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日本齿科卫生士教育制度对我国牙科辅助人才培养的启示 被引量:12
作者 魏建华 张浚睿 +2 位作者 马婕 李云鹏 封兴华 《中国高等医学教育》 2009年第12期48-49,共2页
齿科卫生士制度是日本培养牙科辅助人才的主要体系,文章介绍了日本齿科卫生士的历史沿革、现状、入学、课程设置、国家考试、资格获得及就业情况等。我国牙科辅助人才的培养有必要借鉴日本的齿科卫生士制度,设立相应的职业认定体系,培... 齿科卫生士制度是日本培养牙科辅助人才的主要体系,文章介绍了日本齿科卫生士的历史沿革、现状、入学、课程设置、国家考试、资格获得及就业情况等。我国牙科辅助人才的培养有必要借鉴日本的齿科卫生士制度,设立相应的职业认定体系,培养我国的牙科辅助人才。 展开更多
关键词 日本 齿科卫生士 教育制度
作者 唐鲁 丁治国 +3 位作者 周玲君 李刚 张林祺 王飞 《中国护理管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1275-1277,共3页
关键词 美国 口腔卫生士 教育制度
日本和美国口腔卫生士发展及教育现状 被引量:11
作者 杨如倩 赵蕾 丁一 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2019年第1期119-124,共6页
口腔卫生士是毕业于受认可的口腔卫生专业,通过临床服务、教育、咨询规划以及评估等方式预防口腔疾病,并对现有的疾病提供一定治疗,帮助人们维持口腔健康最佳水平的专业人员。成熟的口腔卫生士体系已在超过50个国家得到了建立并优化了... 口腔卫生士是毕业于受认可的口腔卫生专业,通过临床服务、教育、咨询规划以及评估等方式预防口腔疾病,并对现有的疾病提供一定治疗,帮助人们维持口腔健康最佳水平的专业人员。成熟的口腔卫生士体系已在超过50个国家得到了建立并优化了该国口腔医疗质量与效率。本文拟通过介绍具有代表性的日本、美国口腔卫生士的历史发展、职能范围、教育现状以及中国相关行业发展现状,为推动中国口腔卫生事业的发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 口腔卫生士 历史发展 教育体系
美日荷三国口腔卫生士发展现状及对我国护理的启示 被引量:7
作者 丁治国 孟庆慧 +3 位作者 唐鲁 李刚 张林祺 赵华强 《解放军护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期54-57,共4页
目前,国外口腔科辅助人员包括不能进行口内操作的人员(口腔技工、口腔护士和口腔预防人员)和可以进行操作的人员(口腔治疗师和口腔卫生士)两类[1].而口腔卫生士是提供口腔保健服务、满足口腔保健需求[2]的预防性口腔保健专业人员[3],其... 目前,国外口腔科辅助人员包括不能进行口内操作的人员(口腔技工、口腔护士和口腔预防人员)和可以进行操作的人员(口腔治疗师和口腔卫生士)两类[1].而口腔卫生士是提供口腔保健服务、满足口腔保健需求[2]的预防性口腔保健专业人员[3],其不等同于口腔专科护士,但在口腔疾病的预防和治疗过程中发挥着重要作用.本文将美国、日本、荷兰的口腔卫生士的发展历程、教育体系、工作内容、资格认证办法等做一综述,以期为我国口腔卫生士岗位制度的建立及口腔护理专业发展的方向提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 口腔卫生士 来源 发展
美国口腔卫生士专业在校教育课程设置的比较与启示 被引量:3
作者 丁治国 李刚 +3 位作者 唐鲁 赵华强 孟庆慧 张林祺 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第22期99-100,109,共3页
目的介绍美国高校的口腔卫生士课程体系,为构建与国际接轨的我国口腔卫生课程体系提供参考。方法根据美国口腔专业大学排名选取8个地区的8所高校,运用文献研究法、网络资源调查法收集这些院校课程资料,进行比较分析。结果8所高校口腔卫... 目的介绍美国高校的口腔卫生士课程体系,为构建与国际接轨的我国口腔卫生课程体系提供参考。方法根据美国口腔专业大学排名选取8个地区的8所高校,运用文献研究法、网络资源调查法收集这些院校课程资料,进行比较分析。结果8所高校口腔卫生专业课程总门数30~66门,必修课3~16门,总学分74~129学分,学习时长在15个月至4年。结论8所高校课程体系的设置在课程门数及总时长、课程类型及学时分配和各类型课程的构成等方面均存在差异。建议结合国情构建适合我国口腔卫生士发展的在校教育课程,完善口腔卫生专业课程类型,拓宽人文与社会科学课程领域;增加实践课程课时,加强口腔卫生士实践能力的培养。 展开更多
关键词 口腔卫生士 美国 课程设置 学历教育 口腔科护
日本齿科卫生士教育 被引量:4
作者 徐燕华 侯本样 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2003年第1期50-51,共2页
关键词 牙科医生 教育 日本 齿科卫生士
日本齿科卫生士的角色及其教育现状对我国口腔护理发展的思考 被引量:16
作者 杜姚 《护士进修杂志》 北大核心 2010年第23期2186-2187,共2页
关键词 日本 齿科 卫生士 口腔护理 护理教育
作者 周丽佳 崔星磊 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2023年第6期18-21,共4页
根据《第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查报告》结果与《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查》结果相比,我国居民口腔健康素养和健康水平有所改善。居民口腔问题由以往的治疗为主逐渐转变为口腔治疗与保健并重,我国仍需要大量的口腔医学相关... 根据《第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查报告》结果与《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查》结果相比,我国居民口腔健康素养和健康水平有所改善。居民口腔问题由以往的治疗为主逐渐转变为口腔治疗与保健并重,我国仍需要大量的口腔医学相关人才,尤其是口腔专业辅助人才。目前,我国口腔科辅助人才仅有口腔护士,缺乏口腔卫生士的培养。国外的口腔卫生士的培养已有100多年的历史,目前已有完善的培养体系和评价标准,并已建立相关的法规,成为公认的具有独立性的口腔科职位。我国口腔护理人才培养仍处于初级阶段,目前没有统一的培养方案和考核标准,各个院校口腔护理人才培养大方向相同,但使用的教材、课程设置和考核评价等都有各自的标准。口腔护士的职责也没有明确的规定,在工作中承担印模制取、洁牙、口腔卫生宣教等工作,类似于国外口腔卫生士的部分工作。因此,我们可以借鉴参考国外口腔卫生士的培养方式和课程设置,结合我国国情,在现有的院校口腔护士的培养基础上加强以人为本的教育理念,加强实践技能的培养,提高口腔护士的综合素质和能力。 展开更多
关键词 口腔卫生士 口腔护 人才培养
口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养指标的构建 被引量:1
作者 吴悠 刘东玲 +1 位作者 常文娟 杨华 《中国实用护理杂志》 2023年第14期1059-1065,共7页
目的构建口腔卫生士岗位胜任力的培养指标,为今后建立口腔专科护士向口腔卫生士岗位转变的指标体系提供客观的依据。方法检索PubMed、Medline、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据知识平台等数据库与口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养的相关文... 目的构建口腔卫生士岗位胜任力的培养指标,为今后建立口腔专科护士向口腔卫生士岗位转变的指标体系提供客观的依据。方法检索PubMed、Medline、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据知识平台等数据库与口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养的相关文献,检索时间从建库至2021年3月,通过专家预咨询制订函询问卷,2021年5—11月对来自北京市、重庆市、江苏省、四川省和吉林省的20名口腔医护专家开展德尔菲专家咨询,确定口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养的模型指标和权重赋值。结果共开展3轮德尔菲专家咨询,问卷的有效回收率均为100%,专家咨询的权威系数分别为0.81、0.81、0.83,专家咨询的变异系数分别为0.000~0.386、0.000~0.300、0.000~0.250,第3轮咨询专家意见的协调程度为0.679、0.428、0.389(均P<0.01)。最终形成的口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养指标包括一级指标4项、二级指标20项、三级指标60项。结论本研究所构建的口腔卫生士岗位胜任力培养指标体系具有科学性、可靠性和可实践性,为我国口腔卫生士岗位胜任力的培养和考核提供参考,为今后建立口腔专科护士向口腔卫生士岗位转变的指标体系提供客观依据。 展开更多
关键词 德尔菲技术 口腔卫生士 岗位胜任力 培养指标
欧洲口腔卫生士制度及其对我国口腔科护理发展的启示 被引量:5
作者 丁治国 孟庆慧 +3 位作者 唐鲁 周玲君 李刚 张林祺 《中华现代护理杂志》 2020年第30期4292-4296,共5页
欧洲口腔卫生士联盟定义口腔卫生士为预防性口腔护理(包括一、二、三级预防)的主要提供者,致力于促进和改善个人、家庭及公众的口腔健康。本文主要介绍欧洲国家口腔卫生士的发展现状、专业能力要求、工作内容、教育制度及资格认证办法,... 欧洲口腔卫生士联盟定义口腔卫生士为预防性口腔护理(包括一、二、三级预防)的主要提供者,致力于促进和改善个人、家庭及公众的口腔健康。本文主要介绍欧洲国家口腔卫生士的发展现状、专业能力要求、工作内容、教育制度及资格认证办法,为我国口腔科辅助人员配置及口腔科护理规范化发展提供参考,提高口腔科护理工作质量。 展开更多
关键词 综述 欧洲 口腔卫生士 口腔护理
基于Web of Science数据库口腔卫生士研究的文献计量学分析 被引量:1
作者 丁治国 孟庆慧 +2 位作者 唐鲁 李刚 张林祺 《中华现代护理杂志》 2020年第13期1716-1721,共6页
目的分析口腔卫生士近10年发展现状及研究热点,为我国该领域的相关研究提供借鉴。方法检索Web of Science数据库核心合集2009年1月1日—2019年12月2日的口腔卫生士相关文献,采用文献计量学方法对文献的年度发文量、研究方向、研究类型... 目的分析口腔卫生士近10年发展现状及研究热点,为我国该领域的相关研究提供借鉴。方法检索Web of Science数据库核心合集2009年1月1日—2019年12月2日的口腔卫生士相关文献,采用文献计量学方法对文献的年度发文量、研究方向、研究类型、国家和机构发文情况、发文作者、出版物、基金资助机构以及引用频次分布进行分析。结果共纳入778篇文章,发文量整体呈上升趋势;研究方向主要集中于口腔外科学、公众环境职业健康、卫生保健服务等;文献类型主要以期刊论文和综述论文为主;发表文献最多的杂志是英国的《International Journal of Dental Hygiene》;出资最多的是美国卫生部人力服务部。结论随着全球口腔卫生士数量的增长,越来越多的国家和地区重视口腔卫生士的培养,欧美等先进国家不断拓展工作范围、完善教育体制、增强治疗干预能力,向着跨学科合作发展。目前,我国尚处于口腔卫生士理论研究及探索阶段,需提高对口腔卫生士领域研究热点的关注度,建议借鉴先进国家口腔卫生士发展经验,建立适合我国的口腔卫生士制度。 展开更多
关键词 口腔 口腔卫生士 Web of Science数据库核心合集 文献计量学
日本口腔卫生士体系对中国口腔医学教育及临床的启示 被引量:1
作者 罗新年 罗心怡 洪光 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2022年第4期391-393,共3页
口腔卫生士是日本口腔医学教育的重要体系,也是其口腔临床诊疗过程的重要组成部分。本文将阐述口腔卫生士在日本的发展和现状,重点介绍其入学要求、教学课程、就业现状和临床工作等。以期能为我国口腔医学教育、口腔临床在专业设置、口... 口腔卫生士是日本口腔医学教育的重要体系,也是其口腔临床诊疗过程的重要组成部分。本文将阐述口腔卫生士在日本的发展和现状,重点介绍其入学要求、教学课程、就业现状和临床工作等。以期能为我国口腔医学教育、口腔临床在专业设置、口腔人才培养和临床团队培养等方面提供一定的启示。 展开更多
关键词 日本 口腔卫生士 口腔医学教育 口腔临床
作者 丁治国 赵华强 +3 位作者 唐鲁 李刚 孟庆慧 张林祺 《中国实用护理杂志》 2020年第11期807-811,共5页
关键词 口腔卫生士 继续教育 课程 启示
浅谈我校口腔护理专业人才培养的现状 被引量:12
作者 陶玮 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2016年第2期3-5,共3页
安徽医学高等专科学校口腔护理专业,是安徽省唯一一所开办口腔护理专业的高等职业教育学校,以培养高素质技能型口腔护理人才为目标,其人才培养是以护理学专业教育为平台,优化口腔护理学教育为特色,依据基本素质和能力培养的要求,构建相... 安徽医学高等专科学校口腔护理专业,是安徽省唯一一所开办口腔护理专业的高等职业教育学校,以培养高素质技能型口腔护理人才为目标,其人才培养是以护理学专业教育为平台,优化口腔护理学教育为特色,依据基本素质和能力培养的要求,构建相应的课程体系。经过本专业的发展摸索,已取得一定成绩。但因我国口腔护理人才培养存在资格认证与职业规范体系不健全以及我校口腔护理专业师资队伍匮乏、资金投入过少、实训基地建设不足等问题,每年我校口腔护理人才培养模式改革后依然存在许多亟待解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 牙科助理/口腔护/口腔卫生士(口腔保健员) 资格认证 人才培养 专业培养
Development and validation of the Nurse’s Workplace Mental Health Questionnaire 被引量:1
作者 Jing Lai Rong Zhang +1 位作者 Miaoxuan Hong Nanyan Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第4期521-528,共8页
Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health propose... Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health proposed by Keyes.The initial questionnaire was generated through literature review,two rounds of Delphi expert consultation,followed by a pilot survey.Finally,the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were validated through an online survey of 2,815 registered nurses selected from the public hospitals in 11 provinces from June to July 2020.Results:The item-content validity index(I-CVI)of the questionnaire ranged from 0.750 to 1.000 and the average scale-level content validity index(S-CVI/Ave)was 0.906.Cronbach’s a coefficient was 0.948 and test-retest reliability was 0.850.The self-rating depression scale score was negatively related to the NWMHQ score(r=0.664,P<0.01).The exploratory factor analysis(EFA)yielded six factors(emotional status,psychological security,positive relationship,resilience,self-efficacy,and subjective well-being),consisting of 32 items.The cumulative variance contribution rate was 65.58%.Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)showed an acceptable fit.Conclusion:The NWMHQ developed in this study showed good reliability and validity.This questionnaire may help assess the mental health status of nurses and help nursing managers to develop appropriate targeted psychological interventions. 展开更多
Using action research to evaluate a nursing orientation program in a multicultural acute healthcare setting 被引量:2
作者 Diana S.Lalithabai Wael M.Ammar +1 位作者 Khalid S.Alghamdi Ahmad E.Aboshaiqah 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期181-189,I0004,共10页
Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who ar... Objectives:Competence motivates newly employed nurses to provide high-quality care,which leads to appropriate patient care and satisfaction.A nursing orientation program can have a positive impact on new nurses who are joining healthcare organizations.The research examined the orientation program for new nurses in a multicultural setting to redesign the program.Methods:The study was carried out in a multicultural tertiary setting.Action research was used as a research strategy with qualitative content analysis and quantitative evaluation.Seventy nurses were part of the orientation program.The competence of the nurses was assessed using the Nurse Competence Scale.Focus-group discussions were also conducted to find the views of the beneficiaries about the program.Results:The study revealed that the overall competence was high,and there was an overall gain in the competence score(5.48%)among the nurses.Among their competence in different dimensions,new nurses had a maximum gain in competence for the dimension of ensuring quality.However,they showed low competence gain in teaching coaching.The results show that the difference in the overall pre-and post-test scores was statistically significant(P<0.05)in all dimensions except teaching coaching and managing situations,and the program was effective.However,a few challenges were identified in the program.Conclusions:New nurses were found to be competent,and the orientation program had a significant impact on the competence of the nurses.The findings emphasized the need for modification of some content and strategy for future programs.The strategies developed from the findings were presented.This helps hospitals to consider examining specific aspects of the orientation program and redesigning it so it can enrich the experiences of new nurses. 展开更多
关键词 Action research COMPETENCY Healthcare Orientation program Nurses
Nursing ethics for prevention and control of major infectious disease outbreaks:Chinese expert consensus 被引量:2
作者 Yaling Wang Yuchen Li +9 位作者 Biyu Shen Huiling Li Hongyu Sun Changrong Yuan Hongzhen Xie Xiaomei Li Yinglan Li Jian Guan Qi'ai Jia Xinqing Zhang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期5-10,I0001,共7页
Background Major infectious disease has become a serious threat to people’s health worldwide.As the world’s largest healthcare workforce and the core forces fighting against the epidemic,nurses are on the frontline ... Background Major infectious disease has become a serious threat to people’s health worldwide.As the world’s largest healthcare workforce and the core forces fighting against the epidemic,nurses are on the frontline of this battle.A number of ethical issues have given rise to numerous concerns that have largely affected nurses in different ways as they respond to the epidemic.In addition,excessive expectations from people can exert undue pressure,which can easily lead to burnout in nurses.Methods In this consensus,the expert panel method was used to develop and reach a consensus.The members involved in the formation of the consensus included an expert discussion panel and a consensus writing expert group,a methodologist,and four secretaries.After 16 rounds of online expert consultation and two rounds of expert panel meetings,the writing team analyzed and reviewed the 78 amendments suggested by the experts to develop a consensus on nursing ethics for prevention and control of major infectious disease outbreaks based on the ethical vision of life care.Results This expert consensus focuses on five essential domains:the responsibilities and rights of nurses,the nurse-patient relationship,the doctor-nurse relationship,and the relationship between society and nurses throughout the epidemic.Conclusions We hope this consensus can help nurses better understand and respond to the ethical issues and challenges in public health emergencies,and raise reasonable public expectations of the roles and responsibilities of nurses in these situations. 展开更多
关键词 CONSENSUS Disease outbreaks Nurses Nursing ethics Public health
Assessing attitudes toward elderly among nurses working in the city of Ilam 被引量:1
作者 Mohamadreza Mansouri Arani Sanaz Aazami +1 位作者 Milad Azami Milad Borji 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第3期311-313,共3页
Objective:Several factors affect the quality of care in the elderly,such as nurses'attitudes.This study aimed to assess nurses'attitude toward elderly in the city of Ilam.Method:This cross-sectional study was ... Objective:Several factors affect the quality of care in the elderly,such as nurses'attitudes.This study aimed to assess nurses'attitude toward elderly in the city of Ilam.Method:This cross-sectional study was conducted among 230 nurses working at public hospitals in the city of Ilam.Participants were selected using simple random sampling from the list of staff.The Kogan's attitude questionnaire was used to measure nurses'attitudes toward the elderly.Results:The mean age of respondents in this study was 32.65(SD=7.67),and the score of attitudes toward the elderly was 144.96(SD=51.75)in average.More than half(54.3%)of the nurses had negative attitudes toward the elderly.The results of ANOVA analysis showed significant differences(P<0.05)were observed in the attitudes toward the elderly among the nurses as their ages,marital status,work experiences,and ward types differed.Conclusion:In conclusion,nurses in this study have marginally negative attitudes toward the elderly.Therefore,promoting nurses'attitudes toward the elderly is important to provide high-quality care. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Attitude of health personnel Health knowledge Nurses
Development and psychometric evaluation of Nurses and Midwives’Perceptions of their Roles in Primary Healthcare
作者 Tariq N·Al-Dwaikat Wafa’a Ta’an +2 位作者 Mohammad Alrawashdeh Nesrin Abu Baker Nahla M·Al Ali 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期460-465,I0008,共7页
Objective:This study aimed to develop Nurses and Midwives’Perceptions of their Roles in Primary Healthcare(NMPR-PHC)and evaluate its psychometric properties.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was performed to recruit a... Objective:This study aimed to develop Nurses and Midwives’Perceptions of their Roles in Primary Healthcare(NMPR-PHC)and evaluate its psychometric properties.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was performed to recruit a convenient sample of 150 registered nurses and midwives from various primary healthcare settings in Jordan.Reliability was evaluated by examining the internal consistency and split-half reliability of the item.A exploratory factor analysis was performed to assess the factor structure of the NMPR-PHC.Results:The final version of NMPR-PHC contained 18 items.Exploratory factor analysis revealed six factors(care coordination and interprofessional collaboration,workplace facilitators of the primary healthcare,management of care,research,workplace constraints of primary healthcare,and advanced education)for the questionnaire which explained 66.49%of the total variance.The Cronbach’s a of the total scale was 0.834,the subscales Cronbach’s a were ranging between 0.662 and 0.770,and the splithalf reliability of the total scale was 0.734.Conclusion:The overall performance of the questionnaire showed promising sound psychometric properties.The NMPR-PHC can be recommended for use as a tool for the assessment of nurses and midwives’perceptions of their roles in primary healthcare. 展开更多
关键词 Cognition Nurses Nurse midwives Primary health care Psychometric evaluation ROLE
A Selection Study for Sanitary Landfill Site at Basra City, South of Iraq 被引量:1
作者 Wathiq A. A1-Ramdhan Mahmood S. Thamir +5 位作者 Assaad F. Hamza Abdulwahab A. Sultan Ali G. Katea'a Najem A1-Dean A. Al-hajaj Ayad K. Jirri Ekhlass B. Zubery 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第4期198-202,共5页
The selection study for a sanitary landfill site at Basra city (south of lraq) indicated to choose Al-Barjesia region at chwabedian area which belong to AI-Zubair directorate, using global positioning system (GPS)... The selection study for a sanitary landfill site at Basra city (south of lraq) indicated to choose Al-Barjesia region at chwabedian area which belong to AI-Zubair directorate, using global positioning system (GPS). The measured latitude and longitude axes of this area are 30° 25.4' north and 47° 29' west. It is located at a distance of about 25 km straight line from the city center. The calculated elevation range of the chwabedian site was obtained to be 5-10 m above sea level, while the depth ofplutonic water in the landfill site is range from 15-25 m. The measured permeability for this site was about 0.75-0.84 mma/min. The evaluation of soil components percentage in the suggested site was listed in table 1, as examined by the international constructional laboratory, at Basra/Iraq. A primarily modern design for chwabedian sanitary landfill was projected and sketched in figure 3. 展开更多
关键词 Landfill site solid waste management leachate.
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