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完美商贸对接 办展倾情投入——即秋季柯桥纺博会顺利召开
作者 苏珍珍 《中国纺织》 2014年第11期78-79,共2页
一年一度的秋季柯桥纺博会于10月底落幕,4天时间里,660家企业、40万款新颖面料亮相本次展会。来自全球的客商云集柯桥,供需双方实现完美对接,许多来自国外的采购商都不禁用wonderful来形容它。十六年芳华正茂作为全国纺织行业人尽皆知... 一年一度的秋季柯桥纺博会于10月底落幕,4天时间里,660家企业、40万款新颖面料亮相本次展会。来自全球的客商云集柯桥,供需双方实现完美对接,许多来自国外的采购商都不禁用wonderful来形容它。十六年芳华正茂作为全国纺织行业人尽皆知的柯桥纺博会,已经走过了16个年头,其影响力和知名度逐年提高,越来越多的企业选择以参展纺博会这个接地气而又国际化的平台为优先考虑, 展开更多
关键词 WONDERFUL 芳华 中国纺织 国际时装周 纺织机械展 南元 孙瑞哲 专业采购商 中国轻纺城 原创设计
鄱阳湖渔歌传承之调查 被引量:4
作者 王佳丽 徐艳萍 《影剧新作》 2014年第2期69-70,50,共3页
鄱湖渔歌来源于鄱阳湖传统的渔业生产习俗,是古老而灿烂的中华渔樵文化的重要组成部分。它有着深厚的历史渊源、最广泛的生活基础,以及鲜明的地域特色和人文个性。鄱湖渔歌绵延千年且自成一体,传承至今,为世世代代的鄱湖儿女同时也为今... 鄱湖渔歌来源于鄱阳湖传统的渔业生产习俗,是古老而灿烂的中华渔樵文化的重要组成部分。它有着深厚的历史渊源、最广泛的生活基础,以及鲜明的地域特色和人文个性。鄱湖渔歌绵延千年且自成一体,传承至今,为世世代代的鄱湖儿女同时也为今人编织着一个色彩斑斓也极为浪漫的精神世界。鄱湖渔歌的传承是一个久远而漫长的历史过程。同样,对于鄱阳湖渔歌传承情况的调查,也付出了数代人的心血和努力。一。 展开更多
关键词 鄱湖渔歌 渔业生产 历史过程 渔樵 饶河戏 生态经济区 渔业资源 南元 鄱阳县 湖上
作者 龙江 《东北亚外语研究》 1994年第9期25-26,共2页
关键词 第二人称代词 南套 语法书 初次见面 专门用语 南元 中川 南巷 南台 公司职员
戴上“太阳帽” 摘掉“贫穷帽”
作者 施岩 宋伟 《资源导刊》 2017年第7期32-32,共1页
“不烧油不占地,只要阳光充足就能把钱赚。施书记,光伏发电真是个好项目!”2月20日,社旗县李店镇南元庄村村支书卜文先指着南元庄村学校房顶上的光伏电板,高兴地对我说。我是2016年8月3日那天来到南元庄村担任第一书记的。当时,我深感... “不烧油不占地,只要阳光充足就能把钱赚。施书记,光伏发电真是个好项目!”2月20日,社旗县李店镇南元庄村村支书卜文先指着南元庄村学校房顶上的光伏电板,高兴地对我说。我是2016年8月3日那天来到南元庄村担任第一书记的。当时,我深感肩上责任重大,不敢有丝毫懈怠之心。刚来的头几天,我找村干部了解情况,到农户家中促膝长谈,慢慢摸清了村里的老底儿。 展开更多
关键词 南元 烧油 促膝长谈 社旗县 对我说 李店 电板 县供电公司 经济收入来源 种植业发展
作者 何振球 《东华理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 1988年第2期65-70,共6页
杨圻,字云史,号野王,江苏常热人,生于一八七五年,卒于一九四一年。二十一岁以秀才为詹事府主簿,二十七岁(光绪二十八年)以江苏籍应北围乡试中式南元,官户部郎中,不久调任邮部奏调郎中,后又出任清政府驻新加坡总领事,辛亥革命后在家隐居... 杨圻,字云史,号野王,江苏常热人,生于一八七五年,卒于一九四一年。二十一岁以秀才为詹事府主簿,二十七岁(光绪二十八年)以江苏籍应北围乡试中式南元,官户部郎中,不久调任邮部奏调郎中,后又出任清政府驻新加坡总领事,辛亥革命后在家隐居十多年,后困于生活,外出当过一段时间幕僚,抗日战争时期,避居香港,最后客死他乡。有《江山万里楼诗抄》十四卷传世。杨圻是近代诗坛上颇著声望的一位诗人,康有为以“绝代江山”四字题其集于扉页。 展开更多
关键词 杨圻 山水诗 艺术特色 五言 户部郎中 南元 光绪二十八年 抗日战争时期 江山万里 詹事府
Analysis on Morphological Variations among Six Wild Groups of Anthocidaris crassispina from South China Sea
作者 罗虹霞 陈丕茂 +3 位作者 黎小国 袁华荣 王莲莲 冯雪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2774-2778,2808,共6页
In order to study the morphological variations among wild Anthocidaris crassispina groups in the southeast coast of China, six groups collected from Daya Bay, Egong Bay, Hailing Island, and Nan'ao Island in Guangzhou... In order to study the morphological variations among wild Anthocidaris crassispina groups in the southeast coast of China, six groups collected from Daya Bay, Egong Bay, Hailing Island, and Nan'ao Island in Guangzhou Province, Weizhou Island in Guangxi Province and Ningde City in Fujian Province were analyzed in this paper. Six morphometric traits were measured and the degrees of morphological variations among wild Anthocidaris crassispina groups were compared using four multivariate analyses, one-way ANOVA analysis, variation coefficient method, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The results of one-way ANOVA analysis showed that there were significant differences in the six morphometric traits between Weizhou Island's population and the other five groups. The variation coefficient analysis showed that the difference between the Weizhou Island's population and Hailing Is- land's population reached the interspecific level. The results of cluster analysis showed that the morphometric characters of Daly Bay's population, Egong Bay's population and Nan'ao's population were more similar, but the groups from Weizhou Island and Ningde City were the most divergent. The discriminant analysis showed that the identification accuracy of A. crassispina was 47.8%-86%, and the total dis- criminant accuracy was 65.3%. All the analysis results above suggest that certain morphological variation has been generated among A. crassispina groups from differ- ent origins due to geographical isolation and different environmental factors. 展开更多
关键词 Anthocidaris crassispina Wild population Morphology Multivariate anal- ysis South China Sea
《河南科技》 2002年第9X期42-42,共1页
如何种好反季节茄子田专家: 我家有两座温棚,每座半亩,我想种反季节茄子,怎样才能低投入、高效益呢? 西华县清河驿 李波涛李波涛朋友: 现请扶沟县城郊乡南元村六组(461300)农民技术员丁发山同志给予解答。 种过菜的人都知道,在我们河南... 如何种好反季节茄子田专家: 我家有两座温棚,每座半亩,我想种反季节茄子,怎样才能低投入、高效益呢? 西华县清河驿 李波涛李波涛朋友: 现请扶沟县城郊乡南元村六组(461300)农民技术员丁发山同志给予解答。 种过菜的人都知道,在我们河南这个地方。 展开更多
关键词 南元 假冒伪劣农药 土壤有效养分 有效期限 土壤反应 半亩 硫肥 扶沟 生产许可证 农药经营
Study on the Major and Trace Elements in Soil of Yunnan Farmland
作者 徐娟 刘刚 +3 位作者 赵兴祥 赵帅群 任静 胡建飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2141-2144,共4页
In order to investigate the distribution of soil available micronutrients, and provide a theoretical basis for management of fertilizing reasonably on crops, the contents of major and trace elements (P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu... In order to investigate the distribution of soil available micronutrients, and provide a theoretical basis for management of fertilizing reasonably on crops, the contents of major and trace elements (P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn) in farm- land soil collected from Yunnan Province were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the contents and distribution of major and trace elements were also studied. The results showed that the contents of available P, K were balance, available Ca, Mg were deficient, and available Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn were very plentiful. Major and trace elements distribution of different landform areas were obviously different. The contents of trace elements (Fe, Zn and Mn) of central Yunnan Red Plateau were significantly higher than those of Hengduan Mountains in western Yunnan and those of karst plateau in eastern Yunnan. The contents of available P, K, and Ca gradually declined from west to east, while the content of available Cu rose gradually from west to east. The results are reference value to elements determination and agricultural production in farmland soils. 展开更多
关键词 ICP-MS Soil of Yunnan farmland Major elements Trace elements CONTENT
《经贸实践》 2004年第4期62-62,共1页
关键词 南京大学 赛菲尔公司 营销策略 南元百货大楼 促销方法
作者 黄雪琴 《师道(人文)》 2016年第1期41-43,共3页
东抵黄海,南望长江的江苏小城"南通",被誉为"中国近代第一城"——创办第一所师范学校、第一座民间博物苑、第一所纺织学校、第一所刺绣学校、第一所戏剧学校、第一所中国人办的盲哑学校和第一所气象站等"七个第一"。而与这么多熠... 东抵黄海,南望长江的江苏小城"南通",被誉为"中国近代第一城"——创办第一所师范学校、第一座民间博物苑、第一所纺织学校、第一所刺绣学校、第一所戏剧学校、第一所中国人办的盲哑学校和第一所气象站等"七个第一"。而与这么多熠熠生辉的第一紧紧联系在一起的,是"状元实业家"张謇。"状元"和"实业家"矛盾又统一的两个词并排在一起,构成了极其奇异的生命角色,一如张謇失败又辉煌的一生。 展开更多
关键词 张謇 中国棉纺织 建筑之乡 南元 上海海洋大学 南望 唐家闸 翁同龢 实业救国 啬庵
作者 王菲 《纺织科学研究》 2017年第8期54-57,共4页
关键词 中国轻纺城 南元 集群地 汉麻 原创设计 家居服 国内名牌 市场群 凤凰涅槃 纺织企业
从《张协状元》曲调格律看早期南戏的律化倾向 被引量:1
作者 刘芳 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期34-45,共12页
一般认为,早期民间南戏的曲调并无格律,而从《张协状元》的曲调格律分析可以看出,近三分之一的曲调基本符合格律要求,近半数的曲调在创作时具有格律意识。在唱出场引子时、有才学的脚色演唱时、抒发人物内心情感时,早期南戏往往选择有... 一般认为,早期民间南戏的曲调并无格律,而从《张协状元》的曲调格律分析可以看出,近三分之一的曲调基本符合格律要求,近半数的曲调在创作时具有格律意识。在唱出场引子时、有才学的脚色演唱时、抒发人物内心情感时,早期南戏往往选择有格律的曲调进行创作。这些格律范式不仅仅来自于成熟的词调谱式,也是书会文人创作时对字声规律的运用和总结,一方面体现了民间曲调在南戏中的律化倾向,一方面也为文人南戏的律化提供了基础。 展开更多
关键词 《张协状元》 曲调格律 早期南戏 律化
Effect of Land Cover Change on Soil Phosphorus Fractions in Southeastern Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China 被引量:7
作者 ZHAO Qiong ZENG De-Hui +1 位作者 FAN Zhi-Ping D. K. LEE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期741-748,共8页
In the past 50 years, large areas of the Horqin sandy land were afforested to prevent desertification. Although the afforestation policy appears successful, many people now doubt whether it is suitable to plant trees ... In the past 50 years, large areas of the Horqin sandy land were afforested to prevent desertification. Although the afforestation policy appears successful, many people now doubt whether it is suitable to plant trees with high density on the poor soils in semiarid regions. Little is known about the impacts of afforestation on the sandy soil properties, although the evaluation of these impacts is fundamental to judge the rationality of afforestation policy. Soil phosphorus (P) fractions, acid phosphomonoesterase activities, and other soil chemical properties were compared among five adjoining typical ecosystems on poor sandy soils in southeastern Horqin sandy land. The ecosystems studied are natural elm savanna, degraded grassland, Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantation, Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation, and mixed plantation of Mongolian pine and poplar (Populus simonii). The results showed that organic P dominated soil P (47%-65%) was the principal source of available P. The degradation of elm savanna to grassland significantly reduced soil pH and resulted in an overall reduction in soil fertility, although slightly increased labile inorganic P. Grassland afforestation had no significant influence on soil pH, organic carbon, and total N but significantly reduced total P. Impacts of grassland afforestation on soil P fractions depended on tree species. Natural elm savanna had higher soil P conserving ability than artificial plantations. Therefore, with the aim of developing a sustainable ecosystem, we suggested that vegetations with low nutrient demand (particularly P) and efficient nutrient cycling would be more suitable for ecosystem restoration in the semiarid region. 展开更多
关键词 AFFORESTATION Horqin sandy land soil phosphorus vegetation restoration
Concentration, Distribution, and Occurrence of REEs in Coals from Chongqing,Southwest China 被引量:5
作者 LI Da-hua TANG Yue-gang +3 位作者 CHEN Kun DENG Tao CHENG Fang-ping LIU Dong 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2005年第3期227-233,共7页
The concentration, distribution, and occurrence of rare earth elements (REEs) in coals as well as stone coalsin different geological periods from Chongqing were studied. The results show that the REE content in coals ... The concentration, distribution, and occurrence of rare earth elements (REEs) in coals as well as stone coalsin different geological periods from Chongqing were studied. The results show that the REE content in coals fromChongqing is much higher than that of the ordinary Chinese coals, the Late Paleozoic coals from North China, UScoals, and the world coals. Although the concentration of light rare earth elements (LREE) is higher than that of heavyrare earth elements (HREE), the ratio of LREE to HREE is as low as 5.11. The REE content decreases with thecoal-formation periods from old to new. The REE content in the Sinian stone coal is the highest, but it is the lowest inEarly Jurassic coals. The similar REE contents in bituminous coals and anthracite show that the metamorphism has alittle influence on REE content in coal. In addition, silicate association dominates the occurrence mode of REEs incoals from Chongqing. 展开更多
关键词 coal rare earth elements CONCENTRATION CHONGQING
Length of stay in urban areas of circular migrants from the mountainous areas in China
作者 TAN Ming-hong LI Xiu-bin +2 位作者 YAN Jian-zhong XIN Liang-jie SUN Lai-xiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期947-956,共10页
Currently, there is limited literature dealing with the length of stay of circular migrants in urban areas (LSCMU), although many studies have discussed the phenomenon of migration and the determinants of migration.... Currently, there is limited literature dealing with the length of stay of circular migrants in urban areas (LSCMU), although many studies have discussed the phenomenon of migration and the determinants of migration. This study attempts to fill that gap using survey data from the mountainous areas of Chongqing, Southwest China. From a comparative perspective, this study divided workers into two groups (a young group aged between 16 and 35 years and an old group aged between 36 and 65 years). The average LSCMU values for the young and old groups were 225 days and ~74 days, respectively. Two multi-regression models were used to estimate the determinants of LSCMU in the two groups. The results showed that LSCMU was closely related to individual factors in both groups, including gender, age and job training. Family and community factors, including household size, arable land per capita and the distance from market, had much weaker effects on the dependent variable, especially in the older group. It was noticeable that job training had significant positive effects on LSCMU in both groups; these findings have special implications for the urbanization process in China. 展开更多
关键词 Circular migrants URBAN Mountain areas China
Trace metal anomalies in bleached Porites coral at Meiji Reef, tropical South China Sea 被引量:3
作者 LI Shu YU Kefu +2 位作者 ZHAO Jianxin FENG Yuexing CHEN Tianran 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期115-121,共7页
Coral bleaching has generally been recognized as the main reason for tropical coral reef degradation, but there are few long-term records of coral bleaching events. In this study, trace metals including chromium(Cr), ... Coral bleaching has generally been recognized as the main reason for tropical coral reef degradation, but there are few long-term records of coral bleaching events. In this study, trace metals including chromium(Cr), copper(Cu), molybdenum(Mo), manganese(Mn), lead(Pb), tin(Sn), titanium(Ti), vanadium(V), and yttrium(Y), were analyzed in two Porites corals collected from Meiji Reef in the tropical South China Sea(SCS) to assess differences in trace metal concentrations in bleached compared with unbleached coral growth bands. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo generally showed irregular fluctuations in both corals. Bleached layers contained high concentrations of Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb. Unbleached layers showed moderately high concentrations of Mn and Cu only. The different distribution of trace metals in Porites may be attributable to different selectivity on the basis of vital utility or toxicity. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo are discriminated against by both coral polyps and zooxanthellae, but Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb are accumulated by zooxanthellae and only Mn and Cu are accumulated by polyps as essential elements. The marked increase in Cu, Mn, Pb, and Sn are associated with bleaching processes, including mucus secretion, tissue retraction, and zooxanthellae expulsion and occlusion. Variation in these trace elements within the coral skeleton can be used as potential tracers of short-lived bleaching events. 展开更多
关键词 trace metals Porites zooxanthellae coral bleaching Meiji Reef South China Sea
Characteristics of heavy metals in soils under different land use in a typical karst area, Southwest China 被引量:3
作者 Yang Tang Guilin Han 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期515-518,共4页
This study investigated the distribution of six pollutant elements(Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and As), and their relationship to soil organic carbon(SOC) in five soil profiles in the Puding area. Results show SOC content dec... This study investigated the distribution of six pollutant elements(Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and As), and their relationship to soil organic carbon(SOC) in five soil profiles in the Puding area. Results show SOC content decreased exponentially to the depth of soil profiles; the vertical distribution patterns of SOC in soil profiles were partially controlled by land use. The concentrations of these pollutant elements in most soils were lower than background values, indicating that the local soil was less likely to be contaminated by foreign inputs. Geo-accumulation index values of these elements in most soil samples were less than 1, suggesting that the soil of this area may not be polluted. The concentrations of Cr, Cu, As, and Zn in soils from all land use types were significantly negatively correlated with SOC contents. Geochemical approaches confirmed that the soil of this area was less influenced by pollutant elements. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals Soil organic carbon Land use KARST Southwest China
Features of soil redistribution and major element migration in a karst hillslope of Southwest China 被引量:4
作者 SONG Chang-shun JI Hong-bing +3 位作者 Howard Omar BECKFORD CHU Hua-shuo ZHANG Kun WANG Shi-jie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1892-1908,共17页
In this study, we investigated the spatial characteristics of the rate of soil distribution and the mechanism of major element migration in a typical karst hillslope in Guangxi Province, Southwestern China. Soil redis... In this study, we investigated the spatial characteristics of the rate of soil distribution and the mechanism of major element migration in a typical karst hillslope in Guangxi Province, Southwestern China. Soil redistribution was examined using (137~)Cs technique under different hillslope components. With the combination of geochemical methods, the migration characteristics of major elements in soils of three hillslope components in both the horizontal and vertical directions were determined. Thirty-seven soil samples were collected and analyzed for 137 Cs and the major elements were determined. By using the profile distribution model the mean soil redistribution rates were found to be-17.01, 0.40 and-23.30t ha-1 yr-1 in the summit(BYSD), shoulder(BYSY) and toeslope(BYSJ) components of the studied hillslope, respectively. In comparison to BYSD, the sesquioxides of Fe_2O_3 and TiO_2 tend to be enriched, whereas the alkalis(CaO, MgO, Na_2O and K_2O) tend to be depleted, both in the shoulder and toeslope components. Due to human and animal activities, the contents of CaO, MgO, K_2O and Na_2O have somewhat increased within the topsoil. The results indicated that (137~)Cs activities are significantly correlated with clay particles and organic matter, and are affected by the pedogenic process and vegatation. Overall, it maybe necessary to use techniques such as (137~)Cs to investigate soil erosion with the combination of geochemical methods. 展开更多
关键词 137Cs KARST Hillslope components Soilerosion Major element migration
Micronutrient Contents of Citrus Orchard Soils in Southern China
作者 OUYANG TAOInstitute of Soil science, Academia Sinica. P.O. Box 821, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第2期119-126,共8页
Investigations were carried out on the micronutrient contents,of major citrus orchard soils (involving seven soil great groups in 8 provinces and an autonomous region of southern China),and an evaluation on the abunda... Investigations were carried out on the micronutrient contents,of major citrus orchard soils (involving seven soil great groups in 8 provinces and an autonomous region of southern China),and an evaluation on the abundance and deficiency of available micronutrients in these soils was made in this paper.In southern China,citrus orchard soils derived from sandstone,sandy shale,Quaternary red clay,diluvial deposit,granite gneiss and neritic deposit were deficient in available Mo and B and low in Zn.Those developed on purple sandy shale,limestone and slope deposit were all in short supply of available Zn,B and Mo.Coastal solonchak was fairly abundant in B,but its available Fe,Zn and Mo contents were rather low. 展开更多
关键词 citrus orchard soil MICRONUTRIENT southern China
Using Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements to Indicate Sediment Provenance of Sand Ridges in Southwestern Yellow Sea 被引量:5
作者 LI Lei SU Jinbao +1 位作者 RAO Wenbo WANG Yigang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期63-77,共15页
The Jianggang Harbour-centered radial sand ridge(RSR) is the largest sand body in the Yellow Sea. Its formation and evolution are of interest for scientists of various fields; however, the sediment provenance is uncer... The Jianggang Harbour-centered radial sand ridge(RSR) is the largest sand body in the Yellow Sea. Its formation and evolution are of interest for scientists of various fields; however, the sediment provenance is uncertain. In this study, rare earth element(REE) geochemical compositions of the RSR sediments together with their potential sources are investigated to identify the provenance of the RSR sediments. The typical parameters((La/Yb)_N,(La/Sm)_N and(Gd/Yb)_N) as well as the upper continental crust-normalized patterns of REEs can only be associated with source rocks, and thus can be used as effective tracers for the origin and sources of sediments. However, the REE contents of sediments are affected by many factors, such as particle sorting and chemical weathering. Onshore RSR sediments are different in REE geochemical composition from offshore RSR sediments to some extent, suggesting that not all of the offshore RSR sediments have the same sources as the onshore RSR sediments. Meanwhile, the sediments adjacent to the northeast of Cheju Island and at Lian Island near the Lianyun Harbour were not the source of the RSR sediments due to their distinctive REE patterns, dEu,(La/Yb)_N,(Gd/Yb)_N and(La/Sm)_N. The Korean river sediments could be dispersed to the Jiangsu Coast slightly impacting the fine fractions of the RSR sediments, particularly the offshore RSR sediments. Additionally, geochemical comparisons show that the modern Yellow River was responsible for the onshore RSR sediments, whereas the sediment loads from the Yangtze River could serve as a major contributor to the RSR, particularly the offshore RSR. In addition, the offshore RSR could also be partly fed by an unknown source due to some high values of(La/Yb)_N,(La/Sm)_N and La contents differing from those of the Chinese and Korean river sediments. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth elements(REEs) sediment provenance radial sand ridges(RSRs) potential sources Yellow Sea
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