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《济南市人民政府公报》 2005年第5期37-38,共2页
各县(市)区卫生局,市疾控中心,市卫生监督所,各中小学幼儿园:为全面落实《济南市人民政府办公厅关于进一步明确中小学幼儿园安全管理工作职责的通知》精神,依据《学校卫生工作条例》、《食品卫生法》、《学校食堂与学生集体用餐卫生管... 各县(市)区卫生局,市疾控中心,市卫生监督所,各中小学幼儿园:为全面落实《济南市人民政府办公厅关于进一步明确中小学幼儿园安全管理工作职责的通知》精神,依据《学校卫生工作条例》、《食品卫生法》、《学校食堂与学生集体用餐卫生管理规定》和国务院国办发[2003]69号《国务院办公厅转发教育部、卫生部关于加强学校卫生防疫与食品卫生安全工作意见的通知》等有关法律、法规和文件,结合我市实际,制定本实施意见,望认真贯彻执行。 展开更多
关键词 卫生安全管理 食品卫生 中小学幼儿园 疾控中心 卫生监督所 疾控机构 食堂卫生 防止食物中毒 卫生工
品管圈在管理手术室护工手卫生的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈婧 杨晖 +2 位作者 胡莉为 向庆莲 徐金秀 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2019年第23期73-74,共2页
目的探讨品管圈(QCC)对提高手术室护工手卫生执行情况的应用效果。方法成立QCC小组,确立活动主题为"护工手卫生质量管理",对手术室护工手卫生执行现况进行调查,分析导致手卫生执行存在的问题,确立⑴护工年龄偏大;⑵护工文化... 目的探讨品管圈(QCC)对提高手术室护工手卫生执行情况的应用效果。方法成立QCC小组,确立活动主题为"护工手卫生质量管理",对手术室护工手卫生执行现况进行调查,分析导致手卫生执行存在的问题,确立⑴护工年龄偏大;⑵护工文化层次偏低;⑶对各类手消毒剂使用意义不知晓;⑷戴手套时机及意义不明确;⑸对手卫生的方法及相关知识掌握不全面为主要原因,拟定相应对策并予以实施,活动结束时再次进行查检,评价活动效果。结果QCC活动使手术室护工手卫生错误率由现状值30.2下降至目标值8.9。活动后,接送病人前、接送病人后、送标本前,送标本后手卫生时刻的执行率较活动前明显升高。结论应用QCC的管理方法可有效提高手术室护工手卫生执行率。 展开更多
关键词 品管圈 卫生 依从性 执行率
上海卫生发展50年 被引量:1
作者 刘俊 《中国卫生资源》 1999年第6期5-10,共6页
文章回顾了半个世纪以来,特别是改革开放以来,上海针对各时期卫生工作的主要问题,制定和实施了相应的卫生政策和策略,卫生面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,急性传染病得到了有效的控制,卫生服务网络日益健全,卫生服务能力迅速增强,卫... 文章回顾了半个世纪以来,特别是改革开放以来,上海针对各时期卫生工作的主要问题,制定和实施了相应的卫生政策和策略,卫生面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,急性传染病得到了有效的控制,卫生服务网络日益健全,卫生服务能力迅速增强,卫生法制建设不断加强,医学教育、科研和人才培养快速发展,人民的健康水平有了极大的提高。 展开更多
关键词 上海 卫生事业 卫生法制 卫生工 卫生服务
煤工尘肺患者心理障碍及社会支持研究 被引量:4
作者 廖家喜 杨朝晖 +1 位作者 张仲明 张众良 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2011年第11期1339-1341,共3页
目的探讨煤工尘肺患者的心理障碍及社会支持。方法调查天府南桐矿区的煤工尘肺患者312例,采用自编的煤工尘肺患者心理量表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、生活满意度量表和社会支持量表测定,评估其心理障碍症状。结果 312例煤工尘肺患者SCL-9... 目的探讨煤工尘肺患者的心理障碍及社会支持。方法调查天府南桐矿区的煤工尘肺患者312例,采用自编的煤工尘肺患者心理量表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、生活满意度量表和社会支持量表测定,评估其心理障碍症状。结果 312例煤工尘肺患者SCL-90总均分及各因子得分显著高于对照组(t=12.48,P<0.001)。社会支持量表总分及各分量表得分显著低于对照组(t=10.06,P<0.001)。生活满意度指数A量表得分显著低于对照组(t=10.02,P<0.001)。结论尘肺患者的生活满意度低于对照组,煤工尘肺患者存在较多心理障碍。 展开更多
关键词 职业群体心理卫生尘肺患者 心理障碍 社会支持 生活满意度
作者 侯大富 《吉林医学信息》 2011年第Z1期12-13,共2页
吉林省为认真贯彻落实卫生部《关于做好"12320"全国公共卫生公益电话建设工作的通知》精神,经卫生厅党组认真汲取各试点省的经验,结合我省实际,深入调查研究,反复论证,精心设计,不断探索,建设了具有吉林特色的"12320&qu... 吉林省为认真贯彻落实卫生部《关于做好"12320"全国公共卫生公益电话建设工作的通知》精神,经卫生厅党组认真汲取各试点省的经验,结合我省实际,深入调查研究,反复论证,精心设计,不断探索,建设了具有吉林特色的"12320"模式。五年来的工作实践证明,这种模式适合吉林省社会经济发展和"12320"工作的需要,满足了人民群众对防病保健咨询服务的需求,对群众反映热点。 展开更多
关键词 防病保健 公共卫生 咨询服务 社会经济发展 实践证明 人民群众 热线咨询 卫生资源 投诉举报 卫生工
作者 杜明聪 《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2008年第2期22-24,共3页
关键词 环境卫生 市容管理 副主任 市容环卫 作业服务 上位法 现代化服务 法制委员会 卫生设施 卫生管理
老年病区护工手卫生监测结果与干预措施 被引量:1
作者 马海芳 卢丽琴 《中国消毒学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期284-285,共2页
目的规范老年病区护工手卫生的医院感染管理方法。方法采取干预措施,改善护工手卫生状况,并对干预前后护工手卫生情况进行监测。结果干预前,护工人员手及手接触部位的物体表面检出病原菌;采取干预措施后,护工人员手及手接触部位的物体... 目的规范老年病区护工手卫生的医院感染管理方法。方法采取干预措施,改善护工手卫生状况,并对干预前后护工手卫生情况进行监测。结果干预前,护工人员手及手接触部位的物体表面检出病原菌;采取干预措施后,护工人员手及手接触部位的物体表面合格率为100%。结论强化医院感染管理,采取相应的干预措施,可有效改善护工的手卫生状况。 展开更多
关键词 老年病区 医院感染 卫生 干预措施
素质教育育人为本 校园文明礼仪当先
作者 孙利怀 《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第23期81-81,共1页
安徽省蚌埠市怀远实验中学坚持"以人为本,以德立校,科研兴校,特色强校"的办学思想,积极推进素质教育,弘扬文明礼仪传统,全面创建文明和谐校园,并取得了十分明显的效果。以文明为切入点,改变校容校貌这学期,学校要求:以查促变... 安徽省蚌埠市怀远实验中学坚持"以人为本,以德立校,科研兴校,特色强校"的办学思想,积极推进素质教育,弘扬文明礼仪传统,全面创建文明和谐校园,并取得了十分明显的效果。以文明为切入点,改变校容校貌这学期,学校要求:以查促变,办公室、教室、各科室,一并纳入检查,做到桌椅整齐,人起椅收;物什有序,窗明几净。发图样,定规矩,抓落实,兴评比,奖优罚劣,根治脏乱。 展开更多
关键词 科研兴校 校容校貌 安徽省蚌埠市 办学思想 校园教育 养成教育 爱国主义教育 校园文化 怀远 卫生工
Exploring the employment readiness and return to work status of breast cancer patients and related factors 被引量:7
作者 Wenmin Hou Qiaoping Li +2 位作者 Xiangyu Liu Yingchun Zeng Andy SK.Cheng 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期426-431,I0005,共7页
Objective:To investigate the employment status,employment readiness,and other factors affecting the ease or difficulty with which breast cancer patients effect their return to work(RTW).Methods:This study adopted a mi... Objective:To investigate the employment status,employment readiness,and other factors affecting the ease or difficulty with which breast cancer patients effect their return to work(RTW).Methods:This study adopted a mixed-method design,recruiting participants from among breast cancer patients in a cancer hospital in Hunan from December 2018 to June 2019.We approached 300 individuals,192 of whom ultimately participated in this study.The quantitative part of the study involved several scales:the Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9),the Brief Fatigue Inventory(BFI),the Work Ability Index(WAI),and the Lam Assessment of Employment Readiness(LASER).The qualitative part involved a set of open-ended questions and written responses collected from 41 participants who had already returned to work at the time of data collection.Their written responses mainly concerned factors influencing RTW.Results:Forty-one breast cancer patients had returned to work.The results reported a median total Cognitive Symptom Checklist score of 9.00(6.00,15.25),a median WAI score of 5.00(3.50,9.75),a median BFI score of 26.00(14.75,42.00),a median total PHQ-9 score of 8.00(5.25,17.00),and a LASER score of 50.35±11.90.Multiple regression analysis showed that the participants’cancer stage,cognitive limitations,depression,fatigue,and work ability were significant predictors of employment readiness(P<0.05).Exploring the qualitative data,we found that higher skill levels,better social support,and a flexible work schedule facilitated RTW;stress,lack of confidence in one’s work skills,depression,and fatigue are all possible barriers to RTW.Conclusion:The findings indicate that breast cancer patients have a low level of employment readiness.Nurses and other healthcare providers can develop relevant interventions to promote employment readiness and ultimately achieve RTW in this study population. 展开更多
关键词 Breast neoplasms Employment readiness Mental health PATIENTS Return to work Work ability
Toxic hepatitis in occupational exposure to solvents 被引量:3
作者 Giulia Malaguarnera Emanuela Cataudella +3 位作者 Maria Giordano Giuseppe Nunnari Giuseppe Chisari Mariano Malaguarnera 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2756-2766,共11页
The liver is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of drugs and toxic chemicals, and so is the primary target organ for many organic solvents. Work activities with hepatotoxins exposures are numerous and, more... The liver is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of drugs and toxic chemicals, and so is the primary target organ for many organic solvents. Work activities with hepatotoxins exposures are numerous and, moreover, organic solvents are used in various industrial processes. Organic solvents used in different industrial processes may be associated with hepatotoxicity. Several factors contribute to liver toxicity; among these are: species differences, nutritional condition, genetic factors, interaction with medications in use, alcohol abuse and interaction, and age. This review addresses the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity. The main pathogenic mechanisms responsible for functional and organic damage caused by solvents are: inflammation, dysfunction of cytochrome P450, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. The health impact of exposure to solvents in the workplace remains an interesting and worrying question for professional health work. 展开更多
关键词 Work activity HEPATOTOXICITY HEPATOTOXIN Occupational disease INFLAMMATION
《西宁政报》 2009年第9期52-54,共3页
关键词 康复 培养规划 康复需求 社区康复 专职委员 培训师资 专业技术人员 社区服务 参与能力 卫生工
作者 韩屏 宫美轩 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2001年第3期158-159,共2页
目的:提高整个儿童群体智力水平,降低精神发育迟缓率。方法:由社区医生上门向新生儿家长传授小儿 全脑开发技术,由母亲亲自训练儿童,社区医生定期督导并监测小儿智能发育。采用《小儿智能发育筛查表》及小儿智能 测验工具,定期系... 目的:提高整个儿童群体智力水平,降低精神发育迟缓率。方法:由社区医生上门向新生儿家长传授小儿 全脑开发技术,由母亲亲自训练儿童,社区医生定期督导并监测小儿智能发育。采用《小儿智能发育筛查表》及小儿智能 测验工具,定期系统地对小儿进行智能发育筛查。通过社区整群筛查比较干预组(126人,平均8.6个月)与对照组(81 人,平均9.4个月)筛查通过率,数据经统计学处理,比较其差异性。结果:社区干预组儿童13~19个月智能筛查通过率 97.8%,较对照组高18.2个百分点;规范干预组儿童6个月后智能筛查通过率达100.0%,而不规范干预组儿童13~19 个月通过率仅93.8%;规范干预下高危儿与正常儿一样出生6个月后智能筛查通过率也达100.0%。社区内精神发育迟 缓率为零。结论:儿童智能发育社区干预,可以从整体上提高儿童智力水平,降低精神发育迟缓率。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 智能发展 社区干预 卫生服务
Characteristics of Organizational Leadership and Motivation as a Factor of Change in the Public Health System 被引量:1
作者 Slobodanka Krivokapic 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第9期586-597,共12页
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of organizational leaders in the health system and the factors that motivate health workers, in order to improve health care. The research was conducted ... The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of organizational leaders in the health system and the factors that motivate health workers, in order to improve health care. The research was conducted in the public health institutions in Montenegro. The objectives of the research were to investigate whether leaders affect the motivation of employees in order to implement changes in the health system. The study was implemented through the interview method on the representative sample of 603 employees in public health institutions. The factor analysis revealed the latent characteristics of the organizational leader and the factors that motivate employees in public health institutions. The result of study indicates that employees in public health perceive organizational leadership to have a good quality. Result also exposes that the strongest motivation factor is a financial incentive. Financial incentive is the main motivator for employees in the public health sector, while the participation in decision-making was the least important motivational factor. The results obtained indicate that employees are primarily focused on individual goals, which influence the acceptance of change within the health system. The role of organizational leaders in motivating is poor because obtained factor scores are not correlated. The research has shown that organizational leaders do not have a great impact on the motivation of employees in the public health sector. This has effect on the process of accepting changes, where the roles of leaders are very important, especially in providing support to employees. 展开更多
关键词 organizational leadership characteristics of the leadership motivation for change change management public health
Brazil After Lula and Dilma Administrations: The Bolsa Familia and Implantation of a Basic Income 被引量:1
作者 Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva Valeria Ferreira Santos de Almada Lima 《Sociology Study》 2017年第4期179-194,共16页
The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to ... The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to articulate the monetary income transfer with some structural policies, mainly education, health, and work. The BF has already reached almost 14 million of families and is implemented in all the 5,545 Brazilian municipalities, i.e. about ~ of the Brazilian population. The program requires the fulfillment of some conditionalities in the field of education and health, such as: enrollment and attendance of the children and adolescents in school; children must get basic health care; and pregnant women must receive prenatal care. The BF is considered in Brazil, according to Eduardo Suplicy's Law Bill 266/2001 sanctioned by President Lula on ]anuary 8 of 2004, as the first step towards creating a Citizenship Basic Income. The goal of this proposal is to present and to problematize the recent political and economic post Lula and Dilma Administrations situation in order to demonstrate the climate of regression in the social protection programs and the dismantling of the same social rights already conquered by the worker class and the poor population. Among the programs to be mentioned is the BF. The intention is to highlight the economic situation of a long recession and rise in unemployment rates besides the decrease of the workers' income and the repression of social movements, in order to develop an analysis of the BF in this context. 展开更多
关键词 Family stipend income transfer programs Brazil
Development and validation of the Nurse’s Workplace Mental Health Questionnaire 被引量:1
作者 Jing Lai Rong Zhang +1 位作者 Miaoxuan Hong Nanyan Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第4期521-528,共8页
Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health propose... Objectives:This study aimed to develop and validate the Nurse’sWorkplace Mental Health Questionnaire(NWMHQ).Methods:The questionnaire was developed based on the two continua model of mental illness and health proposed by Keyes.The initial questionnaire was generated through literature review,two rounds of Delphi expert consultation,followed by a pilot survey.Finally,the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were validated through an online survey of 2,815 registered nurses selected from the public hospitals in 11 provinces from June to July 2020.Results:The item-content validity index(I-CVI)of the questionnaire ranged from 0.750 to 1.000 and the average scale-level content validity index(S-CVI/Ave)was 0.906.Cronbach’s a coefficient was 0.948 and test-retest reliability was 0.850.The self-rating depression scale score was negatively related to the NWMHQ score(r=0.664,P<0.01).The exploratory factor analysis(EFA)yielded six factors(emotional status,psychological security,positive relationship,resilience,self-efficacy,and subjective well-being),consisting of 32 items.The cumulative variance contribution rate was 65.58%.Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)showed an acceptable fit.Conclusion:The NWMHQ developed in this study showed good reliability and validity.This questionnaire may help assess the mental health status of nurses and help nursing managers to develop appropriate targeted psychological interventions. 展开更多
Comparison between Ophthalmologists and Community Health Workers in Screening of Shallow Anterior Chamber with Oblique Flashlight Test 被引量:2
作者 Yusoh Nuriyah Xue-tao Ren +2 位作者 Li Jiang Xi-pu Liu Yan-hong Zou 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2010年第1期50-52,共3页
Objective To study the agreement between ophthalmologists and community health workers in detecting shallow anterior chamber with oblique flashlight test. Methods Totally 425 subjects were given an eye examination in ... Objective To study the agreement between ophthalmologists and community health workers in detecting shallow anterior chamber with oblique flashlight test. Methods Totally 425 subjects were given an eye examination in a community health center. The anterior chamber depth of each subject was examined by one ophthalmologist and two trained community health workers (one nurse and one non-professional health worker) using oblique flashlight test. Inter-observer agreement was determined using the weighted kappa statistic. Results Among the enrolled subjects,148 (35%) were male and 277 (65%) were female. Good agreement was noted in all the three observers. The comparison between the ophthalmologist and the nurse showed a kappa statistic of 0.42 for both eyes (P<0.001). The kappa statistic was 0.54 and 0.52 for right and left eyes respectively between the ophthalmologist and the non-professional health worker (P<0.001). As for agreement between the nurse and the non-professional health worker,the kappa statistic was 0.49 and 0.38 for right and left eyes,respectively (P<0.001). Conclusion The oblique flashlight test may be used as an applicable tool by trained community health workers for screening of shallow anterior chamber and play a role in blindness prevention in community. 展开更多
关键词 GLAUCOMA shallow anterior chamber oblique flashlight test
"Don't Break Your Caregiver" Campaign 2011 by Tehy--The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals
作者 Vuoriluoto Irmeli 《Sociology Study》 2013年第9期707-714,共8页
According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professi... According to several researches and survey findings, violence and the threat of violence are increasingly present at workplaces in the field of healthcare. In 2011, the Finnish Union of Health and Social Care Professionals--Tehy implemented a poster campaign targeted at the users of healthcare services, as well as healthcare staff. Representatives of local trade unions, as well as safety representatives, reported that the campaign was relevant. Most employers had a favorable attitude toward distributing campaign posters at the workplace. Raising this issue, which increases the mental burden of work and risks occupational safety at the workplace, helps to achieve improvements. Following the poster campaign, Tehy conducted an electronic survey in early 2012 about the impacts of the campaign among representatives of local trade unions (N= 279) and safety representatives (N = 278). The campaign resulted in some working environment improvements, as well as an increase in reporting situations involving violence. On a more worrying note, the provision of workplace-level training on managing violent situations did not increase. 展开更多
关键词 Healthcare workplace violence poster campaign impact occupational safety
A Review of 3D Printing Technology for Medical Applications 被引量:33
作者 Ojan Yan Hanhua Dong +4 位作者 Jin Su Jianhua Han Bo Song Qingsong wei Yusheng Shi 《Engineering》 2018年第5期729-742,共14页
Donor shortages for organ transplantations are a major clinical challenge worldwide. Potential risks that are inevitably encountered with traditional methods include complications, secondary injuries, and limited sour... Donor shortages for organ transplantations are a major clinical challenge worldwide. Potential risks that are inevitably encountered with traditional methods include complications, secondary injuries, and limited source donors. Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology holds the potential to solve these limitations; it can he used to rapidly manufacture personalized tissue engineering scaffolds, repair tissue defects in situ with cells, and even directly print tissue and organs. Such printed implants and organs not only perfectly match the patient's damaged tissue, hut can also have engineered material microstructures and cell arrangements to promote cell growth and differentiation. Thus, such implants allow the desired tissue repair to he achieved, and could eventually solve the donor-shortage problem. This review summarizes relevant studies and recent progress on four levels, introduces different types of biomedical materials, and discusses existing problems and development issues with 3D printing that are related to materials and to the construction of extracellular matrix in vitro for medical applications. 展开更多
关键词 3D printing IMPLANT SCAFFOLD Biomedical material
近代上海地方防疫档案史料选辑(上) 被引量:5
《档案与史学》 2003年第4期14-20,共7页
1.公共租界工部局卫生处制定的预防传染病办法(1908年) 工部局卫生处谕: 照得卫生之法,全赖饮食起居,讲求洁净,所有各秽物宜扫除净尽.本局史医官,胪列以下各条,望人一体遵照,可免天花、霍乱、痢疾、喉痧、红疹、痨症、瘟疫、疟疾诸项病目.
关键词 近代 上海 地方防疫档案 历史材料 公共租界部局卫生
Health care exploration work for the military empty nest old cadres
作者 Yang Ping Hu Wei +1 位作者 Liu Ya Wang Xiaohua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第6期361-367,共7页
In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and... In recent years, the retired veteran cadres have grown older and older, and their numbers have also increased year by year. In this case, how to maintain the physical and mental health of empty nest veteran cadre, and further improve the quality of their life has been a realistic problem many primary health care doctors have to face and solve. 展开更多
关键词 Empty nest veteran cadre Home-based care for the aged Health care Retired sanatorium
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