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卡氏膜球藻鞭毛伸缩节律的研究 被引量:1
作者 李夜光 胡鸿钧 《武汉植物学研究》 CSCD 1994年第4期355-359,共5页
卡氏膜球藻(Hymenomonascarterae)是一种单细胞海藻,细胞圆球形,表面覆盖一层球形石(Coccoliths)。两条鞭毛稍不等长,着生于细胞前端,鞭毛长约为细胞直径的1.5倍。在25±℃,光照强度2... 卡氏膜球藻(Hymenomonascarterae)是一种单细胞海藻,细胞圆球形,表面覆盖一层球形石(Coccoliths)。两条鞭毛稍不等长,着生于细胞前端,鞭毛长约为细胞直径的1.5倍。在25±℃,光照强度2000lx,光暗时间比14:10小时条件下,用MESⅢ培养基培养卡氏膜球藻,发现细胞在光照条件下伸出鞭毛,活跃游动;在黑暗条件下缩回鞭毛,沉于培养瓶底。进一步试验证明:1.光刺激细胞伸出鞭毛,黑暗刺激细胞缩回鞭毛。2.鞭毛的伸缩与培养中的光暗周期变化严格对应,即光周期开始后20分钟,细胞开始伸出鞭毛;暗周期一开始,鞭毛就向细胞内收缩。3.在连续光照条件下,鞭毛的周期性伸缩现象消失。所以,卡氏膜球藻鞭毛周期性伸缩是一种受光暗周期调节的外源节律。这种鞭毛伸缩的节律现象在藻类是第一次报道。 展开更多
关键词 鞭毛 节律 球藻
压力蒸汽灭菌覆膜化学指示卡的临床应用效果探究 被引量:4
作者 郑文 周海燕 桓丽倩 《中国医疗设备》 2018年第7期88-90,共3页
目的比较覆膜化学指示卡与普通化学指示卡在临床使用中的效果,为医院消毒供应室灭菌监测质量的提升提供参考。方法选取在2018年1月至2018年3月期间的每锅次压力蒸汽灭菌过程中,将待灭菌物品按照敷料包、器械包和纸塑袋包装分为3组。各... 目的比较覆膜化学指示卡与普通化学指示卡在临床使用中的效果,为医院消毒供应室灭菌监测质量的提升提供参考。方法选取在2018年1月至2018年3月期间的每锅次压力蒸汽灭菌过程中,将待灭菌物品按照敷料包、器械包和纸塑袋包装分为3组。各组分别放置普通型132℃压力蒸汽灭菌化学指示卡、Ⅰ型覆膜132℃压力蒸汽灭菌化学指示卡、Ⅱ型覆膜132℃压力蒸汽灭菌化学指示卡各一条,另外再放置一支自含式快速生物指示剂。同时每锅次使用化学PCD和生物PCD对灭菌器的综合灭菌性能进行监测。并记录每次灭菌的物理监测结果。结果在每锅次物理监测、化学PCD监测和生物PCD监测均合格及每个灭菌包的生物监测均合格的情况下,Ⅱ型覆膜指示卡变色在3组中的合格率均为100%;Ⅰ型覆膜指示卡平均变色合格率分别为100%,98.32%和97.82%;普通型化学指示卡的平均变色合格率分别为99.67%,89.83%和94.81%。结论在医院临床使用覆膜型的化学指示卡有更准确的监测率,指示效果更可靠,值得在临床压力蒸汽灭菌中推广。 展开更多
关键词 化学指示 压力蒸汽灭菌 医疗器械消毒 化学监测
作者 胡斌 李玲霞 《警察技术》 2023年第2期87-90,共4页
生产型激光碳粉打印机主要用于纸张打印,而针对居民身份证制作材料PET膜等特殊材质的打印则存在一定的适应性困难,需进行针对性技术改良。就生产型激光碳粉打印机在PET膜打印过程中的适应性情况进行研究,重点针对PET膜打印过程中存在的... 生产型激光碳粉打印机主要用于纸张打印,而针对居民身份证制作材料PET膜等特殊材质的打印则存在一定的适应性困难,需进行针对性技术改良。就生产型激光碳粉打印机在PET膜打印过程中的适应性情况进行研究,重点针对PET膜打印过程中存在的卡膜、静电、脱粉三方面问题进行了分析,并提出改进方案,解决了PET膜打印过程中出现的适应性问题,使PET膜能够高效、连续高质量打印。 展开更多
关键词 PET 打印 卡膜 静电 脱粉
作者 原来 王志宇 《警察技术》 2011年第5期26-29,共4页
关键词 双界面 密钥 STK菜单
淋膜卡纸回收破局助力薄膜降解难题解决 被引量:1
作者 蔡成基 《印刷杂志》 2022年第2期9-16,共8页
近期,国内造纸业与包装印刷业对淋膜卡纸再生造纸技术的突破十分关注。淋膜卡纸即在纸板上用流延淋膜的方法涂一层聚乙烯,使之具有耐水、耐油性。这种纸张大量用于食品包装,尤其是直接接触食品的包装。很多快餐业与饮料业的一次性包装... 近期,国内造纸业与包装印刷业对淋膜卡纸再生造纸技术的突破十分关注。淋膜卡纸即在纸板上用流延淋膜的方法涂一层聚乙烯,使之具有耐水、耐油性。这种纸张大量用于食品包装,尤其是直接接触食品的包装。很多快餐业与饮料业的一次性包装采用淋膜卡纸,一是因为防水及防油的功能完备,二是所制容器有骨架,外型坚挺,三是环保。淋膜卡纸是当年聚苯乙烯发泡饭盒的有力替代品,虽然价格稍高,但消费者毫不犹豫地选择了淋膜卡纸。然而,在纸张回收方面,淋膜卡纸遭遇了滑铁卢。卡纸本身可以回收再造,造纸业称为回浆。 展开更多
关键词 回收 降解 限塑减碳 绿色
卡他莫拉氏菌下呼吸道感染58例报告 被引量:1
作者 李凡 凌兰萍 蔡映云 《中国冶金工业医学杂志》 2000年第1期10-11,共2页
的 :总结近五年来卡他莫拉氏菌下呼吸道感染的临床特点及对抗生素的敏感性。方法 :(1 )分析 58例卡他莫拉氏菌所致肺部感染的临床资料 ,包括年龄、基础疾病、发病诱因、症状体征、X线表现、治疗转归等 ;(2 )以K -B法 (纸片法 )或Etest法... 的 :总结近五年来卡他莫拉氏菌下呼吸道感染的临床特点及对抗生素的敏感性。方法 :(1 )分析 58例卡他莫拉氏菌所致肺部感染的临床资料 ,包括年龄、基础疾病、发病诱因、症状体征、X线表现、治疗转归等 ;(2 )以K -B法 (纸片法 )或Etest法 (MIC纸片法 )测定该菌的体外药敏性。结果 :(1 )男 44例 ,女 1 4例 ,年龄 54± 1 5岁 ,78%的患者有基础疾病 ,主要为COPD、肺心病。症状为咳嗽 (93 % )、发热 (60 % ) ,胸部X线表现为肺部斑片状阴影 (41 4% )。 (2 )药敏试验示该菌呈多重耐药 ,妥布霉素、氧氟沙星、头孢哌酮、头孢三嗪为较敏感抗生素。结论 :卡他莫拉氏菌下呼吸道感染患者多有基础疾病 ,临床表现不典型 ,诊断依靠病原学并结合临床及X线检查 。 展开更多
关键词 拉氏菌 下呼吸道感染 病因 诊断 治疗
eID与人社联合认证签发电子社保卡的应用实践 被引量:1
作者 贺鑫焱 刘海龙 《网络空间安全》 2018年第12期14-18,40,共6页
为支持公民领取电子社保卡时身份认证、在线办事电子签名授权、政务数据跨部门安全流通三大目标,基于公安部公民网络电子身份标识(eID)在线远程身份认证功能,在保护公民隐私的前提下,选取人社部试点发放电子社保卡为应用实践。公民通过... 为支持公民领取电子社保卡时身份认证、在线办事电子签名授权、政务数据跨部门安全流通三大目标,基于公安部公民网络电子身份标识(eID)在线远程身份认证功能,在保护公民隐私的前提下,选取人社部试点发放电子社保卡为应用实践。公民通过eID与人社联合身份认证后,可在APP中领取电子社保卡,支持权益查询、医保结算、待遇领取等在线应用。eID的电子签名功能,支持用户在线办事授权,以及去身份化和碎片化的大数据交易流转等功能,并在江西省共青城市"电子社保卡+eID应用"项目正式上线,为全国电子社保卡发放起到了良好的示范作用。 展开更多
关键词 电子社保 eID SIMeID贴 实名认证 电子签名 数字身份
作者 杨幼禾 《华北农学报》 1984年第4期67-69,共3页
慢性子宫内膜炎,中兽医称之为'带下',为子宫粘膜的慢性炎症,是产畜常患的一种获得性不孕症。临床上发病率很高,常因此引起不孕或流产。1969至1980年,我在兽医临床中较多接触了慢性子宫内膜炎患马,治疗中以中药'大芸冬青汤&#... 慢性子宫内膜炎,中兽医称之为'带下',为子宫粘膜的慢性炎症,是产畜常患的一种获得性不孕症。临床上发病率很高,常因此引起不孕或流产。1969至1980年,我在兽医临床中较多接触了慢性子宫内膜炎患马,治疗中以中药'大芸冬青汤'为主,结合冲洗子宫,收到了较理想的较果,特介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 慢性子宫内 大芸 冬青 子宫粘 炎症 病理 他性炎 慢性他性子宫内
作者 李冰 《黑龙江动物繁殖》 2008年第4期38-,共1页
母牛子宫内膜炎的发生率很高,对生产产生巨大影响。笔者经过总结同行多年养牛经验和查阅专业报道等,对母牛子宫内膜炎的发生和治疗有了一定的认识,提供给养牛者参考。根据母牛子宫黏膜损伤程度及分泌物的变化,可将母牛子宫内膜炎分为隐... 母牛子宫内膜炎的发生率很高,对生产产生巨大影响。笔者经过总结同行多年养牛经验和查阅专业报道等,对母牛子宫内膜炎的发生和治疗有了一定的认识,提供给养牛者参考。根据母牛子宫黏膜损伤程度及分泌物的变化,可将母牛子宫内膜炎分为隐性、慢性卡他性、 展开更多
关键词 牛子宫内 慢性他性子宫内 子宫颈阴道部
材料防伪技术综述4 被引量:1
作者 王晓红 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2003年第20期43-45,共3页
三、防伪胶带1.自检拆封保护胶带自检拆封保护胶带也称 K.K 带,其产品(标识)有4层,面层为纸质材料,可与油墨防伪、纸张防伪等技术结合使用;次层是可印刷指定图文标识的易碎膜;三、四层为工艺层。该类防伪标识的主要特点是检验时将其面... 三、防伪胶带1.自检拆封保护胶带自检拆封保护胶带也称 K.K 带,其产品(标识)有4层,面层为纸质材料,可与油墨防伪、纸张防伪等技术结合使用;次层是可印刷指定图文标识的易碎膜;三、四层为工艺层。该类防伪标识的主要特点是检验时将其面层揭开,便可见次层所印制的内容。2.新型塑料薄膜包装封条材料这种包装封条材料是由美国光学涂料试验中心等公司联合研制开发的一种防伪塑料薄膜,可作为包装封条材料使用。该薄膜在一定的外力作用下会改变颜色。 展开更多
关键词 材料防伪技术 防伪胶带 纹理防伪材料 原子核双加密塑料 纳米防伪材料
Dose-response study of spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine for cesarean section 被引量:21
作者 CHEN Xin-zhong CHEN Hong LOU Ai-fei, Lü Chang-cheng 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第12期992-997,共6页
Background: Spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine may produce more predictable and reliable anesthesia than plain ropivacaine for cesarean section. The dose-response relation for spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine is undetermined... Background: Spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine may produce more predictable and reliable anesthesia than plain ropivacaine for cesarean section. The dose-response relation for spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine is undetermined. This double-blind, randomized, dose-response study determined the ED50 (50% effective dose) and ED95 (95% effective dose) of spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine for cesarean section anesthesia. Methods: Sixty parturients undergoing elective cesarean section delivery with use of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia were enrolled in this study. An epidural catheter was placed at the L1-L2 vertebral interspace then lumbar puncture was performed at the L3-L4 vertebral interspace, and parturients were randomized to receive spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine in doses of 10.5 mg, 12 mg, 13.5 mg, or 15 mg in equal volumes of 3 ml. Sensory levels (pinprick) were assessed every 2.5 min until a T7 level was achieved and motor changes were assessed by modified Bromage Score. A dose was considered effective if an upper sensory level to pin prick of T7 or above was achieved and no intraoperative epidural supplement was required. ED50 and ED95 were determined with use of a logistic regression model. Results: ED50 (95% confidence interval) of spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine was determined to be 10.37 (5.23-11.59) mg and ED95 (95% confidence interval) to be 15.39 (13.81-23.59) mg. The maximum sensory block levels and the duration of motor block and the rate of hypotension, but not onset of anesthesia, were significantly related to the ropivacaine dose. Conclusion: The ED50 and ED95 of spinal hyperbaric ropivacaine for cesarean delivery under the conditions of this study were 10.37 mg and 15.39 mg, respectively. Ropivacaine is suitable for spinal anesthesia in cesarean delivery. 展开更多
关键词 ANESTHESIA OBSTETRIC Cesarean section Anesthetics local ROPIVACAINE Anesthetic techniques SUBARACHNOID DOSE-RESPONSE
The Effects of Captopril and Cicaprost on Changes of Cardiac Membrane Fluidity and Lipid Peroxidation
作者 苏志 李元建 陈修 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1993年第2期114-120,共7页
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lip... The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lipid peroxidation level estimated by determining the thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS)content and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)released in culture medium was also observed in order to examine other membrane-related changes due to anoxia.Membrane fluidity was monitored by measuring changes in the steady state fluorescence anisotropy(r_s)by fluorescence spectroscopy.The r_s value,TBARS level and LDH release were significantly increased after 3 h anoxia.Captopril(180 μmol/L),cicaprost(30 nmol/L)and indomethacin(1μmol/L)did not alter r_s, TBARS level and LDH activity of normal cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells.However,both captopril and cicaprost significantly prevented the increases of r_s,TBARS content and LDH release in those cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.lndomethacin abolished the actions of captopril on TBARS production and LDH release,but maintained its membrane fluidity protection.These results indicate that captopril and cicaprost protect membrane fluidity and lipid peroxidation changes in anoxia- injured myocardial cells.The action mechanism of captopril may be due,in part,to stimulation of prostacyclin synthesis and/or release. 展开更多
关键词 ANOXIA Membrane fluidity Lipid peroxidation CAPTOPRIL Cicaprost Cardiac myocytes
Effects of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on rat myometrium 被引量:4
作者 LI Zi-gang ZHOU Liang TANG Hui-fang 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期757-762,共6页
Objective: To study the effect of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on the contractility of isolated uterine muscle strips from pregnant and non-pregnant female rats. Methods: Full-thick myometrial strips were prepare... Objective: To study the effect of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine on the contractility of isolated uterine muscle strips from pregnant and non-pregnant female rats. Methods: Full-thick myometrial strips were prepared from 18- to 2 l-day pregnant (n=8) and non-pregnant rats (n=7). After contractions became regular, strips were exposed to cumulative concentrations of the two drugs from 10^-8 to 10^-4 mol/L, amplitude and frequency of the uterine contraction was recorded. Results: Two local anesthetics caused a concentration dependent inhibition on contractility of myometrial strips from pregnant and non-pregnant rats. In the myometrium from non-pregnant rats, -log/C50 of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine were 4.85 and 4.25 respectively. In the myometrium from pregnant rats, similar concentrations of levobupivacaine and bupivacaine were observed, -log/C50 were 2.7 and 2.9 respectively. Levobupivacaine produced an increase in amplitude of contractions, while bupivacaine showed an increased trend in frequency. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that levobupivacaine and bupivacaine may inhibit myometrium contractility. The inhibitory effect of levobupivacaine or bupivacaine is not enhanced by gestation in rat. Levobupivacaine may have more positive influence than bupivacaine in pregnant myometrium. 展开更多
Comparison of 1.5% lidocaine and 0.5% ropivacaine epidural anesthesia combined with propofol general anesthesia guided by bispectral index 被引量:2
作者 XIANG Yan LI Yu-hong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期428-434,共7页
Objective: To compare the effects of epidural anesthesia with 1.5% lidocaine and 0.5% ropivacaine on propofol requirements, the time to loss of consciousness (LOC), effect-site propofol concentrations, and the hemo... Objective: To compare the effects of epidural anesthesia with 1.5% lidocaine and 0.5% ropivacaine on propofol requirements, the time to loss of consciousness (LOC), effect-site propofol concentrations, and the hemodynamic variables during induction of general anesthesia guided by bispectral index (BIS) were studied. Methods: Forty-five patients were divided into three groups to receive epidurally administered saline (Group S), 1.5% (w/w) lidocaine (Group L), or 0,5% (w/w) ropivacaine (Group R) Propofol infusion was started to produce blood concentration of 4 lag/ml. Once the BIS value reached 40-50, endotracheal intubation was facilitated by 0.1 mg/kg vecuronium. Measurements included the time to LOC, effect-site propofol concentrations, total propofol dose, mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), and heart rate (HR) at different study time points. Results: During induction of anesthesia, both Groups L and R were similar for the time to LOC, effect-site propofol concentrations, total propofol dose, MABP, HR, and BIS. The total doses of propofol administered until 1 min post-intubation were significantly less in patients of Groups R and L compared with Group S. MABP and HR were significantly lower following propofol induction compared with baseline values in the three groups, or MABP was significantly increased following intubation as compared with that prior to intubation in Group S but not in Groups R and L while HR was significantly increased following intubation in the three groups. Conclusion: Epidural anesthesia with 1.5% lidocaine and 0.5% ropivacaine has similar effects on the time to LOC, effect-site propofol concentrations, total propofol dose, and the hemodynamic variables during induction of general anesthesia. 展开更多
关键词 PROPOFOL LIDOCAINE ROPIVACAINE Epidural anethesia Bispectral index
具有安全特性的公安移动警务集群指挥调度系统 被引量:4
作者 李佳虎 张权 《警察技术》 2020年第2期12-16,共5页
从公安移动警务应用角度,讨论了建设具有安全特性的公安移动警务集群指挥调度系统的方法。以集群指挥调度通信需求技术变革开始,描述了在移动警务平台上建设和部署系统、特别将鉴权和端到端加密等技术应用到系统中加强安全性能的过程,... 从公安移动警务应用角度,讨论了建设具有安全特性的公安移动警务集群指挥调度系统的方法。以集群指挥调度通信需求技术变革开始,描述了在移动警务平台上建设和部署系统、特别将鉴权和端到端加密等技术应用到系统中加强安全性能的过程,最终完成一个投入实战的移动警务应用。 展开更多
关键词 PMR PDT SIM SSI-个人短拨号 PSIP SIP Gb28181
作者 郭向阳 任洪智 +3 位作者 李勇 黄宇光 叶铁虎 罗爱伦 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期54-58,共5页
Objective. To investigate the efficacy and safety of tetracaine hydrochloride in patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) after pulmonary lobectomy.Methods. Forty-three patients scheduled for elective pulmonary lo... Objective. To investigate the efficacy and safety of tetracaine hydrochloride in patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) after pulmonary lobectomy.Methods. Forty-three patients scheduled for elective pulmonary lobectomy under general anesthesia were randomly allocated into either tetracaine group (22 patients) or ropivacaine group (21 patients) . In the tetracaine group, 0. 15% tetracaine was used for postoperative PCEA, while 0. 3% ropivacaine was used in the ropivacaine group. The duration of postoperative analgesia was 48 h. The PCEA included a bolus of 6 ml with a lockout time of 1 h. Postoperative pain score was measured by visual analogue scale (VAS). Forced expired volume at the 1st second (FEV1.0), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1.0/ FVC and peak expired flow (PEF) were measured preoperatively and daily after surgery. Hemodynamics were monitored and recorded before and after each administration of local anesthetics during the period of the study.Results. VAS scores in both groups decreased significantly after a bolus injection of local anesthetics. There was no significant difference between the two groups in VAS either before or after the administration of PCEA. On the 1st and 2nd days after the operation, pulmonary function was reduced in both groups. However, there were no significant differences between the percentage of the changes of FEV1.0, FEV1.0/FVC and PEF in the two groups. There were also no significant differences between the percentage of the changes of heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure and SpO2 after administration of local anesthetics. There was no significant difference in overall satisfaction with pain relief.Conclusions. The analgesic effect of 0. 15% tetracaine is similar to that of 0. 3% ropivacaine used in patient-controlled epidural analgesia after thoracotomy. No serious side effects were observed. 展开更多
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine ultrasonic atomization combined with bloodletting at ěrjiān(耳尖 EX-HN 6) for acute catarrhal conjunctivitis:a randomized controlled trial
作者 刘晓熹 李慧丽 韩治红 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2016年第2期43-47,共5页
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of bloodletting at Erjian(耳尖EX- HN 6) combined with traditional Chinese herbal medication (heat-clearing I recipe) ultrasonic atomization in treatment of acute catarrha... Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of bloodletting at Erjian(耳尖EX- HN 6) combined with traditional Chinese herbal medication (heat-clearing I recipe) ultrasonic atomization in treatment of acute catarrhal conjunctivitis (fulminant wind and invading fever). Method One hundred and twenty- two patients (244 eyes) were randomly divided into 3 groups. In group A (40 cases, 80 eyes), levofloxacin hydrochloride eye drops were administrated for four times per day; in group B (42 cases, 84 eyes), "heat-clearing I recipe" ultrasonic atomization was applied for twice per day with 20 rain for each time; and in group C (40 cases, 80 eyes), bloodletting at EX-HN 6 was applied before ultrasonic atomization on the first 3 days of treatment, with once per day. Result (1) The total effective rate of group C was 100.00% which was significantly superior to 88.75% in group A (P〈0.05); (2) the average course of treatment of clinical cured patients of group C was significantly shorter than those of group A and group B (P〈0.05). Conclusion It is indicated from this study that "heat-clearing I recipe" ultrasonic atomization combined with bloodletting at EX-HN 6 in treatment of acute catarrhal conjunctivitis (fulminant wind and invading fever) have definite efficacy, its clinical efficacy is significantly superior to traditional levofloxacin treatment, and its course of treatment is obviously shorter than that of simple traditional Chinese medicine ultrasonic atomization. Cold ultrasonic atomization can effectively relieve local burning sensation, obviously relieve reddening and swelling and heat pain of patients, and ease subjective discomfort and emotional tension of patients. 展开更多
关键词 acute catarrhal conjunctivitis traditional Chinese medicine ultrasonic atomization bloodletting at Erjian (耳尖 EX-HN 6)
Compartment syndrome of thigh and lower leg with disruption of the popliteal vascular bundle after being run over by a 25-ton truck
作者 Rolf D Burghardt Thorsten Gehrke +2 位作者 Daniel Kendoff Ulrich Stockle Sebastian Siebenlist 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2013年第5期308-310,共3页
Compartment syndrome of the thigh is a rare condition, potentially resulting in devastating functional outcome. Increasing intracompartmental pressure which suppresses microcirculation and capillary perfusion may lead... Compartment syndrome of the thigh is a rare condition, potentially resulting in devastating functional outcome. Increasing intracompartmental pressure which suppresses microcirculation and capillary perfusion may lead to cellular anoxia and muscle ischemia. The muscle com- partments in the thigh have a more compliant fascia and blend anatomically into the open compartments of the pelvis, thus compensating higher volumes than the compartments in the lower leg. We present a previously unreported case in which the limb of a 36-year-old man was run over by a 25- ton truck. He presented with a sensomotor deficit in his left lower leg with full paralysis of the shank muscles and ab- sence of all foot pulses. CT scan showed a huge haematoma in the thigh with active bleeding out of the popliteal artery into the haematoma which has already expanded into the muscle compartments of the lower leg. The limb had a disas- trous compartment syndrome of the thigh and lower leg with disruption of the popliteal neurovascular bundle; however, no bones in the limb were fractured. A complete fasciotomy of all the lower limb muscle compartments was immediately performed. The artery was reconstructed with interposition of the smaller saphenous vein, which was al- ready interrupted through the initial trauma. 展开更多
关键词 Compartment syndromes THIGH HEMORRHAGE Popliteal artery Peroneal nerve
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