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作者 高莉莉 胡昕 《法国研究》 1999年第1期121-125,共5页
关键词 潜水衣与蝴蝶 精神原野 博比 脑血管疾病 文学语言 玻璃气泡 英雄意识 生存愿望 蒙太奇手法 审美功能
作者 胡昕 《江苏广播电视大学学报》 1999年第2期36-37,共2页
关键词 博比 潜水衣与蝴蝶 精神原野 叙述方式
《世界建筑导报》 2007年第1期70-75,共6页
关键词 轻型结构 木结构 建筑 博比尼信息馆
《启蒙(3-7岁)》 2005年第6期19-19,共1页
关键词 博比 小世界 幼儿园 天津
作者 陈亮 《新体育》 1997年第1期52-53,共2页
著名的前英格兰队教练博比·罗布森正面临他职业生涯中的最大挑战,继强大的约翰·克鲁伊夫之后出任巴塞罗那队主教练一职.眼下,63岁的罗布森的斗志仍同以往那般炽烈,甚至连一向冷酷的西班牙报界也被这位纽坎普体育场的新指挥家... 著名的前英格兰队教练博比·罗布森正面临他职业生涯中的最大挑战,继强大的约翰·克鲁伊夫之后出任巴塞罗那队主教练一职.眼下,63岁的罗布森的斗志仍同以往那般炽烈,甚至连一向冷酷的西班牙报界也被这位纽坎普体育场的新指挥家吓了一跳.早在新赛季之前,他的一系列惊人举措就先刮起了旋风,面对挑战的罗布森显得胸有成竹而旦满怀激情,对他而言足球意味着一切! 展开更多
关键词 巴塞罗那 主教练 博比 西班牙 守门员 罗纳尔 足球 英格兰 波尔图 人才培养
对西方学者课程目标模式讨论的述评 被引量:12
作者 孔企平 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期30-38,共9页
本世纪40年代末,泰勒(Tyler,R)提出了著名的四个问题,形成了以目标为中心的课程原理。这四个问题是:1.学校应该达到哪些教育目标;2.提供哪些经验才能实现这些目标;3.怎样才能组织这些教育经验;4.我们怎样才能确定这些目标得到实现。60... 本世纪40年代末,泰勒(Tyler,R)提出了著名的四个问题,形成了以目标为中心的课程原理。这四个问题是:1.学校应该达到哪些教育目标;2.提供哪些经验才能实现这些目标;3.怎样才能组织这些教育经验;4.我们怎样才能确定这些目标得到实现。60年代以来,这一模式又得到了进一步的发展。马杰(Mager,1962) 展开更多
关键词 泰勒 课程目标 行为目标 西方学者 述评 多尔 目标模式 博比 教育目标 课程领域
作者 李波 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1996年第9期33-34,共2页
随着各国足球联赛的堰旗息鼓,弥散在欧洲绿茵场上的烽烟渐渐消退。各队人马名次排定,沉浮荣枯,风雨飘摇中又是一年。本赛季欧洲的各国联赛,在小人物博斯曼的搅动下,在“约阿”主席之争的政治背景下变得极具戏剧性,让人难以捉摸,悬念层出... 随着各国足球联赛的堰旗息鼓,弥散在欧洲绿茵场上的烽烟渐渐消退。各队人马名次排定,沉浮荣枯,风雨飘摇中又是一年。本赛季欧洲的各国联赛,在小人物博斯曼的搅动下,在“约阿”主席之争的政治背景下变得极具戏剧性,让人难以捉摸,悬念层出,各种精彩的场面更是频频出现。各诸侯为创伟绩或为保荣誉用尽其能,或倾囊出资招兵买马或掘地三尺深挖潜能。当人们感叹世无英雄时,普罗蒂、波齐、博比奇等一干剑客平步杀出,笑谈间妙施翻云覆雨手站居英雄榜,改写射手风云录。那些早已名震江湖的“杀手”亦不甘为人后,希勒,克林斯曼、威赫、坎通纳诸人依旧凛凛豪气占居一方天地。老牌劲旅再塑英雄本色,新兴势力崛起绿茵。一时间欧洲足坛狂潮迭起,一番番刀光剑影之后又完成了一段绿茵传奇。笑看欧洲三大联赛,真是别有一番滋味在心头。 展开更多
关键词 联赛 冠军 述评 慕尼黑 英格兰 射手 纽卡斯尔 博比 欧洲 冕冠
作者 李波 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1996年第9期16-16,共1页
英国“足球绅士”博比·查尔顿惦记着他,甚至八年之后,他仍向中国记者询问:“大孩子”怎么样了? 施拉普纳赞扬过他:“他是中国最具职业精神的球员!” 球迷们关注着他,他那头球施射的本领独步球场,无人能敌,好一个“金头”!
关键词 球员 头球 滞空 博比 国家队 中国甲A联赛 职业精神 英伦 比赛前 拉普
妙笔彩绘 情深意明——漫议文章的比兴
作者 赵兴明 刘绍本 《殷都学刊》 1986年第3期63-69,共7页
比兴,原出于对《诗经》表现方法的概括。前人多有论述,虽说法不尽相同,但含义大体是一致的。后汉郑玄在注《周礼》时笺引了郑众的话,对比兴解释说:“比者,比方于物也。兴者,托事于物也。”后来梁朝刘勰总结了前人的经验,在《文心雕龙... 比兴,原出于对《诗经》表现方法的概括。前人多有论述,虽说法不尽相同,但含义大体是一致的。后汉郑玄在注《周礼》时笺引了郑众的话,对比兴解释说:“比者,比方于物也。兴者,托事于物也。”后来梁朝刘勰总结了前人的经验,在《文心雕龙·比兴》中进行了专门的论述:“比者,附也;兴者,起也。附理者切类以指事,起情者依微以拟议。起情故兴体以立,附理故比例以生。”这是说,比是借用事物间类似的特点,去说明、议论事理;兴是依据事物间微妙的关系来寄托作者的情意。刘勰抓住了比兴的特点, 展开更多
关键词 比兴 漫议 彩绘 深意 比喻 起情 短诗 刘勰 茶花 博比
作者 万莹华 《杭州师范学院学报》 1990年第4期108-112,共5页
荒诞派戏剧是西方现代主义文学中影响最大的戏剧流派之一,盛行于五、六十年代,它不仅在欧美各国为现代派作家竞相采用,即便在东方乃至我国的戏剧舞台上,也不时可见此类剧作。川剧《潘金莲》、话剧《孔子·耶稣·列侬》即是典型... 荒诞派戏剧是西方现代主义文学中影响最大的戏剧流派之一,盛行于五、六十年代,它不仅在欧美各国为现代派作家竞相采用,即便在东方乃至我国的戏剧舞台上,也不时可见此类剧作。川剧《潘金莲》、话剧《孔子·耶稣·列侬》即是典型例证。可见荒诞派戏剧在世界范围内产生的广泛影响。认真研究一下这一戏剧流派,无论是对了解外国戏剧的创作经验,还是对繁荣我国文学创作都是不无裨益的。 展开更多
关键词 荒诞派戏剧 《秃头歌女》 史密斯 “反戏剧” 戏剧流派 荒诞剧 传统戏剧 语言 博比 消防队长
作者 陶盼和 《国际展望》 1998年第2期27-29,共3页
二、暗杀计划 约翰·肯尼迪1961年元月就任美国总统时,有关暗杀卡斯特罗的传闻已在白宫里闹得沸沸扬扬。在宣誓就职前,他就要求中央情报局秘密行动部主任理查德·比斯尔为政治暗杀开创一种正式的职能部门。头脑清醒且才智过人... 二、暗杀计划 约翰·肯尼迪1961年元月就任美国总统时,有关暗杀卡斯特罗的传闻已在白宫里闹得沸沸扬扬。在宣誓就职前,他就要求中央情报局秘密行动部主任理查德·比斯尔为政治暗杀开创一种正式的职能部门。头脑清醒且才智过人的比斯尔似乎是肯尼迪“新领域” 展开更多
关键词 肯尼迪 卡斯特罗 中央情报局 阴暗面 黑手党 王朝 飞行员 恩卡 博比 秘密行动
作者 贾朝伦 《警犬》 2004年第4期53-53,共1页
尽忠守灵 19世纪50年代中期,苏格兰爱丁堡市一个名叫约克·格雷的警察,收养了一头离群的长毛短腿狮子狗“博比”。从此,“博比”成了他朝夕相伴的好伙伴。
关键词 义犬 博比 警察 苏格兰
《中外房地产导报》 1994年第10期52-52,共1页
美联社弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯二月二十八日消息,因切断丈夫约翰·博比特的阴茎而轰动美国的洛伦娜·博比特(二十四岁)计划一俟离开州精神病院,就参加公开活动,出售其故事的著作权,并恢复其修甲师的工作。巡回法院法官定于三月一日... 美联社弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯二月二十八日消息,因切断丈夫约翰·博比特的阴茎而轰动美国的洛伦娜·博比特(二十四岁)计划一俟离开州精神病院,就参加公开活动,出售其故事的著作权,并恢复其修甲师的工作。巡回法院法官定于三月一日裁决要否释放洛伦娜。洛伦娜的律师詹姆士·洛说:「我们预计她会有条件地获释。法官将会说及什么条件。」 展开更多
关键词 洛伦 著作权 巡回法院 精神病院 法官 弗吉尼亚 詹姆士 博比 电视影片 阴茎
作者 徐惟礼 《华人时刊》 1998年第11期24-24,共1页
关键词 美国衣阿华州 布兰顿 玩具厂 给孩子喂奶 博比 志愿者 小家伙 密苏里大学 生活时间 帮忙者
Comparison Research on Anti-dumping Duty Rates between Administrative Review and Welfare Maximization under Dynamic Game of Perfect Information
作者 许源 朱海洋 钟根元 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期127-130,共4页
Using economics and game theory, two kinds of models have been proposed in this paper under the assumption that foreign and domestic firms behave under the condition of dynamic game of perfect information. One model i... Using economics and game theory, two kinds of models have been proposed in this paper under the assumption that foreign and domestic firms behave under the condition of dynamic game of perfect information. One model is for calculating Anti-dumping rate which is obtained according to current regulations of Anti-dumping, but it is not optimal. The other is an optimal model of Anti-dumping which is obtained according to the maximum principle of domestic social welfare. Then, through the comparison of this two models in detail, several shortages have been revealed about Anti-dumping rate model based on current regulations of Anti-dumping. Finally, a suggestion is indicated that WTO and China should use the optimal model to calculate Anti-dumping rate. 展开更多
关键词 administrative review Anti-dumping rate dynamic game perfect information.
Two new records of Pyramidellidae(Gastropoda,Heterobranchia)from China seas
作者 陈志云 张素萍 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1302-1305,共4页
This paper reports two species of the family Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), Otopleura nitida (A. Adams, 1854) and Rugadentia manzakiana (Yokoyama, 1922). The former was from the South China Sea and the l... This paper reports two species of the family Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), Otopleura nitida (A. Adams, 1854) and Rugadentia manzakiana (Yokoyama, 1922). The former was from the South China Sea and the latter was from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The study was based on the collections deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is for the first time that these species have been recorded in China seas. In the current contribution, we describe and illustrate these two species, and compare them with similar species. 展开更多
关键词 GASTROPODA Heterobranchia Pyramidellidae new records China seas
Addressing Barriers to Off-Grid Rural Electrification in Africa: The Botswana and Namibia Experience
作者 Pushpendra K. Jain Prem Jain Philimon Dhafana 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第8期1351-1359,共9页
Africa is the most affected continent with energy poverty. Wood fuel is the main source of energy for remote and rural populations. At the same time, most parts of Africa are endowed with abundant solar energy. Togeth... Africa is the most affected continent with energy poverty. Wood fuel is the main source of energy for remote and rural populations. At the same time, most parts of Africa are endowed with abundant solar energy. Together with a highly developed global solar industry and ever declining cost of solar systems, solar has unprecedented potential to combat energy poverty in Africa. However, dissemination of solar systems is faced with a number of barriers and challenges amongst where sustainable financing and lack of technological support for installation, maintenance and repair of systems are the most significant. This paper discusses the cases of Botswana and Namibia where financing schemes based on different partnership models have been successfully implemented. These schemes have the potential for success and adaptation by countries with similar socio-economic conditions. We conclude with recommendations on training programs for different levels of intervention to overcome the lack of technological support. 展开更多
关键词 Energy poverty off-grid rural electrification solar energy financing mechanisms training needs AFRICA Botswana Namibia.
The Restoration of Kidane Mehret Church in Sen'afe
作者 Jean-Francois Breton 《Sociology Study》 2016年第11期713-720,共8页
The Church of Kidane Mehret stands at 2,450 m above sea level, close to the village of Sen'afe, on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Probably built in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, the church gradually b... The Church of Kidane Mehret stands at 2,450 m above sea level, close to the village of Sen'afe, on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Probably built in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, the church gradually became a ruin in the middle of the last century. Following the intervention of the monks of this church, a restoration program was set up in 2006. With the agreement of the National Museum in Asmara and the World Monuments Fund, funding was collected together by the German Embassy, the French Embassy, and the Alliance Fran^aise of Asmara, which made it possible to restore the church, between 2006 and 2008. Teams of workmen and women were created to this end. Only traditional techniques were employed for the masonry of the walls, the wooden roofing the plastering, and the interior paintwork. This project, which conforms to the Charter of Venice, could serve as an example for similar restorations in the region and as a model for professional training. Finally, a trilingual article (English, German, and Tigrinya) was published in the Collection "Cultures et Patrimoines d'ErythrGe", 2009. 展开更多
关键词 ERITREA CHURCH wooden architecture RESTORATION Orthodox Church
Trapped in the Quagmire of Misery: Exorcizing Neurosis of Violence in Mia Couto's Voices Made Night and Bessie Head's Tales of Tenderness and Power
作者 Niyi Akingbe 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第2期75-84,共10页
Arguably, Africa comparatively remains a huge account for narratives within the context of repository of misery and violence in the 21 st-century, an attempt to political development has posed an irresistible challeng... Arguably, Africa comparatively remains a huge account for narratives within the context of repository of misery and violence in the 21 st-century, an attempt to political development has posed an irresistible challenge and a disturbing necessity for Mia Couto in Voices Made Night (1990) and Bessie Head in Tales of Tenderness and Power (1989). The position of Couto as a white Mozambican writer and Head as an exiled coloured South African writer, living in her adopted country of Botswana, provides them with privileged neutrality from which to view the effect of the admixture of grinding poverty and violence as they ravage the landscapes of these countries. While Couto does not fail to incorporate the significance of power struggle between FRELIMO (Front for the Liberation of Mozambique) and RENAMO (Mozambique National Resistance) in the ~'oices Made Night, Head's articulation of the complex manipulation of power becomes a resource for constructing a discourse of nationalism in Tales of Tenderness and Power. The paper intends to focus on the correlation between power and economic development in these anthologies. The paper will further examine how political power impacts on the socio-economic well being of the local folks in the Couto's Mozambique and Head's South Africa. 展开更多
关键词 quagmire of misery neurosis of violence Mozambique South Africa poverty Mia Couto Bessie Head
Comparative Analysis of Medicines for Rural and Urban Population of Lithuania in 1935
作者 Rita Perkamaite Vilma Gudiene 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第6期277-285,共9页
In order to answer the question as to how patients were treated in different historical periods, one of the most objective sources of study are pharmacy record books. The books were used for registration of all prescr... In order to answer the question as to how patients were treated in different historical periods, one of the most objective sources of study are pharmacy record books. The books were used for registration of all prescriptions based on which medicines have been produced in the pharmacy. Their contents reveal what medications were prescribed for treatment of various diseases, what kind of ingredients were used in the produce of medicines, and how much medicines cost. Lithuanian museums and archives stored dozen XIX-twentieth century the first half of prescription books. The present research analyses the prescription books of Petra^i~nai, a suburban area of the Lithuanian1 provisional capital, and a small Batakiai town in Taurage county with the population of 800, in 1935 Both books are stored in the Lithuanian Medical and Pharmaceutical History Museum. The study reveals what medicines were used for treatment of Lithuanian urban and rural residents in 1935, what the most often prescribed medicines were, specifics of the composition of medicines prescribed by doctors and a paramedic, popularity of animal medicines and the prices of medicines. The research was based on the methods of historical benchmark data processing and statistical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 History of pharmacy medicines therapy in 1935 medicines prescriptions.
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