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王文禄《医先》养生思想探析 被引量:3
作者 李强 唐凌 吴翠萍 《长春中医药大学学报》 2013年第4期758-759,共2页
关键词 养生思想 王文禄 医先
作者 王国强 侯凌志 《江苏卫生事业管理》 2024年第11期1617-1619,共3页
为全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,围绕人民群众看病就医的急难愁盼问题,进一步优化医疗服务,不断满足人民群众日益增长的健康需求,2023年连云港市坚持把解决人民群众就医“痛点、堵点、难点”问题作为一项重点工作,以“先医后付”为抓手,... 为全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,围绕人民群众看病就医的急难愁盼问题,进一步优化医疗服务,不断满足人民群众日益增长的健康需求,2023年连云港市坚持把解决人民群众就医“痛点、堵点、难点”问题作为一项重点工作,以“先医后付”为抓手,以信息化为支撑,重塑院内就医流程,改造门诊挂号、缴费、检查检验等信息系统,让系统紧贴流程服务。 展开更多
关键词 后付 群众 感受
民国北京自杀救助中“先警后医”现象的逻辑考察 被引量:1
作者 刘长林 雷乐街 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期55-65,111,共12页
北京市档案馆藏民国档案显示,自杀发生后,存在大量知情人首选报告警察,然后由警协同将自杀者送往医院进行急救的“先警后医”现象。医院与基层警察网络分布上空间距离差异,以及官、私医院在救治中公益与盈利的差别,是市民急救时在时间... 北京市档案馆藏民国档案显示,自杀发生后,存在大量知情人首选报告警察,然后由警协同将自杀者送往医院进行急救的“先警后医”现象。医院与基层警察网络分布上空间距离差异,以及官、私医院在救治中公益与盈利的差别,是市民急救时在时间与经济成本方面的基本考量因素,而送医者家庭经济状况与急救的经济成本则是决策时的关键变量。北京现代警政制度的建立,警政职能的市政化,公立医院的设立,不但为市民应急求助提供了制度支撑,也为大量家庭及经济困难者挽救自杀者的生命提供了保障。这一历史现象表明,在自杀发生过程中及时急救,制止自杀死亡结果的出现,降低自杀率,建立以警方、医院为核心多方联动的自杀干预与救助体系是非常重要的。 展开更多
关键词 警后 自杀干预与救助 急救 警政制度
作者 黄丹 熊国芬 +1 位作者 吴施国 李治贤 《中国民族民间医药》 2024年第10期27-31,共5页
文章对《滇南本草》与傣医解药中能够实现强身健体、延年益寿的药食两用药物进行整理分析。两者产生的文化背景、哲学基础虽不同,但“治未病”“未病先解”的预防医学思想是相同的,都使用生活中常见的食材挖掘其药用价值,充分发挥除果... 文章对《滇南本草》与傣医解药中能够实现强身健体、延年益寿的药食两用药物进行整理分析。两者产生的文化背景、哲学基础虽不同,但“治未病”“未病先解”的预防医学思想是相同的,都使用生活中常见的食材挖掘其药用价值,充分发挥除果腹以外的养生及临床作用,是中医学和傣医学养生观念的充分体现。 展开更多
关键词 兰茂 滇南本草 食疗养生 未病 解药
北京太医院祭祀制度考 被引量:2
作者 张凯文 沈艺 +2 位作者 翟文浩 王兆 张其成 《中医药文化》 2014年第6期58-61,共4页
通过历代相关文献,初步考证北京太医院祭祀制度发展脉络。从元代医事祭祀制度开始产生到明嘉靖年间先医庙落成以前,是太医院医事祭祀制度滥觞的萌芽阶段;明嘉靖以后,先医庙建成,太医院祭祀制度进入了不断完善的发展阶段;清代以后是太医... 通过历代相关文献,初步考证北京太医院祭祀制度发展脉络。从元代医事祭祀制度开始产生到明嘉靖年间先医庙落成以前,是太医院医事祭祀制度滥觞的萌芽阶段;明嘉靖以后,先医庙建成,太医院祭祀制度进入了不断完善的发展阶段;清代以后是太医院祭祀制度最终确立的成熟阶段。至此,太医院的祭祀活动有了规范的典礼和流程,是中国医事祭祀活动的最高峰。 展开更多
关键词 祭祀制度
作者 沈敏特 《华文文学》 1987年第2期65-,共1页
一种既定的文学观念影响创作者,也会影响接受者。在此之前的二十多年中面对一篇作品,中国的读者比较习惯于直奔主题,而又不是宽泛的主题,都是“意义重大”的主题。不如此,就会觉得没多大意思,就会以为降低了文学的战斗作用。但是,文学... 一种既定的文学观念影响创作者,也会影响接受者。在此之前的二十多年中面对一篇作品,中国的读者比较习惯于直奔主题,而又不是宽泛的主题,都是“意义重大”的主题。不如此,就会觉得没多大意思,就会以为降低了文学的战斗作用。但是,文学是面向整体生活的,文学观念也应向这整体靠拢,使之具有较大的包容性。 伊犁的《方医先义诊》,只是写了日常生活中的一点世态人心。 展开更多
关键词 医先 接受者 中国传统文化 义与利 中国的传统 两种文化
作者 郭旭之 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第6期45-45,共1页
西安航空发动机公司最近研制成功 SY-W901型连续封口包装饥,首批设备经台商验收合格后近日销往台湾。这种封口包装机可广泛用于食品、医药、化工等行业的产品包装。
关键词 产品包装 西安航空 发动机公司 医先 包装质量 三神 工作效率
作者 宋佳 张林 +1 位作者 赵思佳 杨琳 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期278-282,共5页
对明代医家缪希雍《先醒斋医学广笔记》一书中的临床用药策略进行总结,归纳其用药策略有两个方面,一是以"随证施量"为原则,二是重视"服药时机"。前者包括重剂起沉疴、逐渐增量、逐渐减量、试探性给药、继守前方以... 对明代医家缪希雍《先醒斋医学广笔记》一书中的临床用药策略进行总结,归纳其用药策略有两个方面,一是以"随证施量"为原则,二是重视"服药时机"。前者包括重剂起沉疴、逐渐增量、逐渐减量、试探性给药、继守前方以及中病即止的方法;后者包括饥时服、空心服、临卧服、下午服、露一宿以及不拘时服的服药时机,均体现了缪希雍丰富而精湛的医学造诣。 展开更多
关键词 醒斋学广笔记 用量策略 服药时间
作者 于心辰 《语文世界(中旬刊)》 2016年第1期51-51,共1页
别人说容貌是爹妈给的,好像是要印证我这口"七倒八歪"的牙齿是母亲的遗传。母亲誓死要将我整成"美少女",于是在我身上实施了"美牙工程"。起初我幻想一夜之间就会甜蜜蜜地变成"美女",可谁能想到,这其中的滋味让我终生难忘。酸涩... 别人说容貌是爹妈给的,好像是要印证我这口"七倒八歪"的牙齿是母亲的遗传。母亲誓死要将我整成"美少女",于是在我身上实施了"美牙工程"。起初我幻想一夜之间就会甜蜜蜜地变成"美女",可谁能想到,这其中的滋味让我终生难忘。酸涩踏进医院的大门,我就感到不寒而栗。看见穿白大褂、戴白口罩的"天使",拿着各种工具在患者嘴里翻江倒海般折腾,我就周身直冒冷汗。 展开更多
关键词 终生难忘 疼痛感 吃黄连 医先 我一 牙套 木椅 眼前发黑 洁白如玉 张宗明
夏日易头晕 不一定是中暑
《心血管病防治知识》 2016年第8期68-68,共1页
关键词 地铁公司 低血糖病 汉溪 暑湿 内分泌科主任 昼长 热量消耗 医先 法制晚报 加贺
作者 刘桂海 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期38-44,共7页
明代先医祭祀的命运颇显曲折,主要经历了两次重大转变:一是洪武四年,朱元璋出于维护道统、抬升儒学的需要,废黜了三皇通祀;二是嘉靖朝,因朱厚熜喜好、礼制改革、医学发展等因素的合力作用,先医复入祀典。明代先医祭礼既有对元代的延续,... 明代先医祭祀的命运颇显曲折,主要经历了两次重大转变:一是洪武四年,朱元璋出于维护道统、抬升儒学的需要,废黜了三皇通祀;二是嘉靖朝,因朱厚熜喜好、礼制改革、医学发展等因素的合力作用,先医复入祀典。明代先医祭礼既有对元代的延续,也呈现出一定的革新与变动。整体而言,明代先医祭祀的演变,除受政治影响外,背后也隐藏着儒学与医学的博弈,其变迁轨迹亦是医学地位从抬升到回归技艺的写照。 展开更多
关键词 明代 祭祀 嘉靖朝
Meckel's diverticulum masked by a long period of intermittent recurrent subocclusive episodes 被引量:3
作者 Daniela Codrich Andrea Taddio +2 位作者 Jurgen Schleef Alessandro Ventura Federico Marchetti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第22期2809-2811,共3页
Meckel's diverticulum(MD) is the most frequent congenital abnormality of the small bowel and it is often diff icult to diagnose.It is usually asymptomatic but approximately 4% are symptomatic with complications su... Meckel's diverticulum(MD) is the most frequent congenital abnormality of the small bowel and it is often diff icult to diagnose.It is usually asymptomatic but approximately 4% are symptomatic with complications such as bleeding,intestinal obstruction,and inflammation.The authors report a case of a 7-year-old boy with a one-year history of recurrent periumbilical colicky pain with associated alimentary vomiting,symptoms erroneously related to a cyclic vomiting syndrome but not to MD.The clinical features and the differential diagnostic methods employed for diagnosis of MD are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Meckel diverticulum Abdominal pain Recurrent subocclusive episodes Diagnostic imaging
Spatial distribution patterns of anorectal atresia/stenosis in China:Use of two-dimensional graph-theoretical clustering
作者 Ping Yuan Liang Qiao +8 位作者 Li Dai Yan-Ping Wang Guang-Xuan Zhou Ying Han Xiao-Xia Liu Xun Zhang Yi Cao Juan Liang Jun Zhu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第22期2787-2793,共7页
AIM:To investigate the spatial distribution patterns of anorectal atresia/stenosis in China.METHODS:Data were collected from the Chinese Birth Defects Monitoring Network(CBDMN),a hospital-based congenital malformation... AIM:To investigate the spatial distribution patterns of anorectal atresia/stenosis in China.METHODS:Data were collected from the Chinese Birth Defects Monitoring Network(CBDMN),a hospital-based congenital malformations registry system.All fetuses more than 28 wk of gestation and neonates up to 7 d of age in hospitals within the monitoring sites of the CBDMN were monitored from 2001 to 2005.Two-dimensional graph-theoretical clustering was used to divide monitoring sites of the CBDMN into different clusters according to the average incidences of anorectal atresia/stenosis in the different monitoring sites.RESULTS:The overall average incidence of anorectal atresia/stenosis in China was 3.17 per 10000 from 2001 to 2005.The areas with the highest average incidences of anorectal atresia/stenosis were almost always focused in Eastern China.The monitoring sites were grouped into 6 clusters of areas.Cluster 1 comprised the monitoring sites in Heilongjiang Province,Jilin Province,and Liaoning Province;Cluster 2 was composed of those in Fujian Province,Guangdong Province,Hainan Province,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,south Hunan Province,and south Jiangxi Province;Cluster 3 consisted of those in Beijing Municipal City,Tianjin Municipal City,Hebei Province,Shandong Province,north Jiangsu Province,and north Anhui Province;Cluster 4 was made up of those in Zhejiang Province,Shanghai Municipal City,south Anhui Province,south Jiangsu Province,north Hunan Province,north Jiangxi Province,Hubei Province,Henan Province,Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;Cluster 5 consisted of those in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Gansu Province and Qinghai Province;and Cluster 6 included those in Shaanxi Province,Sichuan Province,Chongqing Municipal City,Yunnan Province,Guizhou Province,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province and Tibet Autonomous Region.CONCLUSION:The fi ndings in this research allow the display of the spatial distribution patterns of anorectal atresia/stenosis in China.These will have important guiding significance for further analysis of relevant environmental factors regarding anorectal atresia/ stenosis and for achieving regional monitoring for anorectal atresia/stenosis. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial distribution Anorectal atresia/ stenosis Two-dimensional graph-theoretical clustering Incidence Monitoring
A genre analysis of medical abstracts by Chinese and English native speakers 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Juan WU Tao 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期60-64,共5页
This study presents statistical results of a comparison between English abstracts in a leading intemational medical journal and those in a Chinese one. With a genre analysis and discussion of linguistic features of th... This study presents statistical results of a comparison between English abstracts in a leading intemational medical journal and those in a Chinese one. With a genre analysis and discussion of linguistic features of these abstracts, the paper points out the weak points in the abstracts by Chinese writers and provides some suggestions for writing abstracts of medical research articles 展开更多
关键词 English abstracts of medical research articles Genre analysis Linguistic features Comparative analysis
Impact of a Pilot, Pharmacy-Led Tobacco Cessation Medication Protocol at Discharge in a Community Hospital
作者 Carly M. McKenzie Rachana Patel Kaitlyn R. Eder 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第9期642-647,共6页
Purpose: To evaluate the implementation of a pharmacy-led tobacco cessation medication education protocol at discharge in a community hospital. Design: Single center, retrospective quality assessment study. Methods... Purpose: To evaluate the implementation of a pharmacy-led tobacco cessation medication education protocol at discharge in a community hospital. Design: Single center, retrospective quality assessment study. Methods: A retrospective review of a pharmacy-led protocol was completed from November 2016 through April 2017. Data from one year prior to implementation of the protocol was analyzed against the study group. Results: A total of 607 tobacco cessation medication education interventions were made during the study period, 379 patients (62.4%) were given an OTC (Over The Counter) NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) recommendation upon discharge and 148 (24.4%) were referred to the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line. TJC (The Joint Commission) TOB-3/3a measure was met in 44.1% of patients during the study period compared to 0% in the comparator group. Of the 75 patients who were reached via follow-up phone call, 23 (30.7%) purchased an OTC NRT and 22 (29.3%) completely quit using tobacco. Conclusions: Pharmacy-led tobacco cessation interventions during hospitalizations have a positive impact on TJC TOB-3/3a quality measure results and quit rates post-discharge. Our results encourage future studies in this area to further establish the importance of pharmacist involvement in tobacco cessation, specifically in the hospital setting. 展开更多
关键词 Tobacco cessation PHARMACISTS HOSPITAL nicotine replacement therapy.
《政策》 2016年第1期45-45,共1页
2011年6月,汉川市委托武汉大学人民医院(省人民医院)管理汉川市人民医院,探索公立医院管理模式改革,开创了大型三甲医院托管县级医院的"汉川模式",四年的改革经验积累,为公立医院改革提供了鲜活样本。一是创新机制引领托管方... 2011年6月,汉川市委托武汉大学人民医院(省人民医院)管理汉川市人民医院,探索公立医院管理模式改革,开创了大型三甲医院托管县级医院的"汉川模式",四年的改革经验积累,为公立医院改革提供了鲜活样本。一是创新机制引领托管方向。汉川医院托管后实行管委会领导下的院长负责制,管委会由武大人医、汉川市卫生局、汉川医院三方组成,武大人医院长担任主任委员,院长由武大人医派驻。二是创新管理完善体系建设。 展开更多
关键词 公立 院托管 管理模式改革 院长负责制 疗安全 医先 社会形象 学科实力 优势学科 疑难病症
《中南药学(用药与健康)》 2016年第5期79-,共1页
每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——宋·蒲虔贯《养生要录》老人之情,欲豪畅,不欲郁郁阏,可以养生。——明·胡文焕《类修要诀》老人血气多滞,拜则肢体屈伸,气血流畅,可终身无手足之疾。——清·陈... 每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——宋·蒲虔贯《养生要录》老人之情,欲豪畅,不欲郁郁阏,可以养生。——明·胡文焕《类修要诀》老人血气多滞,拜则肢体屈伸,气血流畅,可终身无手足之疾。——清·陈梦雷《古今图书集成》老年肝血渐衰,未免性生急躁,旁人不及应,每至急躁益甚,究无济于事也。当以一耐字处之,百凡自然就理。——清·曹慈生《养生随笔》牢齿之法,早朝叩齿三百下为良。——唐·张湛《养生要集》劳极则精罢,思极则精离,饮食少则精减,房欲频则精耗。——明·王文禄《医先》君若欲寿,则顺察天地之道。 展开更多
关键词 养生要集 王文禄 类修要诀 养生随笔 劳极 胡文焕 医先 张湛 天地之道 陈梦雷
Survey of attitudes and behaviors of healthcare professionals on delirium in ICU 被引量:4
作者 龚芝萍 刘喜旺 +5 位作者 庄一渝 陈香萍 谢郭豪 程宝莉 金悦 方向明 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第6期328-333,共6页
Objective: To assess the medical community's awareness and practice regarding delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: One hundred and ten predesigned questionnaires were distributed to ICU practition... Objective: To assess the medical community's awareness and practice regarding delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: One hundred and ten predesigned questionnaires were distributed to ICU practitioners in the affiliated hospitals of Zhejiang University. Results: A total of 105 valid questionnaires were collected. Totally, 55.3% of the clinicians considered that delirium was common in the ICU. Delirium was believed to be a significant or serious problem by 70.5% of respondents, and under-diagnosis was acknowledged by 56.2% of the respondents. The incidence of ICU delirium is even more under-estimated by the pediatric doctors compared with their counterparts in adult ICU (P〈0.05). Primary disease of the brain (agreed by 82.1% of the respondents) was believed to be the most common risk factor for delirium. None of the ICU professionals screened delirium or used a specific tool for delirium assessment routinely. The vast majority (92.4%) of respondents had little knowledge on the diagnosis and the standard treatment of delirium. Conclusions: Although delirium is considered as a serious problem by a majority of the surveyed ICU professionals, it is still under-recognized in routine critical care practice. Data from this survey show a disconnection between the perceived significance of delirium and the current practices of monitoring and treatment in ICU in China. 展开更多
关键词 DELIRIUM Critical care Questionnaires
Iontronic pressure sensor with high sensitivity and linear response over a wide pressure range based on soft micropillared electrodes 被引量:13
作者 Peng Lu Liu Wang +11 位作者 Pang Zhu Jun Huang Yueji Wang Ningning Bai Yan Wang Gang Li Junlong Yang Kewei Xie Jianming Zhang Bo Yu Yuan Dai Chuan Fei Guo 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第11期1091-1100,M0003,共11页
Electronic skins and flexible pressure sensors are important devices for advanced healthcare and intelligent robotics.Sensitivity is a key parameter of flexible pressure sensors.Whereas introducing surface microstruct... Electronic skins and flexible pressure sensors are important devices for advanced healthcare and intelligent robotics.Sensitivity is a key parameter of flexible pressure sensors.Whereas introducing surface microstructures in a capacitive-type sensor can significantly improve its sensitivity,the signal becomes nonlinear and the pressure response range gets much narrower,significantly limiting the applications of flexible pressure sensors.Here,we designed a pressure sensor that utilizes a nanoscale iontronic interface of an ionic gel layer and a micropillared electrode,for highly linear capacitance-to-pressure response and high sensitivity over a wide pressure range.The micropillars undergo three stages of deformation upon loading:initial contact(0-6 k Pa)and structure buckling(6-12 k Pa)that exhibit a low and nonlinear response,as well as a post-buckling stage that has a high signal linearity with high sensitivity(33.16 k Pa-1)over a broad pressure range of 12-176 k Pa.The high linearity lies in the subtle balance between the structure compression and mechanical matching of the two materials at the gel-electrode interface.Our sensor has been applied in pulse detection,plantar pressure mapping,and grasp task of an artificial limb.This work provides a physical insight in achieving linear response through the design of appropriate microstructures and selection of materials with suitable modulus in flexible pressure sensors,which are potentially useful in intelligent robots and health monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 Iontronic interface LINEARITY Flexible pressure sensor Mechanical matching
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