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单量子比特系统状态的在线估计 被引量:5
作者 唐雅茹 丛爽 杨靖北 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1592-1599,共8页
针对具有退相干效应与测量反馈随机噪声的随机开放量子系统,采用对状态影响较弱的连续弱测量在线获取一系列状态的部分信息,实现量子状态的在线估计.由泡利矩阵构造初始测量算符,并推导出在线的随时间变化的测量算符;基于压缩传感理论... 针对具有退相干效应与测量反馈随机噪声的随机开放量子系统,采用对状态影响较弱的连续弱测量在线获取一系列状态的部分信息,实现量子状态的在线估计.由泡利矩阵构造初始测量算符,并推导出在线的随时间变化的测量算符;基于压缩传感理论来减少测量次数;采用最小二乘优化算法对自由演化中的量子密度矩阵状态进行重构,完整地给出了量子态在线估计的过程.所提出的在线量子态估计方案,在一个量子位系统上进行了系统仿真实验.数值仿真实验结果表明,在满足压缩传感理论的条件下,仅需2次连续弱测量所得到的测量值之后,就可以高精度地实现在线变化的单比特量子密度矩阵估计. 展开更多
关键词 单量子比特系统 量子连续弱测量 压缩传感理论 量子态在线估计
作者 刘启沛 张程贤 薛正远 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第20期195-201,共7页
半导体量子点量子比特是最有希望实现量子计算的候选者之一.其中自旋单态-三重态量子比特因具有全电控制和读取准确的优良性质而备受关注.为增强对电荷噪声的免疫,通常引进强脉冲驱动以尽可能加快门操作速度.但是,强驱动脉冲引起的复杂... 半导体量子点量子比特是最有希望实现量子计算的候选者之一.其中自旋单态-三重态量子比特因具有全电控制和读取准确的优良性质而备受关注.为增强对电荷噪声的免疫,通常引进强脉冲驱动以尽可能加快门操作速度.但是,强驱动脉冲引起的复杂动力学导致旋波近似不再适用,反而会阻碍高保真度比特操作的实现.本文提出了一种增加简单的正交脉冲的方法,可以很好地抑制强驱动引起的高频振荡项的操作错误.数值计算结果表明,NOT门的保真度在无噪声时可达99.99%且操作时间只需2 ns.特别地,即便电荷噪声强度到了2μe V的水平,NOT门的平均保真度也可高于99.9%.值得注意的是,该方案同时也适用于任意单比特量子门的优化.因此,本文的脉冲优化方案将有助于获得快速高保真度的自旋单态-三重态量子比特. 展开更多
关键词 态-三重态量子比 量子比特 强驱动
量子直接传态 被引量:5
作者 王明宇 王馨德 +1 位作者 阮东 龙桂鲁 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第19期15-21,共7页
把一个任意量子态在既有噪声又有窃听的信道下安全可靠地传输,是一个广泛而重要的问题.现在已有的方法是先传输大量的Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)纠缠对,然后进行纠缠纯化,获得一对近似完美的纠缠对,再进行隐形传态或者远程态制备来... 把一个任意量子态在既有噪声又有窃听的信道下安全可靠地传输,是一个广泛而重要的问题.现在已有的方法是先传输大量的Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)纠缠对,然后进行纠缠纯化,获得一对近似完美的纠缠对,再进行隐形传态或者远程态制备来传输量子态.本文给出一种直接安全传输量子态的方法,通过使用量子直接通信,安全地传输大量同样的任意量子态,然后利用单量子态的纯化方法,得到一个近于完美的量子态.这是一种不需要量子纠缠的量子态安全传输方法,避免使用纠缠资源.这种方案是量子隐形传态和远程态制备之外的又一途径.此外,这一方案将原来只是用来传输经典信息的量子安全直接通信扩展到传输任意量子态的新领域,扩大了量子直接通信的用途.这一方案将在未来量子互联网中有重要的应用. 展开更多
关键词 量子直接传态 量子安全直接通信 量子安全直接态传输 单量子比特纯化
一维量子点阵列自旋链上的信息传输 被引量:1
作者 罗国忠 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期595-599,共5页
以基于紧束缚模型的实空间格点组成的一维线性均匀有序的量子点阵列为研究对象,利用演化算符的作用使其在量子点阵列的自旋链上进行单量子比特的信息传输。即使用演化算符exp(-iλt/hH)使单比特量子态从量子点阵列起始端为多粒子态|1_10... 以基于紧束缚模型的实空间格点组成的一维线性均匀有序的量子点阵列为研究对象,利用演化算符的作用使其在量子点阵列的自旋链上进行单量子比特的信息传输。即使用演化算符exp(-iλt/hH)使单比特量子态从量子点阵列起始端为多粒子态|1_10_20_3…0_(N-1)0_N〉传输到末端态为|0_10_20_3…0_(N-1)1_N〉,在此基础上计算概率来讨论单量子比特能从起始端的多粒子态|1_10_20_3…0_(N-1)0_N〉的第一个量子比特完全传输到态|0_10_20_3…0_(N-1)1_N〉的末端第N个量子比特是可能的。 展开更多
关键词 量子物理 信息传输 演化算符的泰勒展开 量子点阵列 线性自旋链 一维 单量子比特
作者 田晶 唐宁 曾浩生 《湖南文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期1-6,共6页
关键词 单量子比特逻辑门 非马尔可夫度 平均保真度 最佳操作时间
作者 王士琪 张可佳 张淋萌 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2020年第6期653-660,共8页
由量子逻辑门构造的量子线路是实现量子计算的基础。从算子角度来看,量子逻辑门的数学本质是酉算子,研究任意量子门的酉算子分解问题是优化量子线路的关键。本文从Pauli门和Hadamard门这两类基本的逻辑门分析入手,首先拓展了Pauli门、Ha... 由量子逻辑门构造的量子线路是实现量子计算的基础。从算子角度来看,量子逻辑门的数学本质是酉算子,研究任意量子门的酉算子分解问题是优化量子线路的关键。本文从Pauli门和Hadamard门这两类基本的逻辑门分析入手,首先拓展了Pauli门、Hadamard门与旋转算子的线路恒等式关系;随后基于具体的线路恒等式关系,对于量子线路中的任意单量子比特门分解结论,提出了更为直观、简便的证明方法。这些工作将有助于后续量子计算的数学本质刻画。 展开更多
关键词 Pauli门 Hadamard门 旋转算子 线路恒等式 单量子比特门分解
二维量子态的相干值计算 被引量:2
作者 孙柳 陶元红 李江鹏 《延边大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第2期107-111,共5页
利用单量子比特混合态的Bloch球表示法给出7种常见的相干度量(l_(1)范数相干度量、l_(p^(-))范数相干度量(p_(-)≥2)、相对熵相干度量、Tsallis-α相对熵相干度量、Rényi-α相对熵相干度量、α-亲和度相干度量和斜信息相干度量)下... 利用单量子比特混合态的Bloch球表示法给出7种常见的相干度量(l_(1)范数相干度量、l_(p^(-))范数相干度量(p_(-)≥2)、相对熵相干度量、Tsallis-α相对熵相干度量、Rényi-α相对熵相干度量、α-亲和度相干度量和斜信息相干度量)下二维量子态的相干值解析表达式及其取值范围.该研究结果可为研究单量子比特系统上的不同相干度量的序关系提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 量子相干性 相干值 Bloch球表示法 单量子比特
作者 朱彪 《科技风》 2008年第7期55-55,共1页
量子状态的变化可以用量子计算的语言来描述,类似于经典计算机是由包含连线和逻辑门的线路建造的,量子计算机是由包含连线和基本量子门排列起来形成的处理量子信息的量子线路建造的。量子门包括单量子比特门和多量子比特门,量子门中最... 量子状态的变化可以用量子计算的语言来描述,类似于经典计算机是由包含连线和逻辑门的线路建造的,量子计算机是由包含连线和基本量子门排列起来形成的处理量子信息的量子线路建造的。量子门包括单量子比特门和多量子比特门,量子门中最重要的就是受控非门和单量子比特门,因为任意的多量子比特门都可由受控非门和单量子比特门复合而成。现在有一些实现量子门的方案,比如简单谐振子、腔量子电动力学、离子阱、分子核磁共振、量子点及某些其他物理系统。 展开更多
关键词 量子逻辑门 受控非门 单量子比特
A Simple Scheme for Realizing a Multiqubit Controlled-Phase Gate Through a Resonant Interaction of Three-Level Atoms with a Single-Mode Cavity
作者 张登玉 唐世清 +3 位作者 谢利军 詹孝贵 游开明 高峰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期481-485,共5页
A very simpJe theoretical scheme is proposed to implement two-and three-qubit controlled-phase gates firstly only using a single resonant interaction between ladder-type three-level atoms and the single-mode cavity. I... A very simpJe theoretical scheme is proposed to implement two-and three-qubit controlled-phase gates firstly only using a single resonant interaction between ladder-type three-level atoms and the single-mode cavity. In the presented protocol, the quantum information is encoded on the stable ground states of the atoms (as the controlling qubits) and the zero- and one-photon Fock states of cavity-field (as the target qubit). Under the influence of the atomic spontaneous emission, the decay of the cavity-mode, and deviation of the coupling strength, the three-qubit controlled- phase gate may have a comparatively high fidelity. The experimental feasibility of controlled-phase gate and the ease that is extended to realize N-qubit controlled-phase gate are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 controlled-phase gate three-level atom QED FIDELITY
Two-Step Deterministic Remote Preparation of an Arbitrary Quantum State
作者 王美玉 闫凤利 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期792-796,共5页
We present a two-step deterministic remote state preparation protocol for an arbitrary qubit with the aid of a three-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. Generalization of this protocol for higher-dimensional H... We present a two-step deterministic remote state preparation protocol for an arbitrary qubit with the aid of a three-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. Generalization of this protocol for higher-dimensional Hilbert space systems among three parties is also given. We show that only single-particle yon Neumann measurements, local operations, and classical communication are necessary. Moreover, since the overall information of the quantum state can be divided into two different pieces, which may be at different locations, this protocol may be useful in the quantum information field. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation GHZ state local operation
Performance of an Improved One-Way Error Reconciliation Protocol Based on Key Redistribution 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Feng LI Jingling 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期63-70,共8页
In data post-processing for quantum key distribution, it is essential to have a highly efficient error reconciliation protocol. Based on the key redistribution scheme, we analyze a one-way error reconciliation protoco... In data post-processing for quantum key distribution, it is essential to have a highly efficient error reconciliation protocol. Based on the key redistribution scheme, we analyze a one-way error reconciliation protocol by data simulation. The relationship between the error correction capability and the key generation efficiency of three kinds of Hamming code are demonstrated. The simulation results indicate that when the initial error rates are (0,1.5%], (1.5,4%], and (4,11%], using the Hamming (31,26), (15,11), and (7,4) codes to correct the error, respectively, the key generation rate will be maximized. Based on this, we propose a modified one-way error reconciliation protocol which employs a mixed Hamming code concatenation scheme. The error correction capability and key generation rate are verified through data simulation. Using the parameters of the posterior distribution based on the tested data, a simple method for estimating the bit error rate (BER) with a given confidence interval is estimated. The simulation results show that when the initial bit error rate is 10.00%, after 7 rounds of error correction, the error bits are eliminated completely, and the key generation rate is 10.36%; the BER expectation is 2.96×10^-10, and when the confidence is 95% the corresponding BER upper limit is 2.17×10^-9. By comparison, for the single (7,4) Hamming code error reconciliation scheme at a confidence of 95%,the key generation rate is only 6.09%, while the BER expectation is 5.92x 10"9, with a BER upper limit of 4.34×10^-8. Hence, our improved protocol is much better than the original one. 展开更多
关键词 quantum key distribution error reconciliation data post-processing
Quantum computational advantage via 60-qubit 24-cycle random circuit sampling 被引量:6
作者 Qingling Zhua Sirui Cao +50 位作者 Fusheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Xiawei Chen Tung-Hsun Chung Hui Deng Yajie Du Daojin Fan Ming Gong Cheng Guo Chu Guo Shaojun Guo Lianchen Han Linyin Hong He-Liang Huang Yong-Heng Huo Liping Li Na Li Shaowei Li Yuan Li Futian Liang Chun Lin Jin Lin Haoran Qian Dan Qiao Hao Rong Hong Su Lihua Sun Liangyuan Wang Shiyu Wang Dachao Wu Yulin Wu Yu Xu Kai Yan Weifeng Yang Yang Yang Yangsen Ye Jianghan Yin Chong Ying Jiale Yu Chen Zha Cha Zhang Haibin Zhang Kaili Zhang Yiming Zhang Han Zhao Youwei Zhao Liang Zhou Chao-Yang Lu Cheng-Zhi Peng Xiaobo Zhu Jian-Wei Pan 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第3期240-245,共6页
To ensure a long-term quantum computational advantage,the quantum hardware should be upgraded to withstand the competition of continuously improved classical algorithms and hardwares.Here,we demonstrate a superconduct... To ensure a long-term quantum computational advantage,the quantum hardware should be upgraded to withstand the competition of continuously improved classical algorithms and hardwares.Here,we demonstrate a superconducting quantum computing systems Zuchongzhi 2.1,which has 66 qubits in a two-dimensional array in a tunable coupler architecture.The readout fidelity of Zuchongzhi 2.1 is considerably improved to an average of 97.74%.The more powerful quantum processor enables us to achieve larger-scale random quantum circuit sampling,with a system scale of up to 60 qubits and 24 cycles,and fidelity of FXEB=(3·66±0·345)×10^(-4).The achieved sampling task is about 6 orders of magnitude more difficult than that of Sycamore[Nature 574,505(2019)]in the classic simulation,and 3 orders of magnitude more difficult than the sampling task on Zuchongzhi 2.0[arXiv:2106.14734(2021)].The time consumption of classically simulating random circuit sampling experiment using state-of-the-art classical algorithm and supercomputer is extended to tens of thousands of years(about 4·8×104years),while Zuchongzhi 2.1 only takes about 4.2 h,thereby significantly enhancing the quantum computational advantage. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum physics Quantum computation Quantum information Superconducting quantum computing Superconducting qubit
Quantum Private Comparison via Cavity QED 被引量:2
作者 Tian-Yu Ye 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期147-156,共10页
The first quantum private comparison(QPC) protocol via cavity quantum electrodynamics(QED) is proposed in this paper by making full use of the evolution law of atom via cavity QED, where the third party(TP) is allowed... The first quantum private comparison(QPC) protocol via cavity quantum electrodynamics(QED) is proposed in this paper by making full use of the evolution law of atom via cavity QED, where the third party(TP) is allowed to misbehave on his own but cannot conspire with either of the two users. The proposed protocol adopts two-atom product states rather than entangled states as the initial quantum resource, and only needs single-atom measurements for two users. Both the unitary operations and the quantum entanglement swapping operation are not necessary for the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol can compare the equality of one bit from each user in each round comparison with one two-atom product state. The proposed protocol can resist both the outside attack and the participant attack.Particularly, it can prevent TP from knowing two users' secrets. Furthermore, the qubit efficiency of the proposed protocol is as high as 50%. 展开更多
关键词 quantum private comparison(QPC) third party(TP) cavity quantum electrodynamics(QED) product state participant attack
Concentration and distribution of entanglement based on valley qubits system in graphene 被引量:4
作者 Chuan Wang Wei-Wei Shen +2 位作者 Si-Chen Mi Yong Zhang Tie-Jun Wang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第23期2016-2021,共6页
Exploiting the optical excitation selection rules in graphene quantum dots, we investigate theoretically the entanglement generation process and entanglement concentration process of valley qubits. Our protocol shows ... Exploiting the optical excitation selection rules in graphene quantum dots, we investigate theoretically the entanglement generation process and entanglement concentration process of valley qubits. Our protocol shows that the graphene-based quantum dots can be distributed in a maximally entangled state through the interaction with single photons. In our proposed scheme, the setups are simplified as only single-photon detection is required. This provides a fast, all-optical manipulation of on-chip qubits,which gives an effective way for quantum information processing in graphene-based solid qubits. 展开更多
关键词 Entanglement concentration ·Entanglement distribution · Valley qubits
Remark on the One-Way Quantum Deficit for General Two-Qubit States
作者 邵连合 席政军 李永明 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期285-289,共5页
We reinvestigate the one-way quantum deficit,which is a measure of quantum correlation emerging from a thermodynamical approach.We give a tight upper bound of the one-way quantum deficit for general mixed states,and g... We reinvestigate the one-way quantum deficit,which is a measure of quantum correlation emerging from a thermodynamical approach.We give a tight upper bound of the one-way quantum deficit for general mixed states,and give a sufficient condition for this bound.Finally,we discuss a universal way to evaluate the one-way quantum deficit for general two-qubit states. 展开更多
关键词 quantum correlation quantum deficit measurement two-qubit state
One-Step Generation of Multi-Qubit GHZ and W States in Superconducting Transmon Qubit System
作者 高贵龙 蔡根畅 +2 位作者 黄寿胜 王明锋 姜年权 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期205-208,共4页
We propose a one-step method to prepare multi-qubit GHZ and W states with transmon qubits capacitively coupled to a superconducting transmission line resonator(TLR).Compared with the scheme firstly introduced by Wang ... We propose a one-step method to prepare multi-qubit GHZ and W states with transmon qubits capacitively coupled to a superconducting transmission line resonator(TLR).Compared with the scheme firstly introduced by Wang et al.[Phys.Rev.B 81(2010) 104524],our schemes have longer dephasing time and much shorter operation time because the transmon qubits we used are not only more robust to the decoherence and the unavoidable parameter variations,but also have much stronger coupling constant with TLR.Based on the favourable properties of transmons and TLR,our method is more feasible in experiment. 展开更多
关键词 transmon transmission line resonator GHZ state W state
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