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逻辑偏离:市场内生型行业协会内部运作的组织分析——以G省J行业协会为例 被引量:6
作者 胡辉华 陈世斌 《中国非营利评论》 CSSCI 2015年第1期182-199,共18页
根据学术界对市场内生型行业协会的界定及实地调研结果,将某些市场内生型行业协会运作过程中存在的"找婆婆"现象称为逻辑偏离行为,资源依赖理论框架有助于解释市场内生型行业协会逻辑偏离行为发生的根源与机制。J行业协会的... 根据学术界对市场内生型行业协会的界定及实地调研结果,将某些市场内生型行业协会运作过程中存在的"找婆婆"现象称为逻辑偏离行为,资源依赖理论框架有助于解释市场内生型行业协会逻辑偏离行为发生的根源与机制。J行业协会的逻辑偏离现象反映了我国市场内生型行业协会具有必然性的组织困境。在结社传统不足、社会资本匮乏以及政府垄断资源的环境下,志愿结社而组成的市场内生型行业协会维持集体行动的资源和手段极其有限;它通过服务会员以求获得组织发展所需资源的努力,却因为所提供的服务缺乏吸引力或激励效应以及协会的行为缺乏威慑力而受挫;在协会内部治理失效、理事会成员默许的情况下,秘书处发现走投无路,转而求助于政府,希望通过依附于政府而分享政府的权威和公共资源,这几乎成为协会谋求组织生存和发展的唯一选择。 展开更多
关键词 市场内生行业协会 会员逻辑 影响逻辑 逻辑偏离
从强制性制度变迁看我国“官办型”行业协会 被引量:3
作者 金正庆 《生产力研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期150-151,共2页
改革开放后,行业协会再次成为我国经济活动中的重要组织。在其生成模式中,自上而下组建的行业协会具有明显的“官办型”特征,将其置于制度经济学的视野中进行考察,有利于我们重新认识“官办型”行业协会,文章最后对“官办型”行业协会... 改革开放后,行业协会再次成为我国经济活动中的重要组织。在其生成模式中,自上而下组建的行业协会具有明显的“官办型”特征,将其置于制度经济学的视野中进行考察,有利于我们重新认识“官办型”行业协会,文章最后对“官办型”行业协会的改革发展提出了政策性建议。 展开更多
关键词 制度变迁 强制性 “官办”行业协会
对一个官办型农产品行业协会的个案研究——安徽省霍山县茶叶产业协会调研报告 被引量:3
作者 潘劲 《经济研究参考》 2004年第54期24-28,共5页
关键词 安徽 霍山县 茶叶产业协会 官办行业协会 农村经济 社会团体 内部治理机制
作者 李金宁 《调研世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期22-23,32,共3页
关键词 政府引导农业协会 技术壁垒
作者 陈世斌 《中共福建省委党校学报》 北大核心 2014年第10期116-120,共5页
理论和实证研究表明,市场内生型行业协会是最适应当前社会和市场发展要求的行业协会类型。文章在介绍市场内生型行业协会的概念及主导运行逻辑的基础上,以GACT为例,指出其存在的主导运行逻辑变迁现象。文章重点探讨了该现象产生的原因,... 理论和实证研究表明,市场内生型行业协会是最适应当前社会和市场发展要求的行业协会类型。文章在介绍市场内生型行业协会的概念及主导运行逻辑的基础上,以GACT为例,指出其存在的主导运行逻辑变迁现象。文章重点探讨了该现象产生的原因,包括全能政府模式的遗毒、行业经济地位较低、行业跨度较大和组织能力不足等因素。 展开更多
关键词 市场内生行业协会 主导运行逻辑 逻辑变迁 全能政府模式
作者 徐靖秋 徐泰伟 +3 位作者 李钢 李新影 柳英 杨曼铃 《现代商业》 2018年第33期189-190,共2页
关键词 众创空间 协会聚合 绿色发展
作者 蒋远映 《四川奶业》 2003年第3期5-7,共3页
关键词 城市奶业协会 职能定位 组建模式 工作重点
作者 曹长恒 刘卫东 《外贸与商检》 2001年第3期14-15,共2页
关键词 检验检疫协会 定位 分类 融合协会 附属协会 商品
农村合作经济组织研究 被引量:37
作者 郑有贵 龙熹 《古今农业》 2003年第1期6-16,共11页
本文在对合作社概念进行界定的基础上,对相关的几个问题进行了判断和辨析。分析了我国农民专业合作经济组织产生的背景及发育模式,将合作经济分为协会型和合作社型两类。在资本收益率高的背景下,合作制的限制资本参与分配的原则受到了挑... 本文在对合作社概念进行界定的基础上,对相关的几个问题进行了判断和辨析。分析了我国农民专业合作经济组织产生的背景及发育模式,将合作经济分为协会型和合作社型两类。在资本收益率高的背景下,合作制的限制资本参与分配的原则受到了挑战,本文认为对一些合作社在明晰产权的前提下,引入资本参与分配机制的制度创新应予以肯定。分析了协会型、合作社、股份合作制企业和公司制企业的演变途径及机理。就政府对农民专业合作经济组织的支持进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 中国 农村合作经济组织 协会型 合作社 股份合作制企业 公司制企业 政府职能
福建农村中介组织建设刍议 被引量:1
作者 林鹰漳 《福建农业科技》 2003年第6期5-7,共3页
关键词 福建农村 中介组织 组织建设 生产经营 合作组织 专业协会型
作者 李新 廖厚祥 《农村养殖技术(新兽医)》 2005年第8期14-17,共4页
合作经济组织是市场经济的产物,它是处于市场竞争不利地位的弱小生产者按照平等原则在自愿互助的基础上组织起来.通过共同经营实现改善自身经济利益或经济地位的组织。农民合作经济组织是当今世界最为成功的合作组织类型,一个半世纪... 合作经济组织是市场经济的产物,它是处于市场竞争不利地位的弱小生产者按照平等原则在自愿互助的基础上组织起来.通过共同经营实现改善自身经济利益或经济地位的组织。农民合作经济组织是当今世界最为成功的合作组织类型,一个半世纪的经验表明它是广大分散的小规模经营的农户进入市场、改善自身经济地位的有效选择。 展开更多
关键词 中国 畜牧合作经济组织 经营性 合作社 协会型
作者 谷小娟 《山东纺织经济》 2001年第1期40-42,共3页
关键词 棉花 产业化 组织结构 企业主导 棉农组织 科技协会型 规模经营
构建农村合作经济组织 提高农业产业化程度
作者 杨杰 《农村农业农民》 2002年第8期9-9,共1页
为了解决农村经济发展缓慢、农民收入下降等问题,近年来,各级政府组织广大农民不断进行积极探索与实践,为构建农村合作经济组织,不断提高农业产业化程度,与时俱进,努力工作。现就几种经济组织形式的利弊,笔者发表如下看法。一是政府转... 为了解决农村经济发展缓慢、农民收入下降等问题,近年来,各级政府组织广大农民不断进行积极探索与实践,为构建农村合作经济组织,不断提高农业产业化程度,与时俱进,努力工作。现就几种经济组织形式的利弊,笔者发表如下看法。一是政府转变职能的服务型模式。这种模式大部分是县、乡两级政府,为了调整种植结构。 展开更多
关键词 农村合作经济组织 农业产业化 政府职能 民间专业协会型 政企合一
一种强关系:自上而下型行业协会与政府关系探析 被引量:22
作者 王伟进 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期59-64,共6页
自上而下型行业协会与政府在结构与行动两维度上均体现为强关系,人事重叠是其典型特征。这种关系在投入、产出与公信力方面表现出互依赖性,在规范与权力两维度上呈现出不对称性,而在利益与运作原则维度上隐含着根本性的冲突。当挂靠国... 自上而下型行业协会与政府在结构与行动两维度上均体现为强关系,人事重叠是其典型特征。这种关系在投入、产出与公信力方面表现出互依赖性,在规范与权力两维度上呈现出不对称性,而在利益与运作原则维度上隐含着根本性的冲突。当挂靠国有企业时,这种强关系随之平移到企业与协会中间。这种强关系需要国家法团主义模式之上形式合理的法律条文的明确规制和约束。 展开更多
关键词 自上而下行业协会 强关系 互依赖性 不对称性
Meta-Analysis of the Association between Mir-196a-2 Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility 被引量:4
作者 Huan Zhang Yu-liang Su +1 位作者 Herbert Yu Bi-yun Qian 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2012年第1期63-72,共10页
Objective MicroRNA plays a vital role in gene expression, and microRNA dysregulation is involved in carcinogenesis. The miR- 196a-2 polymorphism rs11614913 is reportedly associated with cancer susceptibility. This met... Objective MicroRNA plays a vital role in gene expression, and microRNA dysregulation is involved in carcinogenesis. The miR- 196a-2 polymorphism rs11614913 is reportedly associated with cancer susceptibility. This meta-analysis was performed to assess the overall association of miR-196a-2 with cancer risk. Methods A total of 27 independent case-control studies involving 10,435 cases and 12,075 controls were analyzed for the rs11614913 polymorphism. Results A significant association was found between rs11614913 polymorphism and cancer risk in four genetic models (CT vs. TT, OR-1.15, 95%CI=1.05-1.27; CC vs. TT, OR=1.23, 95%CI=1.08-1.39; Dominant model, OR=1.17, 95%CI=1.06-1.30; Additive model, OR-1.08, 95%CI=1.01-1.14). In the subgroup analysis of different tumor types, the C allele was associated with increased risk of lung, breast, and colorectat cancer, but not with liver, gastric, or esophageal cancer. In the subgroup analysis by ethnicity, a significantly increased risk of cancer was found among Asians in all genetic models, but no associations were found in the Caucasian subgroup. Conclusions The meta-analysis demonstrated that the miR-196a-2 polymorphism is associated with cancer susceptibility, especially lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer among Asian populations. 展开更多
Association between MDM2-SNP309 and hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan Residents population 被引量:6
作者 Jyh-Der Leu I-Feng kin +3 位作者 Ying-Fang Sun Su-Mei Chen Chih-Chao Liu Yi-Jang Lee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5592-5597,共6页
AIM:To investigate the risk association and compare the onset age of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients in Taiwan with different genotypes of MDM2- SNP309. METHODS:We analyzed MDM2-SNP309 genotypes from 58 patient... AIM:To investigate the risk association and compare the onset age of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients in Taiwan with different genotypes of MDM2- SNP309. METHODS:We analyzed MDM2-SNP309 genotypes from 58 patients with HCC and 138 cancer-free healthy controls consecutively.Genotyping of MDM2-SNP309 was conducted by restriction fragment length polymor- phism assay. RESULTS:The proportion of homozygous MDM2- SNP309 genotype(G/G)in cases and cancer-free healthy controls was similar(17.2%vs 16.7%).Multi-variate analysis showed that the risk of G/G genotypeof MDM2-SNP309 vs wild-type T/T genotype in patients with HCC was not significant(OR=1.265,95% CI=0.074-21.77)after adjustment for sex,hepatitis B or C virus infection,age,and cardiovascular disease/ diabetes.Nevertheless,there was a trend that GG genotype of MDM2-SNP309 might increase the risk in HCC patients infected with hepatitis virus(OR=2.568, 95%CI=0.054-121.69).Besides,the homozygous MDM2-SNP309 genotype did not exhibit a significantly earlier age of onset for HCC. CONCLUSION:Current data suggest that the asso- ciation between MDM2-SNP309 GG genotype and HCC is not significant,while the risk may be enhanced in patients infected by hepatitis virus in Taiwan. 展开更多
关键词 MDM2 protein Hepatocellular carcinoma TAIWAN Tumor suppressor protein p53
Association between polymorphism rs6983267 and gastric cancer risk in Chinese population 被引量:5
作者 Yi Guo Jing Fang +7 位作者 Yan Liu Hai-Hui Sheng Xiao-Yan Zhang Hai-Na Chai Wei jin Ke-Hao Zhang Chang-Qing Yang Heng-jun Gao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第13期1759-1765,共7页
AIM: To explore the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 8q24 and gastric cancer risk. METHODS: A case-control investigation including 212 gastric cancer patients and 377 healthy controls was ... AIM: To explore the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 8q24 and gastric cancer risk. METHODS: A case-control investigation including 212 gastric cancer patients and 377 healthy controls was conducted. The genotypes of SNPs (rs6983267, rs7008482 and rs10808555) were examined and established through polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to evaluate the association between SNPs and gastric cancer. RESULTS: The genotype frequencies of rs6983267 in gastric cancer patients were obviously different from those in the control (P = 0.005). GT genotype of rs6983267 was associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer compared with GG genotype (adjusted odds ratio = 2.01, 95% confidence interval: 1.28-3.14). Further stratified analysis indicated that rs6983267 GT genotype facilitated the risk of gastric cancer of non-cardiac and intestinal type (OR: 2.638, 95% CI: 1.464-4.753; OR: 1.916, 95% CI: 1.166-3.150, respectively). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates for the first time that rs6983267 is involved in susceptibility to gastric cancer, although further large-sample investigations are still needed. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Genetic susceptibility Single nucleotide polymorphism MYC 8q24
Maximum Sustainable Yield Estimates of Ladypees,Sillago sihama(Forsskl),Fishery in Pakistan Using the ASPIC and CEDA Packages 被引量:10
作者 Sher Khan Panhwar LIU Qun +1 位作者 Fozia Khan Pirzada J.A.Siddiqui 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期93-98,共6页
Using surplus production model packages of ASPIC(a stock-production model incorporating covariates) and CEDA(Catch effort data analysis),we analyzed the catch and effort data of Sillago sihama fishery in Pakistan.ASPI... Using surplus production model packages of ASPIC(a stock-production model incorporating covariates) and CEDA(Catch effort data analysis),we analyzed the catch and effort data of Sillago sihama fishery in Pakistan.ASPIC estimates the pa-rameters of MSY(maximum sustainable yield),Fmsy(fishing mortality),q(catchability coefficient),K(carrying capacity or unexploited biomass) and B1/K(maximum sustainable yield over initial biomass).The estimated non-bootstrapped value of MSY based on logistic was 598 t and that based on the Fox model was 415 t,which showed that the Fox model estimation was more conservative than that with the logistic model.The R2 with the logistic model(0.702) is larger than that with the Fox model(0.541),which indicates a better fit.The coefficient of variation(cv) of the estimated MSY was about 0.3,except for a larger value 88.87 and a smaller value of 0.173.In contrast to the ASPIC results,the R2 with the Fox model(0.651-0.692) was larger than that with the Schaefer model(0.435-0.567),indicating a better fit.The key parameters of CEDA are:MSY,K,q,and r(intrinsic growth),and the three error assumptions in using the models are normal,log normal and gamma.Parameter estimates from the Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson models were similar.The MSY estimations from the above two models were 398 t,549 t and 398 t for normal,log-normal and gamma error distributions,re-spectively.The MSY estimates from the Fox model were 381 t,366 t and 366 t for the above three error assumptions,respectively.The Fox model estimates were smaller than those for the Schaefer and the Pella-Tomlinson models.In the light of the MSY estimations of 415 t from ASPIC for the Fox model and 381 t from CEDA for the Fox model,MSY for S.sihama is about 400 t.As the catch in 2003 was 401 t,we would suggest the fishery should be kept at the current level.Production models used here depend on the assumption that CPUE(catch per unit effort) data used in the study can reliably quantify temporal variability in population abundance,hence the mod-eling results would be wrong if such an assumption is not met.Because the reliability of this CPUE data in indexing fish population abundance is unknown,we should be cautious with the interpretation and use of the derived population and management parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Pakistan Sillago sihama ASPIC CEDA surplus production models
Association of Obesity and Dyslipidaemia with Type 2 Diabetes in Outpatients of Enugu State University Teaching Hospital (ESUTH)in Enugu Nigeria
作者 Godwill Azeh Engwa Amanda Okolie +5 位作者 Friday Nweke Nwalo Emmanuela Akaniro-Ejim Marian N.Unachukwu Micheal Ndidiamaka Ozofor Kingsley N. Agbafor Benjamin Ewa Ubi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2018年第2期92-99,共8页
Obesity is known to be a major risk factor of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and responsible for most lipid abnormalities associated with the disease but limited data on such association are available for diabetic patients o... Obesity is known to be a major risk factor of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and responsible for most lipid abnormalities associated with the disease but limited data on such association are available for diabetic patients of Igbo ethnicity in the South East region of Nigeria. A case-control study involving 72 T2D patients and 75 non-diabetic (ND) patients (control) ofIgbo ethnicity was conducted. Demographic and anthropometric data were obtained followed by blood collection for the determination of fasting blood sugar (FBS), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). Obesity based on waist circumference (WC) was significantly higher (p 〈 0.001) in T2D patients compared to their non-diabetic counterparts. Similarly, TC, TG and LDL levels were significantly (p 〈 0.001) higher in T2D patients while HDL was significantly lower (p 〈 0.001) in T2D patients compared to the control. The proportion of dyslipidaemia characterized by high TC, high TG, high LDL and low HDL was significantly higher (p 〈 0.001) in T2D patients. BMI correlated positively (p 〈 0.05) with WC, TC, and LDL while FBS correlated positively (p 〈 0.05) with TG but negatively with HDL. In conclusion, dyslipidaemia characterised by hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, elevated LDL and reduced HDL, as well as obesity were associated with T2D and correlated with FBS in this population. 展开更多
关键词 Type 2 diabetes OBESITY IGBO DYSLIPIDAEMIA Enugu.
创新农业产业组织 促进农村经济发展
《湖南农业》 2003年第9期1-1,共1页
农业产业组织创新是农业产业化经营的关键,是推动传统农业向现代农业转变的巨大动力,也是增加农民收入的根本。新型农业产业组织作为适应新时期农村生产关系的优化形式,更加适应市场经济的新形势,更加适应农村生产力的发展。 长沙市近... 农业产业组织创新是农业产业化经营的关键,是推动传统农业向现代农业转变的巨大动力,也是增加农民收入的根本。新型农业产业组织作为适应新时期农村生产关系的优化形式,更加适应市场经济的新形势,更加适应农村生产力的发展。 长沙市近年来涌现的新型农业产业组织,具有代表性、示范性的主要有以下4种: 一是企业纽带型,即“公司+农户”型 这种产业组织形式主要是以加工企业为龙头,联合广大农户,建立生产基地,形成产、加、销紧密衔接的产业链条。 展开更多
关键词 农业产业组织 农村经济 发展 企业纽带 市场纽带 合作纽带 协会纽带
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