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南冲绳海槽地震反射波特征及其地质解释 被引量:3
作者 刘建华 《东海海洋》 2001年第1期19-26,共8页
对南冲绳海槽进行反射地震调查 ,结果表明 :(1 )海槽盖层主要由反射层组 (时代相当于第四纪 )和反射层组 (时代相当于上新世 )组成 ,推测槽底局部存在中新统。槽底沉积物主要源自中国大陆。轴部目前仍处在裂陷作用阶段 ;(2 )断裂极为... 对南冲绳海槽进行反射地震调查 ,结果表明 :(1 )海槽盖层主要由反射层组 (时代相当于第四纪 )和反射层组 (时代相当于上新世 )组成 ,推测槽底局部存在中新统。槽底沉积物主要源自中国大陆。轴部目前仍处在裂陷作用阶段 ;(2 )断裂极为发育 ,可分 NE— SW向(西南端转为近 E— W向 )和 NW— SE向两组 ,分别属张性及张扭性断裂 ,后者切割前者 ;(3)岩浆活动十分强烈 ,东南缘岩浆活动尤甚 ,推测其岩性以中。 展开更多
关键词 南冲 地震反射层组 岩浆活动 冲绳海槽 断裂作用 反射波 地质解释
南冲水库古滑坡形成机制及稳定性评价 被引量:2
作者 谭松娥 方小红 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2019年第4期15-18,共4页
南冲水库溢洪道左侧山体存在A、B两个区块的古滑坡体,现处于极限稳定状态。该滑坡体距水库近,一旦失稳,将危及大坝及下游群众生命财产安全。通过现场勘察,查明滑坡所在地的工程地质与水文地质条件,及滑坡物质组成,并结合该滑坡自水库开... 南冲水库溢洪道左侧山体存在A、B两个区块的古滑坡体,现处于极限稳定状态。该滑坡体距水库近,一旦失稳,将危及大坝及下游群众生命财产安全。通过现场勘察,查明滑坡所在地的工程地质与水文地质条件,及滑坡物质组成,并结合该滑坡自水库开建和运行以来的发展历程,阐明了滑坡的形成和发展机制。采用经典的不平衡推力传递系数法计算获得A、B区两个滑坡分别在自然状态和极端天气条件下的稳定系数,结果表明A区块滑坡体虽然整体处于稳定状态,但在持续暴雨条件下很可能再次出现复活滑动;B区块滑坡体在自然状态下基本稳定,但在暴雨条件下将发生失稳滑动。基于此,提出了相应的治理和防治建议,保证水库安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 南冲水库 滑坡 形成机制 稳定性评价
南冲水库除险加固勘察与病害防治建议 被引量:1
作者 谭松娥 方小红 《湖南水利水电》 2019年第2期9-11,共3页
关键词 南冲水库 除险加固 病害防治 大坝渗漏 滑坡体
南冲水库滑坡体处理 被引量:5
作者 吴文雄 《湖南水利水电》 2007年第3期55-56,69,共3页
在南冲水库左岸溢洪道滑坡体的处理问题上,通过现场勘查,查找主要的影响因素,在对滑坡体进行边坡稳定复核基础上,采用了抗滑桩支挡、排水廊道降低地下水位、削坡减载、坡面保护等措施。经过处理后的观察结果表明,滑坡体处于稳定,处理效... 在南冲水库左岸溢洪道滑坡体的处理问题上,通过现场勘查,查找主要的影响因素,在对滑坡体进行边坡稳定复核基础上,采用了抗滑桩支挡、排水廊道降低地下水位、削坡减载、坡面保护等措施。经过处理后的观察结果表明,滑坡体处于稳定,处理效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡体 抗滑桩 排水廊道 南冲水库
作者 陈祖平 戴扬帆 《交通科技》 2004年第2期10-11,共2页
介绍潭邵高速公路 K1 3 5 +860南冲高架桥 6号墩桩基、立柱、系梁。
关键词 潭邵高速公路 南冲高架桥 桥墩施工 桩基施工 立柱施工 系梁施工 质量控制 盖梁施工
南冲水闸工程安全检测与评估 被引量:1
作者 周菊英 《水利科学与寒区工程》 2022年第5期81-83,共3页
南冲水闸重建至今已运行了二十多年,水闸内的建筑物、机电设备以及金属结构均存在不同程度的问题,故无法满足设计要求。根据《水闸安全鉴定规定》需对南冲水闸进行检测,通过对水闸主要建筑物结构的混凝土强度、碳化深度、裂缝、钢筋锈... 南冲水闸重建至今已运行了二十多年,水闸内的建筑物、机电设备以及金属结构均存在不同程度的问题,故无法满足设计要求。根据《水闸安全鉴定规定》需对南冲水闸进行检测,通过对水闸主要建筑物结构的混凝土强度、碳化深度、裂缝、钢筋锈蚀状况,以及闸门启闭机、闸门等进行现场安全检测与评估,确定水闸的安全等级。经评估分析,南冲水闸安全评价为B级,需加强现场检查和管理,尽快采取措施解决存在问题,以确保水闸的安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 南冲水闸 安全检测 评估分析
作者 谭松娥 杨道合 《山西建筑》 2019年第6期213-214,共2页
关键词 南冲水库 除险加固 滑坡体
作者 林慧先 《水利科技与经济》 2022年第12期144-147,162,共5页
以南冲水闸右岸环境整治工程为例,通过对南冲水闸右岸进行地质勘察发现,地基大面积沉陷变形,水闸内建筑物与地面脱空,且挡土墙倾倒、滑移,抗滑稳定性差,已严重危及到水闸的安全。因此,对南冲水闸右岸的整治是十分必要且迫切的。本次整... 以南冲水闸右岸环境整治工程为例,通过对南冲水闸右岸进行地质勘察发现,地基大面积沉陷变形,水闸内建筑物与地面脱空,且挡土墙倾倒、滑移,抗滑稳定性差,已严重危及到水闸的安全。因此,对南冲水闸右岸的整治是十分必要且迫切的。本次整治主要针对水闸右岸换填泡沫轻质土,以此减轻水闸内建筑物荷载,解决地基出现沉降、变形问题,达到减缓水闸沉降的目的。 展开更多
关键词 整治工程 泡沫轻质混凝土 应用 南冲水闸
作者 何云花 《资源信息与工程》 2022年第1期20-22,26,共4页
安徽池州竹塘—南冲锰矿区属于扬子北缘安徽东至—贵池—泾县成矿带,主要产于二叠系下统孤峰组下段含锰岩系中,严格受层位控制。文章通过分析研究区锰矿体成因,同时根据成矿规律及地质情况,提出研究区寻找锰矿的标志,为今后研究区进一... 安徽池州竹塘—南冲锰矿区属于扬子北缘安徽东至—贵池—泾县成矿带,主要产于二叠系下统孤峰组下段含锰岩系中,严格受层位控制。文章通过分析研究区锰矿体成因,同时根据成矿规律及地质情况,提出研究区寻找锰矿的标志,为今后研究区进一步找矿提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 锰矿 矿体成因 找矿标志 竹塘—南冲
作者 李艳萍 张伟 孙振明 《吉林地质》 2023年第4期10-15,共6页
南冲铜钨钼矿位于赣东北地区。本文对其矿床地质特征、矿体特征及矿石特征等进行详细调查与分析,南冲钨钼矿床分为西坑坞(Ⅱ号)和王坊(Ⅰ号)两个矿化带。根据铜、钨、钼矿化特征可进一步划分为铜(钨)矿化带和钼矿化带。铜(钨)矿化带与... 南冲铜钨钼矿位于赣东北地区。本文对其矿床地质特征、矿体特征及矿石特征等进行详细调查与分析,南冲钨钼矿床分为西坑坞(Ⅱ号)和王坊(Ⅰ号)两个矿化带。根据铜、钨、钼矿化特征可进一步划分为铜(钨)矿化带和钼矿化带。铜(钨)矿化带与矽卡岩带一致,而钼矿化带则与主岩体的内外接触带密切相关,两者部分重叠。矿石类型为矽卡岩铜(钨、钼)矿石,细脉浸染状斑岩辉钼矿矿石和细脉状角岩辉钼矿矿石三类。矿区范围内有矽卡岩、蚀变斑岩、蚀变围岩三种不同蚀变岩类。通过分析得出,南冲铜钨钼矿床成因类型应为斑岩型钼矿床和矽卡岩型铜钨矿床两位一体的复合矿床,是一特定矿床组合。 展开更多
关键词 南冲铜钨钼矿床 地质特征 矿床成因 江西省
作者 李平光 《科技风》 2009年第9期60-,共1页
关键词 石坝 稳定分析 南冲河工程
成南高速公路粗粒土路基填筑试验研究 被引量:7
作者 陈华卫 《交通科技》 2005年第2期23-25,共3页
关键词 成南高速公路 粗粒土 路基工程 填筑试验 成都市 南冲
作者 许金华 陈敬英 《中外公路》 北大核心 2005年第4期74-77,共4页
关键词 改性沥青SMA路面 成南高速公路 成都市 南冲 路面材料 马歇尔试验 公路工程
Seismic facies response of tectonics and direction of block movement in the northeastern South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 陈洁 钟广见 刘少华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期306-314,399,共10页
The close relationship between the structure,evolution,and resources environment of the South China Sea is a current research focus and also a focal point of our study.In this paper,we use regional seismic sections to... The close relationship between the structure,evolution,and resources environment of the South China Sea is a current research focus and also a focal point of our study.In this paper,we use regional seismic sections to analyze the relationship between seismic facies and the structure and tectonic evolution of the northeastern South China Sea and propose new points about the structure and the direction of block(land mass) motion.First,the tectonic features are clear and can be divided into five different structural units which are both linked and independent of each other.Second,it doesn't matter if the South China Sea basin pattern is extensional,weakly compressive,or strongly compressive,the regional tectonic stress field is unified.For the first time we find that two shallow subduction zones are recognized in the seismic profiles.All the tectonic blocks have accordion-fold-style structures,converging in the east,and the South China Sea exhibits different stages of basin development:growth, maturity,end,and termination.The block subduction and regional block dip directions are all aligned with the regional stress field. 展开更多
关键词 Sea-floor spreading SCS shallow subduction one way drifting extrusion metamorphism accordion-style seismic facies
The Active Yakutat (Kula?) Plate and Its Southcentral Alaska Megathrust and Intraplate Earthquakes
作者 John W. Reeder 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期18-58,共41页
Alaska geology and plate tectonics have not been well understood due to an active Yakutat plate, believed to be part of the remains of an ancient Kula plate, not being acknowledged to exist in Alaska. It is positioned... Alaska geology and plate tectonics have not been well understood due to an active Yakutat plate, believed to be part of the remains of an ancient Kula plate, not being acknowledged to exist in Alaska. It is positioned throughout most of southcentral Alaska beneath the North American plate and above the NNW subducting Pacific plate. The Kula? plate and its eastern spreading ridge were partially "captured" by the North American plate in the Paleocene. Between 63 Ma and 32 Ma, large volumes of volcanics erupted from its subducted N-S striking spreading ridge through a slab window. The eruptions stopped at 32 Ma, likely due to the Pacific plate fiat-slab subducting from the south beneath this spreading ridge. At 28 Ma, magmatism started again to the east; indicating a major shift to the east of this "refusing to die" spreading ridge. The captured Yakutat plate has also been subducting since 63 Ma to the WSW. It started to change to WSW fiat-slab subduction at 32 Ma, which stopped all subduction magmatism in W and SW Alaska by 22 Ma. The Yakutat plate subduction has again increased with the impact/joining of the coastal Yakutat terrane from the ESE about 5 Ma, resulting in the Cook Inlet Quaternary volcanism of southcentral Alaska. During the 1964 Alaska earthquake, sudden movements along the southcentral Alaska thrust faults between the Yakutat plate and the Pacific plate occurred. Specifically, the movements consisted of the Pacific plate moving NNW under the buried Yakutat plate and of the coastal Yakutat terrane, which is considered part of the Yakutat plate, thrusting WSW onto the Pacific plate. These were the two main sources of energy release for the E part of this earthquake. Only limited movement between the Yakutat plate and the North American plate occurred during this 1964 earthquake event. Buried paleopeat age dates indicate the thrust boundary between the Yakutat plate and North American plate will move in about 230 years, resulting in a more "continental" type megathrust earthquake for southcentral Alaska. There are, therefore, at least two different types ofmegathrust earthquakes occurring in southcentral Alaska: the more oceanic 1964 type and the more continental type. In addition, large "active" WSW oriented strike-slip faults are recognized in the Yakutat plate, called slice faults, which represent another earthquake hazard for the region. These slice faults also indicate important oil/gas and mineral resource locations. 展开更多
关键词 1964 Alaska earthquake oceanic and continental types of megathrust earthquakes WSW subducting Yakutat plate large active WSW striking slice faults Alaska geology and tectonics oil and gas resources.
Possible obliquity-forced warmth in southern Asia during the last glacial stage 被引量:11
作者 Cheng Zhao Eelco J.Rohling +16 位作者 Zhengyu Liu Xiaoqiang Yang Enlou Zhang Jun Cheng Zhonghui Liu Zhisheng An Xiangdong Yang Xiaoping Feng Xiaoshuang Sun Can Zhang Tianlong Yan HaoLong Hong Yan Zicheng Yu Weiguo Liu Shi-Yong Yu Ji Shen 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第11期1136-1145,M0004,共11页
Orbital-scale global climatic changes during the late Quaternary are dominated by high-latitude influenced~100,000-year global ice-age cycles and monsoon influenced~23,000-year low-latitude hydroclimate variations.How... Orbital-scale global climatic changes during the late Quaternary are dominated by high-latitude influenced~100,000-year global ice-age cycles and monsoon influenced~23,000-year low-latitude hydroclimate variations.However,the shortage of highly-resolved land temperature records remains a limiting factor for achieving a comprehensive understanding of long-term low-latitude terrestrial climatic changes.Here,we report paired mean annual air temperature(MAAT)and monsoon intensity proxy records over the past 88,000 years from Lake Tengchongqinghai in southwestern China.While summer monsoon intensity follows the~23,000-year precession beat found also in previous studies,we identify previously unrecognized warm periods at 88,000-71,000 and 45,000-22,000 years ago,with 2-3℃amplitudes that are close to our recorded full glacial-interglacial range.Using advanced transient climate simulations and comparing with forcing factors,we find that these warm periods in our MAAT record probably depends on local annual mean insolation,which is controlled by Earth’s~41,000-year obliquity cycles and is anti-phased to annual mean insolation at high latitudes.The coincidence of our identified warm periods and intervals of high-frequent dated archaeological evidence highlights the importance of temperature on anatomically modern humans in Asia during the last glacial stage. 展开更多
关键词 Southern Asia Lake sediments brGDGTs Annual temperature The last glacial stage Obliquity forcing
Sea ice concentration over the Antarctic Ocean from satellite pulse altimetry 被引量:1
作者 YANG YuanDe E DongChen +4 位作者 WANG ,HaiHong CHAO DingBo HWANG CheinWay LI Fei AI SongTao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期113-118,共6页
Sea ice concentration (SIC) is an important parameter in characterizing sea ice. Limited by the environment and the spatial extent of observation, it is difficult for field work to meet the needs of a large-scale SIC ... Sea ice concentration (SIC) is an important parameter in characterizing sea ice. Limited by the environment and the spatial extent of observation, it is difficult for field work to meet the needs of a large-scale SIC study. However, with its many advantages, such as the ability to make large-scale, high-resolution and long-duration observations, the altimeter can be used to determine SIC on a large scale. Using the correspondence between the satellite pulse altimeter waveform and reflector property, waveform classification is employed. Moreover, this paper develops an algorithm to obtain the SIC from altimeter waveforms. In an actual computation, Pyrz Bay in the Antarctic is taken as an experimental region, and one-year and seasonal SICs are derived from ERS-1/GM waveforms over this study area. Furthermore, altimetric SICs are compared with those of SSMR SSM/I. The results show that the spatial distribution and the regions of maximum SIC determined employing these two methods are consistent. This demonstrates that altimeter data can be used to monitor sea ice. 展开更多
关键词 sea ice concentration ANTARCTIC altimeter waveform SSMR SSM/I ERS-1/GM
Discovery of supercritical carbon dioxide in a hydrothermal system 被引量:12
作者 Xin Zhang Lian-Fu Li +8 位作者 Zeng-Feng Du Xi-Luo Hao Lei Cao Zhen-Dong Luan Bing Wang Shi-Chuan Xi Chao Lian Jun Yan Wei-Dong Sun 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期958-964,M0004,共8页
Supercritical CO2appearing as bubbles in hydrothermal vents was identified in the south part of the Okinawa Trough using in situ Raman spectroscopy. Significantly, the N2peak in supercritical CO2is much larger than th... Supercritical CO2appearing as bubbles in hydrothermal vents was identified in the south part of the Okinawa Trough using in situ Raman spectroscopy. Significantly, the N2peak in supercritical CO2is much larger than those in seawater and vent fluids, indicating that supercritical CO2enriches N2from the surrounding environment. Considering that the partial pressures of CO2and N2in the Earth’s protoatmosphere were 10–20 MPa, supercritical CO2with high N2was likely the dominant CO2phase near the water-air interface in the early history of the Earth, which promoted the synthesis, pre-enrichment and preservation of amino acids and other organic matters that are essential to the origin of life. 展开更多
关键词 In situ Supercritical CO2 Origin of life Amino acid Hydrothermal vents Raman spectrum
An ensemble estimation of impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America 被引量:2
作者 HAN GuiJun LI Wei +4 位作者 FU HongLi ZHANG XueFeng WANG XiDong WU XinRong ZHANG LianXin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期1447-1451,共5页
Based on the statistics of all surface drifting buoys of 1978-2011 and Lagrangian tracers simulated from high quality ocean reanalysis currents,the impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east ... Based on the statistics of all surface drifting buoys of 1978-2011 and Lagrangian tracers simulated from high quality ocean reanalysis currents,the impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America have been estimated.Under the circumstances of the radioactive pollutants drifting in the ocean surface,preliminary research results show that while the tracers took about 4 years to reach the west coast of USA,there are two types of tracers to carry out Fukushima nuclear pollutants to reach the east coast of China,corresponding to 1.5-year recirculation gyre transport and 3.5-year subtropical circulation transport.The distributions of the impact strength at these time scales are given according to the variation of relative number concentration with time combined with the decaying rate of radioactive matter.For example,starting from 1% at 1.5-year,of the initial level at the originating area of Fukushima nuclear pollution,the impact strength of Cesium-137 in the South China Sea continuously increases up to 3% by 4 years,while the impact strength of Cesium-137 in the west coast of America is as high as 4% due to the role of strong Kuroshio-extension currents as a major transport mechanism of nuclear pollutants for that area. 展开更多
关键词 Fukushima nuclear pollution ensemble estimation surface drifting buoy ocean reanalysis Lagrangian tracer
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