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脑瘫患儿精细运动功能测试量表的单维性和信度研究 被引量:44
作者 史惟 李惠 +2 位作者 杨红 苏怡 张建萍 《中国循证儿科杂志》 CSCD 2008年第2期110-118,共9页
目的分析脑瘫患儿精细运动功能测试(FMFM)量表的单维性、内在信度和外在信度。方法共纳入696例脑瘫患儿为研究对象,男481例(69.1%),女215例(30.9%);年龄2-183个月,平均(30.0±25.9)个月,0-3岁496例(71.3%),〉3岁200例(28... 目的分析脑瘫患儿精细运动功能测试(FMFM)量表的单维性、内在信度和外在信度。方法共纳入696例脑瘫患儿为研究对象,男481例(69.1%),女215例(30.9%);年龄2-183个月,平均(30.0±25.9)个月,0-3岁496例(71.3%),〉3岁200例(28.7%);其中痉挛型四肢瘫239例(34.3%)、痉挛型双瘫212例(30.4%)、痉挛型偏瘫185例(包括2例单瘫)(26.6%)、徐动型30例(4.3%),肌张力障碍型21例(3.0%),共济失调型9例(1.3%)。由86项测试项目组成FMFM的取样量表,所有研究样本均接受过至少1次FMFM取样量表测试。采用Rasch分析中的局部评分模型(PCM)对696例样本和86项取样量表进行分析,以项目不适合标准(FITI)中的均方来确定量表的单维性,同时确定FMFM量表的最终入选项目,然后分析由这些项目组成的FMFM量表的测试独立性和样本独立性,通过选取研究样本中最初的23例进行重测信度研究(间隔1-7d),同样选取最初的49例进行评分者间信度研究。结果经过Rasch分析的3轮筛选,从86项取样量表项目中筛除25项,剩余的61项中仅有3项属于不适合项目,占总项目的4.9%(3/61),表明其中的绝大多数项目具有良好的单维性,由此形成正式的FMFM量表。通过分析不同项目状态下的样本能力分值之间的相关性,显示FMFM量表具有很好的测试独立性;通过在分析了不同样本状态下的项目难度值的相关性后,确定FMFM量表具有很好的样本独立性。FMFM量表还具有良好的重测信度(ICC=0.9893,95%CI:0.9753-0.9954)和测试者间信度(ICC=0.9961,95%CI:0.9932-0.9978)。结论脑瘫患儿FMFM量表具有良好的单维性、内在信度和外在信度,为将来使用FMFM量表评价奠定了良好的基础,FMFM量表的效度和反应度还有待于进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 精细运动 功能 评估 单维性 信度
识字能力的单维性检验研究 被引量:4
作者 温红博 唐文君 刘先伟 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期73-80,共8页
本研究以义务教育阶段学生识字量测验为工具,综合运用探索性结构方程建模(ESEM)以及非参数项目反应理论中的摩根量表(Mokken量表)和DETECT分析方法,探讨了识字能力的维度。探索性结构方程建模结果显示,识字的单维性模型优于多维模型... 本研究以义务教育阶段学生识字量测验为工具,综合运用探索性结构方程建模(ESEM)以及非参数项目反应理论中的摩根量表(Mokken量表)和DETECT分析方法,探讨了识字能力的维度。探索性结构方程建模结果显示,识字的单维性模型优于多维模型,多维的结果更多的体现出一个难度维度的特征,即字频的作用。Mokken量表分析结果显示,1~2年级和3~9年级测验更倾向于单维量表的特征。DETECT分析结果显示,两个测验的D值趋近于零,表明识字能力是单维能力。结合三种分析方法,识字能力具有单维性。 展开更多
关键词 识字能力 单维性检验 探索性结构方程建模 非参数项目反应理论
基于主成分因素分析法的展开型数据单维性检验研究 被引量:1
作者 邓远平 戴海琦 稂永明 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期32-37,45,共7页
以拓广的等级展开模型(GGUM)模拟6种情形下的展开型数据,使用主成分因素分析法检验展开型数据的单维性.研究发现:在项目位置参数服从均匀分布且被试特质同质性较强的情形下,前2个因子的特征值比(E_(1)/E_(2))小于3,其余情形的比值均大... 以拓广的等级展开模型(GGUM)模拟6种情形下的展开型数据,使用主成分因素分析法检验展开型数据的单维性.研究发现:在项目位置参数服从均匀分布且被试特质同质性较强的情形下,前2个因子的特征值比(E_(1)/E_(2))小于3,其余情形的比值均大于3;当被试样本特质同质性较弱时,特征值大于1的因子有3个,其余情形的因子有2个;当测验项目位置参数服从两端分布时,项目2因素负荷图呈“括号”形;当测验项目位置参数服从均匀分布时,项目2因素负荷图呈“马蹄”形.研究结果表明:能力反应数据单维性的检验标准并不适用于展开型数据,当从因子特征值比、项目负荷图判定展开型数据的单维性时,应考虑项目位置参数分布特点和被试样本特质的同质性程度. 展开更多
关键词 主成分因素分析法 展开反应机制 广义等级展开模型 单维性
地理试卷效度求证——运用因子分析法进行单维性检验 被引量:1
作者 邵靳 桑广书 +1 位作者 施程 徐晶晶 《地理教学》 北大核心 2020年第7期57-58,共2页
效度是地理试卷质量分析的重要指标之一。根据评估方法的不同,效度可分为内容效度、结构效度和效标关联效度三种类型。其中,结构效度是效度概念的核心,其计算多使用因子分析法,目的是验证测试的单维性。这是因为测试只有在单维性的前提... 效度是地理试卷质量分析的重要指标之一。根据评估方法的不同,效度可分为内容效度、结构效度和效标关联效度三种类型。其中,结构效度是效度概念的核心,其计算多使用因子分析法,目的是验证测试的单维性。这是因为测试只有在单维性的前提下,才能使用测量理论(包括经典测量理论、概化理论和项目反应理论)对考试进行质量分析。本文以嘉兴市某次高三模拟考为例,探讨结构效度的计算和分析,并进行测试单维性的检验,确保之后教育测量理论的运用。 展开更多
关键词 结构效度 测试单维性 教育测量
IRT框架下的大学生自卑感问卷单维性检验 被引量:1
作者 韩雪 吴锐 陈艺心 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第21期91-92,共2页
本文以大学生自卑感问卷为例,采用项目反应理论框架下的等级反应模型对其进行参数估计和项目分析,对分析得出的问卷进行模型-数据拟合分析.结果表明:该问卷符合单维性假设和局部独立性假设条件,该问卷在模型-数据拟合分析中,单项目完全... 本文以大学生自卑感问卷为例,采用项目反应理论框架下的等级反应模型对其进行参数估计和项目分析,对分析得出的问卷进行模型-数据拟合分析.结果表明:该问卷符合单维性假设和局部独立性假设条件,该问卷在模型-数据拟合分析中,单项目完全拟合,项目对于项目组部分拟合. 展开更多
关键词 项目反应理论 单维性检验 局部独立性检验 模型——数据拟合
作者 井贤严 符华均 《考试研究》 2020年第3期26-31,共6页
单维性是传统项目反应理主化重要的结构假设。单维性检验是运用项目反应理论进行数据分析的重要环节。本文介绍一种基于Cronbach's α系数的简便的单维性检验方法,对其原理、操作过程和结果进行详细解释。在测验编制阶段,通过该方... 单维性是传统项目反应理主化重要的结构假设。单维性检验是运用项目反应理论进行数据分析的重要环节。本文介绍一种基于Cronbach's α系数的简便的单维性检验方法,对其原理、操作过程和结果进行详细解释。在测验编制阶段,通过该方法分析测验题目的结构、内容,能够对测验题目优化、修改提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 单维性检验 Cronbach'sα系数 逐步CM曲线
国家与社会之关系的“元议题”:何谓“社会”?——中国式国家治理研究中“社会”概念的多维性 被引量:1
作者 武廷会 赵守飞 《天府新论》 2023年第2期88-97,共10页
在中国式国家治理的研究议题中,“国家与社会之关系”是一个十分重要的“元议题”。理解国家与社会之关系,需要建立在理解“国家”与“社会”概念的基础上。然而,学界对“社会”概念的理解存在着明显的分歧,导致了“社会”概念的“模糊... 在中国式国家治理的研究议题中,“国家与社会之关系”是一个十分重要的“元议题”。理解国家与社会之关系,需要建立在理解“国家”与“社会”概念的基础上。然而,学界对“社会”概念的理解存在着明显的分歧,导致了“社会”概念的“模糊性”,不利于形成有效的学术对话。基于此,以重返“元议题”的提法,引出“社会”概念的“模糊性”问题,在回顾中国学者引进、发展和批判“国家—社会”二元分析框架之过程的基础上,从类型学的角度总结了中国式国家治理研究中“社会”概念最有代表性的四个维度:组织维度的“社会”、治理单元维度的“社会”、本位维度的“社会”和总体性维度的“社会”,进而指出“国家”概念单维性与“社会”概念多维性之间的“维度错配”,以及这种“维度错配”导致的只见“经验切片”不见“生态系统”、概念创造的“内卷化”和衍生范畴的“模糊性”等问题。要进一步推动中国式国家治理研究的发展,为中国式国家治理现代化提供有力的理论支撑,下一阶段的研究必须增进“社会”概念理解的统一性和全面性,搭建起多种叙事框架有效开展学术对话的桥梁。 展开更多
关键词 国家与社会之关系 “社会”多维性 “国家”单维性 中国式国家治理
使用验证性因素分析检验测验的多维性的实验研究 被引量:13
作者 骆方 张厚粲 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期76-79,共4页
Confirmatory factor analysis is commonly used in testing multidimensionality of a test.However,when the factors are highly correlated with each other, a higher order factor may exist which implies that the measure is ... Confirmatory factor analysis is commonly used in testing multidimensionality of a test.However,when the factors are highly correlated with each other, a higher order factor may exist which implies that the measure is unidimensionnl.Through comparing an oblique factor model with a higher order factor model, multidimensionality or higher unidimensionality can be tested by CFA.This article offers a bootstrapping experiment of a multidimensional creativity measure,and demonstrated that the CFA is a better tecnique in this field. 展开更多
关键词 验证性因素分析 单维性 多维性
Rasch模型在试卷质量分析中的应用——以小学科学六年级技术与工程素养评测试卷为例 被引量:7
作者 柏毅 朱文琴 陈慧珍 《教育测量与评价》 2019年第1期25-31,共7页
与传统测量模型相比,Rasch模型因其客观和等距的特点在试卷质量分析中独具优势。本文以南京市小学科学六年级技术与工程素养评测试卷的质量分析为例,从试卷整体质量检验、单维性检验、试卷难度与学生能力的匹配性检验、各题质量分析、... 与传统测量模型相比,Rasch模型因其客观和等距的特点在试卷质量分析中独具优势。本文以南京市小学科学六年级技术与工程素养评测试卷的质量分析为例,从试卷整体质量检验、单维性检验、试卷难度与学生能力的匹配性检验、各题质量分析、题目拟合度和测量误差检验等方面介绍了Rasch模型在试卷质量分析中的应用,同时指出该评测试卷的信效度较高、题目区分度合理,绝大多数题目达到了测量预期。在具体应用中,测量者应依据实际情况选择合适的Rasch分析软件及Rasch模型对应的分析功能;在Rasch模型检测出试卷中的问题项目后,测量者应依据实际情况解释和处理这些问题项目。 展开更多
关键词 RASCH模型 试卷质量分析 单维性
前运算阶段儿童思维发展特点探幽——孩子成长故事拾零 被引量:4
作者 熊庆秋 胡林 王学民 《科技信息》 2009年第33期I0042-I0042,I0077,共2页
探讨个体的心理发展一般从社会性发展、道德水平的发展和认知发展三块入手。皮亚杰将2~7岁幼儿的认知发展划为前运算阶段,这一阶段儿童主要是表象性思维,思维的基本特点是单维性、不可逆性、自我中心性和相对具体性。但现有研究对皮亚... 探讨个体的心理发展一般从社会性发展、道德水平的发展和认知发展三块入手。皮亚杰将2~7岁幼儿的认知发展划为前运算阶段,这一阶段儿童主要是表象性思维,思维的基本特点是单维性、不可逆性、自我中心性和相对具体性。但现有研究对皮亚杰理论的一些观点提出了质疑。本文以鲜活的事例注释这一阶段思维发展的各大特点。 展开更多
关键词 前运算阶段 单维性 不可逆性 自我中心性 相对具体性
项目反应理论模型及参数估计方法 被引量:1
作者 李传益 《咸宁学院学报》 2009年第2期65-67,共3页
关键词 项目反应理论 单维性 局部独立性 模型 参数估计方法
作者 王鹏 王娟娟 褚朋朋 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期88-92,共5页
为了检验适合多维数据分析方面的全息项目双因子模型的适应性,分析高校教师工作压力量表的结构的合理性,进一步考察其项目功能,对来自全国22所高校的1983名高校教师施测高校教师工作压力量表,并采用全息项目双因子分析程序进行双因子模... 为了检验适合多维数据分析方面的全息项目双因子模型的适应性,分析高校教师工作压力量表的结构的合理性,进一步考察其项目功能,对来自全国22所高校的1983名高校教师施测高校教师工作压力量表,并采用全息项目双因子分析程序进行双因子模型分析。结果表明,与传统因素分析模型相比,双因子模型的拟合效果更佳。各项目的因素负荷结果也表明,多数项目的质量较好,部分项目需要重新拟定或者予以删除。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师工作压力量表 双因子模型 项目反应理论 单维性
Frost多维完美主义量表的Rasch分析 被引量:2
作者 韩雪 吴锐 赵守盈 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第4期23-27,共5页
关键词 RASCH模型 单维性 τ难度
Single-machine scheduling with preventive periodic maintenance and resumable jobs in remanufacturing system 被引量:2
作者 刘碧玉 陈伟达 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第3期349-353,共5页
A single-machine scheduling with preventive periodic maintenance activities in a remanufacturing system including resumable and non-resumable jobs is studied.The objective is to find a schedule to minimize the makespa... A single-machine scheduling with preventive periodic maintenance activities in a remanufacturing system including resumable and non-resumable jobs is studied.The objective is to find a schedule to minimize the makespan and an LPT-LS algorithm is proposed.Non-resumable jobs are first scheduled in a machine by the longest processing time(LPT) rule,and then resumable jobs are scheduled by the list scheduling(LS) rule.And the worst-case ratios of this algorithm in three different cases in terms of the value of the total processing time of the resumable jobs(denoted as S2) are discussed.When S2 is longer than the spare time of the machine after the non-resumable jobs are assigned by the LPT rule,it is equal to 1.When S2 falls in between the spare time of the machine by the LPT rule and the optimal schedule rule,it is less than 2.When S2 is less than the spare time of the machine by the optimal schedule rule,it is less than 2.Finally,numerical examples are presented for verification. 展开更多
关键词 single-machine scheduling preventive periodic maintenance resumable jobs LPT-LS algorithm
Experiment and simulation of creep performance of basalt fibre asphalt mortar under uniaxial compressive loadings
作者 张小元 顾兴宇 +1 位作者 吕俊秀 朱宗凯 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期472-478,共7页
The creep performance of basalt fibre(BF)reinforced in asphalt mortar under uniaxial compressive loadings is investigated. The samples of basalt fibre asphalt mortar(BFAM) with different BF mass fractions(0. 1%,0... The creep performance of basalt fibre(BF)reinforced in asphalt mortar under uniaxial compressive loadings is investigated. The samples of basalt fibre asphalt mortar(BFAM) with different BF mass fractions(0. 1%,0. 2%, and 0. 5%) and without BF in asphalt mixture are prepared, and then submitted for the compressive strength test and corresponding creep test at a high in-service temperature.Besides, numerical simulations in finite element ABAQUS software were conducted to model the compressive creep test of mortar materials, where the internal structure of the fibre mortar was assumed to be a two-component composite material model such as fibre and mortar matrix. Finally, the influence factors of rheological behaviors of BFAM are further analyzed. Results indicate that compared to the control sample, the compressive strength of BFAM samples has a significant increase, and the creep and residual deformation are decreased. However, it also shows that the excessive fibre, i.e. with the BF content of 0. 5%, is unfavorable to the high-temperature stability of the mortar. Based on the analysis results, the prediction equations of parameters of the Burgers constitutive model for BFAM are proposed by considering the fibre factors. 展开更多
关键词 basalt fibre asphalt mortar uniaxial compressive creep performance
作者 周光明 王鑫伟 乔新 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第1期8-14,共7页
As an advanced composite material, the 3D braided composite has received more and more attention in foreign countries. However, it has received less attention in China. The geometric unit cell which can describe the b... As an advanced composite material, the 3D braided composite has received more and more attention in foreign countries. However, it has received less attention in China. The geometric unit cell which can describe the basic structure and the relationship between the braiding angle and geometric parameters of the fabric and fiber volume ratio are given in this paper based on two 3D braiding processes, namely, the four-step and the twostep ones. Several existing mechanical models to predict groperties of the 3D braided comPOsites are discussed and their shortcomings are pointed out herein. Then a new model called the inclined laminal combination model is proposed, which is based on the classical laminated plate theory and can predict the basic mechanical behavior of the two 3D braided composites with four-step or two-step braid. In the model, each yarn in the unit cell is regarded as an inclined laminate and then a 3D analysis is performed. It is found that the predicted mechanical properties of the 3D braided composites by the proposed model are compared well with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 COMPOSITES mechanical properties unit cell mechanical model 3D braided
Effect of fiber type on the bending and uniaxial tensile properties of high-strength high-ductility cementitious composites 被引量:1
作者 Guo Liping Chen Bo +1 位作者 Wu Yue Lei Dongyi 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期495-499,共5页
To investigate the effect of fiber types on bending and tensile properties of high-strength,high-ductility cementitious composites( HS-HDCCs), ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene( PE) fibers,polyvinyl alcohol( PV... To investigate the effect of fiber types on bending and tensile properties of high-strength,high-ductility cementitious composites( HS-HDCCs), ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene( PE) fibers,polyvinyl alcohol( PVA) fibers,and copper-plated micro steel fibers were selected as the reinforcement materials. The bending and tensile properties of HS-HDCCs with different fibers with a volume fraction of 2% were studied. The results indicate that PE,PVA,micro steel,and PVA-PE hybrid fibers impart varying degrees of toughening and improve the tensile strength. During the tensile and bending processes,HS-HDCCs with micro steel fibers exhibit a strain-softening phenomenon. HS-HDCCs with PVA fibers or with PVA-PE hybrid fibers can achieve multiple cracking behaviors and strain hardening phenomenon to a certain extent and show slight high-ductility characteristics. HS-HDCCs with PE fibers exhibit multiple cracking behavior and strain hardening phenomenon and show significant high-ductility characteristics. The test results can provide a basis for selecting fibers suitable for HS-HDCCs reinforcement. 展开更多
关键词 fiber high ductility TOUGHNESS uniaxial tensile
Genetic polymorphisms in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:Clues to pathogenesis and disease progression 被引量:4
作者 Marko Duvnjak Neven Bari +1 位作者 Vedran Tomai Ivan Leroti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第48期6023-6027,共5页
The spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) ranges from simple steatosis through steatohepatitis to advanced f ibrosis and cirrhosis.Although the reason why only a minority of patients develop progressive... The spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) ranges from simple steatosis through steatohepatitis to advanced f ibrosis and cirrhosis.Although the reason why only a minority of patients develop progressive forms of disease still remains largely unclear,recent research has identified genetic factors as a possible basis for this variation in disease presentation.Most of the studies have been focused on f inding associations between advanced disease forms and selected single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes encoding various proteins involved in disease pathogenesis.Although there are many limitations regarding the study design and interpretation of published data,further carefully planned studies together with implementation of new genetic technologies will likely bring new insights into disease pathogenesis and potential benefits to the management of patients with NAFLD. 展开更多
关键词 GENETICS Liver fibrosis Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Single nucleotide polymorphisms
A new 3-D element formulation on displacement of steel-concrete composite box beam 被引量:2
作者 周凌宇 余志武 贺桂超 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1354-1360,共7页
Slip of a composite box beam may reduce its stiffness, enlarge its deformation and affect its performance. In this work, the governing differential equations and boundary conditions of composite box beams were establi... Slip of a composite box beam may reduce its stiffness, enlarge its deformation and affect its performance. In this work, the governing differential equations and boundary conditions of composite box beams were established. Analytic solutions of combined differential equations were also established. Partial degree of freedom was adopted to establish a new FEA element of three-dimensional beam, taking into account the slip effect. Slip and its first-order derivative were introduced into the nodes of composite box beams as generalized degree of freedom. Stiffness matrix and load array of beam elements were established. A three-dimensional nonlinear calculation program was worked out. The results show that the element is reliable and easy to divide and is suitable for special nonlinear analysis of large-span composite box beams. 展开更多
关键词 steel-concrete composite box beam shear deformation slip effect variational method finite beam element method
Structure and Properties of Silk Fibers Grafted with Vinyl Siloxane Monomer
作者 邢铁玲 陈国强 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期94-97,共4页
Silk fibers were grafted with a novel vinyl siloxane monomer. The properties of silk with different grafting yield were discussed. The results showed that the crease recovery of grafted silk fabric is improved signifi... Silk fibers were grafted with a novel vinyl siloxane monomer. The properties of silk with different grafting yield were discussed. The results showed that the crease recovery of grafted silk fabric is improved significantly, handle of grafted silk is softer, and grafting has no influence on strength of silk. Graft with low grafting yield has no effect on dyeing properties of silk. The results of IR, SEM photographs and amino acid analysis indicate that the monomer combines with silk fiber by physical sediment and chemical bond, the grafting reactions mainly occurred on Ser., His. and Arg. of silk fibers, and ester crosslinking forms between silanol and Asp., Gin. of silk molecular side chains. X-ray diffraction patterns of silk fibers suggest that the grafting has no effect on the crystalline regions. 展开更多
关键词 SILK vinyl monomer SILOXANE GRAFTING MODIFICATION structure.
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