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转化药理学:医药研发体系和人才培养新模式 被引量:6
作者 缪朝玉 徐添颖 《药学实践杂志》 CAS 2010年第5期387-389,共3页
本文介绍了转化药理学的起源、任务和意义;总结了转化药理学面临的困难和对策;提出转化药理学人才培养的新模式。转化药理学是建设先进的医药研发体系的迫切需求,现在应以转化药理学为导向开展科研和教育改革工作,使我国的医药研发体系... 本文介绍了转化药理学的起源、任务和意义;总结了转化药理学面临的困难和对策;提出转化药理学人才培养的新模式。转化药理学是建设先进的医药研发体系的迫切需求,现在应以转化药理学为导向开展科研和教育改革工作,使我国的医药研发体系和人才培养更适应新时代的要求。 展开更多
关键词 转化药理学 转化医学 医药研 人才培养
作者 陈海雨 杨艺 +1 位作者 王楚盈 李玉梅 《人参研究》 2025年第1期63-69,共7页
目的理清中医药的热点和动态,展望中医药研学未来的发展方向。方法检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)2013-2023年发表的关于中医药研学旅行的相关文献,利用Cite Space 6.2.R4版本,对发文量、关键词等进行分析挖掘。结果有311篇文献被纳入研究... 目的理清中医药的热点和动态,展望中医药研学未来的发展方向。方法检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)2013-2023年发表的关于中医药研学旅行的相关文献,利用Cite Space 6.2.R4版本,对发文量、关键词等进行分析挖掘。结果有311篇文献被纳入研究,25所研究机构被纳入,包括北京中医药大学等。278个关键词被纳入,热点关键词为“中医药”“研学旅行”等,并出现关键词聚类。结论通过Cite Space的引导,中医药研学旅行领域有望取得更为广阔的发展空间。 展开更多
关键词 医药研学旅行 Cite Space 发扬中医药文化 知识图谱分析
浅析我国医药企业融资现状与对策 被引量:1
作者 孟嘉 《时代金融》 2014年第3Z期162-162,165,共2页
一、我国医药行业的特征分析(一)行业发展迅速我国政策一直对医药行业进行大力支持,这种政策支持引致医药行业在过去十多年的发展中一直保持强劲的增长势头,产业结构不断优化,行业整体实力不断提高。有数据显示,我国医药行业自2000年到2... 一、我国医药行业的特征分析(一)行业发展迅速我国政策一直对医药行业进行大力支持,这种政策支持引致医药行业在过去十多年的发展中一直保持强劲的增长势头,产业结构不断优化,行业整体实力不断提高。有数据显示,我国医药行业自2000年到2010年十年时间内医药工业总产值平均增幅高达22%,比国民生产总值增幅的两倍还要大[1]。(二)监督管理制度越发完善随着国家对医药行业重视程度的不断提高,医药行业的监督和管理也不断加强,监管制度不断完善。从产品数量到产品质量。 展开更多
关键词 医药企业 医药行业 监督管理制度 产品质量 工业总产值 权益融资 融资现状分析 企业融资渠道 医药研
作者 沈琪 蒋艳荣 +2 位作者 覃文华 钟文强 韦丹娜 《中外医药研究》 2023年第2期102-105,共4页
目的:评价中医药(TCM)联合霉酚酸酯(MMF)治疗增殖性狼疮性肾炎(PLN)的效果。方法:检索CBM、PubMed、CNKI、Cochrane图书馆和VIP等数据库中治疗PLN的随机对照试验(RCT)文献,检索截止时间为2021年12月31日,文献的资料提取和质量评价由3名... 目的:评价中医药(TCM)联合霉酚酸酯(MMF)治疗增殖性狼疮性肾炎(PLN)的效果。方法:检索CBM、PubMed、CNKI、Cochrane图书馆和VIP等数据库中治疗PLN的随机对照试验(RCT)文献,检索截止时间为2021年12月31日,文献的资料提取和质量评价由3名系统评价员完成,运用Jadad量表评价纳入文献的质量,运用RevMan 5.4软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入符合标准的RCT文献9篇(n=609)。Meta分析结果显示,与西医组比较,TCM联合MMF完全缓解率(OR=2.36,95%CI:1.58,3.53)、总有效率(OR=3.64,95%CI:2.10,6.32)和无效率(OR=0.27,95%CI:0.16,0.48),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:TCM联合MMF与单纯西医比较,可以显著提高PLN的治疗效果,减少复发率。 展开更多
关键词 医药 增殖性狼疮性肾炎 META分析 霉酚酸酯
作者 刘婧 杨凤展 +2 位作者 郭宇贝 李先跃 朱雪 《湖南中医杂志》 2024年第10期217-220,共4页
中医药文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分和典型代表,但目前全国中医药研学课程稀缺,本文结合南岳丰富的中医药资源,设计具有中医药特色的研学实践课程,认知中医药“养德、养智、养身、养识、养胃、养才、养气、养心”的效果,引导... 中医药文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分和典型代表,但目前全国中医药研学课程稀缺,本文结合南岳丰富的中医药资源,设计具有中医药特色的研学实践课程,认知中医药“养德、养智、养身、养识、养胃、养才、养气、养心”的效果,引导学生正确认知中医药文化,实现立德树人的教育目标。 展开更多
关键词 学课程设计 医药研 医药文化 南岳
作者 杨帅 郝建锁 陈幼华 《中外医药研究》 2024年第6期78-80,共3页
目的:调查唇腭裂患儿母亲产后抑郁发生情况并分析其影响因素。方法:选取2022年4月—2023年4月于广州市妇女儿童医疗中心携唇腭裂患儿就诊的母亲204名作为研究对象。收集唇腭裂患儿母亲一般资料,根据爱丁堡产后抑郁量表结果分为抑郁组与... 目的:调查唇腭裂患儿母亲产后抑郁发生情况并分析其影响因素。方法:选取2022年4月—2023年4月于广州市妇女儿童医疗中心携唇腭裂患儿就诊的母亲204名作为研究对象。收集唇腭裂患儿母亲一般资料,根据爱丁堡产后抑郁量表结果分为抑郁组与非抑郁组,采用Logistic回归分析唇腭裂患儿母亲产后抑郁的影响因素。结果:204名母亲中,产后抑郁64名(占比31.4%),产后未抑郁140名(占比68.6%)。抑郁组农村居住占比、有不良孕产史占比高于非抑郁组,受教育程度初中及以下、睡眠质量很差占比高于非抑郁组,领悟社会支持量表评分低于非抑郁组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。无不良孕产史、睡眠质量好、领悟社会支持量表评分高是唇腭裂患儿母亲产后抑郁的独立保护因素(P<0.05)。结论:影响唇腭裂患儿母亲产后抑郁的因素较多,医护人员需要重点关注有不良孕产史、睡眠质量差、社会支持度低的患儿母亲产后的身心状态。 展开更多
关键词 唇腭裂 产后抑郁 不良孕产史 睡眠质量 社会支持
作者 李燕村 孙彦永 宋挺 《中医药管理杂志》 2024年第14期7-9,共3页
随着国家中医药产业快速发展以及中医药文化传播的推行,中医药文化研学旅行迎来良好的发展时机。中医药院校具有组织中医药文化研学的独特优势,借力国家对大学生创新创业及中医药文化传播的政策支持,推进中医药文化研学旅行项目是中医... 随着国家中医药产业快速发展以及中医药文化传播的推行,中医药文化研学旅行迎来良好的发展时机。中医药院校具有组织中医药文化研学的独特优势,借力国家对大学生创新创业及中医药文化传播的政策支持,推进中医药文化研学旅行项目是中医药院校学生创新创业实践的有效切入点。文章从中医药创新创业教育实践及中医药文化研学旅行的发展现状与需求、中医药院校开展中医药文化研学旅行方面的意义等方面进行分析,并对中医药文化研学旅行创新创业实践体系建立提出建议,以期更好推动中医药文化发展以及创新创业教育与专业教育、实践教育、素质教育的相互渗透、联通融动的良性发展。 展开更多
关键词 医药创新创业教育 实践体系 医药文化学旅行
The Present Situation of TCM Treatment for Diabetes and its Researches 被引量:3
作者 王琦 王新中 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期67-73,共7页
Diabetes is a frequently encountered disease. There are now approximately 40 million diabetes patients in China1, most of them with diabetes II.
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy PHYTOTHERAPY ANIMALS Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathies Diabetic Neuropathies Drugs Chinese Herbal Humans INSULIN
作者 马义梅 姜鹏 +1 位作者 袁红 白云峰 《中外医药研究》 2023年第4期134-136,共3页
目的:探讨老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)肺动脉高压合并肺栓塞的危险因素。方法:选取2015年1月—2021年12月新疆军区总医院北京路医疗区收住的老年COPD合并肺动脉高压临床疑似合并肺栓塞患者为研究对象,将确诊合并肺栓塞患者50例定为合并... 目的:探讨老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)肺动脉高压合并肺栓塞的危险因素。方法:选取2015年1月—2021年12月新疆军区总医院北京路医疗区收住的老年COPD合并肺动脉高压临床疑似合并肺栓塞患者为研究对象,将确诊合并肺栓塞患者50例定为合并栓塞组,将排除肺栓塞患者50例定为非栓塞组。整理、比较两组患者的临床资料,分析老年COPD肺动脉高压合并肺栓塞的危险因素。结果:两组患者动脉血氧分压、肺动脉压(PAP)、D-二聚体、C反应蛋白、降钙素原、B型钠尿肽、简化Wells评分、肺部啰音、胸部CT异常、心电图异常比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。PAP、D-二聚体、肺部啰音、胸部CT异常是老年COPD肺动脉高压合并肺栓塞的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:PAP、D-二聚体的升高,肺部啰音、影像学异常,是诊断老年COPD肺动脉高压患者合并肺栓塞的重要线索,应及时行CT肺动脉造影检查明确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 肺动脉高压 肺栓塞 危险因素
The applications of Bayesian models in real-world studies of traditional Chinese medicine:a primer 被引量:1
作者 Jing-Bo Zhai Jiang Li Jing Chen 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2017年第2期88-93,共6页
Real-world study is valuable for traditional Chinese medicine.However,there are no gold standards of statistical approaches for analyzing data from real-world study of traditional Chinese medicine.With the development... Real-world study is valuable for traditional Chinese medicine.However,there are no gold standards of statistical approaches for analyzing data from real-world study of traditional Chinese medicine.With the development of computer technology,researchers have increasingly paid attention to Bayesian statistics in the biomedical field.In present study,real-world study and Bayesian statistics were introduced.It was discussed that why and when to use Bayesian analysis and the challenge in the real-world study of traditional Chinese medicine. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine Real-world study Bayesian models
作者 刘元亮 方剑桥 +4 位作者 孙德利 金小明 吴引青 王月芳 宋如垓 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期59-64,共6页
Frequency following response(FFR)and auditory brain stem evoked potential response(ABR)were used to determine the auditory acuity in evaluating the effect of electro-acupuncture treatment of kanamycin-induced auditory... Frequency following response(FFR)and auditory brain stem evoked potential response(ABR)were used to determine the auditory acuity in evaluating the effect of electro-acupuncture treatment of kanamycin-induced auditory impairment in guinea pigs.Thesuccinate dehydrogenase(SDH)activity and morphological changes of the inner earreceptors were examined under the light and scanning electron microscope in cochlearspread preparations.The results showed that 1)electro-acupuncture was effective but nosignificant differences were found among the stimulating wave forms;2)Tinggong(SI19),Yifeng(SJ 17),Shenshu(UB 23),Sanyinjiao(Sp 6),Zhubin(K 9)and Waiguan(SJ 5)are all effective acupoints,especially the combination of Tinggong(SI 19),Sanyinjiao(Sp6)and Zhubin(K 9)acupoints;3)improvement in the cochlear function and excitabilityof the cortical and lower auditory center and increase of the mitochondrial SDH activityand energy supply in hair cells might contribute to the mechanism of the treatment. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Evoked Potentials Auditory Brain Stem Animals Anti-Bacterial Agents Cochlea DEAFNESS Guinea Pigs KANAMYCIN Succinate Dehydrogenase
温柔分娩理念管理模式在责任制助产中对孕产妇分娩结局的影响 被引量:1
作者 关燕娜 容丽玉 黄嘉丽 《中外医药研究》 2023年第1期120-122,共3页
目的:分析责任制助产中温柔分娩理念管理模式对孕产妇分娩结局的影响。方法:选取2021年4月—2022年11月开平市妇幼保健院收治的孕产妇150例为观察对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,各75例。对照组给予常规分娩护理干预,观察组... 目的:分析责任制助产中温柔分娩理念管理模式对孕产妇分娩结局的影响。方法:选取2021年4月—2022年11月开平市妇幼保健院收治的孕产妇150例为观察对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,各75例。对照组给予常规分娩护理干预,观察组给予温柔分娩理念管理模式干预。对比两组孕产妇剖宫产和会阴侧切情况、疼痛程度、焦虑程度、首次母乳喂养情况。结果:观察组剖宫产率、会阴侧切率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预后,两组孕产妇视觉模拟评分、状态焦虑分量表、特质焦虑分量表评分均降低,观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组喂养时机、觅食、吸吮、含住乳头评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论:责任制助产中应用温柔分娩理念管理模式可显著减轻产妇分娩时的疼痛程度,减轻焦虑程度,提高自然分娩率,降低剖宫产率及会阴侧切率,改善分娩结局。 展开更多
关键词 责任制助产 温柔分娩理念 分娩结局 剖宫产率
The Status of Medicinal Plants in Jordan 被引量:1
作者 Sawsan Atallah Oran 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第6期461-467,共7页
The taxonomic status of the medicinal plants in Jordan is expressed in terms of its diversity, the documentation of the scientific research that is carried out locally over the last many years; to test for the potenti... The taxonomic status of the medicinal plants in Jordan is expressed in terms of its diversity, the documentation of the scientific research that is carried out locally over the last many years; to test for the potential of some medicinal plant species (MPS) in Jordan on different biological aspects is also prepared. This has been reported here by revising and documenting the available literature to the author on this subject. The ecological status of medicinal plants in Jordar is also pointed out. The aim of this research was mainly to evaluate the status of the research on medicinal plants that was carried oul: to test for the different biological potentials of medicinal plants in Jordan and to emphasis the richness of the country of its wild medicinal plants, which are of promising value in whether for use in traditional medicine or in pharmaceutical industry, and certainly need lots of investigations and scientific research. Photographs of some medicinal plants that are common in Jordan and are used in traditional medicine in the urban areas and the Badia region, which is located in the Eastern part of the country and characterized by its dry weather conditions and least amount of rainfall in the country, are also included; the plant photographs are selected from different representative families of the common flowering plants in Jordan. 展开更多
关键词 Medicinal plants DIVERSITY Jordan.
External application of Chinese medicine formula combined with analgesic drugs to treat lung squamous cell carcinoma pain: A case study with mixed methods
作者 Hong Chen Jun-Qiang Zhao +2 位作者 Yun-Lan Jiao Dou Wang Yu-Fang Hao 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2018年第1期29-34,共6页
Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of the external application of Chinese medicine combined with analgesicdrugs to treat lung squamous cell carcinoma pain. Methods: A 54-year-old patient with upper lobe of ... Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of the external application of Chinese medicine combined with analgesicdrugs to treat lung squamous cell carcinoma pain. Methods: A 54-year-old patient with upper lobe of the left lungsquamous cell carcinoma was studied, who suffered from severe cancer pain with the initial numeric rating scale (NRS)7 point when admitted. Exterior-use formula was applied to pain spot to relieve the pain. Mixed methods approachcomprising NRS, Short-form of McGill Pain Questionnaire, quality of life scale, times of breakout pain, records ofadverse reactions and semi-structured interviews were utilized to evaluate the effect. Results: With the combination useof the formula and analgesic drugs, the patient’s NRS score dropped from 7 to 3 point. Quality of life scale scoreimproved from 33 to 42 point. Times of breakout pain reduced from twice to none. The amount of oxycodone decreasedfrom 30 mg Bid to 10 mg Bid. No adverse effect appeared. The patient’s felt more energetic with good sleep and appetite.Conclusion: This formula is effective and safe for pain relief when combined with analgesic drugs, and may be a goodoption in dealing with local cancer pain. Future randomized, controlled studies are needed to better evaluate the efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer pain Chinese medicine Case study Mixed methods
Progress in the expression of P-glycoprotein in brain metastases of lung cancer andrelated TCM research
作者 Shuai Zhui Ling-Yu Qi +3 位作者 Xue Wang Hua-Yao Li Jia Li Jing Yang 《TMR Theory and Hypothesis》 2018年第1期18-25,共8页
Brain metastases are common intracranial tumors, and their occurrence not only represents a high degree of malignancy, but also often is the major factor in treatment failure and poor prognosis. Primary site of brain ... Brain metastases are common intracranial tumors, and their occurrence not only represents a high degree of malignancy, but also often is the major factor in treatment failure and poor prognosis. Primary site of brain metastases often occur in lung. P-glycoprotein is a member of the (ATP binding cassette) transporter superfamily,which is closely related to the development of lung metastases. It is the main reason for influencing the drug through the blood_brain barrier into the brain tissue, and it also is an important factor affecting the treatment of brain metastases. According to the theory of traditional chinese mddicine, the pathogenesis of brain metastases is due to phlegm, poison, stasis, virtual and so on. The principle of treatment is to promote blood circulation, remove phlegm turbidity. In recent years, the impact of Chinese herbal medicine on P-glycoprotein is increasing. This paper analyzes the mechanism and components of the relevant Chinese medicine on P-glycoprotein. It provides a reference for clinical rational drug use. 展开更多
关键词 Lung cancer Brain metastasis P-GLYCOPROTEIN Blood-brain barrier Chinese medicine treatment Research progress
Clinical Observation in 86 Cases of Acne Vulgaris Treated with Compound Oldenlandis Mixture
作者 刘瓦利 沈冬 +2 位作者 宋坪 许铣 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期255-256,共2页
86 cases of acne vulgaris were treated with Fu Fang She She Cao He Ji (复方蛇舌草合剂Compound Oldenlandis Mixture), with the other 34 cases treated with Dang Gui Ku Shen Wan (当归苦参丸Pills Prepared from Chinese Ange... 86 cases of acne vulgaris were treated with Fu Fang She She Cao He Ji (复方蛇舌草合剂Compound Oldenlandis Mixture), with the other 34 cases treated with Dang Gui Ku Shen Wan (当归苦参丸Pills Prepared from Chinese Angelica and Flavescent Sophora Root) as the controls, to observe the therapeutic effect of the former. The results showed that the cure plus markedly effective rate was 73.26% in the treatment group, and 47.06% in the control group, with a significant difference in the cure plus markedly effective rate between the two groups (P<0.01), and also in the total effective rate between the two groups significant (P<0.05). It may be concluded that the Compound Oldenlandis Mixture is a better agent for the illness. 展开更多
关键词 Oldenlandia PHYTOTHERAPY Acne Vulgaris ADOLESCENT ADULT Drug Combinations Drugs Chinese Herbal FEMALE Humans Male
作者 沈菊芳 石海燕 《中外医药研究》 2023年第14期106-108,共3页
目的:探讨CT室-病区一体化护理模式在多层螺旋CT冠状动脉血管成像(CTA)CTA检查前准备中的应用效果。方法:选取2022年1—5月于柳州市中医医院行冠状动脉CTA检查的326例患者为观察对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各163例。对照... 目的:探讨CT室-病区一体化护理模式在多层螺旋CT冠状动脉血管成像(CTA)CTA检查前准备中的应用效果。方法:选取2022年1—5月于柳州市中医医院行冠状动脉CTA检查的326例患者为观察对象,根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各163例。对照组检查前行常规护理,观察组检查前行CT室-病区一体化护理。比较两组患者检查前准备时间、实际检查时间,呼吸训练及心率达标情况,图像质量合格情况,护理满意度。结果:观察组检查前准备时间、实际检查时间均短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);观察组心率达标率、呼吸训练达标率均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组图像质量总合格率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.001);观察组患者护理总满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.007)。结论:冠状动脉CTA检查前准备中行CT室-病区一体化护理可以获得较高的图像质量,缩短检查前准备时间及检查时间,提高心率、呼吸配合及护理满意度。 展开更多
关键词 CT室-病区一体化护理模式 冠状动脉CTA检查 检查前准备 图像质量
Literature on the law of Miao medicine in treating liver cancer
作者 Huili Shui Zhu Yang +4 位作者 Fengxi Long Wenqi Huang Bing Yang Zhen Zhang Dongxin Tang 《TMR Clinical Research》 2018年第1期25-40,共16页
Aims:Through the literature review of Miao medicine for liver cancer,this paper discussed the law of Miao medicine for liver cancer.Methods:Using"Zhonghua Bencao Miao medicine"as the source of literature,the... Aims:Through the literature review of Miao medicine for liver cancer,this paper discussed the law of Miao medicine for liver cancer.Methods:Using"Zhonghua Bencao Miao medicine"as the source of literature,the search term was prepared to search the related literature of CNKI database and Wanfang database for the treatment of liver cancer in the Miao medicine from May 2018.The qualified drugs were used to conduct statistical analysis on their family genus,medicinal property,medicinal taste,regression and efficacy.Results:A total of 132 flavors of Miao medicine for liver cancer were included,and the high-frequency family was compositae,liliaceae,and rosaceae,accounting for 22.8%.The medicine was mainly cold medicine,accounting for 75.8%.The main taste of medicine was bitter,hot and sweet,accounting for 75.5%.The main parts of longitude are hot longitude and cold longitude,accounting for 90.5%.Drugs are mainly used to cure poison,tonifying body and vent the blood,a total of 80.4%.Conclusions:Miao medical treatment of liver cancer is based on the dialectic of cold and heat,with proper use of tonifying body and vent the blood drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Miao medicine Liver cancer Medicine law Literature research
The status and progress ofrevascularization on clinical applications
作者 Li Wu Xiaochun Zhang Xiao Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期79-81,共3页
The development of biomedicine has offered new prospects for clinical tissue transplantation. In researching tissue engineering products, the key issue is the construction of micro-circulation network and effective in... The development of biomedicine has offered new prospects for clinical tissue transplantation. In researching tissue engineering products, the key issue is the construction of micro-circulation network and effective induction of angiogenesis is the current continuous explore direction. Revascularization strategy currently focuses on angiogenesis and angiogenesis, but with the advent of microscopic engineering technology, direct construction of artificial micro-circulation pipe has been a new way of thinking. 展开更多
医药院校本科生一般自我效能感调查与分析 被引量:3
作者 崔红新 魏士杰 +3 位作者 崔智沛 郑嘉宁 贾爱娟 毛悦悦 《中医药管理杂志》 2022年第17期38-40,共3页
目的:了解医药院校在校本科生一般自我效能感状况,结合研究生一般自我效能感的文献,比较本科生与硕士研究生一般自我效能感的差异,为本科生因人而异的个性教育探索方法。方法:采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES)对626名在校本科生进行问卷调... 目的:了解医药院校在校本科生一般自我效能感状况,结合研究生一般自我效能感的文献,比较本科生与硕士研究生一般自我效能感的差异,为本科生因人而异的个性教育探索方法。方法:采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES)对626名在校本科生进行问卷调查,进行分类分析。结果:本科生阶段,文科与理科学生的一般自我效能感差异无统计学意义(P=0.878);不同性别学生的一般自我效能感差异存在统计学意义(P=0.000);不同年级学生的一般自我效能感差异无统计学意义(P=0.527)。结论:在本科生阶段,年级和文理科学生的不同并不影响一般自我效能感的相同性;而在不同性别方面,一般自我效能感的差异存在统计学意义,此结果与研究生性别的一般自我效能感不同,为从事本科教育的管理者修订因人施教的培养方案提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 医药本科生 一般自我效能感 医药研科生
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