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基于1/4模基片集成波导的单馈电小型圆极化天线 被引量:2
作者 王倪 金城 +1 位作者 徐晓文 孙厚军 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期744-748,共5页
1/4模基片集成波导可等效为由两个磁壁和一个电壁组成的等腰直角三角形波导.采用基于等腰直角三角形波导的空腔模式法分析了1/4模基片集成波导,得到了横电波模和横磁波模的表达式.基于1/4模基片集成波导设计了一种单微带馈电的平面小型... 1/4模基片集成波导可等效为由两个磁壁和一个电壁组成的等腰直角三角形波导.采用基于等腰直角三角形波导的空腔模式法分析了1/4模基片集成波导,得到了横电波模和横磁波模的表达式.基于1/4模基片集成波导设计了一种单微带馈电的平面小型圆极化天线.仿真结果表明:该天线可以实现右旋圆极化,且具有6.18dBic的高增益和3.44%的3dB轴比带宽. 展开更多
关键词 圆极化天线 1/4模基片集成波导 单馈电
一种Ka波段的共面容性馈电宽带微带天线 被引量:1
作者 陈云 王玉峰 +1 位作者 周军 周江昇 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S1期161-164,共4页
采用辐射贴片和馈电贴片位于同一层的容性馈电方式设计了一种毫米波宽带微带天线。该设计采用双层介质展宽频带,通过馈电贴片与辐射贴片间的耦合对辐射贴片进行馈电,从而补偿使用同轴探针引入的附加电感,达到阻抗匹配的目的。设计天线... 采用辐射贴片和馈电贴片位于同一层的容性馈电方式设计了一种毫米波宽带微带天线。该设计采用双层介质展宽频带,通过馈电贴片与辐射贴片间的耦合对辐射贴片进行馈电,从而补偿使用同轴探针引入的附加电感,达到阻抗匹配的目的。设计天线的工作频段为26.1GHz~41.1GHz,相对阻抗带宽(VSWR<2)达到44.64%,同时文中还讨论了馈电贴片的尺寸及其与辐射贴片间距对天线阻抗及驻波比的影响。 展开更多
关键词 层容性 微带天线 毫米波
大规模风电场接入对内蒙古电网安全稳定的影响 被引量:6
作者 齐军 徐也童 +1 位作者 万江 张红光 《内蒙古电力技术》 2009年第4期1-5,共5页
以内蒙古电网2009年度运行方式计算数据为基础,根据内蒙古风电机组的实际情况,采用单馈异步恒速风机和双馈变速恒频2种风电机组模型进行仿真计算,对约4 500 MW风电机组投入电网运行的潮流电压和暂态稳定特性进行分析。根据分析结论,提... 以内蒙古电网2009年度运行方式计算数据为基础,根据内蒙古风电机组的实际情况,采用单馈异步恒速风机和双馈变速恒频2种风电机组模型进行仿真计算,对约4 500 MW风电机组投入电网运行的潮流电压和暂态稳定特性进行分析。根据分析结论,提出大规模风电场接入内蒙古电网对系统网架结构、无功补偿的要求,并对传统规划阶段的风电接入技术原则进行了探讨,其计算结论可用于指导大规模风电场在内蒙古电网的调度运行和规划设计。 展开更多
关键词 异步恒速风机组 变速恒频风机组 静态安全 动态安全
一种2.4GHz圆极化微带贴片天线的设计与实现 被引量:2
作者 任丽红 王浩 《电子测试》 2020年第22期74-75,38,共3页
本文简要介绍了微带贴片天线的工作原理及圆极化技术,针对谐波探测雷达的使用需求,研究设计了中心频率为2.4GHz的圆极化微带贴片天线。天线采用方形贴片切角的单馈电法实现圆极化,结构简单、成本低、尺寸小。文中详细介绍了天线设计方... 本文简要介绍了微带贴片天线的工作原理及圆极化技术,针对谐波探测雷达的使用需求,研究设计了中心频率为2.4GHz的圆极化微带贴片天线。天线采用方形贴片切角的单馈电法实现圆极化,结构简单、成本低、尺寸小。文中详细介绍了天线设计方案和数值仿真结果,并制作了天线实物测试验证其阻抗、方向图、增益等性能。 展开更多
关键词 微带天线 圆极化 单馈电 贴片切角
一种北斗手持机天线 被引量:2
作者 沙永胜 《电子世界》 2014年第1期29-30,共2页
设计了一种新型北斗手持机天线,该天线可发射1.616GHz左旋圆极化信号,接收2.492GHz右旋圆极化信号,天线通过共轴层叠结构以及耦合技术,使得发射天线增益大于-3dB(仰角10o以上),接收天线增益大于-2.5dB(仰角10o以上),隔离度达到16以上,... 设计了一种新型北斗手持机天线,该天线可发射1.616GHz左旋圆极化信号,接收2.492GHz右旋圆极化信号,天线通过共轴层叠结构以及耦合技术,使得发射天线增益大于-3dB(仰角10o以上),接收天线增益大于-2.5dB(仰角10o以上),隔离度达到16以上,同时尺寸较小,有效的解决了天线小型化的问题。 展开更多
关键词 双频带 并联耦合 简并分离
小型化微带天线的双频技术设计与仿真 被引量:2
作者 范睿 《广东通信技术》 2014年第12期69-75,80,共8页
无线通信技术的发展对人们的生活和工作产生了重大影响,GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)和蓝牙(Blue tooth)是人们日常生活中应用广泛的两种通信系统。我国GSM手机占用频段是GSM900MHz和GSM1800MHz,利用"蓝牙"... 无线通信技术的发展对人们的生活和工作产生了重大影响,GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)和蓝牙(Blue tooth)是人们日常生活中应用广泛的两种通信系统。我国GSM手机占用频段是GSM900MHz和GSM1800MHz,利用"蓝牙"技术,能够有效地简化移动通信终端设备之间的通信,而蓝牙的工作频段是2.45GHz。通过选用单同轴馈电法,同时激发TM10和TM01谐振模式,实现双频。应用仿真软件对该天线进行建模、参数的扫描和优化,设计可同时工作在GSM1.8GHz和蓝牙2.45GHz的小型化、双频段微带天线,来适应当前无线通信系统的应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 蓝牙 微带天线 双频段 同轴
作者 Sun Baohua Ji Yicai Liu Qizhong (institute of Antennas and EM Scattering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期84-88,共5页
A new hybrid technique is presented, which combines the Mode Matching (MM) method with the Method of Lines (MoL) to analyze a coaxial fed monopole antenna. The monopole antenna is dealt with using the MoL, while the M... A new hybrid technique is presented, which combines the Mode Matching (MM) method with the Method of Lines (MoL) to analyze a coaxial fed monopole antenna. The monopole antenna is dealt with using the MoL, while the MM method is used to analyze the coaxial feed system. Then, the two sub-problems are combined by enforcing point matching at the common regional interfaces. The input impedance is computed and compared with the measured data reported in literature, and the excellent agreement is observed. 展开更多
关键词 Monopole antenna MOL MM method
Step-Loading Characteristics of Gas Engine Cogeneration System Using Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Stand-Alone Operation
作者 Tetsuji Daido Yushi Miura +1 位作者 Toshifumi Ise Yuki Sato 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第3期530-542,共13页
Application of a DFIG (doubly-fed induction generator), which is one of adjustable speed generators, to a gas engine cogeneration system has been investigated. To operate during a blackout as an emergency power supp... Application of a DFIG (doubly-fed induction generator), which is one of adjustable speed generators, to a gas engine cogeneration system has been investigated. To operate during a blackout as an emergency power supply is one of important roles for the gas engine eogeneration system. In the case of conventional constant speed of synchronous generator, the amount of the allowed step load is limited to around 30% of the rated power. On the other hand, DFIG is expected to increase the amount of step load during the stand-alone operation. In this paper, it has been demonstrated that an increase in the gas engine speed resulted in an increase in the maximum amount of step load using experimental equipment with a real gas engine. It has been concluded that the proposed system can improve the performance of an emergency power supply at step-loading. 展开更多
关键词 Step load change doubly-fed induction generator gas engine cogeneration system stand-alone operation.
作者 付世强 房少军 +1 位作者 王钟葆 陈鹏 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期65-67,71,共4页
为解决圆极化微带天线阵馈电网络较为复杂、工程实现较为困难这一问题,提供一种适用于宽带全球局域网陆地移动终端的天线阵简易设计方法.采用微带线三维过渡段倾斜馈电,利用方形贴片切角实现圆极化工作,并采用叠层单元结构连续旋转组成... 为解决圆极化微带天线阵馈电网络较为复杂、工程实现较为困难这一问题,提供一种适用于宽带全球局域网陆地移动终端的天线阵简易设计方法.采用微带线三维过渡段倾斜馈电,利用方形贴片切角实现圆极化工作,并采用叠层单元结构连续旋转组成天线阵,使得天线的阻抗带宽(VSWR≤2)和轴比带宽(AR≤3 dB)分别达到35%和20%.实测结果表明,天线在整个海事卫星工作频带内驻波比小于1.5,增益高于13 dB.实测结果与仿真结果具有良好的一致性. 展开更多
关键词 单馈电圆极化 叠层贴片天线 连续旋转技术 三维过渡段 宽带全球局域网(BGAN)
Streptomycin inhibits electrophysiological changes induced by stretching of chronically infarcted rat hearts
作者 Jun-xian CAO Lu FU +2 位作者 Qian-ping GAO Rong-sheng XIE Fan QU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期515-521,共7页
Objective: To investigate stretch-induced electrophysiological changes in chronically infarcted hearts and the effect of streptomycin (SM) on these changes in vivo. Methods: Sixty Wistar rats were divided randomly... Objective: To investigate stretch-induced electrophysiological changes in chronically infarcted hearts and the effect of streptomycin (SM) on these changes in vivo. Methods: Sixty Wistar rats were divided randomly into four groups: a control group (n=15), an SM group (n=15), a myocardial infarction (MI) group (n=15), and an MI+SM group (n=15). Chronic MI was obtained by ligating the left anterior descending branch (LAD) of rat hearts for eight weeks. The in vivo blockade of stretch-activated ion channels (SACs) was achieved by intramuscular injection of SM (180 mg/(kg·d)) for seven days after operation. The hearts were stretched for 5 s by occlusion of the aortic arch. Suction electrodes were placed on the anterior wall of left ventricle to record the monophasic action potential (MAP). The effect of stretching was examined by assessing the 90% monophasic action potential duration (MAPD90), premature ventricular beats (PVBs), and ventricular tachycardia (VT). Results: The MAPD90 decreased during stretching in both the control (from (50.27±5.61) ms to (46.27±4.51) ms, P〈0.05) and MI groups (from (65.47±6.38) ms to (57.47±5.76 ms), P〈0.01 ). SM inhibited the decrease in MAPD90 during inflation ((46.27±4.51) ms vs. (49.53±3.52) ms, P〈0.05 in normal hearts; (57.47±5.76) ms vs. (61.87±5.33) ms, P〈0.05 in MI hearts). The occurrence of PVBs and VT in the MI group increased compared with that in the control group (PVB: 7.93±1.66 vs. 1.80±0.86, P〈0.01; VT: 7 vs. 1, P〈0.05). SM decreased the occurrence of PVBs in both normal and MI hearts (0.93±0.59 vs. 1.80±0.86 in normal hearts, P〈0.05; 5.40±1.18 vs. 7.93±1.66 in MI hearts, P〈0.01). Conclusions: Stretch-induced MAPD90 changes and arrhythmias were observed in chronically infarcted myocardium. The use of SM in vivo decreased the incidence of PVBs but not of VT. This suggests that SACs may be involved in mechanoelectric feedback (MEF), but that there might be other mechanisms involved in causing VT in chronic MI. 展开更多
关键词 ARRHYTHMIA Mechanoelectric feedback Monophasic action potential Myocardial infarction STREPTOMYCIN
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