目的探讨双水平气道正压通气(BIPAP)与单水平持续气道正压通气(CPAP)对老年重叠综合征(OS),即阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者炎症因子的影响。方法选取2016年6月~2020年1月解放军总医院第六医学...目的探讨双水平气道正压通气(BIPAP)与单水平持续气道正压通气(CPAP)对老年重叠综合征(OS),即阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者炎症因子的影响。方法选取2016年6月~2020年1月解放军总医院第六医学中心收治的老年重度OSAHS合并轻中度稳定期COPD患者122例,根据随机数表分为BIPAP组与CPAP组,各61例。分别监测治疗前与治疗后3周呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、呼吸暂停时间、夜间平均血氧饱和度(M-SaO_(2))、夜间最低血氧饱和度(L-SaO_(2)),炎症因子白细胞介素-33(IL-33)、可溶性基质裂解素(sST2)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、内皮素-1(ET-1)等指标的变化。结果治疗后,两组患者AHI、呼吸暂停时间均较治疗前降低,M-SaO_(2)、L-SaO_(2)均较治疗前升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。且治疗后BIPAP组AHI、呼吸暂停时间下降程度明显优于CPAP组[(10.95±2.81)vs.(12.18±2.98)、(15.93±6.97)s vs.(18.92±7.23)s],M-SaO_(2)、L-SaO_(2)升高优于CPAP组[(94.82±12.69)%vs.(90.01±13.97)%、(89.56±11.13)%vs.(85.70±10.25)%],差异有统计学意义(t=2.35、2.33、1.99、1.99,P<0.05)。治疗后,两组患者IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1均较治疗前降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。且治疗后BIPAP组IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1下降程度明显优于CPAP组[(30.27±4.97)pg ml vs.(32.01±5.51)pg ml、(0.57±0.19)ng/ml vs.(0.62±0.17)ng/ml、(31.31±6.07)pg ml vs.(33.54±5.11)pg ml、(46.99±7.33)pg ml vs.(49.77±6.15)pg ml],差异有统计学意义(t=1.99、1.99、2.20、2.27,P<0.05)。AHI与IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1呈高度正相关(r=0.79、0.84、0.86、0.80,P<0.05)。所有病例均未出现明显皮肤压伤、腹胀、气胸等不良反应。结论BIPAP与CPAP治疗老年OS患者疗效确切,安全性好,且能降低炎症因子,BIPAP效果更为显著,采用BIPAP呼吸机治疗可能是一个更好的选择。展开更多
AIM:To evaluate virological response to adefovir(ADV) monotherapy and emergence of ADV-resistant mutations in lamivudine(LAM)-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients.METHODS:Seventy-seven patients with documented LAM r...AIM:To evaluate virological response to adefovir(ADV) monotherapy and emergence of ADV-resistant mutations in lamivudine(LAM)-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients.METHODS:Seventy-seven patients with documented LAM resistance who were treated with 10 mg/d ADV for>96 wk were analyzed for ADV resistance.RESULTS:At week 48 and 96,eight(10%)and 14(18%)of 77 LAM-resistant patients developed the ADV-resistant strain(rtA181V/T and/or rtN236T mutations),respectively.Hepatitis B virus(HBV)DNA levels during therapy were significantly higher in patients who developed ADV resistance than in those who did not.Incidence of ADV resistance at week 96 was 11%,8%and 6%among patients with complete virological response(HBV DNA level<60 IU/mL);0%,5%and 19%among patients with partial virological response(HBV DNA level≥60 to 2000 IU/mL);and 32%,34% and 33%among patients with inadequate virological response(HBV DNA levels>2000 IU/mL)at week 12,week 24 and week 48,respectively.HBV DNA levels >2000 IU/mL at week 24 showed best performance characteristics in predicting ADV resistance.CONCLUSION:Development of ADV resistance mutations was associated with HBV DNA levels,which could identify patients with LAM resistance who are likely to respond to ADV monotherapy.展开更多
RNA interference (RNAi) is a process by which introduced small interfering RNA (siRNA) can cause the specific degradation of mRNA with identical sequences. The human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) RR is composed ...RNA interference (RNAi) is a process by which introduced small interfering RNA (siRNA) can cause the specific degradation of mRNA with identical sequences. The human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) RR is composed of two distinct homodimeric subunits encoded by UL39 and UL40,respectively. In this study,we applied siRNAs targeting the UL39 and UL40 genes of HSV-1. We showed that synthetic siRNA silenced effectively and specifically UL39 and UL40 mRNA expression and inhibited HSV-1 replication. Our work offers new possibilities for RNAi as a genetic tool for inhibition of HSV-1 replication.展开更多
The horizontal single belt casting(HSBC)incorporating a single-impingement feeding system was simulated with an improved numerical model.Physical experiments were carried out on the pilot-scale caster for validation.T...The horizontal single belt casting(HSBC)incorporating a single-impingement feeding system was simulated with an improved numerical model.Physical experiments were carried out on the pilot-scale caster for validation.The results show that the meniscus turbulence neither comes from the tundish region,nor from the impingement between the melt and the moving belt.It is the moving belt that gives rise to this high turbulence region,and this region can stir the melt near the meniscus.The feeding system studied and the moving belt give rise to a buffer region,which can optimize casting parameter variations,especially melt depth changes in the tundish.The temperature change rate of the bottom surface of the strip is around 4 times faster than that of the upper surface.展开更多
Objective:The aim of our study was to explore the correlations between both the genes,evolution and prognosis of the disease by detecting the expression of MN1(meningioma 1) gene and PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homolo...Objective:The aim of our study was to explore the correlations between both the genes,evolution and prognosis of the disease by detecting the expression of MN1(meningioma 1) gene and PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homolog) gene in patients with acute myeloid leukemia(AML).Method:MN1 and PTEN mRNA were detected by reverse transcription-PCR in mononuclear cells of 38 patients with AML and 13 patients with normal bone marrow.Results:Positive rates of MN1 and PTEN genes were 76.3% and 60.5% respectively in bone marrow mononuclear cells.The expression level of MN1 mRNA for the de novo group increased comparing with that for normal control group(P < 0.05),the expression level of PTEN mRNA for de novo group decreased obviously comparing with that for normal control group(P < 0.01),MN1 mRNA level decreased in remission group,while PTEN mRNA level increased comparing with that in de novo group(P < 0.05).MN1 mRNA level increased and PTEN mRNA decreased in relapsed group comparing with that in control group,and their difference was statistical significance(P < 0.05).The two genes' levels had negative correlations in acute myeloid leukemia(r =-0.314,P < 0.05).Conclusion:There is close correlations between expression of MN1 and PTEN genes and the prognosis and occurrence of acute myeloid leukemia,and their expression can be taken as significant indexes to access the de novo,relapse and prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia.展开更多
The aim of this study was to determine the progressive evolution of fish muscle fatty acids composition feeding by different lipid levels of farmed Mediterranean gilthead sea bream (Sparusaurata). During twenty one ...The aim of this study was to determine the progressive evolution of fish muscle fatty acids composition feeding by different lipid levels of farmed Mediterranean gilthead sea bream (Sparusaurata). During twenty one weeks, Sparusaurata were hand-feed two diets with protein and lipid ratios 47/20 (Diet A) and 45/22 (Diet B) respectively. At the end of the feeding period, lipid contents of muscle, as well as fatty acids profiles of different portions of the muscles were studied. Results indicated the effects of fatty acids profiles of diets throughout the liver and white muscle fillet (dorsal, middle and ventral). These were more noticeable when Sparusaurata was fed on the diet Athat decreased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in all the muscles during the period of feeding while the saturated fatty acids (SFA) content tended to increase and it was lower than ones in the muscles of Sparusaurata fed on diet B. The highest amount of PUFA and docosahexaenoic acid, (22:6n-3 DHA) were found among the different portions of ventral muscles. In addition, the progressive evolution of different parts of muscle's fatty acid profiles showed significant differences in contents of SFA, PUFA and especially the n-3 PUFA. However, the content of MUFA seems to be alike in different muscles and tended to decrease in dorsal and ventral muscle from Do to Df and inversely when the fish were fed on diet A.展开更多
To balance inventory cost with diverse demand,an optimal investment decision on necessary process improvement for delayed product differentiation is studied. A two-stage flexible manufacturing system is modeled as a c...To balance inventory cost with diverse demand,an optimal investment decision on necessary process improvement for delayed product differentiation is studied. A two-stage flexible manufacturing system is modeled as a continuous time Markov chain. The first production stage manufactures semifinished products based on a make-to-stock policy. The second production stage customizes semi-finished products from the first production stage on a make-to-order policy. Various performance measures for this flexible manufacturing system are evaluated by using matrix geometric methods. An optimization model to determine the level of investment on process improvement that minimizes the manufacturer ’s total cost is established. The results show that,a higher investment level can reduce both the expected customer order fulfillment delay and the expected semi-finished products inventory. When the initial order penetration point is 0. 4,the manufacturer ’s total cost is reduced by 15. 89% through process investment. In addition, the optimal investment level increases with the increase in the unit time cost of customer order fulfillment delay,and decreases with the increase in the product value and the initial order penetration point.展开更多
This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitori...This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitoring and numerical modeling in bump-prone U.S. mines. The focus is on induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata as highly stressed pillars punch into the roof and floor, causing shear failure and buckling of strata; under stiff stratigraphic units of some western US mines, these events could be accompanied by violent failure of pillar cores. Pillar punching eventually results in tensile stresses at the base of the pillar, facilitating transition into the post-failure regime; this transition will be nonviolent if certain conditions are met, notably the presence of interbedded mudstones with low shear strength properties and proper mine designs for controlling seismicity and dynamic loads. The study clearly shows high confining stress build-up in coal pillars resulting in up to twice higher peak vertical stress and high strain energy accumulations in some western US mines in comparison with peak stresses predicted using common empirical pillar design methods. It is the unstable release of this strain energy that can cause significant damage resulting from pillar dilation and ground movements. These forces are much greater than the capacity of most common internal support systems, resulting in horizontal stressinduced roof falls locally, in mines under unremarkable far-field horizontal stress. Attention should be placed on pillar designs as increasing support density may prove to be ineffective. This mechanism is analyzed using field measurements and generic finite-difference stress analyses. The study confirms the higher load carrying capacity of confinement-controlled coal seams in comparison with structurally controlled coal seams. Such significant differences in confining stresses are not taken into account when estimating peak pillar strength using most common empirical techniques such as those proposed by Bieniawski and Salamon. While using lower pillar strength estimates may be considered conservative,it underestimates the actual capacity of pillars in accumulating much higher stress and strain energies,misleading the designer and inadvertently diminishing mine safety. The role of induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata is emphasized in coal pillar mechanics of violent failure. The triggering mechanism for the violent events is sudden loss of pillar confinement due to dynamic loading resulting from failure of overlying stiff and strong strata. Evidence of such mechanism is noted in the field by observed red-dust at the coal-rock interfaces at the location of coal bumps and irregular, periodic caving in room-and-pillar mines quantified through direct pressure measurements in the gob.展开更多
文摘目的探讨双水平气道正压通气(BIPAP)与单水平持续气道正压通气(CPAP)对老年重叠综合征(OS),即阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者炎症因子的影响。方法选取2016年6月~2020年1月解放军总医院第六医学中心收治的老年重度OSAHS合并轻中度稳定期COPD患者122例,根据随机数表分为BIPAP组与CPAP组,各61例。分别监测治疗前与治疗后3周呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、呼吸暂停时间、夜间平均血氧饱和度(M-SaO_(2))、夜间最低血氧饱和度(L-SaO_(2)),炎症因子白细胞介素-33(IL-33)、可溶性基质裂解素(sST2)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、内皮素-1(ET-1)等指标的变化。结果治疗后,两组患者AHI、呼吸暂停时间均较治疗前降低,M-SaO_(2)、L-SaO_(2)均较治疗前升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。且治疗后BIPAP组AHI、呼吸暂停时间下降程度明显优于CPAP组[(10.95±2.81)vs.(12.18±2.98)、(15.93±6.97)s vs.(18.92±7.23)s],M-SaO_(2)、L-SaO_(2)升高优于CPAP组[(94.82±12.69)%vs.(90.01±13.97)%、(89.56±11.13)%vs.(85.70±10.25)%],差异有统计学意义(t=2.35、2.33、1.99、1.99,P<0.05)。治疗后,两组患者IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1均较治疗前降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。且治疗后BIPAP组IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1下降程度明显优于CPAP组[(30.27±4.97)pg ml vs.(32.01±5.51)pg ml、(0.57±0.19)ng/ml vs.(0.62±0.17)ng/ml、(31.31±6.07)pg ml vs.(33.54±5.11)pg ml、(46.99±7.33)pg ml vs.(49.77±6.15)pg ml],差异有统计学意义(t=1.99、1.99、2.20、2.27,P<0.05)。AHI与IL-33、sST2、TNF-α、ET-1呈高度正相关(r=0.79、0.84、0.86、0.80,P<0.05)。所有病例均未出现明显皮肤压伤、腹胀、气胸等不良反应。结论BIPAP与CPAP治疗老年OS患者疗效确切,安全性好,且能降低炎症因子,BIPAP效果更为显著,采用BIPAP呼吸机治疗可能是一个更好的选择。
文摘AIM:To evaluate virological response to adefovir(ADV) monotherapy and emergence of ADV-resistant mutations in lamivudine(LAM)-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients.METHODS:Seventy-seven patients with documented LAM resistance who were treated with 10 mg/d ADV for>96 wk were analyzed for ADV resistance.RESULTS:At week 48 and 96,eight(10%)and 14(18%)of 77 LAM-resistant patients developed the ADV-resistant strain(rtA181V/T and/or rtN236T mutations),respectively.Hepatitis B virus(HBV)DNA levels during therapy were significantly higher in patients who developed ADV resistance than in those who did not.Incidence of ADV resistance at week 96 was 11%,8%and 6%among patients with complete virological response(HBV DNA level<60 IU/mL);0%,5%and 19%among patients with partial virological response(HBV DNA level≥60 to 2000 IU/mL);and 32%,34% and 33%among patients with inadequate virological response(HBV DNA levels>2000 IU/mL)at week 12,week 24 and week 48,respectively.HBV DNA levels >2000 IU/mL at week 24 showed best performance characteristics in predicting ADV resistance.CONCLUSION:Development of ADV resistance mutations was associated with HBV DNA levels,which could identify patients with LAM resistance who are likely to respond to ADV monotherapy.
基金The Nation "863" Program of China(2006AA02A226)The Joint Funds of National Science Foundation of China (U0632010)+2 种基金The State KeyLaboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West ChinaChinese Academy of Sciences (O807B11211, O807E21211)"211 grant of MOE"
文摘RNA interference (RNAi) is a process by which introduced small interfering RNA (siRNA) can cause the specific degradation of mRNA with identical sequences. The human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) RR is composed of two distinct homodimeric subunits encoded by UL39 and UL40,respectively. In this study,we applied siRNAs targeting the UL39 and UL40 genes of HSV-1. We showed that synthetic siRNA silenced effectively and specifically UL39 and UL40 mRNA expression and inhibited HSV-1 replication. Our work offers new possibilities for RNAi as a genetic tool for inhibition of HSV-1 replication.
基金financial support received from the research grant of Shandong University of Technology (4041/419099)the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)the International Advisory Board of Supporting Companies of the McGill Metals Processing Centre (MMPC).
文摘The horizontal single belt casting(HSBC)incorporating a single-impingement feeding system was simulated with an improved numerical model.Physical experiments were carried out on the pilot-scale caster for validation.The results show that the meniscus turbulence neither comes from the tundish region,nor from the impingement between the melt and the moving belt.It is the moving belt that gives rise to this high turbulence region,and this region can stir the melt near the meniscus.The feeding system studied and the moving belt give rise to a buffer region,which can optimize casting parameter variations,especially melt depth changes in the tundish.The temperature change rate of the bottom surface of the strip is around 4 times faster than that of the upper surface.
文摘Objective:The aim of our study was to explore the correlations between both the genes,evolution and prognosis of the disease by detecting the expression of MN1(meningioma 1) gene and PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homolog) gene in patients with acute myeloid leukemia(AML).Method:MN1 and PTEN mRNA were detected by reverse transcription-PCR in mononuclear cells of 38 patients with AML and 13 patients with normal bone marrow.Results:Positive rates of MN1 and PTEN genes were 76.3% and 60.5% respectively in bone marrow mononuclear cells.The expression level of MN1 mRNA for the de novo group increased comparing with that for normal control group(P < 0.05),the expression level of PTEN mRNA for de novo group decreased obviously comparing with that for normal control group(P < 0.01),MN1 mRNA level decreased in remission group,while PTEN mRNA level increased comparing with that in de novo group(P < 0.05).MN1 mRNA level increased and PTEN mRNA decreased in relapsed group comparing with that in control group,and their difference was statistical significance(P < 0.05).The two genes' levels had negative correlations in acute myeloid leukemia(r =-0.314,P < 0.05).Conclusion:There is close correlations between expression of MN1 and PTEN genes and the prognosis and occurrence of acute myeloid leukemia,and their expression can be taken as significant indexes to access the de novo,relapse and prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia.
文摘The aim of this study was to determine the progressive evolution of fish muscle fatty acids composition feeding by different lipid levels of farmed Mediterranean gilthead sea bream (Sparusaurata). During twenty one weeks, Sparusaurata were hand-feed two diets with protein and lipid ratios 47/20 (Diet A) and 45/22 (Diet B) respectively. At the end of the feeding period, lipid contents of muscle, as well as fatty acids profiles of different portions of the muscles were studied. Results indicated the effects of fatty acids profiles of diets throughout the liver and white muscle fillet (dorsal, middle and ventral). These were more noticeable when Sparusaurata was fed on the diet Athat decreased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in all the muscles during the period of feeding while the saturated fatty acids (SFA) content tended to increase and it was lower than ones in the muscles of Sparusaurata fed on diet B. The highest amount of PUFA and docosahexaenoic acid, (22:6n-3 DHA) were found among the different portions of ventral muscles. In addition, the progressive evolution of different parts of muscle's fatty acid profiles showed significant differences in contents of SFA, PUFA and especially the n-3 PUFA. However, the content of MUFA seems to be alike in different muscles and tended to decrease in dorsal and ventral muscle from Do to Df and inversely when the fish were fed on diet A.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.71661147004)
文摘To balance inventory cost with diverse demand,an optimal investment decision on necessary process improvement for delayed product differentiation is studied. A two-stage flexible manufacturing system is modeled as a continuous time Markov chain. The first production stage manufactures semifinished products based on a make-to-stock policy. The second production stage customizes semi-finished products from the first production stage on a make-to-order policy. Various performance measures for this flexible manufacturing system are evaluated by using matrix geometric methods. An optimization model to determine the level of investment on process improvement that minimizes the manufacturer ’s total cost is established. The results show that,a higher investment level can reduce both the expected customer order fulfillment delay and the expected semi-finished products inventory. When the initial order penetration point is 0. 4,the manufacturer ’s total cost is reduced by 15. 89% through process investment. In addition, the optimal investment level increases with the increase in the unit time cost of customer order fulfillment delay,and decreases with the increase in the product value and the initial order penetration point.
文摘This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitoring and numerical modeling in bump-prone U.S. mines. The focus is on induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata as highly stressed pillars punch into the roof and floor, causing shear failure and buckling of strata; under stiff stratigraphic units of some western US mines, these events could be accompanied by violent failure of pillar cores. Pillar punching eventually results in tensile stresses at the base of the pillar, facilitating transition into the post-failure regime; this transition will be nonviolent if certain conditions are met, notably the presence of interbedded mudstones with low shear strength properties and proper mine designs for controlling seismicity and dynamic loads. The study clearly shows high confining stress build-up in coal pillars resulting in up to twice higher peak vertical stress and high strain energy accumulations in some western US mines in comparison with peak stresses predicted using common empirical pillar design methods. It is the unstable release of this strain energy that can cause significant damage resulting from pillar dilation and ground movements. These forces are much greater than the capacity of most common internal support systems, resulting in horizontal stressinduced roof falls locally, in mines under unremarkable far-field horizontal stress. Attention should be placed on pillar designs as increasing support density may prove to be ineffective. This mechanism is analyzed using field measurements and generic finite-difference stress analyses. The study confirms the higher load carrying capacity of confinement-controlled coal seams in comparison with structurally controlled coal seams. Such significant differences in confining stresses are not taken into account when estimating peak pillar strength using most common empirical techniques such as those proposed by Bieniawski and Salamon. While using lower pillar strength estimates may be considered conservative,it underestimates the actual capacity of pillars in accumulating much higher stress and strain energies,misleading the designer and inadvertently diminishing mine safety. The role of induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata is emphasized in coal pillar mechanics of violent failure. The triggering mechanism for the violent events is sudden loss of pillar confinement due to dynamic loading resulting from failure of overlying stiff and strong strata. Evidence of such mechanism is noted in the field by observed red-dust at the coal-rock interfaces at the location of coal bumps and irregular, periodic caving in room-and-pillar mines quantified through direct pressure measurements in the gob.