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《医述·女科原旨》调经学术思想浅探 被引量:2
作者 徐重明 汪自源 《国医论坛》 2004年第3期45-46,共2页
关键词 医述·女科原旨》 学术思想 经病 中医妇科 程文囿
论《医述》辑录特色 被引量:1
作者 易玮 《安徽中医学院学报》 CAS 2001年第3期5-7,共3页
关键词 医述 程杏轩 文献学 新安医学
《医述·杂证汇参》医案四则考释 被引量:1
作者 徐重明 汪自源 《实用中医内科杂志》 2008年第6期13-14,共2页
关键词 医述·杂证汇参 医案四则 研究
作者 易玮 王乐陶 李洪涛 《安徽中医学院学报》 CAS 1997年第5期9-10,共2页
《医述》的版本考辨及引文统计分析易玮指导:王乐陶教授李洪涛教授(安徽中医学院科研处合肥230038)关键词:《医述》;中医文献研究中图法分类号:R2-52《医述》是新安著名医家程杏轩编撰,成书于1833年,全书共16... 《医述》的版本考辨及引文统计分析易玮指导:王乐陶教授李洪涛教授(安徽中医学院科研处合肥230038)关键词:《医述》;中医文献研究中图法分类号:R2-52《医述》是新安著名医家程杏轩编撰,成书于1833年,全书共16卷,65万字。是一部精选诸家名论的... 展开更多
关键词 医述 中医文献研究 考辨 引文 统计分析
聂尚恒与《奇效医述》 被引量:1
作者 王景祥 《河南中医》 北大核心 1996年第5期285-286,共2页
《奇效医述》为明末福建名医聂尚恒所著,为治疗疑难重症的记录。本文作者经反复诵读该书,认为聂氏在疾病的认证、辨证、遣方用药等方面有很多独到之处,值得今人借鉴。如论病以辨证为主;制方重视药物加工炮制;严格要求药物质量;重... 《奇效医述》为明末福建名医聂尚恒所著,为治疗疑难重症的记录。本文作者经反复诵读该书,认为聂氏在疾病的认证、辨证、遣方用药等方面有很多独到之处,值得今人借鉴。如论病以辨证为主;制方重视药物加工炮制;严格要求药物质量;重视煎服方法以提高疗效等。 展开更多
关键词 聂尚恒 奇效医述 中医药文献
作者 赖志强 邓月娥 《福建中医药》 2021年第5期44-45,共2页
本文总结明代医家聂尚恒《奇效医述》对于咳嗽的论治经验,一是聂氏把咳嗽中伴随出现的“痰”与“血”作为论治经验咳嗽的两个重点。二是肺器贮痰,性分寒热。寒痰咳嗽,常法在于肺脾同调、标本兼顾,变法在于辛热化痰,再求标本兼顾之法;痰... 本文总结明代医家聂尚恒《奇效医述》对于咳嗽的论治经验,一是聂氏把咳嗽中伴随出现的“痰”与“血”作为论治经验咳嗽的两个重点。二是肺器贮痰,性分寒热。寒痰咳嗽,常法在于肺脾同调、标本兼顾,变法在于辛热化痰,再求标本兼顾之法;痰热咳嗽在于清热润肺、化痰止咳。三是咳血因热,证分虚实。实热咳血反对骤用寒凉,主张清凉兼有滋补,强调药后调护,药食并举;虚热咳血则标本兼治,肺肾同治、汤丸并用,缓图其功。 展开更多
关键词 聂尚恒 奇效医述 咳嗽 辨证论治 临床经验
让医学成为有人性的实践科学——《医述:重症监护室里的故事》荐读 被引量:2
作者 张雁灵 《中国医学人文》 2018年第5期68-69,共2页
"生、老、病、死"是每个人人生的必经阶段。新生命的诞生总是令人瞩目;而生命的疾痛和终结,却难以为外人所知。 在战争年代,伤痛是人生的梦魇;在和平年代,疾痛是生命的梦魇。战士在战场流血牺牲,医生在战场的付出和危险却很难被人看... "生、老、病、死"是每个人人生的必经阶段。新生命的诞生总是令人瞩目;而生命的疾痛和终结,却难以为外人所知。 在战争年代,伤痛是人生的梦魇;在和平年代,疾痛是生命的梦魇。战士在战场流血牺牲,医生在战场的付出和危险却很难被人看到。走进重症监护室(简称ICU),我们看到的是监护仪器上显示的数值和图像,看不到的是潜伏在生命航道里处处存在的险滩,看不到医生和护土如何在这生命的险滩率队领航。 展开更多
关键词 重症监护室 医述 科学 人性 医学 监护仪器 生命 人生
明代医家聂尚恒实地调查记 被引量:6
作者 邱玏 朱建平 《江西中医学院学报》 2010年第6期24-26,共3页
聂尚恒,明代江西清江(今江西樟树)著名的医家,其在儿科痘疹和治痢方面,发前人所未发,成效卓著。为了解聂氏的生平,澄清疑问,发掘其宝贵的医学思想,实地探访江西省图书馆、江西樟树市政府史志办、樟树市卫生局、樟树市药都公园以及聂尚... 聂尚恒,明代江西清江(今江西樟树)著名的医家,其在儿科痘疹和治痢方面,发前人所未发,成效卓著。为了解聂氏的生平,澄清疑问,发掘其宝贵的医学思想,实地探访江西省图书馆、江西樟树市政府史志办、樟树市卫生局、樟树市药都公园以及聂尚恒故里:江西樟树市永泰镇大观村,获取文字、实物方面的新史料,对于聂尚恒的生年、籍贯、著作中存有的疑问一一澄清,并详细记叙聂尚恒雕像及故里寻找族谱的实况。 展开更多
关键词 聂尚恒 大观桥 活幼心法 奇效医述 医学汇函
作者 刘佳佳 郭锦晨 +1 位作者 汪元 陈磊 《陕西中医药大学学报》 2017年第5期100-102,共3页
程文囿,清代著名新安医家,《医述》《杏轩医案》是其毕生的医书札记及临床经验,程氏法内经,承仲景,崇景岳,继东垣,融汇旁通历代医家学说,尤重张景岳"温补"之说,形成了自己独特的学术思想,擅治内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病,其中... 程文囿,清代著名新安医家,《医述》《杏轩医案》是其毕生的医书札记及临床经验,程氏法内经,承仲景,崇景岳,继东垣,融汇旁通历代医家学说,尤重张景岳"温补"之说,形成了自己独特的学术思想,擅治内、外、妇、儿等各科疾病,其中治疗痹证颇具特色:法仲景,清肺热,祛痰化湿;崇景岳,和阴阳,温补气血;宗百家,补肝肾,活血通络。 展开更多
关键词 医述 程文囿 杏轩医案 痹证
补气药方治疗气血亏虚型功能性便秘76例 被引量:4
作者 李金海 《光明中医》 2011年第12期2444-2445,共2页
目的观察补气药方治疗气血亏虚型功能性便秘的临床疗效。方法 148例患者随机分为两组,治疗组76例选用补气药方治疗,对照组72例采用西沙比利片与补中益气丸治疗,两组均2周为1个疗程,2个疗程后统计疗效。结果治疗组痊愈率为52.63%,总有效... 目的观察补气药方治疗气血亏虚型功能性便秘的临床疗效。方法 148例患者随机分为两组,治疗组76例选用补气药方治疗,对照组72例采用西沙比利片与补中益气丸治疗,两组均2周为1个疗程,2个疗程后统计疗效。结果治疗组痊愈率为52.63%,总有效率为97.37%;对照组分别为16.67%、86.11%,两组痊愈率比较,有极显著性差异(P<0.01),总有效率比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论补气药方治疗气血亏虚型便秘有较好的临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 功能性便秘 补气药方 聂尚恒 《奇效医述
名医吴汉仙为捍卫中医奋斗不息 被引量:2
作者 刘炎美 《档案时空》 1990年第1期44-45,共2页
中医在解放前称国医,它是我国劳动人民长期以来与疾病作斗争的经验总结,是中华民族的瑰宝。可是,自晚清以后,随着外国列强对我国进行文化侵略,西医开始流入中国,中医、中药受到排挤。到国民党统治中国时期,当局甚至采取行政手段,企图消... 中医在解放前称国医,它是我国劳动人民长期以来与疾病作斗争的经验总结,是中华民族的瑰宝。可是,自晚清以后,随着外国列强对我国进行文化侵略,西医开始流入中国,中医、中药受到排挤。到国民党统治中国时期,当局甚至采取行政手段,企图消灭中医。于是,掀起了一场长达20余年的消灭与捍卫中医的斗争。湖南著名中医吴汉仙,始终站在捍卫中医斗争的最前列。 展开更多
关键词 经验总结 文化侵略 国民党统治 奋斗不息 医界之警铎 医述 国民党中央 中西医学 社会医报 南京中央
《上海中医药杂志》 2011年第11期71-71,共1页
盖外无恶寒发热身痛之表证,则不必用桂枝;内无眩悸吐涎之里证,则不必用肉桂。——清·王旭高《王旭高医书六种》 秦艽退黄最妙,以其性能退阳明经湿热邪气也。若无湿热则恐伤燥,又宜慎用。——清·程杏轩《医述》 半夏有... 盖外无恶寒发热身痛之表证,则不必用桂枝;内无眩悸吐涎之里证,则不必用肉桂。——清·王旭高《王旭高医书六种》 秦艽退黄最妙,以其性能退阳明经湿热邪气也。若无湿热则恐伤燥,又宜慎用。——清·程杏轩《医述》 半夏有三禁,渴家、汗家、血家是也。——明·缪希雍《先醒斋医学广笔·春温夏热病大法》) 展开更多
关键词 大道至简 恶寒发热 医述 王旭高 阳明经 程杏轩 缪希雍 湿热
作者 谢绍武 《中医临床与保健》 1993年第2期26-27,共2页
程杏轩,安徽歙县人,是清代新安学派有影响的医家。他的著作不仅有《医述》,采集古今医籍320余种,辑其切要,删繁就简,系类书之佳作,嘉惠医林外,且有《杏轩医案》(初集、续集辑录计225案),参各家学说与经验,不拘一格,选方用药,轻灵巧妙,... 程杏轩,安徽歙县人,是清代新安学派有影响的医家。他的著作不仅有《医述》,采集古今医籍320余种,辑其切要,删繁就简,系类书之佳作,嘉惠医林外,且有《杏轩医案》(初集、续集辑录计225案),参各家学说与经验,不拘一格,选方用药,轻灵巧妙,其中精义,足资后学研讨和借鉴。兹摘录《杏轩医案》中有关治虚劳的经验,程氏认为虚劳是人的脏腑元气亏损,精血不足为主要病理过程的一种慢性衰弱病的总称,且病势缠绵,经久不愈,辨证复杂,治法各异,为历代医家所重视、每多专列一门加以论述,而程氏治虚劳又具一番新意。 展开更多
关键词 虚劳 杏轩医案 新安学派 医林 医述 阴火 上逆 不得隐曲 赵献可 医籍
《黄山学院学报》 2006年第3期179-179,共1页
关键词 《古今医统大全》 《医宗金鏊》 医述
Patient decision aids for cardiovascular disease: the status-quo and prospects 被引量:1
作者 Deng-Feng Kong Xiao-Chi Shi +6 位作者 Bao-He Wang Yu-Hong Huang Qiang Xu Peng Tian Ying-Qiang Zhao Wei-Mu Hong-Cai Shang 《TMR Integrative Medicine》 2018年第3期105-120,共16页
This article introduced the development and application of patient decision aid (PtDA) for cardiovascular disease. There are many risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and the mortality rate is high. Therefore, c... This article introduced the development and application of patient decision aid (PtDA) for cardiovascular disease. There are many risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and the mortality rate is high. Therefore, continuous management in symptoms, risk factors and lifestyle behaviors is needed for a good prognosis. PtDA can improve the patient's understanding of cardiovascular disease and the potential risk of perception of cardiovascular disease, as well as improve the communication between doctors and patients. The emergence of narrative evidence-based medicine provided a new opportunity for the further development of PtDA. At present, there were demands for domestic cardiovascular decision aids, but the researches were extremely limited. 展开更多
关键词 Narrative evidence-based medicine Clinical decision-making of TCM PtDA Cardiovascular diseases
The concept of narrative evidence-based medicine and shared decision-making in traditional Chinese medical practice 被引量:3
作者 Wei Mu Hong-Cai Shang +6 位作者 Xu-Fang Gu Li Zhang Yan-Fen Li Jie Li Rui-Hua Wang Yu-Hong Huang Bao-He Wang 《TMR Integrative Medicine》 2018年第3期99-104,共6页
For the explosive development of emerging diagnostic and therapeutic technologies brought by the advancement of precision medicine strategy, shared decision-making could improve the quality of clinical decision-making... For the explosive development of emerging diagnostic and therapeutic technologies brought by the advancement of precision medicine strategy, shared decision-making could improve the quality of clinical decision-making and promote the transformation of clinical research evidence in TCM. Paying attention to patients' narrative needs and strengthening medical humanistic concerns could improve clinical outcome and patient satisfaction. We described the origins and development of evidence-based medicine, narrative medicine and shared decision-making, and analyzed the existing problems in TCM clinical decision-making. Further, we put forward the model of shared decision-making between clinicians and patients under the guidance of narrative evidence-based medicine concepts and methods. 展开更多
关键词 Narrative evidence-based medicine Clinical practice of TCM shared decision-making Decision aids
Acupuncture as a potential approach to improve the health of women with obesity 被引量:1
作者 Fung-Kei Cheng 《TMR Non-Drug Therapy》 2018年第2期1-13,共13页
In addition to higher risks of various obstetric and gynaecological illnesses among women with obesity or who are overweight, maternal adiposity threatens the lifetime health of their offspring. Diverse treatments are... In addition to higher risks of various obstetric and gynaecological illnesses among women with obesity or who are overweight, maternal adiposity threatens the lifetime health of their offspring. Diverse treatments are provided, including complementary and alternative medicine such as Chinese medical practices. Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicinal method, is increasingly being applied to this health problem. This literature review analyses 25 clinical studies, involving 2407 participants aged 13-65 in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America. This illustrates the use of acupuncture alone or with other approaches to control body weight, obesity-induced diseases, and gynaecological health. Although positive indicators are presented, this study offers recommendations for enhancing reliability and validity in further research. It therefore suggests the use of acupuncture in dealing with obesity due to its efficacy, and economic and safety benefits. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture-complementary and alternative therapy ADIPOSITY Chinese medicine Narrative review Obstetrics and gynaecology Weight loss
A review on the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS): history, development and application 被引量:2
作者 Peng Tian Tao Wang +5 位作者 Bao-He Wang Jie Li Qiang Xu Deng-Feng Kong Wei Mu Yu-Hong Huang 《TMR Integrative Medicine》 2018年第3期121-132,共12页
A Patient Decision Aid (PtDA) is an important means in TCM practice to promote shared decision-making between doctor and patient, which is developed based on evidence-based and narrative medicine concepts. It is als... A Patient Decision Aid (PtDA) is an important means in TCM practice to promote shared decision-making between doctor and patient, which is developed based on evidence-based and narrative medicine concepts. It is also an important tool for individualized diagnosis and treatment in the context of precision medical care. With the rapid increase of interest on the PtDA, it is important to establish a unified quality evaluation standard and standardize the development process. This article aims to introduce the main content, development history and application of International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS), and provide reference for the application of the evaluation standard in China. 展开更多
关键词 Narrative evidence-based medicine TCM clinical PtDA Quality evaluation standards
Health personnel-targeted education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals:A scoping review 被引量:2
作者 Cuicui Xue Yujie Yang +2 位作者 Kepei Xu Xiuxiu Shi Huaping Liu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期477-483,I0009,共8页
Background:Inpatient suicide is an important part of patient safety management in general hospitals.Incidence of inpatient suicide can be decreased by health personnel mastering inpatient suicide prevention strategy.T... Background:Inpatient suicide is an important part of patient safety management in general hospitals.Incidence of inpatient suicide can be decreased by health personnel mastering inpatient suicide prevention strategy.To enhance health personnel’s inpatient suicide prevention strategy,education intervention is a common method.Educational interventions in the researches varied in contents,duration and outcome measurements.However,there has been not synthesis of education interventions targeting health personnel on inpatient suicide prevention.Objective:Prevention of inpatient suicide is a critical priority in patient safety management in general hospitals.Incidence of inpatient suicide can be decreased by effective strategies mastered by health personnel through education interventions.Educational interventions in researches varied in contents,duration and outcome measurements.We aimed to review education interventions targeting health personnel on inpatient suicide prevention.Methods:A scoping review was used to analyze existing researches on education interventions targeting health personnel focusing on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals.Cochrane Library,PubMed,Embase,CINAHL,China National Knowledge Infrastructure,WanFang,and Chinese Scientific Journal Database were searched in Oct 2019.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,the searched studies were screened by two reviewers.And then,two researchers conducted the data extraction independently by using a table format,including the first author,year of publication,study design,participants,education intervention,etc.Results:Twelve studies were included in this scoping review.The contents of education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention included three aspects:suicide knowledge,suicide assessment,and skills for coping with suicide.The duration of education interventions ranged from 1.5-h to 32.0-h.The effects of education interventions were mainly focused on participants’knowledge,attitudes and skills of suicide prevention.Conclusion:The evidence showed that education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention had positive impact on health personnel’s knowledge,attitude and skills about inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals.However,the best health personnel-targeted education intervention on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals was yet to be determined.In the future,it is necessary to combine evidence in this review and the actual condition in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 General hospital Health personnel INPATIENTS Patient safety PREVENTION Safety management SUICIDE
Application of traditional Chinese medicine nursing technique in hyperten hypertension with insomnia: A literature review 被引量:1
作者 Wen-Wen Zhao Jie-Hong Li +5 位作者 Yu Li Xue-Ling Ma Jia-Jia Zhou Pei-Yao Li Chun-Hua Zhang Chun-Guang Yu 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第1期1-6,共6页
At present, unified and effective treatment for hypertension with insomnia is still lacking, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nursing technology can improve insomnia symptoms, reduce blood pressure, alleviate fatigu... At present, unified and effective treatment for hypertension with insomnia is still lacking, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nursing technology can improve insomnia symptoms, reduce blood pressure, alleviate fatigue, improve anxiety, depression, improve the quality of life for patients with hypertension and insomnia. There is not only the application of the single TCM nursing technology, such as acupoint massage, acupoint application, ear acupoint pressure beans and so on, but also the application of two or a variety of TCM nursing techniques in hypertension with insomnia. In this article, the results of TCM nursing technology on hypertension with insomnia in recent years are reviewed in order to provide reference for the treatment of hypertensive with insomnia. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine nursing HYPERTENSION INSOMNIA Literature review
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