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作者 杨星君 《亚太传统医药》 2024年第2期167-173,共7页
以《红楼梦》为代表的涉医文学作品是中医文化海外传播的重要体裁之一。译者在翻译过程中居于核心地位,是不同文化的调停者。大卫·霍克斯的多重文化身份使其更关注异质文化在西方语境中的意义建构,但也会影响文化传真。对于中医文... 以《红楼梦》为代表的涉医文学作品是中医文化海外传播的重要体裁之一。译者在翻译过程中居于核心地位,是不同文化的调停者。大卫·霍克斯的多重文化身份使其更关注异质文化在西方语境中的意义建构,但也会影响文化传真。对于中医文化海外传播而言,译者多元文化身份的融合或多元文化背景的译者协作有助于更开放包容地调和涉医文本在翻译过程中异域化和本土化的对立,创生出适于跨文化传播的“杂合”文本,提升中医药文化海外输出效能。 展开更多
关键词 文化 《红楼梦》英译 医文学 汉学家
唐代涉医文学的繁荣及其原因探析 被引量:3
作者 郭树芹 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期130-132,共3页
在中国古代文学中,有一类题材专门涉及到医药学知识,或写药物名称,或述疾病症状,或述治疗方剂,或讲医理病因,或记医师事迹等等,这就是涉医文学。涉医文学的创作在唐代进入了繁荣阶段,不论是作品数量的剧增、作家队伍的扩大,还是体裁范... 在中国古代文学中,有一类题材专门涉及到医药学知识,或写药物名称,或述疾病症状,或述治疗方剂,或讲医理病因,或记医师事迹等等,这就是涉医文学。涉医文学的创作在唐代进入了繁荣阶段,不论是作品数量的剧增、作家队伍的扩大,还是体裁范围的开拓、艺术风格的多样化,都大大超越了前代。这与当时社会经济的繁荣、科技的进步、文化的昌盛及人们的心理等方面因素是密切相关的。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌文学 医文学 唐代
明清四大名著涉医文学的特点及生态英译策略 被引量:1
作者 李振 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期283-287,共5页
涉医文学是中国古代文学和传统医学交叉并相互促进的结果,四大名著作者在作品中描绘了丰富的医药实践活动。四大名著中涉医文学具有认知性、文学艺术性、夸张及虚构性的表现特点。生态翻译观视角下涉医文学英译要首先挖掘其在整部作品... 涉医文学是中国古代文学和传统医学交叉并相互促进的结果,四大名著作者在作品中描绘了丰富的医药实践活动。四大名著中涉医文学具有认知性、文学艺术性、夸张及虚构性的表现特点。生态翻译观视角下涉医文学英译要首先挖掘其在整部作品中的特点和作用,而后分别在语言形式、交际层面及文化移植三个维度灵活做出适应性选择。文章在生态翻译观指导下,以四大名著英译本为例,依据涉医文学的特点试图总结出文学作品中医药元素的一套英译原则及策略。 展开更多
关键词 医文学 生态翻译 特点 翻译策略
作者 郭树芹 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2010年第8期166-168,共3页
涉医文学是中国古代文学与古代医学在长期的发展中形成的一大景观。在理论上,由于都受到中国古代哲学的深刻影响,医理与文理有许多内在的相通之处;在创作主体上,文人通医与医师晓文,是一种普遍的社会现象;在文化心理上,“医乃仁... 涉医文学是中国古代文学与古代医学在长期的发展中形成的一大景观。在理论上,由于都受到中国古代哲学的深刻影响,医理与文理有许多内在的相通之处;在创作主体上,文人通医与医师晓文,是一种普遍的社会现象;在文化心理上,“医乃仁术”与文心养德具有同样的社会功效。涉医文学是医药文化与文学艺术的交叉,是我国文化的一个特殊部分。涉医作品既丰富了中华传统文化的宝库,又为医学知识的普及、民族文化的传播发挥了不可忽视的作用。对涉医作品进行研究,并探讨其文化意义与当代昭示,也是对民族优秀文化遗产的继承与弘扬。 展开更多
关键词 古代 医文学 药文化
作者 李宪瑜 屈爽 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2022年第4期100-108,共9页
1931年,《民报》(无锡)刊发了的一条“厚生医院院长陶炽孙玩忽业务,致死周静啸夫人”的新闻,事件持续发酵,闹上法庭,导致厚生医院关门整顿。而这位陶炽孙院长在“杀人案”事发一年后,又在《东南医刊》以“东南医学院卫生学教授”的头衔... 1931年,《民报》(无锡)刊发了的一条“厚生医院院长陶炽孙玩忽业务,致死周静啸夫人”的新闻,事件持续发酵,闹上法庭,导致厚生医院关门整顿。而这位陶炽孙院长在“杀人案”事发一年后,又在《东南医刊》以“东南医学院卫生学教授”的头衔发表了大量普及性的医学文章。时人恐怕不会想到,这位陶炽孙教授就是创造社的陶晶孙。1927年回国后,学医出身的陶晶孙并没有顺应留学生“弃医从文”的大潮,而是在保持医生身份的同时,从社会卫生学的视野出发,审视这些“弃医从文”的新文学家们。本文从陶晶孙对鲁迅医学和文学的双重质疑出发,勾勒出陶晶孙的“医文学”体系。作为实验区主任,陶晶孙通过对“无锡卫生模范区”的卫生学改造,构建了一条用医学造成“较为广大的运动”的路径。同时,经由在以“陶晶孙”为笔名的文学系统和以“陶炽孙”为笔名的医学系统之间的反复横跳,陶晶孙完成了与鲁迅不同的救国与启蒙路径。虽因当时的社会状况及其一直以来的“边缘人”身份,这一想象图景并没有取得很好的效果,但这种“执拗的低音”也向我们展示了新文学主潮外的另一种尝试。 展开更多
关键词 陶晶孙 陶炽孙 社会卫生学 从文 医文学
作者 张晓彭 《中医药文化》 2017年第6期41-45,共5页
李濂是明代精通医学的文学家,他创作大量涉医文学,这些作品题材广泛、内容丰富、形式多样,涉及中医药各个方面的知识,涵盖了内科、外科、妇科、儿科等,具有很高的医学价值。李濂将医学知识引入文学领域,丰富了文学作品的内容,拓展了文... 李濂是明代精通医学的文学家,他创作大量涉医文学,这些作品题材广泛、内容丰富、形式多样,涉及中医药各个方面的知识,涵盖了内科、外科、妇科、儿科等,具有很高的医学价值。李濂将医学知识引入文学领域,丰富了文学作品的内容,拓展了文学创作视野。他运用文学形象来阐释中医药文化,使读者在获得审美感受的同时,学到了丰富的医学知识,极大地推动了中医药文化的发展与普及,为中医的发展发挥了积极的作用。这些作品是古代文学与祖国医学交融的产物,具有很高的医学和文学价值,值得认真挖掘及总结。 展开更多
关键词 李濂 医文学 学价值
涉医文学作品与文检课“情景和案例”教学融合路径研究 被引量:1
作者 吉丽君 《中国高等医学教育》 2019年第8期80-81,共2页
医学专业知识和医学技术日新月异,与时俱进的信息跟踪和知识更新尤为必要,因而提高医学生信息素质势在必行。然而医学院校信息检索与利用操作性课程往往单调枯燥,无法激发学生实践操作的兴趣点。适时引入涉医文学作品"情景和案例&q... 医学专业知识和医学技术日新月异,与时俱进的信息跟踪和知识更新尤为必要,因而提高医学生信息素质势在必行。然而医学院校信息检索与利用操作性课程往往单调枯燥,无法激发学生实践操作的兴趣点。适时引入涉医文学作品"情景和案例"创新教学方法在高校教学领域,力图以此增强课堂趣味性,激发学生学习自觉性,潜移默化推广阅读,为医学生奠定文化底蕴、培养人文情怀打下基础。 展开更多
关键词 医文学作品 文检课 "情景和案例" 融合路径
作者 王婉琪 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2019年第10期65-67,共3页
关键词 医文学 养生
作者 王俏 闫文 张龑真 《今古文创》 2023年第29期50-52,共3页
人物是涉医文学作品中推动情节发展、体现作者思想内涵的重要载体,它在一定程度上能够反映当时社会对医学的认知和接受度。本文把明清涉医文学中的人物形象分为患者、医者及其他涉医人物,分别归纳整理不同角色在涉医文学中承担的作用及... 人物是涉医文学作品中推动情节发展、体现作者思想内涵的重要载体,它在一定程度上能够反映当时社会对医学的认知和接受度。本文把明清涉医文学中的人物形象分为患者、医者及其他涉医人物,分别归纳整理不同角色在涉医文学中承担的作用及意义,初步明确了明清时期各类人对中医的认知,以及明清时期中医药文化在不同人群中的普及情况。 展开更多
关键词 医文学 人物形象 明清时期
作者 江昀峰 安雪梅 高锋 《按摩与康复医学》 2021年第9期53-55,共3页
本文将唐代涉医文学中养生内容分为养生理论、养生态度、养生方式三种类型,从中医学理论出发,分析其相应内涵,并探究作者希望表达的思想感情。研究认为,唐代涉医文学之养生内容存在一定的医学诉求,但多数仍然以文学倾向为主,医学元素并... 本文将唐代涉医文学中养生内容分为养生理论、养生态度、养生方式三种类型,从中医学理论出发,分析其相应内涵,并探究作者希望表达的思想感情。研究认为,唐代涉医文学之养生内容存在一定的医学诉求,但多数仍然以文学倾向为主,医学元素并非文人们的主要讨论对象,文人或通过药植物、山水景色的直接描写,或通过以景抒情,主要在于表达其对坎坷命运的抗争,或许是正面的反抗,或许是对不公的妥协,转而寻求隐遁自然。总结其意,即为"求命而不求天年"。 展开更多
关键词 医文学 唐代 养生
作者 徐玉玉 《丝绸之路》 2021年第4期155-158,共4页
由于古代社会中,文学与医学在个体心理健康和生理健康上的协同作用,以及二者来源于古朴哲学思想的本质属性,加之历史上一批文医双栖人士的涌现,成就了将古代文学和传统医学交融的涉医文学的发展和繁荣。魏晋南北朝时期的涉医文学展现出... 由于古代社会中,文学与医学在个体心理健康和生理健康上的协同作用,以及二者来源于古朴哲学思想的本质属性,加之历史上一批文医双栖人士的涌现,成就了将古代文学和传统医学交融的涉医文学的发展和繁荣。魏晋南北朝时期的涉医文学展现出自觉、实践、兼容、救世的文学特质,是时代大环境下政治、经济、文化等因素综合作用的结果,激发出反映时代特色的启蒙主义的文学思想,值得探究。涉医文学作品作为古代文学与传统医学集合的产物,既是一笔宝贵的医学遗产,更是一份值得珍视的文学遗产。 展开更多
关键词 魏晋南北朝 医文学 药名诗 咏病诗赋 养生散文 事传记小说
作者 孙可新 闫文 +1 位作者 王俏 张龑真 《中国医学人文》 2023年第2期33-37,共5页
中医药文化是中华民族不可取代的文化瑰宝,其传播与发展也是重中之重。稽古方能鉴今,由中医药文化与文学相互交织的发展历程可以看出,古代涉医文学对中医药文化的传播发挥了重大的功用。文章以古代涉医文学的传播特点为参考,对中医药文... 中医药文化是中华民族不可取代的文化瑰宝,其传播与发展也是重中之重。稽古方能鉴今,由中医药文化与文学相互交织的发展历程可以看出,古代涉医文学对中医药文化的传播发挥了重大的功用。文章以古代涉医文学的传播特点为参考,对中医药文化的发展途径进行了思考。结合当代文学传播视角下中医药的发展、研究现状,文章将从传统和新兴两个媒介来阐述中医药文化的传播。 展开更多
关键词 药文化 文学传播 医文学
Hepatic portal venous gas: Physiopathology, etiology, prognosis and treatment 被引量:33
作者 Bassam Abboud Jad El Hachem +1 位作者 Thierry Yazbeck Corinne Doumit 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第29期3585-3590,共6页
Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing freq... Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing frequency in medical literature and usually accompanies severe or lethal conditions. The diagnosis of HPVG is usually made by plain abdominal radiography, sonography, color Doppler flow imaging or computed tomography (CT) scan. Currently, the increased use of CT scan and ultrasound in the inpatient setting allows early and highly sensitive detection of such severe illnesses and also the recognition of an increasing number of benign and non-life threatening causes of HPVG. HPVG is not by itself a surgical indication and the treatment depends mainly on the underlying disease. The prognosis is related to the pathology itself and is not influenced by the presence of HPVG. Based on a review of the literature, we discuss in this paper the pathophysiology, risk factors, radiographic findings, management, and prognosis of pathologies associated with HPVG. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic portal venous gas Bowel ischemia/necrosis DIVERTICULITIS Gastric pathologies Ulcerativecolitis Abdominal computed tomography scan Crohn'sdisease Liver transplantation Chemotherapy
Immune response after photodynamic therapy increases anti-cancer and anti-bacterial effects 被引量:16
作者 Eleonora Reginato Peter Wolf Michael R Hamblin 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第1期1-11,共11页
Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is a clinically approved procedure for treatment of cancer and infections. PDT involves systemic or topical administration of a photosensitizer(PS), followed by irradiation of the diseased ar... Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is a clinically approved procedure for treatment of cancer and infections. PDT involves systemic or topical administration of a photosensitizer(PS), followed by irradiation of the diseased area with light of a wavelength corresponding to an absorbance band of the PS. In the presence of oxygen, a photochemical reaction is initiated, leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species and cell death. Besides causing direct cytotoxic effects on illuminated tumor cells, PDT is known to cause damage to the tumor vasculature and induce the release of pro-inflammatory molecules. Pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that PDT is capable of affecting both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. Immune stimulatory properties of PDT may increase its beneficial effects giving the therapy wider potential to become more extensively used in clinical practice. Be-sides stimulating tumor-specific cytotoxic T-cells capable to destroy distant untreated tumor cells, PDT leads to development of anti-tumor memory immunity that can potentially prevent the recurrence of cancer. The immunological effects of PDT make the therapy more effective also when used for treatment of bacterial infections, due to an augmented infiltration of neutrophils into the infected regions that seems to potentiate the outcome of the treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Photodynamic therapy Anti-tumor immunity T-cell activation Damage-associated molecular patterns Inflammatory cells
Why do we have so much trouble treating anal fistula? 被引量:20
作者 Haig Dudukgian Herand Abcarian 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第28期3292-3296,共5页
Anal fistula is among the most common illnesses affecting man.Medical literature dating back to 400 BC has discussed this problem.Various causative factors have been proposed throughout the centuries,but it appears th... Anal fistula is among the most common illnesses affecting man.Medical literature dating back to 400 BC has discussed this problem.Various causative factors have been proposed throughout the centuries,but it appears that the majority of fistulas unrelated to specific causes (e.g.Tuberculosis,Crohn’s disease) result from infection (abscess) in anal glands extending from the intersphincteric plane to various anorectal spaces.The tubular structure of an anal fistula easily yields itself to division or unroofing (fistulotomy) or excision (fistulectomy) in most cases.The problem with this single,yet effective,treatment plan is that depending on the thickness of sphincter muscle the fistula transgresses,the patient will have varying degrees of fecal incontinence from minor to total.In an attempt to preserve continence,various procedures have been proposed to deal with the fistulas.These include: (1) simple drainage (Seton);(2) closure of fistula tract using fibrin sealant or anal fistula plug;(3) closure of primary opening using endorectal or dermal flaps,and more recently;and (4) ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT).In most complex cases (i.e.Crohn’s disease),a proximal fecal diversion offers a measure of symptom-atic relief.The fact remains that an "ideal" procedure for anal fistula remains elusive.The failure of each sphincter-preserving procedure (30%-50% recurrence) often results in multiple operations.In essence,the price of preservation of continence at all cost is multiple and often different operations,prolonged disability and disappointment for the patient and the surgeon.Nevertheless,the surgeon treating anal fistulas on an occasional basis should never hesitate in referring the patient to a specialist.Conversely,an expert colorectal surgeon must be familiar with many different operations in order to selectively tailor an operation to the individual patient. 展开更多
关键词 FISTULA ABSCESS Fibrin sealant Anal fistula plug Dermal advancement flap Endorectal flap Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract procedure
Role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in autoimmune disease 被引量:10
作者 Kristen R Crook Peng Liu 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第1期26-33,共8页
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells(MDSCs) represent an important class of immunoregulatory cells that can be activated to suppress T cell functions. These MDSCs can inhibit T cell functions through cell surface interact... Myeloid-derived suppressor cells(MDSCs) represent an important class of immunoregulatory cells that can be activated to suppress T cell functions. These MDSCs can inhibit T cell functions through cell surface interactions and the release of soluble mediators. MDSCs accumulate in the inflamed tissues and lymphoid organs of patients with autoimmune diseases. Much of our knowledge of MDSC function has come from studies involving cancer models, however many recent studies have helped to characterize MDSC involvement in autoimmune diseases. MDSCs are a heterogeneous group of immature myeloid cells with a number of different functions for the suppression of T cell responses. However, we have yet to fully understand their contributions to the development and regulation of autoimmune diseases. A number of studies have described beneficial functions of MDSCs during autoimmune diseases, and thus there appears to be a potential role for MDSCs in the treatment of these diseases. Nevertheless, many questions remain as to the activation, differentiation, and inhibitory functions of MDSCs. This review aims to summarize our current knowledge of MDSC subsets and suppressive functions in tissue-specific autoimmune disorders. We also describe the potential of MDSC-basedcell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and note some of hurdles facing the implementation of this therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells Autoimmune disease AUTOIMMUNITY T cells Chronic inflammation Immune regulation
Laparoscopic fenestration vs open fenestration in patients with congenital hepatic cysts: A meta-analysis 被引量:14
作者 Prasoon Pankaj 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第28期3359-3365,共7页
AIM: To determine whether the outcomes of laparoscopic fenestration (LF) were superior to open fenestration (OF) for congenital liver cysts.METHODS: Comparative studies published between January 1991 and May 2010 on M... AIM: To determine whether the outcomes of laparoscopic fenestration (LF) were superior to open fenestration (OF) for congenital liver cysts.METHODS: Comparative studies published between January 1991 and May 2010 on Medline (Ovid),Emsco,PubMed,Science Direct;Cochrane Reviews;CNKI;Chinese Biomedical Database,VIP and other electronic databases were searched.Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and retrospective case-control studies on the management of congenital hepatic cysts were collected according to the pre-determined eligibility criteria to establish a literature database.Retrieval was ended in May 2010.Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.0 software (Cochrane library).RESULTS: Nine retrospective case-control studies involving 657 patients,comparing LF with OF were included for the final pooled analysis.The meta-analysis results showed less operative time [mean difference (MD): -28.76,95% CI: -31.03 to 26.49,P < 0.00001];shorter hospital stay (MD: -3.35,95% CI: -4.46 to -2.24,P < 0.00001);less intraoperative blood loss (MD: -40.18,95% CI: -52.54 to -27.82,P < 0.00001);earlier return to regular diet (MD: -29.19,95% CI: -30.65 to -27.72,P < 0.00001) and activities after operation (MD: -21.85,95% CI: -31.18 to -12.51,P < 0.0001) in LF group;there was no significant difference between the two groups in postoperative complications (odds ratio: 0.99,95% CI: 0.41 to 2.38,P = 0.98) and cysts recurrence rates.CONCLUSION: The short-term outcomes of LF for patients with congenital hepatic cysts were superior to open approach,but its long-term outcomes should be verified by further RCTs and extended follow-up. 展开更多
关键词 Congenital hepatic cysts Laparoscopic fenestration Open fenestration Systematic review Metaanalysis
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential 被引量:2
作者 Toshihisa Murofushi 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2014年第2期6-11,共6页
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP), is an electromyographic response of vestibular origin evoked by sound, vibration or electrical stimulation. VEMP is widely used as a clinical test of the otolith organs. ... Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP), is an electromyographic response of vestibular origin evoked by sound, vibration or electrical stimulation. VEMP is widely used as a clinical test of the otolith organs. Now-adays, two kinds of VEMP, cervical VEMP (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) are clinically used. cVEMP is a test of sacculo-collic refex while oVEMP is a test of utri-culo-ocular refex. Absence of responses, large interau-ral asymmetry of amplitudes, prolonged peak latencies, and abnormal thresholds of responses are regarded as abnormal responses. Clinical application to various diseases of the vestibular system was performed. Using VEMP, a new type of vestibular neuritis, inferior ves-tibular neuritis was established. A prominent feature of VEMP in Meniere’s disease is a shift of a preferred fre-quency in cVEMP. The whole aspects of VEMP fndings in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are not clarifed yet. Sensitivity of cVEMP to vestibular schwannoma was 80.0%, while specifcity was 52.7%. Concerning diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence syn-drome (SCDS), oVEMP to air-conducted sound is the most helpful. Augmentation of oVEMP responses is a prominent feature in SCDS. I also presented “idiopathic otolithic vertigo”, which I proposed as a new clinical en-tity based on VEMP fndings. Some patients complained of lateral tilting sensation in the roll plane, or tilting or translational sensation in the pitch plane without rota-tory vertigo. Majority of patients with these symptoms had absent or decreased responses of oVEMP and/or cVEMP. I proposed that these patients could be diag-nosed as having “idiopathic otolithic vertigo”. 展开更多
关键词 Vestibular evoked myogenic potential Oto-lith SACCULE UTRICLE Otolithic vertigo
Apoptotic signaling through reactive oxygen species in cancer cells 被引量:2
作者 Daejin Kim Ga Bin Park Dae Young Hur 《World Journal of Immunology》 2014年第3期158-173,共16页
Reactive oxygen species(ROS) take part in diverse biological processes like cell growth,programmed cell death,cell senescence,and maintenance of the transformed state through regulation of signal transduction. Cancer ... Reactive oxygen species(ROS) take part in diverse biological processes like cell growth,programmed cell death,cell senescence,and maintenance of the transformed state through regulation of signal transduction. Cancer cells adapt to new higher ROS circumstance. Sometimes,ROS induce cancer cell proliferation. Meanwhile,elevated ROS render cancer cells vulnerable to oxidative stress-induced cell death. However,this prominent character of cancer cells allows acquiring a resistance to oxidative stress conditions relative to normal cells. Activated signaling pathways that increase the level of intracellular ROS in cancer cells not only render up-regulation of several genes involved in cellular proliferation and evasion of apoptosis but also cause cancer cells and cancer stem cells to develop a high metabolic rate. In over the past several decades,many studies have indicated that ROS play a critical role as the secondary messenger of tumorigenesis and metastasis in cancer from both in vitro and in vivo. Here we summarize the role of ROS and anti-oxidants in contributing to or preventing cancer. In addition,we review the activated signaling pathways that make cancer cells susceptible to death. 展开更多
关键词 Oxidative stress Reactive oxygen species CARCINOGENESIS Apoptosis Signal transduction Antioxi-dants
Noise-induced hearing loss in the 21^(st) century: A research and translational update 被引量:2
作者 Ann Chi Yan Wong Kristina E Froud Yves Shang-Yi Hsieh 《World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology》 2013年第3期58-70,共13页
Millions of people worldwide are exposed to harmful levels of noise daily in their work and leisure environment. This makes noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL) a major occupational health risk globally. NIHL is the secon... Millions of people worldwide are exposed to harmful levels of noise daily in their work and leisure environment. This makes noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL) a major occupational health risk globally. NIHL is the second most common form of acquired hearing loss after agerelated hearing loss and is itself a major contributing factor to presbycusis. Temporary threshold shifts, once thought to be relatively harmless and recoverable, are now known to cause permanent cochlear injury leading to permanent loss of hearing sensitivity. This article reviews the current understanding of the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of NIHL with latest findings from animal models. Therapeutic approaches to protect against or to mitigate NIHL are discussed based on their proposed action against these known mechanisms of cochlear injury. Successes in identifying genes that predispose individuals to NIHL by candidate gene association studies are discussed with matched gene knockout animal models. This links to exciting developments in experimental gene therapy to replace and regenerate lost hair cells and post-noise otoprotective therapies currently being investigated in clinical trials. The aim is to provide new insights into current and projected future strategies to manage NIHL; bench to bedside treatment is foreseeable in the next 5 to 10 years. 展开更多
关键词 Noise-induced hearing loss Otoprotective strategies Genetic susceptibility COCHLEA ANTIOXIDANTS
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