that if the LMMSE channel estimation is adopted, the proposed method is robust at a low signal noise ratio (SNR) scenario and works well when cartier frequency offset and fast Fourier transform (FFT) window timing offset are considered in practical applications. The frame synchronization success probability can still exceed 99% with an SNR of 0 dB when the maximum Doppler shift is very large, which means that this robust frame synchronization method can be applicable in most mobile situations. Simulation results also show that the success probability of the proposed frame synchronization method is higher than that of the method which fulfills the frame synchronization through correlating the received secondary synchronization symbol with local sequences in practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 frame synchronization long term evolution cell search channel estimation
作者 张本华 任克瑜 吕剑 《农村财政与财务》 1998年第1期46-47,共2页
素有“苏北重镇”之称的江苏省盱眙县马坝镇,近年来,把小城镇建设作为加快两个文明建设的重要举措来抓,小城镇建设取得显著成效,成为淮阴市首批明星乡镇之一。一年多来,该镇对五条老街道进行了全面治理,新建了一条镇政府到宁连路1公里... 素有“苏北重镇”之称的江苏省盱眙县马坝镇,近年来,把小城镇建设作为加快两个文明建设的重要举措来抓,小城镇建设取得显著成效,成为淮阴市首批明星乡镇之一。一年多来,该镇对五条老街道进行了全面治理,新建了一条镇政府到宁连路1公里长40米宽的高标准镇区道路,完成了环镇东路、西路和北路的土方工程,扩建了两个市场,新建了三个综合商场。 展开更多
关键词 小城镇建设 明星 淮河 盱眙县 镇政府 区道 加快小城镇建设 街道 淮阴市 土地收益金
作者 马同训 《城市规划》 1982年第2期18-22,共5页
一、概况 团城山新市区位于黄石市旧城区西面,距旧城中心区约2.5公里(图1)。这里两面依山,一面傍水,自然风景优美。根据总体规划确定的新市区的性质,新市区规划时采用了综合居住区的理论,区内安排有市级党政机关、科研文教、市级生活服... 一、概况 团城山新市区位于黄石市旧城区西面,距旧城中心区约2.5公里(图1)。这里两面依山,一面傍水,自然风景优美。根据总体规划确定的新市区的性质,新市区规划时采用了综合居住区的理论,区内安排有市级党政机关、科研文教、市级生活服务设施、无污染的小型工厂,以及五个居住小区。 展开更多
关键词 居住小区 详细规划 黄石市 新市区 公建 住宅组群 区道 划时 龙大道 住宅规划
The Bipolar Field-Effect Transistor:Ⅳ.Short Channel Drift-Diffusion Current Theory(Two-MOS-Gates on Pure-Base)
作者 揭斌斌 薩支唐 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期193-200,共8页
This paper gives the short channel analytical theory of the bipolar field-effect transistor (BiFET) with the drift and diffusion currents separately computed in the analytical theory. As in the last-month paper whic... This paper gives the short channel analytical theory of the bipolar field-effect transistor (BiFET) with the drift and diffusion currents separately computed in the analytical theory. As in the last-month paper which represented the drift and diffusion current by the single electrochemical (potential-gradient) current, the two-dimensional transistor is partitioned into two sections, the source and drain sections, each can operate as the electron or hole emitter or collector under specific combinations of applied terminal voltages. Analytical solution is then obtained in the source and drain sections by separating the two-dimensional trap-free Shockley Equations into two one-dimensional equations parametrically coupled via the surface-electric-potential and by using electron current continuity and hole current continuity at the boundary between the emitter and collector sections. Total and the drift and diffusion components of the electron-channel and hole-channel currents and output and transfer conductances, and the electrical lengths of the two sections are computed and presented in graphs as a function of the D. C. terminal voltages for the model transistor with two identical and connected metal-oxide-silicon-gates (MOS-gates) on a thin pure-silicon base over practical ranges of thicknesses of the silicon base and gate oxide. Deviations of the two-section short-channel theory from the one-section long-channel theory are described. 展开更多
关键词 bipolar field-effect transistor theory MOS field-effect transistor simultaneous electron and hole surface and volume channels surface potential two-section short-channel theory double-gate pure-base
Channel Lateral Pocket or Halo Region of NMOSFET Characterized by Interface State R G Current of the Forward Gated Diode
作者 何进 黄爱华 +1 位作者 张兴 黄如 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第7期826-831,共6页
The channel lateral pocket or halo region of NMOSFET characterized by interface state R G current of a forward gated diode has been investigated numerically for the first time.The result of numerical analysis demons... The channel lateral pocket or halo region of NMOSFET characterized by interface state R G current of a forward gated diode has been investigated numerically for the first time.The result of numerical analysis demonstrates that the effective surface doping concentration and the interface state density of the pocket or halo region are interface states R G current peak position dependent and amplitude dependent,respectively.It can be expressed quantitatively according to the device physics knowledge,thus,the direct characterization of the interface state density and the effective surface doping concentration of the pocket or halo becomes very easy. 展开更多
关键词 forward gated diode R G current MOSFET pocket or halo implant region interface states effective surface doping concentration
The Theory of Field-Effect Transistors:XI. The Bipolar Electrochemical Currents(1-2-MOS-Gates on Thin-Thick Pure-Impure Base)
作者 薩支唐 揭斌斌 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期397-409,共13页
The field-effect transistor is inherently bipolar, having simultaneously electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents. The channels and currents are controlled by one or more externally applied transvers... The field-effect transistor is inherently bipolar, having simultaneously electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents. The channels and currents are controlled by one or more externally applied transverse electric fields. It has been known as the unipolar field-effect transistor for 55-years since Shockley's 1952 invention,because the electron-current theory inevitably neglected the hole current from over-specified internal and boundary conditions, such as the electrical neutrality and the constant hole-electrochemical-potential, resulting in erroneous solutions of the internal and terminal electrical characteristics from the electron channel current alone, which are in gross error when the neglected hole current becomes comparable to the electron current, both in subthreshold and strong inversion. This report presents the general theory, that includes both electron and hole channels and currents. The rectangular ( x, y, z) parallelepiped transistors,uniform in the width direction (z-axis),with one or two MOS gates on thin and thick,and pure and impure base, are used to illustrate the two-dimensional effects and the correct internal and boundary conditions for the electric and the electron and hole electrochemical potentials. Complete analytical equations of the DC current-voltage characteristics of four common MOS transistor structures are derived without over-specification: the 1-gate on semi-infinite-thick impure-base (the traditional bulk transistor), the 1-gate on thin impure-silicon layer over oxide-insulated silicon bulk (SOI) ,the 1-gate on thin impure-silicon layer deposited on insulating glass (SOI TFT), and the 2-gates on thin pure-base (FinFETs). 展开更多
关键词 bipolar field-effect transistor theory MOS field-effect transistor simultaneous electron and hole surface and volume channels and currents surface potential two-section short-channel theory double-gate impure-base theory
作者 朱培玉 《决策》 1996年第7期36-37,共2页
合肥市发展蓝图确定了在2010年前按照“大快美强”的要求将合肥建设成为一座现代化大都市。这几年,围绕城市街区道路建设,市委、市政府投入了许多人力、物力和财力,取得了引人瞩目的成就。现基本形成了“四横九纵”的大城市道路框架格局... 合肥市发展蓝图确定了在2010年前按照“大快美强”的要求将合肥建设成为一座现代化大都市。这几年,围绕城市街区道路建设,市委、市政府投入了许多人力、物力和财力,取得了引人瞩目的成就。现基本形成了“四横九纵”的大城市道路框架格局。 但是,也应看到,随着城市规模的扩大,聚散功能增强,车流人流迅速增加,市内交通的压力几乎成倍增大。前几年,合肥市很难看到的塞车阻人现象,这几年几乎司空见惯,天天发生。对此人们不禁要问,道路越来越多,越来越宽,可行路却越来越难,这究竟是怎么啦? 展开更多
关键词 环城铁路 合肥市 区道 地方铁路 市内交通 新世纪 轻轨铁路 客货运输 环线 矿石码头
Discrete Element Modeling of Debris Avalanche Impact on Retaining Walls 被引量:16
作者 LI Xinpo HE Siming +1 位作者 LUO Yu WU Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期276-281,共6页
In China,gravity retaining walls are widely used as protection structures against rockfalls,debris flows and debris avalanches along the roads in mountainous areas.In this paper,the Discrete Element Method(DEM) has be... In China,gravity retaining walls are widely used as protection structures against rockfalls,debris flows and debris avalanches along the roads in mountainous areas.In this paper,the Discrete Element Method(DEM) has been used to investigate the impact of granular avalanches and debris flows on retaining walls.The debris is modeled as two dimensional circular disks that interact through frictional sliding contacts.The basic equations that control the deformation and motion of the particles are introduced.A series of numerical experiments were conducted on an idealized debris slide impacting a retaining wall.The parametric study has been performed to examine the influences of slope geometry,travel distance of the sliding mass,wall position,and surface friction on the impact force exerted on the wall.Results show that:1) the force achieves its maximum value when slope angle is equal to 60°,as it varies from 30° to 75°;2) an approximate linear relationship between the impact force and the storage area length is determined. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow debris avalanche rockfallretaining wall Discrete Element Method
Catastrophe theory-based risk evaluation model for water and mud inrush and its application in karst tunnels 被引量:20
作者 ZHU Jian-qun LI Tian-zheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1587-1598,共12页
This paper presents a risk evaluation model of water and mud inrush for tunnel excavation in karst areas.The factors affecting the probabilities of water and mud inrush in karst tunnels are investigated to define the ... This paper presents a risk evaluation model of water and mud inrush for tunnel excavation in karst areas.The factors affecting the probabilities of water and mud inrush in karst tunnels are investigated to define the dangerousness of this geological disaster.The losses that are caused by water and mud inrush are taken into consideration to account for its harmfulness.Then a risk evaluation model based on the dangerousness-harmfulness evaluation indicator system is constructed,which is more convincing in comparison with the traditional methods.The catastrophe theory is used to evaluate the risk level of water and mud inrush and it has great advantage in handling problems involving discontinuous catastrophe processes.To validate the proposed approach,the Qiyueshan tunnel of Yichang-Wanzhou Railway is taken as an example in which four target segments are evaluated using the risk evaluation model.Finally,the evaluation results are compared with the excavation data,which shows that the risk levels predicted by the proposed approach are in good agreements with that observed in engineering.In conclusion,the catastrophe theory-based risk evaluation model is an efficient and effective approach for water and mud inrush in karst tunnels. 展开更多
关键词 risk evaluation model water and mud inrush catastrophe theory karst area TUNNELING
Effects of Forest Roads on Habitat Pattern for Sables in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeasten China 被引量:4
作者 LI Yuehui WU Wen +3 位作者 XIONG Zaiping HU Yuanman CHANG Yu XIAO Duning 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期587-598,共12页
The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sabl... The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sables(Martes zibellina), one of rodents within national first-class protected species, when roads are considered in Huzhong area in Da Hinggan Mountains, northeastern China. Employing published literatures about behavior ecology, aerial photographs and forest stand maps, we classified the study area into three habitat types including best-suitable, suitable and unsuitable habitats based on sable habitat requirements at the landscape scale including four variables derived from forest source map with attribute database. Results indicated the loss and significant fragmentation of best-suitable habitat and home range habitat when roads, especially 150 m avoidance distance of roads, were considered. The roads reduced and fragmented highly suitable habitats more significantly during earlier development period than the later development period. Additionally, the suitable area percentage increased with increasing distance to roads. This study helped to identify the suitable area for sables and location of sable population. Also, this study suggested the passage construction and road management involving road closure and removal will reduce the fragmentation functionally and benefit the sable population. 展开更多
关键词 forest road SABLE habitat pattern buffer analysis Da Hinggan Mountains
Influence of roads on small rodents population in fragmented forest areas, South Korea
作者 任信在 李昌培 +4 位作者 许位行 朴容秀 崔瑞允 朴仁珠 李宇新 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期155-158,共4页
The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition o... The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition of small rodents near the roads. Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius). Korean field mouse prefers interior forest area to around road. Striped field mouse is a habitat generalist and has wide distributional range around road, but Korean field mouse is forest-inhabiting species and their distribution is limited in forest area. These results suggest the effect of road is different on each small rodent species and their habitat preferences. 展开更多
关键词 Fragmented forest area ROAD Small rodents South Korea
Safety thickness analysis of tunnel floor in karst region based on catastrophe theory 被引量:14
作者 YANG Xiao-li XIAO Hai-bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2364-2372,共9页
Based on the tunnel shape, span and depth, the previous elliptical plate model and clamped beam model were modified.The modified model was applied to different situations. For the elliptical plate model, the water eff... Based on the tunnel shape, span and depth, the previous elliptical plate model and clamped beam model were modified.The modified model was applied to different situations. For the elliptical plate model, the water effects were considered. For the clamped beam model, water and horizontal stress were considered. Corresponding potential functions and cusp catastrophe models of rock system were established based on the catastrophe theory. The expressions of critical safety thickness were derived with necessary and sufficient conditions. The method was applied to the practical engineering. Some parameters related to the stability were discussed. The results show that elastic modulus and thickness are advantageous to the floor stability, and that the load, span,horizontal stress and water are disadvantageous to the floor stability. 展开更多
关键词 KARST catastrophe theory safety thickness tunnel floor STABILITY WATER
Stability control of gate groups in deep wells 被引量:8
作者 GUO Zhi-biao GUO Ping-ye +1 位作者 HUANG Mao-hong LIU Yin-gen 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期155-160,共6页
In order to study stability control methods for a deep gate group under complex stresses,we conducted field investigations and analyses of reasons for damage in the Xuzhou mining district.Three reasons are proposed:de... In order to study stability control methods for a deep gate group under complex stresses,we conducted field investigations and analyses of reasons for damage in the Xuzhou mining district.Three reasons are proposed:deep high stress,improper roadway layout and support technology.The stability control countermeasures of the gate group consist of an intensive design technology and responding bolt-mesh-anchor truss support technology.Our research method has been applied at the -1000 m level gate group in Qishan Coal Mine.Suitable countermeasures have been tested by field monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 deep gate group stability intensive design bolt-mesh-anchor truss support
Road Centrality and Landscape Spatial Patterns in Wuhan Metropolitan Area,China 被引量:9
作者 LIU Yaolin WANG Huimin +3 位作者 JIAO Limin LIU Yanfang HE Jianhua AI Tinghua 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期511-522,共12页
Road network is a corridor system that interacts with surrounding landscapes,and understanding their interaction helps to develop an optimal plan for sustainable transportation and land use.This study investigates the... Road network is a corridor system that interacts with surrounding landscapes,and understanding their interaction helps to develop an optimal plan for sustainable transportation and land use.This study investigates the relationships between road centrality and landscape patterns in the Wuhan Metropolitan Area,China.The densities of centrality measures,including closeness,betweenness,and straightness,are calculated by kernel density estimation(KDE).The landscape patterns are characterized by four landscape metrics,including percentage of landscape(PLAND),Shannon′s diversity index(SHDI),mean patch size(MPS),and mean shape index(MSI).Spearman rank correlation analysis is then used to quantify their relationships at both landscape and class levels.The results show that the centrality measures can reflect the hierarchy of road network as they associate with road grade.Further analysis exhibit that as centrality densities increase,the whole landscape becomes more fragmented and regular.At the class level,the forest gradually decreases and becomes fragmented,while the construction land increases and turns to more compact.Therefore,these findings indicate that the ability and potential applications of centrality densities estimated by KDE in quantifying the relationships between roads and landscapes,can provide detailed information and valuable guidance for transportation and land-use planning as well as a new insight into ecological effects of roads. 展开更多
关键词 road centrality landscape patterns kernel density estimation(KDE) landscape metrics Wuhan Metropolitan Area China
Geomorphic Characteristics of Hillslope and Channelized Debris Flows: A Case Study in the Shitou Area of Central Taiwan 被引量:3
作者 Jinn-Chyi CHEN Ching-Weei LIN Lung-Chang WANG 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期266-273,共8页
The data on the hillslope and channelized debris flows in the Shitou area of central Taiwan occurred during Typhoons Toraji and Nali in 2001 were applied in this paper. The geomorphic parameters, including the flow le... The data on the hillslope and channelized debris flows in the Shitou area of central Taiwan occurred during Typhoons Toraji and Nali in 2001 were applied in this paper. The geomorphic parameters, including the flow length, gully gradient, drainage area and form factor of the debris flows were determined by spatial analysis using a Geographic Information System (GIS) based on the data derived from field investigation, aerial photographs, and topographical maps. According to such determined geomorphic parameters, the threshold conditions and empirical equations, such as the relationship between the gully gradient and drainage area and that between gully length and drainage area and topographic parameter, are presented and used to distinguish the geomorphic characteristics between the channelized and hillslope debris flows. 展开更多
关键词 Hillslope debris flow Channelized debris flow Empirical equation Topographic parameter Central Taiwan China
Joint Antenna Selection and Robust Beamforming Design in Multi-cell Distributed Antenna System 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Jun FENG Suili HUANG Miaona 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期85-97,共13页
Most of studies on Distributed Antenna System(DAS) focus on maximizing the sum capacity and perfect channel state information at transmitter(CSIT).However,CSI is inevitable imperfect in practical wireless networks.Bas... Most of studies on Distributed Antenna System(DAS) focus on maximizing the sum capacity and perfect channel state information at transmitter(CSIT).However,CSI is inevitable imperfect in practical wireless networks.Based on the sources of error,there are two models.One assumes error lies in a bounded region,the other assumes random error.Accordingly,we propose two joint antenna selection(AS) and robustbeamforming schemes aiming to minimize the total transmit power at antenna nodes subject to quality of service(QoS) guarantee for all the mobile users(MUs) in multicell DAS.This problem is mathematically intractable.For the bounded error model,we cast it into a semidefinite program(SDP) using semidefinite relaxation(SDR) and S-procedure.For the second,we first design outage constrained robust beamforming and then formulate it as an SDP based on the Bernstein-type inequality,which we generalize it to the multi-cell DAS.Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 distributed antenna system (DAS) channel state information (CSI) antenna selection robust beamforming semidefinite program (SDP)
Effect of Water and Sediment Regulation on Lower Yellow River 被引量:2
作者 徐国宾 司春棣 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第2期113-120,共8页
According to the results of the water and sediment regulations of the Yellow River in year 2002—2007,the effect of erosion and deposition on the lower reaches,the amount and distribution of erosion and deposition in ... According to the results of the water and sediment regulations of the Yellow River in year 2002—2007,the effect of erosion and deposition on the lower reaches,the amount and distribution of erosion and deposition in the river mouth area,the adjustment of river regime,the effect of river regulation projects and changes of flowing capacity of the channel are analyzed.It is revealed that the water and sediment regulation is efficient to reduce deposition and improve the flowing capacity and the conditions of sediment transport. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow River water and sediment regulation river control sediment transport
CO_2 emission and organic carbon burial in the Xinanjiang Reservoir 被引量:3
作者 Fushun Wang Baoli Wang +2 位作者 Tao Zhou Tianyu Chen Jing Ma 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期465-468,共4页
In order to understand the effect of river impoundment on carbon dynamics, a large reservoir in a subtropical area, the Xinanjiang Reservoir, was investigated in detail. CO_2 emissions from the water–air interface wa... In order to understand the effect of river impoundment on carbon dynamics, a large reservoir in a subtropical area, the Xinanjiang Reservoir, was investigated in detail. CO_2 emissions from the water–air interface was studied, as was organic carbon burial in sediment. The results show a significant seasonal difference in CO_2 emissions. River impoundment led to the enhancement of aquatic photosynthesis, generating large amounts of authigenic organic carbon that was then buried in sediment. 展开更多
关键词 The Xinanjiang Reservoir Carbon emission SEDIMENT Carbon retention
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