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金融萧条的重现与信用迷失——从信用危境到信用迷失 被引量:3
作者 刘秀光 《西安财经学院学报》 2009年第4期5-8,共4页
美国和日本20世纪90年代初开始的以金融部门为主导的经济萧条,被称之为金融萧条。当前的金融危机同样是以金融部门为主导的经济萧条,但与90年代经济萧条源于信用危境不同,当前的金融危机是信用迷失的结果。文章通过比较90年代的金融萧... 美国和日本20世纪90年代初开始的以金融部门为主导的经济萧条,被称之为金融萧条。当前的金融危机同样是以金融部门为主导的经济萧条,但与90年代经济萧条源于信用危境不同,当前的金融危机是信用迷失的结果。文章通过比较90年代的金融萧条与当前的金融危机,得出结论:信用货币体系中的内在缺陷是造成信用迷失的基础,要恢复实体经济秩序,才能保证货币或者金融在现代经济中的地位和作用。 展开更多
关键词 金融萧条 信用危境 信用迷失 真实借贷
作者 方舟 《管理观察》 1996年第8期61-62,共2页
企业危机总是伴随着公共关系的动荡,具有舆论关注性。该文对企业在危机中如何处理与新闻界的关系,如何借助大众传播媒介控制和引导公众舆论,维护企业的良好形象等问题发表了深刻的见解。作者认为,公关的核心是传播,公关的战略制高... 企业危机总是伴随着公共关系的动荡,具有舆论关注性。该文对企业在危机中如何处理与新闻界的关系,如何借助大众传播媒介控制和引导公众舆论,维护企业的良好形象等问题发表了深刻的见解。作者认为,公关的核心是传播,公关的战略制高点是影响舆论.企业遇到重大危机时,往往被新闻记者追踪,新闻界公众关系有特殊的意义。新闻界通过大众传播媒介迅速地向分散的社会大众传播言论或事实,有“授予地位”和“设置议题”的作用,可以表明企业处理问题的态度,也可以形成公众关注的焦点,促进和扩大舆论影响.所以,有公关传播意识的管理者,在危机中总是千方百计地与新闻界保持沟通,一是引导舆论的发展;二是控制流亡的扩散。面对突如其来的变化,公众不安的心理需要信息来平衡,对各种信息更加敏感,对信息真伪的辨别能力相对降低,容易失真的口头传播异常活跃,流言扩散加快。如果不通过大众传播媒介以正视听,就可能以讹传讹,形成对企业不利的舆论.作者指出,坚持公开交流原则。及时向新闻界提供事实及其背景材料是最明智的选择,而任何与新闻界不合作态度,“挡”或“掩”的做法都只会推波助澜,严重损害企业形象,是极大的失策.积极主动的做法是:1.及时安排发言人及采访场所;2.尽快宣布召开? 展开更多
关键词 大众传播媒介 企业 新闻界 企业形象 危境 重大 良好形象 新闻传播 公关传播 传播沟通
动真格抓内改 危境中求发展
作者 钱宏禄 《江苏纺织》 1994年第5期10-11,共2页
近年来纺织市场不景气,坯布既紧张又涨价以及增支减利因素不断扩大,我们的产、供、销等各方面都遇到了很大麻烦。面对危境,我们没有消极的观望、等待和依赖,而是走自己的路,抓住宏观调控、行业疲软、市场萎缩之机,进行模拟三资企业的改... 近年来纺织市场不景气,坯布既紧张又涨价以及增支减利因素不断扩大,我们的产、供、销等各方面都遇到了很大麻烦。面对危境,我们没有消极的观望、等待和依赖,而是走自己的路,抓住宏观调控、行业疲软、市场萎缩之机,进行模拟三资企业的改革,重点在“人”上做文章.同时以“一业为主。 展开更多
关键词 三资企业 工资分配 危境 按劳分配 印花车间 市场不景气 生活后勤 宏观调控 走自己的路 思想政治工作
作者 周琴 刘颖 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期54-58,共5页
局部性的武装冲突和自然灾害频发对教育系统的正常运行带来了诸多挑战。危境教育通过支持原有教育系统、开展非正规教育等各项措施,致力于确保危机发生后儿童与青少年受教育的权利,并提供安全的学习生活环境。因此,危境教育具有常规教... 局部性的武装冲突和自然灾害频发对教育系统的正常运行带来了诸多挑战。危境教育通过支持原有教育系统、开展非正规教育等各项措施,致力于确保危机发生后儿童与青少年受教育的权利,并提供安全的学习生活环境。因此,危境教育具有常规教育所不具备的特殊功能,包括减轻危机对学习者造成的各种负面影响,为学习者提供人生安全和社会心理方面的保护,从而促进社会稳定与发展。危境教育的开展主要遵循实用性、包容性、持续性、阶段性等四项原则。 展开更多
关键词 危境教育 教育系统
作者 张洪利 《经济纵横》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第12期104-106,共3页
关键词 双重危境 品牌忠诚 市场份额
作者 吴天忍 《民族论坛》 北大核心 1999年第2期17-20,共4页
关键词 麻将 人的发现 土自来水 武侠小说 当代市场经济 梅毒淋病 报刊阅览室 处于危境 月是故乡明 塑料管接
作者 吴晓波 《新闻实践》 1997年第7期35-35,共1页
近来病中读古书,便读到两则孔子时代的“争议新闻”,细细品味之余,竟觉得很有一点“当代气息”。 第一则新闻是这样的: 有一回,孔子的一位弟子出外郊游,看见有人溺了水,他奋不顾身将其搭救上岸。然而事后,这位弟子却心安理得地接受了溺... 近来病中读古书,便读到两则孔子时代的“争议新闻”,细细品味之余,竟觉得很有一点“当代气息”。 第一则新闻是这样的: 有一回,孔子的一位弟子出外郊游,看见有人溺了水,他奋不顾身将其搭救上岸。然而事后,这位弟子却心安理得地接受了溺水者赠送的贵重礼物:一头牛。 这在当时就引起了轩然大波。很多人认为这位弟子不够“善始善终”,他应该在救人之后便飘然而去,并不留姓名。可是那头牛,却为他的救人义举蒙上了一层见利忘义的阴影。 第二则新闻刚好与第一则相映成趣: 展开更多
关键词 孔子 新闻效应 新思维 寻人启事 市场经济初级阶段 溺水者 承诺制服务 经营者市场 社会行为规范 处于危境
Environmental contamination and health hazard of lead and cadmium around Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China 被引量:15
作者 孙宏飞 李永华 +3 位作者 姬艳芳 杨林生 王五一 李海蓉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期308-314,共7页
A field survey concerning lead and cadmium pollution in environment mediums and hair samples around the Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China,was conducted to preliminarily evaluate their heal... A field survey concerning lead and cadmium pollution in environment mediums and hair samples around the Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China,was conducted to preliminarily evaluate their health hazard to local inhabitants.The results show that mining wastes,especially tailing,contain high cadmium level with the maximum of 79.92μg/g. High levels of lead and cadmium are accumulated in surface water and paddy soil,respectively,and both metals pollution occurs in brown rice.The average daily intake dose(ADD)of lead for local adults via three routes reaches up to 7.7μg/(kg·d),exceeding the provision tolerable daily intake by JECFA of 3.5μg/(kg·d),and drinking water exposure route contributes the highest daily intake.As an indicator for heavy metal exposure,the hair of local population contains Pb(5.06±3.02)μg/g.The average daily intake dose of cadmium for adults is 0.119μg/(kg·d).More attention must be paid on health risk from lead pollution compared with cadmium. 展开更多
关键词 average daily intake dose cadmium lead mercury mine area
Super-hydrophobic and super-lipophilic functionalized graphene oxide/polyurethane sponge applied for oil/water separation 被引量:9
作者 Huiwen Meng Tao Yan +1 位作者 Jingang Yu Feipeng Jiao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期957-963,共7页
Nowadays, oil spills have led to a serious environmental crisis of the world. To deal with this problem, inspired from super-hydrophobic lotus leaf, this study fabricated super-hydrophobic and super-lipophilic functio... Nowadays, oil spills have led to a serious environmental crisis of the world. To deal with this problem, inspired from super-hydrophobic lotus leaf, this study fabricated super-hydrophobic and super-lipophilic functionalized graphene oxide/polyurethane (FGP) sponge by a simple and inexpensive dip coating method. The resulting FGP sponge was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and water contact angle. The results expressed that FGP sponge exhibited a similar surface structure to that of a lotus leaf, and possessed the super-hydrophobic characteristic with the water contact angle (WAC) of 152°± 1 °. The absorption capacity and reusability were also investigated. It can be seen that, the FGP sponge can remove a wide range of oils and organic solvents from water with good absorption capacities (up to 35 times of its own mass). Significantly, after 10 cycles the absorption capacity of the oils and organic solvents was higher than 90°; for the reused FGP sponge, demonstrating the good reusability of the FGP sponge. Therefore, this study probably provided a simole way to remove the pollutions ofoil spills and toxic organism from water. 展开更多
关键词 Graphene oxide n-Dodecyltrimethoxysilane Polyurethane sponge SUPER-HYDROPHOBICITY Oil/water separation
Statistical Analysis and Prediction of the Concentration of Harmful Algae in Bohai Bay 被引量:2
作者 王洪礼 冯剑丰 +1 位作者 李胜朋 沈菲 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第4期308-312,共5页
Based on the data of phytoplankton concentration and environmental factors in Bohai Bay from May to September in 2003. the relationship between environmental factors and phytoplankton biomass was analyzed. By analysis... Based on the data of phytoplankton concentration and environmental factors in Bohai Bay from May to September in 2003. the relationship between environmental factors and phytoplankton biomass was analyzed. By analysis of variance, the weather condition was found to have no direct relation with phytoplankton biomass. Correlation coefficients showed that temperature, pH value,the concentrations of silicate and nitrate exhibited linear relationship with phytoplankton biomass.With principal component analysis, pollution types which affected the abundance of phytoplankton included point sources such as municipal and industrial effluents, agricultural runoff and earth's surface water. Using multivariate stepwise regression method and taking the correlation analysis results into consideration, a multi-step regression equation was developed to predict the concentration of phytoplankton in September 2003. Combined results show that temperature, pH value, the concentrations of silicate and nitrate are the critical ecological factors affecting the phytoplankton biomass in Bohai Bay. 展开更多
关键词 harmful algae statistical analysis Bohai Bay environmental factor
Statistical landslide susceptibility assessment in a dynamic environment:A case study for Lanzhou City,Gansu Province,NW China 被引量:1
作者 TORIZIN Jewgenij WANG Li-chao +6 位作者 FUCHS Michael TONG Bin BALZER Dirk WAN Li-qin KUHN Dirk LI Ang CHEN Liang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1299-1318,共20页
This study presents a statistical landslide susceptibility assessment(LSA) in a dynamic environment. The study area is located in the eastern part of Lanzhou, NW China. The Lanzhou area has exhibited rapid urbanizatio... This study presents a statistical landslide susceptibility assessment(LSA) in a dynamic environment. The study area is located in the eastern part of Lanzhou, NW China. The Lanzhou area has exhibited rapid urbanization rates over the past decade associated with greening, continuous land use change, and geomorphic reshaping activities. To consider the dynamics of the environment in the LSA, multitemporal data for landslide inventories and the corresponding causal factors were collected. The weights of evidence(Wof E) method was used to perform the LSA. Three time stamps, i.e., 2000, 2012, and 2016, were selected to assess the state of landslide susceptibility over time. The results show a clear evolution of the landslide susceptibility patterns that was mainly governed by anthropogenic activities directed toward generating safer building grounds for civil infrastructure. The low and very low susceptibility areas increased by approximately 10% between 2000 and 2016. At the same time, areas of medium, high and very high susceptibility zones decreased proportionally. Based on the results, an approach to design the statistical LSA under dynamic conditions is proposed, the issues and limitations of this approach are also discussed. The study shows that under dynamic conditions, the requirements for data quantity and quality increase significantly. A dynamic environment requires greater effort to estimate the causal relations between the landslides and controlling factors as well as for model validation. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide susceptibility assessment Dynamic environment Weights of evidence method VALIDATION URBANIZATION Lanzhou City
Gas and rock-bump hazard monitoring in the Polish mining
作者 ISAKOW Zbigniew KRZYSTANEK Zdzislaw +1 位作者 TRENCZEK Stanistaw WOJTAS Piotr 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第3期229-232,共4页
Described the main environmental hazards occurring in Polish undergroundmines and their continuous growth in recent years as well as equipment and systemswhich were used for monitoring mine air parameters and geodynam... Described the main environmental hazards occurring in Polish undergroundmines and their continuous growth in recent years as well as equipment and systemswhich were used for monitoring mine air parameters and geodynamic phenomena.Thelatest versions of environmental hazard monitoring systems,having a form of a comprehensiveset of underground and surface equipment,are presented and their functionscharacterized. 展开更多
关键词 gas and rock-bump HAZARD monitoring
Selection of Risk Management Strategies in Informal Construction Sector
作者 Sarah Phoya Geraldine kikwasi +1 位作者 Nyamagere Gladys Sospeter Mikapagaro Novatus 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第6期408-415,共8页
The informal construction sector is unregulated and operates in a risky environment, thus the need for adoption of appropriate risk management strategies for its survival is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study... The informal construction sector is unregulated and operates in a risky environment, thus the need for adoption of appropriate risk management strategies for its survival is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine methods used in choosing appropriate risk response strategy in informal construction sector in Tanzania. The study involved construction workers in informal sector in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam and Mwanza are among big cities in Tanzania having more informal construction workers. Questionnaires were prepared in English, translated in Kiswahili and administered by research assistants on informal construction workers. Workers were purposively selected. Out of 1,000 questionnaires distributed 849 questionnaires were fairly filled equating to 84.9%. The collected data was coded and analysed using descriptive statistics mainly frequencies cross tabulation and Chi-square tests. The study established that majority of informal construction workers choose risk response strategies by using common sense followed by previous experience. Within the location, the methods significantly differ whereby Dar es Salaam was dominated by common sense and Mwanza dominated by previous experience. Likewise, use of common sense among respondents was significantly different between gender, age group, level of education and experience. This implies that apart from formal process of choosing risk response strategies, the informal construction sector has its own surviving strategies. The issue of location, gender and experience are essential for risk management in informal construction sector. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTION informal sector risk response strategies
Learning in Times of Crisis: Rural Grassroots Movement in Mexico
作者 Sylvia van Dijk 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第6期343-349,共7页
This paper discusses transformative learning in relation to environmental crisis in rural communities in Guanajuato (Mexico). Environmental pollution and resource depletion have triggered reflection and perspective ... This paper discusses transformative learning in relation to environmental crisis in rural communities in Guanajuato (Mexico). Environmental pollution and resource depletion have triggered reflection and perspective transformation across groups of rural communities. The study is qualitative and results are based on lengthy interviews, within a well-known context for the researcher. This article is the reflection on how transformative learning took place looking fol; lessons to be learnt for communities facing environmental challenges. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental crisis peasant's participation emancipatory learning grassroots movements.
Deliberative Democracy Establishment in Environmental Policies: alternatives for the Environmental Conflict Resolution
作者 M. Mazilu M. Ciobanu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第4期77-84,共8页
The environmental problems can not be addressed in all their depth and complexity, and the most viable solutions can be made only by direct and continuous reference to the large issues of the development of the societ... The environmental problems can not be addressed in all their depth and complexity, and the most viable solutions can be made only by direct and continuous reference to the large issues of the development of the society as a whole. Environment and economic development are indissoluble, the first is where we all live, and development is what we all do to improve our fate in this environment. A main cause is the attitude of economic operators towards the environment, an attitude according to which profit should be pursued immediately, while nature protection is left for later. Ecological crisis is a new phenomenon, but derived from anthropological crisis. This reflects, at a global level, man's inner crisis. Every man in part, and not people or humanity in general, is responsible for this crisis. Individual responsibility is not a question of quality, but a question of quantity. The ecological crisis is linked to the personal and social life of man as a whole. The convenience, lack of respect for things, irrational waste, lack of measure, irresponsibility, injustice, exploitation, winning dirty money, eudemonism, which manifest on all aspects of life and human activity, are factors that provoke it. And, unfortunately, they maintain it. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological crisis ENVIRONMENT environmental policy deliberative policy sustainability.
When Gods Cry: Exploring Environmental Crisis Through Literature Inspired by the Indigenous People's Experience
作者 Genevieve Jorolan-Quintero 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期611-616,共6页
The recent devastation caused by natural calamities in the Philippines has prompted the government to initiate programs that might not altogether prevent but at least minimize the dire effects of future disasters. Amo... The recent devastation caused by natural calamities in the Philippines has prompted the government to initiate programs that might not altogether prevent but at least minimize the dire effects of future disasters. Among these programs are the information campaigns to promote awareness among the communities in calamity-prone areas Several symposia that provide venue for the discussion of environmental "bads" have been conducted, but none yet has explored the perceptions of the indigenous peoples, staunch "defenders" and protectors of the environment who themselves are victims of such calamities. This paper seeks to highlight the perceptions of the indigenous people on the causes and impact of environmental "bads" through literature inspired by their experiences. When Gods Cry is an unpublished anthology of fiction inspired by the author's interaction with indigenous communities in southern Philippines while doing research on oral traditions. Three works of fiction are discussed in this paper, namely: The OldMan andthe Mountain (2012), Loom of Dreams (2012), and Waterfall (2012). Each of these works highlights the indigenous people's struggle to protect their ancestral domains and the environment, their home, against external factors. Thematic literary analysis is used in the discussion of the contents of each work. 展开更多
关键词 Philippine indigenous communities oral traditions folk lore
Hazards and Landscape Changes(Degradations) on Hungarian Karst Mountains Due to Natural and Human Effects 被引量:1
作者 Móga JNOS Kiss KLAUDIA +5 位作者 Szabó MRIA Kériné Borsodi ANDREA Kéri ANDRS Mari LSZLó Knáb MóNIKA Iván VERONIKA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期16-28,共13页
In order to study the karstological processes within the karst ecological system,the geohazards and degradation of karst landscapes on the karst areas of the Bakony mountains(Hungary),we investigated the abiotic eleme... In order to study the karstological processes within the karst ecological system,the geohazards and degradation of karst landscapes on the karst areas of the Bakony mountains(Hungary),we investigated the abiotic elements of the environment,soil and cover deposits,erosion soil decay;the changes in the quantity and quality of karst waters:contamination at swallow holes,contamination of karst springs;and the biogenic factors:surface vegetation coverage by the corine land cover method,plant-ecological examinations,qualification of surface waters with the help of biological water labeling.We recognized that the increasing human activities during the past few centuries have had significant impact on the investigated landscapes of karst areas because of their spatial sensitivity.In the scope of our research we concluded that the landscape changes due to natural and human effects can vary strongly on the different karst areas.These differences can arise from the climatic and geomorphologic situation,the coverlayer's qualities,etc.,but primarily from the different utilization of the investigated karst areas(e.g.the intensity,characteristics and territorial extension of utilization).On the spot investigation we detected traces of new and fast geomorphological processes(gully formation,landslides,collapses,new sinkhole development) and landforms(sinkholes,gullies,swallow holes),which are clear evidences of the effect of climatic changes. 展开更多
关键词 Karst landscape Geological hazards Soil erosion Limestone mountain
The Ecological Crisis and the Principle of Relationality in African Philosophy
作者 Mark Omorovie Ikeke 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第4期179-186,共8页
The way that humans think about the earth certainly affects the way that they relate and behave towards the earth and all its life forms. The various ideologies or worldviews that humanity has experienced such as dual... The way that humans think about the earth certainly affects the way that they relate and behave towards the earth and all its life forms. The various ideologies or worldviews that humanity has experienced such as dualism, capitalism, holism, animism, ubuntu, ukama, vital force, colonialism, and so forth are all different ways of thinking and relating to the earth. The paper argues that dualistic ways of thinking or viewpoints that radically separate the human as distinct from the earth are hostile to both human and earth flourishing. It further argues that the ecological crisis which has witnessed the destruction and pollution of the ecosystems and other devastations cannot be solved when humans continue to see the earth as an object for conquest and exploitation. Using a critical hermeneutics method, the paper affirms that the African principle of relationality can help in mitigating the environmental crisis. It finds and concludes that if this principle is radically practiced, a better environment will be created. 展开更多
关键词 ecology RELATIONALITY Afi'ican PHILOSOPHY UBUNTU vital force
Forming analysis and application for aluminum-alloy material
作者 Wei Yuansheng 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第6期12-19,共8页
The increase in car ownership brought about by energy shortages,and environmental crises became more acute.The most effective way to achieve energy saving and emission reduction of car is to improve engine efficiency.... The increase in car ownership brought about by energy shortages,and environmental crises became more acute.The most effective way to achieve energy saving and emission reduction of car is to improve engine efficiency.In addition to that,lightweight body is the key.Aluminum,magnesium alloy as significant materials of lightweight,and the application amount in the car body is a significant upward trend.However,there is high cost of material,with immature applied technology and a series of bottleneck problems.All of them affect general application of lightweight materials. This paper focuses on forming process issues for aluminum,magnesium alloy and the solutions to achieve. 展开更多
关键词 LIGHTWEIGHT energy saving and emission reduction of car forming capability
Geo-Archeological Hazard in Ehnasi Site, Bani Souf, Egypt
作者 G. El-Bayomi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第6期776-780,共5页
Archaeological sites are most visible records of our cultural heritage, These sites are often constructed of stone threaten by geomorphological processing, pollution, urbanization, public access, groundwater seepage a... Archaeological sites are most visible records of our cultural heritage, These sites are often constructed of stone threaten by geomorphological processing, pollution, urbanization, public access, groundwater seepage and geological hazards, such as rock falls. These archaeological sites suffered deterioration and failure of some parts. Environmental hazards are the main agent responsible for the monument degrading knowledge of intensity of environmental hazards together with their aggressiveness characteristics surrounding the monumentally area which is important during all phases restoration process (both previous and to be executed in situ). The main geo-environmental hazards which affect the monuments under investigation; weathering, air pollution, seismic activity. 展开更多
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