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作者 李天颐 《湖北科技学院学报》 2024年第5期75-81,共7页
本文着眼考察模态变量与趣味性变量对续说产出中协同量及错误率的影响,研究采用定性和定量相结合的方法。研究结果显示:在四组不同模态输入方式中,协同量最多,错误率最少的是视听读续说组。无论是低水平组还是高水平组,趣味性读后续说... 本文着眼考察模态变量与趣味性变量对续说产出中协同量及错误率的影响,研究采用定性和定量相结合的方法。研究结果显示:在四组不同模态输入方式中,协同量最多,错误率最少的是视听读续说组。无论是低水平组还是高水平组,趣味性读后续说组较之无趣续说组协同效应更强,且语言流利度要高,语言错误率要更低。研究结果为纠错研究与大学英语口语教学提供了一套操作性强的续说标准和流程,为基于续论的英语口语教学提供了借鉴和参考。续说纠错教学模式,在教学模式上是一种创新,可以极大地提高学生学习的主动性和独立思考的能力,且可操作性强。 展开更多
关键词 口语产出 续说 协同量 纠错 多模态 趣味性
作者 钞小静 王灿 《财经问题研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期3-11,共9页
推动经济高质量发展,既需要实现质的有效提升,又需要实现量的合理增长。经济发展数量和质量是“一枚硬币的两面”,两者相互表征、相互反馈、相互转换,最终实现量质协同演化的高质量发展。从量质协同关系的角度观察中国经济发展实践,笔... 推动经济高质量发展,既需要实现质的有效提升,又需要实现量的合理增长。经济发展数量和质量是“一枚硬币的两面”,两者相互表征、相互反馈、相互转换,最终实现量质协同演化的高质量发展。从量质协同关系的角度观察中国经济发展实践,笔者发现:在经济加速阶段,中国经济发展数量和质量均有效提升,但是并未形成量质协同的正反馈机制;在经济减速阶段,中国经济发展数量和质量均面临下行压力,同时量质协同的负反馈机制逐渐显现;在转型发展阶段,面临经济转型与外生冲击的双重压力,宏观经济政策面临目标多元化难题,加剧了经济发展量质转型难度。推动经济实现质的有效提升和量的合理增长需要:优化宏观政策,推动实现质量效益型发展;深化供给侧结构性改革,提高供给质量;完善分配方式,提高消费需求质量;坚持“两个毫不动摇”,激发各类经营主体的内生动力和创新活力;增强国家能力,加快构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制。 展开更多
关键词 质的有效提升 的合理增长 协同演化
作者 付耀斌 周辉 《信息通信技术与政策》 2023年第7期36-43,共8页
量子计算与经典计算相互配合,可以充分发挥现阶段量子设备的潜力,从而加速计算过程。另外,量子计算的特性决定了即使到了实现容错量子计算阶段,也仍然需要经典计算的配合。根据国内外研究者提出的量超协同方案以及各企业已经发布的量子... 量子计算与经典计算相互配合,可以充分发挥现阶段量子设备的潜力,从而加速计算过程。另外,量子计算的特性决定了即使到了实现容错量子计算阶段,也仍然需要经典计算的配合。根据国内外研究者提出的量超协同方案以及各企业已经发布的量子操作系统,阐述了现阶段量超协同的基本框架与后续的关键技术难点,并对我国未来量超协同的发展前景进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 子计算 协同 子优势 操作系统
基于识图语言的协同算量在网络招投标中的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘守奎 王广斌 周茂刚 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第10期45-46,49,共3页
关键词 识图语言 协同 网络招投标
基于棉花量质协同和籽棉产量10000kg·hm^-2以上的新疆南疆棉花优质高产高效技术 被引量:2
作者 胡伟 郑巨云 +4 位作者 杨长琴 陈德华 彭军 李雪源 周治国 《中国棉花》 2020年第10期42-44,共3页
在棉花产量品质协同提高的前提下实现高产更高产是棉花增产增效的有效途径。通过总结新疆南疆多年棉花超高产实践,在新疆南疆棉花量质协同提高和10000 kg·hm^-2以上籽棉产量水平下,确定了适宜的棉花品种特征特性、土壤肥力水平和... 在棉花产量品质协同提高的前提下实现高产更高产是棉花增产增效的有效途径。通过总结新疆南疆多年棉花超高产实践,在新疆南疆棉花量质协同提高和10000 kg·hm^-2以上籽棉产量水平下,确定了适宜的棉花品种特征特性、土壤肥力水平和种植模式,明确了棉花“温光高能壮个体”和“高光效优群体”的关键生长发育质量指标,提出了棉花优质高产高效生产的生育调控、养分调控、水分调控、化学调控等新模式,构建了棉花优质高产高效栽培管理技术体系,实现了籽棉产量10000 kg·hm^-2以上,纤维上半部平均长度增加1.0 mm以上,断裂比强度提高0.5~1.0 cN·tex^-1,经济效益显著。 展开更多
关键词 棉花 南疆 协同 籽棉产 优质 高产高效
面向汽车入厂物流系统的订单量协同模型及其算法 被引量:2
作者 张璇 陈峰 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期1159-1164,共6页
针对汽车入厂物流中的订单协同问题,建立了混合整数规划模型,提出了启发式算法和分支定界法,并采用数值实验验证了模型和算法的可行性.结果表明:启发式算法和分支定界法的计算速度和结果均优于CPLEX求解数学模型;协同订单量可有效降低... 针对汽车入厂物流中的订单协同问题,建立了混合整数规划模型,提出了启发式算法和分支定界法,并采用数值实验验证了模型和算法的可行性.结果表明:启发式算法和分支定界法的计算速度和结果均优于CPLEX求解数学模型;协同订单量可有效降低总成本. 展开更多
关键词 入厂物流 订单协同 混合整数规划 优化算法
基于三量协同监测的采场来压识别预警系统研发 被引量:3
作者 万勇 《自动化仪表》 CAS 2020年第8期91-95,102,共6页
根据《2013-2017年度全国煤矿安全事故案例汇编》,煤矿矿压监测单纯依靠应力监测和人工测距,存在工作量大、值班人员多、稳定性低的现状。对近几年煤矿采场来压、支架工作阻力、顶底板移近量、活柱下缩量监测进行了研究,创新性地研究了... 根据《2013-2017年度全国煤矿安全事故案例汇编》,煤矿矿压监测单纯依靠应力监测和人工测距,存在工作量大、值班人员多、稳定性低的现状。对近几年煤矿采场来压、支架工作阻力、顶底板移近量、活柱下缩量监测进行了研究,创新性地研究了基于三量协同监测采场来压识别和预警系统。该系统能对顶板周期来压时间、步距、强度、支架倾角、支柱移近速率及升降状态等作记录分析,并对下一周期来压进行预测,减少了顶板监测人员数量,提高了劳动效率,实现了减员增效。该研究成果对贯彻落实《关于开展“机械化换人、自动化减人”科技强安专项行动的通知(安监总科技[2015]63号)》起到积极、有效的推进作用,并对煤矿采场矿压研究理论、控制技术及顶板灾害预测相关科研课题起到抛砖引玉效应,具有广阔的市场前景。 展开更多
关键词 采场来压 支架工作阻力 顶底板移近 活柱下缩 协同 离层位移 移近 围岩应力
CDM项目大气污染物减排的协同效应研究 被引量:8
作者 闫文琪 高丽洁 +1 位作者 任纪佼 冯银厂 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1697-1704,共8页
为了CDM项目的优化开发和大气污染物的协同控制,就国内CDM项目的污染物减排协同效应进行了分析.在统计其项目年减排量、总投资额以及协同减排系数的基础上,按不同项目类型(零排放的可再生能源、生物质、甲烷废气回收、燃料替代、煤层气... 为了CDM项目的优化开发和大气污染物的协同控制,就国内CDM项目的污染物减排协同效应进行了分析.在统计其项目年减排量、总投资额以及协同减排系数的基础上,按不同项目类型(零排放的可再生能源、生物质、甲烷废气回收、燃料替代、煤层气回收、水泥原料替代、N2O分解消除以及节能和提高能效)和不同项目所在地(华中、华东、海南、华北、东北、西北以及华南)分析了项目的 SO2、NOx和PM2.5协同减排量和投资减排收益.燃料替代、煤层气回收、节能提高能效类项目的投资减排收益高,华中和华东地区的生物质能源项目收益较高,而风电、水电类项目收益较低. 展开更多
关键词 CDM 协同效应 协同减排 投资减排收益
作者 关沧海 陈少飞 王明亮 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2022年第S01期245-248,共4页
目前,传统室内定位技术主要基于单个移动终端以及WiFi或蓝牙信标进行指纹匹配定位,精度不高。本文提出一种利用多终端进行协同定位的方法,通过建立信号传播模型量化协同观测量,进而对移动终端匹配定位坐标和协同观测量进行联合平差。试... 目前,传统室内定位技术主要基于单个移动终端以及WiFi或蓝牙信标进行指纹匹配定位,精度不高。本文提出一种利用多终端进行协同定位的方法,通过建立信号传播模型量化协同观测量,进而对移动终端匹配定位坐标和协同观测量进行联合平差。试验结果表明,多终端协同定位相较于单终端匹配定位,定位精度提高了25%—30%。 展开更多
关键词 协同定位 指纹匹配 信号传播模型 协同观测 平差模型
8种名优绿茶香气品质与其成分间协同定量组效关系研究 被引量:4
作者 付海燕 时琼 +3 位作者 李鹤东 范尧 胡鸥 佘远斌 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期625-636,共12页
本文首先利用电子鼻(E-nose)结合偏最小二乘判别分析(PLSDA)成功判别了8种不同种类和等级的名优绿茶的香气品质.为进一步解释香气质量差异,借助局部极小值背景漂移校正、多尺度高斯平滑以及色谱保留时间校正法对名优绿茶的气相色谱-质... 本文首先利用电子鼻(E-nose)结合偏最小二乘判别分析(PLSDA)成功判别了8种不同种类和等级的名优绿茶的香气品质.为进一步解释香气质量差异,借助局部极小值背景漂移校正、多尺度高斯平滑以及色谱保留时间校正法对名优绿茶的气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)指纹图谱进行预处理,再利用移动窗口偏最小二乘回归(MWPLSR)将预处理后的指纹图谱与香气品质得分构建谱效关系模型,筛选出21种潜在特征香气物质,最后利用变量加权最小二乘支持向量机(PSO-VWLS-SVM)将特征香气物质的含量与不同绿茶香气质量得分相关联,根据各特征香气物质的贡献率,成功揭示了名优绿茶香气物质与香气品质之间的协同量-组效关系.本文提出的方法为绿茶特征香气品质标志物的筛查和其量效-组效关系研究提供了一种新的策略方法. 展开更多
关键词 名优绿茶 香气成分 GC-MS 加权最小二乘支持向 协同量效-组效关系
基于“五量”协同模型的山东省建设用地集约利用评价及障碍调控 被引量:15
作者 曲衍波 张勇 +1 位作者 李慧燕 高宇 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1013-1025,共13页
建设用地集约利用是一个动态提升的过程,深刻认识其过程性内涵、特征及变量关系,对于创新建设用地集约利用评价的理论与方法研究具有重要意义。本文基于"五量"协同概念模型,界定了建设用地集约利用的内涵,构建了"总量规... 建设用地集约利用是一个动态提升的过程,深刻认识其过程性内涵、特征及变量关系,对于创新建设用地集约利用评价的理论与方法研究具有重要意义。本文基于"五量"协同概念模型,界定了建设用地集约利用的内涵,构建了"总量规模(T)、增量效应(I)、质量弹性(Q)、存量潜力(S)、流量效率(F)"五位一体的建设用地集约利用评价指标体系和多因素加权求和、多边形面积求算与障碍因子诊断的综合测法,通过山东省17地市实证分析,提出了区域建设用地集约利用"五量"协同调控方法与对策。结果显示:(1)山东省建设用地集约利用的T、I、Q、S、F分值整体差异显著,变异系数分别为19.81%、18.23%、21.13%、20.84%和16.78%,但空间分布具有一定的局地相似性;(2)建设用地综合集约度分值为2.05~7.77,对应"五量"分值的协调性逐渐提升,但"极值互补"集簇现象更为明显;(3)建设用地集约利用的"五量"障碍因子具有较强的区域主导性和相似性,在总量规模和增量效应方面表现为单因子强势影响,在质量弹性、存量潜力和流量效率方面则表现为双因子均衡影响;(4)山东省建设用地集约利用水平提升的核心在于有效控制建设用地总量和增量规模,应沿着存量优化、减量增效和质量提升的路径,逐渐降低年度增量计划,实现规划总量控制的目标。 展开更多
关键词 建设用地 集约利用 “五协同模型 障碍调控 山东省
Analgesic Effects of Tetrodotoxin Combined with Acetylsalicylic Acid on Acetic Acid-induced Abdominal Constriction and Formalin Test in Mice 被引量:1
作者 徐英 库宝善 +4 位作者 耿兴超 姚海燕 张永鹤 韩继生 齐世荃 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第3期186-192,共7页
Aim To study the effects of tetrodotoxin (TTX) combined with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on nociceptive stimulus in mice. Methods To assess the antinociceptive effects of TTX, ASA or TTX plus ASA, the acetic acid-i... Aim To study the effects of tetrodotoxin (TTX) combined with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on nociceptive stimulus in mice. Methods To assess the antinociceptive effects of TTX, ASA or TTX plus ASA, the acetic acid-induced abdominal constriction test and formalin pain test were used. Results TTX (0.5 - 4.0 μg· kg^-1 ) or ASA (25 - 200 mg· kg^-1 ) im produced a significant inhibition of acetic acid-induced abdominal constriction. The median inhibitory doses (ID508) were 2.1 μg· kg^-1 for TTX( and 64 mg· kg^-1 for ASA. TTX and ASA also showed a dose-dependent inhibition of the second phase response in the formalin pain model, the ID508, being 2.3μg·kg^-1 and 74.2 mg· kg^-1, respectively. The ihteraction between TTX and ASA was synergistic, as evidenced by the fact that (1) when ASA alone compared with the combination of TTX (0.79 μg · kg^-1 or 0.39μg· kg^-1 ) and ASA, the ID508, of ASA reduced from 64.0 mg· kg^-1 to 5.8 mg· kg^-1 or 12.6 mg· kg^-1, and from 74.2 mg· kg^-1 to 7.4 mg· kg^-1 or 13.0 mg· kg^-1 on tile two models of nociceptive tests, respectively; and that (2) synergism in the analgesic effects was shown by isobiolographic analysis. Conclusion TTX, ASA and the combination of the two drags produce analgesic effects in acetic acid-induced abdominal constriction test and formalin-induced pain test. The interactions between TTX and ASA may be useful in developing novel analgesic agents. 展开更多
关键词 TETRODOTOXIN acetylsalicylic acid FORMALIN the median inhibitory doses ID508 anal-gesic effect synergism
作者 卢岚 秦嵩 +1 位作者 陆全 Dessouky MohomedI 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第3期178-181,共4页
Human factors engineering and quality management are different research branches in the field of industrial engineering.A basis for interaction based on the concepts and techniques of human factors engineering and qua... Human factors engineering and quality management are different research branches in the field of industrial engineering.A basis for interaction based on the concepts and techniques of human factors engineering and quality management with some practical examples of cooperative effect is defined in this paper.The specific challenges about the quality management in manufacturing and service are presented to demonstrate that the human factors analysis of quality problems leads to new tends for integrated development. 展开更多
关键词 human factors engineering quality management integrated development cooperative effect
Adaptive multicascade attribute reduction based on quantum-inspired mixed co-evolution
作者 丁卫平 王建东 +1 位作者 施佺 管致锦 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第2期145-150,共6页
Due to the fact that conventional heuristic attribute reduction algorithms are poor in running efficiency and difficult in accomplishing the co-evolutionary reduction mechanism in the decision table, an adaptive multi... Due to the fact that conventional heuristic attribute reduction algorithms are poor in running efficiency and difficult in accomplishing the co-evolutionary reduction mechanism in the decision table, an adaptive multicascade attribute reduction algorithm based on quantum-inspired mixed co-evolution is proposed. First, a novel and efficient self- adaptive quantum rotation angle strategy is designed to direct the participating populations to mutual adaptive evolution and to accelerate convergence speed. Then, a multicascade model of cooperative and competitive mixed co-evolution is adopted to decompose the evolutionary attribute species into subpopulations according to their historical performance records, which can increase the diversity of subpopulations and select some elitist individuals so as to strengthen the sharing ability of their searching experience. So the global optimization reduction set can be obtained quickly. The experimental results show that, compared with the existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm can achieve a higher performance for attribute reduction, and it can be considered as a more competitive heuristic algorithm on the efficiency and accuracy of minimum attribute reduction. 展开更多
关键词 attribute reduction mixed co-evolution self- adaptive quantum rotation angle performance experience record elitist competition pool
Copper and platinum dual-single-atoms supported on crystalline graphitic carbon nitride for enhanced photocatalytic CO_(2) reduction 被引量:14
作者 Lei Cheng Peng Zhang +2 位作者 Qiye Wen Jiajie Fan Quanjun Xiang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期451-460,共10页
Single-atom Pt catalysts are designed to promote efficient atom utilization,whereas effective decrease of Pt loading and improvement of photocatalytic activity in monoatomic Pt-deposited systems is still ongoing.Atomi... Single-atom Pt catalysts are designed to promote efficient atom utilization,whereas effective decrease of Pt loading and improvement of photocatalytic activity in monoatomic Pt-deposited systems is still ongoing.Atomically dispersed metal species in crystalline carbon nitride are still challenging owing to their high crystallization and structural stability.In this study,we developed a novel single-atomic Pt-Cu catalyst for reducing noble metal loading by combining Pt with earth-abundant Cu atoms and enhancing photocatalytic CO_(2)reduction.N-vacancy-rich crystalline carbon nitride was used as a fine-tuning ligand for isolated Pt-Cu atom dispersion based on its accessible functional N vacancies as the seeded centers.The synthesized dimetal Pt-Cu atoms on crystalline carbon nitride(Pt Cu-cr CN)exhibited high selectivity and activity for CO_(2)conversion without the addition of any cocatalyst or sacrificial agent.In particular,we demonstrated that the diatomic Pt-Cu exhibited high mass activity with only 0.32 wt% Pt loading and showed excellent photocatalytic selectivity toward CH_(4)generation.The mechanism of CO_(2)photoreduction for Pt Cu-cr CN was proposed based on the observations and analysis of aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy images,in situ irradiated X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,and in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy.The findings of this work provide insights for abrogating specific bifunctional atomic metal sites in noble metal-based photocatalysts by reducing noble metal loading and maximizing their effective mass activity. 展开更多
关键词 Dimetal Pt-Cu atom Crystalline carbon nitride Photocatalytic CO_(2)reduction Low loading Synergistic photocatalysis
Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing Using Quantum Fourier Transform 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Da-Zu CHEN Zhi-Gang GUO Ying 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期221-226,共6页
A (n, n)-threshold scheme of multiparty quantum secret sharing of classical or quantum message is proposed based on the discrete quantum Fourier transform. In our proposed scheme, the secret message, which is encode... A (n, n)-threshold scheme of multiparty quantum secret sharing of classical or quantum message is proposed based on the discrete quantum Fourier transform. In our proposed scheme, the secret message, which is encoded by using the forward quantum Fourier transform and decoded by using the reverse, is split and shared in such a way that it can be reconstructed among them only if all the participants work in concert. Fhrthermore, we also discuss how this protocol must be carefully designed for correcting errors and checking eavesdropping or a dishonest participant. Security analysis shows that our scheme is secure. Also, this scheme has an advantage that it is completely compatible with quantum computation and easier to realize in the distributed quantum secure computation. 展开更多
关键词 quantum secret sharing quantum Fourier transform quantum error correction code
A Probabilistic Rating Prediction and Explanation Inference Model for Recommender Systems 被引量:3
作者 WANG Hanshi FU Qiujie +1 位作者 LIU Lizhen SONG Wei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期79-94,共16页
Collaborative Filtering(CF) is a leading approach to build recommender systems which has gained considerable development and popularity. A predominant approach to CF is rating prediction recommender algorithm, aiming ... Collaborative Filtering(CF) is a leading approach to build recommender systems which has gained considerable development and popularity. A predominant approach to CF is rating prediction recommender algorithm, aiming to predict a user's rating for those items which were not rated yet by the user. However, with the increasing number of items and users, thedata is sparse.It is difficult to detectlatent closely relation among the items or users for predicting the user behaviors. In this paper,we enhance the rating prediction approach leading to substantial improvement of prediction accuracy by categorizing according to the genres of movies. Then the probabilities that users are interested in the genres are computed to integrate the prediction of each genre cluster. A novel probabilistic approach based on the sentiment analysis of the user reviews is also proposed to give intuitional explanations of why an item is recommended.To test the novel recommendation approach, a new corpus of user reviews on movies obtained from the Internet Movies Database(IMDB) has been generated. Experimental results show that the proposed framework is effective and achieves a better prediction performance. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative filtering recommendersystems rating prediction sentiment analysis matrix factorization recommendation explanation
Experimental investigation on synergetic prediction of granite rockburst using rock failure time and acoustic emission energy 被引量:11
作者 WANG Chun-lai CAO Cong +3 位作者 LI Chang-feng CHUAI Xiao-sheng ZHAO Guang-ming LU Hui 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第4期1262-1273,共12页
The frequent occurrence of rockburst and the difficulty in predicting were considered in deep engineering and underground engineering.In this work,laboratory experiments on rockburst under true triaxial conditions wer... The frequent occurrence of rockburst and the difficulty in predicting were considered in deep engineering and underground engineering.In this work,laboratory experiments on rockburst under true triaxial conditions were carried out with granite samples.Combined with the deformation characteristics of granite,acoustic emission(AE)technology was well applied in revealing the evolution law of micro-cracks in the process of rockburst.Based on the comprehensive analysis of acoustic emission parameters such as impact,ringing and energy,the phased characteristics of crack propagation and damage evolution in granite were obtained,which were consistent with the stages of rock deformation and failure.Subsequently,based on the critical point theory,the accelerated release characteristics of acoustic emission energy during rockburst were analyzed.Based on the damage theory,the damage evolution model of rock under different loading conditions was proposed,and the prediction interval of rock failure time was ascertained concurrently.Finally,regarding damage as an intermediate variable,the synergetic prediction model of rock failure time was constructed.The feasibility and validity of model were verified. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST acoustic emission energy damage failure time synergetic prediction
A Quantitative and Network Approach to Alignment Effects in L2 Continuation Tasks 被引量:2
作者 Heng CHEN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第3期399-416,432,共19页
The present study employed a quantitative and network approach to detect alignment effects in second language(L2) continuation tasks designed on the xu-argument(Wang, 2016). The materials used in this study were 6 sub... The present study employed a quantitative and network approach to detect alignment effects in second language(L2) continuation tasks designed on the xu-argument(Wang, 2016). The materials used in this study were 6 sub-corpora consisting of two selected input stories and two groups of L2 written production based on two continuation tasks. During continuation, the participants were required to continue in English a story with its ending removed, with one group reading and continuing the Chinese version and the other group the English version, and then switching their roles in the two tasks. Results show that the alignment effect differs across the two versions of continuation. Specifically, compared with the Chinese-version continuation, L2 learners produced more use of unigrams and bigrams similar to the input story in terms of lexical items, frequency and ranking correlations in the English-version task;on the other hand, the English-version continuation can facilitate generating linguistic networks that are much closer to the native English networks. Moreover, this research corroborates that written production in L2 continuation tasks can be influenced by input content. 展开更多
关键词 CONTINUATION alignment effect language network quantitative linguistics second language acquisition
Production Benefits of Double-Cropping Rice Under Optimized Application of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers Combined with Chinese Milk Vetch and Straw Co-Returning to Fields 被引量:3
作者 DONG Chun-hua MA Chao-hong +4 位作者 HU Ke-xin HE Yun-long LI Wan-min CHU Fei YANG Zeng-ping 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2021年第1期17-25,共9页
In order to explore the technology and effects of reducing nitrogen and potassium fertilizer applications in double-cropping rice,a field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of optimized application of ... In order to explore the technology and effects of reducing nitrogen and potassium fertilizer applications in double-cropping rice,a field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of optimized application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers combined with returning Chinese milk vetch and straw to fields on yield,fertilizer utilization efficiency,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),intercellular CO_(2) concentration(Ci),chlorophyll content(SPAD value)and soil physical and chemical properties in late rice harvest period.The results showed that the optimized application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers combined with the integrated technology of Chinese milk vetch and straw co-returning to the field could enhance the photosynthetic efficiency of double-cropping rice,increase rice yield,and enhance soil biological activity,especially T4 treatment involving the returning of Chinese milk vetch and straw to the field instead of 30%nitrogen fertilizer achieved the highest rice yield,fertilizer use efficiency,net photosynthetic rate and soil biological activity.Compared with the conventional fertilization treatment T2,the total rice yield of T4 treatment increased by 4.1%,among which the early rice and late rice increased by 6.3%and 2.4%,respectively;Pn,Gs and SPAD values of flag leaves at full heading stage significantly increased,and the contents of soil active organic carbon,alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen,available phosphorus and readily available potassium significantly increased. 展开更多
关键词 Double-cropping rice Optimized application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers Chinese milk vetch and straw co-returning to fields Rice yield Soil physical and chemical properties
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