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医疗服务费对公立医院公益性影响的系统动力学分析 被引量:1
作者 肖增敏 杨莉 王莉 《价值工程》 2015年第17期249-253,共5页
医疗服务费是医务人员技术劳动价值的体现,调整医疗服务费是当前医疗改革的焦点。本文应用系统动力学方法通过分析医疗服务费调整通过提升医师技术价值从而对医务人员诊疗行为和患者就医行为以及医药企业营销行为的影响,构建医疗服务费... 医疗服务费是医务人员技术劳动价值的体现,调整医疗服务费是当前医疗改革的焦点。本文应用系统动力学方法通过分析医疗服务费调整通过提升医师技术价值从而对医务人员诊疗行为和患者就医行为以及医药企业营销行为的影响,构建医疗服务费对医改影响的因果关系图,分析了医疗服务费调整的关键作用,即促使医方合理用药,提高诊疗质量;促使患者就诊分流,满意度提高;促使医药企业以药品质量赢得市场。最后本文根据研究结论提出相关建议:坚定医疗服务费改革的信心,并及时采取保障措施,一是医院管理制度上保障医务人员价值实现,二是加强基层医疗资源配置吸纳患者的分流。 展开更多
关键词 医疗服务费 公益性 系统动力学
应用回归模型预测2001年我院住院医疗服务收入 被引量:3
作者 王晓燕 许凤娟 王辉 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2001年第3期18-18,共1页
关键词 医院管理 住院医疗服务费 收入 回归模型
作者 刘祥 家青 光明 《安徽工商》 2001年第03B期56-57,共2页
申某(40岁,国企参保职工):再好的身子也离不了看病吃药两件事。以前没当一回事,再贵的药也敢买,因为身后有国家撑着呢。眼下不行了,国家付的药费有上限,自己要掏钱,看病吃药也不象以前那样大方了。许多报纸、电视报道现药价有“... 申某(40岁,国企参保职工):再好的身子也离不了看病吃药两件事。以前没当一回事,再贵的药也敢买,因为身后有国家撑着呢。眼下不行了,国家付的药费有上限,自己要掏钱,看病吃药也不象以前那样大方了。许多报纸、电视报道现药价有“虚高”现象,我心里特别痛恨。我觉得国家既然把提供给个人的医疗服务费限制起来,那在过去不正常的情况下出现的“高”药价也该把它降下来, 展开更多
关键词 中国 医疗体制改革 医疗保险制度 医疗服务费 医疗水平
作者 卓华 《安徽工商》 2001年第03B期46-48,共3页
大病去医院?小病去药房?无病买保险?医改后,职工看病所需小额医疗费或门诊医疗费用将从专门设立的个人账户中支付,大额医疗费用或住院医疗费用主要由统筹基金支付,但个人也将支付一定比例的费用。去年以来,药品降价,医药分家、... 大病去医院?小病去药房?无病买保险?医改后,职工看病所需小额医疗费或门诊医疗费用将从专门设立的个人账户中支付,大额医疗费用或住院医疗费用主要由统筹基金支付,但个人也将支付一定比例的费用。去年以来,药品降价,医药分家、病人择医、最高限价等等措施在各地纷纷出台,以建立医疗保险制度为核心的三项改革风起云涌、高潮迭起。医改究竟能够在多大程度上使普通群众受益?改革后利益格局的正在“演变”,患者选择无不谨慎—— 展开更多
关键词 中国 医疗保险改革 医保定点医院 医疗服务费 商业保险
Data Envelopment Analysis on Evaluating the Efficiency of Public Hospitals in Tianjin,China 被引量:1
作者 孙彬 张连云 +3 位作者 杨文秀 张竞超 骆达 韩超 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第2期182-188,共7页
Public hospitals are the most important components of health systems and account for a large proportion of health resources in China. However, few researches on the efficiency assessment of public hospitals have been ... Public hospitals are the most important components of health systems and account for a large proportion of health resources in China. However, few researches on the efficiency assessment of public hospitals have been conducted in Tianjin, China. On the basis of the data of annual health service report in 2013 from the Ministry of Health, we measured the relative efficiency of the tertiary general public hospitals in Tianjin and estimated the magnitudes of output increase and/or input reduction by using data envelopment analysis to improve hospital efficiency. The main findings of this study indicate that more than half of the sample hospitals operate at a technical and scale efficiency, and the prevalent scale inefficiency is increasing returns to scale. Moreover, it is a prominent issue that health resource constraint and resource waste coexist. Health policy-makers and hospital administrators would need to address these problems by taking comprehensive measures such as optimizing the allocation of health resources, implementing hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, as well as innovating medical-service operating mechanism of public hospital to improve the people's wellbeing. 展开更多
关键词 public hospitals EFFICIENCY data envelopment analysis TIANJIN
Consumer Trust--Challenge for E-Healthcare
作者 Justyna Matysiewicz Slawomir Smyczek 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第2期148-157,共10页
The evolution of interuet within last years and continuous advances in electronic commerce and communication provide exciting opportunities to implement powerful framework of resources, tools and applications that rev... The evolution of interuet within last years and continuous advances in electronic commerce and communication provide exciting opportunities to implement powerful framework of resources, tools and applications that revolutionize way in which healthcare institutions interact with their patients, as well as deliver and manage medical services. Internet-based healthcare is application of information and communication technologies across the whole range of healthcare functions. It covers everything from electronic prescriptions and computerized medical records to the use of new systems and services that cut waiting times and reduces data errors. Development and implementation of web-enabled communication, patient services and other e-health initiatives are increasingly important to maintaining competitive advantage and to compete for market share. More importantly, value added for patients by facilitating access to information and resources is expected to improve quality of services, speed of treatment and potentially to rationalize management of administrative processes. However, introductions of such e-healthcare services into market can be successful on condition that customers will recognize all these advantages and have trust in organizations provide theses e-services. In this paper authors will concentrate on customer trust as key factor determining success of e-healthcare. The purpose of this study will determine character and power of trust placed by customers in e-healthcare, and to identify factors influencing customers trust to e-healthcare. Authors have ventured thesis that customer trust to e-healthcare is high as consequence of even higher customer satisfaction with traditional healthcare services and great customer trust in traditional healthcare institutions. 展开更多
关键词 customer trust e-healthcare services Polish healthcare market
脑梗死患者不同付费方式对住院费用影响 被引量:10
作者 杜连连 周涛 +6 位作者 魏巍 谢学勤 谭鹏 杨兴华 郭秀花 吴巍 罗艳侠 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第1期13-16,共4页
目的比较不同付费方式下脑梗死患者住院费用的差别,并进行效率分析,找出差异的原因,提出合理控制住院费用的思路。方法采用回顾性调查法收集某三级甲等医院的出院病人首页中第一诊断为脑梗死的住院病例,采用SAS 9.2和DEAP 2.1软件进行... 目的比较不同付费方式下脑梗死患者住院费用的差别,并进行效率分析,找出差异的原因,提出合理控制住院费用的思路。方法采用回顾性调查法收集某三级甲等医院的出院病人首页中第一诊断为脑梗死的住院病例,采用SAS 9.2和DEAP 2.1软件进行单因素方差分析和χ2检验对患者基本情况和费用进行分析,并用数据包络分析评价住院费用效率,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果除药费和检查化验费外,不同付费方式下患者的一般医疗服务费(F=9.46,P<0.01)、护理费(F=5.74,P=0.0034)、治疗费(F=4.09,P=0.0173)和总费用(F=4.24,P=0.0148)差异均有统计学意义,住院日(F=14.20,P<0.0001)和治疗结果 (χ2=14.804,P=0.022)之间差异均有统计学意义,医疗保险和自费的相对效率优于公费医疗。结论医疗卫生管理部门应从药费、检查化验费、住院天数等方面重点监控住院费用,进一步推广新型农村合作医疗保险,加大对公费医疗的改革制度,减轻脑梗死患者的经济负担。 展开更多
关键词 脑梗死 住院费用 付费方式 效率分析 医疗服务费
Canadian Health Policies and Their Implications for Current Healthcare Reforms in China
作者 Guo You-de Ouyang Hui David Zakus 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第3期26-45,共20页
Health policies have played significant roles in attaining good achievements in population health improvement. This paper chronologically reviews and analyzes health-rehted parliamentary actions and law enactments in ... Health policies have played significant roles in attaining good achievements in population health improvement. This paper chronologically reviews and analyzes health-rehted parliamentary actions and law enactments in Canada. It indicates that the salient feature of the Canadian health system is that it is pubhcly financed with a single-payer, but privately run. The Canadian health system is based upon five founding principles: care must be universal (covering everyone), portable ( among all provinces), comprehensive ( covering all medically necessary services ), accessible (without barriers to access hke user fees ), and pubhdy administered( by the government). This paper pays special attention to what and how China can learn from Canada and what should be avoided against failures of Canadian health system, and how it might provide a new health policy base for China's current health reform. 展开更多
关键词 health system health reform health policies CANADA China
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