太湖流域近8000年来经历两次明显的气候暖湿阶段,分别在8000~7000 cal yr BP.2600 cal yr BP^1200 a A.D.,该变化特征与在昆仑山取得的古里雅冰芯18O数据具有良好的对比特点。本文认为由于热带辐合带北移时,东亚季风与印度洋季风都有加...太湖流域近8000年来经历两次明显的气候暖湿阶段,分别在8000~7000 cal yr BP.2600 cal yr BP^1200 a A.D.,该变化特征与在昆仑山取得的古里雅冰芯18O数据具有良好的对比特点。本文认为由于热带辐合带北移时,东亚季风与印度洋季风都有加强趋势,印度洋季风影响范围向北扩张,但受到青藏高原的阻挡,迫使其沿青藏高原西缘向北推进,强烈影响青藏高原西北部气候,使得古里雅冰芯记录与印度洋季风特征强弱具有相关性。而太湖流域气候主要受东亚季风强弱变化影响,这一机制导致TH-004钻孔记录与古里雅冰芯记录表现出相似的变化特征。展开更多
Based on HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) assimilation and observations, we analyzed seasonal variability of the salinity budget in the southeastern Arabian Sea (AS) and the southern part of the Bay of Bengal (BO...Based on HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) assimilation and observations, we analyzed seasonal variability of the salinity budget in the southeastern Arabian Sea (AS) and the southern part of the Bay of Bengal (BOB), as well as water exchange between the two basins. Results show that fresh water flux cannot explain salinity changes in salinity budget of both regions. Oceanic advection decreases salinity in the southeastern AS during the winter monsoon season and increases salinity in the southern BOB during the summer monsoon season. In winter, the Northeast Monsoon Current (NMC) carries fresher water from the BOB westward into the southern AS; this westward advection is confined to 4°-6°N and the upper 180 m south of the Indian peninsula. Part of the less saline water then turns northward, decreasing salinity in the southeastern AS. In summer, the Southwest Monsoon Current (SMC) advects high-salinity water from the AS eastward into the BOB, increasing salinity along its path. This eastward advection of high-salinity water south of the India Peninsula extends southward to 2°N, and the layer becomes shallower than in winter. In addition to the monsoon current, the salinity difference between the two basins is important for salinity advection.展开更多
The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper tropospher...The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper troposphere is proposed as a thermal contrast index(TCI)for South Asian monsoon.The authors investigate the TCI associated with South Asian summer monsoon(SASM)intensity and SASM onset.It is observed that the TCI considering the Tibetan Plateau and tropical Indian Ocean demonstrates a stronger and closer correlation with SASM intensity(0.87)than either the Tibetan Plateau(0.42)or tropical Indian Ocean(-0.60)singly.It is implied that the TCI could preferably represent the impact of land-sea thermal condition on SASM activity.Further analysis reveals that the evolution of TCI is related to the SASM onset.The TCI is almost always larger in early onset years than it is in late onset years during the period before SASM onset.In addition,the change of the pentad-by-pentad increment of TCI leads the SASM variation.The correlation coefficient between the TCI increment and SASM index reaches a maximum when the TCI increment leads by 15 pentads.The results of this study show that the TCI plays an important role in SASM activities and is a potential indicator for SASM onset forecasting.展开更多
This study evaluates the simulation of summer rainfall changes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) based on the fifth phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The historical runs of 20 CMIP5 coupled Gene...This study evaluates the simulation of summer rainfall changes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) based on the fifth phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The historical runs of 20 CMIP5 coupled General Circulation Models (GCMs) are analyzed. The Multi-Model ensemble (MME) of the CMIP5 models well reproduces the general feature of NIO summer rainfall. For a short period 1979?2005, 14 out of 20 models show an increased trend in the mean rainfall and a similar spatial distri-bution to the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) observations in MME. The increasing of the convergence in the equatorial IO results in the increase of rainfall significantly. The equatorial rainfall trend patterns seem modulated by the SST warm-ing in the tropical Indian Ocean, which confirm the mechanism of 'warmer-get-wetter' theory. For a long period 1950?2005, the trend of monsoon rainfall over India shows a decrease over the most parts of the India except an increase over the south corn er of the Indian Peninsula, due to a weakened summer monsoon circulation. The pattern is well simulated in half of the CMIP5 models. The rainfall over the north India is different for a short period, in which rainfall increases in 1979?2005, implying possible decadal varia-tion in the NIO summer climate.展开更多
In this paper,the relationship between a pair of low-frequency vortexes over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the South China Sea(SCS) summer monsoon onset is studied based on a multi-year(1980-2003) analysis.A pair of...In this paper,the relationship between a pair of low-frequency vortexes over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the South China Sea(SCS) summer monsoon onset is studied based on a multi-year(1980-2003) analysis.A pair of vortexes symmetric about the equator is an important feature prior to the SCS summer monsoon onset.A composite analysis shows that the life cycle of the pair of vortexes is closely associated with the SCS summer monsoon onset.The westerly between the twin cyclones is an important factor to the SCS summer monsoon onset process.展开更多
The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM...The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM)during 1958–2018.Covariability of the IIV and MEBR were identified for the two monsoons.When the MEBR was strong(weak),the IIV of the monsoon was observed to be large(small).This rule applied to both the ISM and WNPSM.Out-ofphase relationships were found between the ISM and the WNPSM.When the IIV and MEBR of the ISM were strong(weak),those of the WNPSM tended to be weak(strong).During the period with a stronger(weaker)ENSO–Atlantic coupling after(before)the mid-1980 s,the IIV and MEBR of the WNPSM(ISM)were observed to be stronger.The increasing influences from the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)may trigger the observed seesaw pattern of the ISM and WNPSM in terms of the IIV and MEBR multidecadal variability.The results imply that tropical Atlantic SST may need to be given more attention and consideration when predicting future monsoon variability of the ISM and WNPSM.展开更多
According to the ship observation data over the South Indian Ocean during 1950 1995, taking 1°× 1° and 5°× 5°grid, the characteristics and variation rule of wind are analyzed. Through ana...According to the ship observation data over the South Indian Ocean during 1950 1995, taking 1°× 1° and 5°× 5°grid, the characteristics and variation rule of wind are analyzed. Through analyzing the chart of isopleths of the monthly elements, the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the wind field over the South Indian Ocean is less remarkable than that in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere is got. The seasonal variation of the wind field is also obvious in this region, but the seasonal difference is little. The wind in winter is stronger than in summer, correspondingly, the average wind speed is higher, and the frequencies of gale of forces ≥ 6 and 8 are also higher. The north of 10°S is a monsoon area; Southeast wind prevails all over the year in the rest of the trade wind area; Westerly wind dominates in the south of 40°S. This paper provides specific data of wind field and variation for ship ocean transportation, ocean-going visits and scientific experiment.展开更多
Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) exhibits a prominent inter-annual variability known as troposphere biennial oscillation.A season of deficient June to September monsoon rainfall in India is followed by warm sea...Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) exhibits a prominent inter-annual variability known as troposphere biennial oscillation.A season of deficient June to September monsoon rainfall in India is followed by warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean and cold SST anomalies over the westem Pacific Ocean.These anomalies persist until the following monsoon,which yields normal or excessive rainfall.Monsoon rainfall in India has shown decadal variability in the form of 30 year epochs of alternately occurring frequent and infrequent drought monsoons since 1841,when rainfall measurements began in India.Decadal oscillations of monsoon rainfall and the well known decadal oscillations in SSTs of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have the same period of approximately 60 years and nearly the same temporal phase.In both of these variabilities,anomalies in monsoon heat source,such as deep convection,and middle latitude westerlies of the upper troposphere over south Asia have prominent roles.展开更多
Using rainfall data from the Global Precipita- tion Climatology Project (GPCP), NOAA extended reconstruction sea surface temperature (ERSST), and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, this study investigates the interannual varia...Using rainfall data from the Global Precipita- tion Climatology Project (GPCP), NOAA extended reconstruction sea surface temperature (ERSST), and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, this study investigates the interannual variation of summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and the northeastern Bay of Bengal associated with ENSO. The composite study indicates a decreased summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Penin- sula and an increase in the northeastern Bay of Bengal during the developing phase, but vice versa during the decay phase of E1 Nifio. Further regression analysis dem- onstrates that abnormal rainfall in the above two regions is controlled by different mechanisms. Southwest of the Indian Peninsula, the precipitation anomaly is related to local convection and water vapor flux in the decay phase of E1 Nifio. The anomalous cyclone circulation at the lower troposphere helps strengthen rainfall. In the northeastern Bay of Bengal, the anomalous rainfall depends on the strength of the Indian southwest summer monsoon (ISSM). A strong/weak ISSM in the developing/decay phase of E1 Nifio can bring more/less water vapor to strengthen/weaken the local summer precipitation.展开更多
This paper investigates the influence of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on climatic variations over East Asian monsoon region, based on CAS IAP AGCM-Ⅱduring Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA or not. The results show that...This paper investigates the influence of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on climatic variations over East Asian monsoon region, based on CAS IAP AGCM-Ⅱduring Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA or not. The results show that the southwest monsoon over East Asian will break out later than normal, the intensity of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS) is stronger than normal, and more rainfall on Chinese main land is simulated when only IOD forcing exists. With both IOD and Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA forcing, the southwest monsoon will break out much later than normal, the intensity of the SCS summer monsoon also is weaker than normal, and less rainfall in North China is simulated. Therefore, Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA and IOD have a synergic effect.展开更多
The China–Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research for the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road(CSL-CER) was established in August 2015. The Joint Center is an overseas science and education platform establish...The China–Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research for the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road(CSL-CER) was established in August 2015. The Joint Center is an overseas science and education platform established by Chinese Academy of Sciences. CSL-CER has conducted a series of research activities, including an annual scientific expedition to the eastern Indian Ocean, with many kinds of instruments installed for monsoon and ocean observation. The ‘Numerical Forecast System for the Surrounding Area of Sri Lanka,' which was developed by the Joint Center, can provide rapid mapping on multiple scales and at multiple resolutions for numerical forecast products serving local society. The annual China–Sri Lanka Joint Workshop on Monsoon Climate and Ocean Environment was successfully held in 2015 and 2016. According to the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) on joint Master's degrees, 15 new Master's students were accepted by University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS) in 2015.展开更多
Monsoon-ocean coupled modes in the South China Sea (SCS) were investigated by a combined singular value decomposition (CSVD) analysis based on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind stress (SWS) fi...Monsoon-ocean coupled modes in the South China Sea (SCS) were investigated by a combined singular value decomposition (CSVD) analysis based on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind stress (SWS) fields from SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation) data spanning the period of 1950-1999. The coupled fields achieved the maximum correlation when the SST lagged SWS by one month, indicating that the SCS coupled system mainly reflected the response of the SST to monsoon forcing. Three significant coupled modes were found in the SCS, accounting for more than 80% of the cumulative squared covariance fraction. The first three SST spatial patterns from CSVD were: (Ⅰ) the monopole pattern along the isobaths in the SCS central basin; (Ⅱ) the north-south dipole pattern; and (Ⅲ) the west-east seesaw pattern. The expansion coefficient of the SST leading mode showed interdecadal and interannual variability and correlation with the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP), suggesting that the SCS belongs to part of the IPWP at interannual and interdecadal time scales. The second mode had a lower correlation coefficient with the warm pool index because its main period was at intra-annual time scales instead of the interannual and interdecadal scales with the warm pools. The third mode had similar periods to those of the leading mode, but lagged the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIWP) and western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) by five months and one year respectively, implying that the SCS response to the warm pool variation occurred from the western Pacific to the eastern Indian Ocean, which might have been related to the variation of Indonesian throughflow. All three modes in the SCS had more significant correlations with the EIWP, which means the SCS SST varied much more coherently with the EIWP than the WPWP, suggesting that the SCS belongs mostly to part of the EIWP. The expansion coefficients of the SCS SST modes all had negative correlations with the Nino3 index, which they lag by several months, indicating a remote response of SCS SST variability to the El Nifio events.展开更多
Monthly ocean temperature from ORAS4 datasets and atmospheric data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I/II were used to analyze the relationship between the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM) and upper ocean hea...Monthly ocean temperature from ORAS4 datasets and atmospheric data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I/II were used to analyze the relationship between the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM) and upper ocean heat content(HC) in the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean.The monsoon was differentiated into a Southwest Asian Summer Monsoon(SWASM)(2.5°–20°N,35°–70°E) and Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon(SEASM)(2.5°–20°N,70°–110°E).Results show that before the 1976/77 climate shift,the SWASM was strongly related to HC in the southern Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific Ocean.The southern Indian Ocean affected SWASM by altering the pressure gradient between southern Africa and the northern Indian Ocean and by enhancing the Somali cross-equatorial flow.The tropical Pacific impacted the SWASM through the remote forcing of ENSO.After the 1976/77 shift,there was a close relationship between equatorial central Pacific HC and the SEASM.However,before that shift,their relationship was weak.展开更多
文摘太湖流域近8000年来经历两次明显的气候暖湿阶段,分别在8000~7000 cal yr BP.2600 cal yr BP^1200 a A.D.,该变化特征与在昆仑山取得的古里雅冰芯18O数据具有良好的对比特点。本文认为由于热带辐合带北移时,东亚季风与印度洋季风都有加强趋势,印度洋季风影响范围向北扩张,但受到青藏高原的阻挡,迫使其沿青藏高原西缘向北推进,强烈影响青藏高原西北部气候,使得古里雅冰芯记录与印度洋季风特征强弱具有相关性。而太湖流域气候主要受东亚季风强弱变化影响,这一机制导致TH-004钻孔记录与古里雅冰芯记录表现出相似的变化特征。
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973Program) (No. 2010CB950300)the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-02)+1 种基金the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. KZCX2-YW-BR-04)the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2012CB955603)
文摘Based on HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) assimilation and observations, we analyzed seasonal variability of the salinity budget in the southeastern Arabian Sea (AS) and the southern part of the Bay of Bengal (BOB), as well as water exchange between the two basins. Results show that fresh water flux cannot explain salinity changes in salinity budget of both regions. Oceanic advection decreases salinity in the southeastern AS during the winter monsoon season and increases salinity in the southern BOB during the summer monsoon season. In winter, the Northeast Monsoon Current (NMC) carries fresher water from the BOB westward into the southern AS; this westward advection is confined to 4°-6°N and the upper 180 m south of the Indian peninsula. Part of the less saline water then turns northward, decreasing salinity in the southeastern AS. In summer, the Southwest Monsoon Current (SMC) advects high-salinity water from the AS eastward into the BOB, increasing salinity along its path. This eastward advection of high-salinity water south of the India Peninsula extends southward to 2°N, and the layer becomes shallower than in winter. In addition to the monsoon current, the salinity difference between the two basins is important for salinity advection.
基金supported jointly by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[Grant number XDA20060501]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[Grant numbers U1902209 and 91637208]。
文摘The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper troposphere is proposed as a thermal contrast index(TCI)for South Asian monsoon.The authors investigate the TCI associated with South Asian summer monsoon(SASM)intensity and SASM onset.It is observed that the TCI considering the Tibetan Plateau and tropical Indian Ocean demonstrates a stronger and closer correlation with SASM intensity(0.87)than either the Tibetan Plateau(0.42)or tropical Indian Ocean(-0.60)singly.It is implied that the TCI could preferably represent the impact of land-sea thermal condition on SASM activity.Further analysis reveals that the evolution of TCI is related to the SASM onset.The TCI is almost always larger in early onset years than it is in late onset years during the period before SASM onset.In addition,the change of the pentad-by-pentad increment of TCI leads the SASM variation.The correlation coefficient between the TCI increment and SASM index reaches a maximum when the TCI increment leads by 15 pentads.The results of this study show that the TCI plays an important role in SASM activities and is a potential indicator for SASM onset forecasting.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2012CB955603,2010CB-950302)the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA 05090404,LTOZZ1202)
文摘This study evaluates the simulation of summer rainfall changes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) based on the fifth phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The historical runs of 20 CMIP5 coupled General Circulation Models (GCMs) are analyzed. The Multi-Model ensemble (MME) of the CMIP5 models well reproduces the general feature of NIO summer rainfall. For a short period 1979?2005, 14 out of 20 models show an increased trend in the mean rainfall and a similar spatial distri-bution to the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) observations in MME. The increasing of the convergence in the equatorial IO results in the increase of rainfall significantly. The equatorial rainfall trend patterns seem modulated by the SST warm-ing in the tropical Indian Ocean, which confirm the mechanism of 'warmer-get-wetter' theory. For a long period 1950?2005, the trend of monsoon rainfall over India shows a decrease over the most parts of the India except an increase over the south corn er of the Indian Peninsula, due to a weakened summer monsoon circulation. The pattern is well simulated in half of the CMIP5 models. The rainfall over the north India is different for a short period, in which rainfall increases in 1979?2005, implying possible decadal varia-tion in the NIO summer climate.
基金financed by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-03)the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2010CB950401)
文摘In this paper,the relationship between a pair of low-frequency vortexes over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the South China Sea(SCS) summer monsoon onset is studied based on a multi-year(1980-2003) analysis.A pair of vortexes symmetric about the equator is an important feature prior to the SCS summer monsoon onset.A composite analysis shows that the life cycle of the pair of vortexes is closely associated with the SCS summer monsoon onset.The westerly between the twin cyclones is an important factor to the SCS summer monsoon onset process.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number 41776031the National Key Research and Development Program of China grant number 2018YFC1506903+2 种基金the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation grant number 2015A030313796the program for scientific research start-up funds of Guangdong Ocean Universitythe Foundation for Returned Scholars of the Ministry of Education of China。
文摘The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM)during 1958–2018.Covariability of the IIV and MEBR were identified for the two monsoons.When the MEBR was strong(weak),the IIV of the monsoon was observed to be large(small).This rule applied to both the ISM and WNPSM.Out-ofphase relationships were found between the ISM and the WNPSM.When the IIV and MEBR of the ISM were strong(weak),those of the WNPSM tended to be weak(strong).During the period with a stronger(weaker)ENSO–Atlantic coupling after(before)the mid-1980 s,the IIV and MEBR of the WNPSM(ISM)were observed to be stronger.The increasing influences from the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)may trigger the observed seesaw pattern of the ISM and WNPSM in terms of the IIV and MEBR multidecadal variability.The results imply that tropical Atlantic SST may need to be given more attention and consideration when predicting future monsoon variability of the ISM and WNPSM.
文摘According to the ship observation data over the South Indian Ocean during 1950 1995, taking 1°× 1° and 5°× 5°grid, the characteristics and variation rule of wind are analyzed. Through analyzing the chart of isopleths of the monthly elements, the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the wind field over the South Indian Ocean is less remarkable than that in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere is got. The seasonal variation of the wind field is also obvious in this region, but the seasonal difference is little. The wind in winter is stronger than in summer, correspondingly, the average wind speed is higher, and the frequencies of gale of forces ≥ 6 and 8 are also higher. The north of 10°S is a monsoon area; Southeast wind prevails all over the year in the rest of the trade wind area; Westerly wind dominates in the south of 40°S. This paper provides specific data of wind field and variation for ship ocean transportation, ocean-going visits and scientific experiment.
基金the European Commission(Project INDO-MARECLIM)the Norwegian Research Council(Project INDIA-CLIM)for providing financial support for this study
文摘Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) exhibits a prominent inter-annual variability known as troposphere biennial oscillation.A season of deficient June to September monsoon rainfall in India is followed by warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean and cold SST anomalies over the westem Pacific Ocean.These anomalies persist until the following monsoon,which yields normal or excessive rainfall.Monsoon rainfall in India has shown decadal variability in the form of 30 year epochs of alternately occurring frequent and infrequent drought monsoons since 1841,when rainfall measurements began in India.Decadal oscillations of monsoon rainfall and the well known decadal oscillations in SSTs of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have the same period of approximately 60 years and nearly the same temporal phase.In both of these variabilities,anomalies in monsoon heat source,such as deep convection,and middle latitude westerlies of the upper troposphere over south Asia have prominent roles.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,2010CB950302&2012 CB955603)the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA05090404)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41149908)
文摘Using rainfall data from the Global Precipita- tion Climatology Project (GPCP), NOAA extended reconstruction sea surface temperature (ERSST), and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, this study investigates the interannual variation of summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and the northeastern Bay of Bengal associated with ENSO. The composite study indicates a decreased summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Penin- sula and an increase in the northeastern Bay of Bengal during the developing phase, but vice versa during the decay phase of E1 Nifio. Further regression analysis dem- onstrates that abnormal rainfall in the above two regions is controlled by different mechanisms. Southwest of the Indian Peninsula, the precipitation anomaly is related to local convection and water vapor flux in the decay phase of E1 Nifio. The anomalous cyclone circulation at the lower troposphere helps strengthen rainfall. In the northeastern Bay of Bengal, the anomalous rainfall depends on the strength of the Indian southwest summer monsoon (ISSM). A strong/weak ISSM in the developing/decay phase of E1 Nifio can bring more/less water vapor to strengthen/weaken the local summer precipitation.
基金National key fundamental research development program "Research of formation mechanism and forecast theory about fatal climatic calamity of China" (G1998040900).
文摘This paper investigates the influence of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on climatic variations over East Asian monsoon region, based on CAS IAP AGCM-Ⅱduring Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA or not. The results show that the southwest monsoon over East Asian will break out later than normal, the intensity of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS) is stronger than normal, and more rainfall on Chinese main land is simulated when only IOD forcing exists. With both IOD and Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA forcing, the southwest monsoon will break out much later than normal, the intensity of the SCS summer monsoon also is weaker than normal, and less rainfall in North China is simulated. Therefore, Equatorial East Pacific Ocean SSTA and IOD have a synergic effect.
基金funded by the Bureau of International Co-operation, CASsupport provided by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS+4 种基金the Institute of Acoustics, CASthe University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesthe University of Ruhunathe University of Peradeniyathe University of Moratuwa
文摘The China–Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research for the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road(CSL-CER) was established in August 2015. The Joint Center is an overseas science and education platform established by Chinese Academy of Sciences. CSL-CER has conducted a series of research activities, including an annual scientific expedition to the eastern Indian Ocean, with many kinds of instruments installed for monsoon and ocean observation. The ‘Numerical Forecast System for the Surrounding Area of Sri Lanka,' which was developed by the Joint Center, can provide rapid mapping on multiple scales and at multiple resolutions for numerical forecast products serving local society. The annual China–Sri Lanka Joint Workshop on Monsoon Climate and Ocean Environment was successfully held in 2015 and 2016. According to the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) on joint Master's degrees, 15 new Master's students were accepted by University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS) in 2015.
基金supported by the projects of Program 973(No.2006CB403603)Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(No.NCET-05-0591)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40305009)Shandong Taishan Scholar Foundation.
文摘Monsoon-ocean coupled modes in the South China Sea (SCS) were investigated by a combined singular value decomposition (CSVD) analysis based on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind stress (SWS) fields from SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation) data spanning the period of 1950-1999. The coupled fields achieved the maximum correlation when the SST lagged SWS by one month, indicating that the SCS coupled system mainly reflected the response of the SST to monsoon forcing. Three significant coupled modes were found in the SCS, accounting for more than 80% of the cumulative squared covariance fraction. The first three SST spatial patterns from CSVD were: (Ⅰ) the monopole pattern along the isobaths in the SCS central basin; (Ⅱ) the north-south dipole pattern; and (Ⅲ) the west-east seesaw pattern. The expansion coefficient of the SST leading mode showed interdecadal and interannual variability and correlation with the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP), suggesting that the SCS belongs to part of the IPWP at interannual and interdecadal time scales. The second mode had a lower correlation coefficient with the warm pool index because its main period was at intra-annual time scales instead of the interannual and interdecadal scales with the warm pools. The third mode had similar periods to those of the leading mode, but lagged the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIWP) and western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) by five months and one year respectively, implying that the SCS response to the warm pool variation occurred from the western Pacific to the eastern Indian Ocean, which might have been related to the variation of Indonesian throughflow. All three modes in the SCS had more significant correlations with the EIWP, which means the SCS SST varied much more coherently with the EIWP than the WPWP, suggesting that the SCS belongs mostly to part of the EIWP. The expansion coefficients of the SCS SST modes all had negative correlations with the Nino3 index, which they lag by several months, indicating a remote response of SCS SST variability to the El Nifio events.
基金Supported by the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(No.41330963)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA01010101)+1 种基金the NSFC-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers(No.U1406401)the Fund for Innovative Research Groups of the NSFC(No.41421005)
文摘Monthly ocean temperature from ORAS4 datasets and atmospheric data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I/II were used to analyze the relationship between the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM) and upper ocean heat content(HC) in the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean.The monsoon was differentiated into a Southwest Asian Summer Monsoon(SWASM)(2.5°–20°N,35°–70°E) and Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon(SEASM)(2.5°–20°N,70°–110°E).Results show that before the 1976/77 climate shift,the SWASM was strongly related to HC in the southern Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific Ocean.The southern Indian Ocean affected SWASM by altering the pressure gradient between southern Africa and the northern Indian Ocean and by enhancing the Somali cross-equatorial flow.The tropical Pacific impacted the SWASM through the remote forcing of ENSO.After the 1976/77 shift,there was a close relationship between equatorial central Pacific HC and the SEASM.However,before that shift,their relationship was weak.