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作者 白续辉 陈惠珍 《海洋开发与管理》 2017年第5期43-47,共5页
近年来,海洋旅游已成为三沙市重点发展的经济产业。从实际情况来看,当前南海海洋旅游业的发展还很难完全依靠市场机制推进。由于价格激励对旅游吸引半径的扩大具有显著影响,我国南海旅游业在早期培育阶段,可以依靠政策性扶持措施,尽量... 近年来,海洋旅游已成为三沙市重点发展的经济产业。从实际情况来看,当前南海海洋旅游业的发展还很难完全依靠市场机制推进。由于价格激励对旅游吸引半径的扩大具有显著影响,我国南海旅游业在早期培育阶段,可以依靠政策性扶持措施,尽量抵消有关不利因素的负面影响,引导形成可持续的旅游消费市场规模。价格激励在这一进程中能够发挥重要作用。文章首先指出了价格激励对扩大旅游吸引半径的作用;接着分析了影响我国南海旅游吸引半径消长的因素;最后给出了南海旅游价格激励的措施。 展开更多
关键词 南海旅游 市场培育 价格激励 策略
作者 申文灿 陈扬乐 《新东方》 2017年第3期65-69,共5页
南海旅游发展亟需一大批国际化、高水平的旅游人才,国际合作是国际化人才培养的重要渠道。海南与南海周边国家文化相通、互为市场,在人才培养上开展国际合作大有可为。南海旅游人才培养的国际合作,可以从多模式、多资源、多主体等方面... 南海旅游发展亟需一大批国际化、高水平的旅游人才,国际合作是国际化人才培养的重要渠道。海南与南海周边国家文化相通、互为市场,在人才培养上开展国际合作大有可为。南海旅游人才培养的国际合作,可以从多模式、多资源、多主体等方面开展。 展开更多
关键词 南海旅游 人才培养 国际合作
作者 符茂正 《现代营销(下)》 2016年第10期182-183,共2页
文章以南海旅游产品为视角,提出合作构建中国南部沿海丝路港口遗产文化旅游经济带、海南岛、三沙群岛丝路生态休闲旅游经济带,分别对南海概况、南海丝绸之路概况、南海旅游资源状况、南海旅游资源开发的意义、旅游产品设计开发思路、南... 文章以南海旅游产品为视角,提出合作构建中国南部沿海丝路港口遗产文化旅游经济带、海南岛、三沙群岛丝路生态休闲旅游经济带,分别对南海概况、南海丝绸之路概况、南海旅游资源状况、南海旅游资源开发的意义、旅游产品设计开发思路、南海旅游产品创新延伸探讨六个方面进行新产品创新和设计,对合作建设中的产品创新探索难点问题作了延伸讨论。 展开更多
关键词 南海旅游 海上丝绸之路 旅游产品创新
作者 王婕霏 《经济研究导刊》 2020年第8期104-106,共3页
伴随着“一带一路”背景下中国东盟“1+10”经济合作的深入,泛南海区域经济已成为全球经济板块的重要组成部分。泛南海经济圈在提升贸易来往的同时,也加剧了圈内的产业,特别是旅游产业的竞争。借助大数据和网络系统建立客户信息共享机... 伴随着“一带一路”背景下中国东盟“1+10”经济合作的深入,泛南海区域经济已成为全球经济板块的重要组成部分。泛南海经济圈在提升贸易来往的同时,也加剧了圈内的产业,特别是旅游产业的竞争。借助大数据和网络系统建立客户信息共享机制成为各连锁品牌酒店应对挑战的手段之一,随之而来的是客户信息共享和客户信息保护之间的矛盾日益突出。因此,以此为出发点讨论客户信息共享与保护涉及的问题,比较各国际连锁品牌酒店的实际做法,并就可能存在的问题提出客户信息共享与保护的方法。 展开更多
关键词 信息共享 信息安全 酒店客户 南海旅游
“南海1号”在阳江旅游经济发展中的作用 被引量:2
作者 谢宏 《市场论坛》 2008年第3期75-76,共2页
关键词 南海1号”旅游经济 促进作用
创建“大三亚与南海国际旅游圈” 服务区域经济发展 被引量:1
作者 杨雄 张敬畅 《中国高校科技》 CSSCI 2014年第7期82-83,共2页
中国要进一步发展就要走向海洋,发展海洋经济,向海洋战略强国迈进。创建"大三亚与南海国际旅游圈"可促进南海旅游资源开发,促进海南国际旅游岛旅游市场的进一步发展,提升海南海洋大省的整体形象,实施"大南海"发展战... 中国要进一步发展就要走向海洋,发展海洋经济,向海洋战略强国迈进。创建"大三亚与南海国际旅游圈"可促进南海旅游资源开发,促进海南国际旅游岛旅游市场的进一步发展,提升海南海洋大省的整体形象,实施"大南海"发展战略,服务区域经济社会发展,是实施国家海洋强国发展战略目标的具体体现。 展开更多
关键词 “大三亚与南海国际旅游圈”旅游资源 海洋发展战略
作者 熊冠军 《路基工程》 2004年第1期60-62,共3页
1 小南海旅游景区简介 小南海旅游景区位于黔江境内南海乡与后坝乡之间,地理坐标为东经108°45',北纬29°40'.一百四十余年前,小南海发生6.25级地震,距震中2.3km,导致山体(如轿顶山、大垮岩、小垮岩一带)崩塌,以近百余... 1 小南海旅游景区简介 小南海旅游景区位于黔江境内南海乡与后坝乡之间,地理坐标为东经108°45',北纬29°40'.一百四十余年前,小南海发生6.25级地震,距震中2.3km,导致山体(如轿顶山、大垮岩、小垮岩一带)崩塌,以近百余米的落差,直达对面山脚,将老窖溪堵断,形成长轴方向130°~140°的巨大堆积体(5500×104~9600×104m3)的一天然大坝. 展开更多
关键词 铁路设计 南海旅游景区 页岩边坡 地震 地质构造 水文地质 边坡率
海岛型旅游度假区旅游环境容量研究--以分界洲岛为例 被引量:2
作者 王文 陆斌 《绿色科技》 2020年第6期264-266,269,共4页
指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环... 指出了海南分界洲岛为典型的海岛型旅游度假区,以分界洲岛为例,探讨了分界洲岛的旅游环境容量情况,主要从该岛的生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量、旅游空间环境容量和旅游社会环境容量4个指标进行了测算和分析。结果表明:除旅游空间环境容量外,其余3项旅游生态环境容量、功能设施环境容量以及旅游社会环境容量均存在不同程度的超载。根据上述研究结果,提出了促进分界洲岛旅游环境容量建设的策略,并为分界洲岛旅游的开发和发展提供了一些措施和建议。 展开更多
关键词 海岛型旅游度假区 旅游环境容量 海南分界洲岛
Tropical Leisure Agro-tourism in the Context of Constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan
作者 符国基 揭秋云 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期55-59,63,共6页
The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of econom... The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island creates a promising prospect for the development of its tropical leisure agro-tourism, and the latter will contribute a lot to the former in the fields of economy, ecology and culture. The present situation and development prospects of tropical leisure agro-tourism in the context of constructing International Tourism Island in Hainan are introduced in this study, SWOT analysis of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan is conducted, causes of imperfect tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island are elaborated such as insufficient understanding and investment, fragile infrastructure and lack of overall tourism planning despite its abundant tropical agricultural resources, marine resources, forest resources and ecological resources as well as convenient transportation. Combining with the opportunities and challenges in developing tourism industry, targeted strategies are proposed for promoting the tropical leisure agro-tourism, that is, enhancing understanding about leisure agro-tourism; determining the target and orientation of tourism planning through basic classification, properly defining functional divisions and spatial layout; improving relevant laws and regulations about tourism industry; attaching more importance in attracting alien investment; fully developing the tropical, marine, green and ecological features of tropical leisure agro-tourism in Hainan Island; cultivating resources, scenic spots and products of different types respectively in tourism development, especially culturing typical products; protecting ecological environment, implementing sustainable development of tourism industry; making innovations in marketing, accurately subdividing tourism market. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan International Tourism Island Tropical leisure agro-tourism SWOT analysis Development strategies
Development of Leisure Agriculture in Hainan
作者 范武波 符惠珍 陈炫 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1977-1980,共4页
Through in-depth analysis, this paper proposed development planning of leisure agriculture in Hainan. The layout included orderly development and overal planning, connection of three expressways and middle area for re... Through in-depth analysis, this paper proposed development planning of leisure agriculture in Hainan. The layout included orderly development and overal planning, connection of three expressways and middle area for recreation and the rest for sightseeing; the site selection should develop depending on central cities, relying on major projects and famous mountains or landscapes; the connotation in-volved exploitation of farming culture, presenting national customs of indigenous people, highlights given to island and coasts and emphasizing tropic agriculture. What's more, the suggestions were proposed to advance leisure agriculture of Hainan, including to formulate scientific planning to lead leisure agriculture develop-ment, to give policy supports and enterprise management, to improve promotion and broadening market and to enhance education and improve industry quality. On basis of lots of data and examples, the research enriched the content of leisure agricul-ture in Hainan, which is conductive to development of Hainan leisure agriculture, and of significance for construction of leisure agriculture sites and supports of the agriculture by government. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan Leisure agriculture International tourism island
Expectation and satisfaction of rural tourism:a case study of Hainan,China 被引量:2
作者 Xie Genzong Qiu Penghua +1 位作者 Chen Yongsheng Song Jiehua 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第4期405-416,共12页
This study uses the rural tourist motivation scale to measure the motivations, expectations, and satisfaction of nearly 200 rural tourists in five areas of Hainan, China by importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and fa... This study uses the rural tourist motivation scale to measure the motivations, expectations, and satisfaction of nearly 200 rural tourists in five areas of Hainan, China by importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and factor analysis. The results show that the main motivation for participating in rural tourism is to be close to nature, improve family rela-tionship and relaxation. Tourists are highly satisfied with the landscape and pastoral views as well as the friendliness of the local people and hotels. The results also show that the sample people most care about easy parking and reasonable prices, and they expect ethnic festivals and farm life experiences. Besides the environment, facilities, recreational activities and psychological experience of rural tourism, the overall satisfaction is high. The results of this study can be used by local government leaders as well as the tourism industry to devise ways to promote and improve rural tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism EXPECTATION Satisfaction Hainan
Pulling Vs. Pushing:Effect of Climatic Factors on Periodical Fluctuation of Russian and South Korean Tourist Demand in Hainan Island,China 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Fan LIU Jun GE Quansheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期648-659,共12页
While climate is an important factor attracting tourists to certain destinations,it can also motivate people residing in a country with a harsh climate to move to another location.By applying X-12 decompositions and a... While climate is an important factor attracting tourists to certain destinations,it can also motivate people residing in a country with a harsh climate to move to another location.By applying X-12 decompositions and a panel data regression analysis,this study analyzes the pull and push effects of climatic seasonal factors between destination(Hainan Island,China) and source countries(Russia and South Korea).The findings show that climatic seasonal factors have significant pulling and pushing effects on seasonal patterns of tourism demand,with temperature being the main factor.Furthermore,the number of paid vacation days in the source country affects that country's sensitivity to climatic seasonal factors;countries with a higher numbers of paid vacation days are more sensitive to climatic conditions.Lastly,future global warming may causes the aforementioned pull and push effects to abate,which will have an unavoidable influence on tourism industries. 展开更多
关键词 seasonality climate tourism demand Hainan Island China
IPA Analysis of First-time Tourists' Perceptions on the Image of the Tourist Destination Take Hainan International Tourism Islands for Example
作者 Yumei Guan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期43-46,共4页
Nowadays, the image construction of Hainan International Tourism Islands has been vigorously promoted. The research is going to make an empirical analysis of Hainan tourism image, adopting IPA analysis method. General... Nowadays, the image construction of Hainan International Tourism Islands has been vigorously promoted. The research is going to make an empirical analysis of Hainan tourism image, adopting IPA analysis method. Generally speaking, there is a big gap between the Hainan tourist destination and tourists' expectations. The Hainan Tourist Destination image is mainly built on natural-advantage-resource projects such as natural sceneries, air quality, and climate, etc., meanwhile, the relatively insufficient constructions of soft-wares such as tourism-related facilities, as well as the quality of tourism services, etc., are the focus of future efforts. 展开更多
关键词 Tourist destinations image IPA First-time tourists Hainan International Tourism Islands
Sea Turtles in Vietnam: On the Edge of Extinction
作者 Cuong The Chu The Duc Nguyen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第8期356-361,共6页
Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksb... Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Among them, with the exception of Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), four species have been being lay eggs on the beaches along the country. However, these populations have been strongly suffered by human activities for decades. The number of foraging and breeding Hawksbill and Leatherback sea turtles has dramatically decreased, and Olive Ridley turtle has almost disappeared on their traditional nesting beaches. Beside the reason of harvesting eggs and nesting turtles by catch or by purpose, the developments in coastal areas where sea turtles laying eggs such as in shrimp aquaculture, tourist resort and residential area developments etc., also contributed to this decline of sea turtles. Despite the fact that the recent raising awareness programs on protection and conservation of the sea turtle were very well done with the participation of many organizations and provinces, this important animals still face the risk of extinction in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Sea turtle NESTING foraging threats.
A study on the tourism practitioners' perception of tourism impact:a case study of Hainan,China
作者 Xie Genzong Chen Yongsheng Qiu Penghua Li Pengshan 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期168-176,共9页
This study examines the urban population of tourism practitioners' perceptions of economic, environmental, and social impacts on cultural, convention, and sport tourism may have in Haikou and Sanya, Hainan, China.... This study examines the urban population of tourism practitioners' perceptions of economic, environmental, and social impacts on cultural, convention, and sport tourism may have in Haikou and Sanya, Hainan, China. The study uses a modif ied Urban Tourism Impact (UTI) to examine economic, environmental, and social perceived impacts. Analysis of the data includes testing three models of structural relationships between tourism impacts and support for development in each of the tourism market sub-divisions through a confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study show that the positive economic impacts consistently exert influence on predicting support for tourism development in all three models. However, the social impacts play a greater explanatory role with all three market segment, the negative environmental impacts play a role in determining support for sport tourism only. Differences have been found with those with a higher education level in predicting support for cultural tourism, but not convention or sport tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Community perceptions Tourism impact Urban tourism impact
作者 李永宏 《思想工作》 2006年第1期26-27,1,共2页
南临黄河、北依阴山的南海公园旅游风景区,向以风光旖旎闻名遐迩,是镶嵌在包头市东南的一块璀灿的旅游名珠,每年吸引数十万各地游客前来这里观光、旅游、度假;然而,一年前的“11.21”空难发生不仅使55条生命瞬间消逝,更使事故发生地南... 南临黄河、北依阴山的南海公园旅游风景区,向以风光旖旎闻名遐迩,是镶嵌在包头市东南的一块璀灿的旅游名珠,每年吸引数十万各地游客前来这里观光、旅游、度假;然而,一年前的“11.21”空难发生不仅使55条生命瞬间消逝,更使事故发生地南海旅游区陷入前所未有的困境,给这颗明珠蒙上了至今挥之不去的厚重阴霾…… 展开更多
关键词 旅游风景区 包头市 旅游 观光 游客 度假 生地 南海旅游
Modulation of the urban heat island by the tourism during the Chinese New Year holiday: a case study in Sanya City,Hainan Province of China 被引量:7
作者 Jingyong Zhang Lingyun Wu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第17期1543-1546,共4页
The urban heat island (UHI) represents one of the most significant human impacts on the earth system. In recent decades, the number of the tourists has a remarkable increase in China and also other regions of the gl... The urban heat island (UHI) represents one of the most significant human impacts on the earth system. In recent decades, the number of the tourists has a remarkable increase in China and also other regions of the globe. However, it is still unclear whether or to what extent the tourism can affect the UHI. Here, we investigate the role of the tourism for the UHI during the Chinese New Year (CNY) holiday based on a case study in tropical Sanya City, which attracts many tourists for celebrating the CNY and enjoying the warm climate during the holiday. We find that the UHI effects expressed as daily mean (ATmean), maximum (ATmax), and minimum (ATmin) surface air temperature differences between urban and nearby nonurban stations averaged over the period of 1995-2004 during the CNY week were 0.48 ℃ (39 %), 0.66 ℃ (61%), and 0.42 ℃ (26 %) higher than those averaged over the background period (8 weeks including 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the CNY week), respectively. These changes are all significant at the 99 % confidence level. Our findings highlight previously unidentified impact of the tourism on the UHI based on a case study in Sanya City, Hainan Province of China. 展开更多
关键词 Urban heat island Chinese New Yearholiday TOURISM Surface air temperature Sanya City
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