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印度-欧亚板块碰撞期间红河断裂带活动性的数值模拟研究 被引量:2
作者 谢建华 夏斌 张宴华 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期21-25,共5页
红河断裂带是一巨型走滑断裂带,在印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞过程中成为印支地块和华南地块之间相互运动的主位移带。通过有限差分数值模拟试验,结果表明,在碰撞期间,红河断裂带首先经历了左旋走滑运动,红河断裂带中央部分的左旋偏移量最大... 红河断裂带是一巨型走滑断裂带,在印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞过程中成为印支地块和华南地块之间相互运动的主位移带。通过有限差分数值模拟试验,结果表明,在碰撞期间,红河断裂带首先经历了左旋走滑运动,红河断裂带中央部分的左旋偏移量最大,达到约325km,印支地块向南东挤出,在5Ma BP后表现为右旋走滑,说明沿红河断裂带的剪切运动是红河断裂带西端与印度-欧亚碰撞边界之间距离的函数,随时间而减小并控制了印支地块与华南地块之间的相对运动。 展开更多
关键词 红河断裂带 印度-欧亚板块碰撞 活动性 有限差分法 数值模拟
印度-欧亚板块主碰撞带全地壳尺度相互作用关系研究 被引量:3
作者 郭晓玉 罗旭聪 +5 位作者 高锐 徐啸 卢占武 黄兴富 李文辉 李春森 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期1-17,共17页
印度板块自新生代早期开始沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带向北与欧亚板块碰撞以来,印度板块的深俯冲过程一直是大家关注的焦点,而垂向上主碰撞带全地壳尺度由深及浅的相互作用关系研究程度相对较弱,主要归咎于之前缺少全地壳尺度高分辨率数据资料,... 印度板块自新生代早期开始沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带向北与欧亚板块碰撞以来,印度板块的深俯冲过程一直是大家关注的焦点,而垂向上主碰撞带全地壳尺度由深及浅的相互作用关系研究程度相对较弱,主要归咎于之前缺少全地壳尺度高分辨率数据资料,从而也阻碍了对主碰撞带巨厚地壳成因机制及深部地球动力学过程的了解。在本次研究中,分别基于横穿主碰撞带中部和东部的180 km及100 km长的深反射地震剖面进行精细构造地球物理学分析,揭示了主碰撞带全地壳尺度由深及浅的相互作用关系:(1)横向上,印度板块下地壳存在北向俯冲,且俯冲前缘有限的存在于南拉萨地体南缘。上覆的南拉萨地体则出现透明反射结构和中拉萨地体统一北倾的反射结构。(2)垂向上,印度地壳主要表现下地壳俯冲、中上地壳双冲构造回返结构。南拉萨地体四分之三的地壳表现为透明反射。占据另外四分之一的上地壳顶部表现为统一的南倾结构形态;中拉萨地体则以下地壳北倾、上地壳上拱反射结构为主。三者皆在垂向上出现差异性变形。(3)主碰撞带上地壳顶部表现为统一的后展式顶板逆冲推覆构造,该逆冲推覆系统可一直从南拉萨地体北边界的洛巴堆—米拉山断裂向南越过南倾的雅江缝合带延伸至北喜马拉雅穹窿背斜北翼。结合大地电磁数据所揭示的南拉萨地体高熔体百分比区域沿俯冲印度下地壳顶边界发生的南移现象,研究结果揭示南拉萨地体巨厚地壳主要由新特提斯构造域幕式岩浆作用所形成的新生地壳物质易挤压变形引起。同时,南拉萨地体幕式岩浆作用在印度与欧亚板块的相互碰撞作用过程中发生了热量的向南运移。该过程引发北喜马拉雅构造带深熔作用的同时减弱了北喜马拉雅构造带地壳机械强度,从而使中上地壳物质的双冲构造回返主要表现为短波长背型堆垛结构,并垂向增厚了俯冲印度地壳厚度。同时,背型堆垛构造形变过程所导致的北喜马拉雅穹窿带的加速出露给主碰撞带区域上地壳顶部带来北向的构造挤压推覆作用,最终使主碰撞带区域在北喜马拉雅穹窿区域以北展现为统一的后展式顶板逆冲推覆结构构造。印度-欧亚板块主碰撞带的圈层相互关系是造成该区域巨厚地壳的关键,其上地壳顶板逆冲推覆过程亦降低了主碰撞区域的地形起伏。 展开更多
关键词 印度-欧亚板块碰撞 碰撞 全地壳尺度结构 相互作用关系
印度—欧亚板块碰撞对南海形成的影响研究:一种数值模拟方法 被引量:14
作者 谢建华 夏斌 +2 位作者 张宴华 王喜臣 林洁梅 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期47-53,共7页
中国南海新生代处于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块相互作用的交汇处,其形成演化受三大板块复杂动力学过程和相互间作用所制约,尤其是中始新世印度板块同欧亚板块之间的“硬”碰撞及随后的楔入的影响。利用FLAC软件对该次碰... 中国南海新生代处于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块相互作用的交汇处,其形成演化受三大板块复杂动力学过程和相互间作用所制约,尤其是中始新世印度板块同欧亚板块之间的“硬”碰撞及随后的楔入的影响。利用FLAC软件对该次碰撞对南海形成效应进行了模拟,模拟结果表明在模型东-东南边界为自由边界和考虑太平洋向欧亚板块的俯冲作用的支持应力边界条件两种情形下,均能引起构造物质或地幔流向南东、南逃逸,在南海地区产生足够的侧向挤出和南北向的剪切,从而在该地区导致广泛的南北向拉张,这些极有利于南海的打开。 展开更多
关键词 中国南海 边缘海 数值模拟 有限差分法 印度-欧亚板块碰撞
印度—欧亚板块碰撞变形区的大地震时空分布特征与迁移规律 被引量:13
作者 赵根模 吴中海 +2 位作者 刘杰 张雷 左嘉梦 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 2019年第3期324-340,共17页
印度板块与欧亚板块在新生代期间的持续碰撞和挤压过程导致亚洲大陆发生了强烈的弥散式板内变形,并形成了一个以贝加尔湖为顶点,以喜马拉雅带为底边的近似三角形的变形区与强震活动区,即新-藏三角区。基于固体刚塑性变形平面结构,结合... 印度板块与欧亚板块在新生代期间的持续碰撞和挤压过程导致亚洲大陆发生了强烈的弥散式板内变形,并形成了一个以贝加尔湖为顶点,以喜马拉雅带为底边的近似三角形的变形区与强震活动区,即新-藏三角区。基于固体刚塑性变形平面结构,结合滑移线场网络模型,对该区历史强震活动的大范围离散式空间分布特点进行了分析解释。结合1505-1976年以来历史强震空间迁移的实例,归纳了该区历史强震活动与地震应变释放从印度板块边界→新-藏地块→两侧大陆的顺序性及定向性迁移特征,并根据对地震空间迁移规律的认识,进一步探讨了区域未来强震危险性问题。结果显示,从2000-2018年间,印度板块边界和新-藏三角区已多次发生M7.9~9.1大地震,但其东、西两侧的区域大陆地区却异常平静,没发生过7级以上大地震。依照区域强震活动的顺序性迁移特点,推测在未来几到几十年,亚洲大陆东部与中部以及喜马拉雅带东段等区域的大地震危险性较大。 展开更多
关键词 印度-欧亚板块碰撞 断块塑性变形 地震时间序列 强震迁移 地震危险性评价
滇西哀牢山构造带:结构与演化 被引量:67
作者 刘俊来 唐渊 +4 位作者 宋志杰 Tran My Dung 翟云峰 吴文彬 陈文 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1285-1303,共19页
哀牢山构造带是藏东(东南亚)地区的一条重要线性构造,它分隔了扬子—华南地块与印支地块,并保存了多阶段复杂大地构造演化的记录。哀牢山构造带内由东向西依次发育了晚太古代—新元古代深变质岩系、新生代构造-岩浆活动带(剪切带)、金... 哀牢山构造带是藏东(东南亚)地区的一条重要线性构造,它分隔了扬子—华南地块与印支地块,并保存了多阶段复杂大地构造演化的记录。哀牢山构造带内由东向西依次发育了晚太古代—新元古代深变质岩系、新生代构造-岩浆活动带(剪切带)、金平—沱江晚二叠—早三叠世裂谷带残余和哀牢山早石炭世—早三叠世混杂岩带。具有不同特点的地质单元间被以新生代为主发育的断裂构造所间隔;而不同时期异地就位或混合岩化成因的花岗质岩石在构造带中普遍存在。哀牢山构造带在不同地质历史阶段具有多重大地构造属性,总体上经历了3个重要大地构造演化阶段:前特提斯演化、特提斯演化和新生代陆内演化阶段。前特提斯演化时期,主体部分(尤其是其东部带)具有亲扬子地块的属性,保留了自晚太古代到新元古代地壳演化的记录。一直到早古生代时期,哀牢山构造带的大地构造属性与扬子—华南地区依然具有密切的亲缘关系。自晚古生代—早中生代时期古特提斯洋打开之后,该带与华南-扬子板块之间分化成2个属性不同的构造域,始于早石炭世打开的哀牢山洋与始于早二叠世打开的金平—沱江洋依次消亡。特提斯洋的闭合,一方面形成了古哀牢山造山带,同时使得扬子—华南地块与印支地块回复到一个统一的陆内环境中;印度—欧亚板块之间的交互作用,对这一地区有着深刻的影响,相继形成了早新生代哀牢山造山带、晚渐新世—早中新世造山后区域性伸展与高钾碱性岩浆活动性和晚渐新世—早中新世印支地块的大规模南东向逃逸、哀牢山大型左行走滑剪切作用及伴生的钙碱性岩浆活动性。 展开更多
关键词 哀牢山 特提斯 印度-欧亚板块碰撞 走滑剪切带 大地构造演化 构造
焉耆盆地活动断层的晚第四纪右行走滑 被引量:12
作者 林爱明 傅碧宏 +2 位作者 狩野谦一 丸山正 郭建明 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期103-115,共13页
本研究对天山东南侧山间盆地——焉耆盆地的晚第四纪右行走滑活动断层的位移和滑动速率进行了测量.详细的卫星图像分析和野外调查表明活动断层(开都河断层带)主要分布在盆地的南缘,具典型的走滑断层特征.发育在晚更新世—全新世冲积扇... 本研究对天山东南侧山间盆地——焉耆盆地的晚第四纪右行走滑活动断层的位移和滑动速率进行了测量.详细的卫星图像分析和野外调查表明活动断层(开都河断层带)主要分布在盆地的南缘,具典型的走滑断层特征.发育在晚更新世—全新世冲积扇中的水系记录了3~250 m的右行错断和位移的累积.冲积扇中的断层陡坎高1 m到25 m,沿断层带走向左行雁列状断层崖呈现,向NE和SW倾.基于河道的错断,14C数据和断层岩组构的分析可以得出:①活动断层的平均右行走滑速率为8 mm/a,垂直分量的速率为1 mm/a,(②典型的单次地震断裂事件产生的错断量为3~7 m,③大地震事件(Ms>7)的平均重复间隔约为500年,④开都河断层带最新的地震断裂事件发生在过去2 500 a间.与印度—欧亚板块碰撞相关联的天山是一个逆冲构造占主导地位的造山带,而山间盆地中晚第四纪的走滑断层表明了这种造山机制中具有水平滑动. 展开更多
关键词 焉耆盆地 活动断层 晚第四纪 天山 开都河断层带 右行走滑 卫星图像 印度-欧亚板块碰撞
Geochemistry and Zircon U–Pb age of the Yao'an pseudoleucite porphyry,Yunnan Province,China 被引量:10
作者 Chundi Sun Peng Wu +4 位作者 Die Wang Shenjin Guan Xiaojun Jiang Longyan Jiang Longyan Wang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期316-328,共13页
The Yao'an Pb–Ag deposit, located in the Chuxiong Basin, western Yangtze Block, is an important component of the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry–related polymetallic intrusive belt. This complex suite o... The Yao'an Pb–Ag deposit, located in the Chuxiong Basin, western Yangtze Block, is an important component of the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry–related polymetallic intrusive belt. This complex suite of rock bodies includes a vein of pseudoleucite porphyry within deposits of syenite porphyry and trachyte.The pseudoleucite is characterized by a variable greyish,greyish-white, and greyish-green porphyritic texture. Phenocrysts are mainly pseudoleucite with small amounts of alkali feldspar and biotite. In an intense event, leucite phenocrysts altered to orthoclase, kaolinite, and quartz.Both the pseudoleucite porphyry and the syenite porphyry samples were typical alkali-rich, K-rich, al-rich rocks with high LaN/YbNratios; enriched in light rare earth elements and large-ion lithophile elements, and depleted in high field strength elements; and with strongly negative Ta, Nb, and Ti(TNT) anomalies and slightly negative Eu anomalies—all characteristics of subduction-zone mantle-derived rock.We obtained a LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 34.1 ± 0.3 Ma(MSWD = 2.4), which is younger than the established age of the Indian and Eurasian Plate collision.The magma derived from a Type-II enriched mantle formed in a post-collisional plate tectonic setting. The geochemical characteristics of the Yao'an pseudoleucite porphyry are powerful evidence that the porphyry'sdevelopment was closely linked to the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan fault and to the Indian-Eurasian collision. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY U-Pb age Pseudoleucite porphyry Pb-Ag deposit Yao'an Yunnan Province
Anatomy of composition and nature of plate convergence: Insights for alternative thoughts for terminal India-Eurasia collision 被引量:22
作者 XIAO WenJiao AO SongJian +7 位作者 YANG Lei HAN ChunMing WAN Bo ZHANG Ji'En ZHANG ZhiYong LI Rui CHEN ZhenYu SONG ShuaiHua 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1015-1039,共25页
The pattern and timing of collision between India and Eurasia have long been a major concern of the international community. However, no consensus has been reached hitherto. To explore and resolve the disagreements in... The pattern and timing of collision between India and Eurasia have long been a major concern of the international community. However, no consensus has been reached hitherto. To explore and resolve the disagreements in the Himalayan study,in this paper we begin with the methodology and basic principles for the anatomy of composition and nature of convergent margins,then followed by an effort to conduct a similar anatomy for the India-Eurasia collision. One of the most common patterns of plate convergence involves a passive continental margin, an active continental margin and intra-oceanic basins together with accreted terranes in between. The ultimate configuration and location of the terminal suture zone are controlled by the basal surface of the accretionary wedge, which may show fairly complex morphology with Z-shape and fluctuant geometry. One plausible method to determine the terminal suture zone is to dissect the compositions and structures of active continental margins. It requires a focus on various tectonic elements belonging to the upper plate, such as accretionary wedges, high-pressure(HP)-ultra-high-pressure(UHP) metamorphic rocks, Barrovian-type metamorphic rocks and basement nappes, together with superimposed forearc basins.Such geological records can define the extreme limits and the intervening surface separating active margin from the passive one,thus offering a general sketch for the surface trace of the terminal suture zone often with a cryptic feature. Furthermore, the occurrence of the cryptic suture zone in depth may be constrained by geophysical data, which, in combination with outcrop studies of HP-UHP metamorphic rocks, enables us to outline the terminal suture zone. The southern part of the Himalayan orogen records complicated temporal and spatial features, which are hard to be fully explained by the classic "two-plate-one-ocean" template,therefore re-anatomy of the compositions and nature for this region is necessitated. Taking advantage of the methodology and basic principles of plate convergence anatomy and synthesizing previous studies together with our recent research, we may gain new insights into the evolution of the Himalayan orogeny.(1) The Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite is composed of multiple tectonic units rather than a single terminal suture zone, and a group of different tectonic units were juxtaposed against each other in the backstop of the Gangdese forearc.(2) The Tethyan Himalayan Sequence(THS) contains mélanges with typical block-in-matrix structures, uniform southwards paleocurrents and age spectra of detrital zircons typical of Eurasia continent. All of these facts indicate that the THS belonged to Eurasia plate before the terminal collision, emplaced in the forearc of the Gangdese arc.(3) The Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex(GHC) and Lesser Himalayan Sequence(LHS) comprise complex components including eclogites emplaced into the GHC and the upper part of the LHS. Judging from the fact that HP-UHP metamorphic rocks are exhumed and emplaced in the upper plate, the GHC and the upper part of the LHS where eclogite occur should be assigned to the upper plate, lying above the terminal subduction zone surface. It is the very surface along which the continuous subduction of the India subcontinent occurred, therefore acting as the terminal, cryptic suture. From the suture further southward, the bulk rock associations of the LHS and Sub-Himalayan Sequence(Siwalik) show little affinity of mélange, probably belonging to the foreland system of the India plate. By the anatomy of tectonic features of all the tectonic units in the Himalayan orogen as well as the ages of the subduction-accretion related deformation, we conclude that the terminal India-Eurasia collision occurred after 14 Ma, the timing of the metamorphism of the eclogites emplaced into the upper plate. The development of rifts stretching in N-S direction in Tibet and tectonic events with the transition from sinistral to dextral movements in shear zones, such as the Ailaoshan fault in East Tibet, can coordinately reflect the scale and geodynamic influence of the India-Eurasia convergence zone.By conducting a detailed anatomy of the southern Himalayas, we propose a new model for the final collision-accretion of the Himalayan orogeny. Our study indicates that the anatomy of structures, composition, and tectonic nature is the key to a better understanding of orogenic belts, which may apply to all the orogenic belts around the world. We also point out that several important issues regarding the detailed anatomy of the structures, compositions and tectonic nature of the Himalayan orogeny in future. 展开更多
关键词 Himalayan orogen Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite Tethyan Himalayan Sequence India-Eurasia collision Anatomy of orogeny
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