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作者 贾一 《北京工业职业技术学院学报》 2021年第4期117-120,共4页
体育竞技项目日益重视运动员人体核心区的训练,并逐步形成了一套科学的训练方法。中国传统的十路弹腿训练方法具有较强的隐逸性、很多外界并不知晓的核心力量训练方法和广阔的挖掘推广空间。对测试对象在练习十路弹腿前后,其核心区稳定... 体育竞技项目日益重视运动员人体核心区的训练,并逐步形成了一套科学的训练方法。中国传统的十路弹腿训练方法具有较强的隐逸性、很多外界并不知晓的核心力量训练方法和广阔的挖掘推广空间。对测试对象在练习十路弹腿前后,其核心区稳定性、核心区快速力量2个指标的变化进行分析,探究十路弹腿训练对武术套路运动员核心区功能的影响,为核心区功能训练提供新的思路与方法,为提高、规范竞技武术套路运动员的技术动作打下坚实的基础,同时为竞技武术套路训练体系的研究提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 十路弹腿 武术套运动员 核心区功能
基于T门的2-5混值/十值加、减运算电路设计 被引量:3
作者 汪鹏君 郁军军 黄道 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期50-54,59,共6页
本文通过对编码技术的研究,提出采用2-5混值编码方案研究十值运算电路;在电路具体实现过程中,借用T运算,设计2-5混值/十值T门;然后,在此基础上,按真值表直接设计2-5混值/十值全加器和全减器的运算电路。最后用PSPICE模拟验证所设计的电... 本文通过对编码技术的研究,提出采用2-5混值编码方案研究十值运算电路;在电路具体实现过程中,借用T运算,设计2-5混值/十值T门;然后,在此基础上,按真值表直接设计2-5混值/十值全加器和全减器的运算电路。最后用PSPICE模拟验证所设计的电路具有正确的逻辑功能。 展开更多
关键词 2-5混值编码 T门 值运算电 设计
作者 姜雷 《无线电与电视》 1990年第1期7-7,4,共2页
关键词 调音台 小型 十路
作者 吴礼明 《师道(人文)》 2012年第11期51-52,共2页
我是2003年7月来到江南一个小城的,现在已几乎过去十个春秋,忽忽然有如对西风的感觉。应当说,这些年走来,充满了无声而焦的味道。岁月无情流逝,个人的悲喜得失似有似无,但“自体认”毕竟存在。历数流年的暗影,在黯淡寂寞里,我... 我是2003年7月来到江南一个小城的,现在已几乎过去十个春秋,忽忽然有如对西风的感觉。应当说,这些年走来,充满了无声而焦的味道。岁月无情流逝,个人的悲喜得失似有似无,但“自体认”毕竟存在。历数流年的暗影,在黯淡寂寞里,我艰涩地耕种着一点教育的蔬菜,竟还做了一点什么。 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《回望年荆棘
一种冲击信号调理电路的设计 被引量:3
作者 甄国涌 董小娜 +1 位作者 侯卓 程惠 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期96-98,102,共4页
针对测量冲击信号时,高冲击振动传感器输出的正负电荷信号不能直接被AD进行模数转换并且冲击信号中常常会混有噪声信号的问题,设计了一种包含电荷-电压转换、隔直放大、十阶抗混叠低通滤波等的冲击信号调理电路。并对冲击信号调理电路... 针对测量冲击信号时,高冲击振动传感器输出的正负电荷信号不能直接被AD进行模数转换并且冲击信号中常常会混有噪声信号的问题,设计了一种包含电荷-电压转换、隔直放大、十阶抗混叠低通滤波等的冲击信号调理电路。并对冲击信号调理电路中各个模块进行了理论分析和节点参数的计算。通过实验:实际测量到的滤波曲线、冲击信号调理电路输出的电压都与理论计算值十分接近。此冲击信号调理电路能够成功地将传感器输出的正负电荷信号调理成一定范围内的电压信号,能够有效地滤除冲击信号中的高频噪声。 展开更多
关键词 冲击信号 电荷-电压转换电 电压放大电 阶低通滤波电
作者 胡俊刚 《少林与太极》 2016年第6期23-29,共7页
四路叉是黑虎查拳门里最具代表性的经典套路之一,短小精悍、迅猛急速,闪展腾挪、蹿蹦跳跃,技击性较强,因演练奔打四个隅角且都以二起脚接跌叉落地而著称武林,通常与十路弹腿一起作为本门练习下盘与身法功夫的传统套路。本人自幼学习的... 四路叉是黑虎查拳门里最具代表性的经典套路之一,短小精悍、迅猛急速,闪展腾挪、蹿蹦跳跃,技击性较强,因演练奔打四个隅角且都以二起脚接跌叉落地而著称武林,通常与十路弹腿一起作为本门练习下盘与身法功夫的传统套路。本人自幼学习的第一个真正意义上的套路就是这套四路叉拳,至今练习已有二十余年。 展开更多
关键词 技击性 十路弹腿 旋风脚 仆步穿掌 隅角 身法 推掌 虚步 拳经 跃步
作者 陈伟 《湖北大学成人教育学院学报》 2001年第4期73-74,共2页
关键词 武术技术 反复练习 练习方法 步型 拳谚 武术套 身法 十路弹腿 武术教学
作者 刘相杰 马增 《科技资讯》 2007年第22期238-238,共1页
关键词 无煤柱开采 十路 应用实践
作者 刘元法 《中华武术》 2023年第4期54-56,共3页
初识形意1962年春,我一位同学说想去徐州办点事,叫我陪他一起去。我把这个消息告诉了耿继义老师,耿老师让我到徐州后去拜会钱树樵老师,并捎带书信一封推荐我跟钱老先生学习形意拳。当时我刚刚学会十路弹腿,六路查拳也只学了一点,老师未... 初识形意1962年春,我一位同学说想去徐州办点事,叫我陪他一起去。我把这个消息告诉了耿继义老师,耿老师让我到徐州后去拜会钱树樵老师,并捎带书信一封推荐我跟钱老先生学习形意拳。当时我刚刚学会十路弹腿,六路查拳也只学了一点,老师未教过形意拳,我也没见过形意拳,心里一直是个谜,对此行充满了期待与渴望。 展开更多
关键词 形意拳 老师 十路弹腿 查拳 徐州
作者 徐西林 《搏击》 2015年第2期39-41,共3页
2014年11月,国际武术邀请赛暨海峡两岸武术文化交流大会在台北举行,来自多个国家和地区的武术名家登台献技。只见一位身穿白色练功服的老人上场抱拳施礼,突然一个侧跌,几个翻滚动作如鲤鱼出水,跳跃轻灵似猫扑鼠,地剪腿旋转像风车一般,... 2014年11月,国际武术邀请赛暨海峡两岸武术文化交流大会在台北举行,来自多个国家和地区的武术名家登台献技。只见一位身穿白色练功服的老人上场抱拳施礼,突然一个侧跌,几个翻滚动作如鲤鱼出水,跳跃轻灵似猫扑鼠,地剪腿旋转像风车一般,功夫之深厚,几十个高难动作,一气呵成,赢得现场观众热烈的掌声。这位老人,就是来自山东潍坊的四通捶拳第八代传承人——李福林。 展开更多
关键词 武术文化 交流大会 高难动作 功服 八代 海峡两岸 拳种 十路弹腿 罗汉拳 螳螂拳
作者 史修辉 刘彦章 《搏击》 2015年第6期74-76,共3页
他是一个致力于传统武术挖掘传承的体育教师,一个视心意六合拳进校园普及推广为己任的校长,一个为彰显武术之底蕴而不懈奔波的周口人。3月25日上午9时许,彩旗招展,人如潮涌,由国家非物质文化遗产保护中心、河南省文化厅、周口市政府共... 他是一个致力于传统武术挖掘传承的体育教师,一个视心意六合拳进校园普及推广为己任的校长,一个为彰显武术之底蕴而不懈奔波的周口人。3月25日上午9时许,彩旗招展,人如潮涌,由国家非物质文化遗产保护中心、河南省文化厅、周口市政府共同主办的第六届中原古韵——中国(淮阳)非物质文化遗产展演第二场演出在淮阳羲皇文化广场如期举行。 展开更多
关键词 物质文化遗产 武术比赛 遗产保护中心 文化广场 器械对练 十路弹腿 中国武术协会 古韵 传统武术文化 武术运动员
A New Browder Fixed Point Theorem in Noncompact Hyperconvex Metric Spaces and Its Applications to Section Questions and Intersection Questions 被引量:3
作者 WEN Kai-ting 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第1期112-116,共5页
In this paper, a new Browder fixed point theorem is established in the noncompact sub-admissible subsets of noncompact hyperconvex metric spaces. As application, a Ky Fan section theorem and an intersection theorem ar... In this paper, a new Browder fixed point theorem is established in the noncompact sub-admissible subsets of noncompact hyperconvex metric spaces. As application, a Ky Fan section theorem and an intersection theorem are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 hyperconvex metric space fixed point sub-admissible set noncompact measure SECTION INTERSECTION
Set methods of left-turn waiting zone at signalized intersection 被引量:2
作者 丁威 杨晓光 杨小龙 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期318-321,共4页
To maximize the number of vehicles passing by the stop-line in a cycle and improve the operation efficiency of intersection in China, the settlement of left-turn lane waiting-zone is becoming prevailing. Based on conf... To maximize the number of vehicles passing by the stop-line in a cycle and improve the operation efficiency of intersection in China, the settlement of left-turn lane waiting-zone is becoming prevailing. Based on conflicting-point method, the internal mechanism of left-turn flow after stopping line was analyzed through taking postposition left-turn lane waiting-zone intersection for instance. The relationship between the first left-turn vehicle and the last vehicle of previous phase passing the conflicting point was expounded. According to the time of successive arriving of two vehicle flows at conflicting-point, the reasonable layout for waiting area of left-turn vehicles was researched when the clearance index was less than O. The results suggest that the appropriate layout for waiting area of left-turning vehicles can improve the operation efficiency of intersections. 展开更多
关键词 left-turn waiting zone collision point analysis methodology clearance index
Minimally invasive surgical techniques in the era of hybrid coronary revascularization: additional benefits for the elderly patients? 被引量:1
作者 Antonio Nenna Mario Lusini +2 位作者 Salvatore Matteo Greco Elvio Covino Massimo Chello 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第10期875-879,共5页
Geriatric patients affected by stable multi-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) are at the crossroad: they can live with the risks of acute coronary syndrome, malignant arrhythmias or heart failure, or they can un... Geriatric patients affected by stable multi-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) are at the crossroad: they can live with the risks of acute coronary syndrome, malignant arrhythmias or heart failure, or they can undergo a rapid evaluation for myocardial revascularization. 展开更多
关键词 Coronary artery disease Hybrid coronary revascularization Minimally invasive surgery Myocardial revascularization
Delay Analysis and Formulation Inference of Signalized Intersection for Traffic Congestion Conditions
作者 刘广萍 丁建梅 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第2期160-163,共4页
Vehicle delay is an important measure to evaluate the signal timings of signalized intersections.When optimization the signal control parameters, delays of vehicles from all approach directions of an intersection shou... Vehicle delay is an important measure to evaluate the signal timings of signalized intersections.When optimization the signal control parameters, delays of vehicles from all approach directions of an intersection should be considered. Based on the analysis of the vehicle delay on an approach of intersection, directed against the typical condition of a congested intersection-over-saturated condition, the paper has analyzed and inferred the intersection delay dynamic formulation, and has established the relation between intersection delay,the signal timings, vehicle arrival rate and the queue lengths, and that provides useful information for understanding vehicle delay of signalized intersection and for establishing performance index function of signal timing optimization. 展开更多
NF-κB and ERK-signaling pathways contribute to the gene expression induced by cag PAI-positive-Helicobacter pylori infection 被引量:13
作者 Wataru Shibata Yoshihiro Hirata +10 位作者 Haruhiko Yoshida Motoyuki Otsuka Yujin Hoshida Keiji Ogura Shin Maeda Tomoya Ohmae Ayako Yanai Yuzo Mitsuno Naohiko Seki Takao Kawabe Masao Omata 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第39期6134-6143,共10页
AIM: To elucidate the sequential gene expression profile in AGS cells co-cultured with wild-type Helicobacter pylori (H pylon) as a model of Hpylori-infected gastric epithelium, and to further examine the contribut... AIM: To elucidate the sequential gene expression profile in AGS cells co-cultured with wild-type Helicobacter pylori (H pylon) as a model of Hpylori-infected gastric epithelium, and to further examine the contribution of cag-pathogenicity islands (cagPAI)-coding type IV secretion system and the two pathways, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) on wild-type Hpylori-induced gene expression. METHODS: Gene expression profiles induced by Hpylori were evaluated in AGS gastric epithelial cells using cDNA microarray, which were present in the 4600 independent clones picked up from the human gastric tissue. We also analyzed the contribution of NF-κB and ERK signaling on H pylori-induced gene expression by using inhibitors of specific signal pathways. The isogenic mutant with disrupted cagE (△cagE) was used to elucidate the role of cagPAI-encoding type IV secretion system in the gene expression profile. RESULTS: According to the expression profile, the genes were classified into four clusters. Among them, the clusters characterized by continuous upregulation were most conspicuous, and it contained many signal transducer activity-associated genes. The role of cagPAI on cultured cells was also investigated using isogenic mutant cagE, which carries non-functional cagPAI. Then the upregulation of more than 80% of the induced genes (476/566) was found to depend on cagPAI. Signal transducer pathway through NF-κB or ERK are the major pathways which are known to be activated by cagPAI-positive H pylori. The role of these pathways in the whole signal activation by cagPAI-positive H pyloriwas analyzed. The specific inhibitors against NF-κB or ERK pathway blocked the activation of gene expression in 65% (367/566) or 76% (429/566) of the genes whose activation appealed to depend on cagPAI. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that more than half of the genes induced by cayPAI-positive H pylori depend on NF-κB and ERK signaling activation, and these pathways may play a role in the gene expression induced by hostbacterial interaction which may associate with H pylorirelated gastro-duodenal diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylort Cag-pathogenicity islands cDNA microarray Cluster analysis Signal transduction
The Attics of My Life: Joy Within the Melancholic Lyrics of John Keats and The Grateful Dead
作者 Susan Peterson 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1286-1292,共7页
This essay is a culmination of intensive research exploring the commonality between Dr. John Keats' poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. As this is the 50th anniversary of The Grateful Dead, it is appropriate ... This essay is a culmination of intensive research exploring the commonality between Dr. John Keats' poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. As this is the 50th anniversary of The Grateful Dead, it is appropriate to celebrate that with a scholarly paper. In teaching my course The GrateJid Dead as Poets I discovered compelling intersections between English Romantic poetry and the lyrics of The Grateful Dead. These findings are useful and important because the work of the Dead spans five decades and endures in ways that assure their place in literary history as well as the music world. The importance of The Grateful Dead cannot be overstated. They bring hope, love, joy and philanthropy to the world, as did the English Romantic poets. There is much yet to explore; this essay is about only a few of the many Grateful Dead lyrics. 展开更多
关键词 John Keats The Grateful Dead MELANCHOLY OPTIMISM succor
An Unlikely Marriage: Theorizing the Corporeality of Language at the Crossroads of Thoreau, Heidegger and the Botanical World
作者 John Charles Ryan Edith Cowan University 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第2期139-149,共11页
This paper examines the relationship between language, particularly language that expresses aesthetic experiences of plant life, and corporeality. The theorisation of language is a keystone towards conceptualising par... This paper examines the relationship between language, particularly language that expresses aesthetic experiences of plant life, and corporeality. The theorisation of language is a keystone towards conceptualising participatory relationships between people and the botanical world. A comparative reading of the works of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Heidegger provides a framework for approaching language as embodied participation. Despite political differences, Thoreau and Heidegger shared a mutual conviction about the generative powers of language. Thoreau's literary practice partly involved immersion in places such as swamps and forests. Fittingly, Heidegger's explication of Rilke's concept of"the Open" mirrors the participatory aesthetics of Thoreau. Both thinkers looked towards the capacities of poetics to galvanise the evolution of language. In response to the increasing dissection offered by contemporaneous theories of linguistics, Thoreau and Heidegger held the notion of language as a body in itself, one brought to life through immanence between sensuous bodies in the world. For each theorist, language was both bodily and a body. Their works evidence that multi-sensorial encounters with the natural world can be captured in language. The body of language may be engaged with as a whole living phenomenon rather than a dissected corpse as this comparative reading of Thoreau and Heidegger will intimate. 展开更多
关键词 THOREAU Heidegger corporeality LANGUAGE
Alliance of Civilizations for Human Rights and World Community
作者 Choi Woo-Won 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第2期124-131,共8页
The notions of human rights and World Community are inseparably related. It is on the basis of mutual trust that we can construct World Community, so it is quite natural that the respect of human rights is the basic c... The notions of human rights and World Community are inseparably related. It is on the basis of mutual trust that we can construct World Community, so it is quite natural that the respect of human rights is the basic condition of the participant countries. The World Community is aiming at making a peaceful global village where the lives of people are mutually encouraged and the diverse merits of different civilizations are shared together. True human welfare should imply in its concept harmony between all existences. In the history of the world, we can see the irresistible current moving towards the realization of human rights and World Community. Even if we accept this affirmative development of history in the long run, we should be always alert to the dangers and traps on the road. There have been many cases of frustration and reversion by strong counteractions or self-deceptions. In the actual situation of its age, humanity has been always at the crossroads. It is the duty of philosophy and history to shed light on the situation and present a direction. 展开更多
关键词 alliance of civilization COEXISTENCE human rights World Community Being
Pussy Riot at the Crossroads of Politics and Faith Today
作者 Matthew Del Nevo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期568-573,共6页
Moscow-based Feminist Punk performers Pussy Riot challenged the millennial patriarchal Russian State-Church Religio-Political control on freedom in arts and suppression of women. Woman is still the other of this Churc... Moscow-based Feminist Punk performers Pussy Riot challenged the millennial patriarchal Russian State-Church Religio-Political control on freedom in arts and suppression of women. Woman is still the other of this Church-State totalism, outside. The event is extremely small but the symbolism enormous of an intrinsic lack and its insane compensations. Philosopher Zi^ek sees the significance of what Pussy Riot represent for contemporary global capitalism, represented by the American dollar and Wall Street. Performer Madonna sees the difference between America, where she has been able to express herself and says that anyone can, and other parts of the world, namely Russia, where this is not possible. Although Edward Snowdon found sanctuary in Russia from America, so perhaps Zizek is right. 展开更多
关键词 Pussy Riot FEMININE PROTEST reform patriarchal orthodoxy patriarchal politics Zizek
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