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象山港南沙岛不同养殖类型沉积物酸可挥发性硫化物的时空分布 被引量:4
作者 颜婷茹 焦海峰 +4 位作者 毛玉泽 蒋增杰 王巍 施慧雄 方建光 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第24期7958-7965,共8页
2007年分4个航次测定了象山港南沙岛不同养殖类型(贝类养殖、藻类养殖和网箱养殖)沉积物酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)含量的时空变化规律。研究结果表明,南沙岛养殖区沉积物AVS变化范围为0.01—30.03μmol/g,平均3.75μmol/g,其中贝类养殖区... 2007年分4个航次测定了象山港南沙岛不同养殖类型(贝类养殖、藻类养殖和网箱养殖)沉积物酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)含量的时空变化规律。研究结果表明,南沙岛养殖区沉积物AVS变化范围为0.01—30.03μmol/g,平均3.75μmol/g,其中贝类养殖区、藻类养殖区、网箱养殖区和对照区AVS年平均含量分别为1.03、0.64、5.06和0.70μmol/g。网箱养殖中心区(S10)AVS的含量分别是贝类养殖区、藻类养殖区和对照区的8.5倍、13.6倍和12.6倍。ANOVA分析表明,表层沉积物(0—3cm)AVS含量的季节变化差异不显著,但柱状样(0—15 cm)平均含量差异显著,夏秋季明显高于冬春季。AVS含量总体上随着沉积物深度的增加而增加,6—9 cm达到最大值,夏秋季尤为明显。聚类分析表明,南沙岛养殖区调查站位分为3类,网箱养殖中心区(S10)和距离较近的S13和S12为一个类群,贝类养殖区、藻类养殖区和对照区为一个类群,其余站位为一个类群。总体上,养殖中心区AVS含量最高,随着与养殖中心区距离的增加含量逐渐降低,网箱养殖对底质AVS的影响主要集中在200 m以内,500 m以外则影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 酸可挥发性硫化物 网箱养殖 沉积物 象山港南沙岛
南沙岛礁区中西部海底岩石拖网和发现早第三纪半深海沉积的地质意义 被引量:1
作者 周蒂 施小斌 +1 位作者 陈汉宗 钟石兰 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期32-42,共11页
在南沙岛礁区中西部实施海底岩石拖网,有3个站获得海底岩石样品。其中在巽它陆架东北缘水深200多米的NS99-17站见深灰色淤泥中有大量铁褐色含泥钙质结核,说明该区(可能在末次冰期时)处于滨海或海滩氧化环境形成结核,之后海平面上... 在南沙岛礁区中西部实施海底岩石拖网,有3个站获得海底岩石样品。其中在巽它陆架东北缘水深200多米的NS99-17站见深灰色淤泥中有大量铁褐色含泥钙质结核,说明该区(可能在末次冰期时)处于滨海或海滩氧化环境形成结核,之后海平面上升了至少 150m。在南威岛西北方康泰滩的 NS99-57站 1360m水深的海底获强溶蚀的白垩状多孔灰岩,含底栖有孔虫化石,指示康泰滩是从早──中中新世或更早开始生长的生物礁。在永暑礁东北约55km处的NS99-52站新命名了“东生海山”,其西北坡获含第四纪钙质超微化石的礁灰岩,以及由抱球虫类等生物碎屑和胶磷矿组成的钙质磷块岩和含磷生物屑灰岩滚石,指示半深海环境,其中的钙质超微化石大部分时代为中始新世──渐新世,以始新世可能较大,小部分属第四纪。这次海底岩石拖网为研究南沙岛礁区中部地质构造演变和油气资源评价提供了重要的“硬证据”,尤其是发现早第三纪半深海相钙质磷块岩离南海西南次海盆很近,不但证实了南沙海域广布下第三系海相沉积的推断,而且为判断南海的张开时间提供了补充依据。 展开更多
关键词 海底岩石拖网 下第三系 海相沉积 南沙岛礁石 南海
南沙岛礁风湿寒性关节痛的流行病学调查 被引量:1
作者 谢宝官 江连生 《解放军医学情报》 北大核心 1996年第5期249-250,共2页
风湿寒性关节痛(简称风关痛)是寒区的高发病,但在温区也并非少见。我们对守卫在南沙岛礁上的182名指战员进行了风关痛的流行病学调查。182人中首次上礁73人,第2次上礁61人,第3次上礁48人,每次上礁时间多为3~6个月;年龄18~40岁,平均24.... 风湿寒性关节痛(简称风关痛)是寒区的高发病,但在温区也并非少见。我们对守卫在南沙岛礁上的182名指战员进行了风关痛的流行病学调查。182人中首次上礁73人,第2次上礁61人,第3次上礁48人,每次上礁时间多为3~6个月;年龄18~40岁,平均24.8岁; 展开更多
关键词 风湿性关节炎 流行病学 南沙岛
南沙守岛官兵创伤与外科急危重疾病调查分析 被引量:5
作者 汪先兵 谢培增 +5 位作者 刘剑 卞玉和 刘妲 尧江 周锋 白金喜 《海军医学杂志》 2010年第3期256-258,共3页
目的了解南沙守岛官兵创伤与外科急危重疾病情况,分析创伤与外科急危重疾病与该海区环境的关系,为南沙守岛官兵平战时创伤与外科急危重疾病的防治提供有效方法。方法根据疾病分类,分别统计1999年1月至2009年12月守岛部队守岛期间(岛上组... 目的了解南沙守岛官兵创伤与外科急危重疾病情况,分析创伤与外科急危重疾病与该海区环境的关系,为南沙守岛官兵平战时创伤与外科急危重疾病的防治提供有效方法。方法根据疾病分类,分别统计1999年1月至2009年12月守岛部队守岛期间(岛上组)和驻陆地期间(陆地组)的创伤与外科急危重疾病病例,结合相关资料分析南沙守岛官兵的外科急危重疾病发病原因。结果岛上组创伤与外科急危重前5位系统疾病为:消化系统(29.3%)、运动系统(23.2%)、泌尿系统(21.5%)、神经系统(4.9%)和呼吸系统(4.2%);陆地组创伤与外科急危重前5位系统疾病为:运动系统(34.8%)、消化系统(18.8%)、泌尿系统(12.4%)、呼吸系统(9.7%)和神经系统(6.0%)。按创伤与外科急危重疾病的数量排序,岛上组前3位依次是急性阑尾炎(28.6%)、泌尿系结石(25.9%)、扭伤和挫伤(12.8%);陆地组是扭伤和挫伤(20.3%)、泌尿系结石(15.3%)、急性阑尾炎(15.2%)。岛上组急腹症发病率高于陆地组,创伤发病率低于陆地组(P<0.01)。结论守岛官兵创伤与多发性外科急危重疾病与南海高温、高湿、高盐环境及劳动强度有关。需进一步改善守岛部队平时的医疗条件,提高南沙的卫勤保障能力;重视南海守岛官兵创伤与外科急危重疾病的防治研究。 展开更多
关键词 南沙官兵 创伤 外科急危重疾病 调查
作者 张焕娜 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2011年第1期50-51,共2页
越南侵占我南沙诸岛的历史可追溯到南越时期。如今,越南通过政治、军事、经济等各种手段固化其所谓的南沙群岛"主权"。从其发展趋势来看,越南当局运用行政和法律手段将加速推进南沙已控岛礁的本土化,同时大造舆论和寻求国际... 越南侵占我南沙诸岛的历史可追溯到南越时期。如今,越南通过政治、军事、经济等各种手段固化其所谓的南沙群岛"主权"。从其发展趋势来看,越南当局运用行政和法律手段将加速推进南沙已控岛礁的本土化,同时大造舆论和寻求国际支持将加速推进南沙争端国际化。 展开更多
关键词 南沙 越南 侵占
作者 哈丽思 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期169-174,共6页
二战后各国间的一系列条约被认为与现今南海诸岛的主权争议有着直接的关系。本文试图依据国际法上的条约解释规则,对《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》、《旧金山和约》以及《中华民国与日本国间和平条约》中与南海诸岛主权归属有关的条款... 二战后各国间的一系列条约被认为与现今南海诸岛的主权争议有着直接的关系。本文试图依据国际法上的条约解释规则,对《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》、《旧金山和约》以及《中华民国与日本国间和平条约》中与南海诸岛主权归属有关的条款进行解读;通过探查条约与第三国的关系,明确约文对南海诸岛主权的指向——中国;通过对国际法上政府继承理论的探究并结合两岸实际,阐明新中国成立后共和国政府与国民政府就南沙诸岛主权的交接。 展开更多
关键词 条约解释 南沙主权 条约与第三国 政府继承
作者 陈志根 《河口与海岸工程》 1998年第2期45-47,共3页
关键词 杭州湾 钱塘江 河口 南沙 形成 地名特点
作者 刘海娜 李溯婉 《大经贸》 2002年第1期12-25,共14页
在神州大地上,有三架马车在驰骋,京津、苏沪杭、珠三角三大城市群落开始进行一轮全新的合纵连横,以建立超级都市圈方式提升区域竞争力。以上海为龙头的长三角经济区正推出营建上海至宁波的大桥、连接15个城市的高速公路网等基建计划;以... 在神州大地上,有三架马车在驰骋,京津、苏沪杭、珠三角三大城市群落开始进行一轮全新的合纵连横,以建立超级都市圈方式提升区域竞争力。以上海为龙头的长三角经济区正推出营建上海至宁波的大桥、连接15个城市的高速公路网等基建计划;以北京为中心的城市化区域经济经济体最近呼之欲出;而走在全国改革开放,前沿的广州,开始启动大南沙以整合粤港优势。 展开更多
关键词 广州市 南沙 经济开发 南沙开发计划
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Coral Sand in the Nansha Islands 被引量:16
作者 于红兵 孙宗勋 唐诚 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期31-39,共9页
Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanica... Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanical properties due to its composition, structure and sedimentary environment. In this contribution, we discuss its specific gravity, porosity ratio compressibility, crushing, shearing and intensity for coral sand samples from the Nansha islands based on laboratory mechanical tests. Our results show distinct high porosity ratio, high friction angle and low intensity as compared with the quartz sand. We believe that grain crushing is the main factor that influences the deformation and strength of coral sand. Comprehensive study on the physical and mechanical properties of coral sands is significant in providing reliable scientific parameters to construction on coral islet, and thus avoids accidents in construction. 展开更多
关键词 Nansha Islands coral sand physical and mechanical properties
Corrosion behavior of copper in extremely harsh marine atmosphere in Nansha Islands,China 被引量:6
作者 Xiao LU Yu-wei LIU +2 位作者 Hong-tao ZHAO Chen PAN Zhen-yao WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第3期703-714,共12页
The corrosion behavior of pure copper exposed to the atmosphere of Nansha Islands for 21 months was studied by mass loss method,composition analysis,morphology observation and electrochemical measurements.The results ... The corrosion behavior of pure copper exposed to the atmosphere of Nansha Islands for 21 months was studied by mass loss method,composition analysis,morphology observation and electrochemical measurements.The results showed that the average corrosion rate of copper exposed for one year was approximately 7.85μm/a,implying that Nansha Islands was classified as a corrosion category of CX.The structure and properties of the corrosion product layer generated on the front and back sides of the exposed sample differed significantly.The inner corrosion product layer(Cu2O)on the front side was relatively thick and dense,whereas the outer product layer(Cu2Cl(OH)3)was extremely thin.However,the outer product layer on the back side was thicker than the inner layer.Electrochemical measurements indicated that the protection afforded by the corrosion product layer on the front side was improved gradually,while that on the back side was deteriorated. 展开更多
关键词 COPPER field exposure mass loss atmospheric corrosion Nansha Islands
Corrosion and pitting behavior of pure aluminum 1060 exposed to Nansha Islands tropical marine atmosphere 被引量:5
作者 Can PENG Yu-wei LIU +4 位作者 Ming-xiao GUO Tian-zhen GU Chuan WANG Zhen-yao WANG Cheng SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期448-460,共13页
The corrosion and pitting behavior of pure aluminum 1060 exposed to Nansha Islands marine atmosphere for 34 months was investigated based on mass loss measurement,scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive sp... The corrosion and pitting behavior of pure aluminum 1060 exposed to Nansha Islands marine atmosphere for 34 months was investigated based on mass loss measurement,scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).The results indicated that serious pitting corrosion occurred on the surfaces of pure aluminum.The corrosion rate after exposure for 13 months was approximately 1.28 g/(m^(2)·a).The XPS results showed that the corrosion products were Al_(2)O_(3),Al(OH)_(3),and AlCl_(3).Moreover,the corrosion product layer was more protective than the native oxide film,and the protectiveness first increased and then decreased.Finally,the shape of the pits was evaluated using statistical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 ALUMINUM atmospheric corrosion Nansha Islands pitting corrosion field exposure
作者 余欲晓 刘正奇 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2002年第1期104-112,共9页
The intensive observation data of the Nansha Islands are used to study and discuss the meso-and fine-scale systems existing with large-scale monsoon circulation during the onset of the southwesterly monsoon in the low... The intensive observation data of the Nansha Islands are used to study and discuss the meso-and fine-scale systems existing with large-scale monsoon circulation during the onset of the southwesterly monsoon in the low-latitude areas of the South China Sea. Effects of low-latitude tropical meso-scale gravity waves on weather have been disclosed. The generation and transportation of the local meso-scale gravity wave have been preliminarily studied from the viewpoint of dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 meso-β scale geostrophic adjustment gravity wave
Geochemistry of Soil Formation in Sonth China SeaIslands 被引量:5
作者 GONGZI-TONG HUANGBIAO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第4期334-342,共9页
The soils in the South China Sea Islands (SCSI) were divided into three types, namely, phospho-calc soils,skeletisols and coastic solonchaks, which were derived from bio-clastic and strongly calcareous sediments. Inco... The soils in the South China Sea Islands (SCSI) were divided into three types, namely, phospho-calc soils,skeletisols and coastic solonchaks, which were derived from bio-clastic and strongly calcareous sediments. Incomparison with their parent materials, the phospho-calc soils have higher contents of P, Zn, Cu, Ba, and Cd,which tend to increase gradually with time, and lower contents of Mg, Ca, Sr, B, V, Pb, and Mo, which tendto decrease by degrees with time. The above-mentioned constitnents in skeletisols and coastic solonchaks aresimilar to those in their parent materials except for P and Na. The factors atfecting element distribution aremainly special bioclimate and parent material, meanwhile, resulting in the remarkable iulluence on elementdistribution through soil-forming time. 展开更多
关键词 element geochemistry SOILS South China Sea Islands
On a new species of Paragoneplax Castro (Crustacea: Decapoda: Goneplacidae), P. chenae sp. nov. from the South China Sea
作者 蒋维 刘瑞玉 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期213-216,共4页
A new species of goneplacid crab, Paragoneplax chenae, is described, based on collections from the Nansha Islands, South China Sea. P. chenae closely resembles its only congener P. serenei (Zarenkov, 1972) in general ... A new species of goneplacid crab, Paragoneplax chenae, is described, based on collections from the Nansha Islands, South China Sea. P. chenae closely resembles its only congener P. serenei (Zarenkov, 1972) in general appearance. They are distinguishable from each other by the male abdominal and gonopodal characters. 展开更多
关键词 CRUSTACEA BRACHYURA Goneplacidae Paragoneplax new species South China Sea
作者 林洪瑛 程赛伟 韩舞鹰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期285-288,共4页
Observation data from a cruise in the Nansha Islands, in May to June 1990, December, 1993, September to October 1994, and July, 1999, respectively, were used to develop the method presented here to indicate the existi... Observation data from a cruise in the Nansha Islands, in May to June 1990, December, 1993, September to October 1994, and July, 1999, respectively, were used to develop the method presented here to indicate the existing strength of the dissolved oxygen maximum in the vertical distribution of Nansha Islands waters. Its seasonal variation and regional distribution are discussed in this paper. Analysis results showed that the distribution of the strength of dissolved oxygen maximum (DO max -DO sur ) was closely related to the upper layer circulation and the bioactivity of Nansha Islands seawater. 展开更多
关键词 Nansha Islands dissolved oxygen maximum STRENGTH
Distribution of Organic Matter,Iron,Mangenese in Surface Sediments in the Nansha Islands Sea Area,South China Sea
作者 周伟华 吴云华 +1 位作者 陈绍勇 殷克东 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2003年第2期14-21,共8页
Concentrations of organic matter, iron and manganese in the deep sea surface sediments in the Nansha Islands sea area, South China Sea are measured. Horizontal and vertical distributions of iron and manganese are disc... Concentrations of organic matter, iron and manganese in the deep sea surface sediments in the Nansha Islands sea area, South China Sea are measured. Horizontal and vertical distributions of iron and manganese are discussed. The vertical distribution of iron and manganese in the sediments results from reduction, diffusion, and redeposition of manganese (or iron) oxide and hydroxide in the sediment. There are the maxima of iron and manganese in solid phase in the top of the sediment, which is caused by the penetration of O2 and the upward flux of Mn2+ ( or Fe2+ ). Manganese bacteria play a very important role in the cycle of solid-phase iron and manganese in the ocean environment. Manganese bacteria oxidize Mn2+ ( or Fe2+ ) in dissolved state to Mn4+ ( or Fe3+ ) in oxidized state under the aerobic condition, whereas they reduce iron and manganese in anaerobic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 organic mater IRON MANGANESE surface sediment Nansha Islands sea area South China Sea
Distribution of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate in Nansha Islands Sea Area, Southern South China Sea
作者 程塞伟 林洪瑛 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2004年第1期32-37,共6页
Based on the survey data from the program Multidisciplinary Expedition to Nansha Islands Sea Area, the distribution of dissolved inorganic phosphate ( PO43--P ) in the sea water of Nansha Islands Sea Area is comprehen... Based on the survey data from the program Multidisciplinary Expedition to Nansha Islands Sea Area, the distribution of dissolved inorganic phosphate ( PO43--P ) in the sea water of Nansha Islands Sea Area is comprehensively analyzed in this paper. The results show that PO43--P concentration in the sea water of southeastern Nansha Islands Sea Area is commonly higher than that in the other sea areas; the vertical distribution of PO43--P concentration varies inconspicuously in different seasons; the concentration of PO43--P increases with water depth and changes most greatly in the layer of 50 ~ 100 m. The diurnal variation of PO43--P concentration differs in different seasons and at different observation stations. The distribution and variation of PO43--P concentration result from the physical and biological processes together. 展开更多
关键词 Nansha Islands sea area dissolved inorganic phosphate DISTRIBUTION
Characteristics of K_d (490) around Nansha Islands in the South China Sea
作者 张清凌 陈楚群 +1 位作者 施平 殷克东 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2004年第1期9-17,共9页
The diffusion attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance, Kd (490), is an important optical parameter of seawater. The optical property, Kd (490), around Nansha Islands in the South China Sea was analyzed base... The diffusion attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance, Kd (490), is an important optical parameter of seawater. The optical property, Kd (490), around Nansha Islands in the South China Sea was analyzed based on optical data profiles measured with SPMR ( SeaWiFS Profiling Multichannel Radiometer ) and SMSR ( SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference ) instrument in April and May, 1999. The results show that Kd (490) is closely correlated with chlorophyll-a concentration, Cchl.a, and that the vertical distribution of Kd (490) shows the strong stratification of the water column in this area. Kd (490) has a similar vertical co-variation as KL (490), the diffusive attenuation coefficient for upwelling radiance. Both coefficients increase with depth in the upper layer, where KL (490) is greater than Kd (490); and after a depth, approximatively at the chlorophyll maximum, they decrease with depth, with the former being smaller than the latter. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea Nansha Islands diffusion attenuation coefficient Kd (490) underwater spectral measurement
Internal solitary waves on the southwest shelf of Dongsha Island observed from mooring ADCP
作者 蔺飞龙 侯一筠 +2 位作者 刘亚豪 方泳 胡珀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1179-1187,共9页
Internal solitary waves (ISWs) are frequently observed in the area between Dongsha Island (DI) and Taiwan Island. However, there have been few in-situ observations southwest of DI. To improve our knowledge of ISWs... Internal solitary waves (ISWs) are frequently observed in the area between Dongsha Island (DI) and Taiwan Island. However, there have been few in-situ observations southwest of DI. To improve our knowledge of ISWs in this area, we observed the ISWs over the continental shelf (115.4°E, 20.3°N) from Aug. 29 to Oct. 10, 2011 with temperature sensors and an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The observations showed that the a fully developed ISW produced a current whose maximum westward velocity was 0.92 rrds and maximum northward velocity was 0.47 m/s. During the 41-day observation period the ISWs appeared for three periods with about 7-day gaps between each period. During each day, two types of ISWs were observed. The first type of wave arrived regularly diurnally at the same time each day, with a similar pattern to that of the type-a wave identified by Ramp et al. (2004). The second type arrived about 12 h after the first type and was delayed about 1 hour each day; this wave type was related to the type-b wave. Thus, our observations confirmed that both type-a and type-b waves can reach the area southwest of the DI. Moreover, the waves observed by the mooring propagated toward the directions of 270°-315° clockwise from true north, indicating obvious refraction from uneven topography around DI. 展开更多
关键词 internal solitary wave (ISWs) South China Sea Dongsha Island REFRACTION
Morphology, sedimentary characteristics, and origin of the Dongsha submarine canyon in the northeastern continental slope of the South China Sea 被引量:6
作者 YIN ShaoRu WANG LiaoLiang +1 位作者 GUO YiQun ZHONG GuangFa 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期971-985,共15页
The Dongsha submarine canyon is a large canyon belonging to a group of canyons on the northeastern South China Sea margin Investigation of the Dongsha canyon is important for understanding the origin of this canyon gr... The Dongsha submarine canyon is a large canyon belonging to a group of canyons on the northeastern South China Sea margin Investigation of the Dongsha canyon is important for understanding the origin of this canyon group as well as the transport mechanism of sediments on the margin, and the evolution of the Taixinan foreland basin and the associated Taiwan orogenic belt. In this study, the morphology, sedimentary characteristics, and origin of the Dongsha canyon were investigated by inte- grating high-resolution multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and high-precision multibeam bathymetric data. This is a slope-confined canyon that originates in the upper slope east of the Dongsha Islands, extends downslope in the SEE direction, and finally merges with the South Taiwan Shoal canyon at a water depth of 3000 m. The total length and average width of the canyon are around 190 and 10 km, respectively. Eleven seismic sequence boundaries within the canyon fills were identified and interpreted as incision surfaces of the canyon. In the canyon fills, four types of seismic facies were defined: parallel onlap fill, chaotic fill, mounded divergent facies, and migrated wavy facies. The parallel onlap fill facies is interpreted as altemating coarser turbidites or other gravity-flow deposits and fine hemipelagic sediments filling the canyon valley. The chaotic fill faci- es is presumed to be debrites and/or basal lag deposits filling the thalwegs. The mounded divergent and migrated wavy seismic facies can be explained as canyon levees consisting mainly of overspilled fine turbidites and sediment waves on the levees or on the canyon-mouth submarine fans. Age correlation between the sequence boundaries and the ODP Site 1144 data suggests that the Dongsha canyon was initiated at approximately 0.9 Ma in the middle Pleistocene. Mapping of the canyon indicates that the canyon originated at the upstream portion of the middle reach of the modem canyon, and has been continuously expanding both upstream and downstream by retrogressive erosion, incision, and deposition of turbidity currents and other gravity transport processes. The ages of the sequence boundaries representing major canyon incision events are in good agreement with those of global sea-level lowstands, indicating that sea-level changes may have played an important role in the canyon's development. The Dongsha canyon developed in a region with an active tectonic background characterized by the Taiwan up- lifting and the development of the Taixinan foreland basin. However, no evidence suggests that the canyon formation is directly associated with local or regional faulting and magmatic activities. Turbidity currents and other gravity transport processes (includ- ing submarine slides and slumps) may have had an important influence on the formation and evolution of the canyon. 展开更多
关键词 Dongsha submarine canyon multibeam bathymetry seismic sequences seismic facies depositional elements South China Sea
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