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作者 储节旺 郭春侠 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期57-60,共4页
企业危机度指的是企业危机状态、程度。危机度既可以用来预警,也可以用来判断危机恶化的程度,以便作为危机恢复的依据,因而它是一个较为全面的指标。本文从知识管理角度,建立了一套企业危机度测算指标体系,并采取AHP方法,测算出企业的... 企业危机度指的是企业危机状态、程度。危机度既可以用来预警,也可以用来判断危机恶化的程度,以便作为危机恢复的依据,因而它是一个较为全面的指标。本文从知识管理角度,建立了一套企业危机度测算指标体系,并采取AHP方法,测算出企业的危机度。 展开更多
关键词 企业 危机管理 危机度 知识管理 指标体系
人民币汇率制度与我国金融危机的防范 被引量:1
作者 胡琴 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2011年第1期111-114,共4页
现行人民币汇率制度名义上是一种有管理的浮动汇率制度,但实际上属于"软"钉住美元的汇率制度,具有自身难以克服的内在缺陷,已对我国经济产生许多不利影响,而且容易诱发金融危机。为防范金融危机在我国出现,我国急需完善现行... 现行人民币汇率制度名义上是一种有管理的浮动汇率制度,但实际上属于"软"钉住美元的汇率制度,具有自身难以克服的内在缺陷,已对我国经济产生许多不利影响,而且容易诱发金融危机。为防范金融危机在我国出现,我国急需完善现行人民币汇率的市场化形成机制。 展开更多
关键词 钉住汇率制缺陷金融危机 措施
“单向度”性精神危机呼唤德育回归生活世界 被引量:6
作者 何雪莲 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2002年第3期15-16,19,共3页
现代人的“单向度”性精神危机呼唤德育向生活世界的回归。德育向生活世界回归就要树立人文主义的德育理念 ,回落学校德育的目标 ,改革传统模式化的德育方法。
关键词 '单向' 生活世界 人性 '单向'性精神危机 德育 人文主义 道德理念
作者 张岩杰 《辽宁教育》 2023年第20期29-32,共4页
近年来,中小学校心理危机事件逐步增多、增强,并呈现复杂化和多样化的态势。学校对于学生的心理问题应早发现、早干预、早辅导,减少危机事件的发生率。心理危机筛查就是一个非常好的预防措施。学校应清楚心理危机筛查的前、中、后不同... 近年来,中小学校心理危机事件逐步增多、增强,并呈现复杂化和多样化的态势。学校对于学生的心理问题应早发现、早干预、早辅导,减少危机事件的发生率。心理危机筛查就是一个非常好的预防措施。学校应清楚心理危机筛查的前、中、后不同阶段的具体举措,以便更科学、有效地做好此项工作。 展开更多
关键词 心理危机筛查 危机 访谈法 “包保”制
企业危机预警机制 被引量:2
作者 王肖竹 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2007年第11S期154-155,共2页
本文主要讲述了企业在危机频发的今天,如何建立起一套行之有效的危机预警机制。首先要对企业的内外部进行危机信号的搜集和侦测。主要通过定期与企业内外的公众进行沟通、设置危机顾问和最高管理者的预测、分析来侦测企业可能发生的潜... 本文主要讲述了企业在危机频发的今天,如何建立起一套行之有效的危机预警机制。首先要对企业的内外部进行危机信号的搜集和侦测。主要通过定期与企业内外的公众进行沟通、设置危机顾问和最高管理者的预测、分析来侦测企业可能发生的潜在危机点。其次,通过预测企业危机可能发生的概率及其危机冲击度,形成企业的危机分析表,并以此来判断危机对企业所构成的现实或潜在威胁。最后,根据以上两部分内容,制定危机管理计划,模拟危机处理。本文希望能够通过危机预警机制的建立,未雨绸缪,为企业树立起一道安全的防护墙。 展开更多
关键词 危机预警 危机信号 侦测 危机概率 危机冲击 危机管理计划
媒介形式对危机传播效果影响的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 赖泽栋 《全球传媒学刊》 2014年第1期119-137,共19页
传统媒体对危机传播有着重要的影响。与此同时,社会化媒体对危机传播的影响也越来越大。在危机传播中,媒介形式可能与危机信息内容同样重要。但传统的危机传播研究却较少探讨媒介形式对危机传播的影响。本文在梳理现有的危机传播研究基... 传统媒体对危机传播有着重要的影响。与此同时,社会化媒体对危机传播的影响也越来越大。在危机传播中,媒介形式可能与危机信息内容同样重要。但传统的危机传播研究却较少探讨媒介形式对危机传播的影响。本文在梳理现有的危机传播研究基础上,通过对危机爆发阶段和危机回应阶段的两次实验研究,并把危机情境因素之危机涉入度和危机信息内容因素之策略匹配度纳入研究框架,反复验证了媒介形式对危机传播效果的影响。研究结果表明,无论在危机爆发阶段还是在危机回应阶段,媒介形式对危机传播效果的影响都较为显著,且传统媒体比社会化媒体对危机传播效果的影响更大。但是,媒介形式对危机传播效果的影响会受到危机涉入度和策略匹配度的调节。若组织采取匹配的传播策略,通过传统媒体进行传播能减少负面的危机传播效果;若组织采取不匹配的传播策略,通过社会化媒体进行传播更能减少负面的危机传播效果。本文在研究结论的基础上提出了研究启示,最后还讨论了本研究的局限性和未来研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 危机传播 危机传播策略 媒介形式 危机涉入 危机传播效果
作者 王中男 《现代基础教育研究》 2016年第3期15-24,共10页
考试文化作为一种围绕考试而历史地凝结成的生存方式,不仅自身存在着危机,而且还引发了一系列危机。文章遵循历史的逻辑,梳理和分析了科举时期和现今时期的考试文化危机。文章指出:考试文化存在的危机主要是等级危机、专制危机、控制危... 考试文化作为一种围绕考试而历史地凝结成的生存方式,不仅自身存在着危机,而且还引发了一系列危机。文章遵循历史的逻辑,梳理和分析了科举时期和现今时期的考试文化危机。文章指出:考试文化存在的危机主要是等级危机、专制危机、控制危机;考试文化引发的危机主要是个体的危机和社会的危机。个体的危机表现为身体危机、心理危机、自由危机,社会的危机则表现为学习风气危机、评价标准危机、社会等级危机、单向度化危机。鉴于考试文化所存在和所引发的危机,考试文化亟需转型。 展开更多
关键词 考试文化 等级危机 专制危机 控制危机 单向危机
作者 王中男 《现代基础教育研究》 CSSCI 2018年第3期10-14,共5页
“分数世界中人的主体性的迷失”是学习评价价值观“有分无人”的严重后果,而这一后果又会相继引发“社会”维度的单向度化危机和未来发展危机.文章首先基于“人的主体性”概念提炼了其分析框架,并根据此分析框架指出,“分数世界中人的... “分数世界中人的主体性的迷失”是学习评价价值观“有分无人”的严重后果,而这一后果又会相继引发“社会”维度的单向度化危机和未来发展危机.文章首先基于“人的主体性”概念提炼了其分析框架,并根据此分析框架指出,“分数世界中人的主体性的迷失”体现为“自由自觉性、超越性和创造性”的逐渐被抑制,以及“自在自发性、给定性和规范性”的逐渐被纵容.继而基于“社会”维度,探讨了人之主体性迷失所引发的双重危机.在此部分中,分别立足社会层面,探讨了单向度化危机产生的原因和导致的后果;立足国家层面,探讨了未来发展危机产生的原因和导致的后果.最后指出,当前的学习评价价值观亟须转变. 展开更多
关键词 学习评价价值观 人的主体性 主体性迷失 单向危机 未来发展危机
基于TOC的制造企业物流系统“瓶颈”问题研究 被引量:1
作者 侯晓光 刘秋生 《江苏商论》 北大核心 2007年第9期54-56,共3页
本文引入约束理论构建制造企业物流系统评价指标体系,运用层次分析法,对各指标进行分析、排序和提炼,从中找出制约制造企业生产物流运行效率的"瓶颈"。通过对"瓶颈"的深入研究,提出了消除约束的方法,为物流系统进... 本文引入约束理论构建制造企业物流系统评价指标体系,运用层次分析法,对各指标进行分析、排序和提炼,从中找出制约制造企业生产物流运行效率的"瓶颈"。通过对"瓶颈"的深入研究,提出了消除约束的方法,为物流系统进行持续优化和改进,提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 约束理论 层次分析法 物流系统 危机度
作者 邹凝 《环渤海经济瞭望》 2019年第2期161-162,共2页
如何衡量一个地区房地产市场平稳健康的发展程度,成为广大群众共同关注的热点问题。文章从可持续发展层面出发,采用文献回顾法与主成分分析法相结合,将可持续发展思想与房地产业发展进行融会贯通。以抚州市房地产为研究对象,选取若干指... 如何衡量一个地区房地产市场平稳健康的发展程度,成为广大群众共同关注的热点问题。文章从可持续发展层面出发,采用文献回顾法与主成分分析法相结合,将可持续发展思想与房地产业发展进行融会贯通。以抚州市房地产为研究对象,选取若干指标从发展度、危机度两方面进行分析,最后对其可持续发展提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 房地产 可持续发展 主成分分析法 发展 危机度
作者 徐殿龙 杨青 刘星星 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期176-177,共2页
在现实的风险社会,以往的危机"非常态"也逐渐转变为"常态",这对危机管理提出了更高的要求。危机转化是对传统危机管理的完善,是从危机中发现机会而规避危险的方法体系。本文根据危机转化研究的基础,构建了危机转化&... 在现实的风险社会,以往的危机"非常态"也逐渐转变为"常态",这对危机管理提出了更高的要求。危机转化是对传统危机管理的完善,是从危机中发现机会而规避危险的方法体系。本文根据危机转化研究的基础,构建了危机转化"名利"情景空间,揭示了危机转化的渐进式、突变式、波动式三类转化模式,建立了衡量危机转化功效的危机转化度模型,从而形成了一套较为全面的危机转化理论体系。 展开更多
关键词 危机转化 情景构建 危机转化
Analysis of conflict factors between pedestrians and right-turning vehicles at signalized intersections 被引量:8
作者 Chen Yongheng Liu Fanghong +2 位作者 Bai Qiaowen Tao Chuqing Qi Xingzu 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第1期118-124,共7页
Due to the fact that there is no protected signal phase for right turns at most signalized intersections, the conflict between pedestrians and right-turning vehicles is one of the most common conflict types for pedest... Due to the fact that there is no protected signal phase for right turns at most signalized intersections, the conflict between pedestrians and right-turning vehicles is one of the most common conflict types for pedestrians. A pedestrian safety analysis of the common right-turn mode at four-phase signalized intersections is presented. Relative risk is used as a measure of the effect of behaviors. The analysis mainly includes five pedestrian factors that affect the conflict process between pedestrians and right-turning vehicles. Pedestrians tend to have a higher risk of being involved in conflicts in the following six situations: crossing with others, running over the crossing, entering the intersection, being near the exit lane, crossing in the middle or at the end of a green light when the right-turn lane is shared, crossing at the beginning of a green light or red period when the right-turn lane is exclusive. It is easier for pedestrians to get priority when crossing the street in the following situations: running over a crossing, entering the intersection, being near the entrance lane, and not using the crosswalk. However, pedestrians are more inclined to yield to right-turning vehicles when pedestrians are crossing in the middle of the green light time. Some measures to alleviate the conflict are put forward according to the conclusion. Video observations also indicate that a clear pedestrian waiting area must be marked for both pedestrian safety and right-turning vehicle efficiency at major flat intersections, particularly when the arms cover the lateral dividing strips. 展开更多
关键词 SAFETY conflicts pedestrian behaviors right-turning vehicles relative risk
作者 王宏图 鲜学福 +1 位作者 魏福生 戴小平 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1998年第2期42-47,共6页
In line with the sensitivity of coal drillings temperature and coalbed temperature to the dangerous zone of coal and gas outburst, two temperature sensitive indexes (△Tm, △tm) for forecasting dangerousness of coal f... In line with the sensitivity of coal drillings temperature and coalbed temperature to the dangerous zone of coal and gas outburst, two temperature sensitive indexes (△Tm, △tm) for forecasting dangerousness of coal face and heading face outburst are defined, and deal with the foundation on drillings and coalbed temperatures used as sensitive indexes and the principle and method of determining drillings and coalbed temperatures. On the basis of this, we put forward the method for forecasting dangerousness of coal face and heading face outburst by two temperature sensitive indexes and determine the critical values of two temperature sensitive indexes (△Tm= 5.5℃, △tm = 4.5℃) by in-situ observation and requirement for determining sensitive index. 展开更多
关键词 drillings temperature coalbed temperature coal and gas outburst outburst gerousness forecasting
《China Today》 2014年第10期5-5,共1页
Lin Zhixin’s devotion to charity is a touching story.It is good to know that many benevolent people are contributing to Lin’s charity projects.Transparency is the key to Lin’s success;without it,charities quickly l... Lin Zhixin’s devotion to charity is a touching story.It is good to know that many benevolent people are contributing to Lin’s charity projects.Transparency is the key to Lin’s success;without it,charities quickly lose public credibility.Certain governmental charities in China are currently grappling with a public trust crisis following recent scandals. 展开更多
关键词 governmental currently trust story contributing quickly LETTERS thinking companies funds
Revolts Frequency during 1644-1911 in North China Plain and Its Relationship with Climate 被引量:1
作者 Lingbo Xiao Yu Ye Benyong Wei 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第4期218-224,共7页
Based on the records of social revolts in the Actual Annals of Qing Dynasty (a collection of official records), the revolts frequency (amount of counties where revolts happened every year) in North China Plain dur... Based on the records of social revolts in the Actual Annals of Qing Dynasty (a collection of official records), the revolts frequency (amount of counties where revolts happened every year) in North China Plain during the Qing Dynasty (1544 1911) is reconstructed. By comparing revolts frequency with temperature and precipitation series, the interaction between climate and social responses is analyzed. It can be concluded that revolts broke out more frequently in colder periods and less frequently in warmer periods, There were much more revolts in drought decades than in wet decades, and the three fatal peasant uprisings in the Qing Dynasty were all ignited by severe droughts. The impacts of changes in temperature and precipitation on revolts should be estimated at different time scales. The correspondence emerged at neither decadal nor yearly scale until the turn between 18th and 19th centuries, the critical period when per capita cropland area decreased to a vulnerable level. Food crisis increased the vulnerability of local society, and changes in temperature and precipitation became an important trigger for revolts. 展开更多
关键词 Qing Dynasty North China Plain REVOLT climate charige
Universality Class in Abelian Sandpile Models with Stochastic Toppling Rules
作者 PAN Gui-Jun ZHANG Duan-Ming +1 位作者 SUN Hong-Zhang YIN Yan-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3X期483-486,共4页
We present a stochastic critical slope sandpile model, where the amount of grains that fall in an overturning event is stochastic variable. The model is local, conservative, and Abelian. We apply the moment analysis t... We present a stochastic critical slope sandpile model, where the amount of grains that fall in an overturning event is stochastic variable. The model is local, conservative, and Abelian. We apply the moment analysis to evaluate critical exponents and finite size scaling method to consistently test the obtained results. Numerical results show that this model, Oslo model, and one-dimensional Abelian Manna model have the same critical behavior although the three models have different stochastic toppling rules, which provides evidences suggesting that Abelian sandpile models with different stochastic toppling rules are in the same universality class. 展开更多
关键词 self-organized criticality sandpile model universality class
An analysis on dealing with audit failure
作者 ZHANG Guan-jun ZHANG Lin 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第7期62-65,共4页
Many highly publicized accounting scandals of the recent past seriously caused enormous losses to investors, hindered the healthy development of the capital market and damaged the credibility of the accounting profess... Many highly publicized accounting scandals of the recent past seriously caused enormous losses to investors, hindered the healthy development of the capital market and damaged the credibility of the accounting profession. This paper gives a trial analysis on the reasons and precautionary measures of audit failure. 展开更多
关键词 CPA audit failure COUNTERMEASURES
Research on Occurrence Mechanism of Public Security Emergency from the perspective of the Structure Box
作者 Jian Lin Bo Kang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期1-6,共6页
Public security emergency is a public crisis event, and we cannot anticipate the specific time, actual scale, specific situation and influence depth of emergencies. If the emergencies are not under control, the crisis... Public security emergency is a public crisis event, and we cannot anticipate the specific time, actual scale, specific situation and influence depth of emergencies. If the emergencies are not under control, the crisis will get worse and its destructive energy will be released quickly.Structure box is an invisible closed system which is constructed by local politics, economy, and culture. Namely, structure box is local social ecological environment. Structure box is a closed area which is full of anger. Therefore, in such environment with too much pressure, we need an outlet to release pressure. Anger is the social and psychological basis of the emotional resonance of onlooker, when the fuse incident occurred, so that the widespread anger in structure box will find the spotlight. The words and actions of the leaders in the informal group will produce a great social infection and circulatory response, and groups’ stirring will cause emotional resonance which is easy to burst. Thus, irrational behavior may caused by people. This processcan use five links to describe: occurrence of fuse events, information diffusion, emotional resonance, situational catalysis, control failure, and occurrence of public security emergency. This is the occurrence mechanism of public security emergency. 展开更多
关键词 Public security emergency Structure box Emotional resonance Resonance effect Supporting network
The Impact of Financial Distress Status and Corporate Governance Structures on the Level of Voluntary Disclosure Within Annual Reports of Firms (Case Study of Non-financial Firms in Indonesia Over the Period of 2009-2011)
作者 Evi Gantyowati Rosa Lenna Nugraheni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期389-403,共15页
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of financial distress status and corporate governance structures on the level of voluntary disclosure. We apply six independent variables, including the firm's fi... The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of financial distress status and corporate governance structures on the level of voluntary disclosure. We apply six independent variables, including the firm's financial distress status and five components of corporate governance structures, such as board independence, audit committee independence, institutional ownership, board meeting frequency, and audit committee meeting frequency. This research is carried out by examining the annual reports of 114 non-financial firms listed at the Indonesian Stock Exchange over the period of 2009-2011. To test hypotheses, we undergo two different analyses, including independent samples t-test and Multiple Linear Regression. We find that: (1) The audit committee independence and the audit committee meeting frequency have significant positive impacts on the level of voluntary disclosure; (2) The financial distress status is negatively related to the level of disclosure at various levels of significance; and (3) All the independent variables are simultaneously related to voluntary disclosure. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance structures financial distress voluntary disclosure
Estonian Taxation System and Innovation
作者 Olev Raju 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期99-112,共14页
The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low le... The economic crisis of the last three years, which has hit the world, especially the Baltic States together with their ultraliberal way of economy, has forced to look for solutions to overcome the depression. A low level of taxation, the policy of"thin state policy" and a small share of public sector have influenced the macroeconomics of Estonia since its re-independence. The indirect taxes, especially the consumption taxes, are dominating in Estonian taxation system. The increase of tax burden a little more than 2% in 2009 through the increase of value added tax (VAT) and excises, and the pruning of income taxation benefits did not enlarge state budget in the same amount. The pruning of budget did not just decrease the internal market of the state very rapidly, but also decrease the incomes of the future periods, due to a big dominant of consumption taxes. The economic depression, which began in 2008, has demonstrated a week orientation of Estonian economy, threaten its taxation system on innovation. The amount of investments has essentially decreased than the decrease of GDP and state budget. 展开更多
关键词 TAXATION tax burden economic crisis INNOVATION
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