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美国《南海与东海制裁法案》的法律与政治审视 被引量:1
作者 董跃 盛健宁 《边界与海洋研究》 2023年第3期32-47,共16页
近年来一直为美国某些议员所力推的《南海与东海制裁法案》意欲对我国在南海、东海的海上维权行动进行制裁,是美国日渐政治化、“长臂化”的经济制裁适用于海洋领域的重要尝试。综合法律、政治角度,该法案传达了美国发动涉海经济制裁的... 近年来一直为美国某些议员所力推的《南海与东海制裁法案》意欲对我国在南海、东海的海上维权行动进行制裁,是美国日渐政治化、“长臂化”的经济制裁适用于海洋领域的重要尝试。综合法律、政治角度,该法案传达了美国发动涉海经济制裁的新趋势,体现了在“美国优先”下塑造所谓“以规则为基础的国际秩序”的意图。分析该法案的通过前景及政治影响对我国破解涉海经济制裁意义重大,有助于我国有效应对南海“围堵”。 展开更多
关键词 1657法案 南海东海问题 经济制裁 法律与政治
南海、东海蒸发波导出现规律的对比分析 被引量:9
作者 丁菊丽 费建芳 +3 位作者 黄小刚 张翔 周鑫 田斌 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1018-1023,共6页
利用2002年1~3月的铁塔平台气象水文数据以及New蒸发波导模型分析研究了南海及东海海域蒸发波导的出现规律,并利用实测数据对模型结果进行了检验。结果表明:南海海域蒸发波导的出现概率、高度、强度分别为100%、13.4m和30.3M,而东海海... 利用2002年1~3月的铁塔平台气象水文数据以及New蒸发波导模型分析研究了南海及东海海域蒸发波导的出现规律,并利用实测数据对模型结果进行了检验。结果表明:南海海域蒸发波导的出现概率、高度、强度分别为100%、13.4m和30.3M,而东海海域分别为90%、9.1m和16.6M;除以14时为代表的中午时刻,南海海域一天当中蒸发波导基本上都出现在不稳定及近中性层结条件下,而东海海域蒸发波导在稳定、不稳定和近中性层结条件下的出现概率差别不大;相对蒸发波导高度而言,New模型诊断蒸发波导出现概率和强度的效果更好;不稳定及近中性弱不稳定层结条件下,New模型诊断的蒸发波导高度偏低,稳定层结条件下模型结果偏高,近中性弱稳定条件下模型结果与实测最吻合。 展开更多
关键词 蒸发波导 New模型 南海东海海域 出现规律
我国东海和南海近岸海域麻痹性贝类毒素污染状况 被引量:12
作者 杜克梅 雷芳 +1 位作者 吴霓 江天久 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期343-346,共4页
于2007年11月至2008年10月在深圳罗湖水产批发市场定期采集产自我国东海和南海海域的主要市售贝类,运用小白鼠生物法进行麻痹性贝类毒素污染状况调查.结果表明:在所调查的13种贝类中,只有华贵栉孔扇贝染毒,检出率为75%,毒性值均较低,最... 于2007年11月至2008年10月在深圳罗湖水产批发市场定期采集产自我国东海和南海海域的主要市售贝类,运用小白鼠生物法进行麻痹性贝类毒素污染状况调查.结果表明:在所调查的13种贝类中,只有华贵栉孔扇贝染毒,检出率为75%,毒性值均较低,最高值出现在2007年11月27日产自湛江的样品,达到2.57 Mu/g,无超标.在时间分布上,该种贝类全年都含有毒素,表现出冬、春季染毒率较高,夏、秋季染毒率比较低的季节特点.广东沿海贝类毒素的检出率为25.4%,主要分布在南澳和湛江海域,含量范围介于0.31~2.57 Mu/g.福建沿海的贝类毒素检出率为53.9%,含量范围介于0.35~0.96 Mu/g.广西沿海的贝类样品未检出PSP. 展开更多
关键词 麻痹性贝类毒素 小白鼠生物法 中国东海海域和南海海域 深圳市售贝类
南海北部—东海南部中生代盆地演化与油气资源潜力 被引量:1
作者 王明健 潘军 +2 位作者 高红芳 黄龙 李霞 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期294-302,共9页
目前的勘探成果表明,南海北部到东海南部的广阔海域普遍发育中生代地层,但是除了在台西南盆地发现工业油气藏之外,其他地区的中生界尚未有大的勘探突破。本次研究将中生代南海北部—东海南部作为一个整体,开展大地构造背景分析,厘清各... 目前的勘探成果表明,南海北部到东海南部的广阔海域普遍发育中生代地层,但是除了在台西南盆地发现工业油气藏之外,其他地区的中生界尚未有大的勘探突破。本次研究将中生代南海北部—东海南部作为一个整体,开展大地构造背景分析,厘清各构造时期盆地的性质及其形成演化机制,探讨油气资源潜力。结果表明:南海北部—东海南部从晚三叠世到白垩纪整体为一个大型盆地,盆地的演化受其周围板块相互运动所控制;晚三叠世(T_(3))主要受特提斯构造域控制,发育被动陆缘边缘海沉积盆地;从早侏罗世(J_(1))到早白垩世均受古太平洋板块(伊泽奈崎板块)向欧亚板块俯冲机制的控制,其中早—中侏罗世(J_(1-2))发育弧前坳陷盆地,晚侏罗—早白垩世(J_(3)—K_(1))盆地性质为弧后断陷盆地;晚白垩世(K_(2))受太平洋板块、欧亚板块和印度板块的联合控制,性质依然为弧后断陷盆地,与前期相比,裂陷强度加大;海水由东南方向侵入,地层垂向上由海相向陆相逐渐过渡,由东南向西北和东北方向,水体逐渐变浅,亦由海相向陆相逐渐演变;中生界在南海北部潮汕坳陷等地区发育深海相和海湾相泥岩,在东海南部基隆坳陷也发育良好的海湾相泥岩,生烃潜力大,具有形成大型油气藏的物质基础和地质条件,勘探潜力巨大。本次研究结果可以为南海北部—东海南部中生界的油气资源勘探提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 南海北部—东海南部 中生界 盆地演化 构造环境 油气资源
从国家安全看东海及南海问题 被引量:1
作者 张辉 《国防》 2017年第2期78-81,共4页
关键词 国防建设 边防海防 东海南海问题 研究
黄东海海水体类型综合识别技术研究 被引量:2
作者 孙从容 唐君武 彭海龙 《海洋预报》 2005年第2期7-14,共8页
本文利用黄、东海和南海宝贵的生物-光学实测数据,进行了水体综合识别技术研究。探询了水体光谱离水辐射率、遥感反射率和漫衰减系数等物理量与以悬浮泥沙为主体的水体(CASEII.s)的响应关系。借用主成分分析思想,探询了经过大气校正的... 本文利用黄、东海和南海宝贵的生物-光学实测数据,进行了水体综合识别技术研究。探询了水体光谱离水辐射率、遥感反射率和漫衰减系数等物理量与以悬浮泥沙为主体的水体(CASEII.s)的响应关系。借用主成分分析思想,探询了经过大气校正的近红外波段卫星遥感反射率(Lrc)数据与CASEII.s水体的响应关系。发现这些物理量与水体类型有明显的响应点。 展开更多
关键词 水体类型 黄、东海南海 CASE II.s水体 CASE II.y水体
中国东部及近海陆架盆地CO_2成因及运聚规律与控制因素研究 被引量:48
作者 何家雄 夏斌 +1 位作者 刘宝明 张树林 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期42-49,共8页
在中国东部及近海陆架盆地已发现的CO2气藏(田)和大量高含CO2油气藏的大量地质地化资料的基础上,将CO2分为壳源型、壳幔混合型和火山幔源型三大成因类型。中国东部陆上诸断陷盆地与东海盆地及琼东南盆地东部、珠江口盆地的CO2气藏及高含... 在中国东部及近海陆架盆地已发现的CO2气藏(田)和大量高含CO2油气藏的大量地质地化资料的基础上,将CO2分为壳源型、壳幔混合型和火山幔源型三大成因类型。中国东部陆上诸断陷盆地与东海盆地及琼东南盆地东部、珠江口盆地的CO2气藏及高含CO2油气藏中的CO2均属典型的火山幔源型成因,CO2气源主要来自地壳深部幔源火山活动所产生的大量CO2,其运聚富集规律主要受控于幔源型火山活动与沟通深部气源的基底深大断裂的导气作用。莺歌海盆地CO2气藏及含CO2气藏中的CO2则属于壳源型及壳幔混合型成因,主要受控于泥底辟热流体晚期分层分块多期的局部上侵活动与巨厚的海相含钙砂泥岩的物理化学综合作用,其运聚分布规律具多期和分层分区的特点。根据不同成因类型CO2运聚成藏规律,可以追踪其气源,分析和预测天然气尤其是CO2的运聚分布规律,综合评价CO2资源潜力,为天然气勘探部署及决策提供依据,降低勘探风险。 展开更多
关键词 中国东部盆地 东海南海边缘盆地 CO2成因类型 运聚规律 主控因素剖析
中国东部陆上和海域CO_2成因及运聚规律与控制因素分析 被引量:19
作者 何家雄 夏斌 +1 位作者 刘宝明 张树林 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2005年第4期663-673,共11页
通过对中国东部陆上及海域大量地质地球化学资料的分析,重点对CO2成因及运聚成藏规律与主控因素进行了深入地探讨,并在此基础上对有利CO2分布区进行了初步预测。研究表明,中国东部陆上诸断陷盆地与东南沿海海域的东海盆地及南海北部大... 通过对中国东部陆上及海域大量地质地球化学资料的分析,重点对CO2成因及运聚成藏规律与主控因素进行了深入地探讨,并在此基础上对有利CO2分布区进行了初步预测。研究表明,中国东部陆上诸断陷盆地与东南沿海海域的东海盆地及南海北部大陆架琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地CO2气藏及高含CO2油气藏中,CO2均属典型的火山幔源型成因,其运聚富集主要受控于幔源型火山活动与沟通深部气源的基底深大断裂的导气配置作用,CO2气源主要来自地壳深部幔源火山活动伴生的大量CO2;南海北部大陆架西区莺歌海盆地CO2气藏及含CO2油气藏中的CO2,属于壳源型及壳幔混合型成因,主要受控于泥底辟热流体晚期分层分块多期的局部上侵活动与沉积巨厚海相含钙砂泥岩的物理化学作用,其运聚分布具多期和分层分区的特点。因此,根据不同成因类型CO2运聚成藏规律,可以追踪气源,分析和预测天然气尤其是CO2的运聚分布,评价其资源潜力,为天然气勘探部署及决策提供依据,降低勘探风险。 展开更多
关键词 中国东部盆地 东海南海北部盆地 CO2成因类型 运聚规律 主控因素
作者 <学术前沿>编者 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2014年第13期4-15,共12页
一国海洋技术开发能力、战略预案、领导人胆魄及军事外交斗争艺术,对于岛屿争夺至关重要。海洋科技的发展使国家控制海洋的能力增强、范围扩大,也使得岛屿争端问题复杂化。当前中国面临的海洋安全态势较为严峻。美国、Et本、越南、菲... 一国海洋技术开发能力、战略预案、领导人胆魄及军事外交斗争艺术,对于岛屿争夺至关重要。海洋科技的发展使国家控制海洋的能力增强、范围扩大,也使得岛屿争端问题复杂化。当前中国面临的海洋安全态势较为严峻。美国、Et本、越南、菲律宾在中国领海问题上不断挑衅。鉴于地缘格局变化,中国有必要改变“重陆轻海”的传统地缘思想,树立海洋优先观念,强化国家海洋开发的政治意志。中国要以实力为后盾,统筹政治、经济、军事力量,以我为主开发海洋资源,陆海并进、军民并进、主权宣示与经济开发并进,从而应对国际战略格局的重大调整,维护我国国家安全与利益。 展开更多
关键词 海洋科技 岛屿争端 国际规则 南海东海 重返亚太
东海到南海晚中生代岩浆弧及陆缘汇聚体制综述 被引量:8
作者 张成晨 许长海 +1 位作者 何敏 高顺莉 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期950-961,共12页
晚中生代是古太平洋板块俯冲汇聚东亚大陆的重要时期,这一构造期促发了华南强烈的岩浆活动和陆内变形,相关俯冲杂岩残留在日本西南、中国台湾到婆罗洲一线。华南大陆特别是岩浆岩研究已取得了丰富的成果认识,但缺乏与典型岩浆弧相关的... 晚中生代是古太平洋板块俯冲汇聚东亚大陆的重要时期,这一构造期促发了华南强烈的岩浆活动和陆内变形,相关俯冲杂岩残留在日本西南、中国台湾到婆罗洲一线。华南大陆特别是岩浆岩研究已取得了丰富的成果认识,但缺乏与典型岩浆弧相关的中性岩浆岩发现。位于海陆结合部的东海到南海区域,将是开展晚中生代岩浆弧和弧前盆地等研究的优选地区,目前已陆续发现了相关岩浆岩和沉积记录。开展东海到南海这一区域性的岩浆弧和弧前盆地等研究,同时结合东部俯冲杂岩和华南大陆岩浆岩等成果资料,将有助于形成和完善晚中生代古太平洋俯冲体制和东亚活动大陆边缘的演变模式,也是深化认识我国海域中生界沉积盆地性质及其油气潜力的重要环节。 展开更多
关键词 岩浆弧 汇聚大陆边缘 晚中生代 东海南海
作者 鲍献文 高郭平 吴德星 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期293-302,共10页
OCCAM global ocean model results were applied to calculate the monthly water transport through 7 straits around the East China Sea (ECS) and the South China Sea (SCS). Analysis of the features of velocity profiles and... OCCAM global ocean model results were applied to calculate the monthly water transport through 7 straits around the East China Sea (ECS) and the South China Sea (SCS). Analysis of the features of velocity profiles and their variations in the Togara Strait, Luzon Strait and Eastern Taiwan Strait showed that: 1) the velocity profiles had striped pattern in the Eastern Taiwan Strait, where monthly flux varied from 22.4 to 28.1 Sv and annual mean was about 25.8 Sv; 2) the profiles of velocity in the Togara Strait were characterized by core structure, and monthly flux varied from 23.3 to 31.4 Sv, with annual mean of about 27.9 Sv; 3) water flowed from the SCS to the ECS in the Taiwan Strait, with maximum flux of 3.1 Sv in July and minimum of 0.9 Sv in November; 4) the flux in the Tsushima Strait varied by only about 0.4 Sv by season and its annual mean was about 2.3 Sv; 5) Kuroshio water flowed into the SCS in the Luzon Strait throughout the year and the velocity profiles were characterized by multi core structure. The flux in the Luzon Strait was minimum in June (about 2.4 Sv) and maximum in February (about 9.0 Sv), and its annual mean was 4.8 Sv; 6) the monthly flux in the Mindoro Strait was maximum in December (3.0 Sv) and minimum in June (only 0.1 Sv), and its annual mean was 1.3 Sv; 7) Karimata Strait water flowed into the SCS from May to August, with maximum inflow flux of about 0.75 Sv in June and flowed out from September to April at maximum outflow flux of 3.9 Sv in January. The annual mean flux was about 1.35 Sv. 展开更多
关键词 water transport FLUX East China Sea South China Sea
Numerical simulation of the structure and variation of upwelling off the east coast of Hainan Island using QuikSCAT winds 被引量:5
作者 李毅能 彭世球 +1 位作者 杨威 王东晓 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1068-1081,共14页
The spatial structure and variation of the upwelling in the waters east and northeast of Hainan Island, China during 2000-2007 were investigated using a nested high-resolution Princeton Ocean Model (POM) forced by Qui... The spatial structure and variation of the upwelling in the waters east and northeast of Hainan Island, China during 2000-2007 were investigated using a nested high-resolution Princeton Ocean Model (POM) forced by QuikSCAT winds. The model produced good simulations of the summer upwelling and the seasonal and annual variability. Strong upwelling occurs from mid-July to mid-August with a peak east of Hainan Island associated with the southwesterly monsoon in the South China Sea. Sensitivity experiments indicated that when the local wind stress controls the variability of the upwelling, the large-scale circulation significantly enhances the upwelling northeast of Hainan Island by inducing a local upwelling and transporting cold water northeast-ward along the island's east coast. The joint effects of the local wind stress and large-scale circulation result in stronger upwelling northeast of Hainan Island. This implies that the annual variation of the upwelling northeast of Hainan Island is controlled not only by the local alongshore wind stress but also by the large-scale circulation. This result will help us investigate the decadal variation of the upwelling in this region in the future. 展开更多
关键词 UPWELLING high-resolution nested model South China Sea QuikSCAT winds
作为一个历史世界——蒙古时代之后的东部亚洲海域 被引量:6
作者 葛兆光 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期5-29,165,共26页
蒙古时代之后亚洲东部海域或环东海南海区域,可以作为一个相对完足的历史世界进行研究。由于蒙古时代之后,特别是15世纪起中国与西部世界相对隔绝,原本蒙古时代连成一片的欧亚大陆又成为“东是东,西是西”。恰好大航海时代后的全球交通... 蒙古时代之后亚洲东部海域或环东海南海区域,可以作为一个相对完足的历史世界进行研究。由于蒙古时代之后,特别是15世纪起中国与西部世界相对隔绝,原本蒙古时代连成一片的欧亚大陆又成为“东是东,西是西”。恰好大航海时代后的全球交通上,海路逐渐超越陆路,因此,“东部亚洲海域”尽管也有海禁与倭寇、壬辰之役、明清易代、大航海后西人东来等扰动,但在19世纪中叶西方的根本冲击之前,它仍然勉强维持了大体稳定的政治、经济与文化秩序,而从这一秩序的形成、动荡与瓦解过程中,正可以看到东部亚洲海域从传统到近代的历史过程。之所以要把环东海南海作为一个历史世界进行研究,不仅为了回应和补充传统历史学界的“东亚”研究范式,以及新近流行的“中央欧亚”或“东部欧亚”研究思路,也是试图打破东北亚和东南亚研究之间的鸿沟,以更大的联系的视野,改变这一区域历史研究的局限。 展开更多
关键词 东部亚洲海域 东海南海 蒙古时代 东亚 中央欧亚
Observations of Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 刘泽 侯一筠 +1 位作者 齐鹏 胡珀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期1012-1020,共9页
To discuss the intrusion of the Kuroshio into the SCS,we examined the mixing between the North Pacific and South China Sea(SCS) waters based on in-situ CTD data collected in August and September 2008 and the moored AD... To discuss the intrusion of the Kuroshio into the SCS,we examined the mixing between the North Pacific and South China Sea(SCS) waters based on in-situ CTD data collected in August and September 2008 and the moored ADCP data taken from mid September 2008 to early July 2009.The CTD survey included four meridional sections from 119°E to 122°E around the Luzon Strait,during which pressure,temperature,and salinity were measured.The CTD data show that the isopycnal surface tilted from the SCS to the North Pacific;and it was steeper in the lower layers than in the upper ones.Meanwhile,we found strong vertical mixing taken place in the areas near 121°E.The Kuroshio in high temperature and salinity intruded westward through Luzon Strait.The frequency of buoyancy was one order of magnitude greater than that of the common ones in the ocean,suggesting stronger stratification in the northeastern SCS.On the other hand,the long-term ADCP data show that before late October 2008,the direction of water flow in the SCS was eastward,and from November 2008 to late February 2009,it turned northwestward in the layers shallower than 150 m,while remained unchanged in deep layers from 200 to 450 m.From March to June 2009,the direction shifted with increasing depth from northward to southward,akin to the Ekman spiral.EOF analysis of the current time series revealed dominant empirical modes:the first mode corresponded to the mean current and showed that the Kuroshio intrusion occurred in the upper layers only from late December to early March.The temporal coefficient of the first and the second mode indicated clearly a dominant signal in a quasi-seasonal cycle. 展开更多
关键词 CTD survey moored ADCP data Kuroshio intrusion SCS water evolution period
Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of dissolved humic substances in a mangrove-fringed estuary in the eastern coast of Hainan Island,China 被引量:7
作者 张耀玲 杜金洲 +3 位作者 彭浡 张芬芬 赵欣 张经 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期454-463,共10页
Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale. In order to improve the understanding of origin, composition, and fate of DOM in mangrove-fring... Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale. In order to improve the understanding of origin, composition, and fate of DOM in mangrove-fringed estuarine and coastal areas, dissolved humic substances (DHS) were isolated from one mangrove pore-water sample and one near-shore seawater sample downstream the mangrove pore-water site in the eastern coast of Hainan Island, South China. Fulvic acids, humic acids and XAD-4 fractions were obtained from the two water samples by using a two-column array of XAD-g and XAD-4 resins. Chemica~ and spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the features of these DHS. Compared to the mangrove pore-water DHS, the near-shore seawater DHS were found rich in 13C with lower C/N ratios and more aliphatic compounds and carbohydrates, but less aromatic structures and carboxyl groups. As for the three fractions of the two DHS, XAD-4 fractions contain more aliphatics, carbohydrates, carboxyl groups, and enrich in 13C with respect to both fulvic and humic acids. Photo-oxidation transformation and contribution from marine-derived DOM were considered as the main reasons resulted in the difference in compositional features for these DHS in this study. 展开更多
关键词 MANGROVE fulvic acid humic acid XAD-4 fraction FTIR NMR
A new species of the genus Amphicteis (Polychaeta:Ampharetidae) from China 被引量:1
作者 隋吉星 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期821-824,共4页
A new species of the ampharetid genus Amphicteis,A.chinensis sp.nov.,is described based on material from the East and South China Seas.The new species is distinguished from the other known species of this genus by the... A new species of the ampharetid genus Amphicteis,A.chinensis sp.nov.,is described based on material from the East and South China Seas.The new species is distinguished from the other known species of this genus by the presence of a lobebehind the paleae.Akey to distinguish all Amphicteis species and the closely related genus Paramphicteis from the Chinese seas is provided. 展开更多
关键词 new species Amphicteis Paramphicteis Ampharetidae POLYCHAETA
Comparison of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter derived wave period with ocean buoy data in the East China Sea and South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 陈红霞 杨永增 +1 位作者 范斌 华锋 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期76-80,共5页
Altimeter wave period data obtained from continental shelf seas are analyzed in this paper. Empirical models are introduced for zero up-crossing and peak wave period calculation with TOPEX/POSEIDON data. Their perform... Altimeter wave period data obtained from continental shelf seas are analyzed in this paper. Empirical models are introduced for zero up-crossing and peak wave period calculation with TOPEX/POSEIDON data. Their performances are assessed using independent validation dataset in four sites in the open ocean of China. To provide more accurate wave period estimation, new coefficients are applied to reliable in situ data. Comparison of our estimated the wave periods with new linear calibrations based on independent data of Seapac 2100 deployed in the East China Sea and South China Sea showed that the accuracy was improved over estimates determined from earlier empirical models. Regional analysis indicated that the wave period model works better under wind sea condition. 展开更多
关键词 wave period empirical model TOPEX/Poseidon satellite
Current status of small yellow croaker resources in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea 被引量:4
作者 林龙山 刘尊雷 +2 位作者 姜亚洲 黄伟 高天翔 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期547-555,共9页
We used data from bottom trawl surveys to study the factors influencing the abundance of small yellow croaker, Larimichthys polyactis, in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The resource de... We used data from bottom trawl surveys to study the factors influencing the abundance of small yellow croaker, Larimichthys polyactis, in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The resource density index (RD1) was generally higher in summer and autumn than in spring and winter. RDIs were also significantly greater in the SYS than in the ECS in summer and autumn. The bottom water salinity and depth of spatial distribution of small yellow croaker was similar between the two areas in summer, but different in other seasons. Regression analysis suggested that environmental factors such as bottom water temperature, salinity, and depth influenced the RDIs in summer in these areas. Growth condition factor (GCF) in the two areas varied monthly and the croaker in the SYS grew more slowly than those in the ECS. This was likely due to the low bottom temperature of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass in summer and autumn or to higher human fishing pressure in the ECS. To ensure sustainable utilization of the croaker stocks in these regions, we recommend reducing the fishing intensity, increasing the cod-end mesh size, and improving the protection of juveniles. 展开更多
关键词 Larimichthys polyactis BIOLOGY ECOLOGY Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
Sea surface temperature anomalies in the South China Sea during mature phase of ENSO 被引量:1
作者 丘福文 潘爱军 +2 位作者 张善武 查晶 孙豪为 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期577-584,共8页
Based on the 18-year (1993-2010) National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (SST) and simple ocean data assimilation datasets, this study investigated the patterns ... Based on the 18-year (1993-2010) National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (SST) and simple ocean data assimilation datasets, this study investigated the patterns of the SST anomalies (SSTAs) that occurred in the South China Sea (SCS) during the mature phase of the E1 Nifio/Southem Oscillation. The most dominant characteristic was that of the out- of-phase variation between southwestern and northeastern parts of the SCS, which was influenced primarily by the net surface heat flux and by horizontal thermal advection. The negative SSTA in the northeastern SCS was caused mainly by the loss of heat to the atmosphere and because of the cold-water advection from the western Pacific through the Luzon Strait during E1 Nifio episodes. Conversely, it was found that the anomalous large-scale atmospheric circulation and weakened western boundary current during E1 Nifio episodes led to the development of the positive SSTA in the southwestern SCS. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies E1 Nifio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) South China Sea (SCS)
Distribution of heavy metals and nutrients in rainwater in coastal regions between the southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 刘昌岭 张国森 +1 位作者 任宏波 张经 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期230-237,共8页
Rainwater samples were collected in series in Qianliyan Island (southern Yellow Sea) and Shengsi Archipelago (East China Sea) between May 2000 and May 2002, chemical analysis for pH values, concentrations of heavy met... Rainwater samples were collected in series in Qianliyan Island (southern Yellow Sea) and Shengsi Archipelago (East China Sea) between May 2000 and May 2002, chemical analysis for pH values, concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd) and nutrients (NH4+, NO3-, PO43-, SiO32-) were performed. Results indicate that concentrations of most of the heavy metals and nutrients in rainwater show clear seasonal variation, i.e. high level in winter and low level in summer. Regionally, concentrations are higher in the southern Yellow Sea than in the East China Sea, but the annual input of heavy metals into oceans by wet deposition is similar in both stations. However, the input of nutrients by wet deposition in the East China Sea is 2–3 times higher than that in the southern Yellow Sea. In individual, Pb and PO43- are input to the sea mainly by dry deposition; whereas Cu, Zn, Cd and N compounds are input dominantly by wet deposition, the N/P ratios in the rainwater from two stations are much higher than those in seawater, showing a significant impact of atmospheric wet deposition on marine production and biogeochemical circulation of nutrients in these sea regions. 展开更多
关键词 southern Yellow Sea East China Sea RAINWATER heavy metals nutrient elements
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