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鲁迅及其作品在南洋地区华文文学中的影响述论 被引量:5
作者 李志 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第3期170-174,共5页
作为中国五四新文学运动的发起人之一、中国现代文学的奠基者鲁迅 ,其作品和精神不但在 2 0世纪中国文学现代化的过程中发挥了重要的作用 ,而且在 2 0世纪海外华文文学的第一个文学实体———南洋华文文学的滥觞过程中 ,也充分体现了他... 作为中国五四新文学运动的发起人之一、中国现代文学的奠基者鲁迅 ,其作品和精神不但在 2 0世纪中国文学现代化的过程中发挥了重要的作用 ,而且在 2 0世纪海外华文文学的第一个文学实体———南洋华文文学的滥觞过程中 ,也充分体现了他无可替代的影响与作用。直到战前 ,乃至当代 ,这种影响仍然存在并延续着。这一点 ,对于我们分析、研究海外华文文学的滥觞、发展及其与中国 2 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 南洋地区 华文文学 比较文学 《狂人日记》 五四新文学运动 影响
宋代与南洋地区航海贸易兴盛新探 被引量:3
作者 王娟 《大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期91-94,共4页
宋代中国与南洋地区航海贸易出现了蓬勃发展的态势,探究其原因,除当时存在的特定历史条件外,主要还得益于两宋政府制定了有利于往来的航海贸易政策及和平稳定的外交方针,它保障了贸易双方的平等互利。同时,中国南方港口与南洋地区海上... 宋代中国与南洋地区航海贸易出现了蓬勃发展的态势,探究其原因,除当时存在的特定历史条件外,主要还得益于两宋政府制定了有利于往来的航海贸易政策及和平稳定的外交方针,它保障了贸易双方的平等互利。同时,中国南方港口与南洋地区海上航线的开辟和成熟,也是航海贸易繁荣不可或缺的条件。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 南洋地区 航海贸易 贸易政策 贸易关系 航路
华南及南洋地区所刊西人早期汉文小说初探 被引量:1
作者 林惠彬 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2019年第1期102-110,204,共10页
1807年基督新教传入中国,直到第二次鸦片战争结束之前,华南和南洋地区成为基督新教传教士的传道根据地,并在这些地区出版了一批为布道所用的汉文小说。据统计,期间广东、南洋所刊的西人汉文小说有17种,根据编撰方式,这些小说可分成三类... 1807年基督新教传入中国,直到第二次鸦片战争结束之前,华南和南洋地区成为基督新教传教士的传道根据地,并在这些地区出版了一批为布道所用的汉文小说。据统计,期间广东、南洋所刊的西人汉文小说有17种,根据编撰方式,这些小说可分成三类:创作小说、翻译小说以及改编自《圣经》的释经体小说。本文在介绍早期西人汉文小说的基础上,着重探讨其编撰方式与题材特征以及这些小说和广东、福建等华南一带地域文化之间的联系。 展开更多
关键词 华南 南洋地区 汉文小说
“禁止南洋贸易”后果之我见 被引量:2
作者 冯立军 《东南亚》 2001年第4期30-35,共6页
关键词 清朝 海外贸易 南洋地区 对外贸易史 关税
近代上海南洋庄和南洋贸易 被引量:3
作者 李伯祥 蔡永贵 《中国社会经济史研究》 1986年第3期94-104,共11页
关键词 南洋 华商 贸易 南洋地区 近代上海 轻工业品 洋行 国货 黄版纸 香港
作者 马骏杰 《新劳动》 2003年第6期51-53,共3页
关键词 创业 张裕干红酿酒公司 食品工业 南洋地区
辛亥革命前夕革命派报刊与保皇派报刊的两次大论战 被引量:3
作者 桂栖鹏 赵晓兰 《出版科学》 2003年第1期60-61,共2页
关键词 辛亥革命 美洲 南洋地区 革命派 保皇派 报刊 舆论斗争
陈楚楠对辛亥革命的贡献 被引量:1
作者 向军 高伟浓 《东南亚纵横》 2007年第3期59-63,共5页
陈楚楠祖籍福建厦门禾山,1884年生于新加坡,卒于1971年。他的父亲陈泰是当地有名的木材商人,家境富裕。青年时期的陈楚楠乐于接受新思想新事物。在邱菽园的影响下,他曾倾向保皇,但不久就抛弃了改良主义,转而接受革命思想。20世纪... 陈楚楠祖籍福建厦门禾山,1884年生于新加坡,卒于1971年。他的父亲陈泰是当地有名的木材商人,家境富裕。青年时期的陈楚楠乐于接受新思想新事物。在邱菽园的影响下,他曾倾向保皇,但不久就抛弃了改良主义,转而接受革命思想。20世纪初,作为新加坡乃至南洋地区著名的华侨革命者,陈楚楠积极投身于推翻封建帝制的伟大斗争,为辛亥革命作出了重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 辛亥革命 青年时期 改良主义 革命思想 南洋地区 封建帝制 新加坡 邱菽园
从一个华裔家族的发展看华侨华人的一般特点 被引量:1
作者 姜永兴 《东南亚研究》 1989年第4期27-31,共5页
驰名岭南的海南省文昌县云氏家族,是元朝湖广安南行中书省参知政事云从龙的直系遗裔。云从龙终世后,“谕祭、赐葬”广东省番禹县(今广州市)白云山。从龙生有二男,长子落籍广东顺德县,次子定居海南省文昌县,距今二十六代,七百年。 文昌... 驰名岭南的海南省文昌县云氏家族,是元朝湖广安南行中书省参知政事云从龙的直系遗裔。云从龙终世后,“谕祭、赐葬”广东省番禹县(今广州市)白云山。从龙生有二男,长子落籍广东顺德县,次子定居海南省文昌县,距今二十六代,七百年。 文昌云氏是一个富于开拓性的家族,在短暂的七百年中,源远流长,枝叶鼎茂,被誉为“琼崖第一世家”。近代以来,云氏后裔不断走向世界,拓殖以泰国为主的南洋地区。 展开更多
关键词 华侨华人 一般特点 家族 海南省 七百年 南洋地区 行中书省 广东顺德 华裔 白云山
作者 张桂林 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1995年第4期94-100,114,共8页
福建长乐太平港是明初郑和七下西洋离国远航的出发港,郑和船队每次均在这里停泊,其停留时间前后累计约二年多,因而与福建历史有着密切的关系。本文着重论述郑和下西洋与福建人才培养、宗教信仰及文物古迹等问题的关系,探讨郑和下西洋对... 福建长乐太平港是明初郑和七下西洋离国远航的出发港,郑和船队每次均在这里停泊,其停留时间前后累计约二年多,因而与福建历史有着密切的关系。本文着重论述郑和下西洋与福建人才培养、宗教信仰及文物古迹等问题的关系,探讨郑和下西洋对福建历史文化发展的影响。 一 郑和船队停泊长乐,在这里等候朔风开洋,招收水手,修造船舶,补充人员等。可想而知,随他下西洋的福建人一定不少。 郑和七次下西洋人数少至27000多人,多至30000人,但其中明确记载姓名籍贯的却不多。据目前笔者见到的资料大概统计,有姓名及其籍贯者共有74人。这些人员来自江苏、福建、上海、浙江、江西、安徽、陕西等地,其中福建人16个,占21%。人数之多,是其他地区所不及。加上外省在福建军营参加下西洋的15人,那就更多了。福建人在郑和使团中,有的担任领导工作,如闽南王景弘、晋江侯显、安溪李兴;有的担任辅佐人员,如泉州蒲和日;有的是技术人员,如福清林贵和,任阴阳官;有的从事航海水手,如长乐黄参;有的奉命参加下西洋,如闽候吴兴。此外,有一批军人从征西洋,如闽县严观、莆田许辟。 展开更多
关键词 郑和下西洋 郑和船队 福建历史 泉州伊斯兰教 长乐 明清时期 天妃 南洋地区 宗教信仰 永乐
《八桂侨史》 1995年第3期50-50,共1页
关键词 华侨中学 南洋地区 南洋华侨 日本政府 抗日救国运动 抗日战争 中国大陆 孙中山 临时主席 参谋总长
An Analysis of the Eddy Kinetic Energy Budget of a Southwest Vortex during Heavy Rainfall over South China 被引量:5
作者 FU Shen-Ming SUN Jian-Hua +1 位作者 ZHAO Si-Xiong LI Wan-Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第3期135-141,共7页
Based on the 6-hour-interval reanalysis data with 1°× 1°resolution from the National Center for Environmental Prediction/the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), the eddy kinetic ener... Based on the 6-hour-interval reanalysis data with 1°× 1°resolution from the National Center for Environmental Prediction/the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) budget of a southwest vortex (SWV) that caused heavy rainfall in Guangxi over South China (from 1200 UTC 11 to 0000 UTC 13 June) is calculated. The results are as follows: (a) The SWV is a kind of subtropical vortex, with characteristics of both an extratropical vortex and a tropical vortex. (b) In the case examined, large-scale circulation and other perturbation fields contributed to the formation and development of the SWV. (c) When the SWV moved from weak large-scale circulation EKE areas to strong ones, the EKE of the SWV increased, and vice versa. (d) Sub-grid processes and frictional dissipation were the main sinks of the SWV EKE, which contributed to the decay of the SWV. (e) The residual term (RES) and the Total (composite effect of all right hand side (rhs) terms except the RES in the EKE equation) varied almost in the same tendency, which kept the EKE varying in a moderate way. (f) The EKE between 550 hPa and 850 hPa increased most intensively, corresponding to the vertical stretching of the SWV. 展开更多
关键词 SWV EKE barotropical transition baroclinic transition
作者 谢承国 《荆州师专学报》 1995年第4期77-82,共6页
二战中,日本就北进和南进的问题经历了一番周折,并最终选择了南进的战略。这一战略的形成至关二战的格局,并对二战的进程和战后世界历史的发展产生了深远影响。本文试就日本由北进和南进并举的战略到最后形成南进战略的过程作一探讨... 二战中,日本就北进和南进的问题经历了一番周折,并最终选择了南进的战略。这一战略的形成至关二战的格局,并对二战的进程和战后世界历史的发展产生了深远影响。本文试就日本由北进和南进并举的战略到最后形成南进战略的过程作一探讨。一、南进战略的前奏:日本北进、南... 展开更多
关键词 二战 日本 南进战略 苏德战争 南洋地区
North Atlantic forcing of autumn drought in Southwest China 被引量:1
作者 Chaoxia Yuan Wei Zhang +3 位作者 Yahan Zhong Xinyu Lu Jingchan Liu Md Wahiduzzaman 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第1期76-80,共5页
Drought often lasts long and is thus closely related to slowly varying external forcing such as sea surface temperature(SST).Here,based on observed precipitation and SST data along with NCEP-DOE reanalysis data,the po... Drought often lasts long and is thus closely related to slowly varying external forcing such as sea surface temperature(SST).Here,based on observed precipitation and SST data along with NCEP-DOE reanalysis data,the possible impacts of North Atlantic SST on drought formation in Southwest China are investigated.Results show that northeast-southwest-orientated dipole SST anomalies in the mid-high latitudes of the North Atlantic are closely related to autumn drought in Southwest China;the linear correlation coefficient between them reaches 0.48 during 1979-2020,significant at the 0.001 level.The dipole SST anomalies trigger southeastward-propagating Rossby waves and induce barotropic cyclonic circulation anomalies over India and the western Tibetan Plateau.This enhances the upward motion in northern India and the western Tibetan Plateau and causes a compensating downdraft,reduced precipitation,and consequent drought formation in Southwest China. 展开更多
关键词 Autumn drought Southwest China North Atlantic SST TELECONNECTION
Factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth in the South China Sea:numerical simulations 被引量:1
作者 范聪慧 王娟娟 宋金宝 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期1112-1118,共7页
The mixed layer depth (MLD) in the upper ocean is an important physical parameter for describing the upper ocean mixed layer. We analyzed several major factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth (CMLD... The mixed layer depth (MLD) in the upper ocean is an important physical parameter for describing the upper ocean mixed layer. We analyzed several major factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth (CMLD), and established a numerical simulation in the South China Sea (SCS) using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) with a high-resolution (1/12~x 1/12~) grid nesting method and 50 vertical layers. Several ideal numerical experiments were tested by modifying the existing sea surface boundary conditions. Especially, we analyzed the sensitivity of the results simulated for the CMLD with factors of sea surface wind stress (SSWS), sea surface net heat flux (SSNHF), and the difference between evaporation and precipitation (DEP). The result shows that of the three factors that change the depth of the CMLD, SSWS is in the first place, when ignoring the impact of SSWS, CMLD will change by 26% on average, and its effect is always to deepen the CMLD; the next comes SSNHF (13%) for deepening the CMLD in October to January and shallowing the CMLD in February to September; and the DEP comes in the third (only 2%). Moreover, we analyzed the temporal and spatial characteristics of CMLD and compared the simulation result with the ARGO observational data. The results indicate that ROMS is applicable for studying CMLD in the SCS area. 展开更多
关键词 mixed layer depth (MLD) South China Sea (SCS) wind stress net heat flux EVAPORATION precipitation regional ocean model system (ROMS)
作者 徐国强 朱乾根 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2003年第1期49-56,共8页
With NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data and SST for 1998, the paper investigates the features of summer monsoon low-frequency oscillation (LFO) over the South China Sea (SCS). Results show that SCS summer monsoon onset i... With NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data and SST for 1998, the paper investigates the features of summer monsoon low-frequency oscillation (LFO) over the South China Sea (SCS). Results show that SCS summer monsoon onset is enhanced because of its LFO. Low-frequency (LF) low-level convergence (divergence) region of SCS is in the LF positive (negative) rainfall area. LFO of the SCS region migrates from south to north in the meridian and from west to east in zonal direction. LF divergence of SCS is vertically compensating to each other between high and low level. 展开更多
关键词 SCS summer monsoon low-frequency oscillation TRANSPORTATION
饮食文化与海外市场:清代中国与南洋的海参贸易 被引量:11
作者 戴一峰 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期83-91,共9页
本文以清代中国与南洋间的海参贸易为个案 ,探讨中国传统饮食文化与区域市场拓展两者间的互动关系。同时也揭示了海参贸易与这一时期南海海域发展变化着的贸易格局间的密切关系 :包括海参在内的华人传统食品的贸易 ,成了环南中国海华商... 本文以清代中国与南洋间的海参贸易为个案 ,探讨中国传统饮食文化与区域市场拓展两者间的互动关系。同时也揭示了海参贸易与这一时期南海海域发展变化着的贸易格局间的密切关系 :包括海参在内的华人传统食品的贸易 ,成了环南中国海华商贸易的重要组成部分 ,维系着这一时期该区域华商贸易网络的内在发展。 展开更多
关键词 饮食文化 清代 中国 海参贸易 传统文化 市场拓展 南洋地区 对外贸易史
Distribution of Organic Matter,Iron,Mangenese in Surface Sediments in the Nansha Islands Sea Area,South China Sea
作者 周伟华 吴云华 +1 位作者 陈绍勇 殷克东 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2003年第2期14-21,共8页
Concentrations of organic matter, iron and manganese in the deep sea surface sediments in the Nansha Islands sea area, South China Sea are measured. Horizontal and vertical distributions of iron and manganese are disc... Concentrations of organic matter, iron and manganese in the deep sea surface sediments in the Nansha Islands sea area, South China Sea are measured. Horizontal and vertical distributions of iron and manganese are discussed. The vertical distribution of iron and manganese in the sediments results from reduction, diffusion, and redeposition of manganese (or iron) oxide and hydroxide in the sediment. There are the maxima of iron and manganese in solid phase in the top of the sediment, which is caused by the penetration of O2 and the upward flux of Mn2+ ( or Fe2+ ). Manganese bacteria play a very important role in the cycle of solid-phase iron and manganese in the ocean environment. Manganese bacteria oxidize Mn2+ ( or Fe2+ ) in dissolved state to Mn4+ ( or Fe3+ ) in oxidized state under the aerobic condition, whereas they reduce iron and manganese in anaerobic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 organic mater IRON MANGANESE surface sediment Nansha Islands sea area South China Sea
作者 李琰 朱伟军 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第3期238-246,共9页
In this paper, we discussed the features of atmospheric circulations over Eurasia as a response to sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over the tropical Indian Ocean, the equatorial Pacific, Kuroshio and the N... In this paper, we discussed the features of atmospheric circulations over Eurasia as a response to sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over the tropical Indian Ocean, the equatorial Pacific, Kuroshio and the North Atlantic. Our results are shown as follows: (1) CAM3.0, driven by the combined SSTAs over the four oceanic regions, can simulate well the features of anomalous atmospheric circulations over Eurasia in January 2008, indicating that the effects of the SSTAs over these four regions were one of the key causes of the anomalous systems over Eurasia. (2) The SSTAs over each key region contributed to the intensification of blocking over the Urals Mountains and a main East Asian trough. However, the influence of the SSTAs over individual oceanic regions differed from one another in other aspects. The SSTAs over the North Atlantic had an impact on the 500-hPa anomalous height (Z500A) over the middle-high latitudes and had a somewhat smaller effect over the low latitudes. For the warm SSTAs over Kuroshio, the subtropical high was much stronger, spread farther north than usual, and had an anomalous easterly that dominated the northwest Pacific Ocean. The warm SSTAs over the tropical Indian Ocean could have caused a negative Z500A from West Asia to Middle Asia, a remarkably anomalous southwesterly from the Indian Ocean to the south of China and an anomalous anticyclone circulation over the South China Sea-Philippine Sea region. Because of the La Nifia event, the winter monsoon was stronger than normal, with an anomalously cooler northerly over the southeastern coastal areas of China. (3) The combined effects of the SSTAs over the four key regions were likely more important to the atmospheric circulation anomalies of January 2008 over Eurasia than the effects of individual or partly combined SSTAS. This unique SSTA distribution possibly led to the circulation anomalies over Eurasia in January 2008, especially the atmospheric circulation anomalies over the subtropics, which were more similar to those of the winter E1 Nifio events than to the circulation anomalies following La Nifia. 展开更多
关键词 January 2008 snow disaster SSTAs atmospheric circulation anomalies CAM3.0 numerical simulation
从“移民文学”到“本土文学”——从南洋华文新文学的诞生、发展看海外华文文学的承继关系 被引量:2
作者 李志 《文艺理论与批评》 北大核心 2002年第4期122-128,共7页
关键词 海外华文文学 南洋地区 文学运动 继承关系 文学心态 文学作品 “移民文学” “本土文学”
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