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创业板上市公司需要升级转板吗?——基于市场关注度及流动性差异的比较 被引量:5
作者 刘惠好 杜小伟 《中南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期46-51,159,共6页
多层次资本市场转板制度有利于提升资本市场的效率。现有研究表明市场关注度及流动性是影响企业升级转板最重要因素。本文利用独立样本曼-惠特尼U检验,对分别满足主板、中小板市场上市条件的创业板市场上市公司与相应主板、中小板市场... 多层次资本市场转板制度有利于提升资本市场的效率。现有研究表明市场关注度及流动性是影响企业升级转板最重要因素。本文利用独立样本曼-惠特尼U检验,对分别满足主板、中小板市场上市条件的创业板市场上市公司与相应主板、中小板市场上市公司的市场关注度及流动性进行比较,在控制了行业及规模后,研究发现创业板市场上市公司通过升级转板难以获得市场关注度和流动性方面的收益。在现行制度安排下,创业板市场上市公司缺乏升级转板的需求,为此我们建议在制度设计方面强化创业板与主板、中小板市场间的层次差异性,以促进多层次资本市场转板制度的建设和不同层次市场间形成能够联动的有机整体。 展开更多
关键词 创业板 升级转 市场关注度 流动性 主板市场
作者 刘文 蒋昇洋 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期99-109,共11页
三板市场升级转板从其本质意涵上讲,其仅仅是二级流通市场的变更与升级,其与一级发行市场并无直接关联。同时,升级转板程序与首次公开发行程序应明确区分。基于上述两点理由,三板市场升级转板的程序审核理念宜以上市审核为导向。由于三... 三板市场升级转板从其本质意涵上讲,其仅仅是二级流通市场的变更与升级,其与一级发行市场并无直接关联。同时,升级转板程序与首次公开发行程序应明确区分。基于上述两点理由,三板市场升级转板的程序审核理念宜以上市审核为导向。由于三板市场升级转板在程序上采用了上市审核理念,而上市审核理应对申请上市的证券进行是否符合大规模集中交易的适格性筛选,也即,上市审核必然应对证券的投资价值与投资风险进行实质性地价值判断,以确保场内市场的流动性和稳定性。再加之三板市场的板块层次定位所引发的风险因素的考量。实质审核当属三板市场升级转板实体审核理念的合理选择。在上市审核与实质审核的双重引导下,形成了由证券交易所对转板资格进行实质性管控的自律化监管路径。 展开更多
关键词 三板市场 升级转 实质审核 上市审核 注册制
抑制我国个体工商大户“升级转企”意愿的主要因素分析 被引量:2
作者 曹阳 《上海应用技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第2期175-178,共4页
个体工商大户"升级转企"有利于促进地方经济发展和转型升级。然而,自身素质较低和缺乏有效政策扶持,则大大抑制了个体工商大户"升级转企"的意愿。因此,在市场失灵的情况下,必须加强政府的主导作用,减少税费,加强服... 个体工商大户"升级转企"有利于促进地方经济发展和转型升级。然而,自身素质较低和缺乏有效政策扶持,则大大抑制了个体工商大户"升级转企"的意愿。因此,在市场失灵的情况下,必须加强政府的主导作用,减少税费,加强服务,促进个体工商大户顺利"升级转企"。 展开更多
关键词 个体工商大户 升级转 意愿
作者 韩保林 王宇 +8 位作者 张怀山 王跃 龚虎程 田树林 杨燕 周林川 任啸虎 张淑凡 韦易涵 《酿酒科技》 2023年第11期130-134,共5页
白酒产业是泸州市特色优势产业,为泸州经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。进入“十四五”时期,泸州市白酒产业面临白酒产业政策调整、新冠肺炎疫情、中美贸易争端以及中国加快构建“双循环”新发展格局等机遇和挑战。为探究新形势下泸州市白... 白酒产业是泸州市特色优势产业,为泸州经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。进入“十四五”时期,泸州市白酒产业面临白酒产业政策调整、新冠肺炎疫情、中美贸易争端以及中国加快构建“双循环”新发展格局等机遇和挑战。为探究新形势下泸州市白酒制造业转型升级路径,本研究通过梳理文献、深入调研、座谈等方法,从行业发展的角度入手,系统梳理相关文献,对泸州白酒产业现状、面临形势进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了创新发展、绿色发展、融合发展三个方面的建议。 展开更多
关键词 泸州 白酒产业 升级
教育信息化转段升级:动因、特征方向与本质内涵 被引量:47
作者 陈琳 刘雪飞 +1 位作者 冯熳 陈丽雯 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期15-20,33,共7页
人类走向智慧社会,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,迫切要求建设与应用已取得巨大成就的我国教育信息化更好地发挥技术变革教育的巨大作用,转段升级成为其发展的必然选择。把握好教育信息化转段升级的正确方向,赋予教育信息化转段升级时代... 人类走向智慧社会,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,迫切要求建设与应用已取得巨大成就的我国教育信息化更好地发挥技术变革教育的巨大作用,转段升级成为其发展的必然选择。把握好教育信息化转段升级的正确方向,赋予教育信息化转段升级时代化的本质与内涵,是教育信息化发挥巨大作用的关键。由应用驱动的应用阶段转向融合发展、创新引领的融创阶段,是教育信息化转段的特征方向;由"器""术"层面向新增"法""道"层面升级,由带动教育现代化向全面推动教育现代化升级,由跟进转向并跑与领跑共存发展升级,是教育信息化升级的特征方向;创新、推动、领跑、智慧,是转段升级的本质所在。 展开更多
关键词 教育信息化 教育现代化 智慧社会 智慧时代 智慧教育 升级
教育信息化转段升级视阈下高校教师智慧教学能力生成研究 被引量:2
作者 姚则会 《云南开放大学学报》 2022年第4期12-19,37,共9页
以互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能等为代表的信息技术在教育领域中的应用越来越广泛,教与学愈发数字化、自动化、智能化,教育信息化也由1.0阶段的低端、局部、浅层迈向2.0阶段的高端、全面、深层。呈现出教育资源泛在性、线... 以互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能等为代表的信息技术在教育领域中的应用越来越广泛,教与学愈发数字化、自动化、智能化,教育信息化也由1.0阶段的低端、局部、浅层迈向2.0阶段的高端、全面、深层。呈现出教育资源泛在性、线上线下互补性、虚拟现实结合性、人机交互便捷性、数据分析实时性、技教融合自然性等六大智慧化特征。智慧化教育背景下的高校教师教学胜任力体现在智慧教学方案的设计能力、演绎能力及评价能力上,能力生成则需要一线教师更新理念、自我激励、持续培训、以评促建等。 展开更多
关键词 教育信息化 升级 高校教师 智慧教学 能力生成
作者 姚则会 《教师教育论坛》 2022年第7期62-68,共7页
现代信息技术与教育教学融合的步伐不断加快,以互联网+、5G通信、大数据、人工智能为载体的智慧教育已成为全球教育发展的新趋势。智慧教育必然重塑高校传统的教与学流程,带来高等教育教学理念、方法、模式的深刻变革。为此,本研究通过... 现代信息技术与教育教学融合的步伐不断加快,以互联网+、5G通信、大数据、人工智能为载体的智慧教育已成为全球教育发展的新趋势。智慧教育必然重塑高校传统的教与学流程,带来高等教育教学理念、方法、模式的深刻变革。为此,本研究通过全面了解国内外关于智慧教育研究动态,科学地认识教育信息化1.0和2.0的区别与联系,并以A大学为样本,在调研分析教师信息化素养及智慧教学能力现状基础上,从支撑环境建设、激励机制营造、分类分层培训、开展成效评测、全面加强协同上提出提升高校教师信息化教学能力转段升级的路径策略,以期为中国高等教育现代化建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师 信息化 教学能力 升级 路径策略
作者 张金鑫 《黑龙江科技信息》 2014年第25期159-159,共1页
随着我国通讯事业的不断发展,4G通讯时代已经到来,结合与以往的通讯科技不断的进行通讯快捷化、方便化、全面化方向发展,而现阶段通过3G通讯的技术普及和技术网络覆盖,4G的技术时代已经逐渐成熟,现阶段移动通讯网络的建设已经更为符合... 随着我国通讯事业的不断发展,4G通讯时代已经到来,结合与以往的通讯科技不断的进行通讯快捷化、方便化、全面化方向发展,而现阶段通过3G通讯的技术普及和技术网络覆盖,4G的技术时代已经逐渐成熟,现阶段移动通讯网络的建设已经更为符合现代人对通讯的要求,因此本文向读者介绍现阶段我国4G网络的发展前景和技术革新转移问题。 展开更多
关键词 4G系统 技术要求 升级
作者 彭晓明 《科技与生活》 2010年第15期42-42,共1页
关键词 4G系统 技术要求 升级
Prospects of China's Agricultural Development 被引量:9
作者 魏后凯 韩磊 《China Economist》 2016年第4期46-67,共22页
Remarkable achievements have been made in China's agricultural development since the late 1970s. Nevertheless, deep-rooted problems are arising from inefficient farming practices. From mid- and long-term perspectives... Remarkable achievements have been made in China's agricultural development since the late 1970s. Nevertheless, deep-rooted problems are arising from inefficient farming practices. From mid- and long-term perspectives, migration of China's agricultural labor will slow and large-scale operation of farmland will accelerate. Although grain supply and demand have maintained a tight balance, new potentials still exist in improving grain production. Under the pressures of resource and environmental constraints, advancing the green and efficient transition of agriculture will become a new trend in China's agricultural development. In this context, the treatment of agricultural pollution, supply-side structural reform and innovation of agricultural subsidy policy are of strategic significance to the transition and upgrade of China's agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural development mid- and long-term prospects supply-sidestructural reforms transition and upgrade
Lignin valorization toward value-added chemicals and fuels via electrocatalysis:A perspective 被引量:1
作者 Chenxin Yang Henan Chen +3 位作者 Tao Peng Baiyao Liang Yun Zhang Wei Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期1831-1842,共12页
Developing efficient approaches for lignin upgrading is of interest for the industrial production of chemicals and fuels from renewable biomass.Electrocatalytic lignin upgrading powered by renewable electricity operat... Developing efficient approaches for lignin upgrading is of interest for the industrial production of chemicals and fuels from renewable biomass.Electrocatalytic lignin upgrading powered by renewable electricity operating under gentle conditions(at or near ambient pressures and temperatures)enables a decentralized production of chemicals and fuels.Herein,we will cover the structures of lignin and review the recent advances in the electrocatalytic lignin upgrade,the electrocatalytic depolymerization of lignin,and the electrocatalytic upgrading of lignin monomers to value-added chemicals and fuels.Finally,we provide insights into the main challenges and future perspectives of this field. 展开更多
Digital Technology Empowers China's Service Sector Growth:Mechanism and Implementation Path 被引量:11
作者 Xia Jiechang Xiong Qiyan 《China Economist》 2022年第6期26-53,共28页
Digital technology is an instrument and vehicle for digital empowerment and the development of the digital economy.Digital applications in the service sector have spawned new business modes over recent years such as i... Digital technology is an instrument and vehicle for digital empowerment and the development of the digital economy.Digital applications in the service sector have spawned new business modes over recent years such as industrial internet platforms,new retail and online education,which have contributed to China s service sector growth and transition.With the help of digital technology,the service sector has maintained rapid growth,improved in terms of structure,quality and efficiency,increased public welfare,and enhanced indigenous innovation.In light of inadequate and uneven progress of digitalization and insufficient factor support and government incentives,we suggest that the government further advance digitalization development across the board,bolster factor support,and enhance policymaking. 展开更多
关键词 Digital technologies service sector transition and upgrade
Seven-Decade Structural Transformation of China’s Industrial Economy 被引量:9
作者 Deng Zhou Yu Chang 《China Economist》 2019年第4期14-39,共26页
Over the past seven decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,China's industrial structure has experienced transformations in various stages,which is consistent with the general patt... Over the past seven decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,China's industrial structure has experienced transformations in various stages,which is consistent with the general pattern of industrialization and China's domestic and international situations.These changes also have to do with China's reforms in building the socialist market economic system.China's seven-decade industrial structural transformation offers valuable experiences:In promoting its industrial development,China has persistently carried out economic reforms,kept pace with changing factor and demand structures,invested in technology importation and innovation,leveraged global resources and markets,and formulated development policies in line with specific industrial development stages.Despite industrial structural problems,China has set the stage for innovation-driven development,further opening up,and balanced regional development.China's industrial structure will keep evolving amid its transition toward a competitive industrial nation. 展开更多
关键词 industrial structure structural adjustment transition and upgrade foundingof the People's Republic of China reform and opening-up
A model of local labor market regulation of China in the transition period
作者 VeQi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期50-61,共12页
With the establishment of labor market of China, market is playing a more and mare important role in allocation of human resources. However, with the transition of economy in China and industrial upgrading in recent y... With the establishment of labor market of China, market is playing a more and mare important role in allocation of human resources. However, with the transition of economy in China and industrial upgrading in recent years, many labor problems have occurred which do harm to the sustainable development of local economy. The paper researches on the labor market issues of China from the perspective of local labor market regulation. Firstly, it reviews the theories of local labor market regulation. And then the main components of local labor market regulation of China are identified and the evaluation index system is established. The results of analysis of the calculated output show that (1) the local labor market regulation of China has an obvious character of gradient distribution geographically and decreases gradually from east to west; (2) of all the regulations, the regulation of the development of human capital has the most significant impact on local economy currently which is followed by the regulation of labor relation and the regulation of market participation. As to the regulation of social security, it has no Significant impact on the development of local economy. 展开更多
关键词 Local labor market REGULATION Transition period
A New Zero-Voltage Transition Power Factor Corrected Single-Phase Single-Stage AC-to-DC Converter
作者 Azizur Rahman 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第3期397-403,共7页
This paper presents a new ZVT (zero-voltage transition) single-stage ac-to-dc converter using PWM (pulse width modulation) and HF (high frequency) transformer isolation with capacitive output filter. In this con... This paper presents a new ZVT (zero-voltage transition) single-stage ac-to-dc converter using PWM (pulse width modulation) and HF (high frequency) transformer isolation with capacitive output filter. In this converter a front-end power factor corrected boost stage integrates with a cascaded dc-to-dc bridge HF converter. The front-end boost converter operates in discontinuous current mode and ensures natural power factor correction with very simple control. The auxiliary circuit of this topology deals with very small power and is placed out of the main power path. As a result, the auxiliary circuit components have smaller power rating as opposed to main converter components. Also, output rectifier voltage is clamped to output voltage due to capacitive output filter. Identification and analyses of different operating modes of this converter are presented. Based on these analyses design example of a 50 kHz, 48 V, 1 kW ac-to-dc converter is presented. PSPICE simulation results of the designed converter are presented and explained to verify the performance of this converter. 展开更多
关键词 Power factor correction high frequency isolation zero-voltage transition.
作者 余尘 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第4期82-85,共4页
关键词 资本市场 升级转 降级
我国加工贸易可持续发展策略 被引量:1
作者 谭畅 《才智》 2011年第2期27-27,共1页
加工贸易自改革开放以来在我国得到迅猛发展,现已超过一般贸易成为我国对外贸易的重要组成部分和利用外资的重要方式,是推动我国对外经济贸易持续快速发展的主要动力。目前,正是我国进入加工贸易转型升级的关键时期。但是与此同时,我国... 加工贸易自改革开放以来在我国得到迅猛发展,现已超过一般贸易成为我国对外贸易的重要组成部分和利用外资的重要方式,是推动我国对外经济贸易持续快速发展的主要动力。目前,正是我国进入加工贸易转型升级的关键时期。但是与此同时,我国加工贸易发展中还存在很多问题,简单地限制或任其发展都是不恰当的,而应该正确引导,积极调整,把加工贸易的发展和产业结构调整结合起来,使加工贸易与我国的长远战略利益和重点发展目标相适应,这才是加工贸易的未来发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 加工贸易 持续发展 升级转
The Relationship between Patterns of Economic Development and Increasing Carbon Emissions in Western China
作者 焦兵 杨凤明 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第1期56-62,共7页
With the implementation of the "Development of Western China" strategy, this region has become the fastest growing economic area in China. However, rapid economic growth has resulted in a substantial increase in car... With the implementation of the "Development of Western China" strategy, this region has become the fastest growing economic area in China. However, rapid economic growth has resulted in a substantial increase in carbon emissions and affected energy reduction goals. In order to effectively control the rapid increase in carbon emissions across western China, we need a comprehensively analyze the main factors causing these increases. Here, we analyze the relationship between economic development patterns and carbon emissions. The findings suggest that consumption upgrades and industrial transformation have a positive correlation with carbon emissions in this region. We then conducted an econometric FGLS analysis on the relationship and its transmission mechanism between economic growth and CO2 emissions with cross-province panel data from 1991 to 2009. A positive correlation was found, and the relationship is more significant after the implementation of the western development strategy. The influence coefficient of change in primary, secondary and tertiary industries is 16.4. The influence coefficient of increased share of heavy industry and extractive industry in the secondary industry is 14.3, and the influence coefficients of per-capita living expenditure and per capita traffic expenditure are 5.6 and 6.5. Traditional population size and income scale have a weak impact on carbon emissions, and the influence coefficients of population size and income scale are only 0.73 and 0.86. GDP increases have a second major impact on the carbon emissions. Energy intensity has a negative relationship with carbon emissions and urbanization level has a positive relationship (coefficients are -8.2 and 4.65). 展开更多
关键词 economic growth pattern carbon emission consumption upgrade industrial transformation
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