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应用Radau排列和移动区间技术实现模型预测紧急电压控制 被引量:1
作者 王爽 刘明波 +3 位作者 郭挺 胡泊 谢敏 王蓉 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第22期23-29,34,共8页
将非线性模型预测控制方法应用于紧急电压控制器的设计,以准稳态近似为基础,建立包含连续-离散时间微分-代数方程组的滚动动态优化模型。为提高求解该动态优化模型的计算效率和控制精度,将移动区间技术和直接动态优化方法结合起来求解... 将非线性模型预测控制方法应用于紧急电压控制器的设计,以准稳态近似为基础,建立包含连续-离散时间微分-代数方程组的滚动动态优化模型。为提高求解该动态优化模型的计算效率和控制精度,将移动区间技术和直接动态优化方法结合起来求解该滚动优化问题。首先,将研究时间段划分为有限个区间,借助排列法将所有状态变量、代数变量和控制变量在各个区间内用一系列多项式近似,从而将动态优化问题转化为非线性规划问题。然后,引入移动区间技术动态调整每个区间的长度,实现控制变量断点的精确定位,并同时提高整个算法的精度。采用AMPL优化建模软件提供的内点算法求解。在新英格兰10机39节点系统上的计算结果验证了所提方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 长期电压稳定 紧急电压控制 非线性模型预测控制 滚动动态优化 Radau排列 移动区间技术
OFDI逆向技术溢出的最佳技术差距区间研究——基于面板门槛模型方法 被引量:6
作者 李群峰 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第17期202-205,216,共5页
从技术差距和吸收能力角度将OFDI逆向技术溢出引入Bruno和Lichtenberg提出的国际技术溢出测度模型,利用面板门槛模型方法和2003—2014年我国30个省级行政区OFDI数据,检验OFDI逆向技术溢出是否存在"最佳技术差距区间"。实证结... 从技术差距和吸收能力角度将OFDI逆向技术溢出引入Bruno和Lichtenberg提出的国际技术溢出测度模型,利用面板门槛模型方法和2003—2014年我国30个省级行政区OFDI数据,检验OFDI逆向技术溢出是否存在"最佳技术差距区间"。实证结果表明,技术差距与OFDI逆向技术溢出存在双门槛效应;在双门槛决定的最佳技术差距区间内,相关地区的企业对先进技术吸收能力最强,OFDI带来的逆向国际技术溢出效果最优。 展开更多
关键词 逆向技术溢出 面板门槛模型 双门槛效应 最佳技术差距区间
一种区间数的因子分析技术及其在证券市场中的应用 被引量:5
作者 胡艳 王惠文 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期53-58,共6页
传统的因子分析技术能够有效地对高维变量空间进行降维处理,但它对于样本空间却缺乏行之有效的降维效果.为了解决这一问题,一种针对大量样本数据、新的因子分析技术———区间数因子分析技术(intervaldatafactoranalysis,IFA)被提出并... 传统的因子分析技术能够有效地对高维变量空间进行降维处理,但它对于样本空间却缺乏行之有效的降维效果.为了解决这一问题,一种针对大量样本数据、新的因子分析技术———区间数因子分析技术(intervaldatafactoranalysis,IFA)被提出并得到了迅速的发展。IFA方法对传统的数据概念做了本质性的扩张,运用'数据打包'的理念,对海量原始数据在不破坏其原有内在逻辑关系的前提下,可以进行变量和样本点维度的双重降维。本文详细阐述了区间数因子分析技术的原理,并以中国股票市场为案例研究背景,结果表明IFA分析技术对大规模多维数据系统做综合简化是十分有效的。 展开更多
关键词 区间数因子分析技术 海量样本 双重降维 数据打包 股票市场
作者 杨妮 《科技视界》 2022年第10期94-96,共3页
区间信号及列车运行控制技术课程是轨道交通信号与控制专业的核心专业课之一,是一门实践性很强的课程,实验课占理论课时的1/3。随着铁路高速发展,许多现场实际应用故障案例伴之发生,因此区间信号及列车运行控制技术实验课的教学理念须... 区间信号及列车运行控制技术课程是轨道交通信号与控制专业的核心专业课之一,是一门实践性很强的课程,实验课占理论课时的1/3。随着铁路高速发展,许多现场实际应用故障案例伴之发生,因此区间信号及列车运行控制技术实验课的教学理念须与现场实际故障案例相接轨。文章通过引入故障案例实验教学等手段,扩展课程容量,使理论学习与实践思维有机结合,更好地培养学生的创新思维和工程应用能力。 展开更多
关键词 区间信号及列车运行控制技术实验 实践 故障案例
作者 黄阳 陶永政 +5 位作者 孔志达 宁联辉 丁伟 王素蕾 吴广大 王庆建 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期4865-4875,I0011,I0010,共13页
海上风电正朝着中远海距离、大容量集群的应用场景发展,研究安全、可靠且经济的海上风电输电技术具有重要意义。首先分析了海上无功补偿度和系统频率对输送能力的影响,得到了系统输送能力解析表达式;其次,构建了考虑频率、无功补偿度等... 海上风电正朝着中远海距离、大容量集群的应用场景发展,研究安全、可靠且经济的海上风电输电技术具有重要意义。首先分析了海上无功补偿度和系统频率对输送能力的影响,得到了系统输送能力解析表达式;其次,构建了考虑频率、无功补偿度等因素对其设备成本影响的高压交流(high voltage alternating current,HVAC)、高压直流(high voltage direct current,HVDC)和柔性低频(low frequency alternating current,LFAC)输电系统全生命周期成本模型;以系统成本最低为优化目标函数,基于深远海风电送出场景的边界条件,求解得出全容量下系统最优频率、最优无功补偿度分布;最后,基于3种输电方式的最优系统成本,得到了深远海风电采用不同方案送出的全容量技术经济区间。结果表明,输送容量在300~2100MW内,HVAC方案的经济距离上界约为60~80km,LFAC方案的上界约为150~210km,验证了柔性低频输电技术在中远距离、大规模海上风电场景中的技术经济优势。 展开更多
关键词 柔性低频输电 补偿度 输送能力 技术经济区间
作者 杨栋 杨光武 《水利水电施工》 2016年第5期80-86,共7页
深圳地铁7号线7306标笋洪区间在DK27+600~DK27+900段穿越布吉河滞洪区,湖面下穿段右线隧道埋深5.5~7m,左线隧道埋深14~18m。滞洪区湖水在丰水期水深1~2m,在枯水期基本干涸,此段右线隧道穿越地层分别为全强风化层和砂质黏土层,隧顶1m... 深圳地铁7号线7306标笋洪区间在DK27+600~DK27+900段穿越布吉河滞洪区,湖面下穿段右线隧道埋深5.5~7m,左线隧道埋深14~18m。滞洪区湖水在丰水期水深1~2m,在枯水期基本干涸,此段右线隧道穿越地层分别为全强风化层和砂质黏土层,隧顶1m外存在砂层,地下水与洪湖水体存在水力联系。根据施工筹划无法安排盾构在枯水季穿越湖区,考虑该段属浅覆土段,极易产生涌水、坍塌事故,为保证盾构安全通过湖区,需对湖底砂层进行地面加固处理,选择了多种加固方式(增设围堰、排水措施及地面加固处理),实现了科学、合理、安全、快速的盾构掘进加固措施,有效避免了大塌方产生,减少盾构掘进风险,创造了国内罕见的盾构穿越浅埋、富水、砂层地质复杂条件区间的奇迹。 展开更多
关键词 浅埋 富水 砂层 地质条件下 盾构区间加固技术
作者 宋海洋 吴万军 熊夫睿 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2019年第9期213-216,共4页
统计能量分析是目前舰船、运载火箭、汽车和核反应堆等领域解决高频段振动及噪声问题的有效方法之一。基于非保守耦合统计能量分析的功率流平衡方程,将子系统的内损耗因子、耦合损耗因子和由耦合阻尼引入的内损耗因子增量作为设计参数,... 统计能量分析是目前舰船、运载火箭、汽车和核反应堆等领域解决高频段振动及噪声问题的有效方法之一。基于非保守耦合统计能量分析的功率流平衡方程,将子系统的内损耗因子、耦合损耗因子和由耦合阻尼引入的内损耗因子增量作为设计参数,而将子系统的模态能量作为决策目标,提出了一种基于区间技术的参数灵敏度分析方法。通过给出的灵敏度因子矩阵的每一行来显示不同的设计参数对同一个决策目标的敏感性大小,而通过给出的灵敏度因子矩阵的每一列来显示同一个设计参数对不同决策目标的敏感性大小。研究内容是对统计能量分析理论以及参数灵敏度分析理论的进一步研究和补充。 展开更多
关键词 统计能量分析 区间技术 损耗因子 灵敏度分析
雾霾约束下中国省际区间环境技术效率研究——基于SBM-Undesirable区间模型的面板数据分析 被引量:6
作者 何枫 马栋栋 徐晓宁 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期28-33,共6页
文中首次将雾霾纳入环境技术效率研究框架,构建了考虑非期望产出的SBM区间模型,测算了2001-2012年雾霾约束下中国省际区间环境技术效率。结果表明:1)中国整体区间环境技术效率不高且在逐渐下降。区间DEA部分有效、有效、无效省份数依次... 文中首次将雾霾纳入环境技术效率研究框架,构建了考虑非期望产出的SBM区间模型,测算了2001-2012年雾霾约束下中国省际区间环境技术效率。结果表明:1)中国整体区间环境技术效率不高且在逐渐下降。区间DEA部分有效、有效、无效省份数依次减少。2)东、中、西部地区区间环境技术效率差异显著,具有明显的不平衡发展态势。3)横截面各省市区间环境技术效率差异明显,具有较大提升空间;纵向时序各省市区间环境技术效率有效年份较少,且有效性省份数呈减少态势。所得评价结果能够反映出中国省际区间环境技术效率真实水平,并可为中国雾霾治理提供决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 雾霾约束 PM2.5 SBM-Undesirable区间模型 区间环境技术效率
白芨ISSR-PCR反应体系的建立及优化 被引量:4
作者 刘亭 金露 +3 位作者 兰波 何彬 李靖 王永林 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 2014年第4期455-458,462,共5页
目的:建立并优化白芨ISSR-PCR反应体系,为白芨种质资源分子评价奠定技术基础。方法:应用单因素和正交试验研究ISSR-PCR反应体系中模板DNA、Mg2+、引物、dNTP、BSA及Taq DNA聚合酶等6个主要成分对扩增结果的影响,优化出ISSR-PCR最佳反应... 目的:建立并优化白芨ISSR-PCR反应体系,为白芨种质资源分子评价奠定技术基础。方法:应用单因素和正交试验研究ISSR-PCR反应体系中模板DNA、Mg2+、引物、dNTP、BSA及Taq DNA聚合酶等6个主要成分对扩增结果的影响,优化出ISSR-PCR最佳反应体系。结果:优化后25μL反应体系中含100 ng DNA模板、2.0 mmol/L Mg2+、2.5μmol/L引物、0.2 mmol/L dNTP浓度、3.75 g/L BSA及1.25 U Taq DNA聚合酶。结论:建立了适用于白芨的ISSR-PCR最佳反应体系。 展开更多
关键词 白芨 简单序列重复区间扩增多态性技术 聚合酶链反应 体系优化 单因素试验 正交试验
New criterion for delay-dependent absolute stability of Lurie system with interval time-varying delay 被引量:1
作者 薛明香 费树岷 +1 位作者 李涛 潘俊涛 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第4期375-378,共4页
The delay-dependent absolute stability for a class of Lurie systems with interval time-varying delay is studied. By employing an augmented Lyapunov functional and combining a free-weighting matrix approach and the rec... The delay-dependent absolute stability for a class of Lurie systems with interval time-varying delay is studied. By employing an augmented Lyapunov functional and combining a free-weighting matrix approach and the reciprocal convex technique, an improved stability condition is derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). By retaining some useful terms that are usually ignored in the derivative of the Lyapunov function, the proposed sufficient condition depends not only on the lower and upper bounds of both the delay and its derivative, but it also depends on their differences, which has wider application fields than those of present results. Moreover, a new type of equality expression is developed to handle the sector bounds of the nonlinear function, which achieves fewer LMIs in the derived condition, compared with those based on the convex representation. Therefore, the proposed method is less conservative than the existing ones. Simulation examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the approach. 展开更多
关键词 Lurie system reciprocal convex technique absolute stability interval time-varying delay linear matrix inequality (LMI)
作者 马德礼 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2001年第6期43-45,共3页
铺设跨区间无缝线路标志着无缝线路技术达到一个新水平 ,无缝道岔是跨区间无缝线路的技术难点。文章详细讨论了道岔及岔区的无缝化、道岔与钢轨位移的观测、维修养护及应力放散、调整等问题。
关键词 无缝道岔 铺设 维修养护 应力放散 区间无缝线路技术
作者 益言 《中国货币市场》 2014年第8期23-26,共4页
文章分析了俄罗斯为最终实现卢布汇率自由浮动的汇率政策目标的制度探索,认为其现已建立起一套机制复杂但运作灵活的卢布汇率形成机制。文章介绍了2013年10月以来俄罗斯完善卢布汇率制的主要措施,包括扩大卢布对双货币篮子汇率每日浮... 文章分析了俄罗斯为最终实现卢布汇率自由浮动的汇率政策目标的制度探索,认为其现已建立起一套机制复杂但运作灵活的卢布汇率形成机制。文章介绍了2013年10月以来俄罗斯完善卢布汇率制的主要措施,包括扩大卢布对双货币篮子汇率每日浮动的“中立区间”,在卢布对双货币篮子汇率每日浮动区间中增设“技术区间”,下调每日外汇干预的目标额度等。 展开更多
关键词 卢布汇率机制 外汇干预 中立区间 技术区间
Characteristics of Transient Outward Potassium Channel Exposed to 3 mT Static Magnetic Field 被引量:1
作者 李刚 程立君 +3 位作者 乔晓艳 林凌 张璐 李媛媛 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第5期319-323,共5页
Acutely isolated mouse hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons were exposed to 3 mT static magnetic field,and the characteristics of transient outward K+ channel were studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique.The e... Acutely isolated mouse hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons were exposed to 3 mT static magnetic field,and the characteristics of transient outward K+ channel were studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique.The experiment revealed that the amplitude of transient outward potassium channel current was reduced.The maximum activated current densities of control group and exposure group were 163.62±20.68 pA/pF and 98.74±16.57 pA/pF(n=12,P<0.01) respectively.The static magnetic field exposure affected the activation and inactivation process of transient outward potassium channel current.Due to the magnetic field exposure,the half-activation voltage of the activation curves changed from 5.59±1.96 mV to 27.87±7.24 mV(n=12,P<0.05) ,and the slope factor changed from 19.43±2.11 mV to 25.87±4.22 mV(n=12,P<0.05) .The half-inactivation voltage of the inactivation curves also changed from-56.09±0.89 mV to-57.16±1.10 mV(n=12,P>0.05) and the slope factor of the inactivation curves from 8.69±0.80 mV to 10.87±1.02 mV(n=12,P<0.05) .The results show that the static magnetic field can change the characteristics of transient outward K+ channel,and affect the physiological functions of neurons. 展开更多
关键词 transient outward potassium channel current patch-clamp technique static magnetic field biological effect NEURONS
Spatial Evolution and Locational Determinants of High-tech Industries in Beijing 被引量:21
作者 ZHANG Xiaoping HUANG Pingting +1 位作者 SUN Lei WANG Zhaohong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期249-260,共12页
Using datasets on high-tech industries in Beijing as empirical studies, this paper attempts to interpret spatial shift of high-tech manufacturing firms and to examine the main determinants that have had the greatest e... Using datasets on high-tech industries in Beijing as empirical studies, this paper attempts to interpret spatial shift of high-tech manufacturing firms and to examine the main determinants that have had the greatest effect on this spatial evolution. We aimed at merging these two aspects by using firm level databases in 1996 and 2010. To explain spatial change of the high-tech firms in Beijing, the Kernel density estimation method was used for hotspot analysis and detection by comparing their locations in 1996 and 2010, through which spatial features and their temporal changes could be approximately plotted. Furthermore, to provide quantitative results, Ripley′s K-function was used as an instrument to reveal spatial shift and the dispersion distance of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. By employing a negative binominal regression model, we evaluated the main determinants that have significantly affected the spatial evolution of high-tech manufacturing firms and compared differential influence of these locational factors on overall high-tech firms and each sub-sectors. The empirical analysis shows that high-tech industries in Beijing, in general, have evident agglomeration characteristics, and that the hotspot has shifted from the central city to suburban areas. In combination with the Ripley index, this study concludes that high-tech firms are now more scattered in metropolitan areas of Beijing as compared with 1996. The results of regression model indicate that the firms′ locational decisions are significantly influenced by the spatial planning and regulation policies of the municipal government. In addition, market processes involving transportation accessibility and agglomeration economy have been found to be important in explaining the dynamics of locational variation of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. Research into how markets and the government interact to determine the location of high-tech manufacturing production will be helpful for policymakers to enact effective policies toward a more efficient urban spatial structure. 展开更多
关键词 high-tech manufacturing firms spatial evolution locational determinant negative binomial regression model BEIJING
New Interval Oscillation Criteria for Forced Second-order Half-linear Differential Equations
作者 WANG Xi-ping CHEN Qiong XU Ji-jun 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第2期223-226,共4页
This paper discusses a class of forced second-order half-linear differential equations. By using the generalized Riccati technique and the averaging technique, some new interval oscillation criteria are obtained.
关键词 second-order half-linear differential equations OSCILLATION interval criteria forc-ing term generalized Riccati technique
Architectural Planning Living with Robotics 被引量:1
作者 Akiko Watanabe Yoshitaka Mikami 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第1期20-26,共7页
This paper seeks to envision future architectural planning as it relates to living with robots and to clarify the research theme for it. Living with robots is no longer a fantasy seen just on TV or in movies. The conc... This paper seeks to envision future architectural planning as it relates to living with robots and to clarify the research theme for it. Living with robots is no longer a fantasy seen just on TV or in movies. The concept of the intelligent space emerged from the field of robotics in the mid-1990s. The idea of the intelligent space is that the robot will support the architecture and users of the space by keeping in close contact with architectural space equipped with intelligent technologies. The benefit of the intelligent space is that the robot can be smaller and less intelligent because the robot will be assisted by advanced technologies embedded in the architectural space, such as sensors and actuators. Therefore, the robot can consequently assist user's activities with delicate care. This paper describes the vision and possibility for architectural planning as it relates to live with robots who can support the inhabitants' lives. This paper introduces the study of the relationship between humans and moving robot in architectural space, especially support region for humans by desktop mobile robot. 展开更多
Using a 3D Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Interpolation System to Improve Modeless Robots Measurement and Calibration Accuracy
作者 Ying Bai Dali Wang 《Journal of Control Science and Engineering》 2016年第2期71-81,共11页
This paper is an extended research for a novel technique used in the pose error compensations of the robot and manipulator calibration process based on an IT2FEI (interval type-2 fuzzy error interpolation) method. R... This paper is an extended research for a novel technique used in the pose error compensations of the robot and manipulator calibration process based on an IT2FEI (interval type-2 fuzzy error interpolation) method. Robot calibrations can be classified into model-based and modeless methods. A model-based calibration method normally requires that the practitioners understand the kinematics of the robot therefore may pose a challenger for field engineers. An alternative yet effective means for robot calibration is to use a modeless method; however with such a method there is a conflict between the calibration accuracy of the robot and the number of grid points used in the calibration task. In this paper, an interval type-2 fuzzy interpolation system is applied to improve the compensation accuracy of the robot in its 3D workspace. An on-line type-2 fuzzy inference system is implemented to meet the needs of on-line robot trajectory planning and control. The simulated results given in this paper show that not only robot compensation accuracy can be greatly improved, but also the calibration process can be significantly simplified, and it is more suitable for practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Type-2 fuzzy interpolations interval type-2 fuzzy logic modeless robotic calibrations robot kinematics type-2 fuzzycontrol.
A New Typhoon Bogus Data Assimilation and its Sampling Method:A Case Study 被引量:1
作者 WANG Shu-Dong LIU Juan-Juan WANG Bin 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第5期276-280,共5页
In this study,the authors introduce a new bogus data assimilation method based on the dimension-reduced projection 4-DVar,which can resolve the cost function directly in low-dimensional space.The authors also try a ne... In this study,the authors introduce a new bogus data assimilation method based on the dimension-reduced projection 4-DVar,which can resolve the cost function directly in low-dimensional space.The authors also try a new method to improve the quality of samples,which are the base of dimension-reduced space projection bogus data assimilation (DRP-BDA).By running a number of numerical weather models with different model parameterization combinations on the typhoon Sinlaku,the authors obtained two groups of samples with different spreads and similarities.After DRP-BDA,the results show that,compared with the control runs,the simulated typhoon center pressure can be deepened by more than 20 hPa to 30 hPa and that the intensity can last as long as 60 hours.The mean track error is improved after DRP-BDA,and the structure of the typhoon is also improved.The wind near the typhoon center is enhanced dramatically,while the warm core is moderate. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOON DRP-4-DVar bogus data assimilation PARAMETERIZATION
Assessment of Spatial Distribution and Submerged Scope for Storm Surge in the Pearl River Delta Region
作者 LI Kuo LI Guo-sheng 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第1期113-118,137,共7页
The aim of this study was to explore the spatial distribution and submerged scope for storm surge in the Pearl River Delta(PRD) region.Based on the data of storm surges in the PRD region in the past 30 years,the retur... The aim of this study was to explore the spatial distribution and submerged scope for storm surge in the Pearl River Delta(PRD) region.Based on the data of storm surges in the PRD region in the past 30 years,the return periods of 12 tide-gauge stations for storm surges were calculated separately with the methods of Gumbel and Pearson-III.The data of another six tide-gauge stations in Guangdong Coast was quoted to depict the overall features of storm surges in Guangdong.Using least-square method,the spatial distribution models of storm surges in different return periods were established to reveal the distribution rule of the set-up values of storm surges.The spatial distribution curves of storm surges in different return periods in the PRD Region were drawn up based on the models and the terrain of Guangdong Coast.According to the curves,the extreme set-up values of storm surges in 1 000,100,10 a return periods were determined on each spot of Guangdong Coast.Applying the spatial analysis technology of ArcGIS,with the topography data of the PRD Region,the submerged scopes of flood caused by storm surge in 1 000,100,10 a return periods were drawn up.The loss caused by storm surges was estimated.Results showed that the storm surges and the topography of PRD region jointly led to the serious flood in the PRD region.This assessment would be useful for the planning and design department to make decision and provide government scientific basis for storm surge prediction,coastal engineering designing and the prevention of storm surge disaster. 展开更多
关键词 Storm surge Pearl River Delta region Spatial distribution models Spatial distribution curve Submerged scope
Investigation of Red Meat Production in Turkey by ANOM Test
作者 Senol Celik 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第3期209-213,共5页
When comparing more than two groups means, the analysis of means (ANOM) can be used as an alternative to the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) F test. The ANOM provides a "confidence interval type of approach... When comparing more than two groups means, the analysis of means (ANOM) can be used as an alternative to the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) F test. The ANOM provides a "confidence interval type of approach" that allows it to determine which, if any, of the x groups has a significantly different mean from the overall average of all the group means combined. The aim of this study was to show the application of a statistical technique (ANOM), mostly used by agriculture, to determine differences between red meat production by period in Turkey. The production quantities of goat meat, mutton, buffalo meat and beef between the years 2010 and 2016 according to the period were taken from Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI). As a result, the difference between meat productions was found to be significant. 展开更多
关键词 ANOM test meat production period.
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