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法的安定性与国家治理——从济南老火车站被拆谈起 被引量:2
作者 胡建淼 《人民法治》 2017年第2期85-85,共1页
最近我到济南为山东省有关领导干部作法治报告,发现不少人私下表露出对济南老火车站被拆的惋惜。济南老火车站是指“津浦铁路济南站”,由德国著名建筑师赫尔曼·菲舍尔设计,1992年被拆除。济南老火车站当初不该拆,但拆了也不必重建... 最近我到济南为山东省有关领导干部作法治报告,发现不少人私下表露出对济南老火车站被拆的惋惜。济南老火车站是指“津浦铁路济南站”,由德国著名建筑师赫尔曼·菲舍尔设计,1992年被拆除。济南老火车站当初不该拆,但拆了也不必重建。我们要记住的是教训,要树立的是新理念,这一理念与法的安定性有关。法的安定性是以自然法为基础的一项法治原则。 展开更多
关键词 南老 拉德布鲁赫 济南站 著名建筑师 法治原则 领导干部 古斯塔夫 赫尔曼 菲舍尔 古强
作者 李培习 宋丽花 胡涛 《农业知识》 2003年第19期47-47,共1页
关键词 南老 装缸 蔬菜品种 山东省临沭县 菜汁 胡涛 又香 塑料桶 大茴 夹块
项目名称:宗祠活态延续的闽南老街区——晋江五店市传统街区保护与更新 被引量:1
《住区》 2014年第3期95-97,共3页
晋江五店市传统街区位于晋江旧城中心,是晋江城区的生发起源地。片区内街巷格局完整,有众多的文化和历史建筑,包括蔡氏宗祠、庄氏宗祠、朝北大厝、石鼓庙等文物建筑和多处历史建筑。街区内宗族特征明显,庄、蔡二家族聚居此处已有1 000... 晋江五店市传统街区位于晋江旧城中心,是晋江城区的生发起源地。片区内街巷格局完整,有众多的文化和历史建筑,包括蔡氏宗祠、庄氏宗祠、朝北大厝、石鼓庙等文物建筑和多处历史建筑。街区内宗族特征明显,庄、蔡二家族聚居此处已有1 000多年历史。2011年晋江梅岭组团进行全面旧城更新,原规划中五店市片区拟作为城市公园进行建设,经过规划单位积极争取,最终五店市街区被作为传统街区整体保护。 展开更多
关键词 街区保护 旧城更新 传统街区 历史建筑 城市公园 物质文化遗产 保护策略 南老 活态文化 中五
《信息安全与通信保密》 2016年第12期88-88,共1页
关键词 南老 学术传承 硕士研究生 信息安全 创新核心 超前意识 道路曲折 产业学 科研理念 科研事业
作者 洪椰子 《福建党史月刊》 1990年第2期13-16,10,共5页
邓小平同志最近指出,我们十年最大的失误是教育,主要是思想政治教育,对于艰苦创业,对于中国是个什么样的国家,将要变成一个什么样的国家,这种教育都很少,这是我们很大的失误。江泽民同志也指出,在整个社会主义初级阶段,我们必须坚定不... 邓小平同志最近指出,我们十年最大的失误是教育,主要是思想政治教育,对于艰苦创业,对于中国是个什么样的国家,将要变成一个什么样的国家,这种教育都很少,这是我们很大的失误。江泽民同志也指出,在整个社会主义初级阶段,我们必须坚定不移地执行党的十三大制定的基本路线:领导和团结全国各族人民,以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗。这些讲话都提出了。 展开更多
关键词 南老 十年 继续前进 思想政治教育 执行党 白区工作 地方工作 领导干部 革命精神 十三届四中全会
为贵州老干部的无私奉献点赞 全国老年期刊“聚焦贵州黔西南老干部助力脱贫攻坚”联合采访圆满举行
作者 王卉 叶力 +1 位作者 黄飞 杨艳 《晚晴》 2017年第9期116-117,共2页
8月23日至25日,继2017年全国老年期刊工作交流研讨会后,由山东《老干部之家》、辽宁《老同志之友》、广西《老年知音》、山西《山西老年》、天津《长寿》《天津老干部》、河北《老人世界》、吉林《夕阳红》、江西《开心老年》和贵州《... 8月23日至25日,继2017年全国老年期刊工作交流研讨会后,由山东《老干部之家》、辽宁《老同志之友》、广西《老年知音》、山西《山西老年》、天津《长寿》《天津老干部》、河北《老人世界》、吉林《夕阳红》、江西《开心老年》和贵州《晚晴》等十余家老年期刊社的社长、总编及记者组成的采访团一行从贵阳出发,赴黔西南州开展“老干返乡·助力小康”联合采访活动。 展开更多
关键词 南老 期刊工作 老同志之友 交流研讨会 搬迁安置 日至 民意调查 西南日报 贞丰县 中国期刊协会
A New Species of Araucarioxylon Kraus from the Early Early Permian, Nei Mongol, China 被引量:1
作者 王士俊 胡雨帆 崔金钟 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第4期427-432,共6页
A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. The fossil wood was collected from the top of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) in Wuda Mi... A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. The fossil wood was collected from the top of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) in Wuda Mining District, Nei Mongol. Compared with the Paleozoic fossil woods in the world, it is put into Araucarioxylon Kraus and named as A. laoshidanense sp. nov. Based on the character of possessing mixed pittings (alternate and opposite pittings) on the radial tracheid wall, the fossil wood is believed to be one of the unknown primitive conifers.Diagnosis of the new species: Only secondary xylem preserved and consisting of axial tracheids and rays. Growth ring boundary, resin duct and axial parenchyma absent. One to Four (commonly 2 or 3) seriates of bordered pits (mostly alternate but sometimes opposite) on the radial tracheid wall. One to Four (commonly 1, rarely 2 to 4) Cupressoid pits in each cross_field. Rays usually uniseriate, sometimes partly_ biseriate and 2 to 39 (mainly 3-5) cells high. 展开更多
关键词 Early Permian Taiyuan Formation fossil wood Araucarioxylon Kraus Araucarioxylon laoshidanense sp. nov.
紫砂氤氲,滋润江南诗情 被引量:1
作者 陈莉萍 《天工》 2017年第6期56-57,共2页
“人人都说江南好,游人只合江南老。”江南水乡的秀丽风景,江南姑娘的温婉柔美,在古今文学艺术作品中,古江南曾被以各种表达方式描绘过,让人对江南的地理人文充满无限向往。如今随着时代变迁,江南也在不断变化,不变的是,人们对她的喜爱... “人人都说江南好,游人只合江南老。”江南水乡的秀丽风景,江南姑娘的温婉柔美,在古今文学艺术作品中,古江南曾被以各种表达方式描绘过,让人对江南的地理人文充满无限向往。如今随着时代变迁,江南也在不断变化,不变的是,人们对她的喜爱和赞美。我,也是一个深爱着江南山山水水的人。我自幼在江南古城宜兴长大,从小便喜欢观察身边的一切事物,无论是明媚春天里柳枝抽出的青黄嫩芽,或是夏日荷塘中的幽静池水与碧绿荷叶,都能给我带来无比的乐趣。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂 宜兴 文学艺术作品 陶刻 砂壶 南老 陶瓷艺术大师 壶身 陶艺 给我
作者 江水清清 《江南论坛》 1994年第6期46-46,共1页
深秋时节的一个下午,我们预约叩开了上海康平路一座小院的大门,一对老夫妇笑脸相迎。陪同我们前往的《大江南北》杂志社副总编周挺南老先生介绍说:“这就是蓝瑛、李利同志。” 蓝瑛现年70岁,1941年曾任《江南》半月刊记者。文革前,曾任... 深秋时节的一个下午,我们预约叩开了上海康平路一座小院的大门,一对老夫妇笑脸相迎。陪同我们前往的《大江南北》杂志社副总编周挺南老先生介绍说:“这就是蓝瑛、李利同志。” 蓝瑛现年70岁,1941年曾任《江南》半月刊记者。文革前,曾任上海市委宣传部副部长。文革后,在上海市文化局工作。离休前,任上海社科院副院长。他爱人李利,曾在《苏南日报》工作。 展开更多
关键词 蓝瑛 李利 周挺 深秋时节 南老 副总编 社科院副院长 发行员 副部长 理论性文章
作者 郑怡 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2017年第10期37-37,共1页
关键词 青灯古佛 三潭印月 如风 微澜 苏堤 电机振动 莫奈 南老 国家领导人 嗡鸣
作者 云海尘清 《中学语文(读写新空间)(中旬)》 2015年第3期20-20,共1页
韦庄少年时孤贫力学,才敏过人,却屡试不第,辗转于长安、洛阳、越中、江西还有湖南一带。晚年的韦庄终是没能回到故乡,一直羁留在四川一带,直到75岁卒于成都花林坊。自古都说蜀道艰难,甚至难过登上那高不可攀的九霄,而他,却到魂断的那一... 韦庄少年时孤贫力学,才敏过人,却屡试不第,辗转于长安、洛阳、越中、江西还有湖南一带。晚年的韦庄终是没能回到故乡,一直羁留在四川一带,直到75岁卒于成都花林坊。自古都说蜀道艰难,甚至难过登上那高不可攀的九霄,而他,却到魂断的那一天才真正明白。他的心、他的魂都断在那始终未能迈出的崇山峻岭上,日日孤影徘徊,遥望着长安日落,山月初升,却又有子规啼血,愁绝空山! 展开更多
关键词 韦庄 乡老 长安日 屡试不第 蜀道 《菩萨蛮》 空明 江南春色 南老 士子
一得遇明师 万里表心仪
作者 孙玺龙 《佛教文化》 1994年第1期45-45,共1页
《佛教文化》期刊社: 在《静坐修道与长生不老》这本书的封面上有两幅禅照,漫天红霞之下,一位慈祥可亲的老人如处定中,妙乐融融,法喜充满,溢于颜表。他就是国学大师南怀瑾老先生。我接触南老先生大作始于1991年。因为我在1988年以后,曾... 《佛教文化》期刊社: 在《静坐修道与长生不老》这本书的封面上有两幅禅照,漫天红霞之下,一位慈祥可亲的老人如处定中,妙乐融融,法喜充满,溢于颜表。他就是国学大师南怀瑾老先生。我接触南老先生大作始于1991年。因为我在1988年以后,曾一度醉心于禅,在无师临炉指点的情况下。 展开更多
关键词 法喜充满 南怀瑾 南老 明师 长春般若寺 清净心 福缘 讲经 学禅 修证
作者 黄惇 《收藏与投资》 2015年第1期94-99,共6页
2013年9月,南京城南老门东某建筑工地,出土了晚明杨维垣的一套九枚青田石印章。其中六面印一枚,故共得十四方印作。一次出土数量如此之多的明代青田石印章,实属罕见。这九枚印章十四方印作皆属杨维垣文房用印,分别是姓名、字印:"... 2013年9月,南京城南老门东某建筑工地,出土了晚明杨维垣的一套九枚青田石印章。其中六面印一枚,故共得十四方印作。一次出土数量如此之多的明代青田石印章,实属罕见。这九枚印章十四方印作皆属杨维垣文房用印,分别是姓名、字印:"杨维垣印"(朱文)、"维垣丰之"(朱白相间)、"丰之父"(白文);斋馆阁印:"十笏斋"(白文)、"借绿轩"(白文);闲印:"草莽臣"(白文)、"一肚皮不合时宜"(白文)、"别有尚玄"(白文)、"臣心如水"(朱文)、"非吏非隐亦武亦文"(朱文); 展开更多
关键词 维垣 六面印 闲印 如水 南京城 南老 承清馆印谱 字印 胜朝殉节诸臣录 朱白相间印
A phylogeny of the Tylototriton asperrimus group (Caudata: Salamandridae) based on a mitochondrial study: suggestions for a taxonomic revision 被引量:8
作者 袁智勇 蒋柯 +5 位作者 吕顺清 杨军校 NGUYEN Quang Truong NGUYEN Thien Tao 金洁琼 车静 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期577-584,共8页
A phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian newts of the Tylototriton asperrimus group was generated using data from two mitochondrial fragments including COI and the ND1-ND2 regions. Four distinct clades (A, B, C, D) w... A phylogenetic hypothesis for the Asian newts of the Tylototriton asperrimus group was generated using data from two mitochondrial fragments including COI and the ND1-ND2 regions. Four distinct clades (A, B, C, D) were resolved with high nodal support within this monophyletic group. Clade A included T. asperrimus, T. hainanensis, T. notialis, "T. vietnamensis", and two unnamed salamander populations from Vietnam. Clade A, constituted the sister group of clades B + C. Newly identified clade C likely represents a new cryptic species. Clade C was the sister group of T. wenxianensis. The true 7: vietnamensis exclusively constituted clade D. Our results bring into question some previous taxonomic decisions, and a revision is required. This study illustrates the necessity to include samples from type localities in taxonomic studies, and highlights the importance of fine-grained geographical sampling. 展开更多
关键词 Tylototriton notialis Tylototriton hainanensis SALAMANDER Southeast Asia Tonkin Cryptic diversity
A Practice Guide of Software Aging Prediction in a Web Server Based on Machine Learning 被引量:3
作者 Yongquan Yan Ping Guo 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期225-235,共11页
In the past two decades, software aging has been studied by both academic and industry communities. Many scholars focused on analytical methods or time series to model software aging process. While machine learning ha... In the past two decades, software aging has been studied by both academic and industry communities. Many scholars focused on analytical methods or time series to model software aging process. While machine learning has been shown as a very promising technique in application to forecast software state: normal or aging. In this paper, we proposed a method which can give practice guide to forecast software aging using machine learning algorithm. Firstly, we collected data from a running commercial web server and preprocessed these data. Secondly, feature selection algorithm was applied to find a subset of model parameters set. Thirdly, time series model was used to predict values of selected parameters in advance. Fourthly, some machine learning algorithms were used to model software aging process and to predict software aging. Fifthly, we used sensitivity analysis to analyze how heavily outcomes changed following input variables change. In the last, we applied our method to an IIS web server. Through analysis of the experiment results, we find that our proposed method can predict software aging in the early stage of system development life cycle. 展开更多
关键词 software aging software rejuvenation machine learning web server
Some new country records of five species of Glenea Newman(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae:Lamiinae:Saperdini) from the Oriental Region
作者 VIKTORA Petr 林美英 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期50-57,共8页
New country records for five species of Glenea Newman from the Oriental Region are reported. G. changchini Lin & Lin, 2011 is newly recorded from Vietnam; G. rondoni Breuning, 1963 is new from Thailand; G. subregular... New country records for five species of Glenea Newman from the Oriental Region are reported. G. changchini Lin & Lin, 2011 is newly recorded from Vietnam; G. rondoni Breuning, 1963 is new from Thailand; G. subregularis Pic, 1943 is new from Laos; G subviridescens Breuning, 1963 is new from China, Vietnam and Thailand; and G. viridescens Pic, 1927 is newly recorded from China and Laos. Photos of types and voucher specimens from new localities are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Glenea Newman new country record China Laos Thailand Vietnam
The enrichment characteristics and geological controlling factors of coalbed methane occurrence in Laochang area, Yunnan Province
作者 WU Cai-fang CHEN Zhao-ying +1 位作者 WANG Cong JIANG Wei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期355-361,共7页
The enriched characters of methane content in the main coal seam of Yunnan's Laochang coal mine was analyzed through combined with the geologic conditions of the research area: structure type, hydrogeology condition... The enriched characters of methane content in the main coal seam of Yunnan's Laochang coal mine was analyzed through combined with the geologic conditions of the research area: structure type, hydrogeology condition, coal reservoir's macerals, ash, water content, and so on. The geology factors of controlling gas in Laochang coal mine were illustrated; and the different geology models of controlling gas of geologic condition coupling were posed. Research shows that, in the region, the methane contents of the main coal seams decrease gradually from middle to all around it; the northeast and southeast is higher than the west. In the local area, the methane content of anticline axis is higher, and the gas content is reduced to both wings and plunging crown. On macroscopic view, the distribution of methane content in coal-beds was controlled by structural type. On microscopic view, the methane content in coal-beds is mainly involved in coal reservoir's macerals, ash content, and water content. The enriched characters of CBM in the research area are mainly the result of structure-hydrogeology-petrophysics coupling controls of CBM. On the basis of above analysis, according to the distribution character of methane content in coalbeds, the research area was divided into low gas area, middle gas area, and high gas area. 展开更多
关键词 coalbed methane enrichment characteristics cotrolling factor Laochang area gas content geological condition
Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Dominant Bacteria On Aging Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves 被引量:3
作者 Fang LIU Zhe ZHAO Mingqin ZHAO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2611-2614,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to construct the internal motivation of flued-cured tobacco natural aging. [Method] The variation of DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium, amylase activity, PPO, peroxydase and content of starch, ... [Objective] The aim was to construct the internal motivation of flued-cured tobacco natural aging. [Method] The variation of DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium, amylase activity, PPO, peroxydase and content of starch, neutro-protein, polyphenol in different aging period were investigated using Henan flue-cured tobacco leaves. [Result] Results showed that the DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium increased initially but decreased subsequently with the aging time. The DNA copies of Bacillus per gram of tobacco leaf surface reached the maximum number at 6 months aging. The activities of four enzymes showed the same variation trend as in DNA copies, and also reached the highest level at 6 months aging. Chemical ingredients, however, displayed a downward trend. The variation of enzyme activity and content of chemical composition were reflected in the changes of DNA copies in Bacillus megaterium. [Conclusion] The result indicate that Bacillus megaterium was the internal motivation of flue-cured tobacco natural aging. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco AGING Real-time PCR SYBR Green DNA copies
The Empowerment of Elderly People-in South East Asia: The Social Responsibility of the Young Generation in the Region
作者 Nguyen Thi Tung Uyen Henry Ngun Ceu Thang Azlinda Azman 《Sociology Study》 2013年第2期96-103,共8页
This paper puts a focus on the empowerment of the elderly people in modern society. The expected increasing of elder population is a reminder of more social responsibility for the younger generation who has to learn a... This paper puts a focus on the empowerment of the elderly people in modern society. The expected increasing of elder population is a reminder of more social responsibility for the younger generation who has to learn a lot from the experiences of elderly people for the society. While it is acknowledged the importance of addressing the increase of aging population issue in other countries, this paper focuses on selected three countries of Myanmar, Malaysia, and Vietnam as the fact that these three countries are economically rapidly developing, and highly expecting the possible aging population issues. This paper briefly highlights the importance of elderly people by discussing on a brief view on elderly population: a reminder of social responsibility of the young generation, understanding the elderly and their experiences of the life, community organizing for empowering the elderly people, the meaningful participation and elderly empowerment, and the implication for social work practice with the elderly. 展开更多
关键词 EMPOWERMENT elderly people social responsibility social work
The Feasibility Analysis of the Housing Endowment——Taking Nanjing as an example
作者 Gao Lu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期36-38,共3页
China has entered the aging society, due to the imperfect national endowment insurance system, the traditional pension mode can no longer meet the needs of old people, so that the family pension and social pension are... China has entered the aging society, due to the imperfect national endowment insurance system, the traditional pension mode can no longer meet the needs of old people, so that the family pension and social pension are facing tremendous pressure. In this paper, firstly, explaining the concept of the housing endowment, and summarizing the feasibility and necessity of the housing endowment. Then through the investigation and the analysis of SPSS data, with the housing endowment in the United States and Singapore' success, summing up what our country should do to make improvements, and then we will induce the current situation and predicament of the housing endowment in Nanjing. Finally, we can put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions by the feasibility to the reality to Nanjing city in the future. 展开更多
关键词 The housing endowment Aging population Social security.
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