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黄鳍鲷混养南美白对虾 助力渔业升级
作者 高晓霞 《海洋与渔业》 2015年第10期44-45,共2页
提起广东珠海渔业,大家首先想到的可能是珠海斗门区的海鲈产业。其实,位于珠海西南部的金湾区,水产养殖条件也得天独厚。金湾区位处珠江口西部,南临南海,内有磨刀门水道和鸡啼门水道,水资源丰富,有大面积浅海滩涂可供开发养殖。近日,记... 提起广东珠海渔业,大家首先想到的可能是珠海斗门区的海鲈产业。其实,位于珠海西南部的金湾区,水产养殖条件也得天独厚。金湾区位处珠江口西部,南临南海,内有磨刀门水道和鸡啼门水道,水资源丰富,有大面积浅海滩涂可供开发养殖。近日,记者从金湾区海洋农业和水务局了解到,金湾区正凭借得天独厚的养殖资源,大力推行黄鳍鲷混养南美白对虾的养殖模式。 展开更多
关键词 南美白对虾 黄鳍鲷 金湾区 鸡啼门水道 南临南海 养殖模式 海鲈 水产养殖 浅海滩涂 水务局
浅谈昭庆寺的历史与现状 被引量:1
作者 曹水虎 《杭州文博》 2007年第1期62-63+111,共3页
关键词 利生 现状 浅谈 南临 历史 山东 昭庆寺 初名
作者 杭州市园林文物局岳庙管理处 《杭州文博》 2005年第1期79-80,共2页
北山街历史文化街区东起保俶路,西至曙光路,南临西湖,北靠宝石山、葛岭、栖霞岭,与市区湖滨相连,面积约98万平方米。街区内包括岳飞墓(庙)、保俶塔、大石佛院造像、首届西湖博览会工业展馆等文物古迹,还有秋水山庄、孤云草舍、坚匏别墅... 北山街历史文化街区东起保俶路,西至曙光路,南临西湖,北靠宝石山、葛岭、栖霞岭,与市区湖滨相连,面积约98万平方米。街区内包括岳飞墓(庙)、保俶塔、大石佛院造像、首届西湖博览会工业展馆等文物古迹,还有秋水山庄、孤云草舍、坚匏别墅、抱青别墅、静逸别墅、穗庐等一大群中西式近代建筑。 展开更多
关键词 市区 北山 南临 栖霞 别墅 历史 西湖 文物古迹
作者 方百福 《中华建设》 2019年第1期58-59,共2页
一、工程概况上海某高校新建校区位于零陵路南侧,西邻龙华医院,东邻、南临东安新村。分两期建设,一期为地下2层(局部3层)、地上7层的学生宿舍,基坑面积约5767m^2,周长334m,开挖深度12.85m,基坑安全等级二级,南北两侧环境保护等级一级,... 一、工程概况上海某高校新建校区位于零陵路南侧,西邻龙华医院,东邻、南临东安新村。分两期建设,一期为地下2层(局部3层)、地上7层的学生宿舍,基坑面积约5767m^2,周长334m,开挖深度12.85m,基坑安全等级二级,南北两侧环境保护等级一级,东侧、西侧为二级;二期为1栋地下2层、地上13层教学区和音乐创作与实践基地,基坑面积约6896m^2,周长358m,开挖深度12m,基坑安全等级二级,南北两侧环境保护等级一级,东侧、西侧为二级;一、二期地下室相互连通,连通侧一、二期外墙净间距200mm。双基坑相邻边长65.65m。 展开更多
关键词 环境 环境保护 周长 深度 南临 基坑 高校 零陵路 新村
内蒙古包头市 土默特右旗 祖国北疆亮丽风景线上的璀璨明珠——中国二人台文化艺术之乡
《小康》 2019年第10期73-73,共1页
土默特右旗(简称土右旗)隶属包头市管辖,位于内蒙古自治区西部,地处呼包鄂“金三角”中心点.是北魏民歌《敕勒歌》中所描绘的“敕勒川”的核心区域。土右旗北依阴山山脉主峰大青山,南临黄河,110国道,丹拉高速公路,京包铁路横贯东西。总... 土默特右旗(简称土右旗)隶属包头市管辖,位于内蒙古自治区西部,地处呼包鄂“金三角”中心点.是北魏民歌《敕勒歌》中所描绘的“敕勒川”的核心区域。土右旗北依阴山山脉主峰大青山,南临黄河,110国道,丹拉高速公路,京包铁路横贯东西。总人口36万,总面积2600平方公里.区位优越、交通便利,土壤肥沃,资源富集.是一座正在奋力崛起的新型中等城市。 展开更多
关键词 右旗 南临 包头市 国道 民歌 敕勒川 土默特右旗
作者 丁元竹 《中国产业》 1994年第S2期47-47,共1页
谈起三亚,人们会立刻想到海天一色的"天涯海角",会想到"东方夏威夷"牙龙湾,会想到幽雅宁静的椰子园,还会想到碧蓝碧蓝的大海和吹起姑娘长发、夹着咸涩海味的海风。三亚位于风光秀丽的海南岛最南端,是祖国南部的热... 谈起三亚,人们会立刻想到海天一色的"天涯海角",会想到"东方夏威夷"牙龙湾,会想到幽雅宁静的椰子园,还会想到碧蓝碧蓝的大海和吹起姑娘长发、夹着咸涩海味的海风。三亚位于风光秀丽的海南岛最南端,是祖国南部的热带海滨城市。这个三面环山南临南海、四季春夏皆无冬的城市,却拥有一个迷人的别称:冬宫。三亚以清洁的海域、清新的空气、充足的阳光以及丰富的海洋资源和热带植物资源独具魅力。得天独厚的地理位置和资源优势,使三亚在改革开放的今天格外引人注目。谁挥鞭策驱日月,万物兴衰蕴沧桑。历史的变迁使三亚判若两地.三亚在唐代称为振州,北宋改称崖州,由于孤悬海外,被人们称为"天涯海角"。这里曾是孤荒冷寂,人烟稀少,是历史上朝庭贬谪"逆臣"的南荒极境,许多历史上名臣被发配到"天涯海角"的下马岭时。面对穷荒僻壤,悬崖绝壁,不禁留下" 展开更多
关键词 资源优势 南临南海 椰子园 海洋资源 龙湾 振州 逆臣 海天一色 崖州 人烟稀少
《中国书画》 2005年第7期113-123,共11页
广东省位于祖国大陆最南部。东邻福建,北接江西和湖南,西连广西,南临南海并在珠江三角洲东西两侧分别与香港和澳门特别行政区接壤,西南部雷州半岛隔琼州海峡与海南省相望。广东历史渊源久远,距今13万年前就有"曲江马坝人"在... 广东省位于祖国大陆最南部。东邻福建,北接江西和湖南,西连广西,南临南海并在珠江三角洲东西两侧分别与香港和澳门特别行政区接壤,西南部雷州半岛隔琼州海峡与海南省相望。广东历史渊源久远,距今13万年前就有"曲江马坝人"在此繁衍生息。相传古为百越(粤)之地,故简称粤。秦始皇一统中国,于始皇三十三年(前214年)在今广东境内设置南海郡,治所在番禺(今广州)。汉属交州。三国属孙吴。唐代在今广东、广西建置岭南道。宋淳化四年(993年)更名广南道。元代设广东道。明设广东道宣慰使司。 展开更多
关键词 淳化 岭南道 宣慰使司 南海郡 中国书法家协会 南临南海 马坝人 西连 孙吴 创作委员会
作者 张玉臣 《国土绿化》 2016年第6期46-47,共2页
古树名木是自然界和前人留下来的珍贵遗产,是森林资源中的瑰宝,具有极其重要的历史、文化、生态、科研价值和较高的经济价值。古树名木分布广泛,广大农村蕴藏着大量古树名木资源,亟待加强各项保护管理措施。本文从惠城区农村古树名木资... 古树名木是自然界和前人留下来的珍贵遗产,是森林资源中的瑰宝,具有极其重要的历史、文化、生态、科研价值和较高的经济价值。古树名木分布广泛,广大农村蕴藏着大量古树名木资源,亟待加强各项保护管理措施。本文从惠城区农村古树名木资源现状和存在的问题着手,提出农村古树名木资源的保护对策。 展开更多
关键词 古树名木资源 惠城区 南临南海 自然地理概况 森林资源 科研价值 生态文化 细叶榕 有害生物防治 无患子科
《海南省人民政府公报》 2006年第23期2-3,共2页
三亚市凤凰镇,东与三亚市中心区接壤,南临南海,西靠天涯海角风景区,北靠群山,行政区域面积487.37平方公里,辖有13个行政村,3个居委会,160个村民小组,总人口52859人,是海南省唯一具有黎、苗、回、汉多民族聚居的乡镇。凤凰镇现有耕地面积... 三亚市凤凰镇,东与三亚市中心区接壤,南临南海,西靠天涯海角风景区,北靠群山,行政区域面积487.37平方公里,辖有13个行政村,3个居委会,160个村民小组,总人口52859人,是海南省唯一具有黎、苗、回、汉多民族聚居的乡镇。凤凰镇现有耕地面积29425亩,人均耕地面积0.65亩。南边有16公里长的海岸线,是风景秀丽的三亚湾;连接东西线高速公路的凤凰路从镇中心贯穿而过。 展开更多
关键词 凤凰镇 行政区域面积 南临南海 民族聚居 三亚湾 村民小组 鲁能集团 农村经济总收入 治安综合治理
Development of typhoon driven wave nowcasting model in Southeast China Sea 被引量:7
作者 Zheng Jinhai Feng Xiangbo Yan Yixin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第1期2-6,共5页
Using optimal interpolation data assimilation of observed wave spectrum around Northeast coast of Taiwan Island, the typhoon driven wave nowcasting model in Southeast China Sea is setup. The SWAN (simulating waves nea... Using optimal interpolation data assimilation of observed wave spectrum around Northeast coast of Taiwan Island, the typhoon driven wave nowcasting model in Southeast China Sea is setup. The SWAN (simulating waves nearshore) model is used to calculate wave field and the input wind field is the QSCAT/NCEP (Quick Scatterometer/National Centers for Environmental Prediction) data. The two-dimensional wavelet transform is applied to analyze the X-band radar image of nearshore wave field and it reveals that the observed wave spectrum has shoaling characteristics in frequency domain. The reverse calculation approach of wave spectrum in deep water is proposed and validated with experimental tests. The two-dimensional digital low-pass filter is used to obtain the initialization wave field. Wave data during Typhoon Sinlaku is used to calibrate the data assimilation parameters and test the reverse calculation approach. Data assimilation corrects the significant wave height and the low frequency spectra energy evidently at Beishuang Station along Fujian Province coast, where the entire assimilation indexes are positive in verification moments. The nowcasting wave field shows that the present model can obtain more accurate wave predictions for coastal and ocean engineering in Southeast China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 typhoon driven wave nowcasting model data assimilation spectrum reverse calculation
Practical guidelines for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:3
作者 T Kuhbacher UR Flsch 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1149-1155,共7页
In recent years, great progress has been made regarding the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), particularly in the field of biological therapies. Nevertheless, the ultimate treatment is not in sight. With ... In recent years, great progress has been made regarding the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), particularly in the field of biological therapies. Nevertheless, the ultimate treatment is not in sight. With the development of new medication, it has become clear that we need a new understanding of IBD. Therapy needs to fit the different subtypes of IBD; e.g. mild disease in comparison to severe chronic active disease or Crohn's disease with or without fistulation or stenosis. The following article gives a practical overview of actual treatments for IBD. The intention of this article is not to provide a complete review of all new scientific developments, but to give a practical guideline for therapy of IBD. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease Ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease IMMUNOMODULATORS Anti-tumor necrosis factor
Role of hydro-geochemical functions on karst critical zone hydrology for sustainability of water resources and ecology in Southwest China 被引量:1
作者 Xi Chen Yimeng Sun Richao Huang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期494-497,共4页
Focusing on sustainability of water resources and ecology in the complex karst critical zone, we illustrated functions of the hydro-geochemical analysis on hydrology from the aspects of connection and interaction amon... Focusing on sustainability of water resources and ecology in the complex karst critical zone, we illustrated functions of the hydro-geochemical analysis on hydrology from the aspects of connection and interaction among hydrology–vegetation–soils/rock fractures along the karst subsurface profile. We reviewed isotopic and geochemical interpretations on tracing water sources for plant uptake, quantifying watershed outlet flow composition and residence times, and evaluating long-term evolution among climate–landscape–hydrology in the karst critical zone. In this paper, the application of the hydro-geochemical analysis on the above aspects in the karst areas of southwest China was summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Hydro-geochemical analysis Karst critical zone Water resources Vegetation Southwest China
Trouble-making Involving Medical Disputes Must Be Governed
作者 Editorial Department 《China Population Today》 2016年第3期8-28,共21页
Hospital Gunshots On the morning of April 17,2016,in front of the People’s Hospital of Linying County of Henan Province,a number of relatives of a dead child cried incessantly,hung banners and posted the child’s pho... Hospital Gunshots On the morning of April 17,2016,in front of the People’s Hospital of Linying County of Henan Province,a number of relatives of a dead child cried incessantly,hung banners and posted the child’s photos in front of the hospital. 展开更多
关键词 police trouble doctor morning Henan institutions relatives legal Doctor personnel
Distress management in cancer patients:Guideline implementation based on CAN-IMPLEMENT 被引量:1
作者 Liang Fu Xiaoju Zhang +7 位作者 Yan Hu Zhenqi Lu Yang Yang Mingzhu Huang Yuanyuan Li Fuzhong Zhu Yang Wang Zhe Huang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期187-195,I0005,I0006,共11页
Objective:To standardize the distress management of gastric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy,the adapted Cancer-related Distress Management Guidelines were implemented in nursing practice among gastric cancer pa... Objective:To standardize the distress management of gastric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy,the adapted Cancer-related Distress Management Guidelines were implemented in nursing practice among gastric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy based on A Guideline Adaptation and Implementation Planning Resource(CAN-IMPLEMENT).Methods:Based on the theoretical framework of CAN-IMPLEMENT,A multidisciplinary team was established,barriers and facilitators obstacles of guidelines implementation in medical oncology units were assessed,corresponding solutions were formulated,the guidelines implementation process was monitored,and implementation results were evaluated.Results:The multidisciplinary team developed review criteria,standardized work paths,assessment tools,training manuals for healthcare professionals,education manuals for patients and their caregivers.After guidelines implementation,the completion rate of the distress management record came up to 97.9%(189/193).From September 2017 to December 2018,the compliance of medical staff on most items in the audit checklist was improved,ranging from 57.1%(100/175)to 100.0%(193/193).The positive distress rate of gastric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy was decreased from 22.7%(32/141)to 9.3%(18/193)(P<0.05),and the Median(range)of the distress score declined from 2(0e9)to 0(0e7)(P<0.001).Conclusions:The implementation of guidelines based on CAN-IMPLEMENT promotes the establishment of a distress management system in the medical oncology units.The review standards,standardized work paths,and evaluation tools for distress in cancer patients formulated by the multidisciplinary team had clinical applicability and effectiveness.Quality control in the practice of distress management was effective.The compliance of healthcare professionals with distress management was improved.The distress of gastric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy was alleviated effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical practice guideline Distress management Guideline adherence IMPLEMENTATION Patient care team NEOPLASMS
Epidemiological and clinical features of hepatitis B virus related liver failure in China 被引量:22
作者 Chen Liu Yu-Ming Wang Ke Fan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第25期3054-3059,共6页
AIM: To examine the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of hepatitis B virus (HBV) related liver failure in patients in China. METHODS: This study was conducted with a retro- spective design to examine 1066... AIM: To examine the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of hepatitis B virus (HBV) related liver failure in patients in China. METHODS: This study was conducted with a retro- spective design to examine 1066 patients with HBV- related liver failure in the southwest of China. RESULTS: There were more male than female patients. Young and middle-aged people comprised most of the patients. Farmers and laborers comprised the larg- est proportion (63.09%). Han Chinese accounted for 98.12%, while minority ethnic groups only accounted for 0.88% of patients. A total of 43.47% patients had a family history of HBV-related liver failure and 56.66% patients had a history of drinking alcohol. A total of 42.59% patients with HBV-related liver failure had defi- nite causes. With regard to the clinical manifestation of HBV-related liver failure, the symptoms were: hypodynamia, anorexia and abdominal distension. Total bilirubin (TBIL) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were altered in 46.23% of patients with evident damage of the liver. Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that the patients' prognoses were correlated with ALT, aspartate aminotransferase, albumin, TBIL, prothrombin activity (PTA), and alpha-fetoprotein levels, and drinking alcohol, ascites, hepatorenal syndrome, infection and 〉i 2 complications. Multifactor logistic regression analysis showed that the activity of thrombinogen and the number of complications were related to the prognosis. CONCLUSION: Alcohol influences the patients' prognosis and condition. PTA and complications are independent factors that can be used for estimating the prognosis of HBV-related liver failure. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus related liver failure Chronichepatitis B EPIDEMIOLOGY PROGNOSIS
The importance of non-carbonate mineral weathering as a soil formation mechanism within a karst weathering profile in the SPECTRA Critical Zone Observatory, Guizhou Province,China 被引量:2
作者 Oliver W.Moore Heather L.Buss +2 位作者 Sophie M.Green Man Liu Zhaoliang Song 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期566-571,共6页
Soil degradation, including rocky desertification,of the karst regions in China is severe. Karst landscapes are especially sensitive to soil degradation as carbonate rocks are nutrient-poor and easily eroded. Understa... Soil degradation, including rocky desertification,of the karst regions in China is severe. Karst landscapes are especially sensitive to soil degradation as carbonate rocks are nutrient-poor and easily eroded. Understanding the balance between soil formation and soil erosion is critical for long-term soil sustainability, yet little is known about the initial soil forming processes on karst terrain. Herein we examine the initial weathering processes of several types of carbonate bedrock containing varying amounts of non-carbonate minerals in the SPECTRA Critical Zone Observatory, Guizhou Province, Southwest China. We compared the weathering mechanisms of the bedrock to the mass transfer of mineral nutrients in a soil profile developed on these rocks and found that soil formation and nutrient contents are strongly dependent upon the weathering of interbedded layers of more silicate-rich bedrock(marls). Atmospheric inputs from dust were also detected. 展开更多
关键词 Critical zone Chemical weathering KARST DESERTIFICATION Guizhou Province
Detection of the Relationship between Imipenem Susceptible and Non-Susceptible Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter Baumannii by Repetitive Element PCR-Mediated DNA Fingerprinting in an Egyptian Hospital
作者 Soheir Helal Mona M.A. Haleim Maha Oaafar 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第1期59-65,共7页
In this work, the authors aimed to detect the clonal relatedness of the isolated imipenem-susceptible and non-susceptible Acenitobacter baumanii. This study was conducted from September 2008 through August 2009 in Abo... In this work, the authors aimed to detect the clonal relatedness of the isolated imipenem-susceptible and non-susceptible Acenitobacter baumanii. This study was conducted from September 2008 through August 2009 in Aboelreech-Elmounira paediatric-Cairo University-teaching hospital in Egypt. All the isolated acenitobacter species were identified by standard laboratory procedures. The clonal relationship of the A. baumanii (the most common detected clinical type) was studied by biotyping and AST and then confirmed using rep-PCR with primers aimed at repetitive extragenic palindromic sequences and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences. A total of 100 A. baumanii isolates out of 104 acenitobacter species were recovered from different clinical samples. Sixty two percent of the isolates were resistant to imipenem. The resulting rep-PCR patterns oftheA, baumanii strains revealed 8 clones, 3 clones found in the imipenem resistant group, and 5 clones in imipenem sensitive group with statistically significant clonal distribution in both groups (P-value 0.00). Clonality was proved in imipenem resistant group with an alarming predominance of clone 1 representing 80.6% of IMP-R isolates. In accordance the prevalence of resistant acenitobacter strains seems to be correlated with inappropriate antibiotic use. These results call for strict compliance of coordinated strategy of infection control measures and judicious use of antimicrobials which is likely to effectively deal with this serious public health issue. 展开更多
关键词 Acinetobacter baumanii fingerprinting REP-PCR imipenem resistant.
Discussion of the indexes of nonoutburst coal seam upgrade and its corresponding critical values 被引量:1
作者 WEI Jian-ping LIU Yan-wei +1 位作者 LIU Ming-ju MENG Lei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第4期382-388,共7页
In view of the measurement difficulties of indexes recommended by the 50Items Experience of Coal Mine Gas Prevention in the process of the nonoutburst coalseam upgrade, this paper took the No.8 coal seam of Huainan Mi... In view of the measurement difficulties of indexes recommended by the 50Items Experience of Coal Mine Gas Prevention in the process of the nonoutburst coalseam upgrade, this paper took the No.8 coal seam of Huainan Mining Group as research object. Discussed the suitability of indexes and corresponding critical values, putforward method in determining the indexes and its critical values by analysis and investigation of the gas geological condition and the-spot tracking near position where anoutburst occurred combined with laboratory experiment, and established the indexesand its critical values of nonoutburst coal seam upgrade in No.8 coal seam of HuainanMining Group. The results show that it is suitable to take gas content and tectonic softcoal thickness easily to gain in routine production as primary upgrade indexes that itscritical values are 7.5 m^3/t and 0.8 m, respectively. In addition, takefvalue and Ap valueas auxiliary indexes. 展开更多
关键词 nonoutburst coal seam upgrade methods and indexes system gas geology tectonic soft coal thickness gas content
Current practices and guidelines for clinical next-generation sequencing oncology testing
作者 Samuel P.Strom 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期3-11,共9页
Next-generation sequencing(NGS) has been rapidly integrated into molecular pathology, dramatically increasing the breadth genomic of information available to oncologists and their patients. This review will explore th... Next-generation sequencing(NGS) has been rapidly integrated into molecular pathology, dramatically increasing the breadth genomic of information available to oncologists and their patients. This review will explore the ways in which this new technology is currently applied to bolster care for patients with solid tumors and hematological malignancies, focusing on practices and guidelines for assessing the technical validity and clinical utility of DNA variants identified during clinical NGS oncology testing. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer genomics next-generation sequencing molecular diagnostics
Clinicopathologic Analysis of 2,889 Nanchang-Area Patients with Colorectal Polyps
作者 Guohua Li Wangdi Liao Ping Xu Nonghua Lv Chongwen Wang 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2007年第1期48-51,共4页
OBJECTIVE To study the clinicopathologic characteristics, changes in the nature and incidence of colorectal polyps in the Nanchang area, Jiangxi, Province. METHODS We retrospectively investigated the patients with col... OBJECTIVE To study the clinicopathologic characteristics, changes in the nature and incidence of colorectal polyps in the Nanchang area, Jiangxi, Province. METHODS We retrospectively investigated the patients with colorectal polyps who were diagnosed by colonoscopy and pathology in our hospital from 1990 to 2004. The analysis involved the incidence, average patient age, polyp location and pathological types. We recorded the changes of the polyp clinicopathologic features by comparing the clinicopathologic types of colorectal polyps over fi ve-year periods. RESULTS Of the 21,853 patients who received a colonoscopy, 2,889(13.2%) were diagnosed with colorectal polyps. Their average age was 46.6±16.5 years, with a male to female ratio of 1.8:1. The males were older than females (47.1±17.5 vs. 45.5±14.5, P<0.05). Location of the polyps: 41% in the rectum, 27.7% in the sigmoid colon, 35.8% in the left side verus 23.1% in the right side (P<0.05). Patients with polyps located in the transverse and ascending colon were older than those with polyps in the rectum and sigmoid colon (P<0.05). Adenomatous polyps comprised the most common type (67%) and the rectum was the most common site for each type, especially juvenile and retention polyps. Juvenile polyps were found in the youngest patients(12±4.8, P<0.05) and the adenomatous in the oldest (52±14, P<0.05). The ratio of patients with polyposis comprised 1.2%, and patients with polyps accompanied with colorectal cancer comprised 6.1%. Examination of the changes in the incidence, the average patient age, and adenomatous type showed that they had all increased, but the frequency of infl ammatory and retention polyps decreased. CONCLUSION Colorectal polyps are a common problem. The frequency is greater in males compared to females and the rectum and sigmoid colon had the highest incidence. Most juvenile and retention polyps were found in young patients, but most adenomatous occurred in adults. In recent years, the incidence of colorectal polyps, the average patient age, and the adenomatous type have increased in the Nanchang area, but inflammatory and retention types decreased. 展开更多
关键词 COLORECTUM POLYP pathology.
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